I think you will want to read this one!
How well do we understand the scope of Trump's pandemic response?
How does his pandemic response fit into Devolution?
Why is Trump pro-vaccine?
I think you will want to read this one!
How well do we understand the scope of Trump's pandemic response?
How does his pandemic response fit into Devolution?
Why is Trump pro-vaccine?
This Squares with me...and has the Sauce to prove it. WE know that Fraudchi said it would be years to come up with a Vaccine. We know Trump Instituted Operation Warp Speed, We Know how the Media reacted to his "mentioning" of Ivermectin and HCQ, as another option. One can NOT tout Operation Warp Speed ( DESTROYING DEEP STATE TIMELINES) WHILE in the same breath saying they are Dangerous. AND he said that they should NOT be Mandated! In my opinion, he is playing the hand that he was dealt, the best way he can. It is a WAR time decision and Call.
Corrrect 100% Remember the Hunt for Red October--what did the White Hat captain do? Head full speed INTO the enemy torpedo to collide before it had time to arm. That is what Trump did. Idiots (and that is what they are) who think winning is as easy and simple as Trump telling the truth about the vax do NOT understand how wars operate. We are in a war and there will be casualties. The objective is winning NOT zero casualties. Sorry folks, that is reality. This is not a soap opera.
This is a kind of war where you aim for the fewest possible casualties. Yes there are indeed casualties, however, I believe Trump chose the path that would yield the lowest number of casualties possible. If he had not rolled out the vaccines through Operation Warpspeed when he did, we would all still be locked down and the vaccine wouldn't have been rolled out until the cabal was ready to roll it out. During that kind of scenario, you'd have had a massive wave of suicides that would have yielded far more deaths than the vaccines have caused so far. So forcing the roll out of the vaccines years before the cabal was ready to deploy them has indeed thrown them off balance.
I agree with you Patriot. All great military commanders in history have enjoyed tremendous victories while suffering remarkably few casualties. Patton and McArthur both won amazing victories while suffering very few casualties. (Eisenhower on the other hand was not extremely intelligent. His victories came at a tremendous loss of human life). Trump is a genius. Let's trust him.
I want to know how did we ever communicate before the movies Hunt for Red October, The Godfather(s) and Fight Club were made? (and The Usual Suspects)
The Usual Suspects is immensely impressive. The person who made it knows a bit too much for their own good!
Agreed... BIG! IT is hard for some to Translate this to the GLOBAL Scale? Trump, White Hats and in some extension US that are AWAKE are ...all there is to stop this.
So do you think Trump didn't actually get vaccinated?
Engage brain. Why would he take a drug manufactured and designed by the very enemy he is waging war against? What a stupid quesiton.
Not to be rude, but to be to the point In my view, what Trump did or did not do is entirely his business and thus not our concern. However, I also know that he is extremely intelligent and thus was unlikely to take anything unless he KNEW it was safe. Thus, he did not take the vax, as it is not safe. That is my view. The more relevant point is that Trump promoted HCQ, early treatment and other therapeutics to assist those who were ill. He knew how far he could go without losing credibility amongst the vaxxed crowd, whose support he (we) needs in order to overthrow the regime. As he has been seeking the conversion of the other side since the (faux) election, his tactics have focused upon their needs. They consider the vax safe, but are willing to listen to him on other issues. If he comes out and says "vax is deadly" he loses 35% of the US population MINIMUM and the Great Awakening is done.
So you claim is that Trump did not get vaccinated. If this is the case, then why is he lying to us. He went in front of his own fans and told them to get vaccinated and that he had been vaccinated himself. Is he trying to kill his own fans? I do not understand why he would tell us he got vaccinated if he didn't. I think you are wrong when you say that this is entirely his business and thus not our concern. That would be the case if he wasn't out telling us he got vaccinated and telling people to join him. I would be one thing if he had nothing to say about the issue, but if he is lying that is important to know, and important to ask, why. If he did not get vaxxed because he thinks it isn't safe, then why tell his own fans to get vaxxed.The dems aren't going to make their decision to get vaxxed based off of what he says, but a republican might. your argument that he cant say the vax is deadly might be a good one if he wasn't out specifically promoting the vax.
"So you claim is that Trump did not get vaccinated. If this is the case, then why is he lying to us."
You're on this site for a reason!! Evidently you have a smidgen of discernment!! Use it!! WE RESEARCH FOR OURSELVES AND I /WE DETERMINE WHAT IS SAFE WHAT GOES IN OUR BODIES OUR CHILDREN BODIES AS WELL AS WHAT THEY PUT IN THEIR BRAINS THRU EDUCATION!! IT'S ON EACH PERSON TO GET OFF THEIR ASS AND SAVE THEMSELVES AND THEIR FAMILY 4-6% WON'T. The tools are in each persons hands like never before to come up with the answer but no they'd rather watch mindless tick tockers,tweeters,redditors,youtubers and Porn etcetera!! Now there are no excuses for not getting an answer to any question. ESPECIALLY THE VAXX QUESTION with billions upon billions of resources/Data at ones finger tips!!! At this point a Monkey could do it and it would be smart enough to not use Google!! They fucked up by letting the Internet out to the world. Now they are trying to put the genie back in the bottle. NO BUENO VATO!!! YOUR FUCKED!! PEACE!!
You make good and valid points. I certainly don't have all the answers. I stated my belief, but I admit it is based upon conjecture. Let's wait and see how it all plays out. My trust in Trump is based upon an understanding that no one has better access to data, and no one has the interests of the common man and woman of America at heart than does he. Hence, I think he deserves the benefit of the doubt on this one. He has never let us down yet. Let's see. I also find it interesting to note that DeSantis (also a hero) has pursued the same strategy. White Hats seem to be focusing upon the mandate--ensure people have choice. Anons will make sure that those who are awake get the right information. I would never take the vax, even if Trump received 1000 doses and felt fine the next day. Won't happen. That is why I believe he is talking 'out of his ass' on this one. I don't think any anons believe the vax is safe. But I admit that is just my perspective.
You are probably correct that the people on this site will not be easily convinced to get vaxxed. But there are a lot of non-anon trump voters who will get it when they hear their president say that it's safe. I am just worried about the less enlightened
I fully understand. But unless I am wrong, my guess is that the number of people in the MIDDLE at this point is small. Most are either anons (at some level) or libs who will drink toilet water is CNN tells them its a good idea. But again, that is a guess. Happy New Year.
I see him doing as he has so skillfully done from the outset, sort of playing both sides against the middle.
Remember when he was asked on CNN if he would support punishment of mothers who have abortions, and he immediately first said "Yes, I think you have to look at punishing the women" before backing off that position?
In first saying yes punish the mothers, he secured the vote of the hardcore Christian right, which considers abortion murder and, therefore, using brutally severe logic, considers the mother the murderer. Case closed.
Then, in quickly softening that stance to maybe punishing the doctors, he brought in tens of millions of more moderate folks who can still rightly vilify abortion but stop short of jailing pregnant women who feel they have no other practical choice than having a horrible procedure that will haunt them forever and beyond.
Importantly, though, in so doing he did not lose the support of the first group, who were given to understand he REALLY deep down agrees with them, but for the sake of getting elected had to back off the original, mother-punishing idea.
Breathtakingly masterful persuasion.
Art of the DEAL ;) Agreed!
Trump is playing masterfully and confidently. The narrative is in a shambles all by itself.
Sure is Winston! You said it! :)
Winston gets it
Exactly Q-A...People need to realize...we ARE at War...
Exactly...AND IF their was NOT a Deepstate...HCQ and Ivermectin would be used at outset.
I’m going to sticky this up 1-2 more days. Also to go with this after reading so it’s all in 1 place. Part 15 is geared toward the vaccine fight. If you want to really understand where Trump is going with his words/Team vs the vaccines, follow in this in this order please to get a fantastic understanding.
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. Nothing! Hold That Line Patriots! We are near the end and We Will Win! WWG1WGA.
Personally, I suggest stickying this for a minimum of 3 days. It's that important.
This is a massive issue now, and the truth movement (freedom movement) has entered a very tricky stage. This is worth a sticky for at least three days, if not more.
Discuss as mods?
Yes. I’ll keep it stickied or copy/past the crap out of it for as long as you’d like me too haha!
Done, done, done, and done. This is very helpful! I’m starting to understand the 5D chess.
I love your enthusiasm u/Brent75! 👈🏻
Makes me think of Q comment
vaccines[NOT ALL] in a new way :)
And this is a precise and logical explanation, with the supporting evidence, of what I have been saying. One thing most of us have learned about Trump is that most of what he does and the meaning of what he publicly says and does is out of sight. It was fairly early on that I learned not to panic when the news announced they "got" him. And then that when he was in the midst of media created chaos, he'd pull a rabbit out of the hat where the important stuff was taking place. The announcement of the unprecedented elimination of federal regulations, the visit to NK, and the legal means of funding the wall come to mind.
It's war. We can protect ourselves with the right decisions, but there will be victims. Remember when this began, Tump said he made the most difficult decision of his life? I think this is it. The vaccines.
Operation Warp Speed is not what we thought! Thank you President Trump, your family, and the Q patriots! God bless you all. NCSWIC.
I’m just sticky-ing some very important things back up for new Anons. God bless you all.
"Donald Trump knew a pandemic was coming and he took steps to prepare for it."
This is my strong and firm believe. How could he and Q not know? For sure they did, and they took countermeasures. Every single piece of the plan falls into place.
SPACE FORCE was mocked when it was announced. SPACE FORCE is how they, the White Hats/Q/POTUS knew and SPACE FORCE will be their downfall.
Space Force scares the DS because the "space" they are protecting is not "outer space" but the space in own atmosphere where communication frequencies travel, weather mod frequencies (yes, it is real and it is weaponized), direct energy (again, absolutely real and a terrible weapon), and much more. This is the space they are protecting.
Thomas Wictor pointed out awhile back that "space" likely also includes cyberspace, as apparently Space Force took over command and control of all US Military satellites awhile back.
He went on to theorize that it was Space Force that was used to intercept the true vote count as the machines were changing them.
Yes, communication frequencies travel through our ionosphere..
Then maybe i had it right all along; The WH stole the WIV research in September 2019, simulated their own pandemic (by forcing their "plan" they were going to carry out against their will), and got receipts on every movement, conversation and transaction, so now the DS is guilty with no way out. Way to drive the knife back into the killers heart! I said from the beginning the actual "virus" doesn't physically exist. It may have in a research lab at one time, but for it to spread that quickly? To go from WA state to NY in less than 12 hours? PatelPatriot even spells out how WH had the CDC ready to respond. What we thought was a concerted effort of the DS to take down Trump with a pre planned pandemic may have actually been Trump setting their asses on fire and making them dance for all of us, so we could all learn how bad it really was.
Also, I don't think the SARS killer vaccine is meant to be produced. Maybe it will be. But its most useful for ENDING the narrative at this point.
Look at how quickly the Omicron variant spread. A few cases were discovered in South Africa, the media's fear campaign kicked in, cases popped up here and there and suddenly it was everywhere. Meanwhile, the very scary Delta variant no longer exists and apparently just disappeared.
If they're still using the defective PCR test, they can find anything anywhere anytime.
The sequence that omicron is identified with is included in other versions of the virus. They just swap the name.
To be fair, it doesn't take 12 hours to fly from WA to NY.
Correct. But viruses don't normally spread that fast and give a positive reading in that short a timeframe.
Guise, you are forgetting that many in the medical industrie(s) were in on the scam for profit. Still are!!! It can spread as fast as they want it to.
Absolutely. Wictor also talked Devolution in Feb 2021
Wictor was the one to first float the theory actually. Patel began his series on the topic up when some drama on Quodverum caused him to be booted from the forum. Wictor went dark shortly afterwards.
I will bet you anything that AOC is one of the Judas Goats, even if she herself does not realize it. She has been nothing but destructive to the DNC.
‘So in early 2020 (With Trump as President) the DOD began research on a vaccine that was effective against not just Covid-19 but all “previous SARS-origin viruses” and all future variants. They have been working on this for almost two years and nearly all of Walter Reed’s 2,500 staff have had some role in the development and this is the first we heard about it. This vaccine would be the death blow to the NWO plans.‘
My immune system is a death blow to the NWO. No need for DOD “vaccines.”
And you don't have to take it.
You miss the entire point.
Um, actually, no. Your immune system is merely a way to keep your body healthy. The plans of the NWO are a lot bigger than your body.
The NWO agenda is a lot more than simply the injections. The real disease, and problem, is in the mind and the narrative leading the masses.
Now we know why they are pushing their vax so much! Because they know a true one is coming soon that will make theirs obsolete. With Trump tooting for vaccines and gaining left's favor,then the liberals will trust this vax and take it to be saved. Pandemic over. Trump recently said everyone will have immunity soon. Their plans crumble.
Del Bigtree will suck Andrew Wakefield’s dick in public to prove that vaccines are evil, despite Wakefield wanting to make a better measles vaccine and as a vaccine maker.
People need to work on antivax hysteria for any of this theory to work. Vaccines are all bad, they aren’t following Q in saying some vaccines are good.
There’s gonna be a standoff in town sheriff.
If the vax actually works then the left hopefully will feel secure and protected then anti vax are no longer a threat especially if they calm lockdowns. We have to see how it plays out. Im not getting any more vax thats just me personally
Maybe this is what Q meant when he said the military was the only way?
And the military has been and is currently being purged of patriots - when do we start to think of plan B - like seriously ?
Is this the actual case, or the appearance of the case? How would you know? How do you know?
In war, the civilian population and the majority of the military as well, really do not know the overall picture or plans.
So again, I ask, how do you know? How do you know this is not simply the appearance of what is happening, as opposed to what is actually happening?
Any service member friends able to confirm or deny?
One interesting point made by Clif High in the attached video link to this Devolution post, is how the definition of vaccine has shifted according to the left and msm. HCQ and monoclonal antibodies are now by altered definition, vaccines. So, could it be possible that Trump did have the vaccine by this new definition?
The CDC also changed the definition, just like Merriam-Webster changed "Anti-Vaxxer" to include anyone who opposed vax mandates.
Both of those treat the disease of covid. They work once you've gotten covid to treat the infection.
You don't take antibiotics before you have an infection right? So that's a curative treatment.
You get a vaccine even years or decades before possibly getting infected. It prevents infection.
That's the difference so why use the word vaccine when we know both of those aren't given once years before an infection?
You take those consistently for a period of time like any other med when you get sick.
Both of those are treatments.
My parents are the worst leftists and I was raised that way. I neither buy the all good or all bad theories which equate to an early childhood response called splitting.
“The hero, all good, saves the good people from the bad guys!”
The world is gray. We are all sinners.
The vaccine does work as it’s the same spike protein that causes natural immunity. But it wanes. Because colds and flus mutate and we get them over and over.
The vaccine has high risks for clots and heart inflammation. They are neglecting it and they could be preventing that. I’ve given some solid recommendations on that.
I’m not sure about long term affects of genetic medicine but I’ve read about immediate deaths in trials of MRNA. We have no long term evidence.
Trumps my guy and I get mad at him, but usually he’s right and as a covid nurse, I see with my own eyes and I do my own research. I’m not caught up in any narratives about vaccines are all bad or ivermectin will cure everything despite it actually being a big pharma medication.
Things are grey. Covid is overblown. Vaccine harm is overblown. People do the same damn things. Extreme everything.
The vaccine harm isn’t overblown though. Not one bit. My great grandmother was healthy her entire life. Got the vax at the insistence of her doctor early this year, and now suddenly she was diagnosed with stage 4 terminal cancer last month. This vaccine is killing our loved ones, and we’re just letting it happen.
Sorry fren
Have you tried to get your great grandmother to take alternative treatments for cancer?
We're not letting it happen. Some people firmly believe MSM and their doctors. They won't take our word for it, nor will they consider alternatives. We can't beat them into submission.
The jab is suppressing our immune system - thus, letting the Ca in our bodies flourish that would normally be disposed of, naturally.
Specifically, the vax is depleting CD8 natural killer cells.
Disregard the childish opinions.
That said the cabal is real and I have experience with it. I was going to offer my opinion on it since I actually dated, before I stopped the liberal nonsense my parents taught me, I dated a grand master mason who was Jewish and also a warlock. I’ve been to blood parties and underground scenes, hidden scenes where it’s normal to have pagan idolatries and cages on wheels with naked women with snakes crawling over them.
I don’t think it’s in the real but a spiritual phenomenon, satans kingdom.
I don’t think they know what they are doing but the locus of control is outside of them. They are all selfish and do magic. I can teach you about their magic.
Anyway that’s why I’m here. For a lot of you this is just represented on cheap videos you see. I have seen it in the real. They don’t sacrifice children on the level I was on but humanity certainly does that. They certainly could be accused of sacrificing their children to idols and harming them that way. I see a lot of this as described wrongly but the point is someone has figured it out to a degree and that’s impressive.
I wouldn’t be surprised that some good Christian folk were trying to at least oppose their world plans. I hope so. I did. I did a lot of harm to them when I left, so I don’t go out much. The worst thing I could do was recommit myself to Jesus Christ and I have done that.
That sounds like a fascinating journey. Your own life might be a microcosm of the larger war we face.
Your story is awesome and badass at the same time. Thank you
Vaccines kill babies
You have understood me best. I'm trying my simple best to add some sporting color to the Grey narrative.
A significant portion of the right only initially supported Trump because he has an R next to his name.
I think far more voted for Trump because he went after Hillary and the establishment.
I voted for Trump to blow up everything and start over. The fucking R didn't matter to me. Little did I know that's what he and his team wanted to do as well. It turned out better than I ever could have hoped
I didn't really get on the Trump train until the usual suspects in the Republican party started turning on him.
My point still stands though.
Hahaha I have never given a shit about either party. I voted Trump bc he has authentic vibes and is a master troll.
Very good! IMO spot on!
Anyone who questions Trump's loyalty or effectiveness at this point needs to sit this one out. The fight for the soul of the world is not for you.
Excellent post, Mukzn. A lot of takeaways here so I'll just focus on one, specifically the EO's by the real President that align with the work on a broad-spectrum SARS vax by the Walter Reed epidemiology team.
Obviously, there's been a lot of discussion on this new vaccine as to whether it's a positive or a negative. My mind is far from made up, but the information detailed within the article certainly gets a check in the "positive" column for me.
My mind is far from made up, but we at least have a new data point.
That basically throws down the idea that vaccines are bad. Some vaccines will save the world according to this patriot.
I don't think so. Even if a universal vaccination comes out, there are still a LOT of people who will nto take it and who will look to their natural immunity, even more so now than ever before.
What the 'vaccine' will do, if it does anything, is destroy the narrative that you need to have the big pharma vaxes to live and/or to have freedom for even 6 months.
A war is won via an extended number of encounters that over time accumulate to a victory or defeat. The vaccine issue and C19 is one of those encounters, or one theatre of the war, but not the whole thing by any means.
If and when big pharma are exposed and then destroyed - which I personally think is coming - our culture and civilizations can move in a completely different direction. But to get to the starting point, there is a process. Destroying their capacities one step at a time.
I always read these using MrTruthBomb's voice in my head and it's satisfying.
Some of the worst pain a man could ever be in.
THANKS FOR THE LINK....interesting read....so the "read" cliff notes are that DJT is voicing "you can get the vaxx"....so lefties can get red-pilled into voting GOP?
Thank you Brent for providing a sticky...a masterful work by Patel as well as Clif's video!
Also this video from Phil
2017 Fauci suggests outbreak, early 2018 I had first brush with coof, so virus had already been released or was released soon after he spoke.
A laundry list of DS objectives that have NOT been achieved YET, does not amount to anything.
Well, if Patel Patriot is right and the military vaccine is the real deal. It will never see the light of day outside of walter reed. (This post brought to you by Pfizer)
He's quick. A little too quick...
Re the Walter Reed vaccine, wonder if this is what the military has been getting jabbed with over the past 18 months, as the 'trial' subjects?
I looked at all the failures and they seem to be all, or most, of them. The only thing I can say that may be a negative is the 5th one down--failure to stop the 2020 audits. This may be correct, but once the audit is completed and fraud/cheating is shown, nothing comes afterward (to date) to punish anyone involved and so far no court cases to overturn the fraudulent/cheated Trump win of the 2020 election. This must soon be rectified!