The baby is resting on a haunch of meat with a dancing monkey doll behind it. This is the child sacrifice / cannibalism by the "dancing monkeys" in Hollywood.
Over the baby is the yin and yang. It is over the head because it symbolizes that the children can be forced into either being an agent of chaos or an agent of order.
The vertical stripes on the box, both inside and out, could reference to this test where it was learned kittens forced to grow up in chambers of either vertical or horizontal stripes couldn't function like normal cats. This indicates early-age brainwashing.
You have a Cathedral outside the window and over the "pond" which could be a reference to either the Vatican or the City of London.
There is a bug on the windowsill. These days, they are used for "electronic messenger" but any other "buzzing" messages are correct. Buzz-words for example, which means it is a hidden-in-plain-sight message pathway.
The Cathedral and bug together in the window may mean that the "signal" or buzz-word will be coming from the Church across the Pond. I think it means from the House of Windsor AKA the Queen.
The face of the clock has 3, 6, 9, and 12 -- which are the orders of creation combined with the three mysteries. The time is 3:55, which translates to an understanding of the 3 (the Plan).
Checkerboard tiles, which is the Game of Life. Certain tiles have magic number seals on them, but that's relatively new to me, so I'll leave that to you guys. The many colors could indicate that it isn't just "black and white" and there are many people playing the game, all with their own interests. The seals double as plants, so it could indicate that everyone's "game board" has been infiltrated by all colors (factions).
SSS BLOOD on the pink piano. SSS could mean Social Security System (Blackmail / Slavery through Social Standing). BLOOD would then be the Blood Lines (Windsor, Rothschild, Rockefeller, etc.)
There's an Alembic(Holy Grail, Ark of the Covenant, Virgin Birth, the Perfect Vessel, Tabernacle) on the shelf which is used to distill things. In it is the red liquid (Red Phosphorus (Radical Earth / The Bread of Life / the Flesh) fed by White Phosphorus(Radical Moisture / the Virgin's Milk)) before undertaking the Head of the Crow trial and rising like the Phoenix, or the Eagle taken unto the Fires of Resurrection.
The Alembic spout hovers over a dropper with the number 9 on it. This is the Quintessence, the tonic that bestows Cloud 9, and with it a full understanding of Creation through all the 9 orders. This is the Perfect Philosopher's Stone, which not only acts as panacea, but opens the mind (Third eye) to the Mind of God, (9). 3*3 = 9, where Creation begotten unto Creation is the Mind of God, a Creator that Creates Creator(s).
Palm tree signifying masculinity on the painting in the back. Paintings are imitations of the real thing. Together, we see the illusion of imitating masculinity, I.E. a woman acting in the role of a man.
Flowers of all types on the tapestry at the right. Flowers symbolize virgins, or those who have yet to be "deflowered." Tapestries symbolize a plan or something that is wished to be claimed. Put them together and you have them wishing to claim the virginity of the world (of all types of flowers).
The Jack in the Box means a surprise. Lincoln on the front could mean a potential surprise involving the assassination of a President.
The White Rabbit (adrenochrome, but more specifically, actions that put you on the clock and require you to run(prey) from Universal punishment). On the White Rabbit's frock are the signs for Tin(Jupiter), Lead(Saturn), Mercury(Quicksilver), Iron(Mars), and Copper(Venus). Those are the Five metals which can be used to obtain the Virgin's Milk, excluding the Noble Metals of Gold(Sun) and Silver(Moon). The rabbit is making the gesture for "no, allow me." It has a party hat, so whatever that's gonna happen might be at a party, or concerning a party(political).
The Rabbit has snake eyes, and the body is snake-ish. Snakes slither, and are made up of segments (don't tread on me) which means whatever this plan is, they need full cooperation with all the "planets" for it to work. The slit eyes indicate deception / traitors.
Poodle in the back indicates a dog (pet on leash / loyal companion / puppet) which has been pampered. These are the big puppets. A black poodle means it probably has something to do with the races. The red nose indicates drunkeness, aka how easy it is to blackmail someone and/or have them rape a drunk(drugged) child. The collar being red means that is the primary mode of control.
The piano is a symbol for progress / the current narrative. It also means "flat and level" because all the notes are on the same plane. Playing a piano means you're "on the level" and things are going according to plan, so long as the player doesn't screw up.
She is playing the notes: (Left Hand) Pinky on D/E, two middle on A# | (Right Hand) two fingers on G and A
The Figure playing is obviously Alice, from Alice in Wonderland fame. That's probably all you need to make your own conclusions, but Alice is always the figure which represents fantastical discoveries that need to be covered up. Maids clean these things up, which is why the Maid in the Brady Bunch is named Alice.
All eyes are looking at Allice. If Britney is Alice, then this message is the biggest message that can possibly be sent right now. If Alice is Hillary, then all the better!
The missal on the Piano has the All-Seeing-Eye on it, which means the song being played (the notes / narrative) is definitely of the occult. A yellow backing could indicate royalty. 6 8 3 is new to me. It does add thusly, though: 6+8+3 = 17. I got no clue what the eastern symbols on the missal are, though...
Tiny dog at the lower right means Alice's pet (loyal companion) is no longer important. It's the only one not looking at Alice, which means it's mind is probably shot. This could be Biden.
There's more, but I'm getting tired.
Put it all together, with Alice looking at "us", and I think this is a clear message to "someone" that they need to use everything they got to assassinate someone, probably the President, before someone else (the "allow me" rabbit/snake) does.
If we take the tiny dog to be Biden, I'm making the claim that this could be an All Points Bulletin to assassinate Trump. The Lincoln jack in the box sends me that direction.
Then again, the Rabbit's "allow me" gesture makes me think that something else is being discussed.
Personally, and I'm basing this on a gut feeling, I think this is a message for someone to decide whether to fake their death or be assassinated by the cabal players. It might even just be a reputation assassination.
All the planets (cabal power structures) are saying they are more than willing to take the target out.
Alice looks to "us" instead.
But the bug in the window with the Church leads me another direction.
There has been talk that the Queen is already dead and that the announcement of her death will be the queue for the "end game" to come out from under the rug.
Understood but im not particularly worried about a couple of traitors or jannies. I'm sure im on enough watch lists as it is. I don't get talked into things so if they want to spin their wheels theyre welcome to join, at least i'll get to call em faggots to their face and maybe spit in their beer.
Says the responsible one :P I can't really drink anymore but if its got good food im in. I don't know to many around here ima... ima transplant but im more redpilled then my neighbors.
Your previously explained Narcolepsy (stuck between awake and asleep) is truly a gift to this community. Thank you for what you did with the image. I missed so many things that you seamlessly described in rapid fire.
I'm not saying you are right or wrong on your interpretations, just know that your perspective and knowledge is a tremendous eye-opener.
Ok so if the girl is Alice ... Alice = HRC ... does that mean Killary has arrived? Where has she arrived to though? Wonderland = SA ... to Saudi Arabia? SA = The Bloody Wonderland.
~~Qpost 75
By the time POTUS returns from his trip the world will be a different place.
Godfather lll
Alice & Wonderland
Alice (Lewis Carroll) =
The Bloody Wonderland =
Why did JK travel to SA recently?
What is SA known for?
Where do the biggest donations originate from?
Why is this relevant?
What else is relevant w/ SA?
Safe harbor?
Port of transfer?
Why was there a recent smear campaign against JK and POTUS?
One thing that wasn't mentioned is that this is a mirror image because the piano's wide side should be on the left, yet it's on the right. So is everything flipped, including the notes and the time?
Finally, she has probably been forced into the role of a High Priestess -- which would be a messenger of secrets.
Secrets, mystery, the future as yet unrevealed; the woman who interests the Querent, if male; the Querent herself, if female; silence, tenacity; mystery, wisdom, science. Reversed: Passion, moral or physical ardor, conceit, surface knowledge.
I'm using Wikipedia for these, because they use Wikipedia as their own reference in case they forget, so it is potentially the best resource for those with a modest interest in the matter.
Imma stop you right there with the esoterism. I know it's alluring, but it allows Clowns to get away with Comms because 3/4ths of the Truth Community puts them on a mystical pedestal.
She is a Clown Slave who tried to defy the system that made her famous in the first place. Many such cases.
Sure, but they use the esoterism for comms and whether you like that fact or not, they are still sending weird-ass messages with this junk.
You don't have to believe in any of it, but they do which makes them dangerous concerning it.
I agree, we shouldn't put them on a mystical pedestal, which is why we should take the time to learn their secret language.
The less secret something is, the less power it has.
That's the premise of an Evil Eye Spell. They think that magic is real, and the only way a spell works is if the intended target doesn't know for certain if they have a spell cast on them.
They conflate simple psychology (the nature of self-fulfilling prophecies) with magic.
Logically put, magic is simply getting more out than you put in. When it comes to abusing people's minds, this is very much possible.
The typical example is the gypsy curse. A gypsy puts a "curse" on your family. From then on you have that nagging doubt in the back of your mind that the bad luck you've been experiencing is due to the gypsy curse.
Eventually, you become so consumed by it that you create your own bad luck because you've developed a bias FOR the curse being real.
Then you tell your family that the whole family has been cursed, and the cognitive bias spreads.
The only way to "dispel" the curse is to confront the "spell" and learn whatever gesture, ritual, or concoction the gypsy made was, in HER MIND, supposed to do.
Once you realize what it was supposed to do, and compare it with your "bad luck" you can finally determine that the stuff happening to you had nothing to do with the specific "curse" she put on you. If what she intended didn't happen, then it proves it was all in your mind, through the power of suggestion.
In other words, this is a long-winded way of saying:
Knowledge of a thing removes the stigma around it.
So, this imagery is an evil eye spell.
Everyone who sees it knows it means something, but they don't know what. That lack of knowing measurably gives the creator of the image power over people.
Exposing what it means prevents people's imagination from running wild and assuming the creator does have mystical powers.
They don't. Magic, THIS type of magic, is an illusion. It has no power, it has no influence, and it most certainly shouldn't be put on a pedestal.
It should be taken off the pedestal, which is why calling things what they are, defining them, and showing how they are just make-believe is the first step to show just how big of a farce these people really are.
Britney is the same way. She is nothing special; just another poor kid who was abused and brain-washed.
So I agree, she isn't all the things they want to make her out to be, and the first step of making her human again is to expose exactly what "spells" they put on her and realizing it is all fake nonsense. If not for us, then for her.
Mark Ryden, the artist, graduated from my college and spoke to our class. He told us about how he was told to REMOVE ALL SKULLS from Michael Jackson's Dangerous album, but he got away with hiding one in the breast of the gold statue on the left.
Adrenochrome on shelf. Man looking at young girl like a piece of meat hence the meat. Soooo many signs in here about the elite. Well done 👏 devil worshipers etc
She may be confused also.
Possible PSD or even more clinical salts issues.
She been through a lot and had a lot of meds through her system over the years I am sure.
The keys her hands are on are G, 2 fingers on B flat, unknown left index and thumb, right hand looks like A and B flat. Not a very pretty sounding chord.
The name of the painting is "The Ecstasy of Cecelia." It's by the artist, Mark Ryden, who did the album cover for Michael Jackson's album, "Dangerous."
Characters across the top of the music sheet...I don't speak any Asian languages but happen to recognize the second one is def Japanese, third one can be Mandarin Chinese. Looks exactly like the 2nd half of the character for good ("hao") which is 好 in Mandarin.
Is this weird? Others who do know WTF they're talking about are invited to chime on in :) Maybe some Japanese and Chinese characters are the same
EDIT Something I find interesting is the repeated use of the number 9 on the vial and in the artist signature. The numbers 4 and 9 are considered unlucky in Japan.
4 is both よん [yon] and し [shi].
死 [death] is pronounced as し [shi].
Same concept with the number 9 which is both きゅう [kyuu] and く [ku].
苦 [suffering] is pronounced as く [ku].
It is actually, and definitely, 女の子 (Onna no Ko, meaning "girl"). The two vertical strokes cross below the horizontal stroke as it does in 女, and the horizontal stroke does not have the back "tick" that is present in 欠.
The original, The Ecstasy of Cecelia (1998), shows a clear cross on that lower stroke which has been blurred by compression:
I considered that. 女 is still made of 3 strokes whereas the one in the painting has 4 strokes. Considering the artist used the wrong strokes anyway it is quite possible that you are correct and they were trying to write 女.
Fair enough. It could also be deliberately ambiguous so that it could be interpreted as "female" in the conventional sense and "missing" if you count and reinterpret the strokes, since it does look different to the proper form of the character.
In Japanese, the 久 (the 'hisa' is the word 'hisashiburi' 久しぶり) can also be read as 'kyuu' or 'ku') typically means 'long time' or 'old story'. That kind of connotation. The phrase 'hisashiburi' has a meaning similar to "long time no see!"
The second character is the hiragana 'no' の and is probably acting as grammatical particle, often used to connect 2 nouns among other grammatical uses.
The third character is 'ko' 子, and this means child/youngster/etc.
My gut tells me this is suppose to be a straightforward title, to be read as "(long) story of children" or "Children's Story". But this entire picture alludes to some else, so there's probably more to it.
The nuance within Japanese makes me want to dig a little deeper. I could definitely be missing something, especially considering the way the first character is written. 久 makes the most sense to me, but this could be a play with kanji (chinese characters), which the Japanese are known for.
I don't see 欠 at all, but it would make more sense, wouldn't it? Artistic license, maybe? Or an attempt at combining the characters, so that it might read something like "(missing) story of children" or "story of missing children". Assuming 久 is right at all, which might be a big assumption...
The reason I am not seeing 久 as the symbol is because the second stroke is a single stroke like in フ. In the painting, the symbol uses 4 strokes. Like ケ with an additional stroke. 欠 just seems to make sense in this context.
I agree with your reasoning. It doesn't seem exactly like either in the painting, although 欠 certainly fits better. My guess is if you're not correct, you are certainly on the right track.
Looks like my suggestion was on target that some characters are similar across certain languages. In this case, ko in Japanese and part of hao in Mandarin.
Kanji is the Japanese word for chinese characters, literally. "kan" 漢 meaning Sino/China and "ji" 字, character/letter/word. It's also what they use to describe the chinese characters they adopted into their syllabary. These are chinese characters, some of which have changed within Japanese over time to become uniquely Japanese. They can have their own unique Japanese sounds associated with them (kun-yomi, or Japanese reading) but still retain japanese-ified (technical term) chinese sounds (on-yomi, or Chinese reading).
Ex. 人 = ひと, hito (kun-yomi); じん, jin (on-yomi) -- there are other pronunciations, but I'm only listing these as an example.
Japanese can take even more leeway with the use of furigana, tiny kana (the "letters" from both their "alphabets") written besides or above kanji and used to give the proper reading for a kanji, either for unknown kanji for the target audience age or for disambiguation.
Authors can use those furigana to give new readings to a kanji, a very common usage of this is "ability names" in manga, one of the most well-known being "The World", written "Sekai" which means "World", and pronounced "Za Warudo" as per the furigana which is the Japanese way of pronouncing the English words "The World". The character never says "Sekai", and the Japanese reader reads "Za Warudo", but knows it has a link to his understanding of "Sekai". Sometimes there's no correlation at all, and the furigana just gives a cool-sounding name to a set of kanji otherwise describing what the character is actually doing.
Furigana can also be used to include a double-meaning, as in "what I say" in kanji within the spoken sentence from one character to another, compared to "what I really think" in furigana, making perfect sense in Japanese, but is way harder to properly translate and may lead to loss of information...
Baby + Meat = Children sacrifice/fuel basically pedo elite shit (think spirit cooking)
Vial with 9 = Strychnine more than likely. Near her head, maybe she's afraid of being poisoned?
Yin/Yang + Abe Lincoln + Jack in the box + White Rabbit + gender Symbolism = The balance to all things, politically and presently are out of balance and it made a joke of all things. Things are out of balance and it's almost comical.
Clock at 3:55 - Today the move 355 releases today which already had viral marketing out for it.
Piano SSS Blood + Picture with beach scene = Direct callback to Epstein Island (considering the baby food stuff too)
Sheet music with Chinese symbols? an Eye, and 683? I don't have much there yet.
Alice in Wonderland Feels (rabit + blonde girl in blue dress)
Perspective warping = Hallucinagenic?
There's more notes to take for sure but its hard to say if it actually means anything or is just perspective
And 683 is the number stamped on ADHD med known as Focalin, aka Dexmethylphenidate Hydrochloride. It's super addictive nasty stuff, basically like micro-dosing meth.
Side of Piano reads: SSS BLOOD: follow the rabbit...
I can confirm. It is actually, and definitely, 女の子 (Onna no Ko, meaning "girl"). The two vertical strokes cross below the horizontal stroke as it does in 女, and the horizontal stroke does not have the back "tick" that is present in 欠.
The original, The Ecstasy of Cecelia (1998), shows a clear cross on that lower stroke which has been blurred by compression:
What is the artist's name? Her work shows the symbolism and underlying message of the crazy sh*t that goes on in this world. Can't remember her name. Any help?
The left eye on Lincoln is closed. Or is that a dead President? Is the one eye club going to try end PDJT now 1/6 truth is coming out? Sleepdude is onto something IMO.
A small point, but the fabric draped in the upper right corner looks like classic crewel embroidery. (crewel/cruel?) You see some of those same flowers in the kits offered inspired by Lady Anne Clifford here:
Let's see....Disney girl....product controlled and exploited for profit by Disney and her parents.. Turned into whore sex symbol at 20...loses her mind as an adult....Declared insane/incompetent...saddled like a horse for 20 years...
Here we go...
The baby is resting on a haunch of meat with a dancing monkey doll behind it. This is the child sacrifice / cannibalism by the "dancing monkeys" in Hollywood.
Over the baby is the yin and yang. It is over the head because it symbolizes that the children can be forced into either being an agent of chaos or an agent of order.
The vertical stripes on the box, both inside and out, could reference to this test where it was learned kittens forced to grow up in chambers of either vertical or horizontal stripes couldn't function like normal cats. This indicates early-age brainwashing.
You have a Cathedral outside the window and over the "pond" which could be a reference to either the Vatican or the City of London.
There is a bug on the windowsill. These days, they are used for "electronic messenger" but any other "buzzing" messages are correct. Buzz-words for example, which means it is a hidden-in-plain-sight message pathway.
The Cathedral and bug together in the window may mean that the "signal" or buzz-word will be coming from the Church across the Pond. I think it means from the House of Windsor AKA the Queen.
The face of the clock has 3, 6, 9, and 12 -- which are the orders of creation combined with the three mysteries. The time is 3:55, which translates to an understanding of the 3 (the Plan).
Checkerboard tiles, which is the Game of Life. Certain tiles have magic number seals on them, but that's relatively new to me, so I'll leave that to you guys. The many colors could indicate that it isn't just "black and white" and there are many people playing the game, all with their own interests. The seals double as plants, so it could indicate that everyone's "game board" has been infiltrated by all colors (factions).
SSS BLOOD on the pink piano. SSS could mean Social Security System (Blackmail / Slavery through Social Standing). BLOOD would then be the Blood Lines (Windsor, Rothschild, Rockefeller, etc.)
There's an Alembic(Holy Grail, Ark of the Covenant, Virgin Birth, the Perfect Vessel, Tabernacle) on the shelf which is used to distill things. In it is the red liquid (Red Phosphorus (Radical Earth / The Bread of Life / the Flesh) fed by White Phosphorus(Radical Moisture / the Virgin's Milk)) before undertaking the Head of the Crow trial and rising like the Phoenix, or the Eagle taken unto the Fires of Resurrection.
The Alembic spout hovers over a dropper with the number 9 on it. This is the Quintessence, the tonic that bestows Cloud 9, and with it a full understanding of Creation through all the 9 orders. This is the Perfect Philosopher's Stone, which not only acts as panacea, but opens the mind (Third eye) to the Mind of God, (9). 3*3 = 9, where Creation begotten unto Creation is the Mind of God, a Creator that Creates Creator(s).
Palm tree signifying masculinity on the painting in the back. Paintings are imitations of the real thing. Together, we see the illusion of imitating masculinity, I.E. a woman acting in the role of a man.
Flowers of all types on the tapestry at the right. Flowers symbolize virgins, or those who have yet to be "deflowered." Tapestries symbolize a plan or something that is wished to be claimed. Put them together and you have them wishing to claim the virginity of the world (of all types of flowers).
The Jack in the Box means a surprise. Lincoln on the front could mean a potential surprise involving the assassination of a President.
The White Rabbit (adrenochrome, but more specifically, actions that put you on the clock and require you to run(prey) from Universal punishment). On the White Rabbit's frock are the signs for Tin(Jupiter), Lead(Saturn), Mercury(Quicksilver), Iron(Mars), and Copper(Venus). Those are the Five metals which can be used to obtain the Virgin's Milk, excluding the Noble Metals of Gold(Sun) and Silver(Moon). The rabbit is making the gesture for "no, allow me." It has a party hat, so whatever that's gonna happen might be at a party, or concerning a party(political).
The Rabbit has snake eyes, and the body is snake-ish. Snakes slither, and are made up of segments (don't tread on me) which means whatever this plan is, they need full cooperation with all the "planets" for it to work. The slit eyes indicate deception / traitors.
Poodle in the back indicates a dog (pet on leash / loyal companion / puppet) which has been pampered. These are the big puppets. A black poodle means it probably has something to do with the races. The red nose indicates drunkeness, aka how easy it is to blackmail someone and/or have them rape a drunk(drugged) child. The collar being red means that is the primary mode of control.
The piano is a symbol for progress / the current narrative. It also means "flat and level" because all the notes are on the same plane. Playing a piano means you're "on the level" and things are going according to plan, so long as the player doesn't screw up.
She is playing the notes: (Left Hand) Pinky on D/E, two middle on A# | (Right Hand) two fingers on G and A
The Figure playing is obviously Alice, from Alice in Wonderland fame. That's probably all you need to make your own conclusions, but Alice is always the figure which represents fantastical discoveries that need to be covered up. Maids clean these things up, which is why the Maid in the Brady Bunch is named Alice.
All eyes are looking at Allice. If Britney is Alice, then this message is the biggest message that can possibly be sent right now. If Alice is Hillary, then all the better!
The missal on the Piano has the All-Seeing-Eye on it, which means the song being played (the notes / narrative) is definitely of the occult. A yellow backing could indicate royalty. 6 8 3 is new to me. It does add thusly, though: 6+8+3 = 17. I got no clue what the eastern symbols on the missal are, though...
Tiny dog at the lower right means Alice's pet (loyal companion) is no longer important. It's the only one not looking at Alice, which means it's mind is probably shot. This could be Biden.
There's more, but I'm getting tired.
Put it all together, with Alice looking at "us", and I think this is a clear message to "someone" that they need to use everything they got to assassinate someone, probably the President, before someone else (the "allow me" rabbit/snake) does.
If we take the tiny dog to be Biden, I'm making the claim that this could be an All Points Bulletin to assassinate Trump. The Lincoln jack in the box sends me that direction.
Then again, the Rabbit's "allow me" gesture makes me think that something else is being discussed.
Personally, and I'm basing this on a gut feeling, I think this is a message for someone to decide whether to fake their death or be assassinated by the cabal players. It might even just be a reputation assassination.
All the planets (cabal power structures) are saying they are more than willing to take the target out.
Alice looks to "us" instead.
But the bug in the window with the Church leads me another direction.
There has been talk that the Queen is already dead and that the announcement of her death will be the queue for the "end game" to come out from under the rug.
I don't know... This is really a hot mess...
That is a pretty in depth critique. I would love to visit a museum with you haha.
Same here! Wow!
Dude, you’re NOT sleepy
And a WOW from me - thanks!
Road trip 🙌
Yea, actually we should make things like this happen. I'm over in cent texas, anyone up for meetups at some monuments or pubs?
Round Rock here - pleased I'm not down in the liberal Austin, but even up here we have Beto signs :(
But, ya, I'd be down to grab an Electric Jellyfish some evening to talk about the crazies
Be careful. That’s an easy way to allow glowies to infiltrate
Understood but im not particularly worried about a couple of traitors or jannies. I'm sure im on enough watch lists as it is. I don't get talked into things so if they want to spin their wheels theyre welcome to join, at least i'll get to call em faggots to their face and maybe spit in their beer.
Infiltrate what a museum trip?
Infiltrate your literal personal lives
They already are, lol. Don't believe me? Submit a FOIA on yourself.
Says the responsible one :P I can't really drink anymore but if its got good food im in. I don't know to many around here ima... ima transplant but im more redpilled then my neighbors.
I have the rona bad - but we do need an anon meet great soon !
im down for a rona party, havent had it yet since working in and around ICU's mid first wave.
Your previously explained Narcolepsy (stuck between awake and asleep) is truly a gift to this community. Thank you for what you did with the image. I missed so many things that you seamlessly described in rapid fire.
I'm not saying you are right or wrong on your interpretations, just know that your perspective and knowledge is a tremendous eye-opener.
Amazing work Fren!
Thanks for the praise, it tells me I'm putting it to good use.
If you remember that thread, then you might be interested to hear that I almost left out describing Alice in my breakdown.
I looked over it twice before I said "Duh, I forgot the biggest thing in the image, how could I leave her out?!"
Yup, I notice everything except the elephant in the room...
Need more posts with your kind of energy honestly
That is Sleep Paralysis, not narcolepsy, and is a negatively spiritual phenomenon.
Brilliant in depth decode u/sleepydude! I only caught about a third of this.
PRAY everyone!! 🙏
Amazing!!! So much you saw that I missed....
Edit: and that's just noting in the picture... No idea how to interpret any of it- really (really really) appreciate your insight!!!
Holy cow! Well dkne
Ok so if the girl is Alice ... Alice = HRC ... does that mean Killary has arrived? Where has she arrived to though? Wonderland = SA ... to Saudi Arabia? SA = The Bloody Wonderland.
~~Qpost 75
By the time POTUS returns from his trip the world will be a different place. Godfather lll
Alice & Wonderland
Alice (Lewis Carroll) =
The Bloody Wonderland =
Why did JK travel to SA recently?
What is SA known for?
Where do the biggest donations originate from?
Why is this relevant?
What else is relevant w/ SA?
Safe harbor?
Port of transfer?
Why was there a recent smear campaign against JK and POTUS?
Why is the timing important?
~~Qposts for Alice ...
~~Qpost 47 ..
You can paint the picture based solely on the questions asked.
Be vigilant today and expect a major false flag.
Does anyone find it to be a coincidence there is always a terrorist attack when bad news breaks for the D's?
What is that called?
Military relevant how?
BO could not and would not allow the military to destroy ISIS - why?
How was ISIS formed?
How has POTUS made such progress in the short time he's been President?
Alice & Wonderland.
~~Qpost 2051 ...
~~Qposts for Bloody Wonderland ...
You know what, I think this is exactly what this image means.
This Q post is pretty spot on.
One thing that wasn't mentioned is that this is a mirror image because the piano's wide side should be on the left, yet it's on the right. So is everything flipped, including the notes and the time?
Is Britney the girl? Blonde, blue eyed, wide set (doe) eyes, young (mickey mouse club house).
Is she the final guest to the "party" in that picture?
When does a caged bird sing?
All the other characters and all the tales behind everything that is going on in this picture...
B has brown eyes. H has blue.
Saw this too. Is that a chinese flag on the pole in that picture?
The time is 3:55. The movie 355 is in theaters today. Coincidence.
I just googled the artist's name, "Mark Ryden" and went to images. He has produced some really off-putting stuff.
What possesses a person to create these kinds of images? Like seriously WTF
This. What Plato called the basilisk. The folks we know as the vrill.
Fascinating symbolism. Abraham Lincoln, slabs of meat, all seeing eye and the ever-present unhappy little girl.
Whoa! WTF?!
I am confused about her. Is she with is or against us?
She's a bagman. A messenger. Brainwashed way too much to be a sane human being anymore.
She's neither truly good nor bad.
She probably skews good these days, because she doesn't want the tree to come down, otherwise she'd be out of a job.
She is a Ratatoskr archetype.
Finally, she has probably been forced into the role of a High Priestess -- which would be a messenger of secrets.
I'm using Wikipedia for these, because they use Wikipedia as their own reference in case they forget, so it is potentially the best resource for those with a modest interest in the matter.
Its just such a shame that these Disney Kids were caught up in this. I mean its a shame any child got caught up in this evil.
Intentional enemy action to demoralize us all.
Imma stop you right there with the esoterism. I know it's alluring, but it allows Clowns to get away with Comms because 3/4ths of the Truth Community puts them on a mystical pedestal.
She is a Clown Slave who tried to defy the system that made her famous in the first place. Many such cases.
Britney Spears: Decoded
Sure, but they use the esoterism for comms and whether you like that fact or not, they are still sending weird-ass messages with this junk.
You don't have to believe in any of it, but they do which makes them dangerous concerning it.
I agree, we shouldn't put them on a mystical pedestal, which is why we should take the time to learn their secret language.
The less secret something is, the less power it has.
That's the premise of an Evil Eye Spell. They think that magic is real, and the only way a spell works is if the intended target doesn't know for certain if they have a spell cast on them.
They conflate simple psychology (the nature of self-fulfilling prophecies) with magic.
Logically put, magic is simply getting more out than you put in. When it comes to abusing people's minds, this is very much possible.
The typical example is the gypsy curse. A gypsy puts a "curse" on your family. From then on you have that nagging doubt in the back of your mind that the bad luck you've been experiencing is due to the gypsy curse.
Eventually, you become so consumed by it that you create your own bad luck because you've developed a bias FOR the curse being real.
Then you tell your family that the whole family has been cursed, and the cognitive bias spreads.
The only way to "dispel" the curse is to confront the "spell" and learn whatever gesture, ritual, or concoction the gypsy made was, in HER MIND, supposed to do.
Once you realize what it was supposed to do, and compare it with your "bad luck" you can finally determine that the stuff happening to you had nothing to do with the specific "curse" she put on you. If what she intended didn't happen, then it proves it was all in your mind, through the power of suggestion.
In other words, this is a long-winded way of saying:
So, this imagery is an evil eye spell.
Everyone who sees it knows it means something, but they don't know what. That lack of knowing measurably gives the creator of the image power over people.
Exposing what it means prevents people's imagination from running wild and assuming the creator does have mystical powers.
They don't. Magic, THIS type of magic, is an illusion. It has no power, it has no influence, and it most certainly shouldn't be put on a pedestal.
It should be taken off the pedestal, which is why calling things what they are, defining them, and showing how they are just make-believe is the first step to show just how big of a farce these people really are.
Britney is the same way. She is nothing special; just another poor kid who was abused and brain-washed.
So I agree, she isn't all the things they want to make her out to be, and the first step of making her human again is to expose exactly what "spells" they put on her and realizing it is all fake nonsense. If not for us, then for her.
Know Your Enemy.
Love your posts and thought processes. Keep it up!
IDK either. 683=17 though.
It just never stops. Impossible to tell what part is confirmation bias and what part isn't.
Good catch
The long side of the piano should be on the left side --- mirror image.
Mirror of 683
Correct. Does that change the notes the fingers are on?
And what notes are her fingers about to play?
Hard to tell.
She was used and abused by the celebrity machine, though. So at the very least she's pissed off and has an axe to grind.
Keep in mind that LOTS of strings have been cut. We can only assume we know (notice) maybe 20% of what is going on in the public forums.
she's permanently damaged
Classic MKUltra
That was a very enlightening article. Thank you for posting it.
No. Make THEM cry for days.
The vigilant citizen did a great piece on this type “artistry” very disturbing stuff
Yeah I read through that and it is very disturbing. Symbolism will be their downfall.
baby = meat
Mark Ryden, the artist, graduated from my college and spoke to our class. He told us about how he was told to REMOVE ALL SKULLS from Michael Jackson's Dangerous album, but he got away with hiding one in the breast of the gold statue on the left.
What a POS.
Pic makes me feel mildly nauseous.
Interesting the medicine and chemical beaker set on the close proximity to the only pineal gland in the picture.
Apparently reddit doesn't know the symbolism either:
Interesting comment on instagram:
These are the same creepy paintings the ceo of Nike had throughout his office. His name is mark parker.
She may be confused also. Possible PSD or even more clinical salts issues. She been through a lot and had a lot of meds through her system over the years I am sure.
The keys her hands are on are G, 2 fingers on B flat, unknown left index and thumb, right hand looks like A and B flat. Not a very pretty sounding chord.
Wasent a pretty life for her so far
Jesus that's a lot to unpack
The name of the painting is "The Ecstasy of Cecelia." It's by the artist, Mark Ryden, who did the album cover for Michael Jackson's album, "Dangerous."
The Ecstasy of Saint Cecelia, by Raphael:
St. Cecelia is considered the inventor and patron of Church music.!#filterName:all-paintings-chronologically,resultType:masonry
I'm not sure that the floor represents the black- and white-tiled Masonic floor. It's actually a quilt:
8-pointed star, quilt block:
Meaning of 8: infinity/eternity, ovaries
Meaning of 8-pointed star = Jupiter
355 flipped upside-down is 322 = skull and bones
Palm tree in painting = plant, someone who is a "plant"
683 = "reaping what you sow"
That clock reminds me of Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared.
Plus its set to 3:55 which if you recall is that movie that was the ‘only thing playing’ (now not accurate) next week
355 = lady agent
77000+ likes. For what? Why is everything normie soooo broken..
I'm sure anything she posts automatically gets upvoted and shared by a bot army.
Jeebus, what a code load
Characters across the top of the music sheet...I don't speak any Asian languages but happen to recognize the second one is def Japanese, third one can be Mandarin Chinese. Looks exactly like the 2nd half of the character for good ("hao") which is 好 in Mandarin.
Is this weird? Others who do know WTF they're talking about are invited to chime on in :) Maybe some Japanese and Chinese characters are the same
欠の子 = Missing child
EDIT Something I find interesting is the repeated use of the number 9 on the vial and in the artist signature. The numbers 4 and 9 are considered unlucky in Japan.
4 is both よん [yon] and し [shi]. 死 [death] is pronounced as し [shi].
Same concept with the number 9 which is both きゅう [kyuu] and く [ku]. 苦 [suffering] is pronounced as く [ku].
Domo arigato gozaimas
Again, I think you are right about 欠, but maybe that's why is looks like 久? 久 can be pronounced きゅう or く. Interesting!
It is actually, and definitely, 女の子 (Onna no Ko, meaning "girl"). The two vertical strokes cross below the horizontal stroke as it does in 女, and the horizontal stroke does not have the back "tick" that is present in 欠.
The original, The Ecstasy of Cecelia (1998), shows a clear cross on that lower stroke which has been blurred by compression:
I considered that. 女 is still made of 3 strokes whereas the one in the painting has 4 strokes. Considering the artist used the wrong strokes anyway it is quite possible that you are correct and they were trying to write 女.
Fair enough. It could also be deliberately ambiguous so that it could be interpreted as "female" in the conventional sense and "missing" if you count and reinterpret the strokes, since it does look different to the proper form of the character.
In Japanese, the 久 (the 'hisa' is the word 'hisashiburi' 久しぶり) can also be read as 'kyuu' or 'ku') typically means 'long time' or 'old story'. That kind of connotation. The phrase 'hisashiburi' has a meaning similar to "long time no see!"
The second character is the hiragana 'no' の and is probably acting as grammatical particle, often used to connect 2 nouns among other grammatical uses.
The third character is 'ko' 子, and this means child/youngster/etc.
My gut tells me this is suppose to be a straightforward title, to be read as "(long) story of children" or "Children's Story". But this entire picture alludes to some else, so there's probably more to it.
The nuance within Japanese makes me want to dig a little deeper. I could definitely be missing something, especially considering the way the first character is written. 久 makes the most sense to me, but this could be a play with kanji (chinese characters), which the Japanese are known for.
Anyone else with insight here?
欠 is pronounced けつ, ketsu which means "lack". Lack of child, or missing child.
I don't see 欠 at all, but it would make more sense, wouldn't it? Artistic license, maybe? Or an attempt at combining the characters, so that it might read something like "(missing) story of children" or "story of missing children". Assuming 久 is right at all, which might be a big assumption...
The reason I am not seeing 久 as the symbol is because the second stroke is a single stroke like in フ. In the painting, the symbol uses 4 strokes. Like ケ with an additional stroke. 欠 just seems to make sense in this context.
I agree with your reasoning. It doesn't seem exactly like either in the painting, although 欠 certainly fits better. My guess is if you're not correct, you are certainly on the right track.
Looks like my suggestion was on target that some characters are similar across certain languages. In this case, ko in Japanese and part of hao in Mandarin.
Kanji is Japanese.
Yes and no.
Kanji is the Japanese word for chinese characters, literally. "kan" 漢 meaning Sino/China and "ji" 字, character/letter/word. It's also what they use to describe the chinese characters they adopted into their syllabary. These are chinese characters, some of which have changed within Japanese over time to become uniquely Japanese. They can have their own unique Japanese sounds associated with them (kun-yomi, or Japanese reading) but still retain japanese-ified (technical term) chinese sounds (on-yomi, or Chinese reading).
Ex. 人 = ひと, hito (kun-yomi); じん, jin (on-yomi) -- there are other pronunciations, but I'm only listing these as an example.
TLDR: Japanese is hard, yo.
Japanese can take even more leeway with the use of furigana, tiny kana (the "letters" from both their "alphabets") written besides or above kanji and used to give the proper reading for a kanji, either for unknown kanji for the target audience age or for disambiguation.
Authors can use those furigana to give new readings to a kanji, a very common usage of this is "ability names" in manga, one of the most well-known being "The World", written "Sekai" which means "World", and pronounced "Za Warudo" as per the furigana which is the Japanese way of pronouncing the English words "The World". The character never says "Sekai", and the Japanese reader reads "Za Warudo", but knows it has a link to his understanding of "Sekai". Sometimes there's no correlation at all, and the furigana just gives a cool-sounding name to a set of kanji otherwise describing what the character is actually doing.
Furigana can also be used to include a double-meaning, as in "what I say" in kanji within the spoken sentence from one character to another, compared to "what I really think" in furigana, making perfect sense in Japanese, but is way harder to properly translate and may lead to loss of information...
Again, Japanese is hard, yo.
Symbolism that I've seen so far perhaps
Baby + Meat = Children sacrifice/fuel basically pedo elite shit (think spirit cooking) Vial with 9 = Strychnine more than likely. Near her head, maybe she's afraid of being poisoned? Yin/Yang + Abe Lincoln + Jack in the box + White Rabbit + gender Symbolism = The balance to all things, politically and presently are out of balance and it made a joke of all things. Things are out of balance and it's almost comical. Clock at 3:55 - Today the move 355 releases today which already had viral marketing out for it. Piano SSS Blood + Picture with beach scene = Direct callback to Epstein Island (considering the baby food stuff too)
Sheet music with Chinese symbols? an Eye, and 683? I don't have much there yet.
Alice in Wonderland Feels (rabit + blonde girl in blue dress) Perspective warping = Hallucinagenic?
There's more notes to take for sure but its hard to say if it actually means anything or is just perspective
Reminds me of that song - Love Potion number 9
Picture behind the rabbit epstein island????
Looks like it...not sure, can only see if palm tree and blue.
The book on the Piano: mind controlling children
女の子 means girl child
And 683 is the number stamped on ADHD med known as Focalin, aka Dexmethylphenidate Hydrochloride. It's super addictive nasty stuff, basically like micro-dosing meth.
Side of Piano reads: SSS BLOOD: follow the rabbit...
"Cerebrospinal fluid drainage as influenced by ventricular pressure in the rabbit"
"Blood was sampled continuously from the superior sagittal sinus (SSS) or intermittently from the systemic arterial circulation."
Crazy stuff. The artist really did his research, and it's nothing new, the original art is from 1998
Sorry fren but you're wrong on the translation it's 欠の子 (Ketsu no ko) and it means Missing child
It’s 女の子. I asked a native Japanese to read it. 100%. Little girl.
I can confirm. It is actually, and definitely, 女の子 (Onna no Ko, meaning "girl"). The two vertical strokes cross below the horizontal stroke as it does in 女, and the horizontal stroke does not have the back "tick" that is present in 欠.
The original, The Ecstasy of Cecelia (1998), shows a clear cross on that lower stroke which has been blurred by compression:
Some links for digging:
The original Brittany Spears Instagram post,
in which shes tagged @markryden, the artist.
Leads to the artist's two websites:
Could that doll have more wide-set eyes?
What is the artist's name? Her work shows the symbolism and underlying message of the crazy sh*t that goes on in this world. Can't remember her name. Any help?
"His" name is Mark Ryden, Spears tagged him in her post. Ryden got super popular among the Hollywood "indie" art crowd in the early 2000s.
I want to know what the 6 8 3 underneath the eye on the piano represents; 6+3+8=17 dun, dun dun!
The name on the piano is rather odd as well.
欠の子 = Missing child
Thank you for this translation u/inkbourne!
The painting is signed 9RYDE and she tags Mark Ryden. I would guess Mark Ryden
Keeping the normies' attention, so they see when she posts things like this?
The left eye on Lincoln is closed. Or is that a dead President? Is the one eye club going to try end PDJT now 1/6 truth is coming out? Sleepdude is onto something IMO.
A small point, but the fabric draped in the upper right corner looks like classic crewel embroidery. (crewel/cruel?) You see some of those same flowers in the kits offered inspired by Lady Anne Clifford here:
And a bit about her just FYI:
Let's see....Disney girl....product controlled and exploited for profit by Disney and her parents.. Turned into whore sex symbol at 20...loses her mind as an adult....Declared insane/incompetent...saddled like a horse for 20 years...
Surprised she hasn't ODd. Yet.
The clock reads 3:55. It brings to mind that new movie which is supposed to start today, “The 355”. Idk, just something I noticed.
It feels weird creepy.