Titanic was also a different kind of eye opener. Astor, one of those who opposed the Fed and got murdered on Titanic, was also one of the 13 illuminati bloodlines. I would have thought it would be an easy decision for him to go along with the Fed as he would have stood to gain a lot, just like the other bankers, and yet he opposed it.
Makes you wonder how much more complicated the real calculus was.
I’ve heard that, and agreed with every single point except for the last 5 words.
That’s the first I’ve heard it was sunk by a British war vessel. Any direction you could point or sauces you could share would be awesome. I’ll try to dig up stuff now myself
Bankers vs. Industrialists. The latter were symbolized by the Empire State Building (Astor-connected). When finished in 1931, dubbed the "Empty State Building" due to is disuse, due in no small part to the Banker's Great Depression.
See, I am not so sure about this, but its a possibility. Remember, even the founding fathers of US were freemasons and hence part of the cabal, and created a constitution that thwarted the efforts by the Cabal to destroy the country for hundreds of years.
For the founding fathers we have two possibilities.
they were part of the cabal that doesn’t hate us. They helped found America because they had faith in our ability to keep the republic, and wanted us to be free.
they were part of the cabal that hates us, which is why 2A was vague, why they didn’t ban the federal government and private banks from issuing fiat currency, and why they didn’t specify the constitution was to be interpreted on a literalist basis. America, Lady Liberty, was set up to be history’s biggest sacrifice of an innocent virgin to ring in the new age.
Both ring true. As for the existence of part of the cabal that doesn’t hate us… who is President Trump, really?
It really depends on your definition of the word "Cabal". I always associate Cabal with the elites who hate us. I guess what you are saying is that there are equally powerful elite who dont hate us. Now, that is something I can believe it based on everything we are seeing. It is even possible that while most of the Cabal are after money, power and control, only a small portion of them are after depopulation, however with the mismanagement of financial system the two groups probably came together since the only way to get out of bankrupting the world is by depopulating enough people.
As for the founding fathers, I have a very hard time thinking of 2A as vague. The mockingbird media presents it as vague, but if it were indeed vague it would have been gone decades ago. I would say it was created to the best of their ability in the context of that time to provide adequate protection to the people based on their experience with tyranny.
Looking at this differently, if they wanted to intentionally weaken the constitution, making the right to bear arms vague would probably be much less effective than a lot of other things they could have done.
why they didn’t ban the federal government and private banks from issuing fiat currency
Federal reserve is unconstitutional. Article 8 of the constitution clearly specifies who can issue currency and what is currency. Its silver dollars of specific weightage, and only the treasury can mint it. Please listen to this episode of Bill Cooper's hour of time: http://hourofthetime.com/bcmp3/11.mp3
One of the founding fathers replied to the crowd that they had created a constitutional republic if you can keep it. In the end whatever people will allow is what will happen. It is quite possible that SCOTUS deciding whats constitutional and whats not is unconstitutional as well. Nowhere in the constitution does it actually say thats how things should work. It happened through some clever power wranglings early on.
I have a very hard time thinking that the constitution was sabotaged from the get go. Just looking at how hard the Cabal fought - including British invasion, Civil war etc, to take control of the financial system and how many decades it took - I would say the constitution was rock solid from the beginning.
It really depends on your definition of the word "Cabal". I always associate Cabal with the elites who hate us. I guess what you are saying is that there are equally powerful elite who dont hate us. Now, that is something I can believe it based on everything we are seeing. It is even possible that while most of the Cabal are after money, power and control, only a small portion of them are after depopulation, however with the mismanagement of financial system the two groups probably came together since the only way to get out of bankrupting the world is by depopulating enough people.
The Titanic/Fed episode is a good example. The evil part of the cabal had to kill various other members of the cabal in order to create the Fed. Some part of the cabal, therefore, resisted the Fed and the ensuing wars, bubbles, crashes, depressions, wars, bubbles again, wars again, perma-recession masked by money printing, and finally the crash we’re seeing today.
The existence of President Trump, who’s executing an intricate plan that, let’s be honest, none of us had anything to do with and none of us knew was even being planned, suggests this part of the cabal doesn’t hate us. They averted a war with Russia and seem to have dealt a death blow to the evil cabal, who are dying worldwide but not yet dead. And they gave us Qtards just what we need to know to understand how this happened and what rules we need to prevent it from happening again.
Further reading on the topic of the good cabal and bad cabal yields discussion on a council of 9, on a schism in the freemasons which manifested in our world as the civil war, which I understand is when the good cabal actually lost and the foundation of the Fed and steamrolling of those opposed was inevitable by that time…. And the idea that our planet undergoes regular, mathematically predictable cataclysms that many ancient societies, under the throes of foreign red haired conquerors, predicted with their pyramids, which are found worldwide. The good cabal intended to save themselves as always, but didn’t intend to prevent us from doing the same. By contrast, the bad cabal has visited all these sites, gleaned the message, then vandalized/destroyed the sites to prevent others learning. They plan to ride out the cataclysm and tell their kids and any surviving normies that it was a nuclear winter caused by the old nation states and overpopulation etc., and that their way is the only way to prevent it happening again, then they’ll live happily ever after as dynastic gods ruling a herd of humans on earth.
As for the founding fathers, I have a very hard time thinking of 2A as vague. The mockingbird media presents it as vague, but if it were indeed vague it would have been gone decades ago. I would say it was created to the best of their ability in the context of that time to provide adequate protection to the people based on their experience with tyranny. Looking at this differently, if they wanted to intentionally weaken the constitution, making the right to bear arms vague would probably be much less effective than a lot of other things they could have done.
It could have been clearer. They left the door apparently closed but in fact it was ajar, waiting for their efforts to attack it. The message they wanted to convey with America is that freedom doesn’t work. In order for that message to stick, freedom must first be put into practice. They brought slaves here knowing freedom isn’t suitable for all of earth’s peoples, and now we’re grappling with it, proving their point. Everything happening here is being documented in excruciating detail. Ultimately we will all die in a 2 mile high tidal wave which the cabal intends to tell surviving generations was the result of a nuclear war caused by our hubris and arrogance with this “freedom” and “nation state” and “overpopulation” nonsense. And no one will ever make these “mistakes” again.
Federal reserve is unconstitutional. Article 8 of the constitution clearly specifies who can issue currency and what is currency. Its silver dollars of specific weightage, and only the treasury can mint it. Please listen to this episode of Bill Cooper's hour of time: http://hourofthetime.com/bcmp3/11.mp3
Big fan of Bill, I’ve listened and read all of them many times. He was absolutely right. But the prohibition on money magick, which was a known phenomenon at the time, could have been much clearer. They left the door ajar for the pilpul that permits what we’ve seen since 1913. To the post-cataclysm historian, it will appear as though we tried a free state and failed, but really we were set up with bad language.
One of the founding fathers replied to the crowd that they had created a constitutional republic if you can keep it. In the end whatever people will allow is what will happen. It is quite possible that SCOTUS deciding whats constitutional and whats not is unconstitutional as well. Nowhere in the constitution does it actually say thats how things should work. It happened through some clever power wranglings early on.
More shit that should have been solved in the drafting stage but inexplicably wasn’t. This means of attacking a system of law was also not unknown at the time. Another way of thinking of it, the freemasons built us an apparently sound castle, but there were secret passages for their use, everywhere.
Or, our ship appears to be commanded by we the people, but they have a secret rudder control. When the time comes, they’ll slam us on the shoals and then tell everyone from then on, “this is why you must have a captain and strict control”.
I have a very hard time thinking that the constitution was sabotaged from the get go. Just looking at how hard the Cabal fought - including British invasion, Civil war etc, to take control of the financial system and how many decades it took - I would say the constitution was rock solid from the beginning.
Why didn’t they make literalist interpretation a requirement? They knew of this issue at that time as well. So many unfortunate oversights, if they weren’t against us then they were incompetent. The trick was to ensure it ran for a while, but ultimately failed. How else to use us as a lesson for future generations of human cattle about the danger of self governance, freedom, etc.
The cabal fought hard against Napoleon as well, but Napoleon was a freemason who served the crown all along. Wars are population control, they always control both sides. Once Napoleon exterminated the pesky French revolutionaries in the Russian winter, far from the cabal’s interests, freemasons in France perverted France’s law (giving rise to horrors like the civil code system of law, as opposed to common law), perverted our science (freemasons like Pasteur, whose idiotic germ theory beat out Bechamps’ correct terrain theory), and perverted western culture (under their rule France went from the most powerful nation on earth to a cute little country of chefs, fashion designers, and surrender monkeys, and consider the maçons’ gift to America, the Statue of Liberty. A giant virgin to be sacrificed… what do the spikes on her crown signify? An eclipse? Like the one that will blacken the sky for days as the oceans slosh over the continents and wash away almost all evidence of what really happened here.
The American civil war being a war between good and bad Cabal faction - that intrigues me. Any pointers on that? Who were the good Cabal players, for instance?
As for the good Cabal that is now trying to liberate the world under Trump/Q - I am not sure if that was aligned with the faction of people like Astor. It's possible they were completely independant factions. However it's nice to think that it's possible.
Your analysis on Napoleon is spot on. This is why when people bunch all freemasons together as "depopulating elites" it's not correct.
As for all the wars and tragedies after the Fed was created - I dont believe they are all actually civil wars between the Cabal factions. Wars and destruction is a necessary component to keep the Central Banking ponzi scheme to keep going and hence they need to make them happen regardless. However, they never let a good tragedy go to waste, and as one of the side effects they also use their wars to eliminate anyone who stands against them. This could give the impression of a civil war.
Now is probably a good time to mention that Alexander Hamilton was never a Freemason despite the painting depicting him as such, and Washington was appointed to lead the new Virginia lodge even though he wasn’t a member.
I think the Masons hijacked the image of the Founding Fathers just like they hijack everything else.
We can debate which founding fathers were and which weren’t, but the founding documents and US gov’t documents since then have been festooned with cabal symbols. The cabal was there.
Freemasons were I think given or learnt secret knowledge perhaps after the last cataclysm and kept it to themselves as no one would believe it as most went back to a caveman type existence where everything was forgotten....cycles of Yuga. Perhaps some of them went rogue...used their knowledge against humanity....so not all freemasons are bad. Just the top tier and perhaps not all of them
I find this theory compelling as well. Why are the moon and sun of equal apparent magnitude in the sky? Why is ours the only planet with mountains? Why pyramids aligned with stars, worldwide? Why don’t Canada’s Indians know about the astrological significance of medicine wheels, did they even create the medicine wheels or find them? Why are dinosaurs impossible (consider the pterodactyl, which is laughable)? How’d ancient cultures who hadn’t invented the lens know about Saturn’s rings? Why does our own sun burn our skin? Why are our backs so ill suited for the use they’re put to? Studies on mice show that fucking with magnetic fields can produce antisocial behaviour, consider in the context of God flooding the world as sin grows out of control…
Yet it’s being pilpulled to shreds and we all have memes about how it could have been clearer. The people who fought the British have no excuse for not knowing this would happen.
The ONLY way it could be any clearer is by rewording it thus:
"Because a well regulated militia is necessary to a free state the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
That changes no meaning at all from the original and is clear as day. It took me 0.3 nanoseconds to think of it that way based on the original. Anyone who tries to say the 2nd amendment is unclear is either lying to themselves more than to you, or doesn't understand English.
a just claim or title, whether legal, prescriptive, or moral:
You have a right to say what you please. dictionary.com
define the word "infringe":
verb (used without object), in·fringed, in·fring·ing.
to encroach or trespass (usually followed by on or upon):
Don't infringe on his privacy. dictionary.com
As in; "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed".
Furthermore the type of "right" we are dealing with was outlined in the Declaration of Independence. It reads as follows; "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness".
By the very nature of government tyranny you will be placed in a position of self-defense. It says our right to self-defense is granted by God. The simple part of "shall not be infringed" should be clear enough. This is why gun laws are already unconstitutional.
They have always manipulated language to control us and they're gonna continue to do it in different ways. Language doesn't just "change over time". It gets manipulated over time and that's what causes us to forget proper definitions a meanings. The words our fathers used can clearly be defined. But citing "anti-2A memes" as a viable threat means you might just be sucked into a whole 'nother void of lies and questioning yourself.
Go read the Canadian whatever-it-is. THAT'S vaguely written. It reads like Trudeau himself wrote it.
Imagine having to specify that a law is supposed to be interpreted as it is written. The problem would not be with them for failing to do so, the problem would be with the LIAR that is interpreting it.
Don't get me started on banning the government from issuing fiat currency. Watch The Money Masters instead.
Pretty sure our founders were freemasons before freemasonry got infiltrated and taken over by the cabal, this would have been in the early to mid 1800s that freemasonry was infiltrated by the cabal as per the fall of the cabal sequel
I've studied up on pyramids, and other things, being alien vessels. Perhaps Trump took his time machine and made them unoperable? That's why they look like that today?
No in the Bible they are called cities but they were moth erships. Ezekiel even saw a ship destroyed by another space ship..the elohim constantly fighting each other for more territory here and more power. Killed millions. Ezekiel said they could control the weather and showed him
Read Erich Von daniken the book of maharbarrata and the motherships on his channel on yt. He tells who the NASA guy was and when they copied ezekiel and patented the space shuttle he describes.
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles. He was official translator for the Vatican publishers until he saw too much.
The pyramids were energy devices powerful enough to destroy planets ..they were build by water to conduct electromagnetic fields. Imagine the power when all of them were working..so many under the sea. In Antarctica Von every country. On Mars too.
Interesting. While they might not mention anything about Holocaust, I wouldn't assume they portrayed everything else faithfully. My guess would be, these would have been the ultimate spin books to write the "official history" of the war. Would still be very valuable as it would shed a lot of light on their spin. Holocaust was probably something they came up with much later.
11th edition work had started in 1903 and was published between 1910-1911. So yeah, looks like the last edition before Rockefellers were able to sink their claws into it.
Nope. Compare the 9th edition and 11th edition articles on vaccines and vaccinations, and it's obvious they had their claws all over it, including the decision to skip the 10th edition.
im still not sure why so many people are so enamured by cliff high....he has made tons of predictions that have never come true, for example he said people would be dropping dead all over the place from the jab..hes been around scamming for people for a while
Excuse me but tons of people are dropping over dead from the vax, msm don't talk about it but yet it's happening.athelets dropping like flys and children.idk about this guy but if you dig around or ask here you will get a answer. Key phrases to look for in obituaries is (died of sudden illness)
I believe lots have been dropping dead under the guise of other ailments.
My bro has been a small town local volunteer firefighter for 20 years. He's always on call and responds to aid calls. He said stroke/cardiac dispatches were 2-3 times a month and now it's 2-3 times a week.
The same way COVID deaths were often deaths WITH COVID and not OF COVID, these new problems likely from jabs are not attributed to jabs.
Even though Clif's predictions dont always happen in the timeline we expect, they do happen slower. People dropping dead has been going on for a while. Checkout the excess mortality and the insurance / mortuary findings. The rates are steadily increasing. I have no doubt that in the next few years you will see huge number of deaths.
Clif high did a whole article on the elohim..aliens in the Bible.. yahweh being only a governor of the tribe of jacob..how did he ever get elevated to the one god in the old testament which is just the account of what happened to the tribe of Jacob and Israel once it was given to them by this alien. Or rather said if they fought for it they could keep it. Look on his substack
There was a TV program on ancients aliens about 15th century paintings with space craft in them. Lotscor YouTube.
The description of the vimanas in book four the Mahabharata the Indian Bible match the description of the space shuttle in ezekiel that NASA PATENTED.
Yahweh kavod with its wheels noise of rushing wind ascending in fire and cloud and not being too close or skin burnt....29 different craft.
Ezekiel being taken to top of high mountain with elohim and given admeasure to measure the building. He asked why and the elohim said for you in the future
The description of the building is in ezekiel someone made a model of it..a Canadian..
He's one of a very small number of doomers that I actually like - but don't often listen to because there's no longer a point to their rambles. Anyone who has really dug into Q posts knows WAY more about what's going on and what's coming than Clif High.
Clif High is a doomer? I dont think you have actually listened to him. Granted many of his videos are long and ranting and he goes on into woo and things that dont make sense directly, but there are many videos which are to the point and the dataset findings make a lot of sense.
That is because it is not correct. Tartary was an area of asiatic nomads and steppe warlords. There was no unification of the peoples of Tartary, they were all ruled by no nation and the area was called Tartary because it originates from a Latin word meaning "beyond the realm" or something of that nature, and several of the groups from Tartary came to be known as Tartars as a result, and name given to them by Europeans.
Written before a time when history started after WWII, I think in the very early 1900s. A very to-the-point read based on known events and facts, not polluted with emotional opinions.
One thing I'm noticing about this time period is the narrative around Hitler and other (((certain people))). Far less jingoistic and much more academic, which is the way we're going to convince people of what we know is true.
I predict within the next ~20 years how we look at Hitler will be 180 degrees different. And the "holocaust", that has been suspect at best for decades will be outed as a complete fraud.
The Katyn Massacre is a great example of how narratives change once declassified documents reach the public. This lie was small in comparison to the many others they've kept alive in our history books. The truth comes out eventually.
As far as recent history being taught way differently just look at what younger people say about MLKjr today vs. what their parents taught knowledge on the subject. My mom had saved a bunch of books/almanacs from the 60's and I just received them after her passing this year and even those seem bizarre/unreal to me in many ways just glancing through them.
For decades the story was told that Nazis exterminated a bunch of Polish Jews in the forests. Then somewhere around 1990, the Russians had to admit that it was them that murdered Polish Jews in the forests of Katyn. They dug up some old classified documents that had been sealed since the 1940's and found out that the Russian military had indeed murdered many Jews during and before WWII.
"Holy Blood Holy Grail" is full of provably incorrect statements. I bought a whole series of those books, and I found incorrect statements in them all. So they are all in the fiction part of my library.
The basic theory of the book is that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and has living descendants. Supposedly the Merovingian dynasty in France is part of that. There was an old guy in France, Pierre Plantard, who was supposed to be next in line to rule Europe. But in real life, he was a fraud, and the documents found in the book's research were fake. There are a lot of family tree charts in the book, and I've found errors in them.
Christian Settipani is an expert on the subject, but his books are all in French. The book I saw in the DAR Library in DC was full of charts that I photocopied. I can't remember the title of that particular book, but you can google his name and get an idea of what he's done. Some of the charts have best guesses, but the text explains his reasoning. I suppose you could wade through the books using Google Translate to translate a paragraph at a time.
Another good author is David Hughes. A lot of his older material is scattered around the internet, but he does have a two-volume work currently available for sale called "Chronicle of the Kings and Queens of Britain." The second volume is nothing but charts that go way back, even into mythological eras. But he is very accurate in his information. I have that work, and I've also collected every article he posted on the internet and bound them into a books.
Here's a website with a list of David Hughes articles.
Some of these files are no longer on the internet, but may be in Archive's collection. As noted at the top of the page, you may have to change some of the URLs to make them work. All of this is hundreds of pages and will keep you occupied for a long time.
Great! Thanks for taking the time to reply. I love to read so no worries there. I’ve managed to trace my family history to medieval bloodline myself so Ive been digging in to learn more of that history as well as my old family line
It's not in the fiction section of my library, so I haven't read "The Hiram Key." I have read about it, and some of the assumed facts used as a basis for the authors' theories are untrue. The book seems to be a mix of truth and fiction mixed together to conclude an overall falsity. I have a shelf full of books that do the same thing in various ways. Some of them are very entertaining, which is why movies were made of some of them.
One premise of the book, so I've read, is that the Catholic church usurped control from the original church of Jerusalem. I believe that part is true. There are many things taken as gospel by Catholics and Protestants that are not true, merely stated as fact by one or the other pope. The pope decrees something contrary to what the Bible clearly states, and everyone believes it. The pope states, "We won't observe the Commandment about honoring the Sabbath day," so most Christians today actively violate that Commandment every week. There's a lot more.
Short answer: No, I haven't read it, but if I see it for sale cheap, I might pick up a copy.
I had a couple of Mormons (the two guys in suits on bicycles) come to my home years ago. They finally gave up and left, as I had actually read the Book of Mormon and pointed out things they had no answer for.
I wish I had known then that the Book of Mormon was plagiarized from a popular history book that was written a few years before.
It was discovered by a russian mathematician quite by accident that 1000 years have been added to our history....anatoly Fomenko. Him and his research team have arisen volumes but still have a lot to go..you can look him up on YouTube.
Yes they have had to remove them.. eternity for instance is from the word olam doesn't mean eternity but an indefinite period of time. Roach is the word they turned into holy spirit..it is not..elohim is the 240 odd aliens that invaded not fallen angels ..not the vicious cruel killing millions raping and destroying were gods ..or divine.
Apart from eve being cloned the hominids being gmo'd like the sheep were and potatoes and wheat etc ..the young elohim giving their blood with semen in it to change us into slaves to mine their gold....and so worried we might become as they were ..eating from the tree of life..is finding out how to live as long as they did..which we now can.....
. There is also the matter that the Bible has had 1000 years on to it complete with made up stories and wars. Just like CNN!
I wonder how much fakery they have owned up to.
There are court cases in Finland etc regarding the arrests of people quoting the Bible and it will have to be extensively altered or banned. It is full of racial hatred to anyone not from the house of Israel and full of curses and definitely describing sexual activity and what they say god says about it which is a total lie as God meaning the elohim got up to a great deal of sex and rape of youn g over three years and a day. Making it legal...
.and then there is the matter of a court case in New York where an agreement was reached with Jews that the rabbis could go on sucking the blood from the penises of baby boys they had just circumcised provided the parents signed to agree to it.
Who is speaking for the child? It's child abuse! Yahweh was the alien insisting on circumcisions ..among his 613 commandments..so I don't think any religious grounds are relevant here
Chris Pinto has an excellent 3 part documentary (so-far) called The Untold History of the Bible that exposes the attacks over the centuries and which continues to this day, as you have evidenced above:
They know disclosure coming re. Aliens in Bible. Olam means an indefinite period of time..not eternity..roache means glides over...talking about elohim craft....not holy spirit..
We were made as Muslims correctly state from blood taken from young elohim and their semen.
Also 1000 years added with stories that never happened
I have a set of the last Britannica published in a standard multi-volume set, the 1970 edition. After that, they started splitting the set up into Macropedia, Micropedia, etc. and cut down the length of historical articles immensely.
That 1970 edition has no article on the "holocaust." None of my older sets of various brands of encyclopedias even mention the word anywhere. I've checked. It seems to be a new concept that I didn't personally become aware of until later in the 70s.
Back in the 1980s, as a content test, I looked up Niall of the Nine Hostages, a famous Irish king from over 1,000 years ago. In the 1970 Britannica, there was a long article, a good chunk of a column, about him. In the next edition of Britannica, which was the split up crappy version, the article was less than half as long.
As Q wrote, people need to look at original hardcopy books and see for themselves what they say.
There are a lot of things ruling out the Holocaust happening as (((they))) said it did but people will make up their own realities and deny deny deny until they are dead.
I'm not saying I agree or disagree, just pointing out that the argument you are giving isn't useful. It can be turned back onto you is all. Which is fine if you are trying to bate someone into a debate.
I don't think he was referring to a specific thing. History is being wholesale rewritten by the far left.
One example can be the Holocaust. Kids nowadays think we entered the war because of the Holocaust, not because we were attacked by the Japs. They think "never again" is about the Holocaust and not the horrific wars themselves.
I think it's interesting that nobody told me the horrible photos they showed me in my schooling weren't from the Holocaust, but from camps liberated by us forces. They didn't have food because we destroyed the supply lines. The only record we have of the Holocaust comes from the Russians.
Is this partly in reference to the quote from General Patton, whom Trump loves to play (from the movie) at the start of his recent speeches, that we fought the wrong enemy in WWII? From the web:
"The 1975 Bodyguard of Lies Volume II says: Patton was relieved of command of the 3rd Army by Eisenhower just after the end of the war for stating publicly that America had been fighting the wrong enemy— Germany instead of Russia."
I mean, the enemy was always communism, from WWI when it took hold of Russia to WWII when it finally took hold of the world. But I'm not sure how this would be alarming, unless it is simply alarming for some to realize that communism was the bigger threat over the Germans and Japanese.
But the proof it was the bigger threat can be seen all around us now. Look at every problem we have in the West today. I suspect the alarming thing that Q means is that Marxism can be found promoted and extolled in today's books, whereas twenty years ago, it would have been difficult to get away with that. Now, your average freshman English class at your local university is learning Marxist theory and being told that the US is nothing but colonialist, racist scum. Hence, an entire generation of America-hating, gender-confused, religion-rejecting hooligans. Commies win.
Oh, and then there's that business about the Germans fleeing to South America, getting hired by NASA, etc. Lies upon lies we've been fed for decades, and we believed it.
Some of you are really fixed on single ideas and seem to work only to confirm what you think you already know. Therefore you have missed some really interesting bits of information that is available in this 1945 accounting of WWII.
I've read the first 2 chapters and found the following very interesting:
So far, even though it is focused around the holocaust, it has not mentioned the word holocaust once. It mostly just calls out the 25,000,000 people who were starved, tortured, and killed. In one section it was more descriptive and said, "They were killed simply because they were people -- men, women, children, aged, infirm, Protestant, Jew, Catholic, agnostic, white, black, brown, conservative, liberal, rich, poor..." It later goes on to say, "The process was never confined to the Jews. That was one of the things about the German conspiracy most Americans failed to comprehend... From the beginning, theft of property and literal enslavement of large numbers of personals of all religious faiths was carried on in Germany under guise of 'laws' for 'protection of the state'."
It states WWI and WWII were preplanned, including the atrocities. That it started with the "ancient Order of Teutonic Knights" which later became the Junkers (German aristocracy) who were the puppet masters. Hitler, Goering, Ribbentrops, etc were the puppets or "passing agents" in the plan. The quest for world domination started long before them and did not die with them.
The plan was to make everyone except an elite few, slaves of the system. To control economies and industry. (sound familiar?)
Hitler, the name, is an alias. His real name was/is Adolph Shickelgruber. I personally never heard that before. A quick search says it could very well be true. That name may lead us to more connections of our current elite. You also have to ask, why was his name changed in the first place? Why is his original name never spoken of (in m experience)? (EDIT: Apparently his mother's maiden name, to whom he was born out of wedlock.)
And Adolph's Shickelgruber dad was born to a single woman who was a maid in a Rothchild's home in Vienna. Hitler was a Rothchild is the big secret there; his grandmother was either raped or consenually had a Rothchild bastard son. This then leads us to wonder what the leverage was and how it was applied that led to WWII
Yes, Hitler wrote about his name change in Mein Kampf. It wasn't a big secret, it just wasn't reported in most history books. His original last name was Schickelgruber, but a childhood friend convinced him to change it to Heidler, which may have been his father's last name. Adolf himself said in Mein Kampf that he thought Hitler sounded better than Heidler, and definitely better than Schickelgruber because it had a more firm, strong sound to it when said out loud. I don't have the exact quote in front of me, but he said something like "I had to change my name if I was ever to rule Germany because, after all, how convincing does 'heil Heidler' sound? Better yet, 'heil Schickelgruber' would never have been effective at parades and speeches. It would have had the opposite effect and made me a laughing stock." You have to admit, Hitler does have a nicer ring to it than Heidler or Schickelgruber.
After finding the book for you (you're welcome), I simply added the comment as a caution to do add'l research to confirm the claims in the book. Very strong claims should be double- and triple-checked.
There are conflicting narratives surrounding the atrocities in WWII. I haven't done enough digging to confirm any single explanation (or derivative), but I'm always alert when 'emotionally charged' claims are made.
Most of the photos you see today were taken 1-3 years after the Holocaust ended. There's a lot of fuckery about it. The liberation happened before the US even made it to the camps so they kept prisoners there or even brought them back for photo ops as well.
LOL dude the camps which had pools, theaters, maternity wards, etc were found in Feb 1945, no pictures attributed to the LiBeRaTiOn hace snow. Go check
"I found some of the missing documents when I raided the offices of Professor Alexander Dallin, Chair of the History Department at Stanford University. The terrified professor quickly turned over boxes of unpublished Einsatzgruppen reports, records of the SS mobile killing units in Eastern Europe. These records contained the names of Nazi collaborators from Belarus and Ukraine, men who had earned their spurs by carrying out the mass murder of their own countrymen. Similar records concerning Polish collaborators with the Nazis were pulled from the Nuremberg trials before the Russians could get their hands on them.
The most distressing stolen document from his horde was the unpublished memoirs of a senior SS officer, Fredrich Buchardt, who had written a history of the Nazi occupation of Eastern Europe. Professor Dallin had plagiarized Buchardt's manuscript for his own famous work, 'Russia Under German Rule'. Buchardt had been the leader of VorKommano Moskau, one of the SS mobile killing units which specialized in recruiting local collaborators from Belarus and Ukraine as spies.(17)
(17) I found reference to Buchardt's recruitment in a Top Secret Sensitive Document folder in the Department of Defense research records collection. I saw a reference to a Buchardt manuscript in Dallin's book and correctly surmised that he was the man who recruited Buchardt for western intelligence. Dallin said he turned Buchardt over to the CIA, but their files have also been purged, presumably by Dulles.
Dallin confessed to me that his Nazis had also been used for Harvard's Russian Research Project, and gave me the code list for the "anonymous" interview subjects, almost all of whom had been Nazi collaborators. I found the matching files at Harvard in drawer B2. Both Harvard and Stanford owe an apology for perpetrating an academic fraud upon the public, and polluting almost the entire field of Russian sociological studies during the Cold War.
The US Department of State's intelligence service masterminded the Nazi cover-up. George Kennan's friend Gustav Hilger had been the liaison between the German Foreign Office and the SS Mobile Killing units. It was Kennan who personally recruited Hilger and tried to bring him to America. Kennan screamed at me over the telephone that I was defaming his reputation, but quietly dropped his threats of a lawsuit when I told him that I had read his files. I had a similar experience with Henry Kissinger. (18)
(18) I was the secret source for Seymour Hersh's book, 'The Price of Power'. Kissinger threatened to sue Hersh for libel until he found out that I was the source. Kissinger knew that I had read his files.
Kissinger was recruited as a professional spy for Dulles shortly after the end of the war in Europe. Although there is no evidence that he personally recruited Nazis, Kissinger ran the intelligence file room where records of Nazi recruitment were kept. He then transferred to Harvard where he specialized in recruiting foreign students for espionage. Later he worked for Dulles during the glory days of (the) Office of Policy Coordination. He was hired as a consultant for a private group known as Operations Research Office, which planned to use former Nazis as agents behind Russian lines in the event of World War III. Mention of Kissinger's classified work was censored from the original manuscript of this book.
But Kissinger and the State Department had a witting accomplice in the Nazi cover up. The US Justice Department had known all along where Rockler's missing witnesses could be found. The German bankers that Rockler was trying to prosecute at Nuremberg had hired American and British corporate executives - who had then become the secret residents of Camp Ashcan/Dustbin. It was the Special Assistant Attorney General Victor Swearingen who had kept all the American and British moneymen hidden from the nosy Nuremberg prosecutors.
Political smear tactics forced Rockler out before I could tell him why all the Nazi financial crimes investigations kept getting closed down. (19) He was getting much too close to the truth. The money that had funded the banks and corporations of the Third Reich came from Wall Street and "the City" of London, England's financial district and Wall Street equivalent. President Roosevelt knew about it, and so did his Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau. (20)
"Manipulating the Masses: Woodrow Wilson and the Birth of American Propaganda" - John Maxwell Hamilton (2020)
It's about how the federal government first began using its power on a mass scale to lie to everyone. At the time, it was used to convince a very pro-Germany populace to turn against the Kaiser and get the U.S. involved in WW1. It has scaled up considerably since then.
It might be available for free on ZLibrary. I haven't tried to get it there.
I'd look at the traditional narrative surrounding WWI first. It's always said that the war started due to Archduke Franz Ferdinand being assassinated. Dig deep. Who was he? Who killed him and why exactly? They seem like simple questions that have already been answered in every history lesson, but once you read enough you see there's much more to the story.
WWII was set up the same way. The war started due to Hitler "invading" a sovereign nation right? Then he just continued to invade countries for no good reason. What is a plebiscite? Did these "invaded" nations vote to join Hitler or to reject him? Even the orthodox history books get this one right. They just breeze right through it in every book I've seen though. What was the Haavara Transfer Agreement? Why did Hitler waste his time on this if he was hell-bent on exterminating all Jews?
The Civil War is another great example but I will spare all the details. The point is that, for all major histories, people tend to want a simple explanation that they can feel good about. For the Civil War, that explanation came in the form of freeing slaves while ignoring the other major factors that contributed to the story. For WWI, it was all about defending the Austro-Hungarian empire that tragically had their favorite son assassinated by a crazed terrorist. For WWII, it was about stopping a madman from invading the world and forcing us all to speak German. Anyone who's read enough knows that these are just feel-good explanations that make the reader feel as though they have some kind of moral authority over the past.
ya, seems to me that we are missing the point on this one. For one, it doesn't say to go back beyond 20 or so years ago. So all these ancient books don't appear relevant to the exercise. Not sure what we are supposed to find though...
Yeah, I know 20ish years ago we learned about the Holocaust. Spent a whole semester on it. And now they don't even teach it in the same schools. So... 🤷♀️
We skipped the Cold War in my history classes because we were told that it wasn't actually a war and therefore did not deserve any study time. I couldn't believe the teachers said that with a straight face.
Bert Andrews
Random House - New York
Copyright 1948
The war to protect civil liberties - your civil liberties - is never ending. As the central figure in one of the newest and fiercest battles of that war there is a man who has come to be known by the all-disguising name of "Mr. Blank."
He is a real man. He is not a character in a weird novel or a bad dream. He is so real, in fact, that he could be you or me, and the things that happened to him - and are still happening to him - could befall you or me.
This begins, then, as the story of Mr. Blank.
But it is a story of many ramifications.
... of how Mr. Blank was discharged from the Department of State of the United States of America as "a potential security risk" without ever being informed of the nature of the charges against him and without ever being confronted by his accusers.
... of how a witch hunt, once it begins, can strike at anyone, no matter how innocent he might be.
... of the incident that made me angry enough about Mr. Blank's case to want to do something about it, not only for the sake of Mr. Blank but also for your sake and my sake.
... of how the greatest of the bureaucratic agencies of the mightiest government in the world was made to back down when the cold, bare facts were exposed in public view.
But there is much more to it than the case history of one individual.
For the study of this case history leads directly into consideration of the larger factors involved; the factors that explain why the Department of State and other government agencies "got this way" during the aftermath of World War II.
It leads to consideration -
... of the part played by J. Edgar Hoover and the Federal Bureau Of Investigation, which he heads.
... of the case of Ring Lardner, Jr. and other Hollywood figures who were cited for contempt by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
... of the case of veiled charges and innuendoes against Dr. Edward U. Condon, Director of the Bureau of Standards.
... of the strange professions of loyalty to the United States made by William Z. Foster, chairman of the Communist Party, U.S.A..
... of how those professions stacked up when compared with statements made by Joseph Stalin and Andrei A. Zhdanov, the Russian leaders.
... of what can be accomplished against a witch hunt when the triple-throated voice of the people and the press and the radio join in shouting: "This is wrong!"
... of the troubles that beset a man who goes job-hunting with the words "potential security risk" plastered on his name and reputation, even though the triple-throated cry has led to a correction of the general situation.
... of the worries that beset a man who blandly participated in the "no-hearing" case of Mr Blank when he himself, was thrust into a situation where he very much wanted a hearing.
There were four men present in a State Department room on the morning of November 1, 1947.
Three were State Department officials.
One was this reporter.
The case of Mr. Blank was being discussed.
The talk revolved generally around the ethics and decency and fairness of dismissing any individual without letting him in on the secret of who accuses him of what, and without granting him the right of appeal.
There wasn't any argument about whether the State Department had the right to do all this.
It definitely had the right by act of Congress.
The argument was whether it was the American way of proceeding.
Finally, weary of the talk, one of the State Department men said words that shocked the reporter. There were no stenographers present, so there is no exact record. But this was the sense of what he said:
"Why beat around the bush on a matter like this? It is entirely conceivable that any one of us in this room could be made the victim of a complete frame-up, if he had enough enemies in the Department who were out to get him." (He was talking about himself and the other two State Department men.)
"Yes," he continued, ""such a thing would be perfectly conceivable. And we would not have any more recourse than Mr. Blank, even though we were entirely innocent."
The reporter was astonished, and a bit frightened.
"What did you say?" the reporter asked, coming down hard on the word "what."
The State Department man repeated his statement.
The reporter said words that amounted to these"
"If a man or your intelligence can say a thing like that without being shocked at what you are saying and without a feeling of personal peril, then something is wrong. And its high time the story of Mr. Blank was told to the people of the United States to let them decide what was done right and what was done wrong in his case." (pages 3 - 7)
We homeschooled our kids using the Robinson Curriculum. It includes Saxon math and the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica. You can order that set from RC on disk or buy originals on ebay.
Most history is before 1911, so there's a lot in there that you won't see in any modern literature.
Was 'Saxon math' used in the 90s-00s? Seems like a bad way to teach kids how to use numbers. The wiki article is right in criticizing it for not giving kids enough time to fully grasp concepts, as well as using rote memorization instead of learning the concept.
If there is one recording you want to listen to, it’s this. He gives a detailed account of how the Illuminati (deep state of you will) infiltrated America and how they will continue to do so. It definitely touches on WW2 towards the later half of the recording. It’s creepy and interesting if you just pay attention.
I don't expect these to be particularly popular here, but I picked up a lot of little things in these that changed how I saw world propaganda in the 1990s.
Game of the Foxes (Farago) - the Nazi spy machine
A Man Called Intrepid (Stevenson) - Allied spy machine - compares nicely with Game of The Foxes
Infamy (Toland) - exposes some of FDR's underhanded activities
Recently read this one, and I suspect some of the names dropped would cross reference to some interesting names today. Making the connections might be more difficult now. I also wonder how many un-named players were lurking in the shadows influencing public opinion....
The Last Lion by Manchester - Vol II - Churchill's life in the 1930's - pay attention to the un-elected officials
The old and new testament have so much wisdom. I always joke, every self help motivational speaker out there is just regurgitating proverbs. Go back to the source!
What's really cool to think is when Abraham was going to sacrifice his son for God, people don't pick up on that its the prequel to Jesus. His son was 33 not a child. His son was willingly going, infant he carried the wood!
Abraham was a military man..with his own army. Yahweh an insignificant commander of the elohim only in charge of tribe of Jacob wanted a raham and his troops to bolster up his army and fight for him..so ab raham left his home his relatives and the elohim he would have been under to join yahweh ..in return he was promised booty..a share of the people he captured and tithes etc...and yes he would have put Isaac on the fire....Isaac apparently not too bright according to the Bible...
Abraham was a nasty piece of work..
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles ..correct translations of the bible
Who wasn't back then? Being in the bible, and being seen favorably by God doesn't mean you aren't a broken person. People are screwed up. People are broken. God made a covenant and doesn't break it despite people's brokenness.
I read the bible daily. Can you give me specific locations to read showing that he was a military man with his own army? As well as the rest of your claims?
That's a good start. Clif is a linguist so the study of words very important to him.
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles ..he was official translator for the Vatican publishers until he couldn't be as they couldn't publish the truth.
I don't think I said anything about being broken?
The covenant Yahweh made was with ..not the whole tribe of Israel...only the tribe of Jacob that were wandering about in the desert. The brought them out of Egypt.
The covenant was if they obeyed his 613 commandments and paid him tithes made his wine and beer and a lot of commandments were the correct way to prepare the burnt offerings of abdomen fat from women and babies that soothed him and the other elohim..then he would protect them and curse their enemies..anyone who wasn't them...I am sure the covenant will be written down but I haven't seen it.
Mauro has access to a lot of scrolls texts tablets professors theologians rabbis etc. the Jews are aware that the Adam and Eve story was about cloning..and they know yahweh was an alien
Erich Von daniken official yt channel youtube English subtitles the book of the Mahabharata and the motherships. He tells the name of NASA guy who PATENTED the space shuttle Ezekiel described
The more of us that know the truth the more we can help others..some will take it very badly
I would also like to know who and when they taught slaves were black only? Because there were black slave owners, and just as many white slaves. No matter what you’ve heard it’s factual. Imagine if that was taught correctly…tension and race issues would be cut 90000%. Aren’t they using that again, now?
You would enjoy Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles. It was aliens not fallen angels that invaded earth 5000years who. Mauro biglino was translator for the Vatican publishers...until he couldn't be any more.
They are going to have to dispose this as so many know..even court cases will be demanding bible be banned for hate speech etc and russian mathematician anatoly Fomenko discovered 1000 years have been added to the Bible with false wars etc
Titanic was about Central Banking
Titanic was also a different kind of eye opener. Astor, one of those who opposed the Fed and got murdered on Titanic, was also one of the 13 illuminati bloodlines. I would have thought it would be an easy decision for him to go along with the Fed as he would have stood to gain a lot, just like the other bankers, and yet he opposed it.
Makes you wonder how much more complicated the real calculus was.
John Jacob Astor the 4th, by the way. Died on board the Olympic, rebranded as the titanic, sunk by a British war vessel.
I’ve heard that, and agreed with every single point except for the last 5 words.
That’s the first I’ve heard it was sunk by a British war vessel. Any direction you could point or sauces you could share would be awesome. I’ll try to dig up stuff now myself
u/TrumpFan2000 Olympic survived of the three sisters. Aren't you both talking about Britannic?
Olympic was rebranded to the titanic, and the titanic operating as the Olympic was insured for massive amounts of money. It was major insurance fraud.
It was damaged by a british war vessel then became uninsurable hence the name swap and sinking of it.
Ahhht the sister ship, yes, I heard that and the old switch-a-roo.
I must have misunderstood what you said. I thought you were saying the ship never hit an iceberg but instead that was a cover story.
I was just clearing up what the op said.
Bankers vs. Industrialists. The latter were symbolized by the Empire State Building (Astor-connected). When finished in 1931, dubbed the "Empty State Building" due to is disuse, due in no small part to the Banker's Great Depression.
There was a time when the cabal didn't hate and intend to exterminate us.
See, I am not so sure about this, but its a possibility. Remember, even the founding fathers of US were freemasons and hence part of the cabal, and created a constitution that thwarted the efforts by the Cabal to destroy the country for hundreds of years.
For the founding fathers we have two possibilities.
they were part of the cabal that doesn’t hate us. They helped found America because they had faith in our ability to keep the republic, and wanted us to be free.
they were part of the cabal that hates us, which is why 2A was vague, why they didn’t ban the federal government and private banks from issuing fiat currency, and why they didn’t specify the constitution was to be interpreted on a literalist basis. America, Lady Liberty, was set up to be history’s biggest sacrifice of an innocent virgin to ring in the new age.
Both ring true. As for the existence of part of the cabal that doesn’t hate us… who is President Trump, really?
It really depends on your definition of the word "Cabal". I always associate Cabal with the elites who hate us. I guess what you are saying is that there are equally powerful elite who dont hate us. Now, that is something I can believe it based on everything we are seeing. It is even possible that while most of the Cabal are after money, power and control, only a small portion of them are after depopulation, however with the mismanagement of financial system the two groups probably came together since the only way to get out of bankrupting the world is by depopulating enough people.
As for the founding fathers, I have a very hard time thinking of 2A as vague. The mockingbird media presents it as vague, but if it were indeed vague it would have been gone decades ago. I would say it was created to the best of their ability in the context of that time to provide adequate protection to the people based on their experience with tyranny.
Looking at this differently, if they wanted to intentionally weaken the constitution, making the right to bear arms vague would probably be much less effective than a lot of other things they could have done.
Federal reserve is unconstitutional. Article 8 of the constitution clearly specifies who can issue currency and what is currency. Its silver dollars of specific weightage, and only the treasury can mint it. Please listen to this episode of Bill Cooper's hour of time: http://hourofthetime.com/bcmp3/11.mp3
One of the founding fathers replied to the crowd that they had created a constitutional republic if you can keep it. In the end whatever people will allow is what will happen. It is quite possible that SCOTUS deciding whats constitutional and whats not is unconstitutional as well. Nowhere in the constitution does it actually say thats how things should work. It happened through some clever power wranglings early on.
I have a very hard time thinking that the constitution was sabotaged from the get go. Just looking at how hard the Cabal fought - including British invasion, Civil war etc, to take control of the financial system and how many decades it took - I would say the constitution was rock solid from the beginning.
The Titanic/Fed episode is a good example. The evil part of the cabal had to kill various other members of the cabal in order to create the Fed. Some part of the cabal, therefore, resisted the Fed and the ensuing wars, bubbles, crashes, depressions, wars, bubbles again, wars again, perma-recession masked by money printing, and finally the crash we’re seeing today.
The existence of President Trump, who’s executing an intricate plan that, let’s be honest, none of us had anything to do with and none of us knew was even being planned, suggests this part of the cabal doesn’t hate us. They averted a war with Russia and seem to have dealt a death blow to the evil cabal, who are dying worldwide but not yet dead. And they gave us Qtards just what we need to know to understand how this happened and what rules we need to prevent it from happening again.
Further reading on the topic of the good cabal and bad cabal yields discussion on a council of 9, on a schism in the freemasons which manifested in our world as the civil war, which I understand is when the good cabal actually lost and the foundation of the Fed and steamrolling of those opposed was inevitable by that time…. And the idea that our planet undergoes regular, mathematically predictable cataclysms that many ancient societies, under the throes of foreign red haired conquerors, predicted with their pyramids, which are found worldwide. The good cabal intended to save themselves as always, but didn’t intend to prevent us from doing the same. By contrast, the bad cabal has visited all these sites, gleaned the message, then vandalized/destroyed the sites to prevent others learning. They plan to ride out the cataclysm and tell their kids and any surviving normies that it was a nuclear winter caused by the old nation states and overpopulation etc., and that their way is the only way to prevent it happening again, then they’ll live happily ever after as dynastic gods ruling a herd of humans on earth.
It could have been clearer. They left the door apparently closed but in fact it was ajar, waiting for their efforts to attack it. The message they wanted to convey with America is that freedom doesn’t work. In order for that message to stick, freedom must first be put into practice. They brought slaves here knowing freedom isn’t suitable for all of earth’s peoples, and now we’re grappling with it, proving their point. Everything happening here is being documented in excruciating detail. Ultimately we will all die in a 2 mile high tidal wave which the cabal intends to tell surviving generations was the result of a nuclear war caused by our hubris and arrogance with this “freedom” and “nation state” and “overpopulation” nonsense. And no one will ever make these “mistakes” again.
Big fan of Bill, I’ve listened and read all of them many times. He was absolutely right. But the prohibition on money magick, which was a known phenomenon at the time, could have been much clearer. They left the door ajar for the pilpul that permits what we’ve seen since 1913. To the post-cataclysm historian, it will appear as though we tried a free state and failed, but really we were set up with bad language.
More shit that should have been solved in the drafting stage but inexplicably wasn’t. This means of attacking a system of law was also not unknown at the time. Another way of thinking of it, the freemasons built us an apparently sound castle, but there were secret passages for their use, everywhere.
Or, our ship appears to be commanded by we the people, but they have a secret rudder control. When the time comes, they’ll slam us on the shoals and then tell everyone from then on, “this is why you must have a captain and strict control”.
Why didn’t they make literalist interpretation a requirement? They knew of this issue at that time as well. So many unfortunate oversights, if they weren’t against us then they were incompetent. The trick was to ensure it ran for a while, but ultimately failed. How else to use us as a lesson for future generations of human cattle about the danger of self governance, freedom, etc.
The cabal fought hard against Napoleon as well, but Napoleon was a freemason who served the crown all along. Wars are population control, they always control both sides. Once Napoleon exterminated the pesky French revolutionaries in the Russian winter, far from the cabal’s interests, freemasons in France perverted France’s law (giving rise to horrors like the civil code system of law, as opposed to common law), perverted our science (freemasons like Pasteur, whose idiotic germ theory beat out Bechamps’ correct terrain theory), and perverted western culture (under their rule France went from the most powerful nation on earth to a cute little country of chefs, fashion designers, and surrender monkeys, and consider the maçons’ gift to America, the Statue of Liberty. A giant virgin to be sacrificed… what do the spikes on her crown signify? An eclipse? Like the one that will blacken the sky for days as the oceans slosh over the continents and wash away almost all evidence of what really happened here.
The American civil war being a war between good and bad Cabal faction - that intrigues me. Any pointers on that? Who were the good Cabal players, for instance?
As for the good Cabal that is now trying to liberate the world under Trump/Q - I am not sure if that was aligned with the faction of people like Astor. It's possible they were completely independant factions. However it's nice to think that it's possible.
Your analysis on Napoleon is spot on. This is why when people bunch all freemasons together as "depopulating elites" it's not correct.
As for all the wars and tragedies after the Fed was created - I dont believe they are all actually civil wars between the Cabal factions. Wars and destruction is a necessary component to keep the Central Banking ponzi scheme to keep going and hence they need to make them happen regardless. However, they never let a good tragedy go to waste, and as one of the side effects they also use their wars to eliminate anyone who stands against them. This could give the impression of a civil war.
Now is probably a good time to mention that Alexander Hamilton was never a Freemason despite the painting depicting him as such, and Washington was appointed to lead the new Virginia lodge even though he wasn’t a member.
I think the Masons hijacked the image of the Founding Fathers just like they hijack everything else.
We can debate which founding fathers were and which weren’t, but the founding documents and US gov’t documents since then have been festooned with cabal symbols. The cabal was there.
I do want to know when the Eye of Providence was added to US currency. I feel like that’s a big moment in cabal history.
Freemasons were I think given or learnt secret knowledge perhaps after the last cataclysm and kept it to themselves as no one would believe it as most went back to a caveman type existence where everything was forgotten....cycles of Yuga. Perhaps some of them went rogue...used their knowledge against humanity....so not all freemasons are bad. Just the top tier and perhaps not all of them
I find this theory compelling as well. Why are the moon and sun of equal apparent magnitude in the sky? Why is ours the only planet with mountains? Why pyramids aligned with stars, worldwide? Why don’t Canada’s Indians know about the astrological significance of medicine wheels, did they even create the medicine wheels or find them? Why are dinosaurs impossible (consider the pterodactyl, which is laughable)? How’d ancient cultures who hadn’t invented the lens know about Saturn’s rings? Why does our own sun burn our skin? Why are our backs so ill suited for the use they’re put to? Studies on mice show that fucking with magnetic fields can produce antisocial behaviour, consider in the context of God flooding the world as sin grows out of control…
We don't know this is the only planet with mountains. And they say there arecpyramids on Mars.
Only man talks of sin...god doesn't. And don't quote the Bible full of lies aliens and fakery please
2A is not vague.
Yet it’s being pilpulled to shreds and we all have memes about how it could have been clearer. The people who fought the British have no excuse for not knowing this would happen.
The ONLY way it could be any clearer is by rewording it thus:
"Because a well regulated militia is necessary to a free state the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
That changes no meaning at all from the original and is clear as day. It took me 0.3 nanoseconds to think of it that way based on the original. Anyone who tries to say the 2nd amendment is unclear is either lying to themselves more than to you, or doesn't understand English.
define the word "right".
noun a just claim or title, whether legal, prescriptive, or moral: You have a right to say what you please. dictionary.com
define the word "infringe":
verb (used without object), in·fringed, in·fring·ing. to encroach or trespass (usually followed by on or upon): Don't infringe on his privacy. dictionary.com
As in; "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed".
Furthermore the type of "right" we are dealing with was outlined in the Declaration of Independence. It reads as follows; "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness".
By the very nature of government tyranny you will be placed in a position of self-defense. It says our right to self-defense is granted by God. The simple part of "shall not be infringed" should be clear enough. This is why gun laws are already unconstitutional.
They have always manipulated language to control us and they're gonna continue to do it in different ways. Language doesn't just "change over time". It gets manipulated over time and that's what causes us to forget proper definitions a meanings. The words our fathers used can clearly be defined. But citing "anti-2A memes" as a viable threat means you might just be sucked into a whole 'nother void of lies and questioning yourself.
Go read the Canadian whatever-it-is. THAT'S vaguely written. It reads like Trudeau himself wrote it.
Imagine having to specify that a law is supposed to be interpreted as it is written. The problem would not be with them for failing to do so, the problem would be with the LIAR that is interpreting it.
Don't get me started on banning the government from issuing fiat currency. Watch The Money Masters instead.
Imagine writing a law for laymen instead of for hostile lawyers.
Pretty sure our founders were freemasons before freemasonry got infiltrated and taken over by the cabal, this would have been in the early to mid 1800s that freemasonry was infiltrated by the cabal as per the fall of the cabal sequel
That makes sense
Imo all secret societies started to cover up the mud lood.
Freemasonry = free building
Tartaria is a bit crazy
Escape to where? Back to home planet?
I've studied up on pyramids, and other things, being alien vessels. Perhaps Trump took his time machine and made them unoperable? That's why they look like that today?
No in the Bible they are called cities but they were moth erships. Ezekiel even saw a ship destroyed by another space ship..the elohim constantly fighting each other for more territory here and more power. Killed millions. Ezekiel said they could control the weather and showed him
Read Erich Von daniken the book of maharbarrata and the motherships on his channel on yt. He tells who the NASA guy was and when they copied ezekiel and patented the space shuttle he describes.
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles. He was official translator for the Vatican publishers until he saw too much.
The pyramids were energy devices powerful enough to destroy planets ..they were build by water to conduct electromagnetic fields. Imagine the power when all of them were working..so many under the sea. In Antarctica Von every country. On Mars too.
Michael tellinger has a lot to say about this.
This realm has had multiple depopulation events. There used to be billions more people on earth.
That IS where that rabbit hole leads, isn’t it. And also that another one is coming very soon…
We are in it right now.
Take all the tares, see if I cares.
Prior to the sinking of the Titanic, there was a group of them powerful enough to prevent the creation of the Fed.
I'd shake your hand if I could fren.
One day we will meet.....
Death makes us all friends in the end.
See you at The Gates, Patriot.
Amen, Patriot. Amen.
Yooo glad more people finally talking about this. I learned this from Owen Benjamin so long ago
A fellow bear! Love it.
Frog from before frogs existed on the boards
Anon from before Anon was mainstream
We will never forget, we will never forgive.
Anons are definitely NOT mainstream. Yet.
Look who funded the construction.
Hindenberg wasn't on the up and up either
Q would be very proud of this thread! Keep up the good work Anons and keep sharing the truth.
Interesting. While they might not mention anything about Holocaust, I wouldn't assume they portrayed everything else faithfully. My guess would be, these would have been the ultimate spin books to write the "official history" of the war. Would still be very valuable as it would shed a lot of light on their spin. Holocaust was probably something they came up with much later.
Clif high recommends getting encyclopedia Britannica from 1911 which was the last time history was accurate.
So Clif High recommends the 11th edition, which was the first edition published after the Rockefellers purchased it?
11th edition work had started in 1903 and was published between 1910-1911. So yeah, looks like the last edition before Rockefellers were able to sink their claws into it.
Nope. Compare the 9th edition and 11th edition articles on vaccines and vaccinations, and it's obvious they had their claws all over it, including the decision to skip the 10th edition.
9 to 11 because 10 is the Biblical number of God.
im still not sure why so many people are so enamured by cliff high....he has made tons of predictions that have never come true, for example he said people would be dropping dead all over the place from the jab..hes been around scamming for people for a while
Excuse me but tons of people are dropping over dead from the vax, msm don't talk about it but yet it's happening.athelets dropping like flys and children.idk about this guy but if you dig around or ask here you will get a answer. Key phrases to look for in obituaries is (died of sudden illness)
Ongoing list
I believe lots have been dropping dead under the guise of other ailments.
My bro has been a small town local volunteer firefighter for 20 years. He's always on call and responds to aid calls. He said stroke/cardiac dispatches were 2-3 times a month and now it's 2-3 times a week.
The same way COVID deaths were often deaths WITH COVID and not OF COVID, these new problems likely from jabs are not attributed to jabs.
Even though Clif's predictions dont always happen in the timeline we expect, they do happen slower. People dropping dead has been going on for a while. Checkout the excess mortality and the insurance / mortuary findings. The rates are steadily increasing. I have no doubt that in the next few years you will see huge number of deaths.
Clif high did a whole article on the elohim..aliens in the Bible.. yahweh being only a governor of the tribe of jacob..how did he ever get elevated to the one god in the old testament which is just the account of what happened to the tribe of Jacob and Israel once it was given to them by this alien. Or rather said if they fought for it they could keep it. Look on his substack
And he is right...more and. MOre are dying now
In our faith, you keep what you kill. It's the necromonger way.
And you... to quote the life of Christ by the goodies ..are a very naughty boy!!!
I would love to watch this? Got a link handy by any chance?
There was a TV program on ancients aliens about 15th century paintings with space craft in them. Lotscor YouTube.
The description of the vimanas in book four the Mahabharata the Indian Bible match the description of the space shuttle in ezekiel that NASA PATENTED.
Yahweh kavod with its wheels noise of rushing wind ascending in fire and cloud and not being too close or skin burnt....29 different craft.
Ezekiel being taken to top of high mountain with elohim and given admeasure to measure the building. He asked why and the elohim said for you in the future
The description of the building is in ezekiel someone made a model of it..a Canadian..
He's one of a very small number of doomers that I actually like - but don't often listen to because there's no longer a point to their rambles. Anyone who has really dug into Q posts knows WAY more about what's going on and what's coming than Clif High.
Clif High is a doomer? I dont think you have actually listened to him. Granted many of his videos are long and ranting and he goes on into woo and things that dont make sense directly, but there are many videos which are to the point and the dataset findings make a lot of sense.
How is he a doomer? I would say he is a hopium dealer pointing out how the Q plan is happening for the non religious folks
"History" has never been accurate.
History is written by...
Even they often have an agenda.
Even they learned all the same lies.
Even they get censored and erased.
Right around the creation of the FED. I’m sure you already know, but read The creature of Jekyll island
Woodrow Wilson corrupted the history books
Wasn't it the Russian/Tartarian region that forced the Khazarians to choose between 3 religions and stop the human sacrifice?
Since then it has been a all out war to wipe them from history.
Never heard tartaria being Muslim, I do not think that is correct.
That is because it is not correct. Tartary was an area of asiatic nomads and steppe warlords. There was no unification of the peoples of Tartary, they were all ruled by no nation and the area was called Tartary because it originates from a Latin word meaning "beyond the realm" or something of that nature, and several of the groups from Tartary came to be known as Tartars as a result, and name given to them by Europeans.
Any books that treat the topic of Tarataria well that you are aware of?
Are you asking for....
.....tartar sauce? 👍😃😂🤣
Please do lay out what you have found in older history books!
Yeah, I haven't seen anything pointing to them being a Muslim nation either. The whole history of that region is mired in deception
That happened in 600 AD or something like that. So probably not the same Tartaria
It was Russia but Russia had not expanded into the area called Tartary yet at the time of giving the Khazars an ultimatum
interesting history written in the 11th addition of the Khazarians. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/40769/40769-h/40769-h.htm#ar136
Woodrow Wilson he made his own history books.
1912 titanic
1913 fed reserve
1914 ww1
This one, The History Of The United States https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/16960
Written before a time when history started after WWII, I think in the very early 1900s. A very to-the-point read based on known events and facts, not polluted with emotional opinions.
The audio book is free on YouTube (or on a better video platform).
Thank you. © 1921.
Thanks for this, it looks interesting.
One thing I'm noticing about this time period is the narrative around Hitler and other (((certain people))). Far less jingoistic and much more academic, which is the way we're going to convince people of what we know is true.
I predict within the next ~20 years how we look at Hitler will be 180 degrees different. And the "holocaust", that has been suspect at best for decades will be outed as a complete fraud.
The Katyn Massacre is a great example of how narratives change once declassified documents reach the public. This lie was small in comparison to the many others they've kept alive in our history books. The truth comes out eventually.
As far as recent history being taught way differently just look at what younger people say about MLKjr today vs. what their parents taught knowledge on the subject. My mom had saved a bunch of books/almanacs from the 60's and I just received them after her passing this year and even those seem bizarre/unreal to me in many ways just glancing through them.
Do you have time to elaborate further? What changed about the KM? I am not very familiar with this part of history.
For decades the story was told that Nazis exterminated a bunch of Polish Jews in the forests. Then somewhere around 1990, the Russians had to admit that it was them that murdered Polish Jews in the forests of Katyn. They dug up some old classified documents that had been sealed since the 1940's and found out that the Russian military had indeed murdered many Jews during and before WWII.
Yes I agree
They don't talk about WWI/WWII until chapter 6. But loads of stuff to know
The transfer agreement
Behold a pale horse
Medieval history
Neanderthal predation theory
To eliminate the opiate https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1717749518/
"Holy Blood Holy Grail" is full of provably incorrect statements. I bought a whole series of those books, and I found incorrect statements in them all. So they are all in the fiction part of my library.
Can you enlighten me, I just started reading it
The basic theory of the book is that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and has living descendants. Supposedly the Merovingian dynasty in France is part of that. There was an old guy in France, Pierre Plantard, who was supposed to be next in line to rule Europe. But in real life, he was a fraud, and the documents found in the book's research were fake. There are a lot of family tree charts in the book, and I've found errors in them.
What counter literature did you use if you remember and do you have a recommendation for bloodline charts or medieval history.
Christian Settipani is an expert on the subject, but his books are all in French. The book I saw in the DAR Library in DC was full of charts that I photocopied. I can't remember the title of that particular book, but you can google his name and get an idea of what he's done. Some of the charts have best guesses, but the text explains his reasoning. I suppose you could wade through the books using Google Translate to translate a paragraph at a time.
Another good author is David Hughes. A lot of his older material is scattered around the internet, but he does have a two-volume work currently available for sale called "Chronicle of the Kings and Queens of Britain." The second volume is nothing but charts that go way back, even into mythological eras. But he is very accurate in his information. I have that work, and I've also collected every article he posted on the internet and bound them into a books.
Here's a website with a list of David Hughes articles.
Some of these files are no longer on the internet, but may be in Archive's collection. As noted at the top of the page, you may have to change some of the URLs to make them work. All of this is hundreds of pages and will keep you occupied for a long time.
Have fun.
Great! Thanks for taking the time to reply. I love to read so no worries there. I’ve managed to trace my family history to medieval bloodline myself so Ive been digging in to learn more of that history as well as my old family line
Ever read The Hyrum Key?
It's not in the fiction section of my library, so I haven't read "The Hiram Key." I have read about it, and some of the assumed facts used as a basis for the authors' theories are untrue. The book seems to be a mix of truth and fiction mixed together to conclude an overall falsity. I have a shelf full of books that do the same thing in various ways. Some of them are very entertaining, which is why movies were made of some of them.
One premise of the book, so I've read, is that the Catholic church usurped control from the original church of Jerusalem. I believe that part is true. There are many things taken as gospel by Catholics and Protestants that are not true, merely stated as fact by one or the other pope. The pope decrees something contrary to what the Bible clearly states, and everyone believes it. The pope states, "We won't observe the Commandment about honoring the Sabbath day," so most Christians today actively violate that Commandment every week. There's a lot more.
Short answer: No, I haven't read it, but if I see it for sale cheap, I might pick up a copy.
You're not wrong, that's exactly what it is! Sorry, I didn't mean to suggest it was truth. Was just curious because I think it's something you'd like.
It's an easy read, and it's fascinating to learn what people believe - and the parallels to Mormonism are unmistakable.
I had a couple of Mormons (the two guys in suits on bicycles) come to my home years ago. They finally gave up and left, as I had actually read the Book of Mormon and pointed out things they had no answer for.
I wish I had known then that the Book of Mormon was plagiarized from a popular history book that was written a few years before.
It was discovered by a russian mathematician quite by accident that 1000 years have been added to our history....anatoly Fomenko. Him and his research team have arisen volumes but still have a lot to go..you can look him up on YouTube.
The Bible is out too. .
In other words, it is 1022 AD?
1943 encyclopedia 20 pages on ww2
1980 encyclopedia 26 pages on ww2.
I do believe your statement has truth to it!
Fomenko has books on Amazon...some of the Bible is fiction.
..now we know Where CNN got it from! False flags too!
They are trying to soften what is coming...the disclosure that yahweh was not God or a God but an alien
I have a lot on my comments about stuff if you want to look.
I can recommend this only book in English..proceeds go straight to some orphanage in middle east...
Try watching this. Anything talking about Jesus and god is a no no..they were aliens not gods and there is lots of evidence
Yes they have had to remove them.. eternity for instance is from the word olam doesn't mean eternity but an indefinite period of time. Roach is the word they turned into holy spirit..it is not..elohim is the 240 odd aliens that invaded not fallen angels ..not the vicious cruel killing millions raping and destroying were gods ..or divine.
Apart from eve being cloned the hominids being gmo'd like the sheep were and potatoes and wheat etc ..the young elohim giving their blood with semen in it to change us into slaves to mine their gold....and so worried we might become as they were ..eating from the tree of life..is finding out how to live as long as they did..which we now can.....
. There is also the matter that the Bible has had 1000 years on to it complete with made up stories and wars. Just like CNN!
I wonder how much fakery they have owned up to.
There are court cases in Finland etc regarding the arrests of people quoting the Bible and it will have to be extensively altered or banned. It is full of racial hatred to anyone not from the house of Israel and full of curses and definitely describing sexual activity and what they say god says about it which is a total lie as God meaning the elohim got up to a great deal of sex and rape of youn g over three years and a day. Making it legal...
.and then there is the matter of a court case in New York where an agreement was reached with Jews that the rabbis could go on sucking the blood from the penises of baby boys they had just circumcised provided the parents signed to agree to it.
Who is speaking for the child? It's child abuse! Yahweh was the alien insisting on circumcisions ..among his 613 commandments..so I don't think any religious grounds are relevant here
There are records ...
Chris Pinto has an excellent 3 part documentary (so-far) called The Untold History of the Bible that exposes the attacks over the centuries and which continues to this day, as you have evidenced above:
The last one is on youtube with approval from Chris Pinto:
They know disclosure coming re. Aliens in Bible. Olam means an indefinite period of time..not eternity..roache means glides over...talking about elohim craft....not holy spirit.. We were made as Muslims correctly state from blood taken from young elohim and their semen.
Also 1000 years added with stories that never happened
I have a set of the last Britannica published in a standard multi-volume set, the 1970 edition. After that, they started splitting the set up into Macropedia, Micropedia, etc. and cut down the length of historical articles immensely.
That 1970 edition has no article on the "holocaust." None of my older sets of various brands of encyclopedias even mention the word anywhere. I've checked. It seems to be a new concept that I didn't personally become aware of until later in the 70s.
Back in the 1980s, as a content test, I looked up Niall of the Nine Hostages, a famous Irish king from over 1,000 years ago. In the 1970 Britannica, there was a long article, a good chunk of a column, about him. In the next edition of Britannica, which was the split up crappy version, the article was less than half as long.
As Q wrote, people need to look at original hardcopy books and see for themselves what they say.
You can download the 11th edition of Britannica from Archive.org and the previous ten editions and supplements from https://digital.nls.uk/encyclopaedia-britannica/archive/188936619
What specifically is the alarming thing which he is referring to? The time frame rules out the lolocaust.
Can’t spell slaughter without laughter
There are a lot of things ruling out the Holocaust happening as (((they))) said it did but people will make up their own realities and deny deny deny until they are dead.
I'm not saying I agree or disagree, just pointing out that the argument you are giving isn't useful. It can be turned back onto you is all. Which is fine if you are trying to bate someone into a debate.
I don't think he was referring to a specific thing. History is being wholesale rewritten by the far left.
One example can be the Holocaust. Kids nowadays think we entered the war because of the Holocaust, not because we were attacked by the Japs. They think "never again" is about the Holocaust and not the horrific wars themselves.
I think it's interesting that nobody told me the horrible photos they showed me in my schooling weren't from the Holocaust, but from camps liberated by us forces. They didn't have food because we destroyed the supply lines. The only record we have of the Holocaust comes from the Russians.
“Russians”. What was the primary ethnicity of the Bolshevik government? Stalin wasn’t even Russian. He was a Mizrahi Jew from Georgia.
Blacklisted by History. Story about the commie hunter himself, Joe McCarthy. He likely passed the batton to Trump via Roy Cohn.
Creature from Jekyll island, tragedy and hope
Is this partly in reference to the quote from General Patton, whom Trump loves to play (from the movie) at the start of his recent speeches, that we fought the wrong enemy in WWII? From the web:
"The 1975 Bodyguard of Lies Volume II says: Patton was relieved of command of the 3rd Army by Eisenhower just after the end of the war for stating publicly that America had been fighting the wrong enemy— Germany instead of Russia."
I mean, the enemy was always communism, from WWI when it took hold of Russia to WWII when it finally took hold of the world. But I'm not sure how this would be alarming, unless it is simply alarming for some to realize that communism was the bigger threat over the Germans and Japanese.
But the proof it was the bigger threat can be seen all around us now. Look at every problem we have in the West today. I suspect the alarming thing that Q means is that Marxism can be found promoted and extolled in today's books, whereas twenty years ago, it would have been difficult to get away with that. Now, your average freshman English class at your local university is learning Marxist theory and being told that the US is nothing but colonialist, racist scum. Hence, an entire generation of America-hating, gender-confused, religion-rejecting hooligans. Commies win.
Oh, and then there's that business about the Germans fleeing to South America, getting hired by NASA, etc. Lies upon lies we've been fed for decades, and we believed it.
Found this 1945 WWII book on ebay. Read the TOC:
Some of you are really fixed on single ideas and seem to work only to confirm what you think you already know. Therefore you have missed some really interesting bits of information that is available in this 1945 accounting of WWII.
I've read the first 2 chapters and found the following very interesting:
So far, even though it is focused around the holocaust, it has not mentioned the word holocaust once. It mostly just calls out the 25,000,000 people who were starved, tortured, and killed. In one section it was more descriptive and said, "They were killed simply because they were people -- men, women, children, aged, infirm, Protestant, Jew, Catholic, agnostic, white, black, brown, conservative, liberal, rich, poor..." It later goes on to say, "The process was never confined to the Jews. That was one of the things about the German conspiracy most Americans failed to comprehend... From the beginning, theft of property and literal enslavement of large numbers of personals of all religious faiths was carried on in Germany under guise of 'laws' for 'protection of the state'."
It states WWI and WWII were preplanned, including the atrocities. That it started with the "ancient Order of Teutonic Knights" which later became the Junkers (German aristocracy) who were the puppet masters. Hitler, Goering, Ribbentrops, etc were the puppets or "passing agents" in the plan. The quest for world domination started long before them and did not die with them.
The plan was to make everyone except an elite few, slaves of the system. To control economies and industry. (sound familiar?)
Hitler, the name, is an alias. His real name was/is Adolph Shickelgruber. I personally never heard that before. A quick search says it could very well be true. That name may lead us to more connections of our current elite. You also have to ask, why was his name changed in the first place? Why is his original name never spoken of (in m experience)? (EDIT: Apparently his mother's maiden name, to whom he was born out of wedlock.)
And Adolph's Shickelgruber dad was born to a single woman who was a maid in a Rothchild's home in Vienna. Hitler was a Rothchild is the big secret there; his grandmother was either raped or consenually had a Rothchild bastard son. This then leads us to wonder what the leverage was and how it was applied that led to WWII
Said as if it were a fact.
Watch the fall of the cabal sequel and they spell it out how to do your own research to confirm this
Yes, Hitler wrote about his name change in Mein Kampf. It wasn't a big secret, it just wasn't reported in most history books. His original last name was Schickelgruber, but a childhood friend convinced him to change it to Heidler, which may have been his father's last name. Adolf himself said in Mein Kampf that he thought Hitler sounded better than Heidler, and definitely better than Schickelgruber because it had a more firm, strong sound to it when said out loud. I don't have the exact quote in front of me, but he said something like "I had to change my name if I was ever to rule Germany because, after all, how convincing does 'heil Heidler' sound? Better yet, 'heil Schickelgruber' would never have been effective at parades and speeches. It would have had the opposite effect and made me a laughing stock." You have to admit, Hitler does have a nicer ring to it than Heidler or Schickelgruber.
Whats the link to order it?
Seems to include (at least some) falsehoods and propaganda.
How do you know? What parts are falsehoods and propaganda?
After finding the book for you (you're welcome), I simply added the comment as a caution to do add'l research to confirm the claims in the book. Very strong claims should be double- and triple-checked.
Thanks for finding it. I had no intention of being offensive, Just was curious if you found some stuff that was misleading in the book.
There are conflicting narratives surrounding the atrocities in WWII. I haven't done enough digging to confirm any single explanation (or derivative), but I'm always alert when 'emotionally charged' claims are made.
So do you think the holocaust was real? it seems like it'd be hard to fake all these photos, especially back in the 1940s
Most of the photos you see today were taken 1-3 years after the Holocaust ended. There's a lot of fuckery about it. The liberation happened before the US even made it to the camps so they kept prisoners there or even brought them back for photo ops as well.
LOL dude the camps which had pools, theaters, maternity wards, etc were found in Feb 1945, no pictures attributed to the LiBeRaTiOn hace snow. Go check
I saw real photos of one camp 55 years ago taken by a classmate’s father who was in the liberation of that camp…multiple black and white photos.
They weren't fake, and most of them died from sickness or starvation because of us, actually.
Grug no think Holobunga real.
Red Indians were Jews?
So the Mormons we're not smoking crack ?
no, they were lol
Mushrooms were used for mass visions. As regards American natives, DNA settles this claim quite definitely.
The document never says Isrealites.
"But they are clearly Israelites" How so?
People are not merely their customs.
DNA? What's that?! Broad sweeping generalizations are much much much more scientific!
Project much?
Oh piss off with that
It would be like the Jew to infiltrate and marry into another race for the purpose of enslaving them.
Gosh, a lot of Catholics have Jewish customs like praying to the dead and yet...Catholics are not Jews.
You and that writer have a false equivalency thing going on.
There are lots of Egyptian style mummies and writings in America...also giants.
Mormon nonsense
America's Nazi Secret
John Loftus / 1982
"I found some of the missing documents when I raided the offices of Professor Alexander Dallin, Chair of the History Department at Stanford University. The terrified professor quickly turned over boxes of unpublished Einsatzgruppen reports, records of the SS mobile killing units in Eastern Europe. These records contained the names of Nazi collaborators from Belarus and Ukraine, men who had earned their spurs by carrying out the mass murder of their own countrymen. Similar records concerning Polish collaborators with the Nazis were pulled from the Nuremberg trials before the Russians could get their hands on them.
The most distressing stolen document from his horde was the unpublished memoirs of a senior SS officer, Fredrich Buchardt, who had written a history of the Nazi occupation of Eastern Europe. Professor Dallin had plagiarized Buchardt's manuscript for his own famous work, 'Russia Under German Rule'. Buchardt had been the leader of VorKommano Moskau, one of the SS mobile killing units which specialized in recruiting local collaborators from Belarus and Ukraine as spies.(17)
(17) I found reference to Buchardt's recruitment in a Top Secret Sensitive Document folder in the Department of Defense research records collection. I saw a reference to a Buchardt manuscript in Dallin's book and correctly surmised that he was the man who recruited Buchardt for western intelligence. Dallin said he turned Buchardt over to the CIA, but their files have also been purged, presumably by Dulles.
Dallin confessed to me that his Nazis had also been used for Harvard's Russian Research Project, and gave me the code list for the "anonymous" interview subjects, almost all of whom had been Nazi collaborators. I found the matching files at Harvard in drawer B2. Both Harvard and Stanford owe an apology for perpetrating an academic fraud upon the public, and polluting almost the entire field of Russian sociological studies during the Cold War.
The US Department of State's intelligence service masterminded the Nazi cover-up. George Kennan's friend Gustav Hilger had been the liaison between the German Foreign Office and the SS Mobile Killing units. It was Kennan who personally recruited Hilger and tried to bring him to America. Kennan screamed at me over the telephone that I was defaming his reputation, but quietly dropped his threats of a lawsuit when I told him that I had read his files. I had a similar experience with Henry Kissinger. (18)
(18) I was the secret source for Seymour Hersh's book, 'The Price of Power'. Kissinger threatened to sue Hersh for libel until he found out that I was the source. Kissinger knew that I had read his files.
Kissinger was recruited as a professional spy for Dulles shortly after the end of the war in Europe. Although there is no evidence that he personally recruited Nazis, Kissinger ran the intelligence file room where records of Nazi recruitment were kept. He then transferred to Harvard where he specialized in recruiting foreign students for espionage. Later he worked for Dulles during the glory days of (the) Office of Policy Coordination. He was hired as a consultant for a private group known as Operations Research Office, which planned to use former Nazis as agents behind Russian lines in the event of World War III. Mention of Kissinger's classified work was censored from the original manuscript of this book.
But Kissinger and the State Department had a witting accomplice in the Nazi cover up. The US Justice Department had known all along where Rockler's missing witnesses could be found. The German bankers that Rockler was trying to prosecute at Nuremberg had hired American and British corporate executives - who had then become the secret residents of Camp Ashcan/Dustbin. It was the Special Assistant Attorney General Victor Swearingen who had kept all the American and British moneymen hidden from the nosy Nuremberg prosecutors.
Political smear tactics forced Rockler out before I could tell him why all the Nazi financial crimes investigations kept getting closed down. (19) He was getting much too close to the truth. The money that had funded the banks and corporations of the Third Reich came from Wall Street and "the City" of London, England's financial district and Wall Street equivalent. President Roosevelt knew about it, and so did his Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau. (20)
pages 10 - 12
Footnotes (19) and (20).
Read the book.
"Manipulating the Masses: Woodrow Wilson and the Birth of American Propaganda" - John Maxwell Hamilton (2020)
It's about how the federal government first began using its power on a mass scale to lie to everyone. At the time, it was used to convince a very pro-Germany populace to turn against the Kaiser and get the U.S. involved in WW1. It has scaled up considerably since then.
It might be available for free on ZLibrary. I haven't tried to get it there.
Edit: shorter explanation of what the CPI, Committee on Public Information, did.
Woodrow Wilson, yup.
Even the corrections aren't exactly the Real poop.
Secret or Hidden History won't ever be revealed in Any official state-sponsored history book.
Does anyone know the alarming discovery?
I'd look at the traditional narrative surrounding WWI first. It's always said that the war started due to Archduke Franz Ferdinand being assassinated. Dig deep. Who was he? Who killed him and why exactly? They seem like simple questions that have already been answered in every history lesson, but once you read enough you see there's much more to the story.
WWII was set up the same way. The war started due to Hitler "invading" a sovereign nation right? Then he just continued to invade countries for no good reason. What is a plebiscite? Did these "invaded" nations vote to join Hitler or to reject him? Even the orthodox history books get this one right. They just breeze right through it in every book I've seen though. What was the Haavara Transfer Agreement? Why did Hitler waste his time on this if he was hell-bent on exterminating all Jews?
The Civil War is another great example but I will spare all the details. The point is that, for all major histories, people tend to want a simple explanation that they can feel good about. For the Civil War, that explanation came in the form of freeing slaves while ignoring the other major factors that contributed to the story. For WWI, it was all about defending the Austro-Hungarian empire that tragically had their favorite son assassinated by a crazed terrorist. For WWII, it was about stopping a madman from invading the world and forcing us all to speak German. Anyone who's read enough knows that these are just feel-good explanations that make the reader feel as though they have some kind of moral authority over the past.
i would think anons would have found it by now.
ya, seems to me that we are missing the point on this one. For one, it doesn't say to go back beyond 20 or so years ago. So all these ancient books don't appear relevant to the exercise. Not sure what we are supposed to find though...
My guess would be the changing narrative around who's driving things, and making certain events happen. It all comes back to the financial system.
Yeah, I know 20ish years ago we learned about the Holocaust. Spent a whole semester on it. And now they don't even teach it in the same schools. So... 🤷♀️
Really? They seem to force feed it currently from what I have seen.
They do not, however, speak of the Bolshevik revolution-at all.
Not surprising since even when I was in school is was barely a footnote.
20ish years ago we did not learn about the Bolshevik revolution. I have no idea if they're teaching it now.
We never learned any Russian history except the space race and cold war.
We skipped the Cold War in my history classes because we were told that it wasn't actually a war and therefore did not deserve any study time. I couldn't believe the teachers said that with a straight face.
Washington WITCH HUNT
Bert Andrews
Random House - New York
Copyright 1948
The war to protect civil liberties - your civil liberties - is never ending. As the central figure in one of the newest and fiercest battles of that war there is a man who has come to be known by the all-disguising name of "Mr. Blank."
He is a real man. He is not a character in a weird novel or a bad dream. He is so real, in fact, that he could be you or me, and the things that happened to him - and are still happening to him - could befall you or me.
This begins, then, as the story of Mr. Blank.
But it is a story of many ramifications.
... of how Mr. Blank was discharged from the Department of State of the United States of America as "a potential security risk" without ever being informed of the nature of the charges against him and without ever being confronted by his accusers.
... of how a witch hunt, once it begins, can strike at anyone, no matter how innocent he might be.
... of the incident that made me angry enough about Mr. Blank's case to want to do something about it, not only for the sake of Mr. Blank but also for your sake and my sake.
... of how the greatest of the bureaucratic agencies of the mightiest government in the world was made to back down when the cold, bare facts were exposed in public view.
But there is much more to it than the case history of one individual.
For the study of this case history leads directly into consideration of the larger factors involved; the factors that explain why the Department of State and other government agencies "got this way" during the aftermath of World War II.
It leads to consideration -
... of the part played by J. Edgar Hoover and the Federal Bureau Of Investigation, which he heads.
... of the case of Ring Lardner, Jr. and other Hollywood figures who were cited for contempt by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
... of the case of veiled charges and innuendoes against Dr. Edward U. Condon, Director of the Bureau of Standards.
... of the strange professions of loyalty to the United States made by William Z. Foster, chairman of the Communist Party, U.S.A..
... of how those professions stacked up when compared with statements made by Joseph Stalin and Andrei A. Zhdanov, the Russian leaders.
... of what can be accomplished against a witch hunt when the triple-throated voice of the people and the press and the radio join in shouting: "This is wrong!"
... of the troubles that beset a man who goes job-hunting with the words "potential security risk" plastered on his name and reputation, even though the triple-throated cry has led to a correction of the general situation.
... of the worries that beset a man who blandly participated in the "no-hearing" case of Mr Blank when he himself, was thrust into a situation where he very much wanted a hearing.
There were four men present in a State Department room on the morning of November 1, 1947.
Three were State Department officials.
One was this reporter.
The case of Mr. Blank was being discussed.
The talk revolved generally around the ethics and decency and fairness of dismissing any individual without letting him in on the secret of who accuses him of what, and without granting him the right of appeal.
There wasn't any argument about whether the State Department had the right to do all this.
It definitely had the right by act of Congress.
The argument was whether it was the American way of proceeding.
Finally, weary of the talk, one of the State Department men said words that shocked the reporter. There were no stenographers present, so there is no exact record. But this was the sense of what he said:
"Why beat around the bush on a matter like this? It is entirely conceivable that any one of us in this room could be made the victim of a complete frame-up, if he had enough enemies in the Department who were out to get him." (He was talking about himself and the other two State Department men.)
"Yes," he continued, ""such a thing would be perfectly conceivable. And we would not have any more recourse than Mr. Blank, even though we were entirely innocent."
The reporter was astonished, and a bit frightened.
"What did you say?" the reporter asked, coming down hard on the word "what."
The State Department man repeated his statement.
The reporter said words that amounted to these"
"If a man or your intelligence can say a thing like that without being shocked at what you are saying and without a feeling of personal peril, then something is wrong. And its high time the story of Mr. Blank was told to the people of the United States to let them decide what was done right and what was done wrong in his case." (pages 3 - 7)
[Open tab w/ https://qagg.news/ click on link below]
"The Hunters become the Hunted"
"Witch Hunt"
"And today we're going RHINO hunting."
Another fricken Navy SEAL...
We homeschooled our kids using the Robinson Curriculum. It includes Saxon math and the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica. You can order that set from RC on disk or buy originals on ebay.
Most history is before 1911, so there's a lot in there that you won't see in any modern literature.
Was 'Saxon math' used in the 90s-00s? Seems like a bad way to teach kids how to use numbers. The wiki article is right in criticizing it for not giving kids enough time to fully grasp concepts, as well as using rote memorization instead of learning the concept.
Top Heavy Babes, June 1986.
lots of good books here, for example; can find fairy tales that aren't watered down or rewritten.
Below is a link to Myron Fagan’s recording from 1967.
If there is one recording you want to listen to, it’s this. He gives a detailed account of how the Illuminati (deep state of you will) infiltrated America and how they will continue to do so. It definitely touches on WW2 towards the later half of the recording. It’s creepy and interesting if you just pay attention.
I don't expect these to be particularly popular here, but I picked up a lot of little things in these that changed how I saw world propaganda in the 1990s.
Game of the Foxes (Farago) - the Nazi spy machine
A Man Called Intrepid (Stevenson) - Allied spy machine - compares nicely with Game of The Foxes
Infamy (Toland) - exposes some of FDR's underhanded activities
Recently read this one, and I suspect some of the names dropped would cross reference to some interesting names today. Making the connections might be more difficult now. I also wonder how many un-named players were lurking in the shadows influencing public opinion....
The Last Lion by Manchester - Vol II - Churchill's life in the 1930's - pay attention to the un-elected officials
I haven't read Vol III yet.
"A Man Called Intrepid" by Sir William Stevenson was a brilliant read! Read it many years ago and recommend it often.
The Bible
The old and new testament have so much wisdom. I always joke, every self help motivational speaker out there is just regurgitating proverbs. Go back to the source!
Very true! It has so much wisdom AND history. I used to think that some of the incredible stories were not actually true but merely used to teach moral values. Then I came across videos like these which blew my mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIXNxh6E-1U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQDmBA9TuD0
What's really cool to think is when Abraham was going to sacrifice his son for God, people don't pick up on that its the prequel to Jesus. His son was 33 not a child. His son was willingly going, infant he carried the wood!
Abraham was a military man..with his own army. Yahweh an insignificant commander of the elohim only in charge of tribe of Jacob wanted a raham and his troops to bolster up his army and fight for him..so ab raham left his home his relatives and the elohim he would have been under to join yahweh ..in return he was promised booty..a share of the people he captured and tithes etc...and yes he would have put Isaac on the fire....Isaac apparently not too bright according to the Bible...
Abraham was a nasty piece of work..
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles ..correct translations of the bible
That's a good start. Clif is a linguist so the study of words very important to him.
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles ..he was official translator for the Vatican publishers until he couldn't be as they couldn't publish the truth.
I don't think I said anything about being broken?
The covenant Yahweh made was with ..not the whole tribe of Israel...only the tribe of Jacob that were wandering about in the desert. The brought them out of Egypt.
The covenant was if they obeyed his 613 commandments and paid him tithes made his wine and beer and a lot of commandments were the correct way to prepare the burnt offerings of abdomen fat from women and babies that soothed him and the other elohim..then he would protect them and curse their enemies..anyone who wasn't them...I am sure the covenant will be written down but I haven't seen it.
Mauro has access to a lot of scrolls texts tablets professors theologians rabbis etc. the Jews are aware that the Adam and Eve story was about cloning..and they know yahweh was an alien
Erich Von daniken official yt channel youtube English subtitles the book of the Mahabharata and the motherships. He tells the name of NASA guy who PATENTED the space shuttle Ezekiel described
The more of us that know the truth the more we can help others..some will take it very badly
So true. Our ancestors were some really bright people!
Lots of based history articles here — https://inconvenienthistory.com/
Also has booklist/store
Centers around WWII
Me & Lee: How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald
Dr. Mary's Monkeys
America's Secret Establishment An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones
Bloodlines of the Illuminati
The Iron Triangle Inside the Secret World of the Carlyle Group
The Day After Roswell
The Medical Mafia
Global Tyranny ... Step by Step
Every book by Eustace Mullins is a great lesson in REAL history.
Antony Sutton Trilogy:
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
Wall Street and FDR
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
Well documented and foundational knowledge
I would also like to know who and when they taught slaves were black only? Because there were black slave owners, and just as many white slaves. No matter what you’ve heard it’s factual. Imagine if that was taught correctly…tension and race issues would be cut 90000%. Aren’t they using that again, now?
-1421: The Year China Discovered the World. (Gavin Menzies)
You would enjoy Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles. It was aliens not fallen angels that invaded earth 5000years who. Mauro biglino was translator for the Vatican publishers...until he couldn't be any more.
They are going to have to dispose this as so many know..even court cases will be demanding bible be banned for hate speech etc and russian mathematician anatoly Fomenko discovered 1000 years have been added to the Bible with false wars etc
They have NEVER gotten any thicker. Period
Sovereign individual and the fourth turning. Not exactly history books but still count here imo
Published this year: "The Plot Against the King"