Well lets see; he's become the richest man ever in existence off the largest grift in human history. He spreads his doomsday prophecy for his own personal gain, and he believes himself to be your savior.
Did you know that only the dead are offended by free speech? It was just proven in an empirical study far more rigorous than anything the CDC promotes..
The sad thing about Jimmy Fallon is that he doesn't seem to be a true ideologue like Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert, but he's an utter coward. He seems good-natured and like someone who, deep down, just wants to make people laugh, but he knows that the reason he has his current job is that Jay Leno got fired for making Obama jokes, and he doesn't want the same thing happening to him.
Norm MacDonald's account of what happened on the night Fallon was supposed to have him on confirms it. Fallon wanted to have MacDonald on, but was told not to due to MacDonald having been "cancelled" for his anti-woke humor. He had tears in his eyes when he went to MacDonald's dressing room and told him he couldn't be on the show.
He was even fairly nice to President Trump in the beginning, until he received backlash for "humanizing" him by ruffling his hair. Now, when they tell him to jump, he asks "How high?"
The most evil part of the euthanasia shots is that people who promoted them for common feeder class energy users didn’t actually get the poison. Some got cameras from the opposite side, some got fake needles or no needle, and the really trusting shills got saline. Some found out they weren’t as protected as they thought
Retaliation against their censorship weapon being taken away from them. They will try to post extreme, damaging tweets to convince whomever that censorship is needed.
Lol Musk’s response
That shit almost made me shoot coffee through my nose. Elon creating rockets in more ways than one.
Jimmy getting dunked on by a dude who isn't even a professional comedian. #RIPJimmyFallon
Elon wasn't done either:
Elon Musk @elonmusk Replying to @jimmyfallon Wait a second, how do we know you’re not an alien body snatcher pretending to be Jimmy!?
Say something that only the real Jimmy would say … 12:56 PM · Nov 16, 2022 ·Twitter for iPhone
That's awesome
Neither is fallon
rofl...died of Ligma Johnson? Holy Kek! That's FUCKING hilarious.
Nuts. Ligma Nuts is the line, faggot. 👽👍
I think you may have missed Ligma and Johnson getting fired. It's okay though. They got hired back.
Oops...I thought Jimmy was more ambitious with the Ligma Johnson...but "lower" expectations with "Nutz" sounds about right for Mr. Fall-on...hehe
Pfff... "Fix what?" Ha!
Elon is like 'it ain't broke! It's called freedom of speech!'
I see the left REALLY doesn't understand biology. Oh, and Elon's response was just perfect.
Did you not notice the wobbly text and the "PARODY BY BACK RUB"?
Hard not to love that guy!
He's a Trump-tier troll.
I don't know if Elon is a good guy or a bad guy, but I do like his sense of humor.
Elon is either a good bad guy, or a bad good guy.
I feel the same about south park creator's Matt and Trey
I remain at "chaotic neutral" for Elon.
Wow, I never thought of it that way!
Well lets see; he's become the richest man ever in existence off the largest grift in human history. He spreads his doomsday prophecy for his own personal gain, and he believes himself to be your savior.
Dont forget installing chips connected to AI right in peoples skulls
"Fix what?"
That's awesome!
Did you know that only the dead are offended by free speech? It was just proven in an empirical study far more rigorous than anything the CDC promotes..
Wehaaa, people are being mean to me, fix it Daddy Elon!
I'm starting to like Elon alittle. Way too funny.
"fix what" is fucking roll on the floor dying kek
Fix what?
Jimmy Falllon? Which one is he again?
The unfunny one.
Oh wait...
Yeah I too constantly mix him up with Jimmy Kimmel as they're equally unfunny creeps who look too much alike.
Fallon scrawny, Kimmel pudgy
I can only tell the difference when one wears blackface. #RIPJimmyFallon
He’s the one that would bring underage girls to SNL after parties.
Can you be a little more specific?
He hates trump with a tambourine and bad jokes. He also drove an army Jeep in some hbo army series Sad little Brothers or something.
LMAO at Musk's response. Fallon is such a wuss.
-Jimmy Fallon
I think Fallon is shedding some light on how prevalent this transgender thing is.
No, it's the author, Faith Back Rub, who is doing that.
The sad thing about Jimmy Fallon is that he doesn't seem to be a true ideologue like Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert, but he's an utter coward. He seems good-natured and like someone who, deep down, just wants to make people laugh, but he knows that the reason he has his current job is that Jay Leno got fired for making Obama jokes, and he doesn't want the same thing happening to him.
Norm MacDonald's account of what happened on the night Fallon was supposed to have him on confirms it. Fallon wanted to have MacDonald on, but was told not to due to MacDonald having been "cancelled" for his anti-woke humor. He had tears in his eyes when he went to MacDonald's dressing room and told him he couldn't be on the show.
He was even fairly nice to President Trump in the beginning, until he received backlash for "humanizing" him by ruffling his hair. Now, when they tell him to jump, he asks "How high?"
Fuck I miss Norm. The best to ever do it imo.
Omg, I am LOVING Musk right now!!
Jimmy Fallon is dead? Wait until my wife, her 2 sisters and our 5 daughters here about this #howtospreadrumors
Died of 'ligma'. HAHAHAH! 🤣
Oh poor Jimmy, You can dish it out, but not take it.
Fix what? rofl
Jimmy a pedo.
Jimmy literally made a comment that some stupid ass junior high kid would make.
so stupid. Elon's response was perfect. oops, parody. duh.
Jimmy's just fine, it's only his career that died.
Take notes, leftists. Meme Academy is in session.
Love it.
Why is Jimmy Fallon still standing after all his shots? Should be fallen by now.
The most evil part of the euthanasia shots is that people who promoted them for common feeder class energy users didn’t actually get the poison. Some got cameras from the opposite side, some got fake needles or no needle, and the really trusting shills got saline. Some found out they weren’t as protected as they thought
Oh, he probably got saline.
"Can you fix people being mean to me on the internet? The old guard Twitter people did my will!"
Ligma, lol. Learned this from my kid.
Musk’s response lmao
He's broken their comfortable little twitter bubble of self-assurance
Retaliation against their censorship weapon being taken away from them. They will try to post extreme, damaging tweets to convince whomever that censorship is needed.
Is that what they've been doing? Every time a post comes out about them that they don't like, they appeal to the Twitter Mafia to nuke them?
They have been doing that for years I bet.
Soon none of these clowns,will dare to show up.
Oooh I want in!
Fix what? GigaChad Elon confirmed
Fake as fuck. The only thing Jimmy posted was the elon fix this...
Yes, he was unhappy about it and asked Elon to fix it. There's nothing fake about this at all. The middle comment says it comes from a parody account
I dont see Jimmy's twat about the penis shoving....
It's a parody account. It shows on the bottom of the tweet
Go back up. Look at the image. Now look for the word "parody".
He thought that coward libtards still control twatter
Fallon is a faggot
Are you really a comedian if you can't take what you dish out? 🤔🤔
Kevin Conroy's Batman had the perfect reaction GIF for this.