Every time some doomer clown tries to tell me there is no plan, I have to remind myself about the abnormal amount of coincidences I've seen in just 10 months.
I know. Lately I've had some bad days as our time line circles the downward flush. And then something like this happens. But spring is a long time away. *And the wind sings in a voice of amber the dawn is surely coming. The morning road leads to Sralingrad and the sky is softly humming.'" Al Stewart
So true! I feel something coming too. There are so many blazing lights in the gloom. Durham seems huge. I mean 81K pages of discovery? And the audits keep advancing like a slow tide moving in...like the criminals are tied to stakes in Traitor's Gate at the Tower of London as the Thames rises.
Roads to Moscow from Past, Present and Future. Up vote for Al Stewart, alone. The greatest bard of our time. I probably learned more history from him than I did in school! 😄 I have just about all of his albums. Life Between the Wars is one of his best, IMHO.
It’d be good to also see a stats person make a statistical model and calculate likelihood it is just coincidence. Probable that it is close to zero by now
Exactly i started off as a Q skeptic but as so many things kept on lining up it became kinda impossible to ignore, combine that with the fact that the evil ones are so terrified by Q makes me see it even more.
Either Q is real of Trump would have disavowed it long ago when millions of his most die-hard support base began following the info in the Q drops.
He could have easily disavowed it to nothingness in a single tweet, or in that press conf when the bubblehead asked him about this conspiracy thing that's against child trafficking. Instead Trump said "Is that supposed to be a bad thing or a good thing?" and "I don't know anything about them but they seem like great people who love Trump and love our country."
If it was a Larp....it is one where Trump and the military is in on it.
So either he is either biggest evil of all giving half the world false hope in the most elaborate psyop in human history, so to crush everyones hopes to utter bits before the 1000 years of darkness reigns, or its all real.
If it's a psyop the world is doomed.
But either way...Trump is in on it.
One problem with this, did Dan control that the word TRUTH is in the Q post, so he could tweet the name of the new social media by TRUMP that "just happens"too be TRUTH?
Not dooming at all. I was just pointing out that it's very easy to appear to be playing 5D chess when you're referencing historical predictions. To your point, it's a bit less "coincidental" in this case, since Dan didn't have any control over the name of Trump's platform.
Now this leads me to wonder what the 1 year delta for Q's last post will entail (12/8/2020). Is Q predicting MASS resistance to the mandates in 7 weeks?
Dec 8 is the date in Brandon’s EO for when all fed contractors must be jabbed or be fired. I know that’s my last day of employment and same for countless others across multiple sectors. We are standing up and resisting tyranny en masse that day.
There's a difference between federal employees and contractors. I also work for a contractor and the deadline is 12/8. I'm trying to figure out whether to file for exemption or take my chances on early retirement. This thing should be overturned completely without exceptions, so I don't want to beg to keep my job and sign up for weekly testing.
Linking articles is great and all. I personally work in a facility that is implementing these "mandates" The deadline IS Dec. 8th at our facility and at all other facilities similar to mine. They have stated that you need to be this and that on these dates based on which type of gene therapy injection is taken. The point of all this is are they going to fire everyone? Those of us that do not comply will find out. There are 100s at my facility that will not. So far there are emails saying this with nothing backing it up. No policies written internally, nothing, just threats and verbal statements. Fact checking these dates is a pointless endeavor. Anyone who has chosen their personal freedom and civil rights isnt going to comply regardless of what the frivolous EO mandate says.
And White House releasing their way of distributing the vaccine for kids. They plan to start jabbing them in a few short weeks. The meeting to “approve” the EUA for 5-12 yo hasn’t even happened yet and Biden’s admin already has their plans in place. Sketch.
Off topic comment re White House set used by Biden and Harris which is located in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building / South Court Auditorium.
Listen to these opening remarks made by Vice President Pence on 18 December 2020 at the ceremony commemorating the 1 year anniversary of the establishment of U.S. Space Force held in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building / South Court Auditorium. Especially this part... "On behalf of The First Family..." then this...
"Well, thank you all for being here today... to Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller, to the Secretary of the Air Force Barbara Barrett, to General Hyten, General Jay Raymond, General James Dickinson, General David Thompson and General David Allvin.
On behalf of The First Family... welcome to the White House,
And welcome to the first anniversary of that branch of our armed forces that will ensure for generations that America remains as dominant in space as we are on land, on sea and air.
Welcome to the first anniversary of the United States Space Force.
Many kind things have been said about your Vice President, but I have to tell you I am the second biggest champion of the Space Force in this administration.
So as we begin allow me to bring greetings and first anniversary congratulations from a champion of everyone that wears the uniform of the the United States and the founder of the United States Space Force.
I bring greetings and congratulations from the 45th President of the United States, President Donald Trump."
Norman you brilliant, brilliant man. If we ever get a chance to meet in person I'm going to just give you a big hug!
I don't see your posts often enough and I'm always absolutely amazed at your decodes. Even after this all ends I hope we can keep a com decode group going, we will need to keep being watchdogs to make sure the deepstate does not rise again.
It is a set, but not the Eisenhower. auditorium. The "press" are Biden's in-house photogs and reporters, and are sitting in foldout chairs and what look to be repurposed old airplane chairs ( PDJT's leftovers after an upgrade?) The Eisenhower auditorium is large with stadium seating and red chairs. The set showed none of that. It is obviously a set with monitors appearing as Windows (their screensaver is a White House graphic) but it is not the Eisenhower auditorium, it could be anywhere.
Await your analysis of NY POST article with photo of set and the second link showing a shot of the stage to the right of the South Court auditorium before the seats were removed and the stage extended forward.
Note the single exit door prominent in the post photo is just visible up in the upper left of the video shot (this is from earlier in the 18 December 2020 video in which Pence makes his remarks in comment above).
I didn't ask you to watch the vid... I asked you to compare the the shot in NY Post photo in the article and the shot in the video that shows the same side perspective of the auditorium.
Why are you even wasting your time trying to make a point without having looked at the link that shows the room before the stage was extended forward (and that refutes your rejection of the room being the same because the South Auditorium in the EEOB is three tiered.)
I have no clue what your are trying to prove with the link to the Kennedy Center and photos of the auditoriums there. It is ludicrous.
In the photo and the link to the vid provided, compare the type of carpet, the color of the carpet, compare the paint on the walls, compare exactly were the audience floor elevation risers are located, compare the type and color of permanent seats (remaining after the stage extension) in the NY times photo and the seats in the shot from the video before the stage was extended. They are all exactly the same minus the seats removed to accommodate the stage extension (with the faux wood flooring).
Look just above the head of the SS agent in the NY Post photo and you can make out something that looks like a small dark square on the wall... it is also in the same spot in the video that shows this segment of the wall... as well as its relationship to the hand rail, and the visible handrail in both shots is also exactly the same type and in the same location in both shots.
What does bringing in folding chairs have anything to do with whether or not these are both the same room?
Just admit you are wrong, move on, and quit wasting everyone's time.
"The set where Biden was pictured — which is complete with professional monitors and lighting — is located in the South Court Auditorium of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which is across from the White House."
Light ing means nothing, these are clamp lights easily changed depending on the situation.
My point was that it was not the Eisenhower Auditorium that Trump did use, it is probably the South Court. The link was to show 5he many theaters within that complex.
Another point that still stands is that they are sitting in foldout chairs, some in chairs that look like repurposed airplane chairs and the shots clearly show there are only a few dozen "photos and press". As a photographer, I have proven in the recent past, the photogs are all using the same equipment, the same that resident Biden's in-house use, yet the photographs are wrongly attributed to SP, Reuters, etc.
It likely is the South Court, but I would like to see a picture of the South Court with monitors displaying the Rose Garden and a responsible explanation as to why this is being staged. If you can't provide that, than you should move on.
Note this user avoids the whole point of the original comment and attempts a redirection and engages in a losing argument ad infinitum.
24 day old account (probably throwaway) used to shill to no purpose.
Check vacuous comment history.
You Will Know Them by Their Fruits
15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them. (Matthew 7:15-20
Calm the Fuck down, faggot. The stage may likely to be the South Court, a small room within the huge complex of the Eisenhauer. The question is why it was staged to look out onto the Rose garden via monitors? Why is the Oval not used as it always has been?
Your bible quotes mean nothing in this conversation. As a Christian, it is blasphemous to hear his words used in treacherous ways. So GTFO with your ridiculous excuses and twisting the word of Gid. Do not respond. Hope. Seethe. Dilate.
2 - On behalf of The First Family... welcome to the White House,
6 - So as we begin allow me to bring greetings and first anniversary congratulations from a champion of everyone that wears the uniform of the the United States and the founder of the United States Space Force.
7 - I bring greetings and congratulations from the 45th President of the United States, President Donald Trump."
It would seem that the 45th POTUS, DJT, was not part of the First Family, unless Pence was being redundant... don't think so.
There's the First Family and the White House, and then there's DJT, the 45th POTUS. We are talking about 2 governments. Perhaps the United States of America, and the United States? Was Pence part of the First Family since he was welcoming on their behalf? DJT had referenced many times the plan to take back the "white house" which we now know is the EEO. Successful? Took it back and installed Pence as President?
I think this is far from over we will get Geotus back soon, but there's going to be a lot of work ahead of us. Stay with us Anon we will need all hands on deck.
His " art collection" is about a 1 on a scale of 100 pertaining to his massive crimes and depravities. I will pray for strength for you, as this is darker than you could imagine. God bless you!
Oh I know, and thank you I appreciate the prayers, some of the things I've learned not just about podesta, but the embassy arts program, and about what happens in those so called swimming pool with nooses at the vanderbilt mansion shake me to my core. I'm a mom first and now a grandma, My babies are my heart.
I didn't capitalize their names on purpose they don't deserve that kind of respect.
I remember before I found Q some of the videos I watched last summer, there was a video of a high up banker they had him doing human sacrifices not actually murdering people but doing things that caused their deaths making it seem normal, and then he talked about how they were trying to get him to sacrifice children and he refused, of course this was since deleted from youtube, all my links are invalid now.
I also watched and listened over and over to the Charlie Freak takedown of the cabal videos he did three very long ones I still watch them when I can find them.
I know even these don't come close to the horrors of what these people have done. I've gone down a lot of rabbitholes. I'm not even going to go into the MK ultra things I've learned, and how they've manipulated the masses.3
I think one of the hardest things people are going to go through is that their trust has been broken, we grew up believing our lives to be so secure and things aren't really as bad as the "conspiracy theorists say." They're right...things are worse than we say.
Before I found Q I was praying when I saw what was going to happen with the virus in early 2020, I said God there are evil people with horrible plans out there I have to believe that there are good men out there working against them, and that's when He lead me to Q it took me until January this year to find this place, but I was looking
(original comment submitted 22 October 2020... see comment history for different versions and analysis over time. See link below for OP following version (very minor edits)
21 October 2020 / Trump Rally / Gastonia N.C.
Q drops and Trump Tweets message externals exhibit a complex identification validation and serial number synchronization pattern.
this is a little complex (and dated) so read it through a couple of times.
Q is Q.
P is Q+ - President Trump
all time converted to UTC time (ZULU-Military time).
below is some further analysis from some time ago when the vote hacking stories started coming out... it my be OBE by now, but still of interest for its perspective at the time:
pay close attention to pattern described in video above about vote ratio transfer, the pattern of POTUS and Q drop synchronization detailed below, and both POTUS and Q using BOOMS in rally speech and Q drops on 10/21/2020
P 21996 (20:48:22)
P 21997
P 21998
P 21000
P 21001
P 21002
P 21003
P 21004
P 21005
P 21006
P 21007
P 21008
P 21009
P 21010
P 21011
P 21012
P 21013 (22:41:26)
Q.. 4918 (22:43:55) Last Q drop this day (Zulu time)
23:12:18 Z POTUS steps from behind two large American flags,
...................hanging like curtains / Gastonia Municipal Airport, NC Rally
23:15:38 Z "WOW! This is a big crowd! This is one hell of a big crowd!
..................Well I want to thank everybody. Thank you, Gastonia. Gastonia.
..................Thank you, Gastonia. Beautiful name."
23:16:10 Z "Thirteen Days. Can you believe it. Thirteen Days.
...................Thirteen Days from now and you'll see what's going on.
...................You'll see BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM."
00:31:49 Z POTUS ends speech at Gastonia / song YMCA begins to play
..................(3 seconds until first Q drop 4919.)
Q..4919 (00:31:51)
P 22014
P 22015
P 22016
P 22017
P 22018
P 22019 (POTUS and Q now in sync)
Q.. 4920 (00:58:24 Z)
Q.. 4921 (00:58:40 Z)
P 22020 (01:24:30 Z)
P 22021 (01:29:04 Z)
Q.. 4922 (01:32:00 Z)
P 22022 (01:47:18 Z)
Q.. 4923 (01:55:05 Z)
P 22023 (02:01:58 Z)
Q.. 4924 (02:21:53 Z) "BOOMS ENROUTE TOMORROW
.................................. This is not a drill"
...................................(Note repeat Trump boom refs in speech)
note the repetition of Thirteen Days. This is the title to Robert F. Kennedy's memoir of the Cuban missile crises. The 21st of October is within the day / date timeline of the Cuban Missile Crises.
Sorry I'm dense...trying to understand because that is all very interesting...
"message externals exhibit a complex identification validation and serial number synchronization pattern." I get where the Q #'s are coming from, but what about P's tweets? For example, is 22020 the actual # of that particular tweet? I'm not on Twitter so I don't know how they have a "serial number"...?
Malwarebytes flagged the website because it "may contain malware activity". Is this indicating that the people who make malwarebytes are leftists, or is the site truly a risk?
Maybe your malwarebytes are set too high. It's a link from this very site. I don't have malwarebytes on my pc. I just use windows defender as my antivirus.
Now if Scavino had tweeted "So many people refuse still to admit the evils in the world. They're going to need to see a lot more," or something similar, then THAT would have really been something to crow and hoot about. :)
You COULD say that they are following the Q posts and then acting accordingly, but the current actions do seem well planned for this time, so Q would have been laying out a workable plan 1 to 3 years ahead of time even if Dan Scavino and company had nothing to do with Q. In such a case, Q would have laid out a plan and left it to be implemented by whoever was willing. It is more believable, however, the Scavino or Associates took an active role in formulating that plan.
the only thing that scares me about all this is bible prophecy where it says no one will be able to buy or sell without taking the number of the beast, otherwise I know we are the majority but we dont have the money or the defense to fight these killers. I have a feeling there is going to be a lot of bloodshed when we paint them into the corner enough where they don't have anywhere to go but attack us and when they attack us, its going to be very bad. I hope this is not that time and we can defeat the globalists but they are quickly implementing their plan, do you feel the rush?
You have a valid point it also says there will be one world government we just don't know if it's now or the enemy gets beaten back for 50 or 100 or more years. Pray and live your life to please God and trust Him
Every time some doomer clown tries to tell me there is no plan, I have to remind myself about the abnormal amount of coincidences I've seen in just 10 months.
I know. Lately I've had some bad days as our time line circles the downward flush. And then something like this happens. But spring is a long time away. *And the wind sings in a voice of amber the dawn is surely coming. The morning road leads to Sralingrad and the sky is softly humming.'" Al Stewart
Stay strong pede, I feel you on those bad days!
So true! I feel something coming too. There are so many blazing lights in the gloom. Durham seems huge. I mean 81K pages of discovery? And the audits keep advancing like a slow tide moving in...like the criminals are tied to stakes in Traitor's Gate at the Tower of London as the Thames rises.
81K pages for one indictment! ONE!
Durham is an absolute SAVAGE and NCSWIC!
I gave it you're 17! Thank you patriot!
For those that hold steadfast the "nothing is going to happen" just how long do you think the Cabal can continue on in the way things are going?
Roads to Moscow from Past, Present and Future. Up vote for Al Stewart, alone. The greatest bard of our time. I probably learned more history from him than I did in school! 😄 I have just about all of his albums. Life Between the Wars is one of his best, IMHO.
Spring? What happened to “red October”?
Goalposts moved yet again.
Caesar: “The ides of March are come." Soothsayer: "Ay, Caesar; but not gone.”
We need a book of coincidences to go over from time to time
There is. Not updated in a while probably. Book of proofs, should be on the sidebar of desktop version.
It’d be good to also see a stats person make a statistical model and calculate likelihood it is just coincidence. Probable that it is close to zero by now
A post-grad from MIT took a crack at it, but he wound up abandoning it because it proved Q was real and he wasn't a believer.
Nice he got rekt with maths and could not take the truth :)
That sounds fascinating. I'm pretty well read in statistics myself. Whatever model he came up with would be fascinating to read.
It was pre-8kun, he posted it all to 8chan, I'm sure someone saved it.
TIL! ThanQ
Haha that’s funny. You can bring a horse to water...
Exactly i started off as a Q skeptic but as so many things kept on lining up it became kinda impossible to ignore, combine that with the fact that the evil ones are so terrified by Q makes me see it even more.
Coincidence= 0 ( maybe a bit more, but rare)
Ah excuse me, are you saying there are no coincidences?
Habbenings are made to happen. There are coincidences in life, surely, but on the tel-lie-vised world stage, they are rare, if not nonexistent.
Either Q is real or Q is literally Dan Scavino 5D chess trolling us. Honestly I'm impressed either way.
Either Q is real of Trump would have disavowed it long ago when millions of his most die-hard support base began following the info in the Q drops.
He could have easily disavowed it to nothingness in a single tweet, or in that press conf when the bubblehead asked him about this conspiracy thing that's against child trafficking. Instead Trump said "Is that supposed to be a bad thing or a good thing?" and "I don't know anything about them but they seem like great people who love Trump and love our country."
It's real, doomers. Get over yourselves.
Indeed. If it was a Larp....it is one where Trump and the military is in on it.
So either he is either biggest evil of all giving half the world false hope in the most elaborate psyop in human history, so to crush everyones hopes to utter bits before the 1000 years of darkness reigns, or its all real.
If it's a psyop the world is doomed. But either way...Trump is in on it.
Lol same🐸👌🇺🇸
Lol love you feelsgoodman. Your emoji string is practically trademark by now.
Ha, thanks! I'm sure it annoys anti-emoji people, but 🐸👌🇺🇸❤😁is such a succinct way to say it all!
Trump would be in on it if the latter were the case.
wanted to upvote this but they were at 17 :)
Or Dan Scavino is intentionally tweeting based on historical Q posts. Doesn't require too much 5D chess to do that.
One problem with this, did Dan control that the word TRUTH is in the Q post, so he could tweet the name of the new social media by TRUMP that "just happens"too be TRUTH?
Nice try to doom this one.
Not dooming at all. I was just pointing out that it's very easy to appear to be playing 5D chess when you're referencing historical predictions. To your point, it's a bit less "coincidental" in this case, since Dan didn't have any control over the name of Trump's platform.
Another 1-Year Delta for Tomorrow
Now this leads me to wonder what the 1 year delta for Q's last post will entail (12/8/2020). Is Q predicting MASS resistance to the mandates in 7 weeks?
Dec 8 is the date in Brandon’s EO for when all fed contractors must be jabbed or be fired. I know that’s my last day of employment and same for countless others across multiple sectors. We are standing up and resisting tyranny en masse that day.
Fucking badasses is what you are for standing up like this. Your descendants will know what you stood for.
Hmm interdasting. 12/8 might be a big day
Except that's not the deadline: https://federalnewsnetwork.com/workforce/2021/09/biden-administration-sets-november-deadline-for-federal-employee-vaccine-mandate/
Perhaps he was referring to this: https://www.natlawreview.com/article/safer-federal-workforce-task-force-publishes-guidance-contractor-covid-19-vaccine
No it's not, it's early November. Don't just make shit up.
There's a difference between federal employees and contractors. I also work for a contractor and the deadline is 12/8. I'm trying to figure out whether to file for exemption or take my chances on early retirement. This thing should be overturned completely without exceptions, so I don't want to beg to keep my job and sign up for weekly testing.
That's not true either.
"The mandate requires employees to be fully vaccinated, which is typically considered two weeks after the vaccine dose is administered—Nov. 24, 2021."
If you haven't gotten the first shot by November, you're already out the door.
Linking articles is great and all. I personally work in a facility that is implementing these "mandates" The deadline IS Dec. 8th at our facility and at all other facilities similar to mine. They have stated that you need to be this and that on these dates based on which type of gene therapy injection is taken. The point of all this is are they going to fire everyone? Those of us that do not comply will find out. There are 100s at my facility that will not. So far there are emails saying this with nothing backing it up. No policies written internally, nothing, just threats and verbal statements. Fact checking these dates is a pointless endeavor. Anyone who has chosen their personal freedom and civil rights isnt going to comply regardless of what the frivolous EO mandate says.
This is the guidance that was used by my university and others to choose the date 12/8. enter text
Wasn’t it just shown how Pfizer was experimenting on children to make the vaccine?
And White House releasing their way of distributing the vaccine for kids. They plan to start jabbing them in a few short weeks. The meeting to “approve” the EUA for 5-12 yo hasn’t even happened yet and Biden’s admin already has their plans in place. Sketch.
Off topic comment re White House set used by Biden and Harris which is located in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building / South Court Auditorium.
Listen to these opening remarks made by Vice President Pence on 18 December 2020 at the ceremony commemorating the 1 year anniversary of the establishment of U.S. Space Force held in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building / South Court Auditorium. Especially this part... "On behalf of The First Family..." then this...
https://youtu.be/UfDTXnjMcgg?t=1263 (timestamp / start VP Pence remarks)
More to hear than meets the ear I fear.
Begin transcript:
"Well, thank you all for being here today... to Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller, to the Secretary of the Air Force Barbara Barrett, to General Hyten, General Jay Raymond, General James Dickinson, General David Thompson and General David Allvin.
On behalf of The First Family... welcome to the White House,
And welcome to the first anniversary of that branch of our armed forces that will ensure for generations that America remains as dominant in space as we are on land, on sea and air.
Welcome to the first anniversary of the United States Space Force.
Many kind things have been said about your Vice President, but I have to tell you I am the second biggest champion of the Space Force in this administration.
So as we begin allow me to bring greetings and first anniversary congratulations from a champion of everyone that wears the uniform of the the United States and the founder of the United States Space Force.
I bring greetings and congratulations from the 45th President of the United States, President Donald Trump."
End transcript.
Reconcile paragraph 2 with paragraphs 6/7.
Something is off.
cc: u/MAGAdeburger u/v8power
Comments above from:
Note the Old Executive Office building address is on 17th street and took 17 years to build.
Norman you brilliant, brilliant man. If we ever get a chance to meet in person I'm going to just give you a big hug!
I don't see your posts often enough and I'm always absolutely amazed at your decodes. Even after this all ends I hope we can keep a com decode group going, we will need to keep being watchdogs to make sure the deepstate does not rise again.
HunnyB... watch the entire video... then read comments in this thread.
Its a long long read... save it for when you have time.
I will, thank you Norman.
It is a set, but not the Eisenhower. auditorium. The "press" are Biden's in-house photogs and reporters, and are sitting in foldout chairs and what look to be repurposed old airplane chairs ( PDJT's leftovers after an upgrade?) The Eisenhower auditorium is large with stadium seating and red chairs. The set showed none of that. It is obviously a set with monitors appearing as Windows (their screensaver is a White House graphic) but it is not the Eisenhower auditorium, it could be anywhere.
Await your analysis of NY POST article with photo of set and the second link showing a shot of the stage to the right of the South Court auditorium before the seats were removed and the stage extended forward.
Note the single exit door prominent in the post photo is just visible up in the upper left of the video shot (this is from earlier in the 18 December 2020 video in which Pence makes his remarks in comment above).
Compare them carefully... (no snark)
No time to watch the Pence vid, but these are all rooms within the Kennedy Center:
The Eisenhauer Auditorian is huge, three tied. They may have shooting their movie in the South Court (or something resembling it)
It still doesn't answer the question as to why they were sitting in foldout chairs.
Sorry Hugh...
I didn't ask you to watch the vid... I asked you to compare the the shot in NY Post photo in the article and the shot in the video that shows the same side perspective of the auditorium.
Why are you even wasting your time trying to make a point without having looked at the link that shows the room before the stage was extended forward (and that refutes your rejection of the room being the same because the South Auditorium in the EEOB is three tiered.)
I have no clue what your are trying to prove with the link to the Kennedy Center and photos of the auditoriums there. It is ludicrous.
In the photo and the link to the vid provided, compare the type of carpet, the color of the carpet, compare the paint on the walls, compare exactly were the audience floor elevation risers are located, compare the type and color of permanent seats (remaining after the stage extension) in the NY times photo and the seats in the shot from the video before the stage was extended. They are all exactly the same minus the seats removed to accommodate the stage extension (with the faux wood flooring).
Look just above the head of the SS agent in the NY Post photo and you can make out something that looks like a small dark square on the wall... it is also in the same spot in the video that shows this segment of the wall... as well as its relationship to the hand rail, and the visible handrail in both shots is also exactly the same type and in the same location in both shots.
What does bringing in folding chairs have anything to do with whether or not these are both the same room?
Just admit you are wrong, move on, and quit wasting everyone's time.
Ceiling acoustical panels and lighting... South Court Auditorium before stage extension and seat removal for use as set for Biden admin...
Ceiling acoustical panels and lighting... South Court Auditorium after stage extension and seat removal for use as set for Biden admin...
From the NY Post article linked above...
"The set where Biden was pictured — which is complete with professional monitors and lighting — is located in the South Court Auditorium of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which is across from the White House."
Compare and reconcile your earlier statements.
Light ing means nothing, these are clamp lights easily changed depending on the situation.
My point was that it was not the Eisenhower Auditorium that Trump did use, it is probably the South Court. The link was to show 5he many theaters within that complex.
Another point that still stands is that they are sitting in foldout chairs, some in chairs that look like repurposed airplane chairs and the shots clearly show there are only a few dozen "photos and press". As a photographer, I have proven in the recent past, the photogs are all using the same equipment, the same that resident Biden's in-house use, yet the photographs are wrongly attributed to SP, Reuters, etc.
It likely is the South Court, but I would like to see a picture of the South Court with monitors displaying the Rose Garden and a responsible explanation as to why this is being staged. If you can't provide that, than you should move on.
https://youtu.be/DyOdbkXEx9k?t=42 (2 min, 17 sec)
cc: u/MAGAdeburger u/v8power
Note this user avoids the whole point of the original comment and attempts a redirection and engages in a losing argument ad infinitum.
24 day old account (probably throwaway) used to shill to no purpose.
Check vacuous comment history.
You Will Know Them by Their Fruits
15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them. (Matthew 7:15-20
I am not arguing... I am proving.
Hugh is the one pissing into the wind.
I think you struck somebody's nerve 😉
Calm the Fuck down, faggot. The stage may likely to be the South Court, a small room within the huge complex of the Eisenhauer. The question is why it was staged to look out onto the Rose garden via monitors? Why is the Oval not used as it always has been?
Your bible quotes mean nothing in this conversation. As a Christian, it is blasphemous to hear his words used in treacherous ways. So GTFO with your ridiculous excuses and twisting the word of Gid. Do not respond. Hope. Seethe. Dilate.
2 - On behalf of The First Family... welcome to the White House,
6 - So as we begin allow me to bring greetings and first anniversary congratulations from a champion of everyone that wears the uniform of the the United States and the founder of the United States Space Force.
7 - I bring greetings and congratulations from the 45th President of the United States, President Donald Trump."
Good catch. I see what you mean.
I don't. Care to give us a hint?
First family on 12/18/20 was the Trumps.
"on behalf of the first family" - that is proper - I don't see that referring to anyone other than Trump, MT and B.
Pence is a stickler for etiquette and not bad-mouthing others, I've noticed that over the past 5 years.
Whatever, Norman replied and said the discrepancy is when Pence says welcome to the WH when they were not in the WH.
Good question. Dealing with the steal?
It would seem that the 45th POTUS, DJT, was not part of the First Family, unless Pence was being redundant... don't think so.
There's the First Family and the White House, and then there's DJT, the 45th POTUS. We are talking about 2 governments. Perhaps the United States of America, and the United States? Was Pence part of the First Family since he was welcoming on their behalf? DJT had referenced many times the plan to take back the "white house" which we now know is the EEO. Successful? Took it back and installed Pence as President?
Sorry meant EEOB, Eisenhower Executive Office Building... the "other white house", or as DJT called it, thar big beautiful white house.
Crazy coincidence.
Right as NIH submits document claiming THEY DID fund gain of function.
This means Fauci lied under oath.
Fauci - the fuck needs to fry....
🙏🙏we are near the end.
I think this is far from over we will get Geotus back soon, but there's going to be a lot of work ahead of us. Stay with us Anon we will need all hands on deck.
We're at the beginning of the middle. We have a good idea of where story is going and most of the characters are known.
We’ll see..
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
Yeah sometimes I have to get up and walk away from my computer when I do some deep dives.
One of the worst was when I googled Podesta's artwork collection it's beyond sickening.
His " art collection" is about a 1 on a scale of 100 pertaining to his massive crimes and depravities. I will pray for strength for you, as this is darker than you could imagine. God bless you!
Oh I know, and thank you I appreciate the prayers, some of the things I've learned not just about podesta, but the embassy arts program, and about what happens in those so called swimming pool with nooses at the vanderbilt mansion shake me to my core. I'm a mom first and now a grandma, My babies are my heart.
I didn't capitalize their names on purpose they don't deserve that kind of respect.
I remember before I found Q some of the videos I watched last summer, there was a video of a high up banker they had him doing human sacrifices not actually murdering people but doing things that caused their deaths making it seem normal, and then he talked about how they were trying to get him to sacrifice children and he refused, of course this was since deleted from youtube, all my links are invalid now.
I also watched and listened over and over to the Charlie Freak takedown of the cabal videos he did three very long ones I still watch them when I can find them.
I know even these don't come close to the horrors of what these people have done. I've gone down a lot of rabbitholes. I'm not even going to go into the MK ultra things I've learned, and how they've manipulated the masses.3
I think one of the hardest things people are going to go through is that their trust has been broken, we grew up believing our lives to be so secure and things aren't really as bad as the "conspiracy theorists say." They're right...things are worse than we say.
Before I found Q I was praying when I saw what was going to happen with the virus in early 2020, I said God there are evil people with horrible plans out there I have to believe that there are good men out there working against them, and that's when He lead me to Q it took me until January this year to find this place, but I was looking
(original comment submitted 22 October 2020... see comment history for different versions and analysis over time. See link below for OP following version (very minor edits)
21 October 2020 / Trump Rally / Gastonia N.C.
Q drops and Trump Tweets message externals exhibit a complex identification validation and serial number synchronization pattern.
this is a little complex (and dated) so read it through a couple of times.
Q is Q.
P is Q+ - President Trump
all time converted to UTC time (ZULU-Military time).
first item - Q drop 4904
this picture of the 3 movie posters has been used in several drops.
note time of drop in the embed is 2:17 AM. (The time actually has another significance but way down in the weeds for the subject of this comment.)
note "All [3] movies playing simultaneously."
follow along: 4+9+0+4 (= 17) is the authentication #
i will send (Q to Q+) 17 - [3] = 14 to query.
you send (Q+ to Q) 17 authenticate and confirm
Q sends 14 drops, add [3] = 1st 17 of 2 (Q)
P responds 17 tweets = 2nd 17 of 2 (Q+).
Q sends 1 drop / Q 4918 at 22:43:55 (last msg on 10/21)
Q sends 1 drop / Q 4919 at 00:38:51 (first msg on 10/22)
P sends 6 tweets, final P tweet syncing up Q 4919P 22019
Q sends 4920 / 4921
P sends 22020 / 22021 (sync confirmation).
Q 4922
P responds 22022
Q 4923
P responds 22023
Q 4924 ....../ 4925 .../ 4926 ...... / 4927 ......../ 4928 .../ 4929 ../ 4930 ../ 4931... / 4932
....BOOMS / Wray .../ Haspel .../ Bowditch ../ Bishop / Tyson / Kohler / Bidens / Schiff
below is some further analysis from some time ago when the vote hacking stories started coming out... it my be OBE by now, but still of interest for its perspective at the time:
pay close attention to pattern described in video above about vote ratio transfer, the pattern of POTUS and Q drop synchronization detailed below, and both POTUS and Q using BOOMS in rally speech and Q drops on 10/21/2020
all times ZULU
10/ 21/2020
Q 14 Consecutive Drops
Q.. 4904 (18:24:23 start)
Q.. 4905
Q.. 4906
Q.. 4907
Q.. 4908
Q.. 4909
Q.. 4910
Q.. 4911
Q.. 4912
Q.. 4913
Q.. 4914
Q.. 4915
Q.. 4916
Q.. 4917 (19:06:39 end)
POTUS 17 Consecutive Tweets
P 21996 (20:48:22)
P 21997
P 21998
P 21000
P 21001
P 21002
P 21003
P 21004
P 21005
P 21006
P 21007
P 21008
P 21009
P 21010
P 21011
P 21012
P 21013 (22:41:26)
Q.. 4918 (22:43:55) Last Q drop this day (Zulu time)
23:12:18 Z POTUS steps from behind two large American flags,
...................hanging like curtains / Gastonia Municipal Airport, NC Rally
23:15:38 Z "WOW! This is a big crowd! This is one hell of a big crowd!
..................Well I want to thank everybody. Thank you, Gastonia. Gastonia.
..................Thank you, Gastonia. Beautiful name."
23:16:10 Z "Thirteen Days. Can you believe it. Thirteen Days.
...................Thirteen Days from now and you'll see what's going on.
...................You'll see BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM."
https://youtu.be/RE1LORNwA8E?t=8169 (time stamp/ listen for booms)
10 / 22 / 2020 (Note ZULU Day / Date Change)
00:31:49 Z POTUS ends speech at Gastonia / song YMCA begins to play
..................(3 seconds until first Q drop 4919.)
Q..4919 (00:31:51)
P 22014
P 22015
P 22016
P 22017
P 22018
P 22019 (POTUS and Q now in sync)
Q.. 4920 (00:58:24 Z)
Q.. 4921 (00:58:40 Z)
P 22020 (01:24:30 Z)
P 22021 (01:29:04 Z)
Q.. 4922 (01:32:00 Z)
P 22022 (01:47:18 Z)
Q.. 4923 (01:55:05 Z)
P 22023 (02:01:58 Z)
Q.. 4924 (02:21:53 Z) "BOOMS ENROUTE TOMORROW
.................................. This is not a drill"
...................................(Note repeat Trump boom refs in speech)
Q.. 4925 WRAY (X)
Q.. 4926 HASPEL
Q.. 4928 BISHOP
Q.. 4929 TYSON
Q.. 4930 KOHLER
Q.. 4931 BIDENS
Q.. 4932 SCHIFF
note the repetition of Thirteen Days. This is the title to Robert F. Kennedy's memoir of the Cuban missile crises. The 21st of October is within the day / date timeline of the Cuban Missile Crises.
also note President Trumps statement about "corrupt bargain" from the speech on the 21st of October 2020.
"Joe Biden has made a corrupt bargain in exchange for his party's nomination, which he should have never gotten."
https://youtu.be/RE1LORNwA8E?t=8450 (time stamp/ corrupt bargain)
Corrupt bargain is a term of art in American political history. It is pretty clear why President Trump uses this particular terminology.
see wiki link below for full article.
u/MAGAdeburger u/v8power
(link this comment / copy pasted from two months ago based on original comment from 22 Oct 2020.)
Sorry I'm dense...trying to understand because that is all very interesting... "message externals exhibit a complex identification validation and serial number synchronization pattern." I get where the Q #'s are coming from, but what about P's tweets? For example, is 22020 the actual # of that particular tweet? I'm not on Twitter so I don't know how they have a "serial number"...?
Anyone who actually understands most or all of this, if it's important please give us a synopsis
the END sounds good right now, to see all the storylines come together. can't sleep from trying to figure it out, would love a few resolutions;)
Speaking of which
Big ass white pill
Signed up. Didn't want my phone number. Let's hope it's not another gaslight like gettr and parler.
I don't get the time connection?
Q-post is timestamped 10/21/20
Scavino is timestamped 10/20/21
1 day different, no?
10:21 time stamp too
Ah, thanks.
I don't get the significance of posting a tweet at a time that looks like tomorrow's date, which refers to nothing from Q on that particular date
Yeah, don't mistake a date stamp and a timestamp.
Is said by people too retarded or too careless to bother opening their eyes. Popcorn ready. Brought extra for the salty shills.
Ok. This is almost as good as tippy top!
I love that one.
My favorite is this one. https://qposts.online/post/4095
Stay with me Deplorables, you're going to love how this movie ends.
Malwarebytes flagged the website because it "may contain malware activity". Is this indicating that the people who make malwarebytes are leftists, or is the site truly a risk?
Maybe your malwarebytes are set too high. It's a link from this very site. I don't have malwarebytes on my pc. I just use windows defender as my antivirus.
Tweet time stamp = 10:21
Q drop number = 4910
Q drop date = 10/21 (of 2020)
Tweet time stamp matches Q drop date
Still pretty good
Now if Scavino had tweeted "So many people refuse still to admit the evils in the world. They're going to need to see a lot more," or something similar, then THAT would have really been something to crow and hoot about. :)
Now this is compelling.
We can paint a fuller picture about the end by researching all 'end' and 'last' Q drops.... Hint hint
In Apple store, there's this text
I read that as you sign up for Truth and get a Chinese shit app that lies to you, tracks you and gives you cancer
Edit: I want it, but don't trust Apple to deliver it.
Further info on the new platform > https://apps.apple.com/us/app/truth-social/id1586018825
Please pre-register here > https://truthsocial.com/
You COULD say that they are following the Q posts and then acting accordingly, but the current actions do seem well planned for this time, so Q would have been laying out a workable plan 1 to 3 years ahead of time even if Dan Scavino and company had nothing to do with Q. In such a case, Q would have laid out a plan and left it to be implemented by whoever was willing. It is more believable, however, the Scavino or Associates took an active role in formulating that plan.
the only thing that scares me about all this is bible prophecy where it says no one will be able to buy or sell without taking the number of the beast, otherwise I know we are the majority but we dont have the money or the defense to fight these killers. I have a feeling there is going to be a lot of bloodshed when we paint them into the corner enough where they don't have anywhere to go but attack us and when they attack us, its going to be very bad. I hope this is not that time and we can defeat the globalists but they are quickly implementing their plan, do you feel the rush?
i know our soul is fine but our bodies are not, they are going to romp us
amen sister
You have a valid point it also says there will be one world government we just don't know if it's now or the enemy gets beaten back for 50 or 100 or more years. Pray and live your life to please God and trust Him
How much longer do you think this will last?