I feel like we are just coming over the top of the first hill of this roller coaster.
Sort of an odd feeling. Sitting here sipping coffee on a quiet Sunday morning, and thinking about how many tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of people are in a dead panic about this situation. The vast majority of those who will be truly hurt are average Janes and Joes working at startups, paying bills, doing the American thing... but no more, as their startup will have to stop due to all of its operating cash suddenly being gone.
And what will the ripple effect be? As I look out the window down the street, I feel like I am just waiting to see the effects wash down the street like a flood.
If there is no bailout just remember it is because they do not want there to be a bailout, and the resulting narrative and forthcoming legislation (already written and waiting for years) will undoubtedly require average Americans to forego additional freedoms (cashless society - CBDC) under the guise of ‘fixing the problem’.
Sorry for the spoiler but I’ve been watching these movies for almost 50 years and they all end the same.
And was the escalator descent a shot across the bow or a FF Pearl Harbor.? Who can be sure what movie we are watching and who is directing.? I Frankly don’t give a shit anymore and am hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. What else can you do at this point. God speed anons!
"Trump is controlled opp" is one of the least sensical theories given how they already nearly had it in the bag and just had to install Killary. Creating MAGA and un-demoralizing so many people just makes no sense.
Nothing is set in stone just yet, our company will have more news on it tomorrow to see if our accounts will be made full but no matter what I am ready for whatever. It's so awesome cause ever since I regained my faith, I have been given everything I could ever need.
If I lost what I have now, I know God just has something better waiting for me. I will consider making a post depending on what happens further. We will see fren.
I appreciate that and I do hope I can ever be of any help to keep the line strong here. I really love this site and reminds me everyday that I am not alone. Thank you for the response as well fren.
I have been out of a job and this could wreak further havoc in what has been a tough market for me. But I came to terms with that type couple of weeks ago. This is in God's hands and I am just praying I hear his direction. (Oh, I have minor panic attacks, but trying my best to keep the faith.)
ImaSudeDeNym is right. It irritates me to see people here on this forum smacking their lips at the prospect of massive bank failures. This isn't a video game. It won't be the Deep State suffering. It will be you and me and millions of ordinary people, including MAGA voters.
If you can find anyone old enough to remember it, ask them about the Great Depression. And stop cheerleading for disasters.
I don't understand the excitement and glee that some people seem to hold for the utter collapse of society.
Sometimes I wonder if they're just bored and imagining the collapse of society is some sort of fan fiction role playing type of thing to them. Or if they hate the DS so much they're willing to burn down the world with every one in it, including them. 🤷♀️
I understand that it's going to happen one way or the other.
I'm not questioning that it will happen.
But it's going to be a very horrible thing to actually live through.
And there are some people who are acting like kids heading to the candyshop over it.
Edited to add:
I've been trying to find a way to express my take on this and the closest thing I can think of is comparing it to living in the UK during WW2.
You know that it's happening. You understand the need for it to happen. But you also understand it's going to cause much suffering and death. Mainly of innocents.
God will always provide pede. I hope one day those minor panic attacks will completely leave you, I know my anxiety levels are close to nothing ever since I really began following Him.
No matter what happens we will all be taken care of. I hope you know that fren.
we appreciate your willing sacrifice and selflessness fren. what type of job will you lose? directly work for the bank or a business that lost all its assets?
I am in data, if you know what that is, but I don't work for a bank but rather a company that kept every single cent in the SVB.
I know there is talks of being made whole going on so I will know this week if that is true or not. Either way, I am more than willing to be hit if it comes down to it. The world needs to change.
You took the words out of my mouth! I am sipping coffee (and eating plain yogurt with berries and bacon). I explain my calmness on God. I feel blessed in my faith in the Good Lord, Almighty.
If you were my neighbor, you would be telling me, I am stuffed, I can't eat another bite! We always have bacon here, ready to go. I bake a good pound or two first thing in the morning.
Only thing, though, I haven't figured out how to keep my smoke alarm going off each time. I'm not burning it, but it gets smoky in my house when I use parchment paper.
One person told me to use a rack over a pan with water for the grease to drip into, but that is just sacrilege to waste good bacon grease.
It does splatter a lot, at least for me. And regularly sets off smoke alarms. I use portable fans and open windows when I make it.
And I clean my oven a couple times a month because I'm a messy cook.
I put the bacon on a quarter sheet pan I got from a restaurant supply store. Uncovered. It's edges are tall enough the grease doesn't spill out of it. Line the pan with parchment paper so it doesn't stick.
Put in a cold oven. Then set to 375F. Bacon grease burns and smokes like hell at 400f.
In my oven, at 20 minutes I pull the pans, drain the grease into my bacon grease can (it's liquid gold) and flip all the bacon over.
Put back into the oven for maybe 5 minutes checking constantly. It can go from still kind of raw looking to burnt in under a minute, so keep an eye on it.
My oven is old and crappy and not convection. So it's kind of a trial and error thing to get the timing down. The thickness of the bacon also increases the cooking time, the thicker it is.
But starting the bacon straight from the fridge into a cold (not pre-heated) oven is what gives me the best results. And watching it like a hawk the last few minutes.
Me too! I will not cook bacon on the stove anymore. One of my daughters likes doing it, so I leave that to her! Usually it is pepper bacon that we cook on the stove.
I also explain my calmness on God, also being too busy and preoccupied on many other things to be worried about the bank situation, and having less than 250k in my accounts, so even if my banks gets impacted, my money's still insured.
I was thinking the same thing. How many people right now are panicking, and I am sitting here, calmly drinking tea and thinking about what I am going to do today. It's supposed to be a nice day, so church, getting neighborhood kids over here to play... what should I make for lunch? stuff like that. Meanwhile, people involved in this bank are panicking and people who will be at the next bank(s) are starting to feel the panic.
I feel for the Janes and Joes, but not the climate deniers, virtue signalers, and crooks.
Well said, and my current plan as well. Thinking I may need to convert even more saving to metals and pull the rest out of the bank. The imminent "bail in" where banks start using our money to pay their debts is going to gut people. I'm done with them playing with my money, even if it is all fake fiat shit at this point.
... and trusting that the Lord will look after His people throughout these turbulent times. Looking forward to His soon coming. God bless you & yours..........MJ
I am doing this too. I am donating many items I cannot use and family/friends do not want. Making room for what I want/need to weather the incoming storm. Wishing everyone here a wonderful Sunday.
I shop at home for groceries now. Need another jar of peanut butter? Go to storage. Need macaroni? Go to storage. It's great not having to go to the grocery store all the time.
My wife got a solar lit wind chime as the door prize at a meeting the other day. She wanted me to hang it up on the front porch. I went to the garage and got a package of small hooks so old they were priced 39 cents. If I need wood for something, I go to the garage. It's like that for so many things.
We've also been selling things we don't need in yard sales, or donating them to thrift stores.
yes^ that's what we do too, have grandkids & a big house, so we pretend like we're going to the store when we go to the pantry room (old bedroom full of food) husband thinks I'm crazy, but funny he doesn't complain when I can find good snacks without leaving the house;)
another fun challenge is to make something different with what we have/like those cooking shows. have come up with some good & cheap recipes.
"Mandy In The Making" has good recipes on YouTube, and she and her husband are funny as well. "Appalachia's Homestead with Patara" has some cooking, but Patara also shows how to take care of animals and talks about the current "situation." She has to talk "in code" about some of the things we all know about. She's a hoot. Her husband rarely talks, but he's sensible and funny sometimes.
The windchimes have plastic hummingbirds that glow at night and change colors. I installed it yesterday. I was surprised when I saw it changing colors last night. It's a generic Chinese thing from Amazon, not even a brand name on the box, just "Wind Chimes."
thanks! the channels sound perfect. was obsessed with little house books growing up/love learning about the simple life, anything to stay away from 'them'🤖😉
& humingbirds/changing colors would fit right in; little house with a bit of the 70s. remember big solar talk back then.
My wife has been using some of my garage shelves for food storage. I was annoyed at first but having months of supplies is amazing.
And as for using them, she’s been like a different woman the last year or two. Some of the dinners she whips up are amazing! Not sure if it’s her being an oma two times over now or she’s sneaking recipe surfing but damn great things coming from the kitchen!
that's great to hear:) especially that you appreciate it & she can see what's going on out there.
still a bit worried, that mine can't see the 'big' picture behind prepping, but I have to keep going on. maybe the banks failing will clear the fog.
and I think the cooking 'restrictions' helps us to be more creative/my food is better too. made one of the best suppers with a can of VegAll & pie crust, even tasted like it had chicken in it.
I would also recommend finding a skill or stockpiling items for bartering.
(Edited to add: I'm not speaking solely/specifically to you, OP, who has already said you are developing/using important skills like gardening. This is just me speaking to anyone reading this.
I'm a very sloppy writer, sorry.)
In a TEOTWAWKI event, I personally don't see people using silver/gold much for everyday use. And in that, I see things like old gold/silver jewelry and old silver coins (old circulated silver dimes/quarters, NOT collectible stuff) being used, and not the silver/gold bars many people are investing in.
The gold/silver bars will come in much later, to re-establish wealth, when society starts to rebuild. How long "later" is, is debatable. I personally think it will be years.
In the meantime, instead of fiat money, I think people will fall back on skills and consumables. Obviously basic nursing skills will be useful. As well as mechanical and engineering skills.
But don't underestimate practical life skills like cooking and gardening and canning and sewing and knowing which wild plants are safe/useful and which are not. Being able to do and teach these skills will be useful. Even small things like knowing how to give a decent haircut will be handy.
These types of basic skills are easy and free to learn by pretty much anyone. And a much better use of time than watching reruns of The Bachelor or whatever it is people do to waste time. And can be used now, before anything life changing happens. And even in the case that nothing we expect to happen comes to be, they will still enrich your life (and save money doing it).
Also stockpiling items people will want/need in order to barter will be important. In that, I think things like booze, smokes, OTC medications (advil/tylenol/pepto/exlax,etc...) would be good to have. Seeds for food gardening. Fishing hooks,lures,line,etc....
Anything you see that is cheap and useful, maybe buy a few extra and put them away strictly for barter.
From what I read around here, I'm getting the impression that many people are leaning hard on the silver/gold they're investing in, and I worry that many anons are going to have a rough go in the time it takes society to get back to the point where large(ish) amounts of silver/gold will be important.
Yes, but most of the depositors had more than the FDIC limit. Plus the FDIC doesn't have unlimited assets. We've had a number of bank failures recently, with more to come. The FDIC won't be able to reimburse everybody, even for part of their lost deposits.
And Ms. Yellen has never told a fib? There will be a bailout because the elites cannot have minions with excess cash in their accounts. That cash needs to be funneled back to the elites somehow and what better way than a bailout. She might say no, but her masters will say yes.
Patriots are in control, so do they have any 'masters' left?
just wondering because there are lots of snake mentions in this movie...cut the head off a snake and it's over, just have to clean up. I'm hoping that's what is going on here. head of the snake is long gone.
President Trump calls it the invisible enemy & Q says its it 'invisible enemy of all humanity'...and the battle is in the spiritual realm, so the people are puppets.
So...Q has severed the connection to the 'enemy'...
satan has been cut off because he can no longer influence the Majority of people with souls.
the Q-Source section of the Bible shows us that the devil/Serpent has been in charge/he isn't anymore. (Look up native american snake mounds...they knew the serpent causes trouble)
Don't think so. The people who needed to be saved were already warned. Those who lost out are exactly the kind of liberal leaders that they will need to push forward their totalitarian CBDC. All of those wealthy leftists that were hurt in this are now perfectly motivated to ignore the obvious danger and turn over complete control of their lives to the Fed.
You can bribe or threaten a few, but to get popular adoption you need a different tactic. This was engineered by the left to steal the media attention away from the Jan. 6 exposure and fertilize the ground for their CBDC. There will be no bailout.
Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?
I'm glad to hear this but not holding my breath. This is a big one pedes, if they try to bail out this bank, we need to get very, very loud with our representatives. We cannot allow our money to be used to bail out what was very likely a financial institution that perpetuated and hid massive corruption among the elites.
I have gotten very little sleep the last two nights, mind racing about the fall of the banks and all the other things we have witnessed just in 2023 already. It’s habbening.
No, Benny could be wrong! Don’t forget everything the Cabal says it isn’t going to do, they turn and do! They only way I believe Yellen didn’t save the banks this time, is when they’re actually through auction and history.
IMHO.. SVB was a result of absolute wreckless speculation management. Gobbled up bonds at an alarming pace with low rates and got caught with their pants down when the Fed raised rates causing the bond interest rates to rise and yields plummeted. Executive management could not manuevre their way out. Absolute atrocious management at all senior level positions. This is why they folded. There are other banks out there with same scenario, but they are few as compared to banking industry.
Bottom line. Abolish the Federal Reserve and our economy will flourish.
I feel like we are just coming over the top of the first hill of this roller coaster.
Sort of an odd feeling. Sitting here sipping coffee on a quiet Sunday morning, and thinking about how many tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of people are in a dead panic about this situation. The vast majority of those who will be truly hurt are average Janes and Joes working at startups, paying bills, doing the American thing... but no more, as their startup will have to stop due to all of its operating cash suddenly being gone.
And what will the ripple effect be? As I look out the window down the street, I feel like I am just waiting to see the effects wash down the street like a flood.
And I sip my coffee.
-coffee cup rises slowly into the air-
If there is no bailout just remember it is because they do not want there to be a bailout, and the resulting narrative and forthcoming legislation (already written and waiting for years) will undoubtedly require average Americans to forego additional freedoms (cashless society - CBDC) under the guise of ‘fixing the problem’.
Sorry for the spoiler but I’ve been watching these movies for almost 50 years and they all end the same.
There was no Q then, and the war (outwardly) hadn't kicked off yet (i.e. Trump decending on the escalator).
And was the escalator descent a shot across the bow or a FF Pearl Harbor.? Who can be sure what movie we are watching and who is directing.? I Frankly don’t give a shit anymore and am hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. What else can you do at this point. God speed anons!
"Trump is controlled opp" is one of the least sensical theories given how they already nearly had it in the bag and just had to install Killary. Creating MAGA and un-demoralizing so many people just makes no sense.
100% we don't know...but we have Q and hope.
I think most people, even normies, won't comply with CBDB.
It opens the doors wide open to bail-ins. Bank: "Our government didn't save us, therefore we must do what we must to save ourselves!"
Coming soon to a bank near you.
We will soon find out the lay of the chessboard!
Hit the ATMs immediately, before Monday morning’s bloodbath.
I’m losing my job cause of this but I feel the same way. I say bring on the pain.
Sorry to hear that... hang in there.
God is taking care of me, I appreciate it though pede, I will be alright.
I have such a peace about this, I am very happy about what is about to happen.
God Bless
You too pede.
You're an inspiration. I encourage you to make a post about this event, the Godly peace you feel, etc. We would all benefit from reading it.
Nothing is set in stone just yet, our company will have more news on it tomorrow to see if our accounts will be made full but no matter what I am ready for whatever. It's so awesome cause ever since I regained my faith, I have been given everything I could ever need.
If I lost what I have now, I know God just has something better waiting for me. I will consider making a post depending on what happens further. We will see fren.
God will provide. You are a person that we all need as an example of optimism. Thank you.
Exactly pede.
I appreciate that and I do hope I can ever be of any help to keep the line strong here. I really love this site and reminds me everyday that I am not alone. Thank you for the response as well fren.
I have been out of a job and this could wreak further havoc in what has been a tough market for me. But I came to terms with that type couple of weeks ago. This is in God's hands and I am just praying I hear his direction. (Oh, I have minor panic attacks, but trying my best to keep the faith.)
It really makes me sick to my stomach that the ones that suffer the most from this will be just plain, good folks who did nothing to cause it.
I couldn't give two shits that Oprah lost 500 million dollars. Oh boo fucking hoo.
And everyone else that wants sympathy because they had hundreds of millions of dollars to put in a single bank can go suck a bag of dicks.
But if I've learned anything in life, it's that shit rolls downhill and the people at the bottom (namely, us) will be the ones covered in it.
The part about Oprah losing 500 million makes me happy.
ImaSudeDeNym is right. It irritates me to see people here on this forum smacking their lips at the prospect of massive bank failures. This isn't a video game. It won't be the Deep State suffering. It will be you and me and millions of ordinary people, including MAGA voters.
If you can find anyone old enough to remember it, ask them about the Great Depression. And stop cheerleading for disasters.
I don't understand the excitement and glee that some people seem to hold for the utter collapse of society.
Sometimes I wonder if they're just bored and imagining the collapse of society is some sort of fan fiction role playing type of thing to them. Or if they hate the DS so much they're willing to burn down the world with every one in it, including them. 🤷♀️
I understand that it's going to happen one way or the other.
I'm not questioning that it will happen.
But it's going to be a very horrible thing to actually live through.
And there are some people who are acting like kids heading to the candyshop over it.
Edited to add:
I've been trying to find a way to express my take on this and the closest thing I can think of is comparing it to living in the UK during WW2.
You know that it's happening. You understand the need for it to happen. But you also understand it's going to cause much suffering and death. Mainly of innocents.
To me, that's not something to be gleeful about.
Where did the money go? This was planned, to lose "hide" their money and then passing this huge fucking tab to the middle class.
I see you were in the military too. Lol
God will always provide pede. I hope one day those minor panic attacks will completely leave you, I know my anxiety levels are close to nothing ever since I really began following Him.
No matter what happens we will all be taken care of. I hope you know that fren.
Embrace the suck !
we appreciate your willing sacrifice and selflessness fren. what type of job will you lose? directly work for the bank or a business that lost all its assets?
I am in data, if you know what that is, but I don't work for a bank but rather a company that kept every single cent in the SVB.
I know there is talks of being made whole going on so I will know this week if that is true or not. Either way, I am more than willing to be hit if it comes down to it. The world needs to change.
You took the words out of my mouth! I am sipping coffee (and eating plain yogurt with berries and bacon). I explain my calmness on God. I feel blessed in my faith in the Good Lord, Almighty.
I'd kill a lib for some bacon right now
If you were my neighbor, you would be telling me, I am stuffed, I can't eat another bite! We always have bacon here, ready to go. I bake a good pound or two first thing in the morning.
Baked bacon is the best!
Learning you could cook an entire pound of bacon at once in the oven was a life changing experience for me. No sarcasm there. It truly was.
And to me, it tastes so much better than frying it on the stove or (gag) nuking it in the microwave.
My beliefs on this topic are rather fixed and firm. And vocal. 😁
Lol.... game changer for me too... and on parchment paper makes clean up a breeze :)
Roll it up and stand on edge. Less grease on the meat and even easier to clean up.
My wife’s been doing it for years. And it’s festive!
Only thing, though, I haven't figured out how to keep my smoke alarm going off each time. I'm not burning it, but it gets smoky in my house when I use parchment paper.
One person told me to use a rack over a pan with water for the grease to drip into, but that is just sacrilege to waste good bacon grease.
The microwave can work. You need a bacon tree!
You say bacon tree and I just envision myself walking around my own bacon orchard, harvesting my bacon. 😁
Please teach me - I usually forego bacon simply because the cleanup (and grease splatters everywhere) take away the enjoyment.
How does it not splatter all over the oven? Do you cover it? What temp and how many minutes to cook?
It does splatter a lot, at least for me. And regularly sets off smoke alarms. I use portable fans and open windows when I make it.
And I clean my oven a couple times a month because I'm a messy cook.
I put the bacon on a quarter sheet pan I got from a restaurant supply store. Uncovered. It's edges are tall enough the grease doesn't spill out of it. Line the pan with parchment paper so it doesn't stick.
Put in a cold oven. Then set to 375F. Bacon grease burns and smokes like hell at 400f.
In my oven, at 20 minutes I pull the pans, drain the grease into my bacon grease can (it's liquid gold) and flip all the bacon over.
Put back into the oven for maybe 5 minutes checking constantly. It can go from still kind of raw looking to burnt in under a minute, so keep an eye on it.
My oven is old and crappy and not convection. So it's kind of a trial and error thing to get the timing down. The thickness of the bacon also increases the cooking time, the thicker it is.
But starting the bacon straight from the fridge into a cold (not pre-heated) oven is what gives me the best results. And watching it like a hawk the last few minutes.
Hope this helps.
Noice! Bacon is my favorite food group.
Yum!! Once I discovered baking it in the oven, I love making bacon now! Haha
Me too! I will not cook bacon on the stove anymore. One of my daughters likes doing it, so I leave that to her! Usually it is pepper bacon that we cook on the stove.
Me either. Such a mess! Dang now I'm hungry kek
I hope the pig was a lefty
I also explain my calmness on God, also being too busy and preoccupied on many other things to be worried about the bank situation, and having less than 250k in my accounts, so even if my banks gets impacted, my money's still insured.
I was thinking the same thing. How many people right now are panicking, and I am sitting here, calmly drinking tea and thinking about what I am going to do today. It's supposed to be a nice day, so church, getting neighborhood kids over here to play... what should I make for lunch? stuff like that. Meanwhile, people involved in this bank are panicking and people who will be at the next bank(s) are starting to feel the panic. I feel for the Janes and Joes, but not the climate deniers, virtue signalers, and crooks.
This is just the tip of a very big iceberg. There will be many more bank failures.
My game plan:
You forgot to DRS Gamestop in your plan.
Shall we play a game?
[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming
^ This
I HODL GME and I’m zen as fuck right now.
Always worried how to sell and get them out of DRS into broker’s hands to sell when the time is right. Any good instructions ?
Awesome. Thank you! Hodl fren.
That doesn't work on highly volatile stocks and what banks are going to lend you money against your shares anyway?
Well said, and my current plan as well. Thinking I may need to convert even more saving to metals and pull the rest out of the bank. The imminent "bail in" where banks start using our money to pay their debts is going to gut people. I'm done with them playing with my money, even if it is all fake fiat shit at this point.
Yes it's fake, but your hard work and sweat are real. 🐸
Fuck the bankers...let's gooooooooo
... and trusting that the Lord will look after His people throughout these turbulent times. Looking forward to His soon coming. God bless you & yours..........MJ
this is what I'm doing too and cleaning my house, using up all the old. kind of like shopping at home/never know what you'll find.
I am doing this too. I am donating many items I cannot use and family/friends do not want. Making room for what I want/need to weather the incoming storm. Wishing everyone here a wonderful Sunday.
I shop at home for groceries now. Need another jar of peanut butter? Go to storage. Need macaroni? Go to storage. It's great not having to go to the grocery store all the time.
My wife got a solar lit wind chime as the door prize at a meeting the other day. She wanted me to hang it up on the front porch. I went to the garage and got a package of small hooks so old they were priced 39 cents. If I need wood for something, I go to the garage. It's like that for so many things.
We've also been selling things we don't need in yard sales, or donating them to thrift stores.
yes^ that's what we do too, have grandkids & a big house, so we pretend like we're going to the store when we go to the pantry room (old bedroom full of food) husband thinks I'm crazy, but funny he doesn't complain when I can find good snacks without leaving the house;)
another fun challenge is to make something different with what we have/like those cooking shows. have come up with some good & cheap recipes.
this channel is helpful, lots of ideas & a reminder of history. https://youtu.be/P4IjNV3lZkQ
and will have to get some of those windchimes, want to make a little off grid cabin camp spot in our yard/comfy when SHTF is my goal🐸
"Mandy In The Making" has good recipes on YouTube, and she and her husband are funny as well. "Appalachia's Homestead with Patara" has some cooking, but Patara also shows how to take care of animals and talks about the current "situation." She has to talk "in code" about some of the things we all know about. She's a hoot. Her husband rarely talks, but he's sensible and funny sometimes.
The windchimes have plastic hummingbirds that glow at night and change colors. I installed it yesterday. I was surprised when I saw it changing colors last night. It's a generic Chinese thing from Amazon, not even a brand name on the box, just "Wind Chimes."
thanks! the channels sound perfect. was obsessed with little house books growing up/love learning about the simple life, anything to stay away from 'them'🤖😉
& humingbirds/changing colors would fit right in; little house with a bit of the 70s. remember big solar talk back then.
I just looked it up on Amazon and here is the one we have: https://www.amazon.com/MorTime-Hummingbird-Decoration-Automatic-Changing/dp/B0855QQ71J
"Energy Saving - Long time work"
thanks just like I imagined! will get that & think of all you guys, help keep things bright and positive.
My wife has been using some of my garage shelves for food storage. I was annoyed at first but having months of supplies is amazing.
And as for using them, she’s been like a different woman the last year or two. Some of the dinners she whips up are amazing! Not sure if it’s her being an oma two times over now or she’s sneaking recipe surfing but damn great things coming from the kitchen!
that's great to hear:) especially that you appreciate it & she can see what's going on out there.
still a bit worried, that mine can't see the 'big' picture behind prepping, but I have to keep going on. maybe the banks failing will clear the fog.
and I think the cooking 'restrictions' helps us to be more creative/my food is better too. made one of the best suppers with a can of VegAll & pie crust, even tasted like it had chicken in it.
100% agree.
I would also recommend finding a skill or stockpiling items for bartering.
(Edited to add: I'm not speaking solely/specifically to you, OP, who has already said you are developing/using important skills like gardening. This is just me speaking to anyone reading this. I'm a very sloppy writer, sorry.)
In a TEOTWAWKI event, I personally don't see people using silver/gold much for everyday use. And in that, I see things like old gold/silver jewelry and old silver coins (old circulated silver dimes/quarters, NOT collectible stuff) being used, and not the silver/gold bars many people are investing in.
The gold/silver bars will come in much later, to re-establish wealth, when society starts to rebuild. How long "later" is, is debatable. I personally think it will be years.
In the meantime, instead of fiat money, I think people will fall back on skills and consumables. Obviously basic nursing skills will be useful. As well as mechanical and engineering skills.
But don't underestimate practical life skills like cooking and gardening and canning and sewing and knowing which wild plants are safe/useful and which are not. Being able to do and teach these skills will be useful. Even small things like knowing how to give a decent haircut will be handy.
These types of basic skills are easy and free to learn by pretty much anyone. And a much better use of time than watching reruns of The Bachelor or whatever it is people do to waste time. And can be used now, before anything life changing happens. And even in the case that nothing we expect to happen comes to be, they will still enrich your life (and save money doing it).
Also stockpiling items people will want/need in order to barter will be important. In that, I think things like booze, smokes, OTC medications (advil/tylenol/pepto/exlax,etc...) would be good to have. Seeds for food gardening. Fishing hooks,lures,line,etc.... Anything you see that is cheap and useful, maybe buy a few extra and put them away strictly for barter.
From what I read around here, I'm getting the impression that many people are leaning hard on the silver/gold they're investing in, and I worry that many anons are going to have a rough go in the time it takes society to get back to the point where large(ish) amounts of silver/gold will be important.
Just my two cents worth.
If a thief lost your wallet during his escape, would you bail him out?
It's called conservatorship. It's happens all the time. At the end, they'll force another bank to absorb SVB.
Starting to sound more and more like the asset forfeiture EO in effect.
Not all of the people banking with SVB are committing crimes against humanity tho
How do you know? It sounds like a honey pot.
The small fish should get the FDIC insurance, right?
Yes, but most of the depositors had more than the FDIC limit. Plus the FDIC doesn't have unlimited assets. We've had a number of bank failures recently, with more to come. The FDIC won't be able to reimburse everybody, even for part of their lost deposits.
IMO they will print tons of money to cover the failures and inflation will go up 5000% kek
Agreed. The smaller fishes for the first domino (bank) have a better shot at getting their money back. Under the $250k limit of course
I have a great idea.
Ask Ukraine for a bailout.
For Jane and Joe Normie:
Destroy confidence in banks.
Bank run imminent.
Usher in CBDC to restore confidence.
All part of the plan.
I agree. This goes both ways in terms of white hat operation or black hat operation.
Although, it is a woke company with a ton of deep state scum banking with SVB. Who knows.
Whatever happens, we do know is to never ever accept CBDC. Ever.
All planned, but Whitehats are making them move their plan along sooner that they wanted so it’ll look chaotic and sloppy over the next couple months.
You can’t bail out seized assets. Surprised no one has pieces this together yet…
Psst. Have you been living under a rock, frog?
I wasn’t talking about us. We all know, I’m talking about the Normies and usual suspects pushing another narrative….
I’m glad the FED won’t be devaluing our currency to save these liberals from a loss. Tough shit🤷🏼♂️
And Ms. Yellen has never told a fib? There will be a bailout because the elites cannot have minions with excess cash in their accounts. That cash needs to be funneled back to the elites somehow and what better way than a bailout. She might say no, but her masters will say yes.
Patriots are in control, so do they have any 'masters' left?
just wondering because there are lots of snake mentions in this movie...cut the head off a snake and it's over, just have to clean up. I'm hoping that's what is going on here. head of the snake is long gone.
Who's the head of the snake? Rothchilds, Soros, DuPonts et al?
President Trump calls it the invisible enemy & Q says its it 'invisible enemy of all humanity'...and the battle is in the spiritual realm, so the people are puppets.
So...Q has severed the connection to the 'enemy'...
satan has been cut off because he can no longer influence the Majority of people with souls.
the Q-Source section of the Bible shows us that the devil/Serpent has been in charge/he isn't anymore. (Look up native american snake mounds...they knew the serpent causes trouble)
but we still have to clean up his mess.
Don't think so. The people who needed to be saved were already warned. Those who lost out are exactly the kind of liberal leaders that they will need to push forward their totalitarian CBDC. All of those wealthy leftists that were hurt in this are now perfectly motivated to ignore the obvious danger and turn over complete control of their lives to the Fed.
You can bribe or threaten a few, but to get popular adoption you need a different tactic. This was engineered by the left to steal the media attention away from the Jan. 6 exposure and fertilize the ground for their CBDC. There will be no bailout.
There can be no rebuilding of the world order, without starting over with a new financial system.
My retirement plan is relying on the promises of God, not on my 401k.
The ravens fed Elijah in the wilderness when Jezebel was trying to execute him -
Luke 12:24
Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?
This means that will be a bail out
Satan is the father of all lies, every single word that comes out of his mouth is a lie. That would apply to Yellen.
Don't believe a word this bitch says...PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another puppet
I'm glad to hear this but not holding my breath. This is a big one pedes, if they try to bail out this bank, we need to get very, very loud with our representatives. We cannot allow our money to be used to bail out what was very likely a financial institution that perpetuated and hid massive corruption among the elites.
I have gotten very little sleep the last two nights, mind racing about the fall of the banks and all the other things we have witnessed just in 2023 already. It’s habbening.
Because we need to save democracy for the chomos in Ukraine
Now she's "leaving the door open..."
No bailout just an insurance payout so nobody else gets it.
No, Benny could be wrong! Don’t forget everything the Cabal says it isn’t going to do, they turn and do! They only way I believe Yellen didn’t save the banks this time, is when they’re actually through auction and history.
Stock that silver boys and girls
Tomorrow is going to be wild, could see a market collapse this week.
Read carefully. There’s still going to be a bailout. They’re just not calling it a bailout
Prolly means a bailout is already in the works.
Only one thing for us to do now. u/#popcorn
Well of course - how she gonna send that extra 5-10 billion to Ukraine if it's used bailing out a bank?
Betcha I have as much authority over the Fed as she does. Betcha there'll be a bailout, or maybe a bail in so people get used to being screwed.
Wait for it 321
Sorry swallwell
I am holding out hope that this is part of the "gold will end the Fed" plan. Do it, Q!
There will be the pearl clutching, hand wringing and arm twisting to get people to cave.
I would wait a month...
Suicide weekend?
IMHO.. SVB was a result of absolute wreckless speculation management. Gobbled up bonds at an alarming pace with low rates and got caught with their pants down when the Fed raised rates causing the bond interest rates to rise and yields plummeted. Executive management could not manuevre their way out. Absolute atrocious management at all senior level positions. This is why they folded. There are other banks out there with same scenario, but they are few as compared to banking industry.
Bottom line. Abolish the Federal Reserve and our economy will flourish.
Please let's stick to this.