Agreed, but the odds are overwhelming that if I'm a victim of a violent crime, the perpetrator will be black. Read some of abstracts from the FBI Uniform Crime Statistics program. Sad reality.
They should have been deported generations ago.
Take that 13% and along with ending abortion, run that number to 30% and imagine the violence stats.
This country would be uninhabitable.
I think the proper thing would be to return to sender and ship the violent ones to Israel.
However It wouldn't last long because they'd shoot them all and blame it on Syria.
I agree. I was going to write something more hard hitting but this isn't the1800's.
People from shit-hole countries can illegally migrate by the millions to this "racist" country but evidently the road is only a one way in. We can never send them out of here no matter how much havoc they wreak, once they're here. We need mass deportations on a daily basis to rid ourselves of millions of these un American cultures.
It is a very sad and unfortunate result from decades of social programming, by the evil puppet masters of this world.
When I look at the Projects, I feel saddened by the fact that these people are bred/born into a very well constructed mind prison and forced to be elbow to elbow with bad actors.
Will I ever drive through one? Hell no.
Does that make me ‘racist’? Not at all.
There is a reason why the politicians, specifically the black politicians, DO NOT live in the areas they profess to love.
Lots of the time I wear mine around the house, inside and outside also. It only takes that one time when you're mowing the grass, getting the mail, or taking out the trash or just sitting inside you house to be that victim we prepare ourselves Not to be. It don't hurt to have a backup laying around either, right?
I admit, I am forgetful, and I have put my gun down somewhere such that I had to hunt it up. This doesn't happen very often but when it does I always think to myself damnit, if someone comes at me now, I am going to be super pissed off at that cruel turn of fate to the point that I will probably tell them to STOP and give me a second lol.
The other day I went uptown for something and for some reason I was naked. At least that's the way I felt when I realized it.
You know something though, my wife no longer ask me why I insist on carrying my gun everywhere I go, she stopped doing that a long time ago.
Or, Wait a minute Mr. Criminal, this ain't fare. I've carried my gun with me for years, and now this one time I don't have it your going to victimize me, that's just not right.
This atrocity happened very close to where I live, and the event is indelibly etched into our memories. The perpetrators were just miserable people with miserable pointless lives. I'm glad they are off the streets and now a danger only to other prisoners.
Fuck bullets and hanging it’s too soft. Call me barbaric but I don’t care. Torturing and killing someone in this manner requires a brutal execution in return. I would tie a horse to each of their limbs and have them torn apart.
Um no. These men brutally murdered and tortured a woman. It’s on a different level then someone shooting someone else. Murder is murder but context matters in my opinion.
I think this site needs to shift the blame on someone else other than WWII Germany. There was no holohoax period!
If there were war crimes the allies were the guilty ones and it isn't even close.
The real tragedy is they brainwashed Whites to go to war against each other, killing tens of millions, all the while pulling the sympathy card which continues today.
Ever spent anytime in any major West Coast city? Better use for them then having them camp on sidewalks, shooting heroin up, trashing the city, committing hit and run dui’s etc.
It's a tall order my friend. C,S, Lewis points out in Mere Christianity:
Some of us who seem quite nice people may, in fact, have made so little use of a good heredity and a good upbringing that we are really worse than those whom we regard as fiends. Can we be quite certain how we should have behaved if we had been saddled with the psychological outfit, and then with the bad upbringing, and then with the power, say, of Himmler? That is why Christians are told not to judge.
We see only the results which a man's choices make out of his raw material. But God does not judge him on the raw material at all, but on what he has done with it. Most of the man's psychological make-up is probably due to his body: when his body dies all that will fall off him, and the real central man, the thing that chose, that made the best or the worst out of this material, will stand naked. All sorts of
nice things which we thought our own, but which were really due to a good digestion, will fall off some of us: all sorts of nasty things which were due to complexes or bad health will fall off others. We shall then, for the first tune, see every one as he really was. There will be surprises.
Who is worse/more guilty:
Person who hates, wishes bad thing upon another yet has no power to bring about his wishes, to make his hate felt. (us)
Person who hates, wishes same bad upon another and has the power to carry out his desires, his wishes. (Himmler)
Well any clear thinking person would see that person #1 and person #2 are equally bad, guilty in God's eyes.
It's not wrong to want, even pray for Justice on the earth. That's why we have judges, and trials and laws. In the Bible the unrepentant are brought to trial in the Great White Throne Judgement at the end of time. They will know why they are judged, as well as be reminded on the times they could have repented but chose not to.
In addition I believe that the commandment to not judge others sins means we are not to just them against our righteousness. I heard a preacher once that I respect say something I tend to agree with, and that is it is only acceptable, and in fact correct for us to judge others sins against the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. Christ was without sin.
Being accepting of anything that is scripturally wrong is certainly not a good practice. It's not okay to have open pedophiles in your church. It doesn't mean you can't love them enough to help them to confess their sins and repent, but even then you don't just let them run a Sunday school class or tell everyone in church how they've embraced a pedo lifestyle. Sin is sin, indeed, and even though we all struggle with it, it doesn't mean we get a free pass.
It would be cheaper to operate a corporal punishment system. I think the Philippines model is the way to go. First or second offense of a minor crime and you get some lashings, deal with the pain and hopefully learn that its not worth it. Go to a overcrowded short term prison where there is no personal space to await trial. Hard crimes or reoccuring are the death penalty.
Prisons should be a place that NOBODY ever wants to see again, not a second home.
Plenty of places to go in the world where you can do whatever you want, but not here should be the hallmark.
While cheaper and more satisfying, we don’t want the State to have both the power to convict AND the power to kill. All too easy to murder wrongly convicted innocents by accident or malicious intent.
Same here. It wrecked our community. Everyone still remembers it like it was yesterday. They all deserved the death penalty. Life sentences are too good for these animals.
May God bless that man in every way possible. I can't even begin to imagine sitting there day in and day out listening to the testimony, but he insisted on being there.
I hope this crime happened in a state that still prosecutes criminals to the fullest extent allowed, and these criminals get the maximum!! Too many places hate the police and don't want criminals punished.
Yeah, the main perps got life sentences, and the lesser players got lengthy prison sentences. I'd have to dig into history of the case but they're going to be very pld men if any of them ever get out of jail. And if they do, they had better watch their backs cuz people around here are sick of their shit.
‘If we all lived "an eye for an eye", we would all be blind.’
That’s assuming that a potential eye-gouger could not be deterred by the prospect of losing his own eye. There are communities who live “an eye for an eye” that don’t lose any eyes, because of the deterrent.
An eye for an eye means that when justice is exacted you allowed compensation for exactly what was more. 1 stolen donkey = 1 donkey or the equivilent returned, someone steals $20, they return exactly $20, not $4500 as in the pain and suffering nonsense. It was never meant as a literal plucking out of one eye for another. Ghandi was a fool for using this an example, yet people that can't think believe it was a brilliant statement. Then again he was a major antisemite, so you can see why he would twist the Hebrew law like that.
Also there were different outcomes for accidental and purposeful actions. Thou shall not kill is purposefully plotting a murder. But its justified to kill in defense of self wife children home invasion etc. Those 5 dont deserve to breath another breath
Well thou shalt not kill should be correctly translated as murder. The seven cities of refuge were established for an accidental death, and were to protect relatives from exacting revenge and becoming muderers themselves.
Murderers however were by the law, to be put to death.
Nah, as bad as they are, we shouldn't become like them. Don't become what you hate. Put bullets in their heads, and feed them to the wolves. They don't deserve proper burials.
This is why the normies are just as guilty as the cabal if not more. I am tired of the plan being orientated towards them while anons, semi awake people and innocent children are suffering.
I look forward to the destruction of the normie then I do the justice of the cabal.
This is one of the most horrific murders I had ever read about. I am in no way racist. But, blacks make up about 13% of America. Blacks commit about 55% of all violent murders (re Chicago, NYC, Las Angeles, Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans). Of that 13%, males make up about 5% of that number.
Approx. 355 million Americans.
13% of 355 million = 45.5 million blacks
45.5 million x 5% = 2.275 male blacks
2.275 million x 1% = approx. 22.75 thousand violent males
The civil rights movement and NAACP were communist funded movements they use blacks as cannon fodder to agitate their reforms to destabilize thwart Americas values culure etc.
And let’s go back to spot that it is. All’s great over there these days right? Or are villages raiding killing raping and enslaving their neighbors?
I shit you not the female black girl was in my class! We live in a very rural area in Kentucky so our class was only about 100. She always hated me something FIERCE. 😶 I told my husband that could have been me in another setting!!!
I'm not sure if it's more because the victim was white or the perpetrators were black. I'm actually starting to believe it's more because the perps were black. If the perps had been white this might have made the news headlines for a little while.
Thank you bringing that up. Yes, Christopher Nelson was raped and tortured by the same group before they executed him. I can’t imagine what those poor kids had going through their heads when all that evil was happening to them. I always mention this incident to people who think whites are so bad. I simply telll them the names and inform them to look up the case, you’ll see the details and then you’ll know why people distrust blacks so much.
Why leave out what they did to the boy? He was raped and sodomized as well. Shot 3 times and set on fire.
Controversy arose due to differing interpretations regarding the media's coverage of the murders. Many people believed that the crimes were ignored because the victims were white while the perpetrators were black. Others, including journalists, disagreed with this assertion.
This is what is being let into this country.. there will be much much more of this.... we are putting in millions of third world people.. we will have third world problems... oh hey... food shortages...
The narrative of "white supremacy" and "systemic racism" and all the other mind-cancer trash that is pumped into the minds of the non whites is one contributing factor in this sort of crime.
Next time you hear someone talk about "muh racism" or "white supremacy" think about this.... that will put you in the correct frame of mind for how you react to it. You dont act all apologetic, like there is some truth to it, you raise yourself taller, start roaring and go incandescent at them.
Never heard of this tragedy, but just reading about this after searching severely upsets me. All of them should be taken out to pasture and given the same fate. Those poor souls and the poor family members who had to know the graphic details of their children's deaths. Rest in peace.
I read about this case awhile back. It's unimaginable anyone would perform such relentless, horrific tortures upon another human soul. These ferals will not escape God's justice. I have a feeling these two youths were Christians. The perpetrators were obvious children of Satan. It is like a young adult version of what the pedophiles do to our babies and small children. Please, Lord, do not delay.
This happened 15 years ago. It still stands as the most horrible crime I have ever heard of.
I lived in Knoxville at the time. The only way that community kept from tearing itself apart was for white people (and I suppose black people too) to pretend it didn’t happen. I don’t know that that would or could be possible if the same crime were committed today.
Make it a weekend event.
3 on Friday
1 on Saturday
1 on Sunday
Method: Battery powered Wood-chipper
Why battery powered?
As the batteries die on Saturday and Sunday the machine slows down some. Jams up due to lack of full power but still chugs along with a few pokes... Making the show that much more lengthy and enjoyable.
2020 opened my eyes to a lot of things. When I started looking into FBI crime stats, and I saw that every narrative about black victims in the MSM was total BS…this is as sick as some of the Muslim crimes I’ve read about. Some black guys I knew once told me blacks are the most hated people in the world. They had no idea why….
Everyone in America should know this horrific story. The mainstream media is criminal, doing all it can to paint the picture that blacks are more often victims of white violence than what is actually true, that whites are more often victims of black violence.
Which is why I always have a gun on me. I refuse to be a victim of black on white crime.
Agreed, but the odds are overwhelming that if I'm a victim of a violent crime, the perpetrator will be black. Read some of abstracts from the FBI Uniform Crime Statistics program. Sad reality.
Statistics: 65% of all violent crime in the USA is perpetrated by blacks. (While they account for 13% of the population.) Typically gang banger ages.
They should have been deported generations ago. Take that 13% and along with ending abortion, run that number to 30% and imagine the violence stats. This country would be uninhabitable. I think the proper thing would be to return to sender and ship the violent ones to Israel. However It wouldn't last long because they'd shoot them all and blame it on Syria.
I agree. I was going to write something more hard hitting but this isn't the1800's. People from shit-hole countries can illegally migrate by the millions to this "racist" country but evidently the road is only a one way in. We can never send them out of here no matter how much havoc they wreak, once they're here. We need mass deportations on a daily basis to rid ourselves of millions of these un American cultures.
It is a very sad and unfortunate result from decades of social programming, by the evil puppet masters of this world.
When I look at the Projects, I feel saddened by the fact that these people are bred/born into a very well constructed mind prison and forced to be elbow to elbow with bad actors.
Will I ever drive through one? Hell no.
Does that make me ‘racist’? Not at all.
There is a reason why the politicians, specifically the black politicians, DO NOT live in the areas they profess to love.
Lots of the time I wear mine around the house, inside and outside also. It only takes that one time when you're mowing the grass, getting the mail, or taking out the trash or just sitting inside you house to be that victim we prepare ourselves Not to be. It don't hurt to have a backup laying around either, right?
I admit, I am forgetful, and I have put my gun down somewhere such that I had to hunt it up. This doesn't happen very often but when it does I always think to myself damnit, if someone comes at me now, I am going to be super pissed off at that cruel turn of fate to the point that I will probably tell them to STOP and give me a second lol.
The other day I went uptown for something and for some reason I was naked. At least that's the way I felt when I realized it.
You know something though, my wife no longer ask me why I insist on carrying my gun everywhere I go, she stopped doing that a long time ago.
Or, Wait a minute Mr. Criminal, this ain't fare. I've carried my gun with me for years, and now this one time I don't have it your going to victimize me, that's just not right.
This is exactly why I carry.
Yup! Locked and loaded here too. Don't leave home without it.
This atrocity happened very close to where I live, and the event is indelibly etched into our memories. The perpetrators were just miserable people with miserable pointless lives. I'm glad they are off the streets and now a danger only to other prisoners.
But now the state has to pay $60,000 per year per inmate to keep them comfortable. A bullet would be cheaper.
A bullet and send the bill to their family.
Fuck bullets and hanging it’s too soft. Call me barbaric but I don’t care. Torturing and killing someone in this manner requires a brutal execution in return. I would tie a horse to each of their limbs and have them torn apart.
Stoning works well in many parts of the world. Participation sport as well for the entire group of victims.
And if you had the power, would you kill everyone that you despise?
Who is worse;
How would you behaved if you had the power of a Himmler.
Um no. These men brutally murdered and tortured a woman. It’s on a different level then someone shooting someone else. Murder is murder but context matters in my opinion.
I think this site needs to shift the blame on someone else other than WWII Germany. There was no holohoax period! If there were war crimes the allies were the guilty ones and it isn't even close.
The real tragedy is they brainwashed Whites to go to war against each other, killing tens of millions, all the while pulling the sympathy card which continues today.
But think about the people who would have to clean up the mess afterwards.
Use it as a “scared straight” program. At-risk youth can clean up after executions and see what’ll happen if they don’t get their shit together.
Hang their corpses in an iron cage, let the carrion eaters pick their bones clean.
No mess to clean up, and you have yourself a nice birdfeeder to watch.
And it serves as a warning to any thinking of repeating the crimes.
Coyotes, crows, magpies, insects need to eat also...
Make the homeless do it
What did they do to deserve that?
Ever spent anytime in any major West Coast city? Better use for them then having them camp on sidewalks, shooting heroin up, trashing the city, committing hit and run dui’s etc.
OK, well, I've been homeless, and I never did any of those things.
its disturbing to me how quickly we become just like the monsters we fight against.
They wanna act like animals, then treat them like animals.
I wouldn't treat an animal like that.
It's a tall order my friend. C,S, Lewis points out in Mere Christianity:
Some of us who seem quite nice people may, in fact, have made so little use of a good heredity and a good upbringing that we are really worse than those whom we regard as fiends. Can we be quite certain how we should have behaved if we had been saddled with the psychological outfit, and then with the bad upbringing, and then with the power, say, of Himmler? That is why Christians are told not to judge.
We see only the results which a man's choices make out of his raw material. But God does not judge him on the raw material at all, but on what he has done with it. Most of the man's psychological make-up is probably due to his body: when his body dies all that will fall off him, and the real central man, the thing that chose, that made the best or the worst out of this material, will stand naked. All sorts of nice things which we thought our own, but which were really due to a good digestion, will fall off some of us: all sorts of nasty things which were due to complexes or bad health will fall off others. We shall then, for the first tune, see every one as he really was. There will be surprises.
Who is worse/more guilty:
Person who hates, wishes bad thing upon another yet has no power to bring about his wishes, to make his hate felt. (us)
Person who hates, wishes same bad upon another and has the power to carry out his desires, his wishes. (Himmler)
Well any clear thinking person would see that person #1 and person #2 are equally bad, guilty in God's eyes.
It's not wrong to want, even pray for Justice on the earth. That's why we have judges, and trials and laws. In the Bible the unrepentant are brought to trial in the Great White Throne Judgement at the end of time. They will know why they are judged, as well as be reminded on the times they could have repented but chose not to.
In addition I believe that the commandment to not judge others sins means we are not to just them against our righteousness. I heard a preacher once that I respect say something I tend to agree with, and that is it is only acceptable, and in fact correct for us to judge others sins against the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. Christ was without sin.
Being accepting of anything that is scripturally wrong is certainly not a good practice. It's not okay to have open pedophiles in your church. It doesn't mean you can't love them enough to help them to confess their sins and repent, but even then you don't just let them run a Sunday school class or tell everyone in church how they've embraced a pedo lifestyle. Sin is sin, indeed, and even though we all struggle with it, it doesn't mean we get a free pass.
Rabid animals get put down.
Lmao u have no fuckin idea
So, got any good ides??
It would be cheaper to operate a corporal punishment system. I think the Philippines model is the way to go. First or second offense of a minor crime and you get some lashings, deal with the pain and hopefully learn that its not worth it. Go to a overcrowded short term prison where there is no personal space to await trial. Hard crimes or reoccuring are the death penalty.
Prisons should be a place that NOBODY ever wants to see again, not a second home.
Plenty of places to go in the world where you can do whatever you want, but not here should be the hallmark.
You really want to live in a place that models the Philippines?
You really want to live in a place that lets hardened murderers out in 6 months because they might get the "coof"?
By the way, the United States leads the world in incarceration rate.
Right, the Philippines also had a vaxx policy. You get vaxxed or we vaxx you.
And we can't forget about the Philippines gun policy. You turn your guns in or we put you in jail.
While cheaper and more satisfying, we don’t want the State to have both the power to convict AND the power to kill. All too easy to murder wrongly convicted innocents by accident or malicious intent.
What do you have to do to get the death penalty in this state? A question I asked when this happened.
Same here. It wrecked our community. Everyone still remembers it like it was yesterday. They all deserved the death penalty. Life sentences are too good for these animals.
The animals should get the death penalty.
They took lives, they should loose theirs.
And not with soft lethal injection, hanging or firing squad. They deserve medieval style torture and execution.
Wood chipper...feet first
I like that idea fren!
I like ur swag patriot!! Only if i can watch each and every one of em be put in and record their screams so i can listen to it when i feel down...
Hung, drawn and quartered.
Takes hours if done right.
Sounds like you follow the Dan Suggs method of killing:
And all that they perpetrated upon others shall be brought back upon their own heads tenfold
We are still feeding that trash. A bullet is cheaper and a better way to deal with wild animals.
I will never forget her father in court.
Rocking back and forth incessantly...
May God bless that man in every way possible. I can't even begin to imagine sitting there day in and day out listening to the testimony, but he insisted on being there.
I hope this crime happened in a state that still prosecutes criminals to the fullest extent allowed, and these criminals get the maximum!! Too many places hate the police and don't want criminals punished.
Well it happened several years ago and the perps have been sentenced already. A couple of them have appealed their convictions, but it failed.
Thanks for the information. I hope they were severely punished!
Yeah, the main perps got life sentences, and the lesser players got lengthy prison sentences. I'd have to dig into history of the case but they're going to be very pld men if any of them ever get out of jail. And if they do, they had better watch their backs cuz people around here are sick of their shit.
Well, that is good to know--thanks!
If we all lived "an eye for an eye", we would all be blind.
... But since I seem to have my eyes gauged no matter what I do, I'd might as well call for universal blindness.
‘If we all lived "an eye for an eye", we would all be blind.’
That’s assuming that a potential eye-gouger could not be deterred by the prospect of losing his own eye. There are communities who live “an eye for an eye” that don’t lose any eyes, because of the deterrent.
An eye for an eye means that when justice is exacted you allowed compensation for exactly what was more. 1 stolen donkey = 1 donkey or the equivilent returned, someone steals $20, they return exactly $20, not $4500 as in the pain and suffering nonsense. It was never meant as a literal plucking out of one eye for another. Ghandi was a fool for using this an example, yet people that can't think believe it was a brilliant statement. Then again he was a major antisemite, so you can see why he would twist the Hebrew law like that.
Also there were different outcomes for accidental and purposeful actions. Thou shall not kill is purposefully plotting a murder. But its justified to kill in defense of self wife children home invasion etc. Those 5 dont deserve to breath another breath
Well thou shalt not kill should be correctly translated as murder. The seven cities of refuge were established for an accidental death, and were to protect relatives from exacting revenge and becoming muderers themselves.
Murderers however were by the law, to be put to death.
For the MOST heinous EVIL CRIMES
Nah, as bad as they are, we shouldn't become like them. Don't become what you hate. Put bullets in their heads, and feed them to the wolves. They don't deserve proper burials.
But some hissy-bitch slaps a known asshole on tv and everyone goes nuts. SMMFH
This is why the normies are just as guilty as the cabal if not more. I am tired of the plan being orientated towards them while anons, semi awake people and innocent children are suffering.
I look forward to the destruction of the normie then I do the justice of the cabal.
This is one of the most horrific murders I had ever read about. I am in no way racist. But, blacks make up about 13% of America. Blacks commit about 55% of all violent murders (re Chicago, NYC, Las Angeles, Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans). Of that 13%, males make up about 5% of that number.
Approx. 355 million Americans.
13% of 355 million = 45.5 million blacks
45.5 million x 5% = 2.275 male blacks
2.275 million x 1% = approx. 22.75 thousand violent males
It’s not racist to say that black America has a culture problem. Gang culture, single moms and welfare destroyed a lot of black America.
so the democrat party is partly to blame for the state of black culture...
Seems about right.
The civil rights movement and NAACP were communist funded movements they use blacks as cannon fodder to agitate their reforms to destabilize thwart Americas values culure etc.
And let’s go back to spot that it is. All’s great over there these days right? Or are villages raiding killing raping and enslaving their neighbors?
Also, if the perp is black, atleast in my neck of the woods, it gets swept under the rug.
Drive by at a Rap Concert. Need I say more...
I shit you not the female black girl was in my class! We live in a very rural area in Kentucky so our class was only about 100. She always hated me something FIERCE. 😶 I told my husband that could have been me in another setting!!!
Omg! 😳
I'm not sure if it's more because the victim was white or the perpetrators were black. I'm actually starting to believe it's more because the perps were black. If the perps had been white this might have made the news headlines for a little while.
Thank you bringing that up. Yes, Christopher Nelson was raped and tortured by the same group before they executed him. I can’t imagine what those poor kids had going through their heads when all that evil was happening to them. I always mention this incident to people who think whites are so bad. I simply telll them the names and inform them to look up the case, you’ll see the details and then you’ll know why people distrust blacks so much.
Why leave out what they did to the boy? He was raped and sodomized as well. Shot 3 times and set on fire.
Controversy arose due to differing interpretations regarding the media's coverage of the murders. Many people believed that the crimes were ignored because the victims were white while the perpetrators were black. Others, including journalists, disagreed with this assertion.
It's never to late to kill dangerous animals before they murder again.
This is what is being let into this country.. there will be much much more of this.... we are putting in millions of third world people.. we will have third world problems... oh hey... food shortages...
This was in my hometown. KPD completely covered it up and lied about the true nature of why/how the crimes occurred.
There are some who would celebrate the crime because they share skin color with the perpetrators.
The narrative of "white supremacy" and "systemic racism" and all the other mind-cancer trash that is pumped into the minds of the non whites is one contributing factor in this sort of crime.
Next time you hear someone talk about "muh racism" or "white supremacy" think about this.... that will put you in the correct frame of mind for how you react to it. You dont act all apologetic, like there is some truth to it, you raise yourself taller, start roaring and go incandescent at them.
Remember waukesha!
Never heard of this tragedy, but just reading about this after searching severely upsets me. All of them should be taken out to pasture and given the same fate. Those poor souls and the poor family members who had to know the graphic details of their children's deaths. Rest in peace.
I read about this case awhile back. It's unimaginable anyone would perform such relentless, horrific tortures upon another human soul. These ferals will not escape God's justice. I have a feeling these two youths were Christians. The perpetrators were obvious children of Satan. It is like a young adult version of what the pedophiles do to our babies and small children. Please, Lord, do not delay.
This happened in 2007.
This happened 15 years ago. It still stands as the most horrible crime I have ever heard of.
I lived in Knoxville at the time. The only way that community kept from tearing itself apart was for white people (and I suppose black people too) to pretend it didn’t happen. I don’t know that that would or could be possible if the same crime were committed today.
Just so everyone knows, this apparently happened 15 years ago! It's another example of someone trying to fan the flames of racial strife.
I keep one on each hip and my chest and just wish a mofo would. Ive been itchin forever
It is suppressed in the Mainstream Socialist Media because it utterly destroys the myth of "white privilege".
Where were these two poor souls' "privilege" while they were being brutalized for their last hours on this godforsaken cesspool of a planet?
Fact: it's dog eat dog, every man for himself out there. No one except the globalist mega rich has any privilege.
If I remember correctly, this was Chattanooga, Tn 20+ years ago.
Close, 15 years ago in Knoxville
DEATH penalty broadcast LIVE.
Make it a weekend event. 3 on Friday 1 on Saturday 1 on Sunday
Method: Battery powered Wood-chipper
Why battery powered? As the batteries die on Saturday and Sunday the machine slows down some. Jams up due to lack of full power but still chugs along with a few pokes... Making the show that much more lengthy and enjoyable.
That first suspect is a woman.....! FFS!!
Learn how to punch, wrestle, and shoot. Drive a sturdy car. Lock your doors. Avoid black neighborhoods. You'll be safe.
Cannon Hinnant
2020 opened my eyes to a lot of things. When I started looking into FBI crime stats, and I saw that every narrative about black victims in the MSM was total BS…this is as sick as some of the Muslim crimes I’ve read about. Some black guys I knew once told me blacks are the most hated people in the world. They had no idea why….
Everyone in America should know this horrific story. The mainstream media is criminal, doing all it can to paint the picture that blacks are more often victims of white violence than what is actually true, that whites are more often victims of black violence.