Sure didn't expect this: Posobiec - I believe that if there is hope for the Republic, it lies with the anons
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Anons no more. After we clear out the rot in our institutions, and dissolve 90% of those same institutions, the people I trust to do the right thing in government and elsewhere are the people awake right now. At this point if a person is not awake, they cannot represent the people or be anywhere close to the levers of power.
Yeah easy to say and posture, yet are YOU willing to step up and take over government functions? Cause I sure as fuck have no interest in any of it. My life is busy enough as is.
So the alternative and more realistic approach is to further limit government's power, but to also restore power to the citizens. We shouldn't need more than a base level Sherriff's department in every county. Beyond that, we need to educate citizens on their rights and the powers that they hold. We should be policing ourselves. But we also need higher education for law enforcement which means paying them more.
There are lots of ways we can go about it. However you are 100% correct that 90% or more of these fake institutions need to be shut down and disbanded.
The few government functions that should exist I would be happy to help with.
^ name checks out for this topic.
He’s been here since day 1, actually before. Most of us ole dudes are Reddit refugees from The_Donald then Voat and now here.
Trustthetruth is another.
Cut 90% and still work wonder. Elon Musk and Twitter.
Same with the government
Rebuild the educational systems as well. Pay the (good) teachers!
No government needed there at all. Home schooling, including co-ops.
But first, the people who were treasonous against our country need to be charged, arrested, and tried by a Constitutional court. So I guess it has to be the military, as is said many times on this site. They need to get their stand-by into gear and start to straighten this country out.
You are right on the policing ourselves bit. We are lucky enough to live in a town (very small, only 300 people) and we contract out to the local sheriffs dept in a way that there is never a "cop" in town, we only call them if we need them. We police ourselves. If a cop does drive thru town we warn each other and wonder why they're there. It is wonderful. The bad part is that anytime you do actually need them they don't help one bit.
Also, I agree with everything else you said as well.
If you pay me, I'll shovel that shit. A job is a job.
This sounds more like a 1984 reference to me.
"If there is lies in the proles."
I would say that we original anons have a sort of natural immunity to the bullshit that cast a spell on those who are just waking up.
Every since we took out first dosage of Q back in 2017, out eyes were opened to the truth.
and autists
Autistic people should run the Government? Just anyone with autism? We need a different mascot. 🙄
At least autists would make sure things are done to exact specifications.
das rite
True. But he still can't sit next to me. I am suspicious...
Suss AF. I don't know what this latest grift will lead to, but all his past BS wasn't good. Posobitch has NOT been an ally and actively mocked/worked against Anons from the start.
the worst enemy is the one that has you convinced they are your best friend. Was Brutes really Caesar's friend?
So no military to save the day?
Think mirror.
We are the reflection of truth. We are the ghosts in the machine shining the light into darkness. We are the chosen military of this Silent War, soldiers of this great awakening.
The buckle of Truth and swords of righteousness are our weapons.
Yeah that makes sense man I'm still processing it, everything is so fucked.
So... was Jan 6 protestors correct or what?
Are you dooming?
He's having a stroke.
Kek 🤣
We the people are the military! How hard is that to get? We are the largest military on the planet. 80mm strong! Armed to the teeth!
They fight more on the field of virtue than doing what's right.
Not just the anons.... BUT WE THE PEOPLE
It also lies in more cases like SCOTUS 22-380, but against every State’s Government. Especially after midterms, file them now Patriots! You only have maybe up to a year in most states (depending on the State Constitution, and your prowess of your attorney) to file a suit against them, from date of said crime you are charging State committed. Case 22-380 and it’s counterpart were filed right after 2020.
I hope someday we don't need to use screen names and meet each other. I have so enjoyed this board.
Well, if he's a DS operative, that's his dog whistle to the cabal minions to target anons.
You don't just stop working for Mossad because you don't feel like it any longer.
You'll know he's serious when he apologizes for doctoring his conversations with microchip in his attempt to destroy Q.
"Buh, buh, but micro said....sorry guys, it's over"- PisoShito
Watching anons on 4chan lay out the evidence of his(Poso) suspicious activity was early on in my lurking. I remember it because I was so surprised by anons' theory, and the sauce to back it up.
I remember this as well.
I always knew him shitting on Q was a ploy. This entire thing is a coordinated effort to steer the US to the right, we are watching a movie, prove me wrong
Q said Posobiec is Mossad.
You don't just decide one day you're no longer Mossad.
The same Mossad who operated Epstein Island. They tend to get kompromat on their agents to prevent them from just deciding they don't want to be an agent any longer.
I think the premise is that Q saying Poso is Mossad would be disinfo in this instance. Not saying I think it is one way or the other but debate as to what could have been disinfo in the Q drops is always ongoing.
Plausible. The subterfuge could go either way.
It's assumed disinformation would actually serve a purpose, i.e. to confuse the enemy.
Saying Posobiec is bad, though he may not be bad, serves literally no purpose imaginable.
yeah & I think we are now in the: "save Israel for last" TImeline Are Poso & AJ really Mossad as Q said or was Q saying that as part of the disinfo op. They are both more visible now..... interesting.....
I agree. Others play the part as Q-deniers, as well. And Q denies some of them, because disinfo is necessary.
Yes I always thought him and Bannon know what’s up but can’t really say they believe so they must say it is a bunch of BS so they can play their parts
Indeed. Chess pieces in a 21st century information war.
Or he was mossad agent, then was given a choice to wake up the masses or be executed for being a spy.
Why does anybody listen to PoS?
But he's a ___
That's us, folks.
The world's most evil people are fighting with the world's most powerful good people or at least not as evil as they are. Here's the kicker, if there's any hope for either side it lies with the people.
I am so proud of you all
Its time to upload everything we have to places like twitter. Fire the meme cannons. Drop the sauce for normies to see.
wwg1wga, bitches.
Brother in Christ!
Jacks a company man. Never forget.
Can't find that post. I see something saying Elon should release the files to anons.
Stick to canon. No flat Earth bullshit. If you can’t reference it in a Q drop, it doesn’t exist.
Collectively we will take back OUR Country!
Well, if mossad loving, Alex Jones living Posobiec is one of those in the way as an info gatekeeper, then there is no hope.
Could @jack have multiple meanings? Poso? Dorsey? …..Smith?
Damn right it lies with us!!!!
Welcome to the party, @Jack
Yeah .... if not Jack D, then Jack P.
Got a link to that tweet?
Eat a snickers you Hungry bastard you’re acting like a little bitch with your downvote!