Not so fast. Shifty Schiff is vying for this senate seat and Kamala Harris knows that from the beginning the Dems were trying to take her out. Have you ever wondered after Biden immediately assigned Kamala Harris to be the 'border czar', she never went down to the border? I believe it was an ambush waiting to happen. She was apparently tipped off and stayed close to home. Kamala Harris has always been a place holder for 'someone' else. I believe it was at first for Nancy Pelosi, but times have past and now it may be governor Newsom. But, there are problems with this. There is an obvious 'quid pro quo' that has all the appearances of besmirching the constitution and undermining the rule of law.
Feinstein's death appears to be unexpected and premature. I believe the dems wanted to retire her after they had secured an agreement with Kamala Harris to take Feinstein's Senate seat. This way governor Newsom could appoint Harris to take the senate seat. Right now, because of the sudden death of Feinstein none of this appears to be consolidated. Even if Kamala Harris was to take this position, and in turn, governor Newsom is appointed to the VP spot, it has an appearance of 'quid pro quo'. Speaker McCarthy is also the key to whether the House approves of it.
My dad is 93 years old. If he died tomorrow, which I pray doesn't happen, I'd consider it premature. Albeit, you raise a good point, the phrase I used wasn't so much related to Feinstein's age, but their timeline to get Newsom in the VP spot.
My dad died at 90 in 2012 and my mom at 93 in 2016. The more time that goes by, it seem the more I miss them.
Many years before they died, I knew, and understood that one day they would die. While with them I would like close my eyes, move ahead in time and imagine they were no longer alive, and think of how great it would be to see them again, and then I would open my eyes and there they would be. I know it sounds crazy, but I used to walk up to their door and think to myself how wonderful it would be if I could open this door and see my parents again. Then I would open the door and there they would be. I think this gave me a special appreciation for the time I had with them both. I tried to live with the idea that when they are dead, I will have no regrets, nothing that I wished I would have done while I had the time, but did not do.
Inevitably there will always be some things no matter how hard you try. But no really important things.
I will tell you one thing that I did that was very smart. About 15-20 years before either of them died, I sat down with a video camera and had my brother interview them about their lives from the first memories, then growing up in our small town, then meeting, getting married, and the early day together. it's about an hour long or more despite them both being very quite people. I think they understood it was important too.
I still have this video, and it is beyond wonderful to hear them laugh, and tell their story. And for future generations who never had a chance to meet these great people, it will be priceless.
Before it's too late, if you have not gotten you dad's life story on video, you should do that.
That's a wonderful story. I especially liked when you said you "use to walk up to their door and think to myself how wonderful it would be if I could open this door and see my parents again. Then I would open the door and there they would be."
That's a great way of keeping clarity on the importance of your relationship. I on the other hand, have to do that from afar, since dad lives in Florida. The video thing..... I had a child hood friend that specialized in doing that for others. He showed me some of his videos..... I knew his mom well growing up and he wanted to show me her last video when she had cancer. After seeing another video of a terminal cancer patient... and his reflections of life and what he wished would have been better, especially in knowing his daughters, I couldn't bear watching anymore. I had a picture in my mind of my friends wonderful mom and I didn't want to really see her afflicted with cancer.
My wife has pictures of her mom and dad, both deceased, in several rooms of the house. She has more occasions of expressing her sad feelings about missing her parents than I, especially her mom. Despite my mom died several years back, I have yet to display any pictures in any of the rooms. They are in a scrap book. Looking at them rekindles how much I miss her. And the 'should have', 'would have', 'could have' scenario seems to creep in. She was a wonderful person. Yet with me, my Lord knows what's best for me. He consistently tells me to be thankful for the present and plan for tomorrow. Don't think about next week, but today. Mom is gone. And avoid obsessions of living in the past. Never to look back, but forward..... To always look forward and prepare for my own ascension when that time comes. In the mean time, each morning I thank Him for another day.
Way back along time ago, animal feed came in sacks made of patterned material, and at one point my dad was describing how his mother made his shirts out of feed sacks. My brother asked if that was how Sacks 5th Avenue started. We all laughed for a good while.
That's a good question. Of course I don't really know the answer..... Perhaps, this happened all unexpectedly and publicized before those arrangements could be made. Again, I don't know. It just seems this was a surprise and not expected.
As governor he has the authority to fill the vacated senate seat. I just don't see Kamala Harris being that individual. The "inside" information that revealed this scheme involving Harris being "forced" to resign is IMHO ripe with purposeful misdirection. It's easy to lay a 'turd' in a trafficked area and watch everyone passing by with their eyes looking down so as not to step in it. Meanwhile, up above there's something outrageous happening and all those turd-watchers below are missing it.
Newsom will need approval from both houses of congress. I wonder which RINO's will support his nomination? Probably same ones that approved more funding for Ukraine.
25th Amendment: Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.
Nope. Murkowski was a threat to Team Evil, including Feinstein. My reference was that they claimed M died in an accident. Their lane departure enabled car "suddenly" swerved into oncoming traffic?
IMO she was killed for continuing to challenge the DS.
This was in response to drop 2281 you posted.
Ignore the moron who can't keep names straight, and confused Murkowski with Walorski. Hope you get a good laugh
EXACTLY. The more interesting question might long has DiFei BEEN dead, and how long has she been in the chiller, to trot her death out at a politically expedient moment??
These assholes think we're ALL that dumb. More definitely awake...but plenty more to go. :/
Trump said "we don't have to worry about her anymore" and now calls her "Beautiful Hillary". Love our best POTUS! The show is getting good and I'm excited for the "BEST IS YET TO COME"!!!!
It might be hard to identify the exact stench type, what with Pelosi's alcohol stench, and Nadler's underwear stench. Man, I wouldn't set foot in that building.
Silver makes a pretty decent substitute for lead in bullets, only 10% less dense, but more "slick." I've seen references to lead-silver alloy bullets. More expensive, of course. The Lone Ranger was not being entirely frivolous.
It doesn't pay to be a democrat, John john, dead in 1999 to conservative like his dad, (K)Hillary wins and begins a reign of terror. Feinstein, to old, in the way, served her purpose. so, She refused to resign, they did it for her.
Just got done checking out the various left-wing news sites (NBC,CNBC,ABC, etc regarding the witches death and the thumbs up are dominating the thumbs down at least 3 to 1....
I'm sure they'll stop allowing viewers to vote within an hour or two....
Can someone tell me how they will put Kamala in Feinstein's position. Is it a presidential appointment because I'm thinking it is an electable position so the people should vote for who gets the seat but obviously I'm wrong about that if this is the plan.
Newsom as Governor of California can put Harris into Feinstein's seat. Then FJB can nominate Newsom into the VP spot, assuming both houses of congress approve the spot his is. Then Joe is removed one way or the other.
She's dead, but is she retired yet? 😕
naaa shes gonna finish out her term before they put her in the hole
She'll just vote after her death like every other Demorat...
But at least she'll have trouble legislating post-mortem now that the cat is out of the bag.
LOL that's mildly morbid. Great find, and is perfect example of quite a few in congress today, and Biden to.
Just like ole Bernie
Fren you win the Internet, for this morning and maybe all of today. 🤣🤣
Take the see-you-in-tee off the voter roll!!
No, because the commies re-elected her.
One step closer to Newsom taking over Biden.
Kamala will take Feinstein seat and the Newsom will replace Kamala and Biden will step down
Not so fast. Shifty Schiff is vying for this senate seat and Kamala Harris knows that from the beginning the Dems were trying to take her out. Have you ever wondered after Biden immediately assigned Kamala Harris to be the 'border czar', she never went down to the border? I believe it was an ambush waiting to happen. She was apparently tipped off and stayed close to home. Kamala Harris has always been a place holder for 'someone' else. I believe it was at first for Nancy Pelosi, but times have past and now it may be governor Newsom. But, there are problems with this. There is an obvious 'quid pro quo' that has all the appearances of besmirching the constitution and undermining the rule of law.
Feinstein's death appears to be unexpected and premature. I believe the dems wanted to retire her after they had secured an agreement with Kamala Harris to take Feinstein's Senate seat. This way governor Newsom could appoint Harris to take the senate seat. Right now, because of the sudden death of Feinstein none of this appears to be consolidated. Even if Kamala Harris was to take this position, and in turn, governor Newsom is appointed to the VP spot, it has an appearance of 'quid pro quo'. Speaker McCarthy is also the key to whether the House approves of it.
Feinstein's death appears to be unexpected and premature. How can someone dying at 90 yrs old be premature. Just asking.
My dad is 93 years old. If he died tomorrow, which I pray doesn't happen, I'd consider it premature. Albeit, you raise a good point, the phrase I used wasn't so much related to Feinstein's age, but their timeline to get Newsom in the VP spot.
My dad died at 90 in 2012 and my mom at 93 in 2016. The more time that goes by, it seem the more I miss them.
Many years before they died, I knew, and understood that one day they would die. While with them I would like close my eyes, move ahead in time and imagine they were no longer alive, and think of how great it would be to see them again, and then I would open my eyes and there they would be. I know it sounds crazy, but I used to walk up to their door and think to myself how wonderful it would be if I could open this door and see my parents again. Then I would open the door and there they would be. I think this gave me a special appreciation for the time I had with them both. I tried to live with the idea that when they are dead, I will have no regrets, nothing that I wished I would have done while I had the time, but did not do.
Inevitably there will always be some things no matter how hard you try. But no really important things.
I will tell you one thing that I did that was very smart. About 15-20 years before either of them died, I sat down with a video camera and had my brother interview them about their lives from the first memories, then growing up in our small town, then meeting, getting married, and the early day together. it's about an hour long or more despite them both being very quite people. I think they understood it was important too.
I still have this video, and it is beyond wonderful to hear them laugh, and tell their story. And for future generations who never had a chance to meet these great people, it will be priceless.
Before it's too late, if you have not gotten you dad's life story on video, you should do that.
That's a wonderful story. I especially liked when you said you "use to walk up to their door and think to myself how wonderful it would be if I could open this door and see my parents again. Then I would open the door and there they would be."
That's a great way of keeping clarity on the importance of your relationship. I on the other hand, have to do that from afar, since dad lives in Florida. The video thing..... I had a child hood friend that specialized in doing that for others. He showed me some of his videos..... I knew his mom well growing up and he wanted to show me her last video when she had cancer. After seeing another video of a terminal cancer patient... and his reflections of life and what he wished would have been better, especially in knowing his daughters, I couldn't bear watching anymore. I had a picture in my mind of my friends wonderful mom and I didn't want to really see her afflicted with cancer.
My wife has pictures of her mom and dad, both deceased, in several rooms of the house. She has more occasions of expressing her sad feelings about missing her parents than I, especially her mom. Despite my mom died several years back, I have yet to display any pictures in any of the rooms. They are in a scrap book. Looking at them rekindles how much I miss her. And the 'should have', 'would have', 'could have' scenario seems to creep in. She was a wonderful person. Yet with me, my Lord knows what's best for me. He consistently tells me to be thankful for the present and plan for tomorrow. Don't think about next week, but today. Mom is gone. And avoid obsessions of living in the past. Never to look back, but forward..... To always look forward and prepare for my own ascension when that time comes. In the mean time, each morning I thank Him for another day.
Way back along time ago, animal feed came in sacks made of patterned material, and at one point my dad was describing how his mother made his shirts out of feed sacks. My brother asked if that was how Sacks 5th Avenue started. We all laughed for a good while.
Good analysis, forgot about that jerk schiff
If this was the case then why not just lie and hold off on announcing her death like they’ve probably done with Biden?
That's a good question. Of course I don't really know the answer..... Perhaps, this happened all unexpectedly and publicized before those arrangements could be made. Again, I don't know. It just seems this was a surprise and not expected.
Newsome promised to appoint a black female to the position.
As governor he has the authority to fill the vacated senate seat. I just don't see Kamala Harris being that individual. The "inside" information that revealed this scheme involving Harris being "forced" to resign is IMHO ripe with purposeful misdirection. It's easy to lay a 'turd' in a trafficked area and watch everyone passing by with their eyes looking down so as not to step in it. Meanwhile, up above there's something outrageous happening and all those turd-watchers below are missing it.
Newsom will need approval from both houses of congress. I wonder which RINO's will support his nomination? Probably same ones that approved more funding for Ukraine.
McCarthy. Will be deciding vote.
Oh. Great.
This. Thank you.
Sauce for this:
25th Amendment: Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.
You guys love White Hat about Biden nominating Trump for VP?
I think it is a fever dream, but I can't resist stirring up the herd.
That is one theory, yes.
I don’t see them putting McCarthy as VP as much as I want it to be true.
Q delta + 2
(thanks to u/Magnapinna)
Bet she died the 27th
Only +2 if the media is telling the truth about the day.
No one who has thought about it believes Murkowski died by accident.
Ignore the moron who can't keep names straight, and confused Murkowski with Walorski. Hope you get a good laugh
Feinstein you mean.
Nope. Murkowski was a threat to Team Evil, including Feinstein. My reference was that they claimed M died in an accident. Their lane departure enabled car "suddenly" swerved into oncoming traffic?
IMO she was killed for continuing to challenge the DS.
This was in response to drop 2281 you posted.
Ignore the moron who can't keep names straight, and confused Murkowski with Walorski. Hope you get a good laugh
Murkowski is not dead. What are you talking about?
See my update.
God decided humility and public shaming were on my menu today.
LOL! It's all good!
Meh it happens 🤷🏼♀️
Is SenatorLisa Murkowski dead? I must have missed that one...
No way! Sweet delta..
Is Jimmy Carter still around?
Oh ffs what are the odds GEAZUS
At least 17 gajillion to one.
Say hello to McCain and RBG for us! 🔥🔥
Don’t forget Elijah C, too!
John Elijiah Lewis Cummings?
You’ll have to ask Little Marco to verify that…
On a Friday to tie up the weekend news cycle. Distraction?
EXACTLY. The more interesting question might long has DiFei BEEN dead, and how long has she been in the chiller, to trot her death out at a politically expedient moment??
These assholes think we're ALL that dumb. More definitely awake...but plenty more to go. :/
Few know that answer, fren, but she’s been melting for at least 117 years! Here she is at her deathbed telling rest of the DS… u/#trap
Really? I didn't know she looked that good
Its filters kek
And before the noon msm news broadcasts... get that narrative distraction rolling!
Here is what I think. Musical chair to commence. Will it all go as planned? Something tells me, interesting times ahead.
Hillbilly Clinton still licking her wounds and licking her chops too, don’t count that monster out
This. Like the Sith, they are always competing, trying to gain more power than each other.
Each has their own selfish agenda.
Nah, she wont come back.
Trump said "we don't have to worry about her anymore" and now calls her "Beautiful Hillary". Love our best POTUS! The show is getting good and I'm excited for the "BEST IS YET TO COME"!!!!
An opportunity to become POTUS without having to go through an election? That's what she has always wanted. It would be too tempting to pass up.
She's dead Jim.
I would pay to watch Trump run against Biden and Hillary simultaneously.
My first thought exactly.
There's now way the Rs will vote for Newsom. If they do, they will all be exposed. Hmmm. Maybe they will and then we'll know.
They keep voted for Ukraine aid…
And who does he pick for VP?
Big Mike
You don't think Big Mike will be brought in ?
I think Barry would prefer him for puppeteering over newsome.
Dear Lord,
please have mercy on this woman's soul, and thank you she is dead.
I pray likewise, the evil people still here who are hurting others see the light, and you remove them from this place as you see fit.
Let not mine but Your Will be done.
In Jesus' Holy Name,
But how can anyone tell?
the stench went up by a factor of 10!
It might be hard to identify the exact stench type, what with Pelosi's alcohol stench, and Nadler's underwear stench. Man, I wouldn't set foot in that building.
i hear Killary smells like cabbage.
And sulfur~
Did Huma tell you that?
it was in one of John Podesta e-mails. he said other things she smelled like, but cabbage only came to my mind at this time.
apparently Killary doesn't bathe regularly.
Somebody needs to salt the grave-site and line her coffin with garlic.
…Just to be sure.
Don’t forget Cold Iron
Silver bullets may help too, and phosphorous.
Double tap then Fat Boy that corpse just to be certain
Silver makes a pretty decent substitute for lead in bullets, only 10% less dense, but more "slick." I've seen references to lead-silver alloy bullets. More expensive, of course. The Lone Ranger was not being entirely frivolous.
Detach the head.
Burn it. Shoot it's ashes toward the sun.
I appreciate the sentiment, but it takes more energy to send something into the Sun than it does to expel it from the solar system.
she'll still be voting in '24!
betcha she already mailed in her vote for 2024!
Another wrinkled flag?
You spelled hag wrong..
Ding dong the WITCH is dead! Which old witch, the wicked witch. Ding Dong the wicked WITCH is dead!!!!!!!
Waiting for Pelosi to sing that song again. RBG, now Feinstein. It is the perfect song.
Her new home is gonna be real hot.
The deep south?🤣🎯
Get in the flask!
I'll shed no tears for that traitor.
She’s owned by China
It's the Chinese Moon Festival 🌙 Very interesting timing. In addition to a close delta!
Full moon tonight too.
in what way? How can you prove it? I'm asking bc I genuinely want to know.
Even the normie mainstream news reported on the Chinese spy who worked for Feinstein for years:
You only need but read fine pede,
To find the wicked deeds
Done in the name of greed.
By claiming none of knowledge thee
Perpetuate evils fancy glee
And push all frogs to slavery.
At work rn but a simple google search shows a couple of older stories.
Q always said Follow the Wives.
I believe Feinstein is no different.
Also she’s the one who pushed the false rape allegations at the 11th hour on Kavanaughs hearing
She still voting for Biden doe.
How evil was she?
I only hear Pelosi everyday, don't know much about Feinstein.
She was so evil, hell said, "Not here, send her to congress! Only that place can containe her!"
well her driver of 20 years was a Chinese spy for starters.
Look at what she did to Harvey Milk to get her start. Right out of the gate pure evil.
Yep. She looks very evil, black eyes and all.
How could they tell??
May traitors never find the rest they seek.
That's good for the country. Hope she made right with the Lord.
Day One in hell. Good riddance!
Not hell yet just day 1 in the fiery torment of Hades - Hell comes later. Luke 16:19-31
That works for me!
It doesn't pay to be a democrat, John john, dead in 1999 to conservative like his dad, (K)Hillary wins and begins a reign of terror. Feinstein, to old, in the way, served her purpose. so, She refused to resign, they did it for her.
Or she has been on ice waiting until they need her just like some believe Carter is probably on ice waiting until he is needed
We need more bucket's kicked!
Maybe thats where all the Dems went in AZ . They needed a secret meeting to plan who will replace her.
Finally something exciting happened.
Such a shame....🙂🙂🙂
You'll get over it....Kek
Awesome news!!
I'll have to go out and add another 5' to my flagpole!!!
Just got done checking out the various left-wing news sites (NBC,CNBC,ABC, etc regarding the witches death and the thumbs up are dominating the thumbs down at least 3 to 1....
I'm sure they'll stop allowing viewers to vote within an hour or two....
“Hi John! Hey Ruth! Wow it sure is hot here… does anyone else smell sulfur?” -Dianne Feinstein, probably.
Can someone tell me how they will put Kamala in Feinstein's position. Is it a presidential appointment because I'm thinking it is an electable position so the people should vote for who gets the seat but obviously I'm wrong about that if this is the plan.
Newsom as Governor of California can put Harris into Feinstein's seat. Then FJB can nominate Newsom into the VP spot, assuming both houses of congress approve the spot his is. Then Joe is removed one way or the other.
Thanks for that.
Think newsome can appoint
Yes. And hope it isn't Schiff.
i hope the bucket is ok
Well they propped her corpse up like a weekend at Bernies sequel. It was about time
don't let the door hit you on the way to hell
She’ll still vote!
She was already voting Democrat so this doesn't change much.
DF looks just like the mob boss of Lady on the Goonies.