There was a coronavirus documentary released on Netflix during the “15 days to slow the spread” as well. A documentary takes about two years to research, shoot, and edit. They don’t throw that together in two weeks.
I'd start with the reporters. Then this bullshit of forgiveness would stop and proper talks of restitution would begin. I want compensation. I don't care if it comes from a surtax.
I'm sure his Mossad bosses insisted he push the Vax. If you don't have a science degree, you're even dirtier. What asshole is going to push something, they know nothing about? He should lose all his followers.
Yep. FUCK Ben Shapiro. I don't care when he saw the light AFTER the mandates....the light needed to be seen BEFORE all of this bullshit began. Again...FUCK Ben Shaprio.
No tax. Start with redistribution of the wealth accumulated by the worst offenders. Gates split his fortune to protect from this eventuality. Bill, Melinda and the foundations should be dissolved for crimes against humanity. Bill admitted he wants to reduce population via vaccination. Go right down the line. Everyone who pushed it gets a great reset to zero
I wonder if they will be able to understand that we have no choice whatsoever in giving them hard and painful lessons, not just from who is here now, but for the generations to come. I don't have the option to let them get away with this.
Ah yes...there WILL be reminders. I wanted to be left alone and they decided that they didn't want to. And now they will
be having a hell of a time trying to find a way to get me "un-involved."
Thet received their warning yet continued anyway.
Yep. Gretchen Witch-mer is ESPECIALLY one of those feckless CUNTS I want to see PAY for the rest of her miserable fucking life. What a useless carbon unit she is. Her day of restitution is coming, though.
AND you have hit the nail on the head...The Reporters/Newsies are the ones who caused the information to be covered up...ALL THE NEW ORGANIZATIONS SHOULD BE HELD CULPABLE AND FINED SO HEAVILY that they understand, their jobs are to "REPORT" the news. NOT to RE-INTERPRET!!!!!!
If that isn't the most desperate attempt to save face, I dunno what is.
Sorry, no forgiveness from me. Call me a monster all you want for it, I don't care. You paraded killing off my family members, you castrated my financial abilities, you turned a friend against me in the most violent way. All while calling me the salty one.
“Many people have neglected their health care over the past several years. Notably, routine vaccination rates for children (for measles, pertussis, etc.) are way down. Rather than debating the role that messaging about COVID vaccines had in this decline, we need to put all our energy into bringing these rates back up. Pediatricians and public-health officials will need to work together on community outreach, and politicians will need to consider school mandates.“
If anything, this is a time to question all Big Pharma products.
They threw away everything and it's lucky we were there to rescue the situation.
The resistance of the unvaxxed is saving the world, or at least, is saving 5 billion mostly ungrateful people.
Some humility and thanks are in order from the normies please. We saved your sorry asses.
Those who knew what was going on and furthered it need to go to jail at least, publically.
Are you sure about that? Cancer is having a 9-sigma rise.
Those vaxxies are all dead meat, it's only just getting started. The normies won't truly realize the full magnitude of what they have done for another 5 or 10 years.
My family initially lost 80% of their business and they were deemed "necessary". All the employees are gone and while business has come back, it is not back to where it was but the reality is, because they can't find any help, they would not be able to handle it, but that doesn't mean the bills went away. My parents are well past retirement and my brother, who is usually one of the most laid back people, has visibly aged since March 2020. We are just praying we can make it. Unfortunately, they are just one of countless stories.
No one in Ms.Emily's sphere and I mean none, took a single bite of the shit sandwich that was rammed down everyone's throat. Now you want to play innocent? Do I get to come into your house with a sledgehammer? Because that is what you did.
I pray to God I can find the will to forgive, because I really don't want to. But you can be damned sure I will not forget.
Oh no. No forgiveness for evil. Now if they repent and 'rend their hearts not their garments' thats a different story.
But theres no repentance, just fake talk bc theyre SCARED. Of the TRUTH prevailing and their own fools who trusted them and made consequential decisions on that. Sounds very panicked indeed
I couldn't care less about their confessions and concessions at this point. Too little, too late. Emily Oster is trying to be one of the olive-branch-bearers, no doubt at the behest of her libtarded editors at the fucking Atlantic rag. FUCK HER. And all of the rest of the mainstream media. They'll all burn equally for their elitist, restrictive, mandate-based propaganda in the future. Deep down...SHE knows this, and her Atlantic handlers know this...they're fucking scared and pissing their pants and starting to panic. FUCK EMILY AND HER HANDLERS AND ALL MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Going forward, ALL of their collective empty heads should be on a swivel.
In the face of the whole damn plandemic narrative coming down on their heads, they now start with the “forgiveness” rhetoric - don’t hold us accountable, we were “all” doing what we did out of uncertainty and good intentions. I call BS! THIS IS NOT ABOUT FORGIVENESS OR LACK THEREOF! I’m with Catturd - absolutely HELL NO!
While I forgive the scared citizens out there who were lied to and fear mongered into seeing other citizens as germ covered monsters, for them an apology is fine. IMO. We understand how brainwashing works and you were a victim of it.
However, for those who did and are still doing the fear mongering in the MsM and the Medical industry giving people poison via shots and in hospital treatment, The celebrities and others who got bribed/paid to constantly promote and denounce people who refused, The governments who demanded, coerced and mandated, Big Pharma who lied lied lied and maybe even created it in the first place.. HELL NO, You knew EXACTLY what you were doing, Go Fuck Yourselves.
No quarter! For all who were involved in these crimes against humanity, I want military tribunals and I want them hung by their necks until dead! All of them.
GAW, for a second, let's act like this article isn't directed towards you or me or any of the masses. Hard I know, a lot of emotions tied to this. Assume instead that they are talking about Comms Aware Clowns:
"We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID."
Atlantic is written by Clowns. "We". Clowns forgiving one another?
Reconcile with the verbatim tweets we heard from celebs/politicians from all spectrums about "catching COVID, quarantining myself, glad I got the vaccine, yada yada". It was common speculation that this was their way of flagging some sort of sealed indictment plea deal, whether accepting it or rejecting it, and signaling the action taken to other Comms Aware Clowns.
A lot of Flips to the Patriots were happening. A lot of talking was happening. Now reconcile "We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark".
I think they are beginning to realize they are losing ground fast, and the moment the public finds out the horrid truth upon DECLAS, It's Game over for all of them.
The corporate owned medical industry will be pleading for mercy the most, as they will be seen as the root cause of the mass deaths from the jab they produced
Their sins go far beyond "mass deaths from the jab they produced". Merck purposely getting Nazi soldiers addicted to Cocaine. Heavy metals. Covering up root causes of polio. Causing the entire prescription drug/painkiller epidemic.
The last one alone is responsible for ruining more families than 100x COVID shots. "They won't be able to walk down the street". These corporations will cease to exist.
GAW,for a second, let's act like this article isn't directed towards you or me or any of the masses. Hard I know, a lot of emotions tied to this. Assume instead that they are talking about Comms Aware Clowns: "We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID." Atlantic is written by Clowns. "We". Clowns forgiving one another
Over the target, pede. The tone and content of this piece is telling us several very important things. Since the Atlantic is fully controlled by the 🤡 In America and the same place that planted the Trump-soldiers "suckers and losers" lie that swept through the media we can be sure that this is signal and not noise.
First, the tone. It sounds like they completely understand and acknowledge their Vax narrative utterly failed. It suggests that it is common knowledge that the Vax did NOT work in any dimension that it was described to and that they have even given up on the "older folks still benefit" trash, at this point. They are humble and supplicant in direct contrast to the smarmy all-knowing voice they adopted when pushing the lie and chastising anyone who was merely hesitant! Simply put they are guilty as sin and suing for peace, almost begging for forgiveness. This is clear evidence of how bad it is going to get for them, they know it.
Second, who is addressing us? As we noted about who controls the Atlantic. It is "they/them." This is a message to us from those on high delivered in disguise; they are trying to come across as your neighbor and friend, your equal, your fellow man, which they most definitely are not. Think here: if you and your neighbor both didn't know better and they convinced you to get the vax for you and your family, how would you feel? Angry, yes, but he wasn't aware of some awful thing and deliberately hiding that from you - that wasn't his raison d'tre - he simply believed the wrong thing and wanted you and him both to be safe. You might be angry at him for that but you wouldn't punish him severely for that - because his motivations were good, just misguided.
This is not who they are. They knew EXACTLY what this was and what it did from the beginning. They knew FULL WELL it didn't slow or stop spread - they NEVER even tested for that for fuck's sake. It was fully developed and created from the beginning to be a cure WORSE than the illness and create death and chaos and likely even worse. They were under ZERO illusions about this "product" providing ANY benefits whatsoever, while simultaneously DEMANDING that literally BILLIONS of people take it or suffer fascist level penalties if they so much as thought about asking a question. Remember how they spoke to you when they are now asking for Love thy Neighbor- mercy and forgiveness. How many people got beaten, locked up or had their lives forever changed by disagreement with them then? Yet they ask for you to afford them with hospitable and sanguine attitudes now? Was that THEIR ATTITUDE?
They aren't one of us and they aren't our friends. This is an attempt to avoid the punishment they richly deserve and ask for the typical white-collar slaps on the wrist for the WORST OFFENDERS of the lies. The class of people who Created & Enforced this LIE and did so BRUTALLY & WITHOUT MERCY DESERVE EXACTLY WHAT IS COMING FOR THEM. NO QUARTER WILL BE GIVEN. Bullshit like this will not soften the blow nor should it. THIS VAX AND EVERYTHING AROUND IT WILL GET WORSE BEFORE IT GETS BETTER. JUSTICE WILL BE AS CRUEL FOR THEM AS THEY MADE IT FOR US. Full stop!
I want them all executed don’t give a shit. Bring back medieval executions. Sounds extreme to some but I don’t care this can never be allowed to happen again.
I've been saying this for ages. First it will be "Why can't we just let bygones be bygones? Stop living in the past!" and when it turns to rage it'll become some sort of hate crime to call people out on everything that happened.
This is one of those times when we can get ahead of this and NOT let the other side define the terms.
Ligma Emily….no one involved in this nightmare you created is going to be forgiven. Highly interesting that this type of article should come out right now. Is it because of the mid-terms will be disastrous for the Dems? Is it because the Twitter take-over will reveal the cover up? Is it because of all the “suddenly died” people, and none of it makes sense? I think it’s all about it, and they know the truth will be revealed and there’s a whole lotta people that are gonna pay, one way or another…
I can forgive, albeit not forget, the angry panic from acquaintances. Anyone who leveraged power over others, and worse yet gloated about it, that I cannot forgive. From the local store owner who mandated masks even they were no longer legally obligated to do so, to the medical and media establishment who pushed propaganda and punished anyone who actually asked questions, all the way to government officials who abused their 'emergency' powers. They can all go fuck themselves.
Thank you Catturd. Absolutely HELL NO is right. Power grabs aren't accidental. They're calculated and orchestrated.
They weren't in the dark. They are the dark. And here comes the sun.
Especially this one. We know about Event 201, which was the organized plan to push this tyranny.
And we know that the test kits for C-19 were available in 2017.
We also know their propaganda posters had print dates on them before the pandemic was declared
Not to mention every fucking company had covid commercials ready to go. Complete with shitty piano music and "we're all in this together" bullshit.
There was a coronavirus documentary released on Netflix during the “15 days to slow the spread” as well. A documentary takes about two years to research, shoot, and edit. They don’t throw that together in two weeks.
"These people are stupid" - Q
Is a based cat allowed to be executioner?
Kek hell yea
I'd start with the reporters. Then this bullshit of forgiveness would stop and proper talks of restitution would begin. I want compensation. I don't care if it comes from a surtax.
I'm sure his Mossad bosses insisted he push the Vax. If you don't have a science degree, you're even dirtier. What asshole is going to push something, they know nothing about? He should lose all his followers.
Its funny how, if i tell someone NOT to get a covid vaccine, im practicing medicine without a license,
But if i tell someone TO get a covid vaccine, thats perfectly fine.
Good point. Sad reality.
Mind if I steal that?
Shapiros handlers are Vatican. Same thing as mossad, really.
No likely.
Hes not hard to find just look for the nearest BDSM dungeon.
Yep. FUCK Ben Shapiro. I don't care when he saw the light AFTER the mandates....the light needed to be seen BEFORE all of this bullshit began. Again...FUCK Ben Shaprio.
No tax. Start with redistribution of the wealth accumulated by the worst offenders. Gates split his fortune to protect from this eventuality. Bill, Melinda and the foundations should be dissolved for crimes against humanity. Bill admitted he wants to reduce population via vaccination. Go right down the line. Everyone who pushed it gets a great reset to zero
All those small businesses -- gone.
Only big box stores open.
Gretchen Witch wouldn't let people buy seeds.
Military tribunals -- that's what I want to see for crimes against humanity.
All the businesses, all the careers, all the dreams that went along with them. Their homes, their final security, the children forever damaged...
All the broken families & friendships, so much.
If any of these mother fuckers approach me with this line of bullshit I will not be responsible for what happens to them.
I wanted, pleaded even, to be left alone... they kept coming at me...fuck them ANY and EVERY chance I get to screw them over - I'm taking it TIMES 10,
Don't come for me unless I call you, and don't hold your breath waiting ...
I wonder if they will be able to understand that we have no choice whatsoever in giving them hard and painful lessons, not just from who is here now, but for the generations to come. I don't have the option to let them get away with this.
Ah yes...there WILL be reminders. I wanted to be left alone and they decided that they didn't want to. And now they will be having a hell of a time trying to find a way to get me "un-involved." Thet received their warning yet continued anyway.
Yep. Gretchen Witch-mer is ESPECIALLY one of those feckless CUNTS I want to see PAY for the rest of her miserable fucking life. What a useless carbon unit she is. Her day of restitution is coming, though.
Don't forget that you couldn't DARE to step into a church. I am sure that covid was their main reasoning for that.
Hey the Whore of Babylon only kept the kids out of school for 3 months. In her little mind.
Seizure of assets and restitution.
I want financial compensation or the honor of feeding Jay Inslee to some orcas.
That sounds a reasonable request.
Could we wrap the meal in fish? Less of a distasteful experience for the Orca.
AND you have hit the nail on the head...The Reporters/Newsies are the ones who caused the information to be covered up...ALL THE NEW ORGANIZATIONS SHOULD BE HELD CULPABLE AND FINED SO HEAVILY that they understand, their jobs are to "REPORT" the news. NOT to RE-INTERPRET!!!!!!
The msm loved it. They got clicks and kickbacks through jab commercials.
Taxes NEVER benefit the people. They're at the bottom of the heap and pay EVERYTHING.
Whatever it takes to raise the money. I want results not excuses.
If that isn't the most desperate attempt to save face, I dunno what is.
Sorry, no forgiveness from me. Call me a monster all you want for it, I don't care. You paraded killing off my family members, you castrated my financial abilities, you turned a friend against me in the most violent way. All while calling me the salty one.
I ain't moving.
“Many people have neglected their health care over the past several years. Notably, routine vaccination rates for children (for measles, pertussis, etc.) are way down. Rather than debating the role that messaging about COVID vaccines had in this decline, we need to put all our energy into bringing these rates back up. Pediatricians and public-health officials will need to work together on community outreach, and politicians will need to consider school mandates.“
If anything, this is a time to question all Big Pharma products.
Are the childhood ‘vaccines’ necessary? Many here say fuck no.
Trust in corporate/political medicine is gone and must prove themselves before succumbing to poison and SIDS causing injections.
I have neglected some things.
I don't trust doctors anymore. I don't trust that their tests are any good or that I'll have to wear some stupid mask.
I don't want to be in huge rooms with people spiking all over me.
And I don't want to argue with some pompous idiot trying to pressure me into taking a suicide jab.
Nah I agree. Execute all of them.
How can anyone forgive DELIBERATE MURDER? EXECUTION.
They are scared. It's time to go on the offensive with the memes.
Just made this meme…
Tippy top.
I was a bit early, but decided to attempt to weaponize their 'Speed of Science' BS against them:
I think we need 50 hangings per day for 10 years to get them all.
The bullies are asking for an amnesty now.
They get a hard stare from me.
They threw away everything and it's lucky we were there to rescue the situation. The resistance of the unvaxxed is saving the world, or at least, is saving 5 billion mostly ungrateful people.
Some humility and thanks are in order from the normies please. We saved your sorry asses.
Those who knew what was going on and furthered it need to go to jail at least, publically.
Well said!
They "took a shot" at us and missed. They wanted you and I dead.
Are you sure about that? Cancer is having a 9-sigma rise.
Those vaxxies are all dead meat, it's only just getting started. The normies won't truly realize the full magnitude of what they have done for another 5 or 10 years.
My family initially lost 80% of their business and they were deemed "necessary". All the employees are gone and while business has come back, it is not back to where it was but the reality is, because they can't find any help, they would not be able to handle it, but that doesn't mean the bills went away. My parents are well past retirement and my brother, who is usually one of the most laid back people, has visibly aged since March 2020. We are just praying we can make it. Unfortunately, they are just one of countless stories.
No one in Ms.Emily's sphere and I mean none, took a single bite of the shit sandwich that was rammed down everyone's throat. Now you want to play innocent? Do I get to come into your house with a sledgehammer? Because that is what you did.
I pray to God I can find the will to forgive, because I really don't want to. But you can be damned sure I will not forget.
“Do I get to come into your house with a sledgehammer?”
Careful, I think that’s a fetish that they like
Paul Pelosi has entered the chat
They CHOSE the DARK. They get what they deserve, no amnesty. Especially if they purposely kept others in the dark, which many did.
You assholes were NEVER in the dark; you were the ones purposely suppressing information and pushing false narratives to keep the public in the dark.
Oh no. No forgiveness for evil. Now if they repent and 'rend their hearts not their garments' thats a different story.
But theres no repentance, just fake talk bc theyre SCARED. Of the TRUTH prevailing and their own fools who trusted them and made consequential decisions on that. Sounds very panicked indeed
My amnesty would require reparations. I was made to pay a price. Who wasn't?
It is for God to forgive these evil people, not me.
Are they asking for us to arrange the meeting?
Confesses masks never worked.
Seems to confess vaccines don't work.
Some good meat in there
I couldn't care less about their confessions and concessions at this point. Too little, too late. Emily Oster is trying to be one of the olive-branch-bearers, no doubt at the behest of her libtarded editors at the fucking Atlantic rag. FUCK HER. And all of the rest of the mainstream media. They'll all burn equally for their elitist, restrictive, mandate-based propaganda in the future. Deep down...SHE knows this, and her Atlantic handlers know this...they're fucking scared and pissing their pants and starting to panic. FUCK EMILY AND HER HANDLERS AND ALL MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Going forward, ALL of their collective empty heads should be on a swivel.
Hell No!! Forgive Them, No!
PCP doctors need to be on that list. Glorified retards pushing shit they dont give their own family.
F' em. They went full retard Nazi, never go full retard Nazi.
The comments give me a looooooot of hope
In the face of the whole damn plandemic narrative coming down on their heads, they now start with the “forgiveness” rhetoric - don’t hold us accountable, we were “all” doing what we did out of uncertainty and good intentions. I call BS! THIS IS NOT ABOUT FORGIVENESS OR LACK THEREOF! I’m with Catturd - absolutely HELL NO!
While I forgive the scared citizens out there who were lied to and fear mongered into seeing other citizens as germ covered monsters, for them an apology is fine. IMO. We understand how brainwashing works and you were a victim of it.
However, for those who did and are still doing the fear mongering in the MsM and the Medical industry giving people poison via shots and in hospital treatment, The celebrities and others who got bribed/paid to constantly promote and denounce people who refused, The governments who demanded, coerced and mandated, Big Pharma who lied lied lied and maybe even created it in the first place.. HELL NO, You knew EXACTLY what you were doing, Go Fuck Yourselves.
Let’s declare pandemic tribunals
I'll forgive AFTER they are punished for their crimes against humanity. #Justice
I honestly probably won't. Can't trust them.
No quarter! For all who were involved in these crimes against humanity, I want military tribunals and I want them hung by their necks until dead! All of them.
NO DEALS! - - “...until dead!”
"Let's declare an amnesty" = "Dammit, we got caught!"
I think Miss Oster is shitting her/his/it/that/thing's Knickers
All leftists are in the dark.
Eat a dick! We won't rest until the vast majority of you are in prison or hanged.
It's very simple.
If there is no accountability to happen here. They will scrub this from history and do it again.
When you ask for forgiveness, you need to offer to make amends. "I abused you horribly; let's forget about all that" isn't going to cut it.
GAW, for a second, let's act like this article isn't directed towards you or me or any of the masses. Hard I know, a lot of emotions tied to this. Assume instead that they are talking about Comms Aware Clowns:
"We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID."
Atlantic is written by Clowns. "We". Clowns forgiving one another?
Reconcile with the verbatim tweets we heard from celebs/politicians from all spectrums about "catching COVID, quarantining myself, glad I got the vaccine, yada yada". It was common speculation that this was their way of flagging some sort of sealed indictment plea deal, whether accepting it or rejecting it, and signaling the action taken to other Comms Aware Clowns.
A lot of Flips to the Patriots were happening. A lot of talking was happening. Now reconcile "We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark".
Bringing Darkness to Light. Bringing the secret Comms World to Exposure.
I think they are beginning to realize they are losing ground fast, and the moment the public finds out the horrid truth upon DECLAS, It's Game over for all of them.
The corporate owned medical industry will be pleading for mercy the most, as they will be seen as the root cause of the mass deaths from the jab they produced
Their sins go far beyond "mass deaths from the jab they produced". Merck purposely getting Nazi soldiers addicted to Cocaine. Heavy metals. Covering up root causes of polio. Causing the entire prescription drug/painkiller epidemic.
The last one alone is responsible for ruining more families than 100x COVID shots. "They won't be able to walk down the street". These corporations will cease to exist.
Over the target, pede. The tone and content of this piece is telling us several very important things. Since the Atlantic is fully controlled by the 🤡 In America and the same place that planted the Trump-soldiers "suckers and losers" lie that swept through the media we can be sure that this is signal and not noise.
First, the tone. It sounds like they completely understand and acknowledge their Vax narrative utterly failed. It suggests that it is common knowledge that the Vax did NOT work in any dimension that it was described to and that they have even given up on the "older folks still benefit" trash, at this point. They are humble and supplicant in direct contrast to the smarmy all-knowing voice they adopted when pushing the lie and chastising anyone who was merely hesitant! Simply put they are guilty as sin and suing for peace, almost begging for forgiveness. This is clear evidence of how bad it is going to get for them, they know it.
Second, who is addressing us? As we noted about who controls the Atlantic. It is "they/them." This is a message to us from those on high delivered in disguise; they are trying to come across as your neighbor and friend, your equal, your fellow man, which they most definitely are not. Think here: if you and your neighbor both didn't know better and they convinced you to get the vax for you and your family, how would you feel? Angry, yes, but he wasn't aware of some awful thing and deliberately hiding that from you - that wasn't his raison d'tre - he simply believed the wrong thing and wanted you and him both to be safe. You might be angry at him for that but you wouldn't punish him severely for that - because his motivations were good, just misguided.
This is not who they are. They knew EXACTLY what this was and what it did from the beginning. They knew FULL WELL it didn't slow or stop spread - they NEVER even tested for that for fuck's sake. It was fully developed and created from the beginning to be a cure WORSE than the illness and create death and chaos and likely even worse. They were under ZERO illusions about this "product" providing ANY benefits whatsoever, while simultaneously DEMANDING that literally BILLIONS of people take it or suffer fascist level penalties if they so much as thought about asking a question. Remember how they spoke to you when they are now asking for Love thy Neighbor- mercy and forgiveness. How many people got beaten, locked up or had their lives forever changed by disagreement with them then? Yet they ask for you to afford them with hospitable and sanguine attitudes now? Was that THEIR ATTITUDE?
They aren't one of us and they aren't our friends. This is an attempt to avoid the punishment they richly deserve and ask for the typical white-collar slaps on the wrist for the WORST OFFENDERS of the lies. The class of people who Created & Enforced this LIE and did so BRUTALLY & WITHOUT MERCY DESERVE EXACTLY WHAT IS COMING FOR THEM. NO QUARTER WILL BE GIVEN. Bullshit like this will not soften the blow nor should it. THIS VAX AND EVERYTHING AROUND IT WILL GET WORSE BEFORE IT GETS BETTER. JUSTICE WILL BE AS CRUEL FOR THEM AS THEY MADE IT FOR US. Full stop!
Good kitty. Here's a bowl of Temptations treats.
I want them all executed don’t give a shit. Bring back medieval executions. Sounds extreme to some but I don’t care this can never be allowed to happen again.
I've been saying this for ages. First it will be "Why can't we just let bygones be bygones? Stop living in the past!" and when it turns to rage it'll become some sort of hate crime to call people out on everything that happened.
This is one of those times when we can get ahead of this and NOT let the other side define the terms.
They can ask God for forgiveness.
The Q team will arrange the meeting.
Ligma Emily….no one involved in this nightmare you created is going to be forgiven. Highly interesting that this type of article should come out right now. Is it because of the mid-terms will be disastrous for the Dems? Is it because the Twitter take-over will reveal the cover up? Is it because of all the “suddenly died” people, and none of it makes sense? I think it’s all about it, and they know the truth will be revealed and there’s a whole lotta people that are gonna pay, one way or another…
I can forgive, albeit not forget, the angry panic from acquaintances. Anyone who leveraged power over others, and worse yet gloated about it, that I cannot forgive. From the local store owner who mandated masks even they were no longer legally obligated to do so, to the medical and media establishment who pushed propaganda and punished anyone who actually asked questions, all the way to government officials who abused their 'emergency' powers. They can all go fuck themselves.