Funny u mention that. Im in WA state. I bought DMB tickets early 2020, show was cancelled but i kept the ticket package as it was valid for labor day 2021. Of course they sent out an email everyday reminding everyone of the health check and that you have to prove vax or neg test. But im very familiar with the venue and the type of people that work it all summer.(students) i knew i could get in without showing proof. Had a great time but dave couldnt help talkkng about his band mates that tested positive and basically had the whole crowd cheering that theyd be ok cuz they were vaxxed. Truly pathetic and def not organic the way he got on the mic and said it. I think livenation paid him to say it.
I am sorry, though. As parents, we do the absolute best we can to keep our kids safe and to teach them to make wise choices. When then become adults, though, we just have to keep praying and loving them. I am praying for everyone who got the shots. Blessings to you.
Yup - I have 2 grown children and they both got jabbed. Five siblings all jabbed. Even my husband & best friend. 😞 All I can do is pray and love them is right.
If this is a sting operation by Trump team, this sure looks like a lot of sacrificed “pawns”.
I have heard very alarming and horrifying things about these injections from enough sources that I am legitimately concerned for all of these peoples safety.
Oh no! 💔 for u/Phishhed44...we know how you feel (3 of our 4 kids took the jab, too) and are praying for your daughter and family. You are dear to me just like the others posting above. Your posts are full of love, heart and care for your family here.
You are doing all you can for your daughter. You have informed her and left the door open. Now, comes the hardest part...pray and give her to God to open her eyes with discernment.
That’s some deep shit. Look at the bright side, if anything does go sideways, you will be able to spot it immediately. There is still a chance that you can save her life. People tend to leave illness until the last minute, when early intervention is always a survival factor. There may come a time when you spot symptoms that will require you to insist she go to a hospital, and quickly. Keep your relationship strong enough so when this time comes she will listen.
Good idea! Get an extra supply of Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine treatment protocols to save in reserve to have immediately ready to treat your daughter should her symptoms appear. Try to get a promise from her to tell you right away if she notices symptoms. IndiaMart (online) is a collection of pharmacies in India that sell the above treatments over-the-counter with (mostly) free shipping. Find out the dosage and complete protocol requirements from either Dr. Zelenko website or America’s Frontline Doctors. These effective treatment drugs are not easy to get in the USA. Prayers to you —and all families—experiencing these heart-wrenching situations.
And here's a list of healthy athletes having problems, I've just compiled from different places:
List of Athlete Collapses/Deaths
oIn a study published online in May 2021 in JAMA Cardiology, Daniels et al investigated rates of COVID-19 myocarditis among 1,597 athletes from 13 of the 14 Big Ten universities. They observed an overall prevalence of 2.3%, with 9 cases of clinical myocarditis and 28 cases of subclinical myocarditis, categorized based on the presence of cardiac symptoms and findings on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR).
•Former world No. 25 Jeremy Chardy says he has a "series of problems" after taking the COVID-19 vaccine and his 2021 season is over. This summer, 34-year-old Chardy decided to get vaccinated and it didn't work out well for him. Chardy, now ranked at No. 73 in the world, claims he is unable to train and play. "Since I got my vaccine [between the Olympics and the US Open], I have a problem, I have a series of problems. As a result, I can't train, I can't play. Continued
•27 year old professional Japanese baseball player, pitcher, 2016 #1 draft pick for Chunichi Dragons, name Kinoshita. Article only in Japanese. Collapsed during practice after injection. Was in coma a week. Then died.
•"I want to put an end to all the rumors. I want to show people that there is no danger in getting vaccinated. On the contrary, it will protect us."- India's Public Health Ambassador Vivekh on national TV as he took the vaccination. He passed away less than twenty-four hours later.
•Mother of Bee Gees singer's niece speaks out against vaccine after her healthy daughter Beri dies days after getting the vaccine
•Devastated mother demands answers after her son, 20, with muscular dystrophy suffered a seizure and died less than 12 hours after receiving a Pfizer jab
The best we can do is share information sometimes, and then after that every individual makes their own decisions. Best of luck and I will pray for your daughter and your family's health,
I believe going to a hospital for treatment is a high risk of a death sentence be careful what actions you take if needed see a private dictor you can trust (fronline doctors comes to mind).
Sure, I love especially Cream era stuff and Bluesbreakers.
These musicians are a tricky case. Don't really know if we can call anyone to really be credible in "our side" way of thinking. Clapton, Waters etc. seem to be more like independent thinkers that may have what seems a really random looking set of opinions to most people.
Roger wouldn't let zuckerbucks use his music Roger is a musical genius I have seen every tour But he got screwed up by WW2 and has been a lefty since Spent time in all shows burning conservatives Last show Us and Them he had full stadium screen w trump on it Big bad pig man you Charleton lol
I don't know much about this subject. I did want to point out though that people who refuse the jab are, more and more, being denied the freedom to earn a living. So, to me that sounds a lot like people not being able to buy or sell. Just because it hasn't affected everyone yet doesn't mean it won't. We seem to be trending in the direction of greater tyranny, not greater freedom.
The Project Veritas video from Pfizer insiders today exposed what we already knew to be true: that they will make life and inconvenient as possible for us until we accept their jab, their mark, their toxic mandatory enslavement.
We’re surrounded Pede!! Oil thy muskets!! The zombies are nigh. I guess my Son...her Brother really tore her a new one right before she called me? Proud of them all.
I have to believe that many people will survive the jab. My kids both got it too. I also think things like Ivermectin that bind to the spike protein will help minimize the side effects.
We will search for the cure for it. My wife and 13 yr old daughter are vaccinated. There are ways to fight it off too. Vit C, Vit D, Zinc are shown to stop the vaccine from causing serious harm. Possibly a few doses of Ivermectin too. So I am right here beside you my friend. The same boat. We will find a way. Where We Go One, We Go All.
And to be clear, the only reason she's doing this is peer pressure, and a lying, demonic, totalitarian government. (this BTW is why people need to be aware literally Satan exists, because some things truly have no other explanation)
She's at, essentially, zero risk from the virus.
And a real risk from the vaccine.
And a major unknown risk for fertility issues and birth defects.
And she's choosing potential horror solely because of deranged societal pressure (which will likely evaporate within weeks as the torrent of truth comes out). That's mind-blowingly juvenile thinking, which is not an insult but simply fact, because young adults still make unconsidered choices very much like children.
THESE, right now, are truly the times for choosing. And the young have WAY more to risk by choosing poorly. I hope she can hold out just a few weeks longer - I believe the world will be a very different, far more awake place in not too long. Ask her, just two more weeks. Show her the latest Project Veritas video where the scientist admits issues with myocarditis in primarily young people. You gave her everything - ask her for two more weeks, for her future, and her future family.
this BTW is why people need to be aware literally Satan exists
A real entity named Satan doesn’t need to exist for Masonic Satanists to be demonic.
I think these actions can be done even if these individuals were secular at heart.
However, I believe many of these players DO believe they are communicating with alternate dimensional beings. Angels and demons. Whatever you want to call them. I think there may be a bunch, and they include Dracos, Mantis, Greys, Little blue guys, Nordic babes, and probably dozens of others taking action with their own agendas.
I think many parents struggle with the concept that at some point their children will become adults. Adults that can make their own choices.
The sad part is, that if half of what is suggested on this forum is true... once she gets that jab, she's not the same person and possibly can't be trusted.
I've observed that all the vaxxed people I know have become rather sketchy. The longer this goes on, the less they are the person they were before the shot.
That sketchy behavior is because they are unsure of their decision they made with the injections. They are being bombarded with gas lighting and misinformation that is contradictory.
In that malaise they lose a sense of their centered self and what they stand for. Once a person reaches that point they become very pliable and vulnerable from external voices.
The best you can do is provide a grounded voice and assist in putting them back on track by building up their self confidence.
The experimental jabs are not just a physical disability that could last a life time, or even worse. The experimental jabs put people's mental state in doubt about their own health. Psychological warfare on such mass scale coming from "trusted sources" like mass media, medical community, political leaders, etc.
Im with ya. I HAD to get it due to a un-avoidable surgery. I was extremely hesitant at first, but gave in due to the pain level I was in pre-op. Ultimately I went with JNJ since it’s not MRNA……regardless, I and most every person I know are vaxxed and 100% of us are fine. No one is having side effects and no one is dying. Every time I bring this up on GA I hear “just wait till next month”. First it was dead in 30 days, then 60, then 90, now it’s 6 months to a year. A prediction is either correct or its incorrect, it’s that simple. We don’t get to move the goal posts constantly.
With all that said I am still 100% pro choice. Mandates are garbage and should be illegal. Long term we will see, the whole vaxx thing could be a giant nothing-burger or I could be a dead man walking. All I know is I am not going to waste my time thinking and worrying about it.
So I weighed these exact pros/cons before proceeding and determined I legit would rather die than continued living with the amount of chronic pain I was in. When you need OxyContin just to be able to get out of bed, that’s not living. I am now 90 days or so post-op, nearly off all opiate pain meds besides breakthrough, and feel the best I have felt in years. Don’t judge chronic pain you haven’t lived through, it’s impossible to comprehend the vast effects it has on your life.
Not to pry, but gonna anyway; I'm assuming the pain was from what the surgery was for? Did the surgery help with the pain? I was in a similar boat and once the cause of my pain was fixed, then I had to get off the pain meds. I did and it was rough. Godspeed Patriot...I understand your boat ride and I pray for those inflicted with this daily. Just finished helping a guy here kick it...
So I was in a very bad car accident 2 years ago, I was rear ended by a cement truck going 50-55mph and should have died. I suffered serious spinal injuries as a result. This surgery specifically was for spinal fusion. It has lowered my pain significantly, although I am lucky as this was not guaranteed going into it. I am certainly not totally pain free, but am much better than I was. Pre op I was taking 2 80mg OxyContin per day plus 10mg Percocet as needed for breakthrough (usually 4-6 day). I am now off the long lasting entirely as of this month, and on 30mg instant release for breakthrough. This is still “a lot” compared to your average healthy person, but for me it’s a huge step in the right direction. Trying to keep to 2, at most 3 per day.. Getting off med wise the worse is still to come. I don’t know if I will ever entirely get off since I still have lingering pain from other back issues that weren’t resolved by this surgery (also from the accident), but my hope is to get down to 10mg as needed only. I know it’s going to suck, but honestly I am ready. I hate the meds, hate the constipation, and especially hate the constant fear of running out or having them stolen. Before this accident I was on zero meds and had zero pain. Life was turned upside overnight b/c someone was simply not paying attention. Regardless I am on my way back up. This was by far the BEST thing I ever did. Sure I wish I had done it and not needed the vax, but whatever, the vax is fucking peanuts compared to the pain I was in. If it kills me down the road o well, at least I got to enjoy my life in some sense again, I don’t regret anything one bit.
Weaning-off is the key. Once I got down to a few 10's a day I utilized kratom for a week to remove the insanity of the final detox. Nowadays I function with the remaining pain and ibuprophen if required. No judgements with me EVER, so if you ever need someone to talk to just DM me, K? 💕👍🏼
I know I'm in a minority here, but I've had both Pfizer shots, and everyone I know has had it (family and friends). Not one person has experienced any issues, and no one is acting 'sketchy'. No one is second-guessing their decision. My g/f is scheduled for the booster next week. Everyone is grateful they got it, and is taking full advantage of the benefits. A good friend of mine is over 80 years old and just flew to London (from US) on vacation. After that she's off to Paris, then on a river cruise on the Rhone (all requiring the vax). Where I live, you need vax proof to enter restaurants and we are eating out all the time. So it's not an issue for me or anyone I know. If it's good enough for Trump, it's good enough for me.
I hear a lot of people use this logic. Everyone who took the vaccine is fine so whats the problem? Does that feel like a logical way to think? Not worry about whether the vaccines are actually effective at all or not? Not worried about long term safety issues? Not worried about ADE when the flu season actually hits? Not worried that almost all around the world with large vaccination numbers, majority of people being hospitalised for covid are actually vaccined?
But most importantly, not worried to make a decision about something about which free exchange of information is being actively suppressed?
Yep. People's personal experiences will trump anything VAERS or Drs say.
I have a liberal acquaintance who simply refuses to believe there could possibly be anything wrong with the vaccines, because several people he knew died in the hospital of "covid", but no one has had any bad reactions to the jab around him.
Doesn't matter what I send him, his personal experience trumps everything.
There are a lot of people with a variety of agendas pushing negative stories about the vax. I could easily construct a similar narrative that would convince you that air travel is totally unsafe. Secret reports from Boeing, photos of crash sites, warped statistics. Heck, I could even do the same to convince you that driving is totally unsafe. Or eating meat. Or using shampoo. The fact is, literally millions of independent doctors around the world are in support of the vax. The only valid argument against it is that it is untried/untested; that I will accept. But misinterpreting VAERS data and showing 'tentacled monsters' in the vax doesn't cut it for me.
"Most Importantly" - the mantra of the anti-vax crowd here seems to be that we 'vaxxed' are 'living in fear'. This thread (and hundreds like it) are proof of the opposite - the unvaxxed are living in total fear of a harmless vaccine, while we 'vaxxed' are happily going about our lives taking full advantage of science and medicine.
I could easily construct a similar narrative that would convince you that air travel is totally unsafe
Funnily you made my point. Just like you can prove flying and driving unsafe by selectively focusing on certain stats, you can do the same to prove Covid-19 is dangerous. And thats exactly what they did to push their vaxx, and u fell for it, even though u understood this technique.
the mantra of the anti-vax crowd here seems to be that we 'vaxxed' are 'living in fear'
we couldnt care how the vaxxed are living as long as they dont involve us in their stupidity. We do however care for them to be safe, since a lot of our friends and family are vaxxed.
Just like you can prove flying and driving unsafe by selectively focusing on certain stats, you can do the same to prove Covid-19 is dangerous. And thats exactly what they did to push their vaxx, and u fell for it, even though u understood this technique.
Right. Both sides (of the argument) are playing the same game. So you can 'prove' the vax is dangerous, I can 'prove' Covid is dangerous. So ultimately, it comes down to a choice. I'm willing to go with the decision of literally millions of professional, independent doctors. Don't get me wrong - I HATE big pharma and don't trust them, but I do trust the medical profession as a whole because it is made up of individuals like you and me.
but I do trust the medical profession as a whole because it is made up of individuals like you and me.
I decided to make a separate reply for this because I think this is VERY IMPORTANT. I understand completely what you mean by this. My own parents, inlaws, brother, and other extended family - everyone of them who understand how evil Big Pharma is, feel the same way as well - how can medical profession as a whole be lying to us? For what purpose?
I want to address the second part first. Is it made up of people like you and me? I dont know about you, but sadly they are not like me - and I dont mean that vainly, I mean it in a very specific way.
Two decades ago, I was in a very lucrative career on my way to the top echelons in silicon valley. But I gave up all that and left US simply because I was very disturbed by the morals of the high up people I kept meeting. This was before Big Tech became what it is now. While I did not know what these people were really up to, I knew they had no morals and no respect for general population.
If I were like these medical professionals, I would have had no qualms staying in and growing high, being one of the very same people in Big Tech who are censoring and oppressing us today. I quit all that, moved to Australia and live a simple life - because the very thought of being part of that crowd makes me want to throw up.
Now lets talk about the medical professionals. I asked my GP a few months ago about the vaccines and she said they are safe and she took it. I asked her whether she looked at any studies herself and she said she had no time for that but she trusted the community. Then I asked her whether alternatives works against Covid and she went quiet. She then whispered that she is not allowed to talk about that.
So firstly, this cog in the wheel is not adding any value of its own, since it trusts the Machine. So her being a medical professional adds no value to her assertion about the vaccine. But the more disturbing part - she is perfectly fine carrying on her profession while being threatened from openly discussing and expressing her opinions - which is a MUST for science.
I gave up everything for far less than that. I gave it all up for just a gut feeling that these people were not good. And she is actively allowing them to suppress her.
So no, these medical professionals are nothing like me (and I am guessing you).
Since you are on this site, you are probably open to looking for places outside mainstream-approved sources to confirm for yourself whether the medical profession is going along with the agenda of their own accord or are they coerced or are they just ignorant.
Find out how many medical professionals do not agree with the official narrative and what they are saying. Find out how many high profile doctors and scientists disagree with the narrative, and find out how many doctors have been successfully treating Covid without vaccines with very high success rates - we are talking about almost 100%.
Proving to yourself that you can indeed trust this medical profession and that they have not been hijacked is something you owe it to yourself.
So you can 'prove' the vax is dangerous, I can 'prove' Covid is dangerous
There is a subtle difference which I want to point out. Let me see if I can untangle this properly. Lets say for a second that our belief that "vax is dangerous" is wrong, and that it is infact just as safe as any average vaccine in history - does it make any difference in terms of whether I would take it or not?
Think about it for a second. Its not enough for a vaccine to be safe, it also needs to be effective AND it also needs to be necessary. It is clear now that vaccines are not necessary (so many doctors around the world have successfully treated Covid with alternate medicines - happy to elaborate if you dont believe me) and we also know its not effective (statistics around the world proves this, but so does Pfizer's own studies. Infact the original Pfizer clinical study used for EUA - if you take a look at it, you will see that it did not prove that the vaccines prevented hospitalisation or death of even a single person! And the efficacy determined in it was totally fraudulent - I am happy to explain if you dont believe this)
So, vaccines are niether effective nor necessary - so I dont even need to care whether they are safe or not.
My father was tough and strong as a younger man and became a kind, wise, and gentle soul in old age as men like him usually do. Once he took it this year, at the fine age of 80, he became cruel. Cruel with his words. He calls his child a murderer for not falling in line. You're lucky, Ivan, as there are a lot of people reporting dramatic personality changes in people who took it. your Dad a God-fearing man? Our relationship with others is so KEY. I'm vowing to never compromise my relationship with my daughter over this. I'm praying she is spared any complications...
Just take a look at this site (GA) - hundreds of people literally calling for public hangings and executions! These are supposedly God-fearing Christians. Covid has brought out the worst in many people. But having said that, everyone I hang around with is happy and simply getting on with life.
Will do. My g/f got the vax in Feb; my older friend got it in Jan. I got it in April. Most of my friends got it in April. I'll be sure to report back. Meanwhile I'll be enjoying international travel, fine dining, live sports, live concerts.
I’ve enjoyed all of these things while you were home cowering in fear fand bathing in moral superiority as to not kill grandma. Honest question, why are you here? To troll or because you feel like something is off about the whole thing?
I'm here on this particular thread because I see people literally in tears over the vax. Talk about not living in fear! People have worked themselves up into a frenzy about the vax and are inventing all manner of crazy narratives about it. Tentacled monsters was the last thing I saw. I'm just trying to convey a different perspective ... not everyone out there who is vaxxed is dropping like flies. So - if you don't want it, don't get it - let freedom reign - but don't drive yourself to despair because others are getting it. They will be just fine.
Believe it or not people have done countless of hours of research. Not narratives but peer reviewed, cited papers and studies, we hear from doctors who are being censored, and we hear each other’s stories. We even have an urgent care doctor who updates occasionally on what he’s seeing. Not everyone believes the same thing but we all share stories or theories and come to our own conclusions. There are stories after stories of injuries and deaths. Many here are parents, it’s our jobs to protect our kids (even when they become adults). So yes, we worry for the kids. Many believe that not all the shots are contaminated, this is our hope. I started searching for answers when my son got it and we were marked down as six in the very beginning. I found most of the answers here. You say let freedom reign, yet act morally superior for getting the jab and won’t even entertain the fact that something could be amiss. If you’d like to see some concerns, go back and watch some of the videos. I’ll send a pdf (takes a moment to load) that is absolutely, pure science. Reading it will be up to you.
So...WHY the name IvanMectin if you're "protected"? Since WE KNOW the vaxx doesn't protect shit, you got it for effin fine dining & a passport to events then? What a CROCK. I don't NEED OR WANT events shared with idiots frankly. I'm fully entertained without hanging with tards. Them placing restrictions on those who don't trust Big Pharma is utter BULLSHIT.
Hey Phish, sorry to hear about your daughter and her unfortunate plans.
When you say cat-girl do you mean like one of those who think they are part cat or just someone who likes cats lol? Not trying to demean just curious.
Have faith, while some are clearly getting knocked off instantly it seems like a good number of people are fine. Also who's to know what hidden medical treatments may be revealed in the coming decade!
Thanks and you’re right. I gotta calm down. Uhh, she just loves cats & just lost her one & only lifetime pet cat. 20 year old cat?!! Anyway, the risk of mind-changing damage from parasitic infection is one of my fav studies. Cats carry these parasites! SO MUCH has come out to heal humanity in the midst of this war?! I’m leaving the revelations to God.
I'm sorry to say it but only the stupid are getting vaccinated. I have a daughter who also chose to get vaccinated, highly educated college grad, but stupid.
Sorry to hear that! I'm pretty sure all three of my daughters, all under 31, got the covid shots. I, too, tried to tell them not to, but they just thought I was too caught up in conspiracy theories. Fortunately my son, the youngest of 4 children, will definitely not be getting it (he even quit his job because they gave the ultimatum; he didn't want to mess with being fired or getting in a battle with them over it), and he is engaged to a nice young woman who will definitely not be getting it! They will be one of the rare, pure-blood, marriages of the future.
Of my three children my anti vax daughter told me she got the jab a few weeks ago I was shocked and sad beyond belief, my oldest son got it because his wife is a nurse and he said if she had to get it he would too. My youngest son is the only one that won’t, it’s upsetting to say the least I am with you. Most of our siblings have as well, today while I was waiting for a prescription, a lot of older people were wanting the booster, I just looked at them in horror.
She had done tremendous research into children’s vaccines and the autism connections, was adamant that neither of her children would ever be immunized, she just allowed the oldest to get a few for school. So I don’t know why she up and did it?
Lord Jesus,
I lift up this person to you and ask that you would comfort them and I lift up their child to you. Please prevent the child from getting this vaccine and even if you don’t, please keep your hand f protection upon them and let no harm befall them.
In Jesus Almighty and All Powerful name,
She’s a 29 year old grown woman now who lives a few states away, but yeah I’ll try to stay on top of it. It won’t matter how many more articles or videos I send her now tho, her mind’s made up. I’ve kept them all informed during ALL THIS, so I did what I could. F#{.€*£¥~ck it.
Is she willing to watch videos about it? If so, there are a lot out there. One of the main points brought up in the videos, as I'm sure you're aware, is the lack of knowledge on how it will effect fertility in the future.
The last really good one I watched was Dr. David E. Martin on He did an interview with Stew Peters and it was great.
She’s fully aware as I’ve kept all my family informed since this began. She knows. I think her rockstar beau is probably there Ya have it. I told her kids are off the table. That’s as far as I went with any anger I communicated. She’s my best friend too. Sh1t.
My heart breaks for you. My Mom is my best friend and I couldn’t keep her from getting the shots. She even went back and got the third one. I’ve been grieving. She’s elderly, but it has taken me quite some time to process. Big Hugs, fren. Will be praying for your daughter.
So far, okay. She is 83, and exhibiting signs of dementia since the original shots, but it’s hard to know at that age. My kiddos are teens and many of their friends parents have forced the shots. Much love. This world seems so upside down right now!
There are so many extremely credible doctors warning how dangerous the injection is, and how much is still unknown and unstudied (not a good thing when you're talking about genetic therapy!).
In contrast, the arguments pushing the sheep to get injected have proven to be outrageously false and deceptive, over and over again.
For anyone honest and sane, the decision is not even close.
Getting jabbed is nothing less than playing Russian Roulette.
For what benefit? For the young and healthy? ZERO possible benefit.
This young mom didn't want to take the vaccine. But she did, because of societal pressure. And now she's dead. And the media won't even let her family talk honestly about it. Why? 🤔
I've found that people who have already gotten a covid shot are more resistant to hearing/learning about them than those who are on the verge of getting it. It's as if they know they screwed up and don't want confront the possible repercussions of their decision.
I’m so sorry 😢 My 2 daughters told me that they will be getting it also Saturday night and I have been devastated since. One was safe in her job but is about to go in the AF Reserves and knows she will have to do it unless the Plan stops the shots before she has to get it. She is determined to go through with the military since it took her 2 years to get to this point. The other moved from Disney to a major corporation in TX so she wouldn’t have to get the shot. Now the CEO reneged and she got an email Friday. She is afraid her career will be finished if she is fired.
I broke down crying this afternoon. I have been strong for all the crises we’ve had since Mar 2020 but today I lost it. My girls know the shot is poison but feel they have no choice either, like your daughter. My husband and I will get fired before we get them.
That breaks my heart. Entry into the worlds THEY control depend on vaxx status. Like the luciferian OS UPGRADE. No nanojab, no job. Add-in a little social exclusion & WHAM. Decision made.
How can anyone trust an injection that is being wielded in such an incredibly immoral way? Be homeless or get the jab. It is evil to coerce people in this way.
Great comments fren. I told her that, and she’s been receptive towards me for years. She was born in Saudi Arabia and is just so smart, beautiful & just wonderful. A Dad’s apple in his eye. I’ve been Blessed which makes it harder.
My daughter is estranged and in the home of Marxism in higher ed. I pray for her and I have a suspicion she may have gotten the shot. My solace lies in the fact that neither her nor her brother have been vaxxed since 18 months and are physically healthy and strong. Also, it’s becoming “cool” to f Joe Biden and we put some foundation in her before they got to her. God bless and keep praying.
My son was forced to get the jab...he active duty USAF with 13 years in. Get the jab or kicked out with other than honorable discharge. Our government sucks soooooooo bad, im heartbroken and scared for him. He got the J&J bc the government frowns upon that one, so, probably not as lethal as they would like
You’re not alone, at ALL. I just read a comment here couple days ago mirroring your situation. This place can be a support group when needed in a lot of ways. Our Community is solid 👍🏽💕
Same here, both adult children vaxxed. My resolve is strong to be around if their health gets bad, as they have children also. We need to be the safe ports in this storm. And because this is this smartest, hardest working place on the internet, research and advice will help us find ways to help. Keep praying too.
That’s what I did after hanging up with her...I came HERE to scream in the wilderness. God heard me, and through y’all I’m back strong again. The WAR IS ON!!
Isaiah 54:17
no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the Lord.
Contact the Dr’s of this list in your area. They will probably prescribe Ivermectin prophylacticly for her. It’s a world wide directory: ivermectin is supposed to protect hormonal glands from the jab.
When things happen that I don't have any control over, & it's making me afraid and upset, I just put it over into the hands of Jesus & let it go. With some things in life, that's all you can do.
My brother went and got it because he's in college, I have checked up on him weekly to make sure he isn't sick, he thinks I've lost my mind, he said he hasn't noticed anything unusual though, and so far he's been fine. I'm just hoping that there's already an antidote, I feel like Trump wouldn't have pushed it, if he also hadn't already had something to fix it in the works. In the meantime I made him get some ivermectin and the c and D and zinc, it can't hurt.
Good for you! I’m wondering if Trump really got the Pfizer shot? There was something in the news yesterday about it & figured it was a lie. I haven’t heard squat from him on it, but...
Remember after he had Covid he tweeted about it being great to having immunity after? So, this shows he knew he was immune and therefore had zero reason to consider the clot shot. So I think that’s all a farce.
I think yahoo reported that, I wouldn't count on it, and I think that if he had got a vaccine, he wouldn't touch pfizer with a ten foot pole, they're the worst because of their reputation alone. However, I personally don't think he got it at all, I also don't bother getting doomy when he brings it up, because I know he's always ten steps ahead, he knows something we don't, he just can't tell us yet, he has to keep the upper hand, I'm sure he has his own scientists, just like he has his own security, the man knows most of us are unlikely to take it, and some losses are inevitable in war as well. I feel sad your daughter is taking that step, I cried too when I found out my brother got it, he didn't even tell me until after his second shot. made him promise NO BOOSTERS. And his Zelenko protocol daily, he's been fine so far.
Show her this image
And then explain that the vax is far more dangerous than Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. India has cured countless people with Ivermectin and you don't hear much about Covid in Africa because they pop hydroxychloroquine like candy due to it also curing malaria. Explain that she has other options like eating right exercising taking C,D,Zinc, Quercetin together and getting enough sleep. Inform her that she doesn't have to live in fear. you can buy Ivermectin and have it on hand if you get sick and you will be ok.
My prayers are with you and your daughter ..Keep us informed P44 , Im With you , after my 29 yr old daughter got autism from the Vaxx I did not Vaxx my 28 yr old daughter ...she grew up bragging to her friends how her mother was smart enough to sign medical wavers at her schools ( u could sign wavers back then ) so she didn’t have to take the poison. When I tried to talk to her about this particular jab , she said ..”your ridiculous , it’s fine” and then stormed out of my house ! She refused to admit to me that she got it , I asked her a few times , still still denied it when I asked her what the glue mark was on her arm in the shape of a bandaid , she acted clueless but looked at her arm like ..oh crap , she also told me she didn’t know why she was sick for a few days right after the bandaid on her arm .. we are barely speaking now ..mainly because she left sanity and became a leftist nut job , I can’t say anything to her without her freaking out , she swallowed the BLM BS and everything , I’m a racist now and I never spoke anything racist durin* her life and she knows it , but , that doesn’t matter because I voted for DJT. It’s crazy how she changed was a big part social media the other ...anyway this isn’t about me you wouldn’t know it the way I went on ..guess I’m still really upset as well ..shocked is a better term ! Keep us close and let’s believe all out kids got the placebo . Sorry my Fren !
You’re FINE with me always, I get you. I’m spittin mad. For you, too! I mean...these luciferians have stolen our legacy?! Those uncaring snakes. They STOLE EVERYTHING FROM US!
Thank you , wwg1wga ...really hits home with this situation ..the luciferians think they have our kids , how wrong they are , we will beat this , they will beat this . God wins .. let’s stay close , lifting up each other is all we have and really other than God all we need , !
Thank you ..yes ..I’m pretty shocked ..she knows what the childhood Vaxx did to her sister and for 27 years she was so happy I spared her from the pharma poison ..and then this , she turned from the the truth , from me and sadly from God as well ..the left has really poisoned her mind or brainwashed or both ! I dont know her anymore , she’s changed that much ! Thank you again
I think there's been a lot of placebos given out in America especially blue states and counties. They know the voting data and they don't want to kill off their base.
I told husband today, if I were desperate to prove I had the jab, I would find someone to bribe that gives the shots and start low and go up, maybe 100^.🤔 Write it on my card and send me on my way. Trust me you go to the right places and it will be easy to find someone.
TY, I will 👍🏽 She goes on-tour second week of November so that might work? I hope she hasn’t got it YET, and we’re getting the “soft-sell”? I doubt that cuz it’s not-her...she’s honest. ugh this sux
I don’t want sympathy, I just needed to vent.
I'm sorry to hear this. I have two little girls and i would be heartbroken as well.
Funny u mention that. Im in WA state. I bought DMB tickets early 2020, show was cancelled but i kept the ticket package as it was valid for labor day 2021. Of course they sent out an email everyday reminding everyone of the health check and that you have to prove vax or neg test. But im very familiar with the venue and the type of people that work it all summer.(students) i knew i could get in without showing proof. Had a great time but dave couldnt help talkkng about his band mates that tested positive and basically had the whole crowd cheering that theyd be ok cuz they were vaxxed. Truly pathetic and def not organic the way he got on the mic and said it. I think livenation paid him to say it.
I am sorry, though. As parents, we do the absolute best we can to keep our kids safe and to teach them to make wise choices. When then become adults, though, we just have to keep praying and loving them. I am praying for everyone who got the shots. Blessings to you.
Yup - I have 2 grown children and they both got jabbed. Five siblings all jabbed. Even my husband & best friend. 😞 All I can do is pray and love them is right.’s a horror movie?!
It is a horror movie and it's disgusting.
Final destination 5 lol - guess it’s coming for all of us!
If this is a sting operation by Trump team, this sure looks like a lot of sacrificed “pawns”.
I have heard very alarming and horrifying things about these injections from enough sources that I am legitimately concerned for all of these peoples safety.
I don’t know if the damage can be undone.
When you are "at war" you have to make choices between bad outcomes. This was the least "worst" option.
I'm in the exact same boat.
Children received the vaccine and so did spouse. Friends did, too.
Only people that didn't were my parents and brother and his family. All of them recently had COVID and all are doing well now.
Brother did spend a few days in the hospital, but thankfully he was never on the ventilator. He's home now and doing well.
Right 2 of mine got the Jab :(
God Bless You too Sister. Thanks.
Noo, one of my favorite pedes on here. Im sorry to hear this.
One of mine too! So sorry Phishhed44, praying for you and your whole family
I thought I’d WON 3/3? I kept them informed, sigh.
Oh no! 💔 for u/Phishhed44...we know how you feel (3 of our 4 kids took the jab, too) and are praying for your daughter and family. You are dear to me just like the others posting above. Your posts are full of love, heart and care for your family here.
You are doing all you can for your daughter. You have informed her and left the door open. Now, comes the hardest part...pray and give her to God to open her eyes with discernment.
Praying Psalm 91 over all. 🙏
Amen to this
Gheez, I teared-up again u/Joy 💕
"He puts all our tears in a bottle"
Hang in there and get some rest. Take good care and pray for yourself, too!
Luke 15:11-32
That’s some deep shit. Look at the bright side, if anything does go sideways, you will be able to spot it immediately. There is still a chance that you can save her life. People tend to leave illness until the last minute, when early intervention is always a survival factor. There may come a time when you spot symptoms that will require you to insist she go to a hospital, and quickly. Keep your relationship strong enough so when this time comes she will listen.
Good idea! Get an extra supply of Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine treatment protocols to save in reserve to have immediately ready to treat your daughter should her symptoms appear. Try to get a promise from her to tell you right away if she notices symptoms. IndiaMart (online) is a collection of pharmacies in India that sell the above treatments over-the-counter with (mostly) free shipping. Find out the dosage and complete protocol requirements from either Dr. Zelenko website or America’s Frontline Doctors. These effective treatment drugs are not easy to get in the USA. Prayers to you —and all families—experiencing these heart-wrenching situations.
Great info! Yeah, I got a fullblown med-kit already in hand and am shipping-out a box tomorrow. This IS global!
Gheez...Godspeed Bones. 💕
Thanks man & great points 👍🏽 I’m gonna stay strong.
Plz fwd any links Doc? I got em probably somewhere but I’m tired to look. TY 💕😎
Hydra Vulgaris?
WTF Mate... I just watched that.
Imma go hide under my bed now. And then I'm going hunting for the Axe of Heracles.
Seriously that is FUCKED up.
Holy frijoles Doc!!! Yo, I’m blown away man. Seriously. TY 💕
I think this might scare her, a doctor who did blood tests on one of his patients before and after the jab:
And here's a list of healthy athletes having problems, I've just compiled from different places:
List of Athlete Collapses/Deaths •Literature: oIn a study published online in May 2021 in JAMA Cardiology, Daniels et al investigated rates of COVID-19 myocarditis among 1,597 athletes from 13 of the 14 Big Ten universities. They observed an overall prevalence of 2.3%, with 9 cases of clinical myocarditis and 28 cases of subclinical myocarditis, categorized based on the presence of cardiac symptoms and findings on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR).
•Former world No. 25 Jeremy Chardy says he has a "series of problems" after taking the COVID-19 vaccine and his 2021 season is over. This summer, 34-year-old Chardy decided to get vaccinated and it didn't work out well for him. Chardy, now ranked at No. 73 in the world, claims he is unable to train and play. "Since I got my vaccine [between the Olympics and the US Open], I have a problem, I have a series of problems. As a result, I can't train, I can't play. Continued
•23 year old Roy Butler, “healthy and fit”, passed away o
•Christian Eriksen (heart attack, survived)
•Roy Butler (massive brain bleed, died) o
•Fabrice N’Sakala (collapsed on pitch, hospital recovery)
•Dylan Rich (cardiac arrest, died)
•Dave Hyde (collapsed post-match, died)
•Alex Evans (cardiac arrest, died)
•Maqsood Anwar (heart attack, died)
•TWO West Indies Women's Cricketers Collapse in 10 mins:
•Samuel Kalu, brief collapse on pitch: o
•Simon Greenberg, sports journalist turned PR guy •
•Kenyan Athlete Gilbert Kwemoi •
•Mary Hanley, Irish Athlete (looks older) •
•27 year old professional Japanese baseball player, pitcher, 2016 #1 draft pick for Chunichi Dragons, name Kinoshita. Article only in Japanese. Collapsed during practice after injection. Was in coma a week. Then died.
•33yo New York Jets defensive end Vinny Curry, has likely seen his career go bye-bye because after getting the vaccine, he developed life-threatening blood clots o
•Christian Eriksen Collapses at Euros due to heart issue
•Two West Indies Players – Chinelle Henry, Chedean Nation Collapse on Field:
•Atletico Madrid striker collapses in training and requires medical attention
•Brazilian soccer player Alex Apolinario dies after collapsing on pitch during match in Portugal
•Britain's Jack Draper collapses at Miami Open
•Indonesian doubles star Kido dies of heart attack at 36
•Ghanaian referee collapses during AFCON Match
•Referee Bert Smith collapses on court, taken off on stretcher during first half of Gonzaga-USC men's Elite Eight game
•Josh Downie: Cricketer, 24, dies after heart attack at practice
•Ex-Parma footballer Giuseppe Perrino dies aged 29 at brother’s memorial match after collapsing while playing
•Raymond van Barneveld collapses and receives paramedic attention during PDC Players Championship
•Volleyball player collapses during game, dies
•The Frenchman, 20, suddenly fell unconscious in worrying and distressing scenes, he had a tachycardia attack, an abnormal electrical impulse in his heart, causing him to lose consciousness.
•Ethan Jovani Trejo, a 16-year-old soccer player, collapsed on the field during conditioning
•Samuel Kalu, 24, collapses minutes into football game:
•Roy Butler, 23, Irish footballer Watford FC dies after Jansen:
•FA Youth Cup - player suffered sudden cardiac arrest on the field :
•Vinny Curry, 33, out for season due to blood clots:
•Australian sailor Cameron Dale, 29, dies after catastrophic stroke:
•Two young Columbia High school footballers die:
•Bollywood’s star, 40, dies following heart attack
•Tom Felton, 34, collapses during golf game:
•Francis Perron, 25, dies after football game - •Parys Haralson, 37, former Saints line backer dies
•Jimmy Hayes, 31, former Bruins player unexpectedly dies:
•Kjeld Nuis, 31, Dutch professional skater admitted to hospital with inflamed heart:
•John Stokes, 21, athlete at Tennessee Uni hospitalized with heart inflammation:
•Jake Ehlinger, 20, found dead - cause unknown:
•Jeremy Chardy, 34, tennis pro cannot train or play after vaccine: o
•Francesca Marcon, 38, volleybal professional can’t play, has pericarditis post vaccine: o
•Yusuke Kinoshita, 27, baseball pro dies 7 weeks post vaccine:
•Alex Stalock, 34, out for the season due to heart condition: o
•Not a 'young athlete' but Bob Odenkirk got into the best shape of his life to film an action movie, then collapsed randomly afterwards with a heart condition. o
•Also John Stokes, the guy who went on TikTok and got his life ruined. o
I like this Dropbox Compilation of post-vaccine deaths
And this ABC News facebook post asking for covid effects, which was drowned with vaccine side effects
Probably best to not overwhelm her, but I wanted to give you ammo
The CDC Counts People Hospitalized within 14 days of receiving the Vaccine as "Unvaccinated" Source:
•Middleweight champion Marvelous Marvin Hagler passes away "unexpectedly" at age 66 after taking the covid-19 vaccine
•Baseball legend Hank Aaron got virus vaccine earlier in January, dies a couple weeks later
•Larry King got the Covid vaccine, then died.
•Oracle VP Joel Kallman dies of Covid shortly after getting vaxxed…
•Midwin Charles: 47-year-old MSNBC legal analyst likely suffered for days before dying one month after experimental mRNA shot
•DMX Received Covid Vaccine Days Before Heart Attack
•‘Baldwin Hills’ Star Ashley Taylor Gerren dies after getting Covid vaccine
•"I want to put an end to all the rumors. I want to show people that there is no danger in getting vaccinated. On the contrary, it will protect us."- India's Public Health Ambassador Vivekh on national TV as he took the vaccination. He passed away less than twenty-four hours later.
• •
•Celebrated information security researcher Dan Kaminsky dead at age 42 after 2nd Pfizer shot
•Here is Dan tweeting after receiving his first jab on March 22nd.
•Here is Dan tweeting after receiving his second jab on April 12th.
•Here is Dan tweeting about blood clotting issues..
•Here is one of Dan's last tweets...
•Michael Mitchell: 65-year-old “Braveheart” actor receives both Sinovac injections, then third Pfizer “booster” shot, dead six days later
•Mother of Bee Gees singer's niece speaks out against vaccine after her healthy daughter Beri dies days after getting the vaccine
•Top Israeli Fashion Designer Alber Elbaz - was double vaccinated and supposedly died of Covid19.
•BBC presenter Lisa Shaw dies from complication of the Covid vaccine
•13-year-old dies in sleep after receiving Pfizer COVID vaccine; CDC investigating
•16-year-old Tennessee kid collapses at school, dies days later after receiving Pfizer (Comirnaty) mRNA injection
•Girl gets vaccine, complains about complications and gets fact checked on FB, dies a week later.
•Devastated mother demands answers after her son, 20, with muscular dystrophy suffered a seizure and died less than 12 hours after receiving a Pfizer jab
•21-year-old University of Cincinnati student dies day after J&J shot - just a coincidence
•Two-year-old baby in Virginia dead six days after second experimental Pfizer mRNA shot
•15 year old boy, in Colorado, died of a heart attack 2 days after Pfizer vaccine. No history of allergic reactions.
•15yo boy and 16yo girl die from heart attacks after taking COVID vaccine
•“Williams tested positive for COVID antibodies, meaning he had COVID at one time, but he never knew it. And he had gotten his second COVID vaccine just weeks before his death.”
•Pfizer shot: Woman dies from brain haemorrhage in Japan days after vaccine, but link “uncertain”
•Six died in Pfizer late-stage COVID-19 vaccine trial
•“The Detroit media icon was found dead at her home by her husband last Tuesday, just one day after taking the COVID-19 vaccine but the official cause of her death is still unknown.” •23 die in Norway after receiving COVID vaccine •“Doctor’s Death After Covid Vaccine Is Being Investigated”
•“Mexican doctor hospitalized after receiving COVID-19 vaccine”
•CA woman, 78, gets COVID-19 vaccine, then suddenly dies of something else
•Effingham woman’s obituary claims she suffered reaction to COVID vaccine
•Reports show women experiencing stronger side effects to COVID-19 vaccines
•“Virginia woman dies shortly after Covid vaccination, though no link has been found”
•60-Year-Old Father Dies After Receiving Second Dose Of Pfizer Vaccine
•Minnesota woman receives second dose of Covid vaccines, days later gets blood clots, has legs amputated, will also require amputation of hands
WHOA. u/GodAndGlory...TY. THAT, was a LOTTA work!!! You're an amazing Fren 💕💯 (hugs).
You are very welcome u/Phisshed44!
The best we can do is share information sometimes, and then after that every individual makes their own decisions. Best of luck and I will pray for your daughter and your family's health,
Would be great to have a group post where we keep adding catbox uploads of the best horror stories we can find on the topic.
I have two or three videos I share with people and demand that they watch if they want to be informed.
This would be an awesome resource for all here!
Is this possible u/catsfive? Along with all of the links that u/DrMcCoy posted above?
Look what u/GodAndGlory just dumped?!
Wow! I saw! What an amazing brilliant family we have here!
Thank you u/GodAndGlory! 👏
I believe going to a hospital for treatment is a high risk of a death sentence be careful what actions you take if needed see a private dictor you can trust (fronline doctors comes to mind).
Take the updoot anyways
Understood. No sympathy but you and your family have my prayers
Contact Eric Clapton or one of the other acts that have come out against it. Roger Waters is another. Ted Nugent obviously.
Good point. Those 3 are the most noteable. 😎
The guy from Megadeth too, I believe.
Dave Mustane? I think you’re right 👍🏽
And Van the man morrison
Luvin The Man!
I think Eric already went back on his pledge did a show w covid requirements
NO!!! aaarrgh.
Can't find about anything that. What I know is that he's very anti Trump. And I'm thinking Clapton and Mustaine might be too. Not Nugent though ;)
Sure, I love especially Cream era stuff and Bluesbreakers.
These musicians are a tricky case. Don't really know if we can call anyone to really be credible in "our side" way of thinking. Clapton, Waters etc. seem to be more like independent thinkers that may have what seems a really random looking set of opinions to most people.
Don't get too giddy. He's still a lefty prima donna, but there's a video of him railing against the mandate. Possibly because it got into his pocket.
Roger wouldn't let zuckerbucks use his music Roger is a musical genius I have seen every tour But he got screwed up by WW2 and has been a lefty since Spent time in all shows burning conservatives Last show Us and Them he had full stadium screen w trump on it Big bad pig man you Charleton lol
It's crazy Rage Against the Machine is pushing the Vax... Sell outs... Prob Illuminati baby killers. Saw them several times in the 90s.
Internet hug
I'm with you. Most of my Christian family has submitted to the mark of the beast.
Honk Honk.
It’s not the mark. It’s the precursor.
I don't know much about this subject. I did want to point out though that people who refuse the jab are, more and more, being denied the freedom to earn a living. So, to me that sounds a lot like people not being able to buy or sell. Just because it hasn't affected everyone yet doesn't mean it won't. We seem to be trending in the direction of greater tyranny, not greater freedom.
The Project Veritas video from Pfizer insiders today exposed what we already knew to be true: that they will make life and inconvenient as possible for us until we accept their jab, their mark, their toxic mandatory enslavement.
There may not be a “real” event that you are looking for.
These Satanic Masons like self fulfilling prophecies. They know “Mark of the Beast” symbolism and for all intents and purposes pulled it off.
Maybe there will be an even more potent iteration around the corner, but people are being fired for not submitting and receiving the injections.
It is a deal with the Devil.
Not yet, and not for everyone.
I shudder to think about what the real thing would be!
probably some kind of biosecurity interface (medical records, gps tracker, financial connection etc)
“None may buy or sell save they have the mark.” If you can buy or sell without it, it ain’t the mark
We’re surrounded Pede!! Oil thy muskets!! The zombies are nigh. I guess my Son...her Brother really tore her a new one right before she called me? Proud of them all.
Mine too. Sucks hugely
I have to believe that many people will survive the jab. My kids both got it too. I also think things like Ivermectin that bind to the spike protein will help minimize the side effects.
I hope you’re right. I will be shipping her all the therapeutics I can just to make sure she HAS THEM.
Beautifully written. Got the rest ‘cept the Star Anise data. I’ve heard something about it tho? I forage my own pine needles too...👍🏽
Good to know! Tx 👍🏽
We will search for the cure for it. My wife and 13 yr old daughter are vaccinated. There are ways to fight it off too. Vit C, Vit D, Zinc are shown to stop the vaccine from causing serious harm. Possibly a few doses of Ivermectin too. So I am right here beside you my friend. The same boat. We will find a way. Where We Go One, We Go All.
TY...yes. NAC & Black Seed Oil for the vaxxed too. 💕👍🏽
I think psychedelic mushrooms are gonna be a thing too. They help neurons regrow, the vac and coof both have neurological side effects.
Yes, and YES. Tuned-in 👍🏽
Sorry, fren.
And to be clear, the only reason she's doing this is peer pressure, and a lying, demonic, totalitarian government. (this BTW is why people need to be aware literally Satan exists, because some things truly have no other explanation)
She's at, essentially, zero risk from the virus.
And a real risk from the vaccine.
And a major unknown risk for fertility issues and birth defects.
And she's choosing potential horror solely because of deranged societal pressure (which will likely evaporate within weeks as the torrent of truth comes out). That's mind-blowingly juvenile thinking, which is not an insult but simply fact, because young adults still make unconsidered choices very much like children.
THESE, right now, are truly the times for choosing. And the young have WAY more to risk by choosing poorly. I hope she can hold out just a few weeks longer - I believe the world will be a very different, far more awake place in not too long. Ask her, just two more weeks. Show her the latest Project Veritas video where the scientist admits issues with myocarditis in primarily young people. You gave her everything - ask her for two more weeks, for her future, and her future family.
Again, so sorry, fren.
Dude...I’m WITH you completely. My main concern NOW, is delaying this decision. I hope I can sleep gheez...
A real entity named Satan doesn’t need to exist for Masonic Satanists to be demonic.
I think these actions can be done even if these individuals were secular at heart.
However, I believe many of these players DO believe they are communicating with alternate dimensional beings. Angels and demons. Whatever you want to call them. I think there may be a bunch, and they include Dracos, Mantis, Greys, Little blue guys, Nordic babes, and probably dozens of others taking action with their own agendas.
Plz NOT the Nordic babes...(NOOOOOO!!!). Still hoping THEY're not evil.
I think many parents struggle with the concept that at some point their children will become adults. Adults that can make their own choices.
The sad part is, that if half of what is suggested on this forum is true... once she gets that jab, she's not the same person and possibly can't be trusted.
I've observed that all the vaxxed people I know have become rather sketchy. The longer this goes on, the less they are the person they were before the shot.
That sketchy behavior is because they are unsure of their decision they made with the injections. They are being bombarded with gas lighting and misinformation that is contradictory.
In that malaise they lose a sense of their centered self and what they stand for. Once a person reaches that point they become very pliable and vulnerable from external voices.
The best you can do is provide a grounded voice and assist in putting them back on track by building up their self confidence.
The experimental jabs are not just a physical disability that could last a life time, or even worse. The experimental jabs put people's mental state in doubt about their own health. Psychological warfare on such mass scale coming from "trusted sources" like mass media, medical community, political leaders, etc.
Is a gut wrenching thing to consider.
Im with ya. I HAD to get it due to a un-avoidable surgery. I was extremely hesitant at first, but gave in due to the pain level I was in pre-op. Ultimately I went with JNJ since it’s not MRNA……regardless, I and most every person I know are vaxxed and 100% of us are fine. No one is having side effects and no one is dying. Every time I bring this up on GA I hear “just wait till next month”. First it was dead in 30 days, then 60, then 90, now it’s 6 months to a year. A prediction is either correct or its incorrect, it’s that simple. We don’t get to move the goal posts constantly.
With all that said I am still 100% pro choice. Mandates are garbage and should be illegal. Long term we will see, the whole vaxx thing could be a giant nothing-burger or I could be a dead man walking. All I know is I am not going to waste my time thinking and worrying about it.
You compromised your immune system long term for a surgery you claim to be unavoidable due to pain.
The pain that comes from having a compromised immune system long term is far worse. Good luck.
So I weighed these exact pros/cons before proceeding and determined I legit would rather die than continued living with the amount of chronic pain I was in. When you need OxyContin just to be able to get out of bed, that’s not living. I am now 90 days or so post-op, nearly off all opiate pain meds besides breakthrough, and feel the best I have felt in years. Don’t judge chronic pain you haven’t lived through, it’s impossible to comprehend the vast effects it has on your life.
Not to pry, but gonna anyway; I'm assuming the pain was from what the surgery was for? Did the surgery help with the pain? I was in a similar boat and once the cause of my pain was fixed, then I had to get off the pain meds. I did and it was rough. Godspeed Patriot...I understand your boat ride and I pray for those inflicted with this daily. Just finished helping a guy here kick it...
So I was in a very bad car accident 2 years ago, I was rear ended by a cement truck going 50-55mph and should have died. I suffered serious spinal injuries as a result. This surgery specifically was for spinal fusion. It has lowered my pain significantly, although I am lucky as this was not guaranteed going into it. I am certainly not totally pain free, but am much better than I was. Pre op I was taking 2 80mg OxyContin per day plus 10mg Percocet as needed for breakthrough (usually 4-6 day). I am now off the long lasting entirely as of this month, and on 30mg instant release for breakthrough. This is still “a lot” compared to your average healthy person, but for me it’s a huge step in the right direction. Trying to keep to 2, at most 3 per day.. Getting off med wise the worse is still to come. I don’t know if I will ever entirely get off since I still have lingering pain from other back issues that weren’t resolved by this surgery (also from the accident), but my hope is to get down to 10mg as needed only. I know it’s going to suck, but honestly I am ready. I hate the meds, hate the constipation, and especially hate the constant fear of running out or having them stolen. Before this accident I was on zero meds and had zero pain. Life was turned upside overnight b/c someone was simply not paying attention. Regardless I am on my way back up. This was by far the BEST thing I ever did. Sure I wish I had done it and not needed the vax, but whatever, the vax is fucking peanuts compared to the pain I was in. If it kills me down the road o well, at least I got to enjoy my life in some sense again, I don’t regret anything one bit.
Weaning-off is the key. Once I got down to a few 10's a day I utilized kratom for a week to remove the insanity of the final detox. Nowadays I function with the remaining pain and ibuprophen if required. No judgements with me EVER, so if you ever need someone to talk to just DM me, K? 💕👍🏼
I know I'm in a minority here, but I've had both Pfizer shots, and everyone I know has had it (family and friends). Not one person has experienced any issues, and no one is acting 'sketchy'. No one is second-guessing their decision. My g/f is scheduled for the booster next week. Everyone is grateful they got it, and is taking full advantage of the benefits. A good friend of mine is over 80 years old and just flew to London (from US) on vacation. After that she's off to Paris, then on a river cruise on the Rhone (all requiring the vax). Where I live, you need vax proof to enter restaurants and we are eating out all the time. So it's not an issue for me or anyone I know. If it's good enough for Trump, it's good enough for me.
I hear a lot of people use this logic. Everyone who took the vaccine is fine so whats the problem? Does that feel like a logical way to think? Not worry about whether the vaccines are actually effective at all or not? Not worried about long term safety issues? Not worried about ADE when the flu season actually hits? Not worried that almost all around the world with large vaccination numbers, majority of people being hospitalised for covid are actually vaccined?
But most importantly, not worried to make a decision about something about which free exchange of information is being actively suppressed?
Yep. People's personal experiences will trump anything VAERS or Drs say.
I have a liberal acquaintance who simply refuses to believe there could possibly be anything wrong with the vaccines, because several people he knew died in the hospital of "covid", but no one has had any bad reactions to the jab around him.
Doesn't matter what I send him, his personal experience trumps everything.
There are a lot of people with a variety of agendas pushing negative stories about the vax. I could easily construct a similar narrative that would convince you that air travel is totally unsafe. Secret reports from Boeing, photos of crash sites, warped statistics. Heck, I could even do the same to convince you that driving is totally unsafe. Or eating meat. Or using shampoo. The fact is, literally millions of independent doctors around the world are in support of the vax. The only valid argument against it is that it is untried/untested; that I will accept. But misinterpreting VAERS data and showing 'tentacled monsters' in the vax doesn't cut it for me.
"Most Importantly" - the mantra of the anti-vax crowd here seems to be that we 'vaxxed' are 'living in fear'. This thread (and hundreds like it) are proof of the opposite - the unvaxxed are living in total fear of a harmless vaccine, while we 'vaxxed' are happily going about our lives taking full advantage of science and medicine.
Funnily you made my point. Just like you can prove flying and driving unsafe by selectively focusing on certain stats, you can do the same to prove Covid-19 is dangerous. And thats exactly what they did to push their vaxx, and u fell for it, even though u understood this technique.
we couldnt care how the vaxxed are living as long as they dont involve us in their stupidity. We do however care for them to be safe, since a lot of our friends and family are vaxxed.
Right. Both sides (of the argument) are playing the same game. So you can 'prove' the vax is dangerous, I can 'prove' Covid is dangerous. So ultimately, it comes down to a choice. I'm willing to go with the decision of literally millions of professional, independent doctors. Don't get me wrong - I HATE big pharma and don't trust them, but I do trust the medical profession as a whole because it is made up of individuals like you and me.
I decided to make a separate reply for this because I think this is VERY IMPORTANT. I understand completely what you mean by this. My own parents, inlaws, brother, and other extended family - everyone of them who understand how evil Big Pharma is, feel the same way as well - how can medical profession as a whole be lying to us? For what purpose?
I want to address the second part first. Is it made up of people like you and me? I dont know about you, but sadly they are not like me - and I dont mean that vainly, I mean it in a very specific way.
Two decades ago, I was in a very lucrative career on my way to the top echelons in silicon valley. But I gave up all that and left US simply because I was very disturbed by the morals of the high up people I kept meeting. This was before Big Tech became what it is now. While I did not know what these people were really up to, I knew they had no morals and no respect for general population.
If I were like these medical professionals, I would have had no qualms staying in and growing high, being one of the very same people in Big Tech who are censoring and oppressing us today. I quit all that, moved to Australia and live a simple life - because the very thought of being part of that crowd makes me want to throw up.
Now lets talk about the medical professionals. I asked my GP a few months ago about the vaccines and she said they are safe and she took it. I asked her whether she looked at any studies herself and she said she had no time for that but she trusted the community. Then I asked her whether alternatives works against Covid and she went quiet. She then whispered that she is not allowed to talk about that.
So firstly, this cog in the wheel is not adding any value of its own, since it trusts the Machine. So her being a medical professional adds no value to her assertion about the vaccine. But the more disturbing part - she is perfectly fine carrying on her profession while being threatened from openly discussing and expressing her opinions - which is a MUST for science.
I gave up everything for far less than that. I gave it all up for just a gut feeling that these people were not good. And she is actively allowing them to suppress her.
So no, these medical professionals are nothing like me (and I am guessing you).
Since you are on this site, you are probably open to looking for places outside mainstream-approved sources to confirm for yourself whether the medical profession is going along with the agenda of their own accord or are they coerced or are they just ignorant.
Find out how many medical professionals do not agree with the official narrative and what they are saying. Find out how many high profile doctors and scientists disagree with the narrative, and find out how many doctors have been successfully treating Covid without vaccines with very high success rates - we are talking about almost 100%.
Proving to yourself that you can indeed trust this medical profession and that they have not been hijacked is something you owe it to yourself.
There is a subtle difference which I want to point out. Let me see if I can untangle this properly. Lets say for a second that our belief that "vax is dangerous" is wrong, and that it is infact just as safe as any average vaccine in history - does it make any difference in terms of whether I would take it or not?
Think about it for a second. Its not enough for a vaccine to be safe, it also needs to be effective AND it also needs to be necessary. It is clear now that vaccines are not necessary (so many doctors around the world have successfully treated Covid with alternate medicines - happy to elaborate if you dont believe me) and we also know its not effective (statistics around the world proves this, but so does Pfizer's own studies. Infact the original Pfizer clinical study used for EUA - if you take a look at it, you will see that it did not prove that the vaccines prevented hospitalisation or death of even a single person! And the efficacy determined in it was totally fraudulent - I am happy to explain if you dont believe this)
So, vaccines are niether effective nor necessary - so I dont even need to care whether they are safe or not.
My father was tough and strong as a younger man and became a kind, wise, and gentle soul in old age as men like him usually do. Once he took it this year, at the fine age of 80, he became cruel. Cruel with his words. He calls his child a murderer for not falling in line. You're lucky, Ivan, as there are a lot of people reporting dramatic personality changes in people who took it. your Dad a God-fearing man? Our relationship with others is so KEY. I'm vowing to never compromise my relationship with my daughter over this. I'm praying she is spared any complications...
Just take a look at this site (GA) - hundreds of people literally calling for public hangings and executions! These are supposedly God-fearing Christians. Covid has brought out the worst in many people. But having said that, everyone I hang around with is happy and simply getting on with life.
Report back with your g/f and friends and family in a few months. Can’t wait to hear the stories
Will do. My g/f got the vax in Feb; my older friend got it in Jan. I got it in April. Most of my friends got it in April. I'll be sure to report back. Meanwhile I'll be enjoying international travel, fine dining, live sports, live concerts.
I’ve enjoyed all of these things while you were home cowering in fear fand bathing in moral superiority as to not kill grandma. Honest question, why are you here? To troll or because you feel like something is off about the whole thing?
I'm here on this particular thread because I see people literally in tears over the vax. Talk about not living in fear! People have worked themselves up into a frenzy about the vax and are inventing all manner of crazy narratives about it. Tentacled monsters was the last thing I saw. I'm just trying to convey a different perspective ... not everyone out there who is vaxxed is dropping like flies. So - if you don't want it, don't get it - let freedom reign - but don't drive yourself to despair because others are getting it. They will be just fine.
Believe it or not people have done countless of hours of research. Not narratives but peer reviewed, cited papers and studies, we hear from doctors who are being censored, and we hear each other’s stories. We even have an urgent care doctor who updates occasionally on what he’s seeing. Not everyone believes the same thing but we all share stories or theories and come to our own conclusions. There are stories after stories of injuries and deaths. Many here are parents, it’s our jobs to protect our kids (even when they become adults). So yes, we worry for the kids. Many believe that not all the shots are contaminated, this is our hope. I started searching for answers when my son got it and we were marked down as six in the very beginning. I found most of the answers here. You say let freedom reign, yet act morally superior for getting the jab and won’t even entertain the fact that something could be amiss. If you’d like to see some concerns, go back and watch some of the videos. I’ll send a pdf (takes a moment to load) that is absolutely, pure science. Reading it will be up to you.
So...WHY the name IvanMectin if you're "protected"? Since WE KNOW the vaxx doesn't protect shit, you got it for effin fine dining & a passport to events then? What a CROCK. I don't NEED OR WANT events shared with idiots frankly. I'm fully entertained without hanging with tards. Them placing restrictions on those who don't trust Big Pharma is utter BULLSHIT.
Parasites do that...
She’s a cat-girl HEAR YOU IN STEREO !!
Hey Phish, sorry to hear about your daughter and her unfortunate plans.
When you say cat-girl do you mean like one of those who think they are part cat or just someone who likes cats lol? Not trying to demean just curious.
Have faith, while some are clearly getting knocked off instantly it seems like a good number of people are fine. Also who's to know what hidden medical treatments may be revealed in the coming decade!
Thanks and you’re right. I gotta calm down. Uhh, she just loves cats & just lost her one & only lifetime pet cat. 20 year old cat?!! Anyway, the risk of mind-changing damage from parasitic infection is one of my fav studies. Cats carry these parasites! SO MUCH has come out to heal humanity in the midst of this war?! I’m leaving the revelations to God.
I agree 💯 %. Welcome to WW-Z
I'm sorry to say it but only the stupid are getting vaccinated. I have a daughter who also chose to get vaccinated, highly educated college grad, but stupid.
😂 Not in this case, but funny.
2 out of my 3 children got the vax, because public school brainwashing was more powerful than 12 years of homeschooling.
Fortunately one of my children is standing firm.
Wow. Yes, the mind control is strong. Too much and they OD.
Is it the eldest one? I have a theory that the eldest, especially male child tends to be the most conservative.
I am the fifth eldest Son in a line of 6 eldest Sons. (My Son being 6th). 😎👍🏽
It's the youngest actually. But I'm the oldest and most conservative among my siblings.
Sorry to hear that! I'm pretty sure all three of my daughters, all under 31, got the covid shots. I, too, tried to tell them not to, but they just thought I was too caught up in conspiracy theories. Fortunately my son, the youngest of 4 children, will definitely not be getting it (he even quit his job because they gave the ultimatum; he didn't want to mess with being fired or getting in a battle with them over it), and he is engaged to a nice young woman who will definitely not be getting it! They will be one of the rare, pure-blood, marriages of the future.
Oh glad to hear about your Son! We can’t give up on the deceived tho...we’ll get thru this 👍🏽
Of my three children my anti vax daughter told me she got the jab a few weeks ago I was shocked and sad beyond belief, my oldest son got it because his wife is a nurse and he said if she had to get it he would too. My youngest son is the only one that won’t, it’s upsetting to say the least I am with you. Most of our siblings have as well, today while I was waiting for a prescription, a lot of older people were wanting the booster, I just looked at them in horror.
Gheez. I recall your post about your anti vaxx daughter. We’ll get through this!!!
She had done tremendous research into children’s vaccines and the autism connections, was adamant that neither of her children would ever be immunized, she just allowed the oldest to get a few for school. So I don’t know why she up and did it?
As we’ve seen, the mental poison is STRONG Fren. 😞
Lord Jesus, I lift up this person to you and ask that you would comfort them and I lift up their child to you. Please prevent the child from getting this vaccine and even if you don’t, please keep your hand f protection upon them and let no harm befall them. In Jesus Almighty and All Powerful name, Amen
All God's Children say AMEN!!
AMEN Joy!!! 💥🙏💥
I love you Patriot! 💕😎
Thats OK, you did your part, you did your best. What happens, happens. I gather she is an adult and will make her own decision.
But I've seen others, they are grown up enough to decide for themselves but when they get sick or hurt they run back to mom.
She’s a 29 year old grown woman now who lives a few states away, but yeah I’ll try to stay on top of it. It won’t matter how many more articles or videos I send her now tho, her mind’s made up. I’ve kept them all informed during ALL THIS, so I did what I could. F#{.€*£¥~ck it.
Young kids and adults have a chance to survive the experimental jabs. But for many us closer to 50 and over 50 it is for sure a death jab.
Yes, I agree 👍🏽
Is she willing to watch videos about it? If so, there are a lot out there. One of the main points brought up in the videos, as I'm sure you're aware, is the lack of knowledge on how it will effect fertility in the future.
The last really good one I watched was Dr. David E. Martin on He did an interview with Stew Peters and it was great.
She’s fully aware as I’ve kept all my family informed since this began. She knows. I think her rockstar beau is probably there Ya have it. I told her kids are off the table. That’s as far as I went with any anger I communicated. She’s my best friend too. Sh1t.
My heart breaks for you. My Mom is my best friend and I couldn’t keep her from getting the shots. She even went back and got the third one. I’ve been grieving. She’s elderly, but it has taken me quite some time to process. Big Hugs, fren. Will be praying for your daughter.
How’s she doing? The elderly risk is SO high.
So far, okay. She is 83, and exhibiting signs of dementia since the original shots, but it’s hard to know at that age. My kiddos are teens and many of their friends parents have forced the shots. Much love. This world seems so upside down right now!
There are so many extremely credible doctors warning how dangerous the injection is, and how much is still unknown and unstudied (not a good thing when you're talking about genetic therapy!).
In contrast, the arguments pushing the sheep to get injected have proven to be outrageously false and deceptive, over and over again.
For anyone honest and sane, the decision is not even close.
Getting jabbed is nothing less than playing Russian Roulette.
For what benefit? For the young and healthy? ZERO possible benefit.
This young mom didn't want to take the vaccine. But she did, because of societal pressure. And now she's dead. And the media won't even let her family talk honestly about it. Why? 🤔
Are you jabbed or not?
That question is going to hold way more significance than “who did you vote for” and “where were you on 9/11?”
Pure bloods and mud bloods. It ABSOLUTELY will be on my mind during every future date with a pretty girl.
No benefit AGREE. Youth want social’s a weak link in the logic chain.
I've found that people who have already gotten a covid shot are more resistant to hearing/learning about them than those who are on the verge of getting it. It's as if they know they screwed up and don't want confront the possible repercussions of their decision.
I’m so sorry 😢 My 2 daughters told me that they will be getting it also Saturday night and I have been devastated since. One was safe in her job but is about to go in the AF Reserves and knows she will have to do it unless the Plan stops the shots before she has to get it. She is determined to go through with the military since it took her 2 years to get to this point. The other moved from Disney to a major corporation in TX so she wouldn’t have to get the shot. Now the CEO reneged and she got an email Friday. She is afraid her career will be finished if she is fired.
I broke down crying this afternoon. I have been strong for all the crises we’ve had since Mar 2020 but today I lost it. My girls know the shot is poison but feel they have no choice either, like your daughter. My husband and I will get fired before we get them.
We will all have to just keep praying! ❤️
That breaks my heart. Entry into the worlds THEY control depend on vaxx status. Like the luciferian OS UPGRADE. No nanojab, no job. Add-in a little social exclusion & WHAM. Decision made.
How can anyone trust an injection that is being wielded in such an incredibly immoral way? Be homeless or get the jab. It is evil to coerce people in this way.
Great comments fren. I told her that, and she’s been receptive towards me for years. She was born in Saudi Arabia and is just so smart, beautiful & just wonderful. A Dad’s apple in his eye. I’ve been Blessed which makes it harder.
My daughter is estranged and in the home of Marxism in higher ed. I pray for her and I have a suspicion she may have gotten the shot. My solace lies in the fact that neither her nor her brother have been vaxxed since 18 months and are physically healthy and strong. Also, it’s becoming “cool” to f Joe Biden and we put some foundation in her before they got to her. God bless and keep praying.
Thanks, I have hope. God has guided me this far. Avoided death in 5 wars, I did. Scurvy lizards won't win this one...
Yes and of course. I came here after hanging up & screamed into the wilderness, Ya know? That’s why I came here...HOME.
Whoa Dude...totally honored. Way. 💕
My son was forced to get the jab...he active duty USAF with 13 years in. Get the jab or kicked out with other than honorable discharge. Our government sucks soooooooo bad, im heartbroken and scared for him. He got the J&J bc the government frowns upon that one, so, probably not as lethal as they would like
You’re not alone, at ALL. I just read a comment here couple days ago mirroring your situation. This place can be a support group when needed in a lot of ways. Our Community is solid 👍🏽💕
I want to give most people crap for giving in, but 13 year investment really is cruel coercion by these bastards.
Same here, both adult children vaxxed. My resolve is strong to be around if their health gets bad, as they have children also. We need to be the safe ports in this storm. And because this is this smartest, hardest working place on the internet, research and advice will help us find ways to help. Keep praying too.
That’s what I did after hanging up with her...I came HERE to scream in the wilderness. God heard me, and through y’all I’m back strong again. The WAR IS ON!!
Isaiah 54:17 no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the Lord.
Yes...this is THE WAY. I’m ON the therapeutics, but once jabbed?
Have some ivermectin and NAC on hand
Contact the Dr’s of this list in your area. They will probably prescribe Ivermectin prophylacticly for her. It’s a world wide directory: ivermectin is supposed to protect hormonal glands from the jab.!! Thanx Fren 😎
When things happen that I don't have any control over, & it's making me afraid and upset, I just put it over into the hands of Jesus & let it go. With some things in life, that's all you can do.
Oh I agree wholeheartedly! As we get older and He knows our hearts, with each prayer added more & more miracles occur!! It really IS amazing 💕🙏😇
My brother went and got it because he's in college, I have checked up on him weekly to make sure he isn't sick, he thinks I've lost my mind, he said he hasn't noticed anything unusual though, and so far he's been fine. I'm just hoping that there's already an antidote, I feel like Trump wouldn't have pushed it, if he also hadn't already had something to fix it in the works. In the meantime I made him get some ivermectin and the c and D and zinc, it can't hurt.
Good for you! I’m wondering if Trump really got the Pfizer shot? There was something in the news yesterday about it & figured it was a lie. I haven’t heard squat from him on it, but...
Remember after he had Covid he tweeted about it being great to having immunity after? So, this shows he knew he was immune and therefore had zero reason to consider the clot shot. So I think that’s all a farce.
I’m thinking same. My take is he KNOWS most unvaxxed support him...why support Pfizer?
I think yahoo reported that, I wouldn't count on it, and I think that if he had got a vaccine, he wouldn't touch pfizer with a ten foot pole, they're the worst because of their reputation alone. However, I personally don't think he got it at all, I also don't bother getting doomy when he brings it up, because I know he's always ten steps ahead, he knows something we don't, he just can't tell us yet, he has to keep the upper hand, I'm sure he has his own scientists, just like he has his own security, the man knows most of us are unlikely to take it, and some losses are inevitable in war as well. I feel sad your daughter is taking that step, I cried too when I found out my brother got it, he didn't even tell me until after his second shot. made him promise NO BOOSTERS. And his Zelenko protocol daily, he's been fine so far.
God, I hope he listens NOW?! I think that WAS Yahoo...right. 🤪
No. The only thing Trump got was Regeneron
Yeah, I think so as well.
Show her this image And then explain that the vax is far more dangerous than Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. India has cured countless people with Ivermectin and you don't hear much about Covid in Africa because they pop hydroxychloroquine like candy due to it also curing malaria. Explain that she has other options like eating right exercising taking C,D,Zinc, Quercetin together and getting enough sleep. Inform her that she doesn't have to live in fear. you can buy Ivermectin and have it on hand if you get sick and you will be ok.
What a team we have here...💕😎
My prayers are with you and your daughter ..Keep us informed P44 , Im With you , after my 29 yr old daughter got autism from the Vaxx I did not Vaxx my 28 yr old daughter ...she grew up bragging to her friends how her mother was smart enough to sign medical wavers at her schools ( u could sign wavers back then ) so she didn’t have to take the poison. When I tried to talk to her about this particular jab , she said ..”your ridiculous , it’s fine” and then stormed out of my house ! She refused to admit to me that she got it , I asked her a few times , still still denied it when I asked her what the glue mark was on her arm in the shape of a bandaid , she acted clueless but looked at her arm like ..oh crap , she also told me she didn’t know why she was sick for a few days right after the bandaid on her arm .. we are barely speaking now ..mainly because she left sanity and became a leftist nut job , I can’t say anything to her without her freaking out , she swallowed the BLM BS and everything , I’m a racist now and I never spoke anything racist durin* her life and she knows it , but , that doesn’t matter because I voted for DJT. It’s crazy how she changed was a big part social media the other ...anyway this isn’t about me you wouldn’t know it the way I went on ..guess I’m still really upset as well ..shocked is a better term ! Keep us close and let’s believe all out kids got the placebo . Sorry my Fren !
You’re FINE with me always, I get you. I’m spittin mad. For you, too! I mean...these luciferians have stolen our legacy?! Those uncaring snakes. They STOLE EVERYTHING FROM US!
Thank you , wwg1wga ...really hits home with this situation ..the luciferians think they have our kids , how wrong they are , we will beat this , they will beat this . God wins .. let’s stay close , lifting up each other is all we have and really other than God all we need , !
I’ll never stop believing...count on THAT! 😎💕
So sorry.
Thank you ..yes ..I’m pretty shocked ..she knows what the childhood Vaxx did to her sister and for 27 years she was so happy I spared her from the pharma poison ..and then this , she turned from the the truth , from me and sadly from God as well ..the left has really poisoned her mind or brainwashed or both ! I dont know her anymore , she’s changed that much ! Thank you again
I think there's been a lot of placebos given out in America especially blue states and counties. They know the voting data and they don't want to kill off their base.
I told husband today, if I were desperate to prove I had the jab, I would find someone to bribe that gives the shots and start low and go up, maybe 100^.🤔 Write it on my card and send me on my way. Trust me you go to the right places and it will be easy to find someone.
I was just thinking that earler today..😊
Hopefully it, along with any potential side effects wears off quickly, as the calls for 3rd doses of jab seem to indicate.
TY, I will 👍🏽 She goes on-tour second week of November so that might work? I hope she hasn’t got it YET, and we’re getting the “soft-sell”? I doubt that cuz it’s not-her...she’s honest. ugh this sux
Maybe she'll be getting the saline...