Trump pushed the vax as an EUA, and passed warp speed to get the vax out asap so the country could open back up while still giving us all the option to take it or not,
the alternative was to keep the country and economy locked down via federal mandate for years till they could "finish testing" the vax and approve it... and once it's approved they could MANDATE IT LEGALLY
by forcing it through as an EUA he was hoping this leaves people the choice, and it left states free to make their own decisions... letting people like desantis and noem shine while folks like newscum and fredo's brother stunk up the place.
This is why he was out there hinting about alternatives... like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, zinc+vit C+vit D, etc...
because as soon as an alternative treatment was available the EUA dissolves.
what he didn't count on i guess was how far these evil pieces of shit were willing to go, demonizing any other treatment as "for crazy racist people".
IMO he did exactly the right thing to open the country back up quicker and to give us the choice if we should take it or not.
i honestly think he screwed them over bigtime and thats why at first they were pushing public pressure to stop him from EUA by saying "i'd never take an untested trump vax"... then immediately switched gears to forcing and pressuring everyone to take it once it became EUA.
they wanted the whole world shutdown for years, once they couldn't do that they just started killing people with the vax... but only their supporters were going to die so they had to pile on MASSIVE social pressure to try to poison as many normies as they could.
given the timeline it's the only thing that makes sense.
once it became an option instead of the planned mandate the commie cult unleased an unprecedented propaganda and public pressure campaign that only people like us were able to resist.
they knew only their own foot soldiers would be dying from the vax so they had to go all out on the propaganda to convince enough people in the middle to kill themselves so the elites could salvage their WEF "utopia" plans of this great reset they all jerk themselves off to.
The propaganda didn't work like they thought. I figured only 50 percent of the people took their full vax of 5. I think they were hoping for at least 70-75.
Pro-vaccine sentiment was at about 90% before COVID. i bet they were counting on the 90% going for it without question, and those 90% pressuring the other 10% to get it too.
and i don't know if you noticed or not but they've been cooking this up for years prior to trump. remember that huge push to popularize "anti-vaxxer" as a pejorative... some celebrity bitch refused to have her kids take any vax and hollywood unloaded on her and shamed her and starting "raising awareness" (tm) about those dangerous "antivaxxers"
yeah that was YEARS before trump's win, years.
there was also talk in conspiracy circles around that same time that a BUNCH of world renowned virologists were being killed in mysterious accidents. someone noticed a correlation and there was a list going around for a while but that suddenly got memory holed as well.
also... keep in mind there were three classes of people at epstein island
like i get the first two, but that third one always stood out to me as the most nefarious. with "big science" in your pocket you can push global warming agendas and drive narratives like we witnessed during covid.
this is clearly all part of their plan.
once that impeachment failed against trump, once it was obvious he was going to win again... they knew they couldn't delay their plans any longer because he was going after them...
so they made the call to wuhan to release the virus.
remember during that impeachment queen nancy herself was behind a microphone accusing him of being xenophobic for wanting to ban incoming flights from china.
Exactly, Richard Daines (a Republican) the Health Commissioner of NY State mandated the H1N1 vaccine in 2009. IMHO this was to be a test to see how people would react to a mandated jab. Only thing is Daines ended up rescinding his mandate almost immediately after a live radio interview on a Friday afternoon when the reporter asked him about his wife's relationship with Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs funded the vaccine. He abrubtly ended his interview and almost an hour or so later rescinded his mandate.
Funny thing is Richard Daines retired and the next year was found dead from a heart attack alone in a field. Coincidence? I think not.
art bell was talking about the murder of virologists that were independent of government connections durring the 1990s. the narrative at the time was that the us government along with other governments were going after potential bio terrorists. was really hard to know what to think because it was all disinformation mixed with some solid info about governmental activity.
so in my timeline there was a late 90's push due to all the anthrax shinanigans. i heard that on art's show, i used to listen to that show all the time.
but i'm talking more recent than that, like during obama.
Not only the murder of virologists, they were also murdering a whole bunch of holistic doctors during that time. Holistic doctors have been championing vitamins, herbs and supplements and they don't want you to know about those.
There have also been lot of suspicious deaths among successful holistic and naturopathic doctors, the kind of doctors who could have spread the message that zinc and an ionophore, vitamins C and D were effective against COVID.
I know about the antivaxxer shaming. I also remember Bill Gates refused all vaccines for his children while he is the biggest vaccine researcher (or funder). Just ask yourself why?
MSM has been pushing all kinds and my logic is, whatever they push, do the opposite and you will be fine.
A huge part of the Great Awakening is getting the people to realize they don't have to do what they are told. It is the other way around, and it was done to us using drip drip drip and everyone that was not paying attention. Trump turned it around, but now the flood of knowledge is pouring out. And almost every person not pushing it is pissed. When the public has learned it all, all the good cops that love their country should quit. They need to find a Sheriff to work for.
I did not get past the great above before spell check took th and then put the on great it did it I fixed it and then it highlights great, which I know how to spell and so I click on it to see and it says double check spelling. Spell check has become evasive and needs to be stopped. The AI even try's to suggest sentences now. It is the blue highlight that is slowing communications really bad.
The part I wrote about took me at least 3 minutes to fix, not even one sentence.
I downloaded a video on you tube to my computer. When I went to right click to put an emoji in my post it put a link to the video I had just downloaded.
It feels like it took an hour to write this post. It seems to be only the blue stuff
That's not exactly correct. Under Biden, they feds have effectively mandated it using OSHA as a vehicle. They simply fine companies larger than 100 employees $100,000/day per non-compliant employee. The mandate for most employees took months before it was struck down in courts. The one on the military remains in place to this day and will only be overturned by a clause in the new NDAA (the defense budget bill). For healthcare workers, however, the mandate remains in force. The judge who shot down the mandate as unconstitutional carved out an exception for healthcare workers, so if you're like me, work in healthcare, and wish to remain pureblood, things are more challenging.
which is highly illegal, but it's not the same as an individual mandate. i'm talking mass forced vaccinations. line up like good little sheep and get this shot or else type shit.
A KEY POINT (IMHO) is that this strategy also aligns with the CHRISTIAN point of view.
The Mark of the Beast (I'm not saying this is, but it could be) has to be taken by CHOICE. The human pop must be able to reject the mark in order for them to resist the BEAST SYSTEM (Great Reset) by exercising Free Will and thereby showing others how to resist with actions vs. words.
I think you're probably right, ThebigLMAOski17 (great username, laughing as I type this).
the alternative was to keep the country and economy locked down via federal mandate for years till they could "finish testing" the vax and approve it... and once it's approved they could MANDATE IT LEGALLY
A comment on this next point, however:
This is why he was out there hinting about alternatives... like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, zinc+vit C+vit D, etc...
THATs true but a serious understatement -- Trump talked up treatments and preventives a LOT and actually held a televised round table (OANN? Newsmax? Fox? I don't recall which network, but my wife and I saw it when it was aired) early in the plandemic where doctors and former patients spoke about HCQ and other preventives and treatments. Scrubbed from the web long ago, as far as I can see.
Trump put real effort into STOPPING the need for either lockdowns or vaccines but the Deep State steamrolled over him. In that first term, he simply wasn't able to countermand the entire Medical / Pharma / Regulatory / Congressional / etc Cabal infrastructure.
Things have changed quite a lot since then, as we all know, having both followed and participated in that change.
Wow. I never saw the roundtable that you speak of. I am thinking that many others didn't as well. The wall that formed around him was pretty massive. Evil, evil people....
We should also note that these “vaccines” were already developed. They never intended to do any true testing as we’ve seen because they want the test data locked up for the next 75 years. The patents were set years ago. Forever lockdowns to break the population was the cabals A plan. And just 2 years of it really ducked up people and society. 10years of lockdowns would have broken 90% of the world.
To shatter our conditioning of blindly following the leader, so humanity will never blindly trust any authority (even the good guys) like this again without looking at evidence. We're being shown what a successful depopulation event would've looked like and how easy it was.
they wouldn't need to vax 100% of humanity to depopulate us. If 60% of people drop dead in 1 year, society will collapse into anarchy and go back to the stone age. Q is showing us that 70% of the whole world took the vax, had this been the real kill shot it would be over.
While I fully agree with that, it's worth remembering that the "safe and effective" vax lie has been going on for a good 60 years. To take yet another vax has been second nature for a great many people. To quote someone else, most of us were raised in medicine cabinets. The worst part of all of this is that a great many people are content to accept whatever they're told--not an earlier American quality.
You think the "parents" that gleefully push their children towards "men" in evil-looking clown makeup will care? Or that the people that are in charge of such events will care about any crimes against children? Those people are insane and cannot be helped.
Thanks for the link to the excellent article. It basically contains what I have been trying to say the last few years, but it does a much better job explaining the points than I have been able to do myself.
Obviously, I agree wholeheartedly with that article.
The biggest takeaway... President Trump is only responsible for significantly speeding up the release of the "vaccines", while also stipulating free choice and the existence of treatments that made the vaccines unnecessary.
Vaccines are supposed to be beneficial for people. Recommending that people take a beneficial drug is not controversial.
The content of the injections that are causing harm to people is entirely the responsibility of the big pharma companies that made them. Period. President Trump has nothing to do with that.
Bingo. He's not a doctor or a medical engineer. He did what he had to do to stop shut downs intended to herald the great reset. Furthermore, half or more of his followers didn't take the vax despite his coaxing and support of it. Some people rationalized and used critical thinking. Others watch Fox exclusively and made their decision based on fear and emotion.
At the end of the day, 99% we're going to take it regardless of what Trump said. This isn't meant as a pejorative as it's from decades of deep state programming but some people are just sheep and will do whatever the talking box tells them to do and it's extremely difficult to break that conditioning.
God never shilled for the apple. Trump wasn't neutral on the vaccine. He encouraged people to get it. If you really want to stick to your analogy, Trump would be the snake.
his 'encouragement' was to get people talking, he's taking slings and arrows for us, but we ultimately get to make the decision. Not his fault people are weak minded and can't research for themselves.
I just don't get why anyone would base their health decesions on what a politican says. Even if it is one you agree with. Trump never stopped saying that we have a choice tho, and that was really all we needed. To not be forced.
"If you are not your own doctor, then you are a fool" - Hippocrates
He can't deny that he pushed it. He always owns the downside. But saying "I'm the father of the vaccine" is not at all the same as "You must (or even 'should') take the vaccine."
Trump claimed to have covid, then said he was cured thanks to regeneron. That was the last I ever heard of it. Then I recently began to wonder about it... crazytime: is/was regeneron a real product, an literal elixir of life, an immortality drug. I only speculate about this because in the context of an immortality drug, the plan to genocide the world makes a lot more sense. probably I am well off. just a thought.
Regeneron is a pharma company. They have a facility in Tarrytown NY, you just take Exit 23 on the Saw Mill River Parkway, make the left (spez: if you're coming from CT) and then you drive through their campus as the building literally goes over the road
Because deep state shit bags wanted to keep the world locked down for 10 years. Remember when they laughed at trump saying it would take a minimum of 5-6 years to develop a vax… then they would have slow rolled it out. In the mean time with everyone isolated, the level of people offing themselves, would have been through the roof. I remember reading somewhere (no sauce) that around 2 billion people would be dead if this scenario played out…trump chose the lesser of the evils… i do believe however there is a cure for those vaxxed… i know that ivermectin binds to the spike protein effectively neutralizing it. So the vaxed might need to be on low dose ivermectin for a while+ , in order to rid themselves of the clot shot.
It would have been like the plot of "Deus Ex" where they manufactured the Grey Death virus and also made the treatment Ambrosia but kept it back claiming it was difficult and expensive to produce and hard to get on the list. The villains would deliberately infect people who bothered them and if they were useful like a politician "oh shame you caught the plague, maybe I could get you on the priority list for Ambrosia if you did this for me." The opening cutscene of the game has the villains discuss having did just that with the US President and the head villain Bob Page as obviously meant to make you think of Bill Gates (Elon Musk was a nobody back in 1999.)
First Trump pushed HCQ. They countered it with kinds of lies and fake research.
Then Trump pushed not the vaxxines, but the J&J vaccine. The initial MSM and social media reaction was dozens of horror stories about the affects of the J&J vaccines.
When Moderna and Pfiser got their poison ready for market, the MSM and their social media giants like Facebook and Twitter went into warp speed promoting them. The demonization of the J&J continued for a short while. I think they realized it was hurting their vaccine push and stopped.
Now the people have kiced in with the horror stories, and the sudden deaths are ramping up. Who do you now hear about? Moderna and Pfiser!
Trump did what he had to do to keep them from taking over the whole world. People died, but most of that was not under his control. This is a war, and there have been casualities. Those were sad, but with their willingness to go all out to kill off the population to stay in power it was unavoidable.
They would like to point to Trump as the cause of these deaths, but they are the guilty ones. They always try to find a scapegoat for their crimes. It is not going to work this time.
This is the one issue that stops my father from believing in the Q plan and Trump working with Q. My father refuses to believe we are at war and that means there shouldnt be potential harm done by the good guys, he views Trump as a good guy that harmed people with this stance. My father is smart but refuses to look beyond the surface level of things. My fathers favorite character in Game of Thrones was Ned Stark and stopped watching the show after he was killed. My father has an idolized view of how good people should act. I think Trump and his followers would be best served by Trump making a statement now on why he made this choice, I think its past time that it would harm the plan.
Then there was this too....just so ya know how it's going. All quotes from DJT
Credit: albertcole123
"But I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August
21st, 2021
"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that
if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5
years, at best, and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. I hope everyone
remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021
"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that
don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly." —
Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021
"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that
also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that
works." — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021
"Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020
“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one
that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” —
Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021
"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021
"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is
really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J
Trump, March 9th 2021
"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for
all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th
"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews.
Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump,
December 17th 2020
"Well, I got the Pfizer, and I would have been very happy with any of
them. I thought a very bad statement was when they did a pause on Johnson &
Johnson. I think that frightened That was a bad thing to do. At that time, when
they did the pause, they had six people that may have had some difficulty out
of millions that received it. But I think the pause was a very bad thing to
do." — Donald J Trump, October 2nd 2021
"During my administration, everybody wanted the vaccine. There was nobody
saying oh, gee, I don't want to take it. Now they say that. And that's because
they don't trust the Biden administration. I can think of no other reason. But
they say we don't want it, we aren't going to take it. When I was there,
everybody wanted it and we were doing great. Well, the military did a fantastic
job." — Donald J Trump, October 7th 2021
"I'm very proud of the vaccine, I've taken it, you've probably taken it.
But I'm very proud of it. I think we could have another situation with the
Spanish Flu, 1917, where up to 100 million people were killed." — Donald J
Trump, August 18th 2021
Plausible deniability. He had no choice to release the vaccines early and in order to survive the fallout of them almost certainly trying to pin it all on him, he must follow through. It's the only logical path forward for him. He didn't put the toxic shit in the vaccines. That's on the medical industrial complex. He did what he had to do to stop the great reset with the shut downs they had hinged on " vaccine development."
Also keep in mind that half or more of his followers never took and never will take the vaccines. Despite his coaxing. The people that took it were going to take it regardless of what Trump said because they were coerced with fear. Nothing Trump said was going to stop these people from taking it just like the lefts hatred for Trump didn't stop them from taking it numerous times despite Trump's support for it.
I think DJT realized: 1). How many people were being killed or injured every year by Big Pharma, the FDA, CDC, and the medical community via prescriptions, vaccines, expensive practices (cancer, labor and delivery, etc.), 2) intelligence informed DJT what was being planned by Big Pharma, our government, hospitals, business leaders and doctors in the form of various Pandemics and lock downs that would injure and eventually kill us, 3) DJT was also informed of FEMA camps where they fully expected to round up the unvaccinated and put them to force vaccinate, the hell with the Constitution. Then once their mass extermination took place with the willing and unwilling, the Cabal and its minions would starve the rest out by further crop pollution and control of food distribution, or freeze them out via control of fuel for cooking, heating and transportation. Those who did not comply would go to FEMA camps, be killed out right, or be deprived of food, heating and banking (cutting off their digital banking).
This article is useless. It only says why Trump needed to promote the creation of the vaccine, and completely ignores the real question of why Trump shilled for it.
Trump is very good with words. He could have promoted the vaccine in a way that still allowed the rest of us to believe he really didn't mean it. He didn't do this. He actively promoted it, told everyone it directly that it was safe and effective, and while he wasn't going to force it, he really wanted us to get it.
I believe there is a story that makes what Trump did understandable. He literally pushed people into a mine field when a less hands on approach would have accomplished the same thing.
This article merely rehashes old, worn out, and failed explanations. It provide no new clarity on the issue.
It was the lesser of two evils. Trump knew that 'their' plandemic would've caused years and years of lockdowns, mask mandates, vax passports which would lead to social credit passports, corp/company vax mandates, economic losses, unemployment, deaths/suicides, etc...on-and-on-and-on! Contamination-Quarantine (concentration) camps.
It would never stop. And the crazy Big Pharma vax and drug pushers would laugh and dance and make billions, year-after-year from all the adverse affects of the deadly vax! Big Pharma massive grants and Gov't funding which is all tax-payer dollars. All you have to do is look at China, Australia and New Zealand as examples!
It was reported the Big Pharma did not want to release the adverse affects for 75 years! That should tell you everything, right there! It's guilty by suppression and omission of the real facts and peer reviews by accredited doctors and viralogists! Plus it gave them a valid reason and nefarious agenda for mail-in ballots to cheat in the elections! Look where we are today with TWO fraudulent elections! 2020 & 2022!
Trump did the right thing and look at how the scamdemic-plandemic and the evil players have been exposed! Our natural immune systems combats this virus 97% of the time. For those with compromised immune systems, that ratio is at risk, but can be medically treated to lessen the risks. Taking that risky vax has now altered normal DNA and immune systems. It triggers all sorts of medical issues and even causes death!
TRUTH; Trump gave everyone the choice, vax or no vax.
Also, please see this guide to understanding the Continuity of Government framework (there is no "Q BS" in this link) called "Devolution," whereby Trump (or Trump delegates) is still in control of certain aspects of the USG:
EDIT: Also, two questions for you, u/Annoyedwiththedevoid. If Q is an evil psyop 1and us Q-adherents are ineffective, why is Trump constantly RT'ing blatant Q memes? And, since that's absolutely 100% happening, why are so many patriots (especially those on PW) "immune" to "noticing" that?
I am thinking they knew no other product would be able to compete with all the different stages
He opened the door.
Just look how media went out of their way to destroy all other alternative to moderna and pfizer even all these years after.
Was he? What if he fired any of them? "Trump wants us to die! Trump is suppressing science!" And then all the shills in Congress would have made a fire-proof health authority with dictatorial powers. Better to let them expose themselves as the heartless, brainless tools of Big Harma that they really are. Better to let them ruin their own authority, helped by an army of anonymous who can wage an underground resistance.
Precisely. If he had gone scorched earth they simply would have used it to destroy him and likely gained even more authority of the roll out. People need to remember that a large portion of the population was going to take the vaccines regardless of what Trump did. These sheep would have been used to support destroying Trump for any actions he took in thwarting the medical industrial complex.
You better review how things work in Congress. He didn't really have a majority in either house at that time, because of RINOs. Firing someone has nothing to do with vetos, those pertain to laws and can be overridden. His veto of a spending bill was overridden in Jan. 2021. Congress has a more powerful way of obstructing things by causing constant fights, investigations, leaks. 100% if he fired anyone at NIH it would have launched a medical dictatorship much worse than we had.
I didn't see him PUSHING the vaccine, but merely getting it ready and offering it. I've heard him say many times that it is our choice. He really had to get it down and take away the power from the left by neutering this "virus" they were using to shut everything down, destroy our economy, test the populace on their level of compliance, steal an election through "having to use mail-in ballots". This pandemic effort was meant to control the masses as the communists moved in to steal an election and implement communism on a compliant, unemployed, financially unstable public. He had to counter move.
BQnita: I finally read the page you linked to, and it's GREAT. It includes two videos of Trump touting HCQ and other preventatives and treatments and lists the TWENTY-SIX TWEETS "in which Trump tried to tell humanity they don't need a vaccine, because there are safe and very effective drugs."
Lots more as well. Thank you for posting the article.
#521, Jan 13th, 2018:
"We are FIGHTING for LIFE.
We are at WAR [@].
Do you TRUST the US Military?
Do you TRUST the Chain Of Command?
No choice, counter moves. Question remains why did he keep telling people to take it at rallies? Despite everything mentioned here he did continue to say to take it, that he had and was fine…
Trump and his people are still keeping too many things secret. Showing people and telling people are not mutually exclusive. In an age gone by, I did "show and tell" in grade school. It still works.
His hyper inflated ego demanded all "credit" go to him. Wasn't thinking far enough ahead, or didn't care about the blame aspect when the shit inevitably hits the fan. 65D chess, notwithstanding.
He knew they had already created the bio-weapon shots and were more than eager to force them on us when most of the population would take them but I believe it was pushed to soon just to oust POTUS.
Trump has always been against the mandates and against children getting the vax. Regardless of his reasons (plausible deniability, to free us from the lockdowns, etc.) there was a time where he did encourage people to go out and get it.
OK, that’s a little bit out of context. There’s a lot of things said before that that lead up to that comment, and it’s more in line with Joe Biden, getting his shot, but I wouldn’t say that to him pushing it. There’s a big difference between mentioning it, and shopping it up your ass 24 seven all day every day.
He had no choice but to continue to endorse it. When the try and pin this all on him in the fallout he can safely say he didn't know. Plausible deniability. He's a real estate mogul. Not a scientist. Only way to survive the fallout. Logical deduction.
This is simple.
Trump pushed the vax as an EUA, and passed warp speed to get the vax out asap so the country could open back up while still giving us all the option to take it or not,
the alternative was to keep the country and economy locked down via federal mandate for years till they could "finish testing" the vax and approve it... and once it's approved they could MANDATE IT LEGALLY
by forcing it through as an EUA he was hoping this leaves people the choice, and it left states free to make their own decisions... letting people like desantis and noem shine while folks like newscum and fredo's brother stunk up the place.
This is why he was out there hinting about alternatives... like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, zinc+vit C+vit D, etc...
because as soon as an alternative treatment was available the EUA dissolves.
what he didn't count on i guess was how far these evil pieces of shit were willing to go, demonizing any other treatment as "for crazy racist people".
IMO he did exactly the right thing to open the country back up quicker and to give us the choice if we should take it or not.
i honestly think he screwed them over bigtime and thats why at first they were pushing public pressure to stop him from EUA by saying "i'd never take an untested trump vax"... then immediately switched gears to forcing and pressuring everyone to take it once it became EUA.
they wanted the whole world shutdown for years, once they couldn't do that they just started killing people with the vax... but only their supporters were going to die so they had to pile on MASSIVE social pressure to try to poison as many normies as they could.
why else did they switch tactics so abruptly?
I like your answer.
given the timeline it's the only thing that makes sense.
once it became an option instead of the planned mandate the commie cult unleased an unprecedented propaganda and public pressure campaign that only people like us were able to resist.
they knew only their own foot soldiers would be dying from the vax so they had to go all out on the propaganda to convince enough people in the middle to kill themselves so the elites could salvage their WEF "utopia" plans of this great reset they all jerk themselves off to.
The propaganda didn't work like they thought. I figured only 50 percent of the people took their full vax of 5. I think they were hoping for at least 70-75.
Pro-vaccine sentiment was at about 90% before COVID. i bet they were counting on the 90% going for it without question, and those 90% pressuring the other 10% to get it too.
But God had other plans
and i don't know if you noticed or not but they've been cooking this up for years prior to trump. remember that huge push to popularize "anti-vaxxer" as a pejorative... some celebrity bitch refused to have her kids take any vax and hollywood unloaded on her and shamed her and starting "raising awareness" (tm) about those dangerous "antivaxxers"
yeah that was YEARS before trump's win, years.
there was also talk in conspiracy circles around that same time that a BUNCH of world renowned virologists were being killed in mysterious accidents. someone noticed a correlation and there was a list going around for a while but that suddenly got memory holed as well.
also... keep in mind there were three classes of people at epstein island
like i get the first two, but that third one always stood out to me as the most nefarious. with "big science" in your pocket you can push global warming agendas and drive narratives like we witnessed during covid.
this is clearly all part of their plan.
once that impeachment failed against trump, once it was obvious he was going to win again... they knew they couldn't delay their plans any longer because he was going after them...
so they made the call to wuhan to release the virus.
remember during that impeachment queen nancy herself was behind a microphone accusing him of being xenophobic for wanting to ban incoming flights from china.
the timing is too perfect to be a coincidence.
Exactly, Richard Daines (a Republican) the Health Commissioner of NY State mandated the H1N1 vaccine in 2009. IMHO this was to be a test to see how people would react to a mandated jab. Only thing is Daines ended up rescinding his mandate almost immediately after a live radio interview on a Friday afternoon when the reporter asked him about his wife's relationship with Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs funded the vaccine. He abrubtly ended his interview and almost an hour or so later rescinded his mandate.
Funny thing is Richard Daines retired and the next year was found dead from a heart attack alone in a field. Coincidence? I think not.
art bell was talking about the murder of virologists that were independent of government connections durring the 1990s. the narrative at the time was that the us government along with other governments were going after potential bio terrorists. was really hard to know what to think because it was all disinformation mixed with some solid info about governmental activity.
...and that too, i forgot about that.
so in my timeline there was a late 90's push due to all the anthrax shinanigans. i heard that on art's show, i used to listen to that show all the time.
but i'm talking more recent than that, like during obama.
here's a meme i found with little effort
i'm sure it's worth looking at but i'm about to go plow snow. lol.
Not only the murder of virologists, they were also murdering a whole bunch of holistic doctors during that time. Holistic doctors have been championing vitamins, herbs and supplements and they don't want you to know about those.
There have also been lot of suspicious deaths among successful holistic and naturopathic doctors, the kind of doctors who could have spread the message that zinc and an ionophore, vitamins C and D were effective against COVID.
Jenny McCarthy, iirc.
But I am sure there were others.
yep, thats exactly who it was, then they started a huge campaign to demonize anyone who questioned the efficacy of mass vaccinations...
all so they could stigmatize anyone not taking this "vaccine"
I know about the antivaxxer shaming. I also remember Bill Gates refused all vaccines for his children while he is the biggest vaccine researcher (or funder). Just ask yourself why?
MSM has been pushing all kinds and my logic is, whatever they push, do the opposite and you will be fine.
I must have been the 10% and yelling loudly. I actually have quite a few friends who refused.
On the other hand, my family lined up for it.
5? i think only about 5% of the population got 5. i read that
But it was a "mandate" though...
no it wasn't, not a single federal level mandate to force you to take the vax... that was your state governor and your employer.
you can't federally mandate a EUA, in fact the governors and employers who mandated it were breaking the law IMO but thats a future fight to be won.
A huge part of the Great Awakening is getting the people to realize they don't have to do what they are told. It is the other way around, and it was done to us using drip drip drip and everyone that was not paying attention. Trump turned it around, but now the flood of knowledge is pouring out. And almost every person not pushing it is pissed. When the public has learned it all, all the good cops that love their country should quit. They need to find a Sheriff to work for.
I did not get past the great above before spell check took th and then put the on great it did it I fixed it and then it highlights great, which I know how to spell and so I click on it to see and it says double check spelling. Spell check has become evasive and needs to be stopped. The AI even try's to suggest sentences now. It is the blue highlight that is slowing communications really bad. The part I wrote about took me at least 3 minutes to fix, not even one sentence. I downloaded a video on you tube to my computer. When I went to right click to put an emoji in my post it put a link to the video I had just downloaded.
It feels like it took an hour to write this post. It seems to be only the blue stuff
That's not exactly correct. Under Biden, they feds have effectively mandated it using OSHA as a vehicle. They simply fine companies larger than 100 employees $100,000/day per non-compliant employee. The mandate for most employees took months before it was struck down in courts. The one on the military remains in place to this day and will only be overturned by a clause in the new NDAA (the defense budget bill). For healthcare workers, however, the mandate remains in force. The judge who shot down the mandate as unconstitutional carved out an exception for healthcare workers, so if you're like me, work in healthcare, and wish to remain pureblood, things are more challenging.
Do you mean they use FASCIST tactics??? /s
"Every company with more than 100 employees must have all their employees vaccinated."
which is highly illegal, but it's not the same as an individual mandate. i'm talking mass forced vaccinations. line up like good little sheep and get this shot or else type shit.
mandate. You mean men dating each other?
That's how much I listen to their "mandate."
Have to laugh sometimes.
A KEY POINT (IMHO) is that this strategy also aligns with the CHRISTIAN point of view.
The Mark of the Beast (I'm not saying this is, but it could be) has to be taken by CHOICE. The human pop must be able to reject the mark in order for them to resist the BEAST SYSTEM (Great Reset) by exercising Free Will and thereby showing others how to resist with actions vs. words.
I think you're probably right, ThebigLMAOski17 (great username, laughing as I type this).
A comment on this next point, however:
THATs true but a serious understatement -- Trump talked up treatments and preventives a LOT and actually held a televised round table (OANN? Newsmax? Fox? I don't recall which network, but my wife and I saw it when it was aired) early in the plandemic where doctors and former patients spoke about HCQ and other preventives and treatments. Scrubbed from the web long ago, as far as I can see.
Trump put real effort into STOPPING the need for either lockdowns or vaccines but the Deep State steamrolled over him. In that first term, he simply wasn't able to countermand the entire Medical / Pharma / Regulatory / Congressional / etc Cabal infrastructure.
Things have changed quite a lot since then, as we all know, having both followed and participated in that change.
I look forward to the next few months.
Wow. I never saw the roundtable that you speak of. I am thinking that many others didn't as well. The wall that formed around him was pretty massive. Evil, evil people....
We should also note that these “vaccines” were already developed. They never intended to do any true testing as we’ve seen because they want the test data locked up for the next 75 years. The patents were set years ago. Forever lockdowns to break the population was the cabals A plan. And just 2 years of it really ducked up people and society. 10years of lockdowns would have broken 90% of the world.
And thank God net neutrality was not imposed.
Right or what we’re doing here wouldn’t be happening
You are 100% right.
simply put also, Touche' , Should be stickied as Our Final Word on this subject
Correct! I can’t add anything else of value that hasn’t been well said by Maoski.
To shatter our conditioning of blindly following the leader, so humanity will never blindly trust any authority (even the good guys) like this again without looking at evidence. We're being shown what a successful depopulation event would've looked like and how easy it was.
they wouldn't need to vax 100% of humanity to depopulate us. If 60% of people drop dead in 1 year, society will collapse into anarchy and go back to the stone age. Q is showing us that 70% of the whole world took the vax, had this been the real kill shot it would be over.
Hey, I am brain dead. I didn't take the vax. LOL
Even a brain dead sometimes get it right. LOL
Name checks out.....
While I fully agree with that, it's worth remembering that the "safe and effective" vax lie has been going on for a good 60 years. To take yet another vax has been second nature for a great many people. To quote someone else, most of us were raised in medicine cabinets. The worst part of all of this is that a great many people are content to accept whatever they're told--not an earlier American quality.
Yes, those other sheep in the next gated pasture have inherent decencies. Lets feel smug and stroke our egos.
Understand that this lack of Critical Thinking by the masses is by design.
Protect your DNA = Protect your education, nutrition, medication.
So Trump is dumb!? How dare you.
My rule of thumb is never to take the experimental injection offered during a world war.
You think the "parents" that gleefully push their children towards "men" in evil-looking clown makeup will care? Or that the people that are in charge of such events will care about any crimes against children? Those people are insane and cannot be helped.
Thanks for the link to the excellent article. It basically contains what I have been trying to say the last few years, but it does a much better job explaining the points than I have been able to do myself.
Obviously, I agree wholeheartedly with that article.
The biggest takeaway... President Trump is only responsible for significantly speeding up the release of the "vaccines", while also stipulating free choice and the existence of treatments that made the vaccines unnecessary.
Vaccines are supposed to be beneficial for people. Recommending that people take a beneficial drug is not controversial.
The content of the injections that are causing harm to people is entirely the responsibility of the big pharma companies that made them. Period. President Trump has nothing to do with that.
Bingo. He's not a doctor or a medical engineer. He did what he had to do to stop shut downs intended to herald the great reset. Furthermore, half or more of his followers didn't take the vax despite his coaxing and support of it. Some people rationalized and used critical thinking. Others watch Fox exclusively and made their decision based on fear and emotion.
At the end of the day, 99% we're going to take it regardless of what Trump said. This isn't meant as a pejorative as it's from decades of deep state programming but some people are just sheep and will do whatever the talking box tells them to do and it's extremely difficult to break that conditioning.
God gave Adam and Eve a choice.
Trump produced something so you can go back to work and free you from jail of tyrants. You have a choice there too.
God never shilled for the apple. Trump wasn't neutral on the vaccine. He encouraged people to get it. If you really want to stick to your analogy, Trump would be the snake.
his 'encouragement' was to get people talking, he's taking slings and arrows for us, but we ultimately get to make the decision. Not his fault people are weak minded and can't research for themselves.
Aah. I see.
We still have to choose even with the snake. That's true.
I just don't get why anyone would base their health decesions on what a politican says. Even if it is one you agree with. Trump never stopped saying that we have a choice tho, and that was really all we needed. To not be forced.
"If you are not your own doctor, then you are a fool" - Hippocrates
Exactly × 1000
I love President Trump like family,
but I won't take a 'vaccine' for him.
Correct, I just don't get 80% of the population.
Yes, I have tried.
He can't deny that he pushed it. He always owns the downside. But saying "I'm the father of the vaccine" is not at all the same as "You must (or even 'should') take the vaccine."
Slightly off-topic:
Do you remember "regeneron"
Trump claimed to have covid, then said he was cured thanks to regeneron. That was the last I ever heard of it. Then I recently began to wonder about it... crazytime: is/was regeneron a real product, an literal elixir of life, an immortality drug. I only speculate about this because in the context of an immortality drug, the plan to genocide the world makes a lot more sense. probably I am well off. just a thought.
yes. there was an er here that would do regeneron until the plebs said "you can't have this take vax instead bc omicron"...
Regeneron is a pharma company. They have a facility in Tarrytown NY, you just take Exit 23 on the Saw Mill River Parkway, make the left (spez: if you're coming from CT) and then you drive through their campus as the building literally goes over the road
Trump clearly has a med bed...that's why he looks so youthful and lean despite his age!
Because deep state shit bags wanted to keep the world locked down for 10 years. Remember when they laughed at trump saying it would take a minimum of 5-6 years to develop a vax… then they would have slow rolled it out. In the mean time with everyone isolated, the level of people offing themselves, would have been through the roof. I remember reading somewhere (no sauce) that around 2 billion people would be dead if this scenario played out…trump chose the lesser of the evils… i do believe however there is a cure for those vaxxed… i know that ivermectin binds to the spike protein effectively neutralizing it. So the vaxed might need to be on low dose ivermectin for a while+ , in order to rid themselves of the clot shot.
It would have been like the plot of "Deus Ex" where they manufactured the Grey Death virus and also made the treatment Ambrosia but kept it back claiming it was difficult and expensive to produce and hard to get on the list. The villains would deliberately infect people who bothered them and if they were useful like a politician "oh shame you caught the plague, maybe I could get you on the priority list for Ambrosia if you did this for me." The opening cutscene of the game has the villains discuss having did just that with the US President and the head villain Bob Page as obviously meant to make you think of Bill Gates (Elon Musk was a nobody back in 1999.)
First Trump pushed HCQ. They countered it with kinds of lies and fake research.
Then Trump pushed not the vaxxines, but the J&J vaccine. The initial MSM and social media reaction was dozens of horror stories about the affects of the J&J vaccines.
When Moderna and Pfiser got their poison ready for market, the MSM and their social media giants like Facebook and Twitter went into warp speed promoting them. The demonization of the J&J continued for a short while. I think they realized it was hurting their vaccine push and stopped.
Now the people have kiced in with the horror stories, and the sudden deaths are ramping up. Who do you now hear about? Moderna and Pfiser!
Trump did what he had to do to keep them from taking over the whole world. People died, but most of that was not under his control. This is a war, and there have been casualities. Those were sad, but with their willingness to go all out to kill off the population to stay in power it was unavoidable.
They would like to point to Trump as the cause of these deaths, but they are the guilty ones. They always try to find a scapegoat for their crimes. It is not going to work this time.
This is the one issue that stops my father from believing in the Q plan and Trump working with Q. My father refuses to believe we are at war and that means there shouldnt be potential harm done by the good guys, he views Trump as a good guy that harmed people with this stance. My father is smart but refuses to look beyond the surface level of things. My fathers favorite character in Game of Thrones was Ned Stark and stopped watching the show after he was killed. My father has an idolized view of how good people should act. I think Trump and his followers would be best served by Trump making a statement now on why he made this choice, I think its past time that it would harm the plan.
Then there was this too....just so ya know how it's going. All quotes from DJT
Credit: albertcole123
"But I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August 21st, 2021
"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021
"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly." — Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021
"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works." — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021
"Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020
“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” — Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021
"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021
"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J Trump, March 9th 2021
"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th 2020
"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews. Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020
"Well, I got the Pfizer, and I would have been very happy with any of them. I thought a very bad statement was when they did a pause on Johnson & Johnson. I think that frightened That was a bad thing to do. At that time, when they did the pause, they had six people that may have had some difficulty out of millions that received it. But I think the pause was a very bad thing to do." — Donald J Trump, October 2nd 2021
"During my administration, everybody wanted the vaccine. There was nobody saying oh, gee, I don't want to take it. Now they say that. And that's because they don't trust the Biden administration. I can think of no other reason. But they say we don't want it, we aren't going to take it. When I was there, everybody wanted it and we were doing great. Well, the military did a fantastic job." — Donald J Trump, October 7th 2021
"I'm very proud of the vaccine, I've taken it, you've probably taken it. But I'm very proud of it. I think we could have another situation with the Spanish Flu, 1917, where up to 100 million people were killed." — Donald J Trump, August 18th 2021
Plausible deniability. He had no choice to release the vaccines early and in order to survive the fallout of them almost certainly trying to pin it all on him, he must follow through. It's the only logical path forward for him. He didn't put the toxic shit in the vaccines. That's on the medical industrial complex. He did what he had to do to stop the great reset with the shut downs they had hinged on " vaccine development."
Also keep in mind that half or more of his followers never took and never will take the vaccines. Despite his coaxing. The people that took it were going to take it regardless of what Trump said because they were coerced with fear. Nothing Trump said was going to stop these people from taking it just like the lefts hatred for Trump didn't stop them from taking it numerous times despite Trump's support for it.
lol make em cope.
Sorry, but Trump fucked up here big time.
I think DJT realized: 1). How many people were being killed or injured every year by Big Pharma, the FDA, CDC, and the medical community via prescriptions, vaccines, expensive practices (cancer, labor and delivery, etc.), 2) intelligence informed DJT what was being planned by Big Pharma, our government, hospitals, business leaders and doctors in the form of various Pandemics and lock downs that would injure and eventually kill us, 3) DJT was also informed of FEMA camps where they fully expected to round up the unvaccinated and put them to force vaccinate, the hell with the Constitution. Then once their mass extermination took place with the willing and unwilling, the Cabal and its minions would starve the rest out by further crop pollution and control of food distribution, or freeze them out via control of fuel for cooking, heating and transportation. Those who did not comply would go to FEMA camps, be killed out right, or be deprived of food, heating and banking (cutting off their digital banking).
This article is useless. It only says why Trump needed to promote the creation of the vaccine, and completely ignores the real question of why Trump shilled for it.
Trump is very good with words. He could have promoted the vaccine in a way that still allowed the rest of us to believe he really didn't mean it. He didn't do this. He actively promoted it, told everyone it directly that it was safe and effective, and while he wasn't going to force it, he really wanted us to get it.
I believe there is a story that makes what Trump did understandable. He literally pushed people into a mine field when a less hands on approach would have accomplished the same thing.
This article merely rehashes old, worn out, and failed explanations. It provide no new clarity on the issue.
the question you gotta ask is why...
even with trump promoting it we didn't take it.
but i wonder if anyone didn't take it because trump was saying it was a good thing?
maybe he wasn't talking to us, maybe he was trying to save normies who hate him so much they wouldn't trust something he was promoting.
i'm sure someone did the math.
It was the lesser of two evils. Trump knew that 'their' plandemic would've caused years and years of lockdowns, mask mandates, vax passports which would lead to social credit passports, corp/company vax mandates, economic losses, unemployment, deaths/suicides, etc...on-and-on-and-on! Contamination-Quarantine (concentration) camps.
It would never stop. And the crazy Big Pharma vax and drug pushers would laugh and dance and make billions, year-after-year from all the adverse affects of the deadly vax! Big Pharma massive grants and Gov't funding which is all tax-payer dollars. All you have to do is look at China, Australia and New Zealand as examples!
It was reported the Big Pharma did not want to release the adverse affects for 75 years! That should tell you everything, right there! It's guilty by suppression and omission of the real facts and peer reviews by accredited doctors and viralogists! Plus it gave them a valid reason and nefarious agenda for mail-in ballots to cheat in the elections! Look where we are today with TWO fraudulent elections! 2020 & 2022!
Trump did the right thing and look at how the scamdemic-plandemic and the evil players have been exposed! Our natural immune systems combats this virus 97% of the time. For those with compromised immune systems, that ratio is at risk, but can be medically treated to lessen the risks. Taking that risky vax has now altered normal DNA and immune systems. It triggers all sorts of medical issues and even causes death!
TRUTH; Trump gave everyone the choice, vax or no vax.
Trump knows evil, Trump curbed the evil.
A man with a loaded gun gets in your car and tells you to drive. He thinks he's in control. What do you do? Push the accelerator to the floor.
As president, Trump had no choice but to respond to COVID; especially if this was designed as a bioweapon. Let's make that very clear.
OP, please also see the discussion here:
Despair is worse than useless; or, why Q was the opposite of Operation Trust
Logical Questions about Q
Also, please see this guide to understanding the Continuity of Government framework (there is no "Q BS" in this link) called "Devolution," whereby Trump (or Trump delegates) is still in control of certain aspects of the USG:
EDIT: Also, two questions for you, u/Annoyedwiththedevoid. If Q is an evil psyop 1and us Q-adherents are ineffective, why is Trump constantly RT'ing blatant Q memes? And, since that's absolutely 100% happening, why are so many patriots (especially those on PW) "immune" to "noticing" that?
Why are you asking me again? I already explained that I don't think those things. Or was that just a copy + paste ?
I am thinking they knew no other product would be able to compete with all the different stages He opened the door. Just look how media went out of their way to destroy all other alternative to moderna and pfizer even all these years after.
His tweets were blocked. About 20 of them telling is to look at hcq
Trump tweeted so many alternatives to takung the vaxx. Tweets that were withheld til now!
Depends on what you mean?
If he didn't Authorize money, he could be looked at as Anti Science.
HE also pushed multiple things like Hydroxychloriquin.
Maybe he was seeing if they would keep up certain things and remove certain things.
Trump kept Trying to highlight other forms of treatment. But the CDC took those alternative treatments off the table.
You know Trump was in charge of the CDC, right?
Was he? What if he fired any of them? "Trump wants us to die! Trump is suppressing science!" And then all the shills in Congress would have made a fire-proof health authority with dictatorial powers. Better to let them expose themselves as the heartless, brainless tools of Big Harma that they really are. Better to let them ruin their own authority, helped by an army of anonymous who can wage an underground resistance.
That's how so many more people found out who fuhrer Fauci really is.
Precisely. If he had gone scorched earth they simply would have used it to destroy him and likely gained even more authority of the roll out. People need to remember that a large portion of the population was going to take the vaccines regardless of what Trump did. These sheep would have been used to support destroying Trump for any actions he took in thwarting the medical industrial complex.
How could Congress have done anything with DJT having veto power as President? When has DJT ever been afraid of a fight?
You better review how things work in Congress. He didn't really have a majority in either house at that time, because of RINOs. Firing someone has nothing to do with vetos, those pertain to laws and can be overridden. His veto of a spending bill was overridden in Jan. 2021. Congress has a more powerful way of obstructing things by causing constant fights, investigations, leaks. 100% if he fired anyone at NIH it would have launched a medical dictatorship much worse than we had.
I didn't see him PUSHING the vaccine, but merely getting it ready and offering it. I've heard him say many times that it is our choice. He really had to get it down and take away the power from the left by neutering this "virus" they were using to shut everything down, destroy our economy, test the populace on their level of compliance, steal an election through "having to use mail-in ballots". This pandemic effort was meant to control the masses as the communists moved in to steal an election and implement communism on a compliant, unemployed, financially unstable public. He had to counter move.
I really don't see him so much pushing the vaxx, he left that to the state governors. But he did advocate for it as an option.
BQnita: I finally read the page you linked to, and it's GREAT. It includes two videos of Trump touting HCQ and other preventatives and treatments and lists the TWENTY-SIX TWEETS "in which Trump tried to tell humanity they don't need a vaccine, because there are safe and very effective drugs."
Lots more as well. Thank you for posting the article.
More like 8-10 years too soon.
No choice, counter moves. Question remains why did he keep telling people to take it at rallies? Despite everything mentioned here he did continue to say to take it, that he had and was fine…
Simple. Plausible deniability. Only logical path forward considering they're going to try and pin it all on him.
Trump and his people are still keeping too many things secret. Showing people and telling people are not mutually exclusive. In an age gone by, I did "show and tell" in grade school. It still works.
His hyper inflated ego demanded all "credit" go to him. Wasn't thinking far enough ahead, or didn't care about the blame aspect when the shit inevitably hits the fan. 65D chess, notwithstanding.
Dude’s not a scientist. I’m sure Fauci and Birx told him the clot shots were safe and effective and stopped the virus China created.
He knew they had already created the bio-weapon shots and were more than eager to force them on us when most of the population would take them but I believe it was pushed to soon just to oust POTUS.
If anything. We are not meant to blindly follow anyone. We need to learn that the officials have to represent our wishes, not their own.
We are not to support or much less follow anyone blindly, not even Trump.
Doesnt help those who have already died from the shot
I think Trump pushed the vaccine because "CORONA [OFFLINE]"
Trump didn’t push the vaccine, he offered the vaccine. There’s a huge difference.
I’m sure there’s some that I missing, but these people were pushing it. Like a drug dealer.
All Donald Trump day it was all for it, like any other president would’ve done during a pandemic.
He literally said, "everybody go get your shot" during his 2021 CPAC speech.
Do you have a link to that?
Here's a good mash up of some of the other times Trump's pushed it.
Trump has always been against the mandates and against children getting the vax. Regardless of his reasons (plausible deniability, to free us from the lockdowns, etc.) there was a time where he did encourage people to go out and get it.
He says… I believe in your freedoms, and he recommends.
That’s not pushing a vaccine.
Pushing a vaccine means…
A federal mandate You can’t go to school, You can’t go to work You can’t travel, You can’t grocery shop You can’t go to an event Etc.
Unless you’re vaccinated. That’s pushing a vaccine.
When somebody says that, they respect your freedoms, and your choice, and… Recommend something, that’s not pushing something.
Thanks for the link. I appreciate it.
Around the 28 min mark.
OK, that’s a little bit out of context. There’s a lot of things said before that that lead up to that comment, and it’s more in line with Joe Biden, getting his shot, but I wouldn’t say that to him pushing it. There’s a big difference between mentioning it, and shopping it up your ass 24 seven all day every day.
He had no choice but to continue to endorse it. When the try and pin this all on him in the fallout he can safely say he didn't know. Plausible deniability. He's a real estate mogul. Not a scientist. Only way to survive the fallout. Logical deduction.