Uh, guys... a Supreme Court case regarding the 2020 election just hit the docket. A fellow pede posted it in a random thread.
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As I said in the other post ...
Holy ShitBalls! 👀 This is unreal! Please let this take them all to jail at the same time 🙏 please Lord!
Yes, SCOTUS actually agreed to hear this case.
If they do their duty, it would render judicial rulings regarding election process unconstitutional.
Reminder: Anything that is unconstitutional is "ab initio" (from the beginning). Meaning, it was NEVER legal, even though it appeared to be at the time. Therefore, any such election result (think: 2020 and 2022) SHOULD be void.
Things could get spicy ...
Also, if they agreed to hear this case, it is most likely that it would not be announced until Spring, but maybe in this case they might announce earlier, due to the ramifications.
This could be the method by which Trump is back in the White House sometime after Jan 20, 2023.
Something to consider.
Arguably though, this individual sole plaintiff doesn't have standing because DJT and the states as representatives of the population, are the aggrieved parties. If the individual is seeking remedy, then his challenge would be against his state government. Standing is often used in a bullshit manner to let SCOTUS punt on cases. But if any individual were allowed to petition SCOTUS for certiorari over election disputes, it'd make for an even worse shitshow.
Granted, Congress should establish permanent Elections Tribunals. That would be the Constitutional, correct and most expedient effort to settle the 220 year debate over adjudicating Electoral disputes.
If you read his paperwork, you will see that he is making the case that he is the injured party, due to violation of his rights.
Not if the individual government employees violated his constitutional rights, which is a criminal act. No government employee can have immunity against a criminal act.
Basic legal doctrine: The law cannot be both a shield and a sword.
His paperwork seems to reference that he brought this up in some form in his original Complaint at the district court level (which is not included in this document).
Shitshow or not, what is the RIGHT THING TO DO?
Follow the Constitution, or punt?
That is the fundamental question. Not that I think SCOTUS will do the right thing, but it is the correct question.
If individuals conspire against YOU, to deprive you of your right to vote via rigging elections, thereby overthrowing the duly elected government (an act of treason), is there supposed to be NO REMEDY?
American jurisprudence does not allow for a violation of rights to have no remedy. There must always be a remedy, or there is no due process, and certainly no liberty.
"... that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." -- Declaration of Independence
Sooner or later, this basic principle of humanity must be honored or rejected.
Which will it be? And when?
Y’all need to look at the plethora of relevant 12/7 deltas, beginning with 2017!
They're going to need a bigger bus...
... and I am going to need a much bigger tub of popcorn.
Holy Shitballs, indeed.
Well good thing they expanded gitmos number of court rooms
Damn and I don't have any popcorn 😏 gonna have to find another snack I guess, might have to steal some of hubby's cheddar bagged popcorn 🤔
I've been snacking on the ...💥BOOM💥 chicka sweet n salty...sweet for Freedom and salty for the libs!🐸🍿
Sure thing they're handshake account I'm just waiting for you to insert the doom and send everyone packing f*** off
The first arrest will shock the world? Yea, if the first arrest is the entire Congress at once Ahahaha!
Good thread and responses over there, SaggyBags.
Thank you! I copied the link then couldn-t find the original thread and OP.
Well done BMSB!! 👏
This is one of the strongest, legally tightest, complaints I have ever read.
It is not surprising that it was written and presented by a NON-ATTORNEY.
This guy cites the REAL LAW, and not the bullshit that most attorneys pretend is law.
He needs 4 justices to hear his petition. If they do, and 5 vote in his favor, then it WILL change American history.
Let's see if the Supreme Court justices will uphold THEIR oaths of office. They MUST take the case and vote in his favor, legally, because that is what the Constitution REQUIRES.
... or punt, if they refuse to uphold the law.
It is a BIG ask -- remove most members of Congress, plus Biden/Harris.
SCOTUS should uphold their oaths of office -- after all, that is their duty -- but might turn into cowards because it is such a huge thing to do.
"Let's see what happens."
Maybe this is what Trump was referring to on his Truth post about "Hopefully TODAY will turn out to be one of the most important days in the history of our Country." Instead of it being about his 2024 run.
YYYYYYYYYYUGE THANK YOU for the link 🇺🇸 🍊💪🍊 💪🍊 🇺🇸
"This case uncovers a serious national security breach that is unique and is of first impression, and due to the serious nature of this case it involves the possible removal of a sitting President and Vice President of the United States along with members of the United States Congress, while deeming them unfit from ever holding office under Federal, State, County or local Governments found within the United States of America, and at the same time the trial court also has the authority, to be validated by this Court, to authorize the swearing in of the legal and rightful heirs for President and Vice President of the United States."
"This action is against 388 federal officers in their official capacities which include President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr, Vice President Kamala Harris, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and former Vice President Michael Richard Pence (“Respondents”). All the Respondents have taken the required Oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and as such they are liable for consequences when they violate the Oath of Office."
"When all is exposed, 98% of Washington will fall." Julian Assange
🙏 praying
We need a legal fag to look at it.
Looks legit and strengthens Moore v. Harper on Dec. 7th.
Plus a John and jane doe 1-100
HA HA HA !!!! There in ,is the problem.
I had 10 minutes to look at it before work. There are 388 defendants including byedin, Harris and pence and 100 John Doe. I haven’t had a chance to read for comprehension, but it looks interesting. Need anons to read!
I read the entire thing
It makes solid points about fraud, treason, and the Constitution
In other words, it's wishful thinking that anything will be done about it. More prudent is not to allow hopes to get too high, leading to future disappointment, despondency, despair or similar feelings, which soak up valuable mental energy to counter
With expectations in check: Is wishful thinking a bad thing? What if a miracle happens, and the suit has its intended effect of reinstating the rightful president? How cool would that be!
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
Maybe this is Trump’s last olive branch to the DS. In other words, this is your last chance to get things right. Just spit-balling.
How many times have people said this lmao enough
Enough of what handshake? What did you expect? Tanks rolling down the streets?
No I would have expected people to realize now there’s no more “olive branch” giving to the deep state
That’s a tired trope at this point and it’s ridiculous to think that it would eve crossvthe Q teams mind now.
No deals
Do you listen to Dave on the X22 Report? His opinion is that Trump wants to do everything by the book. Imagine if Trump came in, tanks rolling in 2016. How would that look? He wants a peaceful take back of power to the people.
Then military wouldn’t be the only way. That’s incoherent.
DS isn’t playing by the book, so that’s inherently a losing strategy.
Every x22 episode ‘and I do believe patriots are in full control’ I listen all the time but he’s a broken record
I dont expect trump gives this many olive branches to evil people as the country crumbles. Evil isnt goimg to just roll over and Trump knows that.
However, we are fightimg lawfare for a reason because good guys follow the law and still have back up plans.
Just my 2cents
Yeah, I think it would be beyond awesome if an elite military force were to suddenly arrest and imprison the worst offenders of the federal govt, which is subsequently dissolved; 3-letter agencies abolished with very few exceptions; and a new govt instituted that adheres STRICTLY to the Constitution; and the latter would have dangerous Amendments repealed, like the 16th for starters; and the 2A revised to: The right of law-abiding People to keep and bear arms and ammunition shall not be diminished or infringed, for any reason, or in any manner or measure whatsoever."
A patriot can dream, can't he
This would make a great class action suit with We the People as plaintiffs.
We have no standing. We were merely disenfranchised, subjected to mental pain and suffering, and had our civil rights openly violated, with absolutely no peaceful avenue to redress.
That which is needed is forbidden to discuss.
We need some sort of military force, quietly in the background, to, I dunno, rescue the nation by arresting most of the federal government and taking them to some island prison for trial and execution.
A patriot can dream, can't he
God move mountains remember we just need to ask. It will be a miracle
Gotta admire the unshakeable faith of Christians. It never bothers them that they've never seen one mountain ever moved by a person, or that despite the millions upon countless millions of prayers to God,...elections are still stolen one after another, babies and children are still getting trafficked, raped and murdered, the cabal demons are still alive and free, the deliberate mass slaughter of children and adults by doctors and nurses continues unabated, the global communists continue to march forward and crush democracies, etc. They still have faith that God will fix everything somehow, even though the sun will set tonight on yet another day of that not happening.
Amazing and inspiring. Keep it up Christianons! What if a miracle happens?
Could happen
People blame and have blamed God for everything like they have blamed President Trump, they blamed many good people as well and they have been murdered and tortured like you said, however I just have asked God to help me with wise words for you and he just told me to let you know that Satan is the one that get into people’s mind and work to hurt other people. God is good and love and he will never hurt a human being because he created us, it is Satan in his works and lies, he is a deceiver, also we DO NOT pray enough and ask. God has giving me many miracles and yes I have been very sick person since I remember but I will not blame God for things that Satan is doing. I am asking God to help us go through this and to forgive us. God always is looking after you even if you don’t believe it. He loves us very much. God bless you.
...and most of the Dems in the House
Response Due November 23, 2022
This should be stickied within this post
They will fail to respond, making his petition an unchallenged one.
Justices will be duty-bound to take it up.
Will they do their duty?
Smart bet is that SCOTUS will deny certiorari, arguing lack of "standing"
Thanks...I was trying to find when they would be responding
Over a month ago, and this is the first mention of it here
thread about this on patriots.win:
Uhhhhh I wonder if this relates to tonight's big announcement?
Prophecy Time - This may be Trump's announcement tonight:
Don't look to your midterm elections to save you. I will say this again. Man cannot fix this, only I can, and elections will not be the way. They have manipulated and cheated even more than has been known to the public. The truth has been hidden, and it will all be revealed. SOMEONE IS ABOUT TO RELEASE A NUCLEAR BOMB OF TRUTH IN THE UNITED STATES, AND IT WILL ROCK THE COUNTRY TO ITS CORE, ALONG WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD.
It's all coming down- the system that you see, along with the fake governments all over the world. Traitors and infiltrators have been everywhere to take over this world, but My takedown has just begun and will intensify in this time. The world is about to know Who has been in control all along, saith the Lord of Hosts.
This is what I was expecting from Sidney Powell, the supposed "great" attorney.
Notice: It took a NON-ATTORNEY to do this, just like non-doctors figure out how to solve medical issues and non-police solve crimes.
How do we know that non-attorney didn't have some help?
Man I was really let down by her
The Don was right again. Historical.
It has happened before...this guy has lost twice already with this case...most recently this past Feb.
Page 14, “fraud vitiates whatever it touches” void, destroy or annul. Let’s goooooo.
David versus Goliath That's a lot of defendents.
I have read conflicting information because on one hand the SC may not have that power as some are citing Separation of Powers (this power belongs to the States when it comes to election fraud). But on the other hand when it comes to treasonous activity the SC does have that power.
The SC's duty is to uphold the Constitution.
One thing everyone is missing. SCOTUS had multiple chances to hear election cases and they did not. Do you believe they will hear this case?
What will happen in the middle of oral arguments when one of the defendant's lawyers asks SCOTUS how they can rule against most of congress, POTUS, and VP when SCOTUS is just as culpable for not addressing it when they themselves had the chance?
My guess is there is zero chance they will touch it.
If you are saying that 9 Americans will refuse to uphold their oaths of office because it is a hard decision, I cannot say you are wrong.
Pretty much, although I'd love to know if all 9 denied the other cases or if some approved. The only one I really trust is Clarence Thomas. If he denies it then I'm certain there is a good, legal reason to deny.
It is good news but only if it is real and not some fake document.
Its from the supreme court's official website. Cant find anywhere when they will be hearing the case though
They don’t have to hear the case - they will likely deny cert.
gettin' a mite stormy round here today, innit?
So far it's blustery, but some say there is flashing on the horizon...
One other observation: I am very glad this man had the fortitude to go this far. And I honor his patriotic effort, whatever the outcome.
Lawfag here. Just one point of clarification - this is not on the Supreme Court’s docket; this is a party appealing from a decision in which they lost asking for the Supreme Court to hear it. They have complete discretion as to whether they will (I would hold you breath).
A citizen representing himself before the SCOTUS?
The question for me is, how common is this? Can anyone file something and get a file uploaded to the scotus website?
Or did it have to jump through many hoops and be accepted by some justice as a potential case to get that document uploaded?
Not to be a downer but this seems like it was just filed by some dude from his apartment in Utah. I’m leaning toward this not going anywhere..
It's going to be the same "lack of standing" that is used for everything..
Very rare, but can be done.
This could be HUGE!
Until certiorari is granted, it means nothing, like the other various cases that got on the docket. Hopefully it will.
This was filed on 10/20/22.
10/20/20 - Set condition 1 SQ for strategic missile launch.
On top of the court case file, it says 22 - 380
Q drop #22
Doesn't get any planer than this
This isn't the Supreme Court, this is the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals
The website is from the Supreme Court.
The certification stamp is from the Supreme Court.
The heading of the document says Supreme Court.
I don't know why he worded it that way, but it seems to be an appeal from the 10th Cir. Appeals to the SCOTUS.
This assumes it is real, but the document is on the supremecourt.gov website.
And that url is the real deal.
A cert petition to SCOTUS always looks like that. You're asking them to review/certify (or decertify) the findings of a lower court, in this case the tenth circuit.
Agree. I'll read more. I'm trying to understand how it would make it to the Supreme Court. They would have to accept it.
I archived it was well, so 100% it's real.
Several thousand requests for such a Writ are made each year. SCOTUS only accepts about 1%.
Yes, they "accept it" because the paperwork was filed.
But the question is: Will they issue the Writ?
I have my doubts. Not because they shouldn't (they should), but because they are being asked to kick most members of Congress and Biden/Harris out of office.
Can you imagine if they did?
This guy filed paperwork with the right idea and the real law, but the system is so corrupt that it is not likely to be a winner.
Trump saying he is running for 2024 is an admission that he is not currently President.
He is not. Sort of.
And he is. Sort of.
The idea that he is currently president is both desire-driven fantasy, since someone impersonating Senator Joe Biden is being regarded all over the country and world as the US president right now; and technically true: Trump DID WIN the most electoral votes in 2020 (410, per OAN); and the other side was conclusively proven beyond any sliver of doubt to have systematically cheated, which disqualifies them outright (Fraud vitiates everything), and the victory automatically goes to the candidate with the most votes who didn't cheat (Trump). The certification of Jan 6/7 was also fraudulent, since Pence and the RINOs did it KNOWINGLY. If words mean anything, Trump won the presidential election, in a glorious multimillion-vote margin of a landslide, so he should be/is/but not really/but he factually did win, legally/but anyhow he's gotta run in 2024 to become the president again.
Not at all. President in Exile...study it.
Was Trump running in 2020 an admission he wasn't President then as well? Or was he just running for re-election.
I never got this argument. Do you expect him to just wait for the corrupt DOJ to do something? At some point he has to do what he can to get back in office to fix this. If he can't get justice from the Biden DOJ then he can try getting re-elected as POTUS, replace as many people he can (using different people to help him pick this time) and ask his DOJ to investigate from a position of power.
Help me out here legalfags...
So the plaintiffs are basically filing a writ of certori, basically asking SCOTUS to take their case. Correct? Can anyone just file a writ or does it have to go through other lower courts first?
I guess I am asking is this guy in Utah just some rando crank or has their already been legal adjudication on the part of this case in order for it to have reached the point of filing for a writ?
I’m no lawfag but I think this particular Writ is the SCOTUS asking the lower court for all the records so they can review the case; IMO.
Lower courts first, unless SCOTUS has original jurisdiction, which would be the case if a State sued another State, and a few other specific situtions.
Most of the time, there must first be a Complaint filed in a district (trial) court. The loser can appeal to the appeals court. The loser of that can appeal to the State Supreme Court, if a State case. The loser of that can appeal to SCOTUS. If a federal case, the loser at the appeals level can appeal to SCOTUS.
Any appeal to SCOTUS is a petition. The petition is for a Writ (court order) of Certiorari ("deliver your court record to us"). The writ is an order from SCOTUS to the lower court to deliver their records on the case to them so they can review it.
At that point, they review it and issue an order.
Need 4 SCOTUS justices to grant the writ, and 5 to review and vote in favor of whatever the ultimate decision is.
In this case, he is asking SCOTUS to tell the lower court to grant his request, which is to remove all these individuals from office.
Looks to me like he filed lawsuit in Utah in a district court. The court dismissed his case. He then appealed to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. They, too, dismissed it.
Now, he is seeking the writ from SCOTUS.
"Mr. Brunson makes no effort to explain why he failed to specifically challenge the magistrate judge’s standing analysis. The first two factors therefore weigh against invoking the exception...In considering the third factor, “the importance of the issues raised,” we conduct an analysis akin to plain-error review. ...We cannot say the district court’s conclusion that Mr. Brunson lacked standing is plainly erroneous...Thus, the district court did not plainly err in concluding Mr. Brunson lacked standing....Mr. Brunson’s argument does not persuade us otherwise...Finally, Mr. Brunson briefly mentions the magistrate judge’s Eleventh Amendment sovereign immunity analysis, but he develops no argument addressing the magistrate judge’s reasoning other than to direct us to his opposition to the motion to dismiss. That is insufficient to meet this court’s requirements for developing an argument on appeal. ...
III. Conclusion
The district court’s judgment is affirmed"
IN OTHER WORDS, THIS CASE GOT "STOPPED" at the appellate LEVEL ... Appellate Case: 22-4007 Document: 010110749788 Date Filed: 10/06/2022 ...AKA "The district court’s judgment is affirmed"
BRUNSON is representing himself...and NOT A LAWYER....and as such, suffered serious TECHNICAL inefficiencies in his "brief"... HENCE, WHY THE LOWER COURT (DISTRICT CT) JUDGEMENT was AFFIRMED.
Got dismissed at BOTH the district court AND the appeals court.
But THIS document is a filing to the SCOTUS to overturn the lower court(s).
Lord I pray for swift action...
Asked on the other post also:
So who is this "Raland J Brunson" that filed this with the court?
Look where he is from. Do you think he is with Huber?
Until we see Trump v. United States before SCOTUS, none of these cases will go anywhere. Legally, Trump is the sole harmed party. He has to file it himself. Has had plenty of time to do so.
There are problems in rural southern Georgia I tried to report. Crickets....
Now, this is more significant given the timing of Trump speech.
The state/lower court shot down his lawsuit because they put enacted an unconstitutional law to rule him out. Now Brunson asks the Supreme Court to rule against the state/lower court to take the case and rule that the states/lower courts rule for striking it down was unconstitutional.
Maybe this is what Trump was referring to on his Truth post about "Hopefully TODAY will turn out to be one of the most important days in the history of our Country." Instead of it being about his 2024 run.
I was looking for something like this that he could have been referring to... time will tell
Guys, read the document. Although this may/may not be a big deal. Tthe document is a motion/petition asking the court to remove the law that's been enacted so that someone cannot file a lawsuit for his/her justification for doing so. We'll see where this goes...
In other words, 'judges, in this motion/petition presented before you, please consider the law currently in place that struck down my lawsuit to file against the defendants listed in a lower court, that it is unconstitutional. Please rule on this unconstitutional law so that I may proceed my lawsuit against the named parties.'
This should be stickied. There’s a lot of opinions being stickied. OP provided a direct link to the pdf.
It doesn’t mean it’s going to pass petition, right?
Very note worthy thank you