THEORY: In MLK's final 1968 speech, he said, "I’ve seen the promised land. I may not get there with you." Did GEOTUS hint the same thing? He said: "We may not be here, at least some of the older ones. I love you all." Will Trump's next speech be the scare event? Is his final, MLK moment on the way?

I took it to mean that even though Trump & the patriots cannot live forever (and in fact many of them are near the end of their long lives), they will make certain that measures are in place to preserve the Constitution for generations to come.
Why ya gotta make me worry, catsfive?
Why worry? If they take out Trump, it's game on.
There is no play the derp state can make where they win. They know this, but will never accept it hence all the theatrics.
I don't want anything bad to happen either. But even with the plan, things going down without a major event of sorts are highly unlikely.
This is how i understood POTUS' message as well. He's reassuring us that our Republic will be secure in the future. Just as Q answered the anon who asked if plans were in place for after POTUS' term. Q answered that plans were in place to safeguard our future. I'm not worried Sircatsfive...
I think you read that scenario right.
Well it also becomes unglued if trump is arrested.
How so? Surely he and his team have considered that possibility a long time ago. What if it has to happen for optics but he comes out unscathed which we know he will?
No they didn't, Nor should they have to. That's not an option. The optics are the investigations and raids... But putting him in prison isn't a possible scenario they would ever plan for, because it's not possible.
And for different reasons than why its not possible to ever prosecute Obama..which will never happen even if the white hats take control of everything.
The only way to take out trump, is to take out trump. Which Godforbid will not happen...Because that IS a scenario, they considered possible long time ago. Not only did they consider it... But I'd imagine they are planning on it. (The attempt...which there have been many)... Hence his private security in addition to SS.
EDIT" April 2023 edit... Alright, well i wasn't really talking about him being arrested over paying money to stormy Daniels, which isn't a crime to begin with...So i was wrong, But gladly so. This seems to only help trump.
How does that work? Armed secret service as cellmates? Arrested is when he would be vulnerable to attack.
Or a lot of people see it for what it is and get PISSED. Pissed enough to maybe even start that civil war they want.
Why is this stickied? It's a small, niggly little detail and a bit of a hair-brained theory, but, this really jumped out at me while watching Trump's 2022 Wilkes-Barre speech, and it's been sticking in my brain. We know Trump often communicates this way, dropping tiny little asides just for us that few in the audience seems to really pick up on. When I heard this, I thought, "WELL, would ya look at that," and figured the all the decoder podcasts we listen to would hook in on this, but, after finishing a few, nobody has, so, I thought I'd throw this out there for your consideration. Thanks for understanding!
"It's a small, niggly little detail and a bit of a hair-brained theory,"
I concur.
Lot of pearl-clutching going on about this brief comment from Trump to the elderly in the audience.
My take (I'm 80) is that he was saying that we're going to fix America and strengthen the (already foundational) role of the Constitution and even more so that of the Declaration.
It is not going to happen suddenly. It's going to take some years. Some of you who are old may not live to experience the "conclusion". I, myself (Trump), may not live to see the conclusion - but it is coming and will be worth the wait.
For the survivors.
Many have not survived and many more are going to die in this ongoing war.
I agree. Trump will be there!
Did you just use the term Niggly in a thread that has MLK?
That one statement stuck out to me more than any other one. My take on it? He'll be back in office and lay the ground work to clean up the utter mess that is the US and the world. And I'm not just referring to the last 2 years.
I suspect the time required to really eliminate this evil from the US and the world will exceed his term and lifetime and possibly exceed the lives of many of us.
I was a bit bummed out when I initially heard it and thought it out. I'm not afraid of dying as I fully understand that death is natural and I know my lord. But I would really like to personally witness the end of this story and witness the eradication of evil.
I'm not a boomer but rather a Gen X'er so hopefully I have enough time left to see the finale. And I hope and pray all my brothers and sisters here can witness the same. God bless the USA, the world and all of you! And God bless President Trump.
I still think it’ll take one hundred years of Trumpian civil servants to fix our nation and subsequently the world.
Trump already showed us you can take the chains off in a year and we could be better than ever in 4 years for sure
Yeah it bothered me too when he said it. His tone was sort of sad. But I really think he meant he won't be around forever, none of us will, and just letting us know he's thought it through to set things up right.
I wouldn’t read too deep into it, I think it’s just similar to the wise man who plants the tree knowing he won’t live to see his grandchildren rest under its shade.
These two sentences prior are important for context. My read of that statement in total, is he is saying we, the current generation(s) active in MAGA won’t let our country be ruined on our watch, nor in the future even after those of us who are older are gone.
President Trump is saying we will set up a system so strong and powerful the DS can never do this again. But, it will take time and maybe not all of us will live to see the completion of the project to set up an NWO/DS proof system.
I don't fully comprehend this ordeal so maybe you can help me. If we have mapped out all of the enemies, as in who's really running things in the background, and if we were to somehow capture them (don't ask me how) and these people are gone from our worry, isn't that the same thing? why do we need to wait decades?
Two things.
First, even after we think we’ve eradicated the DS, there will be idiots who want to try this failed experiment again in the future. A string system will make sure they can’t.
Second, setting up the system won’t take decades, but some of the people supporting the effort are of an age, and possibly health status, where it isn’t likely they will see it come to full fruition. If Post 3387 is a hint, that will be around mid July 2025.
makes me wonder just how big this operation was able to get and how
Yes, how soon we forget what we fought for in most cases.
Yeah that bothered me too, when I heard it. Not necessarily in a bad way, just kind of surprised me. Got me to thinking about the rapture. I try to think of the good outcomes vs the bad ones so that shit stays out of my timeline kek.
Yeah, I noticed that too; but I don't think he said it as a prophetic warning about himself, but that some of the older Americans might not get to see what's coming next. It would have been great to see who he was pointing to, but C-SPAN's camera remained fixed on Trump.
I’ve been thinking about this ever since the rally as well. It certainly was the line that jumped out at me. I agree with the take u/rooftoptendie has. It also made me think of Riccardo Bosi saying many times that the healing required will take generations. When you think about the psychological damage done to the children just these last few years, it may well take that long. I love the grandfather planting the tree analogy. That’s us.
“Blessed is he who plants trees under whose shade he will never sit.”
I love this.
Me, too!
Not only psychological but physical as well ... for those children forced to take the clot shot, forced to get gender reassignment, etc, etc, etc.
Yes indeed. Also forced to wear muzzles...
He better be here at the end with us! I don't want to think of him not being here to celebrate with us. He's such a huge part of this whole plan. Without him being the face of this, no one else could have done it. It's why he's anointed, God knows what he is doing.😁
He will be Angel...Q said POTUS is protected.
No way cats, unless Trump is in on it. Because his assassination would trigger instant civil war and that is exactly what the cabal wants.
Maybe it's an arrest? I definitely feel like Trump has a handle on this Joseph Campbell-style hero narrative he's been laying down all these years.
It worried me when I heard POTUS say it, but I think/hope he's trying to make it understood that this transformation is going to take years if not decades to run it's course. You don't take a centuries/millennia-old evil that has infested every corner of society and eradicate it in five-to-ten years.
I wonder if some of the tone of sadness was because he realizes that so many good people are being trampled on and abused as the war rages on. As much as we're all exhausted here in the States in varying degrees, people in most of the other continents and our neighbors to the north and south in NA seem to have it worse than we do. And none of us, including them, are experiencing the horrific existence that the victims of human trafficking are going through. Yes I'd like it if this evil was ended in a flash, but don't anticipate that's going to be the case.
Another reason for the tone of sadness may be that we're nearing the precipice and DJT knows, as few do, the extent to which this is NOT going to be a cakewalk.
Also, if it's as simple as a changing of the guard, I would never fault POTUS for passing the baton to someone else if he just wants to live the rest of his life in peace. He's given so very much already to this country (and to the world, frankly) that he deserves the very best in this life and the next. Selfishly, I'd be happy to have him as Great Emperor of the United States for decades as he's been practically created for this role in this time in history.
Just keep praying for Donald Trump and his loved ones, for those people fighting this war on the side of Good, and thank God Almighty for all His blessings and grace. 🙏✝️
I translate this as the work being done now will come to 100% fruition 15 years or more from now. We will see the fix start and see the uptick begin but in 15 or so years we will really be able to look around and say" Damn this is great"
15 years? He did so much in 4 years. If they really have it all it should be a fast clean sweep
I believe Q is definitely going to fake Trump's assassination for the movie, then he'll be back in 2024.
"We may not be here, at least some of the older ones..." What does that mean? that a lot of older people are about to die?
MLK was a communist
Many of the racial problems today stem from MLK Jr. He used the same tactics that made his side look like the victims, just like blm today. There's a reason why his kids support blm.
It's going to take decades to get us out of this mess. If you're any older than middle aged there's zero chance you'll see the end. If you're middle aged there's a chance. If you're in your twenties or younger there's a very good chance you'll see it.
i think MLK meant more that this fight they are waging will be generational and the fruits of the labour will be beyond his lifetime most likely. Maybe similar to a true MAGA republic may take longer to achieve and settle in than Trump has to live (i.e. rest of his natural days)
I think he’s referring to the finished product of the Great Awakening. I don’t think they’d kill him now. Because no way could we avoid full Civil War if they killed him. Especially if it was some BLM/ANTIFA dude, the kinetic fight would be on and all this peaceful/lawful movement would go by the wayside until one side gave up or was wiped out. Of course I do think they’ll possibly arrest Trump just to see how far they can go, but I don’t see him being held more than to have his charges read to him. Trump isn’t a spring chicken either. He has to let people know he has fewer days ahead than behind, before God takes him home.
Yes, I take from this that Trump means he will serve as long as allowed, but he and we have to make sure that the constitution is protected for the future and that no communist infiltrators can get this close to the goalpost again. For our grandchildren and their children and so on. So often, we have had some things improve with a conservative president (1980s) just to have the next election and the pendulum swings all the way over and we lose the progress. It sounds like he is going to fix that.
That was according to FBI documents… They would set Trump up to look the same way in history books if they could. I’m not saying MLK wasn’t wat the FBI reports said, but I am saying I no longer trust any report written by the FBI about anyone.
Trump is what 76 at present? I don't believe he has Any plans on being President after 2028, someone will have to take the mantle much like Elisha had to after God took up Elijah or as Joshua did from Moses.
God I hope not. It’ll be disgusting to see these evil dumbfucks celebrate such a tragedy.
The comment threw me as well. I remember it clearly and my wth? Thought
I took it as saying that we will take back the country and the prosperity will last longer than a generation…
I know some have said that he’s saying that it’s a long fight ahead.
I did not take this as Trump predicting his own mortality.
Shut your mouth... not going to kill GEOTUS
There will always be a time post Trump.
We, as his supporters, are supporting our own values and system of government. That is our station.
What we are witnessing these last decades, we, as a group have to resolve to never let this happen again, jealously guarding our freedoms.
This sense needs to grow, and we must look at ourselves as the culprits.
Trump is not here in this realm with eternal life.
I find it comforting to hear, he has a clear end result in mind, and there will come a time when he will retreat from public view.
I am sure, he will not be forgotten, nor will be forgotten what he stands for. The monument that really is his aim, is to instill this engagement based on the Constitution, and doing it by the book.
MLK was a cringe communist and an adulterer.
And Solomon was a serial polygamist.
So what?
God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called.
My civilization is going to die a retarded death, isn’t it?
MLK is a sell out. I have such little respect for the man just for the simple fact that he literally sold his own race out to government subsidies and enslaved his own people through generational segregation. Malcolm X ( though I disagree with his Marxism) atleast understood the gravity of picking the left vs the right and warned against closet racist on the left. Don't compare trump to him bc its a bad omen for the future of white people IMO.
Morbid topic, but he did indeed get the coof mRNA shot, if anything I'd predict a cardiac event.
I doubt he got the China virus jab. He said he got vaccinated. It could have been the regular flu vaccine.