They (Ukraine) are not winning....obviously... If we are supposed to believe the poorest nation in that region has the capability to beat Russia (really hard to type that without laughing) then the U.S., China, and everyone else should be deeply worried about Ukraine attacking them😂. Which would also mean that if Ukraine is stomping them they don't need anyone elses help. They are only still a country at tits point because it's Russia vs. NATO/world. And IF Ukraine is that threatening, wouldn't that mean Russia really isn't a threat to us?
Ukraine depleted almost all military assets mid last year.
***16 year plan to destroy America (per Q) *** states that one of the goals was to deplete the U.S. military assets and capability. Hillary was supposed to win and had she won I think an actual traditional world war would have happened.
Trump won. Fucked up their plan. I think Ukraine was an audible to still deplete our military strength.
[Rhetorical] I mean what the fuck are we even doing over there? This is Vietnam 2.0. No goals. No endgame. Just spend money, assets and lives till they feel like they're done playing Mao for a bit.
The OP is a complete faggot posting propaganda from The Hill.
The Hill makes Real Raw News look factual in comparison.
In reality, the Ukraine has recently been forced to admit that it is losing, badly. Refer to the article about Miss Lindsey throwing a tantrum (latest Tucker Carlson).
Given Moscow's proximity to Ukraine/borders and with them being in a corner --- them vs. Nato --- Moscow is probably comprehensively and heavily fortified.
No they wont. Thats ridiculous. Only we have the capabilities to take out an Abrahms. What they DO NOT HAVE are mechanics to maintain them. They break down all the time. The engine is a massive jet engine. I have seen dozens on them pulled while at Ft Knox in the 90s. They require service @ every 100 hours (300 miles). 15000 things can break in any one of the weapons systems, drive train, turret operation, targeting systems, comms, engine system, any one of 500 sensors.
They can send 1000 tanks. Without an army of mechanics to fix that shit they wont last 2 weeks.
100%. The terrain is not really the issue. What are they gonna do when that monster gets stuck skirt deep in the mud? They’re gonna need 1 M88 recovery track for every 3 tanks. At least.
Ever seen a tank stuck? I have. Sometimes it takes 2 recovery vehicles to pull those fukers out of the mud.
I’m with you. Where are the “‘70’s anti-war hippies?” Wasn’t a “conscientious objector” and did 2 ups in military and now seen the light. No purpose but to make the rich richer and the troops die unnecessarily but I think this WW3 is different and Europe and My good ole USA is in for a real Awakening.
"The difficulty in understanding the Russian is that we do not take cognizance of the fact that he is not a European but an Asiatic and therefore thinks deviously. We can no more understand a Russian than a Chinaman or a Japanese and, from what I’ve seen of them, I have no particular desire to understand them except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. In addition to his other amiable characteristics, the Russian has no regard for human life and is an all out son of a bitch, a barbarian, and a chronic drunk."
I wonder when Patton made this remark whether he was perhaps referring to the many Mongolians the bolsheviks recruited for the Red Army. The Mongolians were particularly barbaric, and quite unlike the native Russians.
There are Mongolian fighters in the Russian Military today. And Chechens. And let’s not forget the Wagners. These battalions reminds me of the Gurkha. They usually went bare footed and carried a Kukri. Fierce fighters.
It is a Private Military Group. Mercenaries. They do much of the fighting alongside the militias from the region. To this point this war hasnt really been fought by the regular Russian Army.
Only 20% of Russian Military have been engaged so far. The Wagners (Musicians) have fought in Syria too and some may still be there. The Wagners are working the Soledar, Bakhmut area atm. Pray for them. This video explains why they are fighting with such conviction.
They aren’t Regular Russian Army. At least not officially. Their technically a PMC or Private Military Company.
Russias usual “plausible deniability” Merc group. If Russia has geopolitical goals and or interests to meet in a contested area where they may run afoul of Western Troops and or can’t afford to be directly involved. They send those guys. Unofficially Wagner is almost exclusively Ex-Russian Military of the more Elite variety. Paratroopers, Spetsnaz etc.
Though they’ve reportedly branched into recruiting Penal Troops from Russian Prisons as well in recent months. If footage circulating on the web is any indication.
Although the Kremlin still officially denies any direct connections between the Wagner Group and the state, many believe its campaigns are coordinated with Russia's Defense Ministry.
The Wagner Group has been recruiting large numbers of prisoners for Putin's war in Ukraine and hiring in penal colonies in Russia, offering male prisoners commuted sentences and cash incentives in return for six months of military service in Ukraine.
And you must understand that Patton wrote this about the Russians as led by Joseph fucking Stalin who was led and put into position by the Ashkenazi. Today is not the same Russia.
Sorry homie. This was by far the dumbest thing I've read all day.
If you think Russia's showing signs of incompetence in this operation wait till I tell you about this war America was in for 20 years. Millions died and were displaced, governments overthrown, countries falling into chaos and we achieved LITERALLY nothing, fucked up our exit AND gave our LITERALLY ENEMY in the war all of our equipment, weapons and supplies which propped up our LITERAL ENEMY in the war into an entrenched and well equipped force now owned by China.
But yeah, Russia vs. Ukraine, NATO/the world, they're the dumb ones.
Wow. We're sending our 80s tech tanks to Ukraine to be destroyed by Russia and push even more towards WWIII due to meddling in Russias police action against your Nazi Azov and the hucksters that got you convinced Ukes aren't getting their asses demolished. Stupid.
So far they are kicking ass vs a country that not only has the backing of United States but also Western Europe. I find your perspective rather amusing due to the nature of your perspective. It makes no sense to me. Can you elaborate?
Dude you've got to stop being propagandized by western media. I.E. stop watching or listening to MSM, radio, commercials, pretty much everything broadcast with government approval. WAKE THE FUCK UP.
You bet! They've thrown out the Central Bank and are looking to build a gold backed currency. USA is Central Bank puppet. Why can't you see this? You support Nazis in Ukraine, one of the most corrupt countries in the world, a money laundering sink for Biden and the Globalists. Freedom fighters in Ukraine - a dictatorship installed by the CIA, where there is no freedom of the press, and the Russian language has been banned?
Who do you think gains from a weakened Russia? It's been US policy to ensure that no power dominates Eurasia. As of now, Russia and China keep each other in check. Without Russia China has free rein, and Russia will be gobble up by CCP. The big loser then is USA. He's not called China Joe for nothing. You're a fool.
They’re not free. They’re slaves to be used as cannon fodder by NATO/US/EU. Have you seen the reports of the death toll in and around Soledar and soon Bakhmut? Around 300 dead per day. Have you seen the klms of ukraine flags on graves? It is estimated 170,000 are KIA and watch the wives and mothers protest every week where they want answers as to where are their loved ones. 35,000 missing! These guys that your Nazi hero is dragging off the streets and throwing them to a meat grinder mean nothing to the Zelensky regime. Sad really. But if the Minsk Accords had been honoured instead of trashed there would be no war today.
What about the 16,000 Russian speaking people in the Donbas? Your brothers are responsible for genocide for 9 long years before Russia’s SMO. The killing of innocent civilians DELIBERATELY is a war crime and many that turned their back on the atrocities like Macron and Merkel as well as Zelensky will probably go before The Hague. In the meantime, Russia will take back what always was hers and Ukraine, the most corrupt country in Europe and possibly the world is being eyed off by Poland who want Liviv back. Ukraine will be just a rump with no sea access. But don’t blame Putin, he was just DENAZIFYING it to protect his people. Zelensky will be either put down like a dog by NATO/EU/US or he will flee to one of his luxurious homes, while Kiev will be levelled when the real war starts any day now.
The Russians have nearly established complete air superiority. The Ukrainian air defense system is on its last legs. Once that goes, Russia will send in the heavy bombers and do three things - take out the bridges across the Dnipro, take out all of the power substations used to step down their power from their remaining nuclear power plants and then carpet bomb any that make it to the front. Since Ukraine's rail system is almost exclusively electric, it will be come extremely difficult to move the equipment to the East or South. With the bridges out, they wouldn't be able to even if they had power.
Tanks without air cover are just expensive coffins.
I agree. These machines, operated by the crews that have trained for years in them are devastating. Of course that also includes close air support, and the countless highly skilled crews that keep all these high tech devices operating.
That's that close air support facet. I have been impressed by the performance of the Russian missiles. Also disappointed in the "intelligence" being shared over here.
Devastating against what? 1980s export model T72s run by iraqis?
This is 2020+ Russia. You know, they have different hardware. Air supremacy. Lots of artillery. And a lot of missiles. Not to mention, numbers + logistics.
I've seen video of a Ukr tank that surrendered. Had to advance with turret pointed aft and barrel elevated to max, wagging back and forth. Extremely odd. Russians held fire to investigate. Had to break the weld straps holding down the top hatch.
They must have known they wanted help. Those Ukrainians fighting for shillenzky seems evil to the core. I have seen them shoot civilians trying to leave the war zone. They shot a whole family at a checkpoint.
Troop morale is under water. They have posted video messages to all and sundry complaining of the lack of clothing, warmth, food, weapons, ammo, equipment, and commanding officers (who abandon them) and refuse to enter combat under such conditions. Some messages warn / threaten the political power in Kiev that they should seek to become PoWs under the Russians and be safe in cells, as otherwise when the Ukr troops return to Kiev they will execute the political leadership.
A distinction needs to be made between the regular Army troops, self-knowing they are merely cannon fodder, and the Azov battalion types who are homicidal fanatics, delegated to shoot any "deserters" on sight. They also conduct grisly executions of PoWs.
My main source is Intel_Slava_Z on Telegram. That's where I read the account of the surrender. Most of the videos are "day in the life," but sometimes quite grim. If you simply watch and digest and "read between the lines," I think you will see that it does not support the "Russians are losing" narrative. It is frankly funded by Russia, but I have seen no overt propaganda, and they source Ukrainian material as much as they can manage. I used to monitor Geopolitics on Telegram (more and broader information), but lately it cannot be viewed unless one has joined Telegram. Check up on YouTube interviews and podcasts by Colonel Douglas MacGregor and by Gonzalo Lira. There may be better sources out there. I think the anon named "MatildaJ" is well-connected.
Watch all the videos of 10-12 year old boys and older men being grabbed and thrown into vans to be shipped off to “war”…. The Ukie military is basically deceased/decimated. Thepaid mercs and the non-trained are doing the fighting. The wealthy Ukies are in neighboring countries partying like nothing is happening.
Russian forces are annihilating the Ukrainian military.
Do you know how big Ukraine is?
Do you really think (and I'm being generous here) 200 modern tanks will make a difference?
They have NO air superiority.
They're fucked from the start.
Russia has tons of planes. 1100 fighters
300 bombers 1100 choppers, that’s just what google will tell you. They didn’t shoot them all down not a chance in the world, that doesn’t include the high tech secret aircraft.
I never claimed they all got shot down. I said that WHEN they fly over the front lines they are getting shot down... so they essentially are not being flown, other than to fire missiles from a distance.
The notion that Russian planes have complete dominance over Ukrainian air space is totally false. They're launching missiles from a vast distance, it is why Ukraine is begging for anti air systems specialize in intercepting missiles.
It’s NOT the Russians that are dying, it’s the Ukraine/NATO forces. With the current battle in Soledar and Bakhmut, it is estimated around 300 Ukrainians are being killed per day. Also, according to Colonel DouglasMacGregor, Ukraine have lost around 170,000 Kia and there are around 35,000 missing. Russia has lost around 17,000.
Douglas McGregor said the entire war would last a day.
Then in March he said it would be over in 10 days, then a month later... 2 weeks. Constantly insisting Ukraine was on the brink of collapse and Russia was doing great.
The guy is a clown and on the payroll of Russian State media.
Probably because Germany said yes on sending their Leopard II tanks earlier this morning. So of course the US doesn’t want to be out on sending more weapons and money to Ukraine too! Launder launder. These people are idiots.
LOL!! You fucking moron, Russia has all but take that rathole of a fake country! Now Russia will own a bunch of the US's best front line tanks! I hope Russia takes every one of them out with the Javelins they captured. Russia is now going to do a FULL mobilization, so congratulations on amping this shit up.
Russia in an instant can put 1.5million troops on the play field. At present only 20% of Russian Military have been anywhere near the front line. Most fighting has been done by the Donetsk and Luhansk Militias, the Chechens, and PMC Wagner. They recently had a mobilisation of 300,000 RESERVISTS- an extra 200,000 without any documentation fronted army recruitment centres wanting to join. The Mobilisation NEVER CLOSED.
From a PMC Wagner fighter.
I am a Warrior. I protect our citizens from the enemy.
Russia will fully mobilize the second a US or German Tank arrives in Ukraine. They will just over run what's left of Ukraine and take it all, and NATO won't do a damn thing about it. I think NATO is afraid of Russia and knows full on war will absolutely destroy Europe. Russia has ZERO to lose and all to gain.
Russia is fighting for its existence and the Russian people know that. They are 100% behind Putin. One of the Donbas leaders said the other day (paraphrased). We are fighting ungodly satanic worshipping demons. When they die they will go to hell. When we die we will go home to be with our Heavenly Father. The Russians have a deep faith in God. The doco I posted yesterday explains the deep faith those fighting for Russia have. One PMC Wagner fighter said, some come here atheists but after awhile they realise there is something bigger they cannot explain (paraphrase).
Rumor has it that the "billions" in aid we are sending to Ukraine is actually in the form of equipment, not dollar bills. Obsolete equipment, that is. The m1 Abrams has gone through many revisions. So many that the first gen Abrams is virtually obsolete. I'm assuming we're talking about our warehoused junkers. And if that actually is the case, we would actually be " sabotaging" the Ukraine army so to speak. On top of that, what if they're fitted with tracking devices?
People who post things such as this I have never operated or in person seen such tools. Yes, tanks are tools. When you put the tool in the hands of somebody who does not know what they are doing with it, no matter how high-quality the tool is, they will not succeed.
The Russians are not getting stomped. Highly doubtful
They (Ukraine) are not winning....obviously... If we are supposed to believe the poorest nation in that region has the capability to beat Russia (really hard to type that without laughing) then the U.S., China, and everyone else should be deeply worried about Ukraine attacking them😂. Which would also mean that if Ukraine is stomping them they don't need anyone elses help. They are only still a country at tits point because it's Russia vs. NATO/world. And IF Ukraine is that threatening, wouldn't that mean Russia really isn't a threat to us?
Ukraine depleted almost all military assets mid last year.
***16 year plan to destroy America (per Q) *** states that one of the goals was to deplete the U.S. military assets and capability. Hillary was supposed to win and had she won I think an actual traditional world war would have happened.
Trump won. Fucked up their plan. I think Ukraine was an audible to still deplete our military strength.
[Rhetorical] I mean what the fuck are we even doing over there? This is Vietnam 2.0. No goals. No endgame. Just spend money, assets and lives till they feel like they're done playing Mao for a bit.
Thank you. That was a great write up using great logic.
Yep, quality posts frm quality anons is what we do.
Patriots in control, Rus is Patriotski comrades fighting in the heart of (our) battle v human trafficking... and laundering & so much more
The OP is a complete faggot posting propaganda from The Hill.
The Hill makes Real Raw News look factual in comparison.
In reality, the Ukraine has recently been forced to admit that it is losing, badly. Refer to the article about Miss Lindsey throwing a tantrum (latest Tucker Carlson).
Very True.
Like what in the actual fuck. That is just absolutely crazy to me
Russia is a threat to us because of their nuclear arsenal, not necessarily their conventional military.
That is 1990-2000s thinking.
2020+ Russian armed forces are the best in the world when it comes to continental warfare.
CONTINENTAL warfare. Not the expeditionary east india company crap vs turd worlders the "us military" (cabal enforcement arm) does.
This is like Vietnam 4.0 at this point.
You can bet your a$$
Given Moscow's proximity to Ukraine/borders and with them being in a corner --- them vs. Nato --- Moscow is probably comprehensively and heavily fortified.
No they wont. Thats ridiculous. Only we have the capabilities to take out an Abrahms. What they DO NOT HAVE are mechanics to maintain them. They break down all the time. The engine is a massive jet engine. I have seen dozens on them pulled while at Ft Knox in the 90s. They require service @ every 100 hours (300 miles). 15000 things can break in any one of the weapons systems, drive train, turret operation, targeting systems, comms, engine system, any one of 500 sensors.
They can send 1000 tanks. Without an army of mechanics to fix that shit they wont last 2 weeks.
Wait, my PlayStation controller won’t work?
Oh i wish i could be there to see the disappointment on the faces of the soy boys who became a mercenary to LARP on a real battlefield.
If by taken out you mean sold to a third party, I agree.
Those tanks will be available in the black market soon. Russia will buy them.
Watch Craigslist….
15 gallons to startup abrams, 0.7 miles per gallon (if I recall numbers correctly). Tank that is usually lifted instead of started, breaks easily.
That overseas war is artillery war, abrams plan does not make any fking sense, unless they want them destroyed just like M777 and other stuff.
Can we send Stacy Abrams instead?
I second the nomination.
I've heard she can propel frozen corn through the gap in her teeth wicked fast.
This one might actually be effective
100%. The terrain is not really the issue. What are they gonna do when that monster gets stuck skirt deep in the mud? They’re gonna need 1 M88 recovery track for every 3 tanks. At least.
Ever seen a tank stuck? I have. Sometimes it takes 2 recovery vehicles to pull those fukers out of the mud.
By the time they get there the ground will be thawing.
They want them destroyed. The goal is to deplete us. That's why we left equipment in Afghanistan.
And while it will run on a lot of different types of fuel, unless you use JetA it requires a complete overhaul afterwards. They are not cheap to run
Also 70 tons on east european roads/bridges.
Ask ze Germans how well the tigers/elefants/konigstigers did there.
I guess the modern nazis have to learn the lesson again.
I’m with you. Where are the “‘70’s anti-war hippies?” Wasn’t a “conscientious objector” and did 2 ups in military and now seen the light. No purpose but to make the rich richer and the troops die unnecessarily but I think this WW3 is different and Europe and My good ole USA is in for a real Awakening.
They all have transgender grandkids now
Lol you may be right.
My sympathies to any active duty US military ensnared in this awful thing.
It’s probable they’re thoroughly indoctrinated against Ru.
They became wall street banksters, took 12 boosters, wear 15 masks and support the current thing.
I.e. they were hypocrites all along. Service to self.
"They'll all burn the same"
I saw that. Was that Lavrov or Medvedev. Both tell it like it is.
General George motherfucking S Patton:
"The difficulty in understanding the Russian is that we do not take cognizance of the fact that he is not a European but an Asiatic and therefore thinks deviously. We can no more understand a Russian than a Chinaman or a Japanese and, from what I’ve seen of them, I have no particular desire to understand them except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. In addition to his other amiable characteristics, the Russian has no regard for human life and is an all out son of a bitch, a barbarian, and a chronic drunk."
I wonder when Patton made this remark whether he was perhaps referring to the many Mongolians the bolsheviks recruited for the Red Army. The Mongolians were particularly barbaric, and quite unlike the native Russians.
There are Mongolian fighters in the Russian Military today. And Chechens. And let’s not forget the Wagners. These battalions reminds me of the Gurkha. They usually went bare footed and carried a Kukri. Fierce fighters.
Who are the wagners? I heard that battalion name b4
It is a Private Military Group. Mercenaries. They do much of the fighting alongside the militias from the region. To this point this war hasnt really been fought by the regular Russian Army.
Only 20% of Russian Military have been engaged so far. The Wagners (Musicians) have fought in Syria too and some may still be there. The Wagners are working the Soledar, Bakhmut area atm. Pray for them. This video explains why they are fighting with such conviction.
They aren’t Regular Russian Army. At least not officially. Their technically a PMC or Private Military Company.
Russias usual “plausible deniability” Merc group. If Russia has geopolitical goals and or interests to meet in a contested area where they may run afoul of Western Troops and or can’t afford to be directly involved. They send those guys. Unofficially Wagner is almost exclusively Ex-Russian Military of the more Elite variety. Paratroopers, Spetsnaz etc.
Though they’ve reportedly branched into recruiting Penal Troops from Russian Prisons as well in recent months. If footage circulating on the web is any indication.
Although the Kremlin still officially denies any direct connections between the Wagner Group and the state, many believe its campaigns are coordinated with Russia's Defense Ministry.
The Wagner Group has been recruiting large numbers of prisoners for Putin's war in Ukraine and hiring in penal colonies in Russia, offering male prisoners commuted sentences and cash incentives in return for six months of military service in Ukraine.
Probably. Referring to the Cossacks sent in to rape Berlin. They'd crap in the apartments and had never seen a flush toilet.
Genghis Kahn enters the chat
And you must understand that Patton wrote this about the Russians as led by Joseph fucking Stalin who was led and put into position by the Ashkenazi. Today is not the same Russia.
Ashke-nazi Jews you say?
What an absolute fucking racist.
What makes you think the Ruskies don’t have counter measures for this tank?
Cause of their incompetent performance in the war thus far.
Put the crack pipe down, son
Sorry homie. This was by far the dumbest thing I've read all day.
If you think Russia's showing signs of incompetence in this operation wait till I tell you about this war America was in for 20 years. Millions died and were displaced, governments overthrown, countries falling into chaos and we achieved LITERALLY nothing, fucked up our exit AND gave our LITERALLY ENEMY in the war all of our equipment, weapons and supplies which propped up our LITERAL ENEMY in the war into an entrenched and well equipped force now owned by China.
But yeah, Russia vs. Ukraine, NATO/the world, they're the dumb ones.
Wow. We're sending our 80s tech tanks to Ukraine to be destroyed by Russia and push even more towards WWIII due to meddling in Russias police action against your Nazi Azov and the hucksters that got you convinced Ukes aren't getting their asses demolished. Stupid.
So far they are kicking ass vs a country that not only has the backing of United States but also Western Europe. I find your perspective rather amusing due to the nature of your perspective. It makes no sense to me. Can you elaborate?
Dude you've got to stop being propagandized by western media. I.E. stop watching or listening to MSM, radio, commercials, pretty much everything broadcast with government approval. WAKE THE FUCK UP.
I hate the MSM and propagandists. I love my freedom fighting brothers and sisters in Ukraine. But you're cheering for Putin, congrats
You bet! They've thrown out the Central Bank and are looking to build a gold backed currency. USA is Central Bank puppet. Why can't you see this? You support Nazis in Ukraine, one of the most corrupt countries in the world, a money laundering sink for Biden and the Globalists. Freedom fighters in Ukraine - a dictatorship installed by the CIA, where there is no freedom of the press, and the Russian language has been banned?
Who do you think gains from a weakened Russia? It's been US policy to ensure that no power dominates Eurasia. As of now, Russia and China keep each other in check. Without Russia China has free rein, and Russia will be gobble up by CCP. The big loser then is USA. He's not called China Joe for nothing. You're a fool.
Well said.
The hundreds of dead Ukrainian children that have been bombed would probably say that Putin is the "authoritarian"
They’re not free. They’re slaves to be used as cannon fodder by NATO/US/EU. Have you seen the reports of the death toll in and around Soledar and soon Bakhmut? Around 300 dead per day. Have you seen the klms of ukraine flags on graves? It is estimated 170,000 are KIA and watch the wives and mothers protest every week where they want answers as to where are their loved ones. 35,000 missing! These guys that your Nazi hero is dragging off the streets and throwing them to a meat grinder mean nothing to the Zelensky regime. Sad really. But if the Minsk Accords had been honoured instead of trashed there would be no war today.
What about the 16,000 Russian speaking people in the Donbas? Your brothers are responsible for genocide for 9 long years before Russia’s SMO. The killing of innocent civilians DELIBERATELY is a war crime and many that turned their back on the atrocities like Macron and Merkel as well as Zelensky will probably go before The Hague. In the meantime, Russia will take back what always was hers and Ukraine, the most corrupt country in Europe and possibly the world is being eyed off by Poland who want Liviv back. Ukraine will be just a rump with no sea access. But don’t blame Putin, he was just DENAZIFYING it to protect his people. Zelensky will be either put down like a dog by NATO/EU/US or he will flee to one of his luxurious homes, while Kiev will be levelled when the real war starts any day now.
Send the Abrams to the US. Mexican border as a deterent!
Nah man, aim true, kill a couple drug smugglers we know they’re out there.
I'm losing track of how many layers deep the bullshit is at this point.
I see what you did there.
The Russians aren't getting stomped lmao, you watching the news or something?
The Russians have nearly established complete air superiority. The Ukrainian air defense system is on its last legs. Once that goes, Russia will send in the heavy bombers and do three things - take out the bridges across the Dnipro, take out all of the power substations used to step down their power from their remaining nuclear power plants and then carpet bomb any that make it to the front. Since Ukraine's rail system is almost exclusively electric, it will be come extremely difficult to move the equipment to the East or South. With the bridges out, they wouldn't be able to even if they had power.
Tanks without air cover are just expensive coffins.
they would need US troops to operate them.
I agree. These machines, operated by the crews that have trained for years in them are devastating. Of course that also includes close air support, and the countless highly skilled crews that keep all these high tech devices operating.
They'll probably just sell them
Checking eBay...
That's that close air support facet. I have been impressed by the performance of the Russian missiles. Also disappointed in the "intelligence" being shared over here.
Devastating against what? 1980s export model T72s run by iraqis?
This is 2020+ Russia. You know, they have different hardware. Air supremacy. Lots of artillery. And a lot of missiles. Not to mention, numbers + logistics.
100% perfectly said.
...yeah, about that... move along, nothing to see here but a bunch of "mercenaries"...
And minutes to be captured or destroyed!
Not to mention no Ukrainian conscripts are just going to jump into an M1 and know how to operate it.
No competent air power to support these tanks means what?
There have been reports that they are often welded into the tanks. Be sorry for the poor Ukrainians grabbed off the streets and pressganged.
If that is true. That is beyond cruel. May tho souls have peace.
I've seen video of a Ukr tank that surrendered. Had to advance with turret pointed aft and barrel elevated to max, wagging back and forth. Extremely odd. Russians held fire to investigate. Had to break the weld straps holding down the top hatch.
They must have known they wanted help. Those Ukrainians fighting for shillenzky seems evil to the core. I have seen them shoot civilians trying to leave the war zone. They shot a whole family at a checkpoint.
Troop morale is under water. They have posted video messages to all and sundry complaining of the lack of clothing, warmth, food, weapons, ammo, equipment, and commanding officers (who abandon them) and refuse to enter combat under such conditions. Some messages warn / threaten the political power in Kiev that they should seek to become PoWs under the Russians and be safe in cells, as otherwise when the Ukr troops return to Kiev they will execute the political leadership.
A distinction needs to be made between the regular Army troops, self-knowing they are merely cannon fodder, and the Azov battalion types who are homicidal fanatics, delegated to shoot any "deserters" on sight. They also conduct grisly executions of PoWs.
Where can I look for such videos? Any certain website posting random nuggets?
My main source is Intel_Slava_Z on Telegram. That's where I read the account of the surrender. Most of the videos are "day in the life," but sometimes quite grim. If you simply watch and digest and "read between the lines," I think you will see that it does not support the "Russians are losing" narrative. It is frankly funded by Russia, but I have seen no overt propaganda, and they source Ukrainian material as much as they can manage. I used to monitor Geopolitics on Telegram (more and broader information), but lately it cannot be viewed unless one has joined Telegram. Check up on YouTube interviews and podcasts by Colonel Douglas MacGregor and by Gonzalo Lira. There may be better sources out there. I think the anon named "MatildaJ" is well-connected.
Watch all the videos of 10-12 year old boys and older men being grabbed and thrown into vans to be shipped off to “war”…. The Ukie military is basically deceased/decimated. Thepaid mercs and the non-trained are doing the fighting. The wealthy Ukies are in neighboring countries partying like nothing is happening.
The videos of the kids are heartbreaking. They are around 13 or 14. They look sad and lost.
sitting ducks without air power 30 seconds life expectancy. Linette Graham needs to sit in a turret while we watch him blown to pieces
Stomped? Russian forces are annihilating the Ukrainian military. Do you know how big Ukraine is? Do you really think (and I'm being generous here) 200 modern tanks will make a difference? They have NO air superiority. They're fucked from the start.
Neither do the Russians. Both sides planes get shot down when they cross the front.
It's a trench war right now.
Russia has tons of planes. 1100 fighters 300 bombers 1100 choppers, that’s just what google will tell you. They didn’t shoot them all down not a chance in the world, that doesn’t include the high tech secret aircraft.
I never claimed they all got shot down. I said that WHEN they fly over the front lines they are getting shot down... so they essentially are not being flown, other than to fire missiles from a distance.
The notion that Russian planes have complete dominance over Ukrainian air space is totally false. They're launching missiles from a vast distance, it is why Ukraine is begging for anti air systems specialize in intercepting missiles.
It’s NOT the Russians that are dying, it’s the Ukraine/NATO forces. With the current battle in Soledar and Bakhmut, it is estimated around 300 Ukrainians are being killed per day. Also, according to Colonel DouglasMacGregor, Ukraine have lost around 170,000 Kia and there are around 35,000 missing. Russia has lost around 17,000.
Douglas McGregor said the entire war would last a day.
Then in March he said it would be over in 10 days, then a month later... 2 weeks. Constantly insisting Ukraine was on the brink of collapse and Russia was doing great.
The guy is a clown and on the payroll of Russian State media.
War is fluid.
Why do Nazi sympathisers always offer up the most inane excuses? Because they have big mouths rather than great intellect.
No. NATO/US/EU said that.
Probably because Germany said yes on sending their Leopard II tanks earlier this morning. So of course the US doesn’t want to be out on sending more weapons and money to Ukraine too! Launder launder. These people are idiots.
Seems the reason that the US is pushing Germany to give Ukraine their tanks is so America can them SELL them Abrams.
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OP is in dreamland. Keep dreaming😂😂😂
Russians aren't losing, that's a lie by the communist media.
Russia is about to test its current gen hardware against 1991 gulf war stock ran by illiterate conscripts. Lol
Send Stacey Abrams
she is the size of a tank after all
Ukraine must have some damn good blackmail on the Bidens and others.
How does the President have sole authority to do this? Doesn’t congress play a role? Isn’t mCarthy under control of Trump?
They had better send plenty of tanker trucks too.
LOL!! You fucking moron, Russia has all but take that rathole of a fake country! Now Russia will own a bunch of the US's best front line tanks! I hope Russia takes every one of them out with the Javelins they captured. Russia is now going to do a FULL mobilization, so congratulations on amping this shit up.
Russia in an instant can put 1.5million troops on the play field. At present only 20% of Russian Military have been anywhere near the front line. Most fighting has been done by the Donetsk and Luhansk Militias, the Chechens, and PMC Wagner. They recently had a mobilisation of 300,000 RESERVISTS- an extra 200,000 without any documentation fronted army recruitment centres wanting to join. The Mobilisation NEVER CLOSED.
From a PMC Wagner fighter.
I am a Warrior. I protect our citizens from the enemy.
Godly men fighting an ungodly enemy.
Russia will fully mobilize the second a US or German Tank arrives in Ukraine. They will just over run what's left of Ukraine and take it all, and NATO won't do a damn thing about it. I think NATO is afraid of Russia and knows full on war will absolutely destroy Europe. Russia has ZERO to lose and all to gain.
Russia is fighting for its existence and the Russian people know that. They are 100% behind Putin. One of the Donbas leaders said the other day (paraphrased). We are fighting ungodly satanic worshipping demons. When they die they will go to hell. When we die we will go home to be with our Heavenly Father. The Russians have a deep faith in God. The doco I posted yesterday explains the deep faith those fighting for Russia have. One PMC Wagner fighter said, some come here atheists but after awhile they realise there is something bigger they cannot explain (paraphrase).
I’ll believe it when I see video of the Ukrainian Nazi’s picking off Russian tanks with their new shiny Abrams on the battlefield.
You might be waiting a while. You will see video of smoking tanks with dead crews with 3 days training, though.
Russian still have nice subs,I hear.....
And their latest sub. is sitting in the North Atlantic midway between Morocco and the US east coast.
I think at this point I support putin in his defense of his people and country. Ima sit this one out.
Ukraine wouldn't need this much aid if they were winning.
Also Ukraine is the most corrupt place on earth.
Any and all of our enemies supports them. You would have to be retarded to support the hive of corruption
They are sending everything trump built up including our reserve petro.
Damn Straight! Trump is still a friend of the US military and his efforts are making Putin pay
Rumor has it that the "billions" in aid we are sending to Ukraine is actually in the form of equipment, not dollar bills. Obsolete equipment, that is. The m1 Abrams has gone through many revisions. So many that the first gen Abrams is virtually obsolete. I'm assuming we're talking about our warehoused junkers. And if that actually is the case, we would actually be " sabotaging" the Ukraine army so to speak. On top of that, what if they're fitted with tracking devices?
“Literal death machines”
Cringe title op
Every asset used in war can be considered muh literal death machine
People who post things such as this I have never operated or in person seen such tools. Yes, tanks are tools. When you put the tool in the hands of somebody who does not know what they are doing with it, no matter how high-quality the tool is, they will not succeed.
How is Russia ignoring our proxy war?
M1 A's the old ones good but not top of the line.
Send Stacy instead
They will have no air support.