A recent German study found a linear relationship between vitamin D levels and mortality from covid, and essentially, zero morbidity for those with a D level above 50 ng/mL.
“At a threshold level of 30 ng/mL, mortality decreases considerably. In addition, our analysis shows that the correlation for the combined datasets intersects the axis at approximately 50 ng/mL, which suggests that this vitamin D3 blood level may prevent any excess mortality."
Studies have already shown that one is 14 times more likely to die from COVID with vitamin D deficiency.
A meta-analysis of 23 published studies containing 11,901 participants found that one who is vitamin D-deficient was 3.3 times more likely to get infected with SARS-CoV-2 than one who is not deficient.
The reality is that most people’s levels are below 30 and many are closer to zero, especially among the elderly population.
With studies having shown zero correlation between lockdowns, masks, and vaccines and better COVID outcomes, there are now 142 studies vouching for the near-perfect correlation between higher vitamin D levels and better outcomes in COVID patients.
It is beyond criminal that 20 months into this endeavor there has not been a national campaign percolating down to primary care physicians to test and supplement vitamin D levels accordingly.
As the authors explain, the main cause of death from COVID stems from a “cytokine storm” when the body’s immune system releases too many toxic cytokines as part of the inflammatory response to the virus.
Vitamin D is the key regulator of those cells, and the insufficient amount of D is nearly synonymous with a greater risk for a cytokine storm.
In many ways, a cytokine storm is literally the outcome of vitamin D deficiency.
And with vitamin D levels falling as winter approaches, covid, flu, colds, and other infections will rise. The silence of the medical community on this basic health information is pitiful.
No wonder they had everyone slathering sunblock for the last 2 decades... .I hate these evil fookers.
15 minutes in the sun daily with NO sunscreen will give you a good boost of Vit D.
And it feels damn good to that sunlight on the skin
Yeah exactly. Every sunny day I go outside in my bare essentials and sun myself - around 10 minutes on each side is enough. Even in the cold winter, if the sun is out, I'm out there. Think of it as cryotherapy...
There's a balance. Skin cancer is real. That's why supplementation is such a beautiful thing. Get the D hormone without the skin cancer risk.
The shit in sunscreen is what causes cancer. Johnson & Johnson lost a lawsuit over it. As long as you don’t burn sunlight is good for you.
Also the fats consumed in one’s diet is a hugely important factor. A high PUFA diet will guarantee skin cancer while saturated fats like coconut oil and butter are protective.
Skin cancers caused. by Florescent lighting in offices has rocketed..these people are getting skin cancers in places never exposed to sun.
Cancer is a metabolic issue.
My grandfather died of skin cancer in 1968, what are you even talking about?
I so believe this but try telling your family. I’m considered an idiot because I decide what I’ll do
please don't make claims you have no idea are true or not. skin cancer was around 100 years ago and it is exposure to the sun or chemicals that causes skin cancer. as far as 5 G causing problems it does cause problems when it comes to cancer, but skin cancer is as a problem is verry minor compared to sun and chemical exposures. from 5 G I would be more concerned with brain cancer and Leukemia, Lymphoma, Myeloma that there seems to be a high casualty caused by high intensity bursts of energy used by cell phone technology
I am so fucking glad it's ingrained in Norwegian culture to take cod liver oil as a supplement. Tons of vitamin D along with Vit A, and omega fatty acids. Tastes awful, but we get it as capsules nowadays, so it's easier than ever to stay topped up during the winter.
Cod liver is delicious though, even if kinda acquired taste, and full of D+A as well, since, well, full of its very own oil haha.
Low vitamin d in the winter is also the cause of cabin fever or the winter blahs.
Thanks to the many threads on this topic here on GAW, a couple months ago I purchased a zinc quercetin supplement. I have always had vitamin C and vitamin D around.
Over the last several months, there have been at least two times when I absolutely, unequivocally felt the initial symptoms of an impending cold or flu; that unusual extra degree of tiredness / feeling rundown; that weird tickle in the back of my throat, etc.
Both times I took the recommended dose of the zinc quercetin, along with 2000 mg of vitamin C, and an extra-large dose of vitamin D, and both times those initial symptoms turned into absolutely nothing and I did NOT get sick!!! It stopped the cold / flu DEAD In its tracks!!!
The game changer for me has been the Zinc Quercitin.
I’ve absolutely taken super doses of vit. C in the past, and it has never outright PREVENTED me from getting sick.
I always take extra large doses of vitamin C when I am sick and it seems to make me feel a little better, but again it’s never completely + outright KILLED a cold dead in its tracks like the zinc Quercitin!!!!
If we all took D3, C and zinc every day, we would have near perfect immune systems. And covid would be even less trouble than the seasonal flu.
Everyone in medicine knows this, but they won't tell us. Why?
I think that the findings are promising, but we also have to do further analysis to determine how clean the causal relationship is because people with low vitamin D are often really sick people who cannot go outdoors and have other serious health issues.
I would be interested to see an analysis that normalizes the health levels of the people with adequate vitamin D, as well as an analysis of whom within the normal vitamin D group were taking supplements to reach that level.
That said, the government and health bodies should absolutely be promoting outdoor exercise and time, and vitamin D supplements if people cannot get natural production. The fact that they are not even mentioning this is a sure sign that they have no interest in actual public health.
This is crazy, I’m gonna start eating more sardines, maybe fish oil too.
I talk all 3 daily (along with other supplements) and I haven’t been sick in years,
Exactly. I don't know anyone who's Doctor told them to take extra Vitamin D during during 2020. GB was quickest to report that almost all those in ICU's were Vit D deficient. US ought to have (and may well have) seen the same simple fact too.
Fake news is out trying to put a big damper on any enthusiasm related to this article: https://www.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-taking-vitamin-d-120120914.html
Boy did they spin
(Future news) Today the FDA has announced it's pulling all vitamin D off the shelves and is making it prescription only.
Its not far fetched. They tried once already.
Dick Durbin, Senator from Illinois spear headed this attempt back in the summer to make vitamin supplements prescription only.
Just another reminder that they HATE us. Supplements keep you healthy and your immune system bolstered against their bio weapons and they can't have that.
If you have a healthy diet, as well as supplements, you're less likely to get sick and be a customer of their donor base.
It's a good thing that the big-brother boot on our necks freedom crushing acts like this are as rare as the vaccine injuries and deaths. Oh wait ...
Where is that list of all congress members taking HCQ or Ivermectin prophylactic/treatments again?
While were at it let's look at the congressional trust fund used to payoff sexual assault, sexual harassment, and other victims of sitting and past congressional members. I wonder if there is overlap with the Epstein Victim Funds? Or are they one and the same?
Thanks for that link.
Introducing a new tablet you can take called PfizerD
The UK govt mentioned vit d early on in relation to care homes. They then went silent. It had the look of a savage leash tug. Pfizer contracts come to mind.
Straight murder. It shows they knew it would help, that's premeditation.
i take D3 every day
same. how many IUs do you take?
Do you happen to know your level by chance. Abstaining from all grains will shoot your D3 levels through the roof.
Not sure the mechanics but something in wheat blocks the metabolism of D3. My wife has MS and could get her levels into the 50's on 10,000 IU a day. I went grainless and because I do all of the cooking...she did too. Her D3 levels went to 154 after a month or so of being grainfree. There were 2 studies (PubMed) I sent to the Dr. but cannot locate them now. He had called us at home after her pre-visit labs were drawn to tell us to get to the ER immediately because she was toxic. It's amazing how much Dr.s DON'T know.
The average time spent by med students studying the diet is less than 24 hours. In total.
I was just reading yesterday that Ivermectin can really help MS. I don't remember where I saw that but it might be worthwhile to do some research on that.
shit i take 2000.....time to up that? i eat a lot of spinach which is high in Vitamin K
Spinach can cause stones if eaten too often
Eat oxalates with dairy and the calcium will bind with oxalates in the intestines and be excreted.
srs? whats a good amount then? i eat with salad like 3-5 times a week
Careful with the modern spinach: "Cancer causing cadmium found in spinach sold nationwide".
Better try kale or other green stuff.
Take Kidney Cop..... I've seen it dissolve 10mm stones.
k2, not k1
Optimal Vitamin D levels (100 – 150 nmol/L) play a positive role in making sure that your body functions the way it was developed. There are Vitamin D Receptors (VDR) located in tissue throughout your body and in all the major organs. Vitamin D interacts with over 3,000 genes.
The benefit of an adequate vitamin D level to each individual will be better overall health and a reduction of illnesses. In addition to rickets, bone disease and osteomalacia/osteoporosis, vitamin D insufficiency is associated with many other diseases including: tuberculosis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, type-1 diabetes, high blood pressure, increased heart failure, myopathy, breast and other cancers. It is projected that the incidence of many of these diseases could be reduced by 20%-50% or more, if the occurrence of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency were eradicated by increasing vitamin D intakes through increased UVB exposure, fortified foods or supplements.
A summary of the health benefits and disease incidence prevention that could be achieved by raising the public's vitamin D levels to 125 nmol/L:
Rickets, reduced by 100%
Osteomalacia, reduced by 100%
Cancers, all combined, reduced by 75%
Breast Cancer, reduced by 50%
Ovarian Cancer, reduced by 25%
Colon Cancer, reduced by 67%
Non-Hodgkins, reduced by 30%
Kidney Cancer, reduced by 67%
Endometrial Cancer, reduced by 35%
Type 1 Diabetes, reduced by 80%
Type 2 Diabetes, reduced by 50%
Fractures, all combined, reduced by 50%
Falls, women reduced by 72%
Multiple Sclerosis, reduced by 50%
Heart Attack, men, reduced by 50%
Peripheral Vascular Disease, reduced by 80%
Preeclampsia reduced by 50%
Cesarean Section, reduced by 75%
Holick, Michael F., PhD., M.D., Boston University School of Medicine, textbook - Physiology, Molecular Biology, and Clinical Applications (2nd Ed 2010 Humana Press). Page 12
Sauce: https://www.vitamindsociety.org/benefits.php#2
You may have noted that I'm saying nothing, since I'm just quoting one of the most focused resources available on Vitamin D, ie the "Vitamin D Society".
More from the very same page:
Humans evolved in the horn of Africa, close to the Equator over 30,000 years ago. They spent their days out in the full sun, with no clothing, hunting and gathering food. Their skin pigment evolved and protected them from sun burns and allowed the production of vitamin D through the skin. Nature never intended for humans to live and work indoors, in cubicles, without sunshine exposure.
Non-Human Primates: 125 – 200 nmol/L Vieth 2004 – Why the optimal requirement for Vitamin D3 is probably much higher than what is officially recommended for adults
Maasai and Hadzabe, Tanzania: 115 nmol/L Luxwolda 2012 – Traditionally living populations in East Africa have a mean serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration of 115 nmol/L
Outdoor Workers – Lifeguards: 163 nmol/L Haddad 1971 – Competitive protein-binding radioassay for 25-hydroxycholecalciferol
Outdoor Workers – Puerto Rico Farmers:135 nmol/L Haddock 1982 – 25(OH)D serum levels in normal Puerto Rican population and its subjects with tropical sprue and parathyroid disease
Outdoor Workers – Nebraska: 122 nmol/L Barger-Lux, Heaney 2002 – Effects of above average summer sun exposure on serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and calcium absorption
Indoor Tanners: 95 nmol/L Schwalfenberg 2010 – Addressing vitamin D deficiency in Canada: A public health innovation whose time has come
Average Canadian: 68 nmol/L Statistics Canada – Langlois 2010 – Vitamin D status of Canadians as measured in the 2007 to 2009 Canadian Health Measures Survey
Dermatologists: 35 nmol/L Czarnecki 2009 – The vitamin D status of Australian Dermatologists
GrassrootsHealth and over 40 Vitamin D Scientists recommend achieving an optimal Vitamin D level for disease prevention of 100-150 nmol/L using a 25(OH)D blood test. This is the natural levels that the human body had as it evolved over thousands of years. Everyone should have their vitamin D 25(OH)D blood serum levels tested and make sure they are within these guidelines.
Please see also ICWB (former "Vitamin D Council", which was one of the first association to actively promote Vit D on a large, public scale). These pages especially, regarding recommended dosages and risks of overdosing:
Overall, 4,000 or 5,000 UI per day (and up to 10,000 UI in case of deficiency and/or no supplementation in the recent past) looks like the optimal dose on the long run.
Vitamin K gives me migraines. I had to stop. I know it was the K because I had never had a migraine before until 2 weeks into daily supplemental dosing. And since I stopped they have disappeared.
Im going to do some research on it. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
Well, I dont bruise easily at all. Takes a mighty wallop to bruise me.
re "With massive doses of D, you don't need K right away. Nor do you need it every day." - Where did you get that?
I asked for 2 reasons: that he reacted as he did may be related to another challenge than what was assumed. And do you know what functions K2 serves?
RE "The only way to know is blood work. I was probably deficient shortly after turning 18. I've been on 10,000 IU almost daily for over a year."
Brother, as soon as the weather Warms up enough to be Outside more, if not before, Please get your 25-hydroxy vitamin D-level checked https://www.grassrootshealth.net/. Do know that what is shoveled as 'normal'=50 nmol/L (20 ng/mL) is a FAR cry from what level should be between 60 to 100. And thank Goodness that you wisely :) Refused the kill-shot. THIS calculator helps you know how much to Take https://www.grassrootshealth.net/project/dcalculator/ for your Optimal Health :)
First confusing issue: There's 2 separate D-tests, unknown to general public.
Consequent problem: People also don't know the Tests obviously have different numbers.
3rd. problem: the AMA (as you know) wants to keep you sick, so they say 20.
4th. problem: As the populations health...via the AMA deteriorated past 150+yrs, they simply Adjust... the healthy Lab ranges accordingly, so people are led to Believe by the damn docs "oh, I'm still Normal, see the Lab says so" - when in fact people are only LIED to across the board in all areas & "specialties".
5th.problem : Unlike drugs which you are supposed to only get when an actual symptom exists for docs to "manage", Lab-tests Should be done Routinely throughout the year as a PREVENTATIVE. But they're not, so that the AMA can keep people in a increasingly diseased state of miserable existence.
6th. challenge : Ethical Functional MDs (the only kind to consult) have different ranges, depending on Presenting needs: Are you overcoming cancer?, or competing in the Olympics next year? & everything in between
Aware of those above 6, Intentionally I gave you https://www.grassrootshealth.net/ , plus the calculator. It's a trust-worthy Start. Because I Care alot for you, brother :)
So How many of these mere 6 (& there are more Issues/factors/challenges, which reading this thread makes it a scream), did you not know? before I posted them, brother :)
Why do you take vitamin k? I mean, I know it's something our bodies need but it's generally ok with just eating a balanced diet. And I've seen people on this site rage against giving newborn babies their vitamin k shots. Vitamin k is a vital need, and without that shot for newborn babies they can end up with huge healthy problems soon after they're born.
There are two types, K1 and K2, with somewhat different functions in the body. From what I have read seems that D3 and K2 work together, D3 affects calcium, and if there is not enough K2 that can end up in your arterial walls, so too much D3 alone could harden your arteries, but with K2 calcium goes to your bones.
K1 can be had from green veggies and such, but K2 seems to be a bit more rare in our normal diets, so it might be smart to take that as a supplement, at least if you take D3 supplements in larger doses.
This was one link I found on a short search.
It really IS about the amount. 600 IU / day 'aint doin crap unless you're like a kid. It took me 12,000 IU/ day for months to get me from a 16 to a 70.
fuark. im at 2000 a day. might double it
Unless I'm talking to some 90 lb teenager, I really do think you're being too conservative at 4,000. Absorbing it is a factor of 1)sun exposure 2) skin tone 3) gut health 4) weight 5) age, and I'd say how much you shower. it's made on the surface of the skin, and modern people shower so much now and rinse it off before it gets absorbed. (Cats on the fur and they lick it up when cleaning!)
Ideally, you get tested to see where you're at, and go from there. But not everyone will invest that money and time.
2000 IU's and 500mg of Vitamin C daily.
At this point, basically anything that doesn't include doctors could have prevented most covid deaths.
Spot On!!!
Excellent article, thanks for sharing!
TL;DR people: vitamin D regimen staves off covid, colds, flus, etc.
Personal addendum: vitamin A, B complex, zinc, and moderate exercise in sunshine WITH vitamin D, and NO flu shots will keep you damn near ailment free.
Been telling people this for years.
Began doing this in 2012 and the most i got was a 24hr stomach bug. Before that, got flu shots every year and was sick as hell within 5-10 days of getting it. No shot has also dramatically impacted the severity of seasonal allergies. I still get them once a year, but bedore it was several times a year and could barely function. Misery.
Study link: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/13/10/3596/htm
Thanks - was finding the other link hard to find the data in laymen's terms.
Ty i needed that
Dr. Ryan Cole would agree
Part of the reason Florida is doing so well with COVID
Is this why there was absolutely no milk when I went shopping yesterday?
The milk section looked like it belonged in a communist country. This was at a shop rite, a large regional chain.
I ended up getting milk at local mom and pop place near my home, even though I drove past at least 10 more large regional/national stores on my way home.
Note that milk only contains vitamin D as a supplement, I believe. If you buy organic milk I believe it has no vitamin D as they don't add any supplements to it, unless it specifically mentions "with vitamin D".
The Organic Milk I buy contains Vitamin D. It doesn’t specify whether it was added or not.
My guess is that it's added, but that is a guess. I think they add vitamin D to milk because it helps the body absorb the calcium, which is in the milk naturally. The ingredients list should indicate whether it was added or not. If you don't see Vitamin D in the ingredients list I would say that it would seem to indicate it's in the milk naturally.
Hope everyone is taking their vitamins with winter being here.
This is why they kept you inside the house.
Hang them all.
Great post. Thank you!
No money in you immune system and this is the problem.
We were all too busy trying to administer common sense.
Ngl, my D levels are over 70 and COVID was still kicking my ass. Horse paste, quercetin, whole nine yards. Still needed antibodies.
Must’ve really drawn the short straw.
Your covid experience has been a real downer to follow along with. It makes me worry for some loved ones of mine that are following my lead.
If I’m being honest, the majority of my existence has been a tale of weird, not common illnesses and injuries. It’s a joke among my family that if something weird can happen with a virus or side effect, it’ll likely happen to me, lol.
Rest assured the vast majority of people won’t have a massive issue with COVID. The data says this. Some of us just have it a little tougher than others.
That being said, I do think more studies need to be done on what ivermectin dose you really need if you get this thing. And what is truly a risk factor vs. noise.
You're through it now though?
Appear to be over the hump! Antibodies broke the fever and the heart palpitations in less than a day. Miraculous and thankful for the chance to use them
The study: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/13/10/3596
Just curious what recommended daily dosage is. I take 125 mcg daily and wonder if I should increase
Get a D3 blood test to determine levels. I was admonished by my VA doc when my levels were in the 70s.,now in the 50s and nary a sniffle..
70 is like perfect. 50 still good.
I guess mine being in the 70s kept me safe from all the viral indicators of 15 days to flatten the curve and my doc still doesn't get it... 😉
target range is 50-90
I truly don't know, but there may be a case of mirror image bad-kinda like 3mg of melatonin is about right and 20mg provokes sleeplessness..
I was sick in April for 8 days blood test after showed CRT protein off and D..first time in my life! What I had in April was definitely pneumonia but I didn’t go to dr took the 3 D zinc and c
The cryin shame here is if you told an MD, they would call it an anecdotal tale and dismiss it..
No Shite Sherlock !
Such reasonable cost effective modalities to have stop this Shite from the
Very beginning
I have a buddy whose diet is one of the worst I have ever seen for an adult. All he eats, and Im serious these are the only things he eats, are candy, white bread, beef/turkey/chicken and about a gallon of vitamin a and d whole milk per day. No water, no fruit, no vegetables.
When its hotter than shit out and we are working everyone is grabbing water or gatorade out of my coolers. He always has his 1/2 gallon of milk in there and he drinks that.
Ive known him since we were 5 and have never seen the guy sick a day in his life and hes 58.
shut it dowwwnnn.....damn solar minimum shakes fist muh global warming
I've been on a daily Vit. D-3 50 mcg (2000 IU) since 2018. I'm in Ohio and every day I spend as much time in the sun as possible. Being this is Dec 1st. not much sun now...
I took 3 to 5,000 units of D3 prior to and after getting the Coof that almost killed me. I managed until day 4. Vitamin D did nothing for me after the fever got out of control. Possible my lame generic Vitamin D3 capsules were garbage? Who makes really good Vitamin D supplements that we can trust?
That is a real thing bud. They are not regulated so it's legal for it to be sugar
Solgar brand
Not all insurance providers cover vitamin d level testing, and even if they do they often don't cover more than a single test every 6-12 months. GP practitioners don't often check for it because a ton of people wouldn't be able to check for it. I never had mine tested until I visited a specialist for my immune system problems. (Side note, it really frustrates me when people here go on about their terrific God given immune systems and all that. God doesn't give everyone good immune systems that function properly) My D levels were hugely chronically low, and it seems to be a problem with my body. Despite getting sun and taking 10,000 units a day, my levels seem to barely reach the low end of "normal" levels.
Should’ve given them all the D
So Clif High is right.
I'm taking Vitamin K2 + D3 (5,000 IU).. have been for 4 months. Also taking Liposomal Vitamin C (Camu Camu).
I also get Vit D tested bi-monthly. My Vit-D levels right now are 44.. I would like it to be over 50's.
Tomorrow’s headline: Breaking: CDC and FDA Looking into potentially Banning vitamin D from store shelves. Studies show link to myocarditis, blood clots, stroke, and heart attack. 💩🤡💩🤡💩🤡
We've known this for a long time. More recognition of it never hurts, though.
The "normies" are completely numb and inert to all scientific information. They only believe what government/media authority figures tell them, as long as those figures are from the same ideological tribe.
Yup. ZAnecdotal evidence based on friends and acquaintances says that those who are part of, or associated with, mainstream healthcare (AMA, big pharma) are more apt to be against non-pharmacological approaches than are most normies.
(It's sad to see intelligent, educated individuals so drunk on the med/pharma kool-aid that they won't even consider the possibility that other approaches might be of value.)
OTC vitamins is cheaper than hospitalization from pneumonia from the flu. Also OTC cold meds and pain relievers rack up a lot of money. I also might add, sunscreen has been associated with skin cancer.