Black, awful night enveloped the earth. An ominous, red flame burned in the distance. I was approaching a fantastic figure which outlined itself before me as I came nearer to it. High above the earth appeared the repulsive red face of the Devil, with large, hairy ears, pointed beard and curved goats' horns. A pentagram, pointing downwards, shone in phosphoric light between the horns on his forehead. Two large, grey, bat-like wings were spread behind him. He held up one arm, spreading out his bare, fat hand. In the palm I saw the sign of black magic. A burning torch held down-end in his other hand emitted black, stifling smoke. He sat on a large, black cube, gripping it with the claws of his beast-like, shaggy legs.
A man and woman were chained to the cube--the same Man and Woman I saw in the garden, but now they had horns and tails tipped with flame. And they were evidently dissatisfied in spirit, and were filled with protest and repulsion.
"This is a picture of weakness", said the voice, "a picture of falsehood and evil. They are the same man and woman you saw in the garden, but their love ceasing to be a sacrifice, became an illusion. This man and woman forgot that their love is a link in the chain that unites them with eternity, that their love is a symbol of equilibrium and a road to Infinity.
"They forgot that It is a key to the gate of the magic world, the torch which lights the higher Path. They forgot that Love is real and immortal and they subjugated it to the unreal and temporary. And they each made love a tool for submitting the other to himself.
"Then love became dissension and fettered them with iron chains to the black cube of matter, on which sits deceit".
And I heard the voice of the Devil: "I am Evil", he said, "at least so far as Evil can exist in this best of worlds. In order to see me, one must be able to see unfairly, incorrectly and narrowly. I close the triangle, the other two sides of which are Death and Time. In order to quit this triangle it is necessary to see that it does not exist.
"But how to do this is not for me to tell. For I am the Evil which men say is the cause of all evil and which they invented as an excuse for all the evil that they do.
"They call me the Prince of Falsehood, and truly I am the prince of lies, because I am the most monstrous production of human lies".
The Black cube is the Cube of Matter.
It's the symbol of Man's obsession with the Material World.
In other words, it's the False Idol of Materialism.
"Recall the words of the orator, and the meaning of this symbol will be plain," she said, as I gazed in silence at this truly marvelous work. "The white pyramid symbolizes the higher self, the spirit of the pilgrimage; the black cube symbolizes the lower man or the celestial being after it is lost in matter. The being has sunk so low that nothing but a thread connects it with the higher self, and the passions and desires that arise from matter, and which are symbolized by the red demon, would sever even this frail connection and destroy the soul.
Yeah, I saw this speech by Biden too. Red, black, devil stuff.
"Black, awful night enveloped the earth. An ominous, red flame burned in the distance. I was approaching a fantastic figure which outlined itself before me as I came nearer to it. High above the earth appeared the repulsive red face of the Devil, with large, hairy ears, pointed beard and curved goats' horns. A pentagram, pointing downwards, shone in phosphoric light between the horns on his forehead. Two large, grey, bat-like wings were spread behind him. He held up one arm, spreading out his bare, fat hand. In the palm I saw the sign of black magic. A burning torch held down-end in his other hand emitted black, stifling smoke. He sat on a large, black cube, gripping it with the claws of his beast-like, shaggy legs
And I heard the voice of the Devil: "I am Evil", he said, "at least so far as Evil can exist in this best of worlds. In order to see me, one must be able to see unfairly, incorrectly and narrowly."
And then Jill came out in a bunny suit and led him away for his pudding and peanut butter crackers.
It is an agent noun from Greek diaballein "to slander, attack," literally "to throw across," from dia "across, through" (see dia-) + ballein "to throw" (from PIE root *gwele- "to throw, reach").
The Devil card, therefore, is more talking about taking God's word out of context and reaching for meaning that isn't there. Like lawyers and politicians do when they ignore one part of the law to enforce another.
They take what God has said, and slander his Word.
The story on the Devil, therefore, should not be taken literally, as it is clear the allusions to the allegory are presented and that the author fully understands the etymology of the word "Devil."
"They call me the Prince of Falsehood, and truly I am the prince of lies, because I am the most monstrous production of human lies"
The Devil is real. The Devil is in the heart of any Creature that spins the Word of God against God's Creation.
The Lie.
The Lie IS the Devil, as the Lie is his child made when he raped Humanity and forced its birth.
Lucifer whispered into Eve's ear, and she did partake. Had she not partook of the Fruit, the Lie would have not been born. The Lie and her foolish belief of it birthed Slander into the world.
The Devil is not Satan is not Lucifer.
The Devil, the Slander, is the child of Man and Lucifer.
Together they serve to form the organization we call Satan, the Adversary.
Adversary = Ad + Verse = Against the Word.
Universe = Uni + Verse = The One Word.
Therefore Satan is all that wishes the undoing of God's Creation. The Adversary of God's Will.
Devil is Slander of God's Word.
Lucifer, the Light Bearer, is the catalyst in the birth of all the horrors and suffering of the World.
He is the Father of Lies, and Humanity, by way of Eve AND Adam's foolishness, is the Bride.
Lucifer is real. The Devil is real. AND WHAT THEY REPRESENT IS ALSO REAL!
We fight among powers and principalities, rather than flesh and blood. These abstract Truths must be taken BOTH literally and figuratively.
Both these vids will scramble your reality. Studying the past is the best way to learn about our future. These vids (plus some others) are why I went to Egypt for 9 months.
Thanks for sharing this. It reminds me of the Golden Ratio. I have studied Freemasonry and a lot of the "footwork" retains teachings of this information. I always held the theory that ancient civilizations were trying to warn future civilizations about reoccurring cycles our planet goes through.
We wont know for sure unless it happens is where I am at with it all. The CIA declassified "Adam and Eve Story" is a trip. Good luck on your discernment journey.
Wow I thought I was the only one into these. It's so hard to get people to look into this, it's so out there. This is what the Flat Earth rejects should be looking into, not flat whatever bullshit. These are the two feature documentaries they did. The rest of the channel is kinda dead if you're not into it. But, if you want to understand ages and ages of ancient symbology, this is one of the most interesting introductions to this. Literal "whoa" for me here, seeing this.
Is this from the “protocols” I’ve heard so much about this video with the man explaining it? Or he is explaining the book?
It’s all too much so many different versions of the same thing
A never ending 3D Cube Matrix spitting us in and out over and over again?
DIGITAL PURGATORY? What of the Artifical Human Cells Implanted in Computer Chips?
Did Jesus die on the 3D CUBE to represent our pain and suffering that must be endured in this 3D REALM to further our expedition elsewhere?
True, Eve was deceived, Adam chose to sin along side his wife instead of protecting her from Satan and teaching her the truth of God's law, so in Adam all die, and in Christ all can be made alive. Praise the Lord.
Modern art is art for lazy people. Some of the modern art I’ve seen over the years, is some of the worst representation of the word art! The same goes for architecture. Everything is created to bring us into a state of displeasure.
2001 from start to finish is about mankind going from beast in the garden to gaining knowledge and becoming less animal like. The fight between the apes at the start is symbolic of Cain and Able. The obelisk represents the knowledge passed on to man, and freeing them from God. Very occultist movie if you know the meanings.
Turn the obelisk on it’s side and it is a movie screen and a phone display. They both have the transformative powers to turn a society of free thinkers into apes.
I explain to my spouse that we are like bees in a hive. We all go out and search for blocks or miles to find pollen and then we bring all of our findings back to share with the colony!
Muslim, Jew & Christian religions all use the cude in their symbology. Muslim - Cube @ Mecca. Jew - Cube kicked on 45 so it looks like a merkaba/star (of David...but isn't). Christian - Cube unfolded into 6 squares creates the Latin Cross. Metatron's cube. (Know who that is?) There's plenty more...
It's cute they love the devil so much, the original faggot, since they will be meeting sooner or later, and he can turn them out until their little black hearts are cannot. I am sure he will be an accommodating lover and not go too rough.
There are several well-suppressed historical accounts from ancient navigators and explorers that at the REAL north pole, which has been off-limits to the sheeple for well over a century, there is an enormous MAGNETIC BLACK ROCK, like a small island surrounded by water that is the center-point of this realm we call earth, in perfect geometric alignment with Polaris, the north star. And that it is this gigantic magnetic "Black Rock" that our compasses align to.
Is it true or myth? I can't say for sure. But the way things have been going these past few years, if I were a betting man, I'd put my money on this being truth.
Sounds like a theory to dovetail with flat earth. I am still stuck on my compass aligning to magnetic north instead of true north. I can test it and see it for my own eyes. I have not gone so far as to take notes through time to see if the wobble of the magnetic north pole is true, but I am going to stay on the spherical earth camp.
Hold steady as you desire. The sphere is a sacred cow for the majority. Just don't go out and get yourself a Nikon P900/1000 and head down to the beach any time soon if you want to keep the dream alive! ;)
Lots of examples in movies too, what comes to mind Is the All-Spark, creates crazy aggressive beings,war and chaos, and that cube from the HellRaiser movies.
The idea of worship of the heavenly god came
Originally when iron was found in meteorites (already smelted) this gift from
Above was and is the greatest gift and all of
Civilisation owes to this gift.
I just watched the latest episode (8) of the TV series called The Patient. Most of the characters are Jewish and there's a lot of talk about being Jewish. In a few scenes the elder men (Orthodox Jews) are wearing their particular clothing and standing in a group and swaying and praying hard. I just noticed that they wear a hat with a LITTLE BLACK CUBE on it! What the...?? Related maybe?
I wouldn't have notice it had I not been reading about the black cube here on GAW!
Isn't it interesting they cover their 3rd eye with the cube, cover their crown/connection to God with a disc and even the humble bagel is shaped like the rings of Saturn. Challenge: go through the day observing how many symbols that represent Saturn you see. Wearing Nikes...swoosh rings, Toyota? Blue Ford oval? It's literally everywhere... have fun!
When you see a hard core Jew wearing something on their head or hand shaped like a box, you are most likely seeing them carrying out the command in the Shema found in Deuteronomy 6:
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
From physics realm, a cube is 3D representation of space. Add time and you get space-time something Einstein came up with. But makes me wonder if idea has been around for much longer as Saturn is Chronos is ‘Father Time’. And then with time you get Entropy which is direction of time and basically introduces Decay.
Everything goes back to Blackrock & Vanguard. CK has jumped on the fat is fantastic train. Their #2 is Vanguard. Their #1's biggest shareholder is Vanguard. They are influencing society with their board power. This is the head of the beast.
I got another one for ya’ll I never see mentioned. They call the location for Burning Man Festival- Black Rock City. It will pop right up on google maps or you can check the weather there in a weather app.
So you are claiming that Jesus never died on the cross? I see a cross in there and it appears they are trying to say it's an unwrapped cube. Are you aware that the arms of the unwrapped cube can be in any spot? The person who made thise chose the one configuration that looks like a cross.
I don't think you understand what I am saying.
here is an image showing how a cube can be any number of shapes when unwrapped in yet the person making the artwork above chose the only one that looks like a cross. So because a cross can be turned into a cube I am supposed to believe its actually the cube in disguise?
I think symbolism means nothing unless someone gives it meaning. And the same symbols mean different things to different cultures. The cabal has symbols that are meaningful to them, if the cross is a meaningful symbol to them, that doesn't prevent Christians from having it be meaningful to them in a completely different way.
No way they were talking about the same...could they have been? They mention "black rock" in a few other songs if I remember correctly... Haven't listened to OAR or thought of them in ages!
Same. I used to work as a REALTOR selling model homes for multiple builders back in the day. At each subdivision, we'd have 3 - 5 large and small models, fully furnished and landscaped on display. I'd have to inspect them at the beginning of each day and re-straighten & fluff anything amiss from the hundreds of Looky-Loo's that would walk through them the day before. Tiny misalignments of a window blind, a picture on the wall, a cushion on the bed or sofa, books leaning slightly the wrong way on the shelves, tchotchkes turned incorrectly on the table, would immediately catch my eye and I was compelled to 'fix it'. If a section of the grass was getting dry or a tree needed trimming, I saw it and had it taken care of.
I was really good at my job, but this kind of mental detail and observation is both a gift and a curse.
Don't ask me what my brain is doing when I am in a crowd and scan the area and notice the haircuts, clothing, figures, posture and behavior of people in a social setting!
Please explain this to me like I'm 5. What does this mean? Soooo interested. Thank you
I don't like linking to Grimoires if I can help it, so you're gonna get the short form from the Tarot card description of the Devil.
Black, awful night enveloped the earth. An ominous, red flame burned in the distance. I was approaching a fantastic figure which outlined itself before me as I came nearer to it. High above the earth appeared the repulsive red face of the Devil, with large, hairy ears, pointed beard and curved goats' horns. A pentagram, pointing downwards, shone in phosphoric light between the horns on his forehead. Two large, grey, bat-like wings were spread behind him. He held up one arm, spreading out his bare, fat hand. In the palm I saw the sign of black magic. A burning torch held down-end in his other hand emitted black, stifling smoke. He sat on a large, black cube, gripping it with the claws of his beast-like, shaggy legs.
A man and woman were chained to the cube--the same Man and Woman I saw in the garden, but now they had horns and tails tipped with flame. And they were evidently dissatisfied in spirit, and were filled with protest and repulsion.
"This is a picture of weakness", said the voice, "a picture of falsehood and evil. They are the same man and woman you saw in the garden, but their love ceasing to be a sacrifice, became an illusion. This man and woman forgot that their love is a link in the chain that unites them with eternity, that their love is a symbol of equilibrium and a road to Infinity.
"They forgot that It is a key to the gate of the magic world, the torch which lights the higher Path. They forgot that Love is real and immortal and they subjugated it to the unreal and temporary. And they each made love a tool for submitting the other to himself.
"Then love became dissension and fettered them with iron chains to the black cube of matter, on which sits deceit".
And I heard the voice of the Devil: "I am Evil", he said, "at least so far as Evil can exist in this best of worlds. In order to see me, one must be able to see unfairly, incorrectly and narrowly. I close the triangle, the other two sides of which are Death and Time. In order to quit this triangle it is necessary to see that it does not exist.
"But how to do this is not for me to tell. For I am the Evil which men say is the cause of all evil and which they invented as an excuse for all the evil that they do.
"They call me the Prince of Falsehood, and truly I am the prince of lies, because I am the most monstrous production of human lies".
The Black cube is the Cube of Matter.
It's the symbol of Man's obsession with the Material World.
In other words, it's the False Idol of Materialism.
Thank you! That's a powerful explanation my fren. I apologize you had to go there. But.. I thank you.
Also look at these pictures.
I got them in my other threads, but why not have them everywhere?
Notice the baby eating? That's not a coincidence, and thats the link to adrenochrome and pizzagate. This crap has been going on that long.
A black rock is what, is in the cube that some who go to mecca for the hadj bend over to kiss.
I found this video today on the Saturn symbolism that you may find relevant:
Yeah, I saw this speech by Biden too. Red, black, devil stuff. "Black, awful night enveloped the earth. An ominous, red flame burned in the distance. I was approaching a fantastic figure which outlined itself before me as I came nearer to it. High above the earth appeared the repulsive red face of the Devil, with large, hairy ears, pointed beard and curved goats' horns. A pentagram, pointing downwards, shone in phosphoric light between the horns on his forehead. Two large, grey, bat-like wings were spread behind him. He held up one arm, spreading out his bare, fat hand. In the palm I saw the sign of black magic. A burning torch held down-end in his other hand emitted black, stifling smoke. He sat on a large, black cube, gripping it with the claws of his beast-like, shaggy legs
And I heard the voice of the Devil: "I am Evil", he said, "at least so far as Evil can exist in this best of worlds. In order to see me, one must be able to see unfairly, incorrectly and narrowly."
And then Jill came out in a bunny suit and led him away for his pudding and peanut butter crackers.
It's a damn shame it's not large, hairy legs.
That go up and down in the water.
I learned about roaches
Btw u/Jak4 that Sacred Texts site is full off deep reading.
Thank you for all the information.
This makes me want to make a t-shirt of a black cube with a cartoon pigeon pooping on it.
As it says, love is the road to infinity. Makes me sad we're all in the prison.
men did not invent the devil
Take it up with P D. Ouspensky who wrote this in [1913].
I'm just relaying to you what the cube means using the oldest references I can find.
Devil translates to "Slander of the Word" anyways.
The Devil card, therefore, is more talking about taking God's word out of context and reaching for meaning that isn't there. Like lawyers and politicians do when they ignore one part of the law to enforce another.
They take what God has said, and slander his Word.
The story on the Devil, therefore, should not be taken literally, as it is clear the allusions to the allegory are presented and that the author fully understands the etymology of the word "Devil."
What God has said
is that the devil is real
the Accuser and the father of lies
so to say he is not real
is a further slander of the Word of God
Again, you're thinking too literally.
The Devil is real. The Devil is in the heart of any Creature that spins the Word of God against God's Creation.
The Lie.
The Lie IS the Devil, as the Lie is his child made when he raped Humanity and forced its birth.
Lucifer whispered into Eve's ear, and she did partake. Had she not partook of the Fruit, the Lie would have not been born. The Lie and her foolish belief of it birthed Slander into the world.
The Devil is not Satan is not Lucifer.
The Devil, the Slander, is the child of Man and Lucifer.
Together they serve to form the organization we call Satan, the Adversary.
Adversary = Ad + Verse = Against the Word.
Universe = Uni + Verse = The One Word.
Therefore Satan is all that wishes the undoing of God's Creation. The Adversary of God's Will.
Devil is Slander of God's Word.
Lucifer, the Light Bearer, is the catalyst in the birth of all the horrors and suffering of the World.
He is the Father of Lies, and Humanity, by way of Eve AND Adam's foolishness, is the Bride.
Lucifer is real. The Devil is real. AND WHAT THEY REPRESENT IS ALSO REAL!
We fight among powers and principalities, rather than flesh and blood. These abstract Truths must be taken BOTH literally and figuratively.
Lucifer is the latin name of the first angel to rebel against God.
Sorry dude, you’re just wrong.
How am I wrong? You're just saying I'm wrong without explaining anything at all.
I'm not trying to be wrong or right -- I'm just providing to you what the terms mean.
I'm giving you straight facts and etymology. I'm breaking apart the words, finding their origin, and considering how each meaning relates in context.
What does Lucifer mean?
What does Hay'lel mean?
Are they the same?
You claim I'm wrong, but thus far you've offered nothing to suggest you even know what right is.
Maybe u/sleepydude or u/zeitreise can chime in on this while I dig up a good source for you. It's a deep rabbit hole.
Thank you very much. I so appreciate it!
I have not vetted the videos, but the blog is pretty good.
As per usual, you should dig deeper. Qwant and Yandex are great search engines to use. Tru searching "Saturn cult" or "Saturn 666" as a start.
CNBC runs a black Cube graphic for 2 hours on their pre-market morning show.
5yr old explanation. Muslims pray to a black meteorite. So it's satanic pretty much
What if it’s not a meteorite? There have been sightings of UFOs shaped like black cubes.
UFOs are satanic
How about a different direction
Ok thanks cats5. I'll go check these out right now. ✅
Both these vids will scramble your reality. Studying the past is the best way to learn about our future. These vids (plus some others) are why I went to Egypt for 9 months.
Thanks for sharing this. It reminds me of the Golden Ratio. I have studied Freemasonry and a lot of the "footwork" retains teachings of this information. I always held the theory that ancient civilizations were trying to warn future civilizations about reoccurring cycles our planet goes through.
Is this cycle the NCSWIC moment? Are the poles flipping, or is that DS propaganda?
We wont know for sure unless it happens is where I am at with it all. The CIA declassified "Adam and Eve Story" is a trip. Good luck on your discernment journey.
Wow I thought I was the only one into these. It's so hard to get people to look into this, it's so out there. This is what the Flat Earth rejects should be looking into, not flat whatever bullshit. These are the two feature documentaries they did. The rest of the channel is kinda dead if you're not into it. But, if you want to understand ages and ages of ancient symbology, this is one of the most interesting introductions to this. Literal "whoa" for me here, seeing this.
i never thought I would actually be able to post this in a relevant thread.
Lol. Protocols of the Elders of Zion is being fact checked by Youtube?
Wow man, just wow.
the internet is a crazy place
Is this from the “protocols” I’ve heard so much about this video with the man explaining it? Or he is explaining the book?
It’s all too much so many different versions of the same thing
A never ending 3D Cube Matrix spitting us in and out over and over again?
DIGITAL PURGATORY? What of the Artifical Human Cells Implanted in Computer Chips?
Did Jesus die on the 3D CUBE to represent our pain and suffering that must be endured in this 3D REALM to further our expedition elsewhere?
Prism planet. New hashtag
Yep, Muslims pray to a black meteorite.
So Muslims know they pray to a black meteorite? Are they being deceived? Where does Allah come in?
Allah snackbar
Even Mohammed knew he'd had a demonic vision. His wife convinced him it was good.
Women. The root of all Eve-il?
True, Eve was deceived, Adam chose to sin along side his wife instead of protecting her from Satan and teaching her the truth of God's law, so in Adam all die, and in Christ all can be made alive. Praise the Lord.
Allah is a pagan moon goddess = Ishtar of Babylon.
Thanks Fren!
Can you imagine thinking putting a big huge black box as a piece of art would attract anyone. Obviously it’s not to attract anyone, except for evil.
Now you see why all that modern art needs to be accepted.
They're lazy. No need for intricate drawings or symbols.
Modern art is art for lazy people. Some of the modern art I’ve seen over the years, is some of the worst representation of the word art! The same goes for architecture. Everything is created to bring us into a state of displeasure.
"Brutalism" to represent the boot smashing the face of humanity
I am attracted to box of all varieties.
Makes me wonder about flying on an airplane that has a black box recorder.
Those are actually normally orange. Black is harder to find in a crash.
Instantly made me think of the obelisk in 2001: A Space Odyssey
2001 from start to finish is about mankind going from beast in the garden to gaining knowledge and becoming less animal like. The fight between the apes at the start is symbolic of Cain and Able. The obelisk represents the knowledge passed on to man, and freeing them from God. Very occultist movie if you know the meanings.
2001 Space Odyssey is told backwards.
Turn the obelisk on it’s side and it is a movie screen and a phone display. They both have the transformative powers to turn a society of free thinkers into apes.
What about the guys with the black cube headbands?
I thought you were joking….
What the …..
Saving them for last.
I wonder is this where they got the idea of the movie hellraiser with pinhead and the cube!
Wow. Good thinking! That totally skipped me! 😊
This is why these threads are important. Together, we all have pieces of the puzzle. This is why the do not want us united!
It's starting to feel like the good ol days on GAW, baby! 😎 Love you all!
I explain to my spouse that we are like bees in a hive. We all go out and search for blocks or miles to find pollen and then we bring all of our findings back to share with the colony!
We are Babylon Bees.
Face palm. Knew all the rest, but I didn’t link the company.
Personally, I don’t believe the planet pole is really as told to us. If they fake it, how would you know?
What is name of a type of rock that is cubical?
Pyrite (FeS2) consists of iron and sulfur, also known as "Fool's Gold.",-Hand%20specimens%20of&text=The%20mineral%20always%20has%20a,with%20a%20tinge%20of%20green
Don't forget this one!
Yeah, can someone explain why muslims are worshipping a cube? Isn't that weird?
"What is the cube-shaped structure called?
It is called the Kaaba, or "the cube."
Is there anything inside?
The Kaaba is built around a sacred black stone, A METEORITE...."
Caananite pagan worship of the female false goddess, Ishtar.
Muslim, Jew & Christian religions all use the cude in their symbology. Muslim - Cube @ Mecca. Jew - Cube kicked on 45 so it looks like a merkaba/star (of David...but isn't). Christian - Cube unfolded into 6 squares creates the Latin Cross. Metatron's cube. (Know who that is?) There's plenty more...
Black rock has a bond ETF called “Fallen Angels.”
It's cute they love the devil so much, the original faggot, since they will be meeting sooner or later, and he can turn them out until their little black hearts are cannot. I am sure he will be an accommodating lover and not go too rough.
There are several well-suppressed historical accounts from ancient navigators and explorers that at the REAL north pole, which has been off-limits to the sheeple for well over a century, there is an enormous MAGNETIC BLACK ROCK, like a small island surrounded by water that is the center-point of this realm we call earth, in perfect geometric alignment with Polaris, the north star. And that it is this gigantic magnetic "Black Rock" that our compasses align to.
Is it true or myth? I can't say for sure. But the way things have been going these past few years, if I were a betting man, I'd put my money on this being truth.
I'm pretty sure magnetic poll is nowhere near the north pole,it in northern Canada, it moves with time.
That's certainly what they want us to believe...but is it true?
Maybe they got lucky with a twofer...
I heard Hitler and the nazis used to spend a lot of time up there.
And many, many more civilizations and explorers long before they arrived. Suppressed history. I wonder why?
I thought it was the South Pole, Antarctica, that was their point of fascination.
Sounds like a theory to dovetail with flat earth. I am still stuck on my compass aligning to magnetic north instead of true north. I can test it and see it for my own eyes. I have not gone so far as to take notes through time to see if the wobble of the magnetic north pole is true, but I am going to stay on the spherical earth camp.
Hold steady as you desire. The sphere is a sacred cow for the majority. Just don't go out and get yourself a Nikon P900/1000 and head down to the beach any time soon if you want to keep the dream alive! ;)
It’s not true. The earth’s magnetic field is a major facilitator of life. Without it, we could not survive.
Lots of examples in movies too, what comes to mind Is the All-Spark, creates crazy aggressive beings,war and chaos, and that cube from the HellRaiser movies.
The idea of worship of the heavenly god came Originally when iron was found in meteorites (already smelted) this gift from Above was and is the greatest gift and all of Civilisation owes to this gift.
I just watched the latest episode (8) of the TV series called The Patient. Most of the characters are Jewish and there's a lot of talk about being Jewish. In a few scenes the elder men (Orthodox Jews) are wearing their particular clothing and standing in a group and swaying and praying hard. I just noticed that they wear a hat with a LITTLE BLACK CUBE on it! What the...?? Related maybe?
I wouldn't have notice it had I not been reading about the black cube here on GAW!
Isn't it interesting they cover their 3rd eye with the cube, cover their crown/connection to God with a disc and even the humble bagel is shaped like the rings of Saturn. Challenge: go through the day observing how many symbols that represent Saturn you see. Wearing Nikes...swoosh rings, Toyota? Blue Ford oval? It's literally everywhere... have fun!
What an interesting way to look at it. Covering all of their connections to God. Hmmm.
I knew we were swimming in symbols but the Saturn stuff everywhere... whoa dude
Aaaand I just found this video:
Yeah man... it's everywhere. I can't unsee it anymore.
This thing? I didn’t even know people wear this.
When you see a hard core Jew wearing something on their head or hand shaped like a box, you are most likely seeing them carrying out the command in the Shema found in Deuteronomy 6:
Interesting, thank you.
Is there any significance to the symbol of the commandments being represented by A BLACK BOX?
Meh…I’m not sure.
Saw that last night as well. Quite odd and uncomfortable looking.
From physics realm, a cube is 3D representation of space. Add time and you get space-time something Einstein came up with. But makes me wonder if idea has been around for much longer as Saturn is Chronos is ‘Father Time’. And then with time you get Entropy which is direction of time and basically introduces Decay.
Einstein was an occultist.
Everything goes back to Blackrock & Vanguard. CK has jumped on the fat is fantastic train. Their #2 is Vanguard. Their #1's biggest shareholder is Vanguard. They are influencing society with their board power. This is the head of the beast.
No wonder the religion of peace worships it.
I am a bit out if the loop, are those black cubes tied to blackrock as well? I know its the name blackrock but I dont want to jump to conclusions.
Yes, you are correct. Blackrock is tied to those cubes, as it is a Saturn reference.
The Saturn reference leads to Satan and 666, and Saturn also ate his children.
This leads to pizzagate. It's bigger than most of us know.
The puzzle box leading to hell in "Hellraiser" was a black cube.
The Muslim cube.
I got another one for ya’ll I never see mentioned. They call the location for Burning Man Festival- Black Rock City. It will pop right up on google maps or you can check the weather there in a weather app.
It's hip to be ⬛
The true meaning?
But also, maybe notfeelsgood? 🤔
Also yeehaaaaw!
Its not a black cube but the tesseract in the MCU comes to mind especially when you remember it was the container for the space infinity stone.
So you are claiming that Jesus never died on the cross? I see a cross in there and it appears they are trying to say it's an unwrapped cube. Are you aware that the arms of the unwrapped cube can be in any spot? The person who made thise chose the one configuration that looks like a cross.
I don't think you understand what I am saying. here is an image showing how a cube can be any number of shapes when unwrapped in yet the person making the artwork above chose the only one that looks like a cross. So because a cross can be turned into a cube I am supposed to believe its actually the cube in disguise?
I think symbolism means nothing unless someone gives it meaning. And the same symbols mean different things to different cultures. The cabal has symbols that are meaningful to them, if the cross is a meaningful symbol to them, that doesn't prevent Christians from having it be meaningful to them in a completely different way.
What's the plague doctor got to do with it
Compare with the Egyptian God Set.
Well I guess one of my favorite college songs has a different meaning now...
No way they were talking about the same...could they have been? They mention "black rock" in a few other songs if I remember correctly... Haven't listened to OAR or thought of them in ages!
What does the plague doctor uniform have to do with it?
Compare with the Egyptian God Set.
That block being off-center annoys me way more than it should.
Same. I used to work as a REALTOR selling model homes for multiple builders back in the day. At each subdivision, we'd have 3 - 5 large and small models, fully furnished and landscaped on display. I'd have to inspect them at the beginning of each day and re-straighten & fluff anything amiss from the hundreds of Looky-Loo's that would walk through them the day before. Tiny misalignments of a window blind, a picture on the wall, a cushion on the bed or sofa, books leaning slightly the wrong way on the shelves, tchotchkes turned incorrectly on the table, would immediately catch my eye and I was compelled to 'fix it'. If a section of the grass was getting dry or a tree needed trimming, I saw it and had it taken care of.
I was really good at my job, but this kind of mental detail and observation is both a gift and a curse.
Don't ask me what my brain is doing when I am in a crowd and scan the area and notice the haircuts, clothing, figures, posture and behavior of people in a social setting!
So that's where your name comes from.