Zooming in on the portion that he’s uncovering, it looks to me like the perspective is underwater with sunlight filtering down. Also see a face/figure in the bottom right corner. Anyone else see that?
$2 million dollars per canvas seems that it's definitely a message to someone about voter canvassing corruption. That whole section was so awkwardly forced it definitely seems to be covert
Well wouldn't THAT be something? If that isn't proof of Q then what is? Imagine if Trump paints a picture of a storm rolling in, and then Dan the Man tweets it.
I met dr. Frank on wednesday and he was talking about things he said were fresh off the press. We were in PA, also known as the keystone state... He brought up canvasing as the next step. I got a call the next day and i am going to be joining the efforts, however they told me they would be sending an NDA so once i sign it theres nothing i can say about this. I'm taking this shit seriously. Btw Dr. Frank said my county was one of the worst if not the worst in PA. The keystone?
lol we thought that back in late Jan but couldnt see the bigger picture form there. Now we know why it couldnt end there and what else had to be done/shown.
Same might apply now. It FEELS like the end but we have no idea what else needs to be shown - may take another year for all we know. We just cannot see the bigger picture form down here. Thats why future proves past.
All I know is if Gates is the first big one to drop, then the big pharma players ie dominos. Everyone’s affected by the vaxx BS so 👀 will be ON. Liquidate them all in a global class action. God wants a world w/out vaccines; The Great Awakening.
The link is to communities.win/c/greatawakening but you are probably on greatawakening.win. They’re the same thing but sometimes they have problems with synching
I have a copy sitting and waiting to be framed. I will have to do it myself as I won’t trust anyone with it. It will be displayed prominently in our house after he pulls this off!
This is brilliant, 100% truth, sarcastic and I can hear his voice as I read it. Love it.
But you know what just dawned on me? He’s doing these for OTHER countries as well. It isn’t all for the US. He knows the world is watching this train wreck and all eyes are on his reactions. He knows the world is very interested in learning what a shadyass POS our current govt is!!
No doubt Donald Trump is painting a Masterpiece. Although it is paint by numbers, the canvas is so large it had to be plotted out. In its current state, lots of red on the left, not quite to the edge and bottom off center. Center far right on the canvas some very dark splash scenes. Too early to tell whether the Donald is using "Realism" or "Ash Can" school techniques, it will be wonderful nonetheless.
Any painting by Donald Trump would sell for millions. Especially is you allowed other countries to bid on it. He could do a short series of medium canvasses that would out sell hunter in no time.
Something I'm curious about with this painting....Trump holds the pallette with his right hand, meaning he's painting left handed? Isn't Trump right handed? I'm not a painter or anything, so maybe I don't get technique, or maybe it's an oversight? (maybe the pic was published inverted?)
Maybe it means absolutely nothing, but being left handed I tend to notice other left handed images, lol.
Ta-da... https://d1n982x60ws541.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/21002605/5d5c68a43f00005c005b1927.jpeg
How could I not believe it was in reference to this
Right? It was the first thing that came to mind!
You're not the only one fren. I completely forgot about the painting.
Yep and 2 million per canvas, is he going to skin some hides😆😆
How in the holy hell could this be a coincidence? What the heck is going on, here? I really hope the hammer is about to fall.
Revealing the Great Awakening.
Yep and didn’t he just say that he’d begin immediately
Pull that fukin cover off Donald now please we are running out of time
Fren this train has no brakes.
Wow I miss when I felt like our train had no brakes.
When it approaches light speed the sensation of velocity diminishes...hold-on tight fren, I’m thinkin we need more coal on the fire 🔥
Zooming in on the portion that he’s uncovering, it looks to me like the perspective is underwater with sunlight filtering down. Also see a face/figure in the bottom right corner. Anyone else see that?
Watch the water?
Yeah it does kinda look like it's underwater looking up. Just someone hanging out and watching the water.
Ya, I see a head with horns. Looks like the devil. Like maybe that's underwater in the swamp. Evil is at the bottom and he's exposing it.
Yeah, actually I do. Came back here to see if anyone else noticed. Only when zoomed out, though.
To me it looks like a rabbit face
Someone else said they are President Trump's parents.
$2 million dollars per canvas
seems that it's definitely a message to someone about voter canvassing corruption. That whole section was so awkwardly forced it definitely seems to be covertGood eye anon
$2M is what stuck to me, too.
he keeps bringing that up
How do you do the code block formatting? The quote format is too big I'd like to use that now that I see it.
Normal ... `
inside backticks
`Awesome thanks!
Well wouldn't THAT be something? If that isn't proof of Q then what is? Imagine if Trump paints a picture of a storm rolling in, and then Dan the Man tweets it.
That’s what I was wondering. Seems to me that Dan probably tweeted this.
Edit: Dan did tweet it. Look for link in this thread.
trolling at its finest backed by facts.
He better follow through and make paintings!
He will
I'm praying it's not "Michele" in a bikini
How sick would it be if Trumps first painting was literally a painting of a tweet, from Trump, saying "My Fellow Americans..."
I'd literally spin in glee lol
I 10-fingered Ya to 17👍🏽
Q post 270: "Paint the picture"
Also these:
I met dr. Frank on wednesday and he was talking about things he said were fresh off the press. We were in PA, also known as the keystone state... He brought up canvasing as the next step. I got a call the next day and i am going to be joining the efforts, however they told me they would be sending an NDA so once i sign it theres nothing i can say about this. I'm taking this shit seriously. Btw Dr. Frank said my county was one of the worst if not the worst in PA. The keystone?
Hey if you think my idea leads anywhere i put together a post with some more thought into it, i think it deserves some eyes https://greatawakening.win/p/13zgSNadaD/could-be-big-theory-on-trumps-la/
Trump mentions "Immediately begin" twice
Immediately begin.
Begin Immediately.
You forgot checking by words. So here we have too:
I wouldn't guarantee it has sense but, just in case.
I'm scrubbing though upcoming deltas. Potential "happening" dates:
October 17th - Enjoy the Show! "Biblical"
October 22nd - Booms
October 28th - Q's start.
October 31st - Countdown "Are you ready to take back control of this Country? "
November 2nd - "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......."
November 4th - All 3 Movies Now Playing
November 5th - Q is "now operational."
November 7th - "Red Line" Crossed
November 11th - indictments/DECLAS
lol we thought that back in late Jan but couldnt see the bigger picture form there. Now we know why it couldnt end there and what else had to be done/shown.
Same might apply now. It FEELS like the end but we have no idea what else needs to be shown - may take another year for all we know. We just cannot see the bigger picture form down here. Thats why future proves past.
All I know is if Gates is the first big one to drop, then the big pharma players ie dominos. Everyone’s affected by the vaxx BS so 👀 will be ON. Liquidate them all in a global class action. God wants a world w/out vaccines; The Great Awakening.
Make it a post!
That was what I thought when he mentioned painting. I am sure we who are paying attention are supposed to think that, too. 👍
Woohoo, pinned. We did it!
Hmmm...clean Bill (Clinton) of health??
Our Country is crooked as Hill(ary)?
Hhmmm INDEED 😎
Thanks for the link!!
The link is to communities.win/c/greatawakening but you are probably on greatawakening.win. They’re the same thing but sometimes they have problems with synching
Replace “communities.win/c/GreatAwakening” with “greatawakening.win”
Bravo sir...just bravo
Holy comms, masterpiece to begin immediately... Not in 2 weeks.
Interesting wording regarding HB... "A clean bill of health" is Hunter sick? Could this be comms about Billy C?
I really wish I had 2 million dollars right now . Would look great over my fireplace. dagnabbit
You can have it cheaper than that, fren:
29 dollars, worth it, tried to buy. "Estimate shipping and tax" -> "Choose country"
First and only entry in the country option selector - "United States"
I have a copy sitting and waiting to be framed. I will have to do it myself as I won’t trust anyone with it. It will be displayed prominently in our house after he pulls this off!
I have one tucked away too.. can't wait.
Give it two seconds and the Chinese will have it rolling off their printing presses for $15 a piece.
I agree!
The genius of the plan. Get Hunter painting and now Trump talks about it. I cannot wait to see this unfold!
This is brilliant, 100% truth, sarcastic and I can hear his voice as I read it. Love it.
But you know what just dawned on me? He’s doing these for OTHER countries as well. It isn’t all for the US. He knows the world is watching this train wreck and all eyes are on his reactions. He knows the world is very interested in learning what a shadyass POS our current govt is!!
OP... How did you add that context link???
Mod was able to do it. 👍
Gotcha. It would be nice to have that option available for general use!
That said, I wish the mod put the actual Q drop with the painting instead!
No doubt Donald Trump is painting a Masterpiece. Although it is paint by numbers, the canvas is so large it had to be plotted out. In its current state, lots of red on the left, not quite to the edge and bottom off center. Center far right on the canvas some very dark splash scenes. Too early to tell whether the Donald is using "Realism" or "Ash Can" school techniques, it will be wonderful nonetheless.
Any painting by Donald Trump would sell for millions. Especially is you allowed other countries to bid on it. He could do a short series of medium canvasses that would out sell hunter in no time.
On what do you apply the paint on a painting?
A canvas…
Actually he might be joking but I actually think if he started to paint he could sell his paintings for millions of dollars.
In 100 years they could be worth 100 times that.
I’m reminded of BClinton IN the blue dress 👗
I know we have this same question every time, but I lost the link
Can anyone link to the sauce that 45 really made that statement?
Something I'm curious about with this painting....Trump holds the pallette with his right hand, meaning he's painting left handed? Isn't Trump right handed? I'm not a painter or anything, so maybe I don't get technique, or maybe it's an oversight? (maybe the pic was published inverted?)
Maybe it means absolutely nothing, but being left handed I tend to notice other left handed images, lol.
There is gold fringe on the American flag. ??
It all depends on Durham. If Mccabe goes down or not. Hopefully, Biden will not be able to issue pardons to these criminals.
To me it looks like "Return of the __________"
I can't read under return of the.
I remember kappy talked about return of the king. It doesn't look like king though
I see the word “return” and what looks like a date...202 is all I can make out.
Well that would explain why there are numbers. Could have sworn I saw a 202 but I'm zooming on my phone so pic quality isn't great.
Ok I'll have another look
Having another look it appears like above return it says Q0317 or something?
And above that FLY?
I can't see anything above but I for sure see the word "return"...
It might be that, but that said, Trump probably could really make a painting and get two million for it. He should do it just to show them up.
The master shitposter
He'll be unveiling something....soon
Not gonna lie, if I had that kind of money I’d buy a Trump painting.
The Trump Card...in oil on canvas. 💥