I'm inclined to believe this and further, I'm starting to think installing a fake FJB via rigged election may have actually been part of the plan to further awaken the masses. Look at his laundry list of failures and exposed crimes. Look at all the evidence now available of rigging, cheating, corruption, etc. And the Trump arrest, hec I may even go as far as to say that was part of this 4-year awakening plan as well.
And Q's very long silence? What does team Q need to say or reveal when its all playing out in front of us??
Totally. And "Patriots in control" is another for me. They control FJB (or whomever this fake is). Everything, literally EVERYTHING he's done since being in office has been a F up.
But then that tells me the white hats burned maui, are trafficking children, are behind the death jab and countless other atrocities which doesn't sit well with me.
There are black hats at large. There may also be black hat prisoners that are playing their part as their deal. Each step of the way we learn new names that we didn't know before. The process is real and smoking them out. Is not safe to assume its over.
At least the White Hats had Biden laying around on the beach doing nothing all summer long. That does not necessarily mean that they were starting the fires.
The implication by many on this site is that white hats are in total control and the bad guys are playing a movie role. What I find disturbing is that future generations will say we should implement socialism because what we experienced now wasn't true socialism as DJT and his white hats were in charge. So the argument will be real socialism works, not the fake white hat version. The noble Biden got murdered by the secret military and got replaced by a DJT approved actor. That's the gist of it.
Then you point to all the places that tried it for real and not actors. Soviet Union, China, Venezuela, etc....and nobody is exactly flooding over there for a better life...
I've honestly never seen anyone try to reconcile how the public will react when they find out they've been lied to. That it wasn't the senile old man who they were on the fence about but instead some actor working for the "white hats." It would be like me telling someone the reason their souffle recipe didn't work is because they added too much salt but later they find out I shut off their oven. They will ultimately be curious about their original recipe because they find out I sabotaged them. That's why I believe DJT is a decent guy struggling to get in office but I wouldn't be into him if he were wrecking the country as many here believe to be the case just to make himself look good.
Do we know if Maui burned? I haven't been there. Tulsi could be a spook so her word could be psyop. Do you believe the Indian moon landing last week? We saw a glowing space invaders ship land. It was obviously fake. USA moon landing? Faith or fact? Sandy hook? Jfk? 911? DC? I've seen videos and then go back to the grind. Propaganda is legal and real. Was the plane in Afghanistan just a blow up decoy. Sure as shit looked like it
Everyone is injured. Some more than others. I lost a father and a good job. I praise God that he gave us an easier battle than muskets in the woods with poor equipment against the greatest military on earth.
I essentially agree with everything your saying. When so much is clearly fake, the only proper course of action is to question the other stuff that seems just barely passable.
Watch how many "law enforcement" (FBI/DOJ) refuse to investigate, much less prosecute.
Watch how many politicians refuse to utilize the evidence to impeach.
Watch how many judges went along with the bogus lawfare attacks? How many looked the other way and refused to allow evidence of criminal activity to be allowed into court?
Take note of all these TRAITORS, which is what they are when they REFUSE to uphold their oath of office, per the Constitution.
What kind of power position would one be in if they could potentially prosecute every last member of Congress, DOJ, FBI, etc.?
Maybe it is not only about revealing all the corruption -- on many levels -- to the public, but at the same time giving all these corrupt people enough rope with which to hang themselves.
"If Trump gets elected, we will all hang." -- Hillary Clinton
But she didn't consider the possibility that Trump would hand her the rope and let her hang herself, along with all her corrupt co-conspirators.
Potential life in prison or execution for treason. Potential seizure of ALL property owned.
They stabbed their own countrymen in the back, all for a little money and the comfort of not doing the right thing.
In 2016, they had Hillary and a few dozen other criminal conspirators they could have gone after, assuming they survived statute of limitations, corrupt judges, corrupt juries, and corrupt prosecutors and even defense attorneys who might intentionally sabotage cases.
But ...
By Trump playing dumb and playing the victim, he GOT THEM ALL in a mass conspiracy of TREASON.
There is no statute of limitations for treason. It can be prosecuted at any time in the future.
They are all SCREWED completely. And they EARNED it.
Watching the first debate, I felt it was obvious Trump was disengaged and seemingly at points intentionally letting things get past him that normally wouldn't. And his voice was uncharacteristically muted
This isn't proof of course, but I had many texts that night from people across the country either pissed or worried that something was wrong.
So it's my belief that part of the plan of installing Biden as president was to at least give some credibility to it. I think Biden did better in that debate than he had performed at anytime since and it's because Trump took the dive, not that Biden was incredibly articulate
This is a flag for me, pushing me more towards Halper being a disinfo agent than anything else.
I might be wrong, but I literally see no advantage or viability to the idea that Biden has been body switched by white hats If this was done, it could NEVER be known; it would undermine the WH purpose and agenda.
Could it be done by the Cabal? Possibly, but why? For what purpose?
People age, they change, they have surgery, etc. I subscribe to the idea that Team DJT deliberately outmaneuvered the Deep State to get Biden to be the candidate, by baiting them, etc, and that either Biden is under indirect WH control, or is being held over a barrel and controlled that way. But the masks/clone/switcheroo theory? Sounds like flat earth to me.
If everything you are seeing makes sense and is consistent with the belief that the guy we see up there is the real Joe Biden, by all means, believe it. Like Jan Halper keeps saying, always trust your own instincts more than anything else.
As for me, it makes no sense. The entire plan would only work if the guy they put up there is completely under WH control and the real joe biden was long removed.
That, plus the clear difference between the guy called Joe Biden 10 years ago vs the guy who attended Trump's unauguration.
Plus, Trump telling us that Joe was shot and the rest of his description of Joe.
Plus, the fact that Joe is willingly acting like a complete incompetent nut job and willingly sabotaging everything the Cabal is doing.
it would undermine the WH purpose and agenda.
Not when it is clear what kind of a criminal he is, and when people wake and learn that they. were indeed going to kill us all. The people then would be thanking the WHs for putting a fake guy, and not letting half the humanity be killed off and the rest enslaved. NO ONE would say "How DARE you put a fake Biden??"
Could it be done by the Cabal? Possibly, but why? For what purpose?
Like everything thats happening, its all ultimately being done by the Cabal, but controlled by the WHs. Cabal knows this is not real Biden, but they think they control him. As it is becoming clear thay he is not, they are the ones themselves now throwing him under the bus.
This is what makes the show so brilliant. There are so many levels of optics and looking at the whole thing as black or white does not do justice to the reality
and that either Biden is under indirect WH control, or is being held over a barrel and controlled that way.
There is NOT way this plan could succeed if they let real Biden at the helm, even if they think they are controlling. He is far too smart, crafty and connected enough to make that a safe option. PLUS, with the real guy at the helm, there is no way you can trust the rest of the world to play along. Too mamny chances to cut some side deals, make some unexpected moves.
Hmmm. Thanks for the encouragement to trust my own instincts and go from there.
There are a number of factors in the "not the real Joe Biden" idea that don't make sense to me, and haven't thus far, despite exposure to the idea for a few years.
But I hear your arguments, and hear your passion for your view, and I appreciate the willingness to discuss (as too few seem to have a desire or ability to engage with the issue logically or dispassionately). (By passion from you, I mean enthusiasm and sense of conviction, not emotional reactivity, which is what I mean when referring to dispassionate engagement.)
One of the drawbacks of the theory I see is that personally, I am yet to encounter a very thorough or systematic discussion / analysis of the empirical data. All I have seen is people using anecdotal discussions and opinion, saying "Look! Look! They are OBVIOUSLY different!"
In my view, a discussion of the physiological evidence from a forensic standpoint would help lend credibility to the idea. If anyone is doing that, I've not seen it. By forensic, I mean, a clinical physician who actually knows what they are talking about going through the physiological evidence, step by step (and not merely a layman's comparison of pics taken years apart).
As a specialist in my particular field, I appreciate the difference between informed, educated analysis and random off-the-cuff layman views.
But let's put all that aside. When / where did Trump tell us that Joe was shot and provide the description you're referring to? I'm all ears (and not the glue attached silicone ones!)
the fact that Joe is willingly acting like a complete incompetent nut job and willingly sabotaging everything the Cabal is doing
Perhaps like you, I definitely like a layered approach. Conclusions arrived at by drawing together a variety of logical thoughts and evidence.
But I think in this case, there are a number of possibly viable explanations for why the guy in the white house is doing what he's doing, one of which might be he's an impostor actor, but to me it seems there are others.
For example, IF the good guys got all the goods on the Biden Crime family, including using Hunter as a willing (or unwilling) human source, AND the real objective of the whole operation was not simply to take down the Bidens, but the entire corrupt pantheon of Cabalites, THEN making the Biden Crime family flip for some level of immunity or leniency would seem a likely move.
I also think it's logical to hypothesize that the Bidens are possibly the most obvious, foolish and penetrable example or node of the US Cabal. Big enough, close enough (VP, Working directly with Obama, in the cesspool for decades) screwed up enough (Hunter's vulnerability, Joe's obvious and overt predilection for perversion, general extended family dysfunction: i.e. Ashley, etc) and careless enough ("Well what do you know! He fired him!" publicly and openly).
Smart? Joe comes across as a dumbass, imo. Clinton(s), Obamas, Nancy, etc, all seem to really play their impressions slickly, but NOT the Bidens. (But that's only an impression.)
So from that angle, I think that it would be a distinct advantage to have locked in Joe's WHOLE FAMILY or at least Joe/Hunter, and use them to crack open the whole thing, by getting him to play a role. It would obviously mean making it perfectly and abundantly clear to Joe etc that they have NO OTHER OPTIONS.
Think Trump on his world tour visiting Israel, the Vatican, Brussels, London, etc. he showed them the goods, and essentially forced them into a specific direction.
I appreciate your outlining your perspective. You prompt food for thought. That said, I really wonder how much of the whole operation is going to come out and become wide public knowledge within this generation?
Also, if the Cabal KNOWS this is not the former Joe Biden, then WHO replaced him? The Cabal? Why? How would that provide ANY advantage to them? Wouldn't that give them a massive liability for exposure? Then WHO? If it was the white hats, then WHY would the Cabal think they could control that person?
Another question I find hard to resolve is; IF this was a fake Joe Biden, then WHO would know about it? How many people? Is Jill fake, Hunter fake, James fake? What about his who extended family and contacts from a lifetime? How many people could know and if they knew, WHY would they keep quiet? Force? benefit? Threat? If threat of consequences, then why would that NOT also be viable means to control the real Joe in the first place?
I can appreciate a guy in a mask for a 24 hour operation ala Mission Impossible, but permanently? or perhaps you think it is not a mask thing, but a lookalike? Substitute?
A lot of this is speculation reasoning, and I think there are multiple possible answers.
He is far too smart, crafty and connected enough to make that a safe option.
Well, that really depends on how much of the game board the patriots control. I think they have a lot more control than what the normie view would even imagine.
PLUS, with the real guy at the helm, there is no way you can trust the rest of the world to play along.
A lot of this is assertion and conclusions but how concrete is it? Who needs to play along? Who needs to know? If so, why? If the original Biden was fully controlled, aka had capitulated to the White Hats, how dangerous would that be?
Game theory.
The only point I find very persuasive from your argument here is the one about "Not when it is clear what kind of a criminal he is, and when people wake and learn that they, were indeed going to kill us all." I think that's arguable (I mean, I can see how that might be argued in the positive sense).
In any case, all any of us can do is try to apply to work our best judgment and establish working ideas that advance what we are trying to do.
For me, I'm still very unconvinced by the whole Not My Joe Biden theories. In my own frame of mind, I see too many counter arguments and alternative and more plausible explanations for events.
On that note, do you know of any extensive papers or discussions on the whole question? Published and out there in alt-media or the anon sphere?
In any case, thanks for the reply, and sharing your views. FI
In my view, a discussion of the physiological evidence from a forensic standpoint would help lend credibility to the idea.
Agreed that if there was a forensic proof beyond a shadow of doubt, everyone would believe that this is not the real Biden. But, do the WHs want that? Obviously not, since it will bring the entire devolution crashing before its time. Thats why everything has an element of plausible deniability, and only a calibrated percent of people who can see behind the mask (so to speak).
When the calibration needs to be increased (as in they want more people waking up at a given time), they unleash people like Dr Halper.
IF the good guys got all the goods on the Biden Crime family, including using Hunter as a willing (or unwilling) human source, AND the real objective of the whole operation was not simply to take down the Bidens, but the entire corrupt pantheon of Cabalites, THEN making the Biden Crime family flip for some level of immunity or leniency would seem a likely move.
This is a good thought process. Lets take this a bit further. What if Biden refused to play along? What if whatever leniency/immunity (I am guessing anything beyond life on Gitmo instead of execution would not be an option for someone like Biden) they offer, he just doesnt care?
The next question is, why not pick someone else. And I will argue that picking Biden was not just a draw of the lot. I think Biden is a crucial character in the Cabal's activities, and it has to be some with this kind of extensive corruption.
This is a good place to address your next point:
I also think it's logical to hypothesize that the Bidens are possibly the most obvious, foolish and penetrable example or node of the US Cabal.
Smart? Joe comes across as a dumbass, imo.
Think back carefully. When did Joe even come on your radar? For me it was only after Trump first predicted that Joe will be the final nominee for the Dems and at that time I did not believe it. Joe has always been under the radar and never left any kind of lasting impression (atleast from where I have been watching).
This is not by a coincidence. Unlike Clintons, Obama etc, he as been entrenching himself in the deep state for a very long time. Clinton became governor in 1983. Biden became a senator in 1971.
Biden has been central in orchestrating China's ascent, culminating with entry to WTO in 2001, but it took atleast a decade or more setting it all in motion. This is ay bigger deal that you would think. China represents the Democratic/CIA backed international asset, which overturned the Japan - which represented the Bush/MOS backed asset. There has been a civil war between the CIA/MOS for decades (symbolic decodes guy has tons of decodes on this) and in the end the CIA faction emerged victorious, and Biden was crucial in that.
I would also make a bold prediction that, it will come out that during Obama presidency Biden was the puppet master, and hence why he was the VP.
The "dumb Joe" look became obvious only after the real Joe was neutralized and the plan was set in motion to make devolution propelled under "Biden"
I think that it would be a distinct advantage to have locked in Joe's WHOLE FAMILY or at least Joe/Hunter, and use them to crack open the whole thing
Hunter definitely turned against his dad. Baeu died mysteriously. All the kids molested by their granddad. The only possibility is Jill - who was probably his handler. I havent analyzed her much, but its possible she was turned / replaced. But the rest of the family most probably co-operated and hence this plan is possible.
Well, that really depends on how much of the game board the patriots control. I think they have a lot more control than what the normie view would even imagine.
White hats control all the strings. Their string to any person at the helm of presidency is probably the most dangerous. Lots of presidents have rebelled against their controllers, leading to extreme happenings of historic importance (assassinations, resignations etc).
The point is, Presidency is highly susceptible to optic. One wrong move, and pulling the string to stop it / damage control it and the whole plan might go awry.
So here is a better way to think about it. Ask yourself, which option would you prefer if you had to pick, for this devolution? 1. Real Biden neutralized to the best of your knowledge and with a figurative gun pointed from behind the scenes OR 2. Replacing Biden with a friendly guy who will fool the Cabal, and do exactly as told.
The answer will always be 2 since between the two, since going with 1 would incur unnecessary risks.
So you can expend your efforts in making 2 possible (and doing what it takes) rather than sitting there tensely waiting for the shoe to fall while you unleash the real biden to the world.
If the original Biden was fully controlled, aka had capitulated to the White Hats, how dangerous would that be?
Again, how do you know he did capitulate? For all we know, he went to the gallows kicking and screaming until the last breath.
On that note, do you know of any extensive papers or discussions on the whole question? Published and out there in alt-media or the anon sphere?
I am not sure what you expect when you say "extensive papers". There will never be any proof that does not have plausible deniability. There are plenty of videos on the internet that goes into various aspects, including body feature comparisions. But none of them will be "definitive proof".
Some good thoughts and worthy ideas raised, though in general they don't really address the red flags I have on the matter (theory).
It should be noted that I myself am not so foolish or nooby to aspire to or even desire "definitive proof". And, if plausible deniability exists, then it means that one can never really be certain anyway.
The options you cite re: a foil for devolution quantify only two aspects that is, if "all things being equal, would you prefer A or would you prefer B?" But to my mind, its NOT the case that all things are being equal. Either A or B both have unique problems and unique advantages and are more than likely subject to unique or differing constraints, liabilities etc. It is all those many different aspects that my own thought processes tell me are what need to be weighed up.
In a game of chess, it is about overall control, and not necessarily absolute control over this or that piece.
Casein point:
Lots of presidents have rebelled against their controllers, leading to extreme happenings of historic importance (assassinations, resignations etc).
Do you think that in the past, there have been game-board situations that are identical or equivalent to the game board today? I do not.
In addition, I should probably add that I view the game board as multidimensional, in this sense.
Heaven (in the sense of Asian Philosophy - 天) exists. God, the higher spiritual realms exist and act out, and interact with those living on the earthly plane. Many on the earthly plane understand a sphere of the action, but not the overall plan and objectives of Heaven.
But in general, the spiritual realm is the realm of cause, and the material realm is the realm of effect. Thus, historical incidents "extreme happenings of historic importance" may appear to have causation in the material realm (plans, intrigues, actors and agendas) but are in fact underlined by causation in the spiritual realms.
Thus, while Heaven is executing its plan and objectives, those on earth may be carrying out certain roles and undertaking certain objectives, but that doesn't mean they are in control of everything. Indeed, if they enjoy control, it is likely because, like avatars and champions designated to fight on behalf of others, they execute control (and have the commensurate responsibility) because it has been granted to them.
By which I mean, there are likely many factors we ourselves are not aware of, as we do NOT have the responsibility to execute those things. We are not meant to know. What we are meant to do is to find out what we need to know in order to execute OUR responsibility.
That constraint should be kept in mind, I believe. When I look at some of the ideas and theories out there, and HOW people pursue them, I will often have misgivings because I don't really see how those ideas, theories and approaches actually HELP those people to grasp and fulfill THEIR own responsibility.
Indeed, a theory or hypothesis can be used as a self-inflicted distraction, or as a convenient excuse to ignore or avoid other things that are required in order to grasp, understand and execute a person's responsibility. Are the ideas, the theories productive? Do they advance the necessity for fulfilling personal responsibility, or collective responsibility?
This is also something I take into consideration, in addition to logicality, reasoning, and material data, etc.
Moving on...
Again, how do you know he did capitulate?
Well, I don't. (I never said I did.) My question was "IF (A)", then what? It's supposition, then looking down the line at what that might imply, and indicate, and play out.
I think its safe to say that NONE of us "KNOW" what the reality of the situation is. But by being circumspect in how we approach things, with enough reflection on our own internal processes to make the actions (approaches) we use bear fruit in terms of self-development, then that's a plus.
There are many things we may never know, but I think in one sense, the real opportunity here is that we are presented with an opportunity to engage with the world (including the information, the narratives, the action) in ways that can enhance and promote our own personal and collective development. If its challenging, that's a good thing. But the objective may not be to 'know' but to uncover how I think, why i think what I think, how I've been programmed, and to what extent I've really understood myself in relation to the world.
Final word: by extensive papers, again, I mean material that I could read, digest and find convincing. It's not about having proof. It's about how I engage with the material, and I have not found material or reasoning that I find convincing. I have found a LOT of material in other areas that I find extremely convincing, and by and large, my own personal experiences play a key part in any confirmation I arrive at.
(E.g the "Q proofs" ala deltas, etc, and drops, were never a big deal for me; I saw many other proofs that were far more convincing or relevant to me that Q is legit.)
That's one of the red flags the "biden is fake" theories have for me. Does it make ANY difference to me, to my support for DJT, for my role and engagement with the Plan, or to any other anons? Ultimately, it feels irrelevant, actually. (meaning whether it is a or whether it is b, the net effects are basically the same). So why is so much energy attached to it? Why do some people fixate on it to the Nth degree, indulging in such an expression of unabashed certainty, when of course they CANNOT actually know?
and so on.
I like the discussion. It is good. There is much food for thought in your ideas and thinking, and when I can engage without all the emotional overtones that the "I am certain, and there can be no doubt crowd" engenders, it's a lot easier to keep an open mind. Or at least, keeping the mind open is a lot more pleasant, when people aren't engaged with a personal and emotional attachment to their own ideas that overpowers open thinking.
Good stuff fren, much to discuss. Will write a longer reply tomorrow, but hereis a compilation of all the times Trump hinted this, turns out more times than even I knew!
The 'Biden is replaced' posts appear on a regular basis, and somehow get pushback from someone or some group who can't allow this to be openly discussed. They mostly bring up 'muh facelift' (inb4 - actually already in comments below, scroll down!) but we have seen undeniable proof of masks being used (or body doubles even.)
When he fell down going up those stairs on the way to his plane, he got back up way too fast. I knew for sure that was no old man. It is a show. All his embarrassing "mistakes" are too much to be real. The latest one comparing the fire in Maui to almost losing his corvette and cat, c'mon, unreal... Looks like she is on a mission to wake up normies. Nearing the end of the show???
Ok, valid points. But this Biden still does pervie stuff, sniffing children and kissing his granddaughter on the lips. What kind of actor would perve on children??
Castle Rock is the movie production. Tyler Perry studios’ White House is the other one. I think mostly for the outside shots. Culver Studios is a little limited there. There were some earlier shots outside at Culver, I think for Anons to pick up on the differences with the real WH.
I definitively recall seeing him that year and was struck how different he looked, after being out of public view for some time. Coincidentally, this was the same year Obama was reported to say:
Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up
Also in 2012, Putin halted adoptions of Russian children to the United States and Trump tweeted his 'Fast Trial, Death Penalty' for PEDOPHILES
So help me here. At some point in the last decade or so he is snatched by WHs, prosecuted for treason, and replaced with an actor?
Putting aside how his friends and family are duped, are we to believe: a) BHs all knew, were scared they could be next, but dared not scream out in the media about what happened because it will sound too unbelievable to normies? Or b) BHs are all still in the dark about the switch and only Anons can see it?
For me, there was something very, very pivotal/weird about March 2020. If you all recall, he was dead in the Dem primary polls (pardon the pun). Lost first two contests. Then in less than a week, he gets the Clyburn endorsement, wins South Carolina, and runs away with the nomination by early summer.
Forget the 2020 General Election...that is when I knew something screwy was happening. But who pushed his ascension over the primary finish line? Obama and Clinton? Or WHs? Cuz sure as hell wasn't the Sen. Biden the rest of us knew since the 80s. No way.
You are correct. I've posted about this many many times. If we are on the side of truth, we need to accept data even when it goes against our collective bias. My comment against the fake biden narrative always gets ratioed but i would rather tell the unpopular truth than a popular lie.
I suspect that you are a VERY deep thinker fren. In your mind, like in mine, things like this don't happen in the real world. But you may have forgotten that we're watching a movie. I suspect that we're all in for many big surprises even though we know the script. My spirit tells me that he and many other pieces have already been removed from the board and we are nearing the end of this insanity.
I try my best to stay open minded to new data, that said, I have tested this theory against forensic science and the idea that he is an actor or clone or cgi or robot, falls apart against science. I don't mean science that some MSM talking head spouts I mean my own forensic science shows conclusively that every one of those biden images are of the same human.
Plastic surgeons tell us they do not attach ear lobes as part of the face lift. Then, there is the eye color difference and the fact that he signed executive orders with the wrong hand.
gif of the face from similar angles through the years, focus on a single mapping point and watch as it moves (from age, angle and expression) but exists. https://i.ibb.co/yqQ2GJ6/ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif
Forensic analysis is considered admissible. The Forensic facial wrinkle mapping data points is infact evidence that each of those images show the same person. If you want to counter this, feel free but you would need something on par. Like for example, Forensic audio analysis. Take old and new recordings, and see if the person is the same or not.
I tend to agree. I've put the pictures of the suspected fake Biden against the real Biden through several mathematical tests of interocular distance, nose dimensions, etc. I have not found any convincing, incontrovertible evidence the face of the current Joe Biden is different from the face of the historical Joe Biden. Maybe he is, but I don't see enough of a difference to be convincing. I remain on the fence.
Maybe this will help you a little bit. The REAL JOE has or had a smirky grin. The right side of his mouth would go up a bit when he grinned. I remember him from being a Senator. It was just a characteristic of his and probably would be hard to mimic all the time if you were an actor. Check out some of his videos from a few years ago.
The deepstate does use fakes though. I remember clearly when the “laugher” Harris used a fake in a “COVID” mask around their own supporters. She was called out and walked away as fast as she could, why they were yelling “who are you!?”
So it’s not completely nonsense to say Joe is a fake as well. I personally don’t know for sure. Or I don’t care. The country getting jacked either way. I just wish someone would press the reset button already. Let’s gets some excitement!
Thirty years ago I knew a gal who moved to Delaware to work in Joe's office while he was a Senator. I do wish I could remember her name, I'd look her up on FB and ask about her experiences with Uncle Joe. I bet he bumped, rubbed, slithered around her all the time, because she was well endowed. But such is life, memories are like the wind, here one moment and gone the next. I bet she would have some stories about his character.
Going in the way back machine so forgive me if I miss something. At the big gathering for the True the Vote stuff, Steve Pieczenik openly told the group in the room that Biden isn't a clone he's a decoy. I'll see if I can find the clip.
Jeffrey Prather says they are not clones they are doubles...timestamp 2hours 26 minutes...at The Pit hosted by Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips.
Watch this like 10s clip of Biden and Putin, then try to convince me that a government or high level business could not improve on this level of AI video creation.
I don't know if I believe that the current President is not the former Vice President or Senator from Delaware.
But his stint in office has been a total disaster. He certainly isn't in control that is for sure.
Q mentioned safe guarding elections. We know 2020 was a total rig nationally. I think Bush Jr. had his brother rig Florida in 2000. I think Bush had Ohio rigged also in 2004. Despite how much of a moron Kerry has been acted lately with his stupid climate hypocricy and I bet most hate him on this board, he was stolen from also. I don't think Obama rigged his considering who he was running against both times. I voted for McCain the 1st round, but in '12 I just couldn't stand Raw Money. I know the choices were bad.
So my question is how far back have elections been rigged. Was 1992 rigged? 96? Did Bush Sr. rig his in 88. How about Reagan in 80 or Carter in 76?
Have any mid-terms been rigged?
I'm inclined to believe this and further, I'm starting to think installing a fake FJB via rigged election may have actually been part of the plan to further awaken the masses. Look at his laundry list of failures and exposed crimes. Look at all the evidence now available of rigging, cheating, corruption, etc. And the Trump arrest, hec I may even go as far as to say that was part of this 4-year awakening plan as well.
And Q's very long silence? What does team Q need to say or reveal when its all playing out in front of us??
Maybe I'm OD'ing on hopium but.....
Hey Fren.....
It's TRULY a movie!!!!
At this point I think I got grasp of it and another shite storm comes rolling through..
Truly amazing
Totally. And "Patriots in control" is another for me. They control FJB (or whomever this fake is). Everything, literally EVERYTHING he's done since being in office has been a F up.
But then that tells me the white hats burned maui, are trafficking children, are behind the death jab and countless other atrocities which doesn't sit well with me.
There are black hats at large. There may also be black hat prisoners that are playing their part as their deal. Each step of the way we learn new names that we didn't know before. The process is real and smoking them out. Is not safe to assume its over.
At least the White Hats had Biden laying around on the beach doing nothing all summer long. That does not necessarily mean that they were starting the fires.
The implication by many on this site is that white hats are in total control and the bad guys are playing a movie role. What I find disturbing is that future generations will say we should implement socialism because what we experienced now wasn't true socialism as DJT and his white hats were in charge. So the argument will be real socialism works, not the fake white hat version. The noble Biden got murdered by the secret military and got replaced by a DJT approved actor. That's the gist of it.
Then you point to all the places that tried it for real and not actors. Soviet Union, China, Venezuela, etc....and nobody is exactly flooding over there for a better life...
That means we should have learned by now as well. The failures of socialism is nothing new at this point.
This is one of the stupidest shill like comment strings Ive read here.
I've honestly never seen anyone try to reconcile how the public will react when they find out they've been lied to. That it wasn't the senile old man who they were on the fence about but instead some actor working for the "white hats." It would be like me telling someone the reason their souffle recipe didn't work is because they added too much salt but later they find out I shut off their oven. They will ultimately be curious about their original recipe because they find out I sabotaged them. That's why I believe DJT is a decent guy struggling to get in office but I wouldn't be into him if he were wrecking the country as many here believe to be the case just to make himself look good.
Do we know if Maui burned? I haven't been there. Tulsi could be a spook so her word could be psyop. Do you believe the Indian moon landing last week? We saw a glowing space invaders ship land. It was obviously fake. USA moon landing? Faith or fact? Sandy hook? Jfk? 911? DC? I've seen videos and then go back to the grind. Propaganda is legal and real. Was the plane in Afghanistan just a blow up decoy. Sure as shit looked like it
Is the inflation that caused my groceries to double and triple fake? Do I actually have more money in my bank account than what it says?
Is the job I lost from the mandates also fake?
There are real consequences happening here. It ALL can't be a psyop.
Can you even comprehend how much worse your life would be right now if Hillary had won?
Everyone is injured. Some more than others. I lost a father and a good job. I praise God that he gave us an easier battle than muskets in the woods with poor equipment against the greatest military on earth.
I essentially agree with everything your saying. When so much is clearly fake, the only proper course of action is to question the other stuff that seems just barely passable.
Everything except for renewing Trump’s EOs! That wasn’t a bad thing.
Imagine when the greater public learns this, going to be wild.
Consider this:
What kind of power position would one be in if they could potentially prosecute every last member of Congress, DOJ, FBI, etc.?
Maybe it is not only about revealing all the corruption -- on many levels -- to the public, but at the same time giving all these corrupt people enough rope with which to hang themselves.
"If Trump gets elected, we will all hang." -- Hillary Clinton
But she didn't consider the possibility that Trump would hand her the rope and let her hang herself, along with all her corrupt co-conspirators.
Potential life in prison or execution for treason. Potential seizure of ALL property owned.
They stabbed their own countrymen in the back, all for a little money and the comfort of not doing the right thing.
In 2016, they had Hillary and a few dozen other criminal conspirators they could have gone after, assuming they survived statute of limitations, corrupt judges, corrupt juries, and corrupt prosecutors and even defense attorneys who might intentionally sabotage cases.
But ...
By Trump playing dumb and playing the victim, he GOT THEM ALL in a mass conspiracy of TREASON.
There is no statute of limitations for treason. It can be prosecuted at any time in the future.
They are all SCREWED completely. And they EARNED it.
Holy Moly...is this movie good gettin' good or what!?! 🍿🍿🍿
We all think he was installed as part of the plan.
There's a reason he didn't even campaign.
There's also a reason Trump threw that first debate.
Would you mind elaborating on the last point about the debate?
Watching the first debate, I felt it was obvious Trump was disengaged and seemingly at points intentionally letting things get past him that normally wouldn't. And his voice was uncharacteristically muted
This isn't proof of course, but I had many texts that night from people across the country either pissed or worried that something was wrong.
So it's my belief that part of the plan of installing Biden as president was to at least give some credibility to it. I think Biden did better in that debate than he had performed at anytime since and it's because Trump took the dive, not that Biden was incredibly articulate
It's become peak clown world. WHs are 100% pulling strings to wake up people.
I sense a bit of hesitation in believing this stuff. Why? We have been prepped by Q al these years just so we know this exactly what is going on.
This is a flag for me, pushing me more towards Halper being a disinfo agent than anything else.
I might be wrong, but I literally see no advantage or viability to the idea that Biden has been body switched by white hats If this was done, it could NEVER be known; it would undermine the WH purpose and agenda.
Could it be done by the Cabal? Possibly, but why? For what purpose?
People age, they change, they have surgery, etc. I subscribe to the idea that Team DJT deliberately outmaneuvered the Deep State to get Biden to be the candidate, by baiting them, etc, and that either Biden is under indirect WH control, or is being held over a barrel and controlled that way. But the masks/clone/switcheroo theory? Sounds like flat earth to me.
If everything you are seeing makes sense and is consistent with the belief that the guy we see up there is the real Joe Biden, by all means, believe it. Like Jan Halper keeps saying, always trust your own instincts more than anything else.
As for me, it makes no sense. The entire plan would only work if the guy they put up there is completely under WH control and the real joe biden was long removed.
That, plus the clear difference between the guy called Joe Biden 10 years ago vs the guy who attended Trump's unauguration.
Plus, Trump telling us that Joe was shot and the rest of his description of Joe.
Plus, the fact that Joe is willingly acting like a complete incompetent nut job and willingly sabotaging everything the Cabal is doing.
Not when it is clear what kind of a criminal he is, and when people wake and learn that they. were indeed going to kill us all. The people then would be thanking the WHs for putting a fake guy, and not letting half the humanity be killed off and the rest enslaved. NO ONE would say "How DARE you put a fake Biden??"
Like everything thats happening, its all ultimately being done by the Cabal, but controlled by the WHs. Cabal knows this is not real Biden, but they think they control him. As it is becoming clear thay he is not, they are the ones themselves now throwing him under the bus.
This is what makes the show so brilliant. There are so many levels of optics and looking at the whole thing as black or white does not do justice to the reality
There is NOT way this plan could succeed if they let real Biden at the helm, even if they think they are controlling. He is far too smart, crafty and connected enough to make that a safe option. PLUS, with the real guy at the helm, there is no way you can trust the rest of the world to play along. Too mamny chances to cut some side deals, make some unexpected moves.
Hmmm. Thanks for the encouragement to trust my own instincts and go from there.
There are a number of factors in the "not the real Joe Biden" idea that don't make sense to me, and haven't thus far, despite exposure to the idea for a few years.
But I hear your arguments, and hear your passion for your view, and I appreciate the willingness to discuss (as too few seem to have a desire or ability to engage with the issue logically or dispassionately). (By passion from you, I mean enthusiasm and sense of conviction, not emotional reactivity, which is what I mean when referring to dispassionate engagement.)
One of the drawbacks of the theory I see is that personally, I am yet to encounter a very thorough or systematic discussion / analysis of the empirical data. All I have seen is people using anecdotal discussions and opinion, saying "Look! Look! They are OBVIOUSLY different!"
In my view, a discussion of the physiological evidence from a forensic standpoint would help lend credibility to the idea. If anyone is doing that, I've not seen it. By forensic, I mean, a clinical physician who actually knows what they are talking about going through the physiological evidence, step by step (and not merely a layman's comparison of pics taken years apart).
As a specialist in my particular field, I appreciate the difference between informed, educated analysis and random off-the-cuff layman views.
But let's put all that aside. When / where did Trump tell us that Joe was shot and provide the description you're referring to? I'm all ears (and not the glue attached silicone ones!)
Perhaps like you, I definitely like a layered approach. Conclusions arrived at by drawing together a variety of logical thoughts and evidence.
But I think in this case, there are a number of possibly viable explanations for why the guy in the white house is doing what he's doing, one of which might be he's an impostor actor, but to me it seems there are others.
For example, IF the good guys got all the goods on the Biden Crime family, including using Hunter as a willing (or unwilling) human source, AND the real objective of the whole operation was not simply to take down the Bidens, but the entire corrupt pantheon of Cabalites, THEN making the Biden Crime family flip for some level of immunity or leniency would seem a likely move.
I also think it's logical to hypothesize that the Bidens are possibly the most obvious, foolish and penetrable example or node of the US Cabal. Big enough, close enough (VP, Working directly with Obama, in the cesspool for decades) screwed up enough (Hunter's vulnerability, Joe's obvious and overt predilection for perversion, general extended family dysfunction: i.e. Ashley, etc) and careless enough ("Well what do you know! He fired him!" publicly and openly).
Smart? Joe comes across as a dumbass, imo. Clinton(s), Obamas, Nancy, etc, all seem to really play their impressions slickly, but NOT the Bidens. (But that's only an impression.)
So from that angle, I think that it would be a distinct advantage to have locked in Joe's WHOLE FAMILY or at least Joe/Hunter, and use them to crack open the whole thing, by getting him to play a role. It would obviously mean making it perfectly and abundantly clear to Joe etc that they have NO OTHER OPTIONS.
Think Trump on his world tour visiting Israel, the Vatican, Brussels, London, etc. he showed them the goods, and essentially forced them into a specific direction.
I appreciate your outlining your perspective. You prompt food for thought. That said, I really wonder how much of the whole operation is going to come out and become wide public knowledge within this generation?
Also, if the Cabal KNOWS this is not the former Joe Biden, then WHO replaced him? The Cabal? Why? How would that provide ANY advantage to them? Wouldn't that give them a massive liability for exposure? Then WHO? If it was the white hats, then WHY would the Cabal think they could control that person?
Another question I find hard to resolve is; IF this was a fake Joe Biden, then WHO would know about it? How many people? Is Jill fake, Hunter fake, James fake? What about his who extended family and contacts from a lifetime? How many people could know and if they knew, WHY would they keep quiet? Force? benefit? Threat? If threat of consequences, then why would that NOT also be viable means to control the real Joe in the first place?
I can appreciate a guy in a mask for a 24 hour operation ala Mission Impossible, but permanently? or perhaps you think it is not a mask thing, but a lookalike? Substitute?
A lot of this is speculation reasoning, and I think there are multiple possible answers.
Well, that really depends on how much of the game board the patriots control. I think they have a lot more control than what the normie view would even imagine.
A lot of this is assertion and conclusions but how concrete is it? Who needs to play along? Who needs to know? If so, why? If the original Biden was fully controlled, aka had capitulated to the White Hats, how dangerous would that be?
Game theory.
The only point I find very persuasive from your argument here is the one about "Not when it is clear what kind of a criminal he is, and when people wake and learn that they, were indeed going to kill us all." I think that's arguable (I mean, I can see how that might be argued in the positive sense).
In any case, all any of us can do is try to apply to work our best judgment and establish working ideas that advance what we are trying to do.
For me, I'm still very unconvinced by the whole Not My Joe Biden theories. In my own frame of mind, I see too many counter arguments and alternative and more plausible explanations for events.
On that note, do you know of any extensive papers or discussions on the whole question? Published and out there in alt-media or the anon sphere?
In any case, thanks for the reply, and sharing your views. FI
Agreed that if there was a forensic proof beyond a shadow of doubt, everyone would believe that this is not the real Biden. But, do the WHs want that? Obviously not, since it will bring the entire devolution crashing before its time. Thats why everything has an element of plausible deniability, and only a calibrated percent of people who can see behind the mask (so to speak).
When the calibration needs to be increased (as in they want more people waking up at a given time), they unleash people like Dr Halper.
This is a good thought process. Lets take this a bit further. What if Biden refused to play along? What if whatever leniency/immunity (I am guessing anything beyond life on Gitmo instead of execution would not be an option for someone like Biden) they offer, he just doesnt care?
The next question is, why not pick someone else. And I will argue that picking Biden was not just a draw of the lot. I think Biden is a crucial character in the Cabal's activities, and it has to be some with this kind of extensive corruption.
This is a good place to address your next point:
Think back carefully. When did Joe even come on your radar? For me it was only after Trump first predicted that Joe will be the final nominee for the Dems and at that time I did not believe it. Joe has always been under the radar and never left any kind of lasting impression (atleast from where I have been watching).
This is not by a coincidence. Unlike Clintons, Obama etc, he as been entrenching himself in the deep state for a very long time. Clinton became governor in 1983. Biden became a senator in 1971.
Biden has been central in orchestrating China's ascent, culminating with entry to WTO in 2001, but it took atleast a decade or more setting it all in motion. This is ay bigger deal that you would think. China represents the Democratic/CIA backed international asset, which overturned the Japan - which represented the Bush/MOS backed asset. There has been a civil war between the CIA/MOS for decades (symbolic decodes guy has tons of decodes on this) and in the end the CIA faction emerged victorious, and Biden was crucial in that.
I would also make a bold prediction that, it will come out that during Obama presidency Biden was the puppet master, and hence why he was the VP.
The "dumb Joe" look became obvious only after the real Joe was neutralized and the plan was set in motion to make devolution propelled under "Biden"
Hunter definitely turned against his dad. Baeu died mysteriously. All the kids molested by their granddad. The only possibility is Jill - who was probably his handler. I havent analyzed her much, but its possible she was turned / replaced. But the rest of the family most probably co-operated and hence this plan is possible.
White hats control all the strings. Their string to any person at the helm of presidency is probably the most dangerous. Lots of presidents have rebelled against their controllers, leading to extreme happenings of historic importance (assassinations, resignations etc).
The point is, Presidency is highly susceptible to optic. One wrong move, and pulling the string to stop it / damage control it and the whole plan might go awry.
So here is a better way to think about it. Ask yourself, which option would you prefer if you had to pick, for this devolution? 1. Real Biden neutralized to the best of your knowledge and with a figurative gun pointed from behind the scenes OR 2. Replacing Biden with a friendly guy who will fool the Cabal, and do exactly as told.
The answer will always be 2 since between the two, since going with 1 would incur unnecessary risks.
So you can expend your efforts in making 2 possible (and doing what it takes) rather than sitting there tensely waiting for the shoe to fall while you unleash the real biden to the world.
Again, how do you know he did capitulate? For all we know, he went to the gallows kicking and screaming until the last breath.
I am not sure what you expect when you say "extensive papers". There will never be any proof that does not have plausible deniability. There are plenty of videos on the internet that goes into various aspects, including body feature comparisions. But none of them will be "definitive proof".
Some good thoughts and worthy ideas raised, though in general they don't really address the red flags I have on the matter (theory).
It should be noted that I myself am not so foolish or nooby to aspire to or even desire "definitive proof". And, if plausible deniability exists, then it means that one can never really be certain anyway.
The options you cite re: a foil for devolution quantify only two aspects that is, if "all things being equal, would you prefer A or would you prefer B?" But to my mind, its NOT the case that all things are being equal. Either A or B both have unique problems and unique advantages and are more than likely subject to unique or differing constraints, liabilities etc. It is all those many different aspects that my own thought processes tell me are what need to be weighed up.
In a game of chess, it is about overall control, and not necessarily absolute control over this or that piece.
Casein point:
Do you think that in the past, there have been game-board situations that are identical or equivalent to the game board today? I do not.
In addition, I should probably add that I view the game board as multidimensional, in this sense.
Heaven (in the sense of Asian Philosophy - 天) exists. God, the higher spiritual realms exist and act out, and interact with those living on the earthly plane. Many on the earthly plane understand a sphere of the action, but not the overall plan and objectives of Heaven.
But in general, the spiritual realm is the realm of cause, and the material realm is the realm of effect. Thus, historical incidents "extreme happenings of historic importance" may appear to have causation in the material realm (plans, intrigues, actors and agendas) but are in fact underlined by causation in the spiritual realms.
Thus, while Heaven is executing its plan and objectives, those on earth may be carrying out certain roles and undertaking certain objectives, but that doesn't mean they are in control of everything. Indeed, if they enjoy control, it is likely because, like avatars and champions designated to fight on behalf of others, they execute control (and have the commensurate responsibility) because it has been granted to them.
By which I mean, there are likely many factors we ourselves are not aware of, as we do NOT have the responsibility to execute those things. We are not meant to know. What we are meant to do is to find out what we need to know in order to execute OUR responsibility.
That constraint should be kept in mind, I believe. When I look at some of the ideas and theories out there, and HOW people pursue them, I will often have misgivings because I don't really see how those ideas, theories and approaches actually HELP those people to grasp and fulfill THEIR own responsibility.
Indeed, a theory or hypothesis can be used as a self-inflicted distraction, or as a convenient excuse to ignore or avoid other things that are required in order to grasp, understand and execute a person's responsibility. Are the ideas, the theories productive? Do they advance the necessity for fulfilling personal responsibility, or collective responsibility?
This is also something I take into consideration, in addition to logicality, reasoning, and material data, etc.
Moving on...
Well, I don't. (I never said I did.) My question was "IF (A)", then what? It's supposition, then looking down the line at what that might imply, and indicate, and play out.
I think its safe to say that NONE of us "KNOW" what the reality of the situation is. But by being circumspect in how we approach things, with enough reflection on our own internal processes to make the actions (approaches) we use bear fruit in terms of self-development, then that's a plus.
There are many things we may never know, but I think in one sense, the real opportunity here is that we are presented with an opportunity to engage with the world (including the information, the narratives, the action) in ways that can enhance and promote our own personal and collective development. If its challenging, that's a good thing. But the objective may not be to 'know' but to uncover how I think, why i think what I think, how I've been programmed, and to what extent I've really understood myself in relation to the world.
Final word: by extensive papers, again, I mean material that I could read, digest and find convincing. It's not about having proof. It's about how I engage with the material, and I have not found material or reasoning that I find convincing. I have found a LOT of material in other areas that I find extremely convincing, and by and large, my own personal experiences play a key part in any confirmation I arrive at.
(E.g the "Q proofs" ala deltas, etc, and drops, were never a big deal for me; I saw many other proofs that were far more convincing or relevant to me that Q is legit.)
That's one of the red flags the "biden is fake" theories have for me. Does it make ANY difference to me, to my support for DJT, for my role and engagement with the Plan, or to any other anons? Ultimately, it feels irrelevant, actually. (meaning whether it is a or whether it is b, the net effects are basically the same). So why is so much energy attached to it? Why do some people fixate on it to the Nth degree, indulging in such an expression of unabashed certainty, when of course they CANNOT actually know?
and so on.
I like the discussion. It is good. There is much food for thought in your ideas and thinking, and when I can engage without all the emotional overtones that the "I am certain, and there can be no doubt crowd" engenders, it's a lot easier to keep an open mind. Or at least, keeping the mind open is a lot more pleasant, when people aren't engaged with a personal and emotional attachment to their own ideas that overpowers open thinking.
More later.
Good stuff fren, much to discuss. Will write a longer reply tomorrow, but hereis a compilation of all the times Trump hinted this, turns out more times than even I knew!
See also my comment here in another thread.
The 'Biden is replaced' posts appear on a regular basis, and somehow get pushback from someone or some group who can't allow this to be openly discussed. They mostly bring up 'muh facelift' (inb4 - actually already in comments below, scroll down!) but we have seen undeniable proof of masks being used (or body doubles even.)
When he fell down going up those stairs on the way to his plane, he got back up way too fast. I knew for sure that was no old man. It is a show. All his embarrassing "mistakes" are too much to be real. The latest one comparing the fire in Maui to almost losing his corvette and cat, c'mon, unreal... Looks like she is on a mission to wake up normies. Nearing the end of the show???
Absolutely. An 80 year old crashing on concrete doesn't get up and bike away
Scavino truthed or tweeted something about falling/fell the day before biden did
Ok, valid points. But this Biden still does pervie stuff, sniffing children and kissing his granddaughter on the lips. What kind of actor would perve on children??
IMO, most actors.
Touché lol 😂
Definitely. I had this thought as I set my phone down and closed my eyes. It’s probably Tom Hanks’ dream role
Who TF would name their son "Robinette"? It's like that Johnny Cash song "A Boy Named Sue."
Maybe he ain't a son, ever think of that?
I as watching Trump inauguration video recently, and it occued to me that they had replaced Biden by that time!
Brown eyes is the east coast guy and blue eyes is the west coast guys. The Oval Office is filmed on the west coast (Culver Studios).
Is Castle Rock the other one?
Castle Rock is the movie production. Tyler Perry studios’ White House is the other one. I think mostly for the outside shots. Culver Studios is a little limited there. There were some earlier shots outside at Culver, I think for Anons to pick up on the differences with the real WH.
I wonder if the man behind the Hollywood style latex mask gets all sweaty & chaffing, and itchy skin rashes?
Y'all notice that the fake Biden squints a lot? It's almost an affectation. Like he's trying to emulate the real one with the beady eyes?
Has anyone pinpointed the day of the switchover?
I think around 2012.
I definitively recall seeing him that year and was struck how different he looked, after being out of public view for some time. Coincidentally, this was the same year Obama was reported to say:
Also in 2012, Putin halted adoptions of Russian children to the United States and Trump tweeted his 'Fast Trial, Death Penalty' for PEDOPHILES
2012 is a big year for various reasons, not the least of which is I truly think the timeline jumped, or a new age arose
Biden died around March 2019. That was one of the reasons for the basement strategies.
So help me here. At some point in the last decade or so he is snatched by WHs, prosecuted for treason, and replaced with an actor?
Putting aside how his friends and family are duped, are we to believe: a) BHs all knew, were scared they could be next, but dared not scream out in the media about what happened because it will sound too unbelievable to normies? Or b) BHs are all still in the dark about the switch and only Anons can see it?
For me, there was something very, very pivotal/weird about March 2020. If you all recall, he was dead in the Dem primary polls (pardon the pun). Lost first two contests. Then in less than a week, he gets the Clyburn endorsement, wins South Carolina, and runs away with the nomination by early summer.
Forget the 2020 General Election...that is when I knew something screwy was happening. But who pushed his ascension over the primary finish line? Obama and Clinton? Or WHs? Cuz sure as hell wasn't the Sen. Biden the rest of us knew since the 80s. No way.
i think he just had bad plastic surgery, could be wrong
Explain blue eyes to brown eyes.
Explain attached ear lobes to not attached ear lobes.
Don't give me the crap that face lifts do that.
They don't.
You are correct. I've posted about this many many times. If we are on the side of truth, we need to accept data even when it goes against our collective bias. My comment against the fake biden narrative always gets ratioed but i would rather tell the unpopular truth than a popular lie.
I suspect that you are a VERY deep thinker fren. In your mind, like in mine, things like this don't happen in the real world. But you may have forgotten that we're watching a movie. I suspect that we're all in for many big surprises even though we know the script. My spirit tells me that he and many other pieces have already been removed from the board and we are nearing the end of this insanity.
☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ This.
I try my best to stay open minded to new data, that said, I have tested this theory against forensic science and the idea that he is an actor or clone or cgi or robot, falls apart against science. I don't mean science that some MSM talking head spouts I mean my own forensic science shows conclusively that every one of those biden images are of the same human.
Plastic surgeons tell us they do not attach ear lobes as part of the face lift. Then, there is the eye color difference and the fact that he signed executive orders with the wrong hand.
This is false.
I guess it is possible the plastic surgeons would attach the earlobes, but I have heard several say it is not common at all.
Still, there is the way he signed his name with the wrong hand, and there is the eye color issue.
Eye color can change with age and lighting.
Without proof, its just another theory.
There is proof and I've posted several times before.
Not proof, just theory.
Forensic analysis is considered admissible. The Forensic facial wrinkle mapping data points is infact evidence that each of those images show the same person. If you want to counter this, feel free but you would need something on par. Like for example, Forensic audio analysis. Take old and new recordings, and see if the person is the same or not.
I see, said the blind man as he reached for his hammer and saw.
That one never gets old.
Here a hint. They all are.
I tend to agree. I've put the pictures of the suspected fake Biden against the real Biden through several mathematical tests of interocular distance, nose dimensions, etc. I have not found any convincing, incontrovertible evidence the face of the current Joe Biden is different from the face of the historical Joe Biden. Maybe he is, but I don't see enough of a difference to be convincing. I remain on the fence.
Explain blue eyes to brown eyes.
Explain attached ear lobes to not attached ear lobes.
Don't give me the crap that face lifts do that.
They don't.
Maybe this will help you a little bit. The REAL JOE has or had a smirky grin. The right side of his mouth would go up a bit when he grinned. I remember him from being a Senator. It was just a characteristic of his and probably would be hard to mimic all the time if you were an actor. Check out some of his videos from a few years ago.
The deepstate does use fakes though. I remember clearly when the “laugher” Harris used a fake in a “COVID” mask around their own supporters. She was called out and walked away as fast as she could, why they were yelling “who are you!?” So it’s not completely nonsense to say Joe is a fake as well. I personally don’t know for sure. Or I don’t care. The country getting jacked either way. I just wish someone would press the reset button already. Let’s gets some excitement!
Here is an article of Joe Biden's Photos through the years:
Thirty years ago I knew a gal who moved to Delaware to work in Joe's office while he was a Senator. I do wish I could remember her name, I'd look her up on FB and ask about her experiences with Uncle Joe. I bet he bumped, rubbed, slithered around her all the time, because she was well endowed. But such is life, memories are like the wind, here one moment and gone the next. I bet she would have some stories about his character.
Doesn't look like her real account
Yes it's her account
Really? The handle "Biz Shrink" is sus
That's because she is a shrink
I stand corrected. The contents seem to corroborate what she said during the interview. I.e. the bankruptcy documents
its true! this is so weird! who is this man in the white house??
She seems to be everywhere and covering everything lately.
Will the real Pedo Pete please step forward?
Going in the way back machine so forgive me if I miss something. At the big gathering for the True the Vote stuff, Steve Pieczenik openly told the group in the room that Biden isn't a clone he's a decoy. I'll see if I can find the clip.
Jeffrey Prather says they are not clones they are doubles...timestamp 2hours 26 minutes...at The Pit hosted by Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips.
Watch this like 10s clip of Biden and Putin, then try to convince me that a government or high level business could not improve on this level of AI video creation.
This channel posts several new ones in a day.
My favorite:
I looked on her Twitter account earlier today but could not find this.. 🤷 I can't view her replies by the way.
It's there https://nitter.net/Biz_Shrink/status/1696535844763640192#m
The first one.
I don't know if I believe that the current President is not the former Vice President or Senator from Delaware.
But his stint in office has been a total disaster. He certainly isn't in control that is for sure.
Q mentioned safe guarding elections. We know 2020 was a total rig nationally. I think Bush Jr. had his brother rig Florida in 2000. I think Bush had Ohio rigged also in 2004. Despite how much of a moron Kerry has been acted lately with his stupid climate hypocricy and I bet most hate him on this board, he was stolen from also. I don't think Obama rigged his considering who he was running against both times. I voted for McCain the 1st round, but in '12 I just couldn't stand Raw Money. I know the choices were bad.
So my question is how far back have elections been rigged. Was 1992 rigged? 96? Did Bush Sr. rig his in 88. How about Reagan in 80 or Carter in 76? Have any mid-terms been rigged?
Each Presidential election since Bush Jr. except for the White Hats prevented it in 2016
That there is Robert L Peters, then Pedo Pete, JRB Ware, and finally Robin Ware.
After looking through her twitter page, her credibility is highly suspect.