Thanks! This is a great diagram for those who want to come full circle in their AWAKENING PROCESS. It’s all BIBLICAL! There are 2 seedlines (lineages/descendants) identified in Genesis 3:15. Eve had sex with the serpent Satan (no she didn’t eat an apple). Cain is the offspring of Eve and the Devil. Abel is the offspring of Adam and Eve. The Canaanites and Edomites are of Satan.
Adamic vs Satan is what this war is really about!
The 12 tribes of Israel (Jacob’s descendants) vs the evil Edomites of Esau. Have you figured out who the Evil Edomites are in the world yet today? Are there more than just the 66 books of the Bible? Which books were removed and why? Your rabbit holes will eventually bring you to the Bible. Then read the books of Enoch and Revelations. Are we in tribulations? Did tribulations start with the pandemic? When is the harvest of the wicked? Does God tell us what to do with evil ones in Deuteronomy 20:17.
God (Yahweh YHWH) created Adam and Eve for the most perfect lineage bloodline of Jesus Christ. The letter J is only 400 years old so we know that’s not his real name. What is his real name? Who changed his name in the Bible? The evil Edomites have been living among us for thousands of years. They deceive and are out to destroy that green bloodline in the chart above. This, my friends, is the real war going on.
There is no mention of an apple in the Bible.
The word Food is from akal, which has multiple meanings and can mean sex. In Genesis 3:6 “Pleasant to the eyes” also means lusting and desired. We don’t lust for fruit.
What does beguiled mean in Genesis 3:13? Beguiled is Nasha, meaning to lead astray, deceive, seduce. We don’t seduce fruit.
In Genesis 3:7 if their eyes were opened from knowledge acquired and they knew they were naked. If their sin was of eating, why didn’t they cover their mouths? If children eat something they are not supposed to, they cover their mouths. They don’t cover their genitals.
The serpent is Satan.
Satans children are walking among us today. 2 Corinthians 11:3 and 1 Timothy 2:14
Genesis 3:14 And Yahweh God said unto the serpent (Satan)...
Some churches teach the serpent was a snake. This is why there are 33,000 denominations of Christianity.
John 8:44 tells us who would be the liars, deceivers and murders, always lurking in the shadows of society, like snakes in the grass.
Genesis 3:15 tells us that there are literally two seedlines of people in the world today. Yahweh’s children in green in the chart above and Satan’s children through Cain and later on Esau/Edom - Red in the chart above.
I think here are a few mistakes, but you are certainly partly right. There is a wealth of evidence that points to the reality of the symbolic story in Genesis.
Firstly, it's necessary to realize that the fruit is symbolic. The idea that God would put a literal poisonous fruit in the garden in order to test his child, and that if they failed the test the result would be death, is frankly ludicrous. if any parent here today did this, we would put in prison as a deranged murderer. That's not love. Also, would a loving parent carelessly place a most tempting fruit in the middle of the garden that HE created? No. Also, Jesus himself said "Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man." Matt 15:11. So how could a literal fruit cause human beings to become corrupted?
Moreover, the sin of Adam and Eve is passed down, generation to generation. A food or fruit may hurt the person it eats, but that toxicity would not be passed down through each generation. No, what is inherited down through generations is passed down through lineage.
As you say, Adam and Eve were warned they would die when they ate the fruit. there is NO fruit in existance that any of us would eat if we knew for a certainty that we would die. Adam and Eve were not starving.
So, it's only logical and sensible that the fruit represents something that was so tempting, so desirous, that Adam and Eve feared even death.
So what is the "fruit" a symbol of? First, consider the two "trees" in the garden. One, the Tree of Life, and the other the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. What does the Tree of Life symbolize? In the old testament: Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. Prov. 13:12. New Testament: Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates. Rev. 22:14
What did the Israelites hope for? What about Christians since the time of Jesus? if the hope of of humanity is the Tree of Life, then what was the hope of Adam? When he fell, God 'blocked the way to the tree of life'. What did Adam hope for? Adam hoped to reach perfection, oneness with God, his creator. But he fell, and this became impossible. The Israelite hoped to welcome and unite with the messiah, Jesus. And the greatest hope of all Christians is to welcome and unite with Christ at the second coming. Christ, the perfection of man, the True Adam.
If the Tree of Life symbolizes perfected Adam in the garden, what about the tree of K of G&E? What is fruit? It contains the seed for the next generation. In many, many cases, the bible uses the expression "to know" to mean 'unite with sexually'. ("Adam knew his wife...." Gen 4:1)
What lies at the very center of God's vision and ideal for his creation? It is his children, humanity. Adam and Eve. So it makes sense that the two trees in the center of the garden actually symbolize Adam (or Adam's potential to become perfect) and Eve. The 'fruit' of the T of KGE is the symbol for "Eve's love". It was Eve's sexual love that held the seed for the next generation.
So what was the commandment? The Command eas necessary because in an immature state, it might be possible for the power of love to overwhelm the power of truth. Once Adam and eve's love was matured into unity with God, and unity with the truth (to become the Word) there would be no possibility they could fall. But in an immature state, of the power of love came to them from a non-truth direction, it could derail them. This is why God gave the command to Adam (and him to Eve). To prevent them from falling to the power of love.
Lucifer knew this. And, he also knew that if Adam reached perfection - became perfected Adam - then Adam would be king of the universe. But up until Adam and Eve were created, Lucifer was extremely powerful, and had a monopoly on God's love. But when Lucifer thought about Adam becoming MORE beloved of God than himself, he felt jealousy. That was a natural outcome of his nature to desire love. But because God knew this, he gave the command to Adam and Eve to prevent them from falling to Lucifer's approaches. Then, if they resisted properly, through faith in God's command, they would mature, fulfill the vision of God's creation, and Lucifer's wayward leanings would no longer be a problem, because the power of love perfected in a human being is as great as God's own love itself.
(Adam failed in this, and that is why Jesus had to come, to restore Adam's mistake, and become, 'the second adam' and 'the true adam'..)
Lucifer understood that if he could gain control over Eve though an unrightous love, a love without God at the center, then he could also gain control over Adam, and he thought in this way, he could forever keep his position at the top of the creation food chain. Lucifer was motivated by jealousy of Adam, and as he got closer and closer to Eve, and spent more time with her, eventually lied to Eve and tempted her to unite with him in love.
But its critical to recognize that Lucifer was an angel, a spiritual being. So Lucifer's uniting with Eve in fallen love was a spiritual union, not a physical one. However, once Eve fell with Lucifer spiritually, she then went and tempted Adam and they fell through their physical union. So that fall of man happened in two stages: the spiritual fall and the physical fall.
Because the Angel does not have a physical body, there could be no offspring from the spiritual union with Eve.
but later, Adam and Eve began to live together as man and wife - under Lucifer - Satan's dominion, not God's - and they produced children. Cain REPRESENTED the first fall, the fall in the spirit, which is further from God's truth and that second fall, the fall in the flesh. Luficer was NEVER meant to be Eve's partner in sexual union. Totally, 100 wrong. But Adam WAS original meant to be Eve's husband, so their union, although fallen, is LESS wrong that the union between Lucifer and Eve.
This is WHY the firstborn in scripture symbolizes evil and the second born symbolizes good. Both are relative, but until the arrival of Jesus, ALL humanity, both abel and cain, etc, are all in Satan's lineage.
This is ALSO why we must be reborn through Christ. We must be reborn because we are first born of the fallen lineage. Christ is thus the true Adam, and the true ancestor. When we unite with Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit, we are reborn into his lineage spiritually. However, because our flesh still belongs to Satan's lineage, Christ must come again to give rebirth to humankind physically, in the flesh.
The key to understand here is that the so-called 'lineage of Satan' that you describe is all who have not been yet reborn through Christ.
The conflict in History is indeed conflict between the lineages that symbolize relative evil and those that symbolize relative good. How is the conflict resolved? When the representatives of evil, symbolizing Lucifer (or the first born), can submit and humble themselves to the representatives of good, symbolizing Adam (aka the second born) then God claims that re-union and it reverses the original fall in the garden.
This is exactly why Jacob became "Israel" and the founder, with Abraham and Isaac, of the chosen people. Jacob, through many trials and tribulations, was the first person in biblical history to gain victory over "the first born" - his brother Esau. When Esau humbled himself to Jacob, Jacob could stand separated from Lucifer's accusation and claim, and this became the foundation for the lineage that would eventually give birth to Jesus, the True Adam.
In the chart, what you refer to as Yahweh's children and Satan's children are relatives positions. And, this has to do not so much with DNA, but with who has claim over that lineage or not.
For time, this is a more accurate understanding of the essential core.
interesting. So you are saying that the serpent was maybe some humanoid sort of entity, similar say to the Nephilim, who also interbred with humanity. (After the serpent deceived Eve though, God transformed it into a snake like creature though, correct?)
You decide based on your readings. Yes, the Satan has breed with humanity.
Can Satan shape shift? Read Enoch. Eve was seduced and deceived by the Devil in Genesis. The Devil taught Adam and Eve about sex (tree of knowledge - and they ate of the fruit - not literal fruit - but had sex). It’s why they we’re ashamed and covered their genitals with leaves. Had they ate an apple (the word apple isn’t in the Bible), they would have covered their mouths like children do when they eat something they are not supposed to. The Bible is full of metaphors that we must discern with critical thinking. Most people have never read the Bible, but take a ministers word for it. Been happening like this for decades. It’s why we have 33,000 denominations of Christianity.
I appreciate different ways of looking at the bible & ancient myths in general. it's interesting that you say Satan can shape shift. There is a Greek Myth of Zeus shape shifting into an old lady until he got close enough to a beautiful young woman to rape her. There could be some sort of correlation between these different entities.
Ssue.....please stop assuming that your quaint knowledge of history and religion is sufficient to make such remarks. Read, Study, Learn. Good Grief......
Where did it say Eve had sex with Satan? Genesis 4:1 clearly said that Cain was conceived from Adam and Eve. But I've read the Book of Enoch and the Watchers or fallen angels certain did have sex with human females, spawning the Nephilims of Genesis 6.
Genesis 3:13. The word “ate” is “sex”....the churches teach Eve ate an apple. The churches have been indoctrinated like our schools.
Eve had sex with Satan. Satan deceived Eve. Then in Genesis 3:15 God put enmity between Satans seed and Adams seed. Eve was carrying 2 seeds from different fathers. Yes, it’s possible. Research Superfetation. Cain was from Satan. Abel was from Adam. And while Abel later dies, God prepares her womb to carry Seth later to provide a perfect bloodline for Jesus Christ.
We have been mislead about many things in the Bible. Check out this website for more info:
No Adam also had sex with Eve. Eve was carrying Satans seed (Cain) and Adams seed (Abel). It’s called Superfetation - research it. A woman can carry babies from two different males/sperm. It happens. Then in Genesis 3:15 And I will put ENMITY between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed....
What does ENMITY mean? In the means hatred.
The two seedlines will hate each other. Which is what the green and red lines show in the chart above.
Chandler is stating that the two seeds are literally from Adam and from Satan (lucifer). But Lucifer was a spiritual being, and could not impregnate with a material seed.
Genesis 4 is quite clear. Adam made love to Eve, and she conceived Cain. Later, she conceived Abel.
Cain and Abel are BOTH the offspring of Adam. BUT the problem is, Adam was fallen, and under Lucifer's dominion. Through the fall, Adam inherited evil nature from Satan. but he still had good nature from God.
God cannot relate to an evil being, as God is not evil. So God had to symbolically divide the good part of Adam from the evil part of Adam. He did this by symbolically setting up Cain as symbolizing the evil aspect of Adam, and Abel as symbolizing the good or Godly nature in Adam.
Also, Cain, as the first born, symbolized the first fallen union by Eve - that with Lucifer, which was 100% wrong. Abel as the second born, symbolized the second fallen union, of Eve with Adam. (this was also evil, because it was motivated by Eve's fallen fear inherited from Satan, and not achieved under God's blessing. But because Adam was originally intended to be Eve's spouse, this fallen union was less evil than the first.)
So Cain was in a position to relate to Satan as his master and subject, and Abel in a position to related to God as his master and subject.
This is why God had the two sons now make an offering. He received Abel's, because Abel was in that position, but rejected Cain's because Cain was in that other position. For what purpose?
To reverse the fall of humanity. Lucifer (created before Adam i.e. 'first born') could not humble himself to Adam (created after Lucifer, i.e. 'second born') but instead killed him. If Cain could humble himself to Abel, and unite with him, it would symbolize the reversal of Lucifer's mistake. On that foundation, God could send the messiah.
What did God say to Cain, when he got upset? "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you refuse to do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires you, but you must master it.”
In other words, what was 'right' for Cain to do was to humble himself to Abel, and ask Abel's assistance in making the offering in the right way. but instead of REVERSING the mistake of Lucifer, Cain actually repeated it, and murdered his brother who symbolized Adam.
It becomes clear that this is a n accurate interpretation when you read the scripture in the old and new testaments. Constantly, God was setting up elder brothers to be challenged by hate towards their younger brothers, so that by overcoming that, the fall of Lucifer if spiritually murdering Adam could be reversed as the start of the lineage that could bring the Messiah.
Shem ham and Japeth in Noah's family. (Ham was 'abel' but he failed to have faith in his father, and actually brought a curse on the family.) Abrham's sons, Ismael (elder) and Isaac (younger). Isaac's sons, Esau (elder) and Jacob (younger). The sons of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim.
The difference is, Jacob through humbling and loving Esau after many years of tribulation (21 years in Haran), actually melted Esau's heart, and Esau embraced Jacob instead of murdering him. THIS is exactly why Jacob was the start of Israel, and the head of the lineage that Jesus would be born from. A lineage of the one who successfully symbolically reversed the fall of Adam to Lucifer.
Why would God tell Satan there would be enmity between the serpents seed and the WOMAN's seed? -They're both her seed. If your thesis were true, it would be Satan's seed vs Adam's seed or God's seed.
Lookup enmity in your online concordance. It means hatred. Hatred between the 2 seedlines/lineages. It’s literally what the diagram above is about. Good vs evil. God vs Satan. Green lines vs red lines in diagram above. The Bible tells us who the evil people are in the world today. It is Satans seed (lineage) vs Gods seed (Adamic lineage). Yes, Satan has a lineage in the Bible with descendants living among us today. They have infiltrated our country and every aspect of our lives. They are in red in the diagram above = Edomites!
In Genesis 5:1 the book is the genealogy of Adam. If people would read the book as history, science and genealogy, instead of religion, it may help. Hopefully this helps...the awakening should bring everyone full circle to the Bible.
Superfetation is a rare biological phenomenon in which a woman becomes pregnant while already pregnant. In this unusual situation, two different embryos at different stages of development exist in the woman's uterus. Typically, a woman's body prevents new pregnancies from occurring when she is already pregnant, so superfetation is quite uncommon. It can lead to different due dates for the two fetuses and can present unique challenges for healthcare providers.
Gen 3:13 And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
The word eat:
A primitive root; to eat (literally or figuratively): - X at all, burn up, consume, devour (-er, up), dine, eat (-er, up), feed (with), food, X freely, X in . . . wise (-deed, plenty), (lay) meat, X quite.
However, the word beguiled can mean deceived or seduced. Relatively similar.
I am familiar with this theory, and it can make sense. The problem is that the words (that we can look up) don't follow closely. I'm not able to read Hebrew so I'm not able to be definitive on this topic. Perhaps someone who can do better than I can.
So would google translator help? Would it be more correct to say one does not understand Hebrew, that to say one can't read it. Because if you could read it, but then only translate into the nearest English word you may be no better off.
If "beguiled" takes on the meaning of seduced, then אָכַל (to eat) wouldn't make sense. Since אָכַל is a root word, in the primitive might take the meaning "to bring into" or to "take into the body", "to nourish", or "to nourish life", then that changes EVERYTHING.
If we take it to mean seduced than I would argue it is a spiritual seduction rather than a physical one. Satan got Eve to question the Word of God. At first she got God’s command correct. She told satan she was not supposed to eat from the tree. So satan changed tactics. He then told her that it’s not that you’ll die but become like God. He got Eve to question God’s intention; question if He was really good. Like God was trying to be sneaky and that’s why He really didn’t want them to eat from it. Satan got her to “eat” a new theology, “seduced” her into a new way of thinking. We see that time and time again in the OT where Israel turns their back to God, question His commands and look to other gods. I think God even calls it adultery in Isaiah or Ezekiel (I would have to find the Scripture). So in a way Eve did get “seduced” by satan but I don’t think it was a physically sexual way how the first comment states.
That makes a lot of sense. It could also fit the equation. But, isn't there also some discussion about Cain having a "mark" that separated him and made him "noticeable" from others? I seem to remember something like a horn, or a color. To have that type distinction, wouldn't he need to haver a different father? I'll not travel to far down this path here.
What could that mark be? Would it be discernable to anyone or only to those that God gives that insight to. I sometimes see people & make immediate judgments on that, not by any obvious 'mark' but something about them, hard to explain, but something about them just looks evil
yes, definitely it was spiritually seduced. The fall that occurred when Eve united with Lucifer was spiritual in nature. BUT, because human love is deeply intertwined with our sexual nature (God created us with two sexes so that through our union male and female - we can experience the profound love of God in that unity of husband and wife) Eve 'eating the fruit' with Lucifer was a sexual form of union BUT in the spirit.
Eve had both a spirit and a body, but Lucifer only had a spirit (no body). So, the fall interaction between them was indeed sexual in nature (because it all hinged on Eve's capacity to love aka 'eating the fruit') and she fell in a sexual love entanglement with Lucifer, but one that was spiritual in nature.
We can correctly understand the sexual relationship between a husband and wife as more than merely physical. It is also extremely spiritual in nature. From that perspective, its possible to understand that in some form, there could be a sexual union between a woman and an angel, but that it would be spiritual in nature only, and not material or physical.
As human beings, we have a fleshly body and a spirit body. Our spirit body has eyes, ears, touch, taste, just as our flesh does. But our spirit sees, hears, touches spiritual things, spiritual reality.
So when Eve ate 'the fruit" (which is the symbol of Eve's capacity to produce the next generation through her sexual love), with Lucifer, it was a sexual entanglement in the spirit. It bound her to him, through the power of (fallen) love. When she did the same thing with Adam, they united also physically, but OUTSIDE of God's blessing, and under Satan's influence.
"know" is often used in the Bible to mean "sexual union". "Adam knew his wife, and she conceived...."
The result of this is that all the descendants of Adam and Eve are born in Satan's lineage (meaning Satan has a claim over it, NOT that we carry Satan's DNA, which isn't possible because Satan has no material DNA). That's why we must be 'reborn', through Christ. But through the cross it is only spiritually reborn into God's spiritual lineage. That's why the second coming is necessary. So that humanity can unite with Christ at the second coming and be 'reborn' also physically, meaning, our flesh would be removed from Satan's jurisdiction, influence and claim.
Rom 8: 23 Not only that, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.
Adoption is only necessary if you are from another lineage.
That is interesting. Something I will need to think on a bit. But your explanation makes more sense than Eve having sex with satan and then that is how Cain can about. Thank you for sharing.
I often think about what Paul wrote: now we see dimly as in a mirror. THEN we will see face to face. Now I know in part, then I will know fully, even as I am known.
There are many parts of the scripture that were not understood, because the time was not ripe (IMO).
Regarding the fall, the flesh and lineage, one can use the analogy of a building. Humanity was created to be the vessel, the body - the temple - of God in the universe. God's purpose of creation is to experience love in the universe through dwelling in human beings, his children.
So, think about a building - a temple. If a holy man builds the building and dwells in it, it is holy. But if he were taken and murdered, and an evil man came to dwell in it instead, then the building becomes evil, defiled. There is no change in the building itself, but only in the purpose and who owns it, who uses it.
Another point worth reflecting on: in scripture, God told Adam "the day you eat of the fruit you shall surely die". But Adam ate the fruit and then lived for 400+ years (biblically). So did God lie? No. The death caused by the fall was spiritual death. Adam and Eve DID die when they ate the fruit.
What is physical death? It is when the connection between the spirit and the flesh is severed, and the flesh can no longer house or respond to the spirit.
What is spiritual death? It is a human being being cut off from God's love and light. It is falling from the spiritual realm where God is the center into the realm where Satan is the center. It is moving from God's sovereignty to Satan's sovereignty.
So Adam and Eve did die when they ate 'the fruit' - aka had the sexual love relationship with Lucifer (Adam only indirectly with Eve, but he inherited fallen nature from her).
What is resurrection? It is moving from Death to Life. It is moving from the spiritual realm Satan is Lord (aka spiritual death) to the realm where God is Lord (spiritual life).
The nature of the Fall and what happened, and the issues of death, resurrection, rebirth and salvation, are all deeply intertwined.
Satan was Lucifer, and Lucifer was an Angel. The fall of first Eve with Lucifer was spiritual in nature, and then with Adam was fleshly in nature. But the children of Adam and Eve were conceived long after this.
It's more accurate to understand that the lineage of the firstborn SYMBOLIZES the evil and the lineage of the second born symbolizes good. The reason is because salvation = restoration. What we understand as salvation is actual God restoring our original condition by REVERSING the process of the fall itself.
So just as Lucifer the elder creation murdered Adam the younger creation by seducing Eve and using her to seduce Adam, this needs to be reversed at first symbolically by having 'elder brothers' humble themselves (and not murder) their 'younger brothers'. That in a nutshell is the entire history of Israel from the time of Jacob until the time of Jesus. But after reversing the process of the fall symbolically, God could then bring the Messiah in the flesh, who then could gain the victory over Lucifer in substance, in actuality,not only symbolically.
I think its because the Op doesn't quite understand the process and the objective of restoration that he interprets the biblical record to mean literally different bloodlines of Satan and God. The actual bloodline of God is only restored once Jesus came and got the victory spiritually over Lucifer. So we can be reborn spiritually into his lineage. But physically, in the flesh aspect, we still belong to Satan's lineage. This is clear, because even if we are a great believer, we cannot give birth to children who do not need to be 'reborn' themselves.
Rom 8-23 Not only that, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.
IMO, there is a lot of truth in the OP's posting, even if it misses some important points.
OP not only misses important points but has a number of inaccuracies eg Solomon leads to Joseph not Mary and Nathan to Mary per Luke. The distinction is important the royal line from Solomon was cut off at Jeconiah/Coniah at Jeremiah 22:28 thus Jesus could not be enthroned as the King of the Jews by that lineage, but he is of the House of David via Solomon and Lineage through Nathan.
Setting aside for a moment satan == lucifer. Without doubt satan is the serpent of Genesis 3. I like your Eve spiritually ruined then Adam physically ruined for God to reverse that in Christ as physical first then spiritual - 1 Corinthians 15:45/46 alludes but is not explicit as you have explained. This is true of balance we see in many places with God reversing action x with action b.
Re satan is lucifer, nowhere in the Bible - as far as I know but always happy for a source - is satan called lucifer, Revelation 12:9 Great Red Dragon - Serpent of Old - Devil and satan no mention of lucifer. Jesus said 'I saw satan fall like lightning' and not 'I saw lucifer ...'
Isaiah 14 - those translations which say Lucifer are personifying from 'O Day Star son of the Morning', in the Hebrew. This would place this individual on a level with Christ 'Bright and Morning Star Revelation 22:16 thus he becomes the Anti-Christ. Also possibly Job 38:7 'when the morning stars (plural) sang together.
Isaiah 14:16 says this individual is a man, and that he was cast out of his grave v19 - much of the passage speaks of the individual as a man, as for the 'I wills ..' reflect was was happening at Babel. There is also much which speaks of heavenly matters.
As best my research ever reached was Jerome's vulgate translation as Lucifer in Isaiah 14.
If Satan is the anti-christ we then have issues with the Beast from the Sea who we generally call the anti-christ since he is empowered by the Dragon/satan, Revelation 13:2-4.
Aside from not taking the shot, what else could this mean? It could also mean who you have children with. I can't think of anything else.
I've had this discussion before, God wanted the Nephilim wiped out because they were an evil bloodline. They did not have exactly the genetic that God intended for humanity.
I disagree. Both Cain and Abel were conceived by Adam though Eve. Gen 4.1.
BUT, the elder son symbolizes the evil in Adam, and the second son symbolizes the good in Adam. Why? So that Good can overcome evil and bring evil into submission. When the evil in Adam submits to and surrenders to the good in Adam, then there is no more room for Satan to dwell in Adam, and Adam is restored back to God, fully.
That's why there is this constant pattern of the elder and younger brothers playing out in the bible, EVEN in the lineage of Abraham and especially in the lineage of Jesus.
Thank you! I knew someone else out there could help me open some minds, instead of listening to church doctrine. If people would only read it themselve.
If I, or anyone claims to be anti-Israel that position is totally justified and not necessarily saying I am against Judaism, or against the people of Israel. It does mean that I am anti-Zionist though, and that I am anti-Illuminati because that is who controls Israel . The different between Judaism and Zionism is Judaism is a religion, and Zionism is a political movement.
Also I believe now that anyone that blindly supports the current state of Israel is aiding and abetting Satan, because those who lead Israel are agents of Satan.
In my comment I link to The GREAT WHORE OF REVELATION. If you read the part My Farewell to Israel, Thorn of the Middle East By Jack Bernstein at that page, is this wild anti-Semitic ranting, is most of that true, or false. I ask because this is 180 degrees from what I think I know, and what I have heretofore seen via TV and video with my eyes. Just one example:
"From what I have told you so far, you must have the idea that Israel is a Marxist (socialist/communist) country. This would be correct."
I have never heard anyone who have visited the holy land, as they call it, say anything that would lead me to believe this, and I have never heard this whispered by anyone.
Excellent article! I would encourage everyone on these boards to read.
This is the GREAT DECEPTION. It is absolutely 180 degrees from how I was raised. It’s truth and this man may no longer be alive because of what he has exposed. The Bolsheviks rabbit hole awakened me to the millions of Christians who were slaughtered in Russia. I say slaughtered, because what the Bolshevik Jews did to Russia was horrific compared to Vietnam. I wondered why wasn’t this in our history books, and the rabbit hole went deeper. In upwards of 20 million Christians were killed....not one thing in our history books. All we get in our history books is know. You now know who the Edomites are in the Bible.
No. Only the sons of Judah are technically "jews" as far as I know. The sons of Shem are the Semites. The sons of Israel(Jacob) were called the Israelites.
So technically all Israelites and Judahites are Semites, all judahites are Israelites but not all israelites are jews. Of course this is just my understanding.
I have also hears the 'jew' was a generic name for people from Judea which was mostly followers of Abrahamic religions a d it just kind of stuck.
No, many are not, matter of fact, most are not....
Most are known as Goy, by the mean ones....
But those who do know what happened, know us as ""The Grafted"", or as the Gentiles, those who were offered Gods Covenant after the Pharisees and Sadducees refused Gods Salvation....
The question at hand - Bible says to pray for the Jews - those who bless God's people will be blessed - those who curse will be cursed.
We can't argue with the Bible and what God says in it.
So how do we reconcile that with the fact that all behavior from "Israel" should not just be blindly supported? What if they just go around melting hoards of innocent people? Still support them?
Normie land wants to suggest yes.
But - that simply doesn't make sense. Why would God want us to blindly support Jews just because they're "Jews" - even if they're committing horrible atrocities?
Hence - where the other things in the Bible - which you've laid out here - come into play.
"Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you." Rev 3:9
And now - we have understanding about this form of "Israel" out there who can be the bad guys - and still fit into what the Bible says will happen and God's command for us to bless the Jews. say we can’t question the Bible means Revelations 22: 18-19 needs to be read. If anyone adds or takes away items from the Bible, He tells you what will happen to them. God knew they would add and remove items from the Bible. Our job is to use discernment and study it, which hardly anyone does. The Bible is clear who the evil ones are...the Edomites. What have they changed? Who are the chosen ones? For real?
Take a look at this source:
And there are many more sites like this one.
For anyone interested looking into the stone of destiny used in the coronation of British Monarchs. It could be Jacobs pillow, where he rested his head in Bethel. It was in Ireland before Britain, in 700 BC. The stone matches stone in Palestine.
Steven Collins has extensive work on this. A whole series of books. Also Robert Sepehr has done anthropology work on it, he’s pretty controversial but you will see why when you read his findings. Collins book Israel’s lost empires is a good place to start
Where are the historical, archaeological, anthropological, and linguistic evidence that the northern 10 tribes migrated to Europe?
As for the Ashkenazi Jews (80% of the modern Jews), there's ample DNA evidence that they have Middle Eastern DNA mixed with just less than 50% European ancestry. Here's one study:
There's very little evidence they're descended from the Khazars although I won't be surprised if a few are.
When an entire civilization gets destroyed, the next best historical Evidence is their enemies and those who destroyed them, or those bystanders who had no part in the destruction....
The Romans had lots to say about the destruction of Jerusalem, such as ""Not one stone left unturned"", and the New Roman Guard Barracks put in its place....
Yeah guess what....
There's one hell o a lot of reading and learning we must do to gain full disclosure to our real past, and we are only at the beginning....
The Maccabean Revolt by the Jews of 167 BCE, drove out the Greek occupiers and established an independent kingdom of Israel. The Hasmonean family (who led the revolt) combined the office of the king with that of the high priest at the Temple in Jerusalem. Not everyone was happy with Hasmonean rule. Kings in Israel were to be from David's tribe, Judah, and the high priest had to descend from Zadok, the first high priest under Solomon; the Hasmoneans could claim neither line.
Mattathias was from a rural priestly family from Modi'in. He was a son of John (Johanan), grandson of Simeon, and great-grandson of Asmon or Hasmonaeus, a Kohen of the lineage of Joarib known for being the fifth grandson of Idaiah, son of Joarib and grandson of Jachin, in turn a descendant of Phinehas, third High Priest of Israel.[2][3] Like many priests, he served in the Second Temple in Jerusalem for a period.
Kohen were priests from the line of Aaron and the Tribe of Levi
Kohen (Hebrew: כֹּהֵן, kōhēn, [koˈ(h)en], "priest", pl. כֹּהֲנִים, kōhănīm, [koˈ(h)anim], "priests") is the Hebrew word for "priest", used in reference to the Aaronic priesthood, also called Aaronites or Aaronides.[1] They are traditionally believed and halakhically required to be of direct patrilineal descent from the biblical Aaron (also Aharon), brother of Moses, and thus belong to the Tribe of Levi.[2]
I wanted to chime in because I can see pushback to OP's theory. For me, this is not the first time I have seen the theory that Cain is the literal son of Satan. I first heard about this a few years ago when I stumbled upon a video from Dr. Gene Kim (Pastor with Youtube channel Real Bible Believers). Dr. Kim backs his teachings with bible passages.
I remember things finally starting to click in my head and make sense after watching that video, especially when it comes to bloodlines.
Although I cannot find that video right now. I did find a similar video that expounded on that original teaching titled "VERY WEIRD! What Really Happened to Satan & Eve?"
To me, it is clear that Eve spent time with Satan because he beguiled her and was able to trick her. Based on that, I believe that Eve laid with Satan and became pregnant with Cain, & that she also laid with Adam and became pregnant with Abel.
There are bible passages to back up that theory. Most notable are...
1 John 3:12 from Geneva Bible:
12 Not as Cain which was of that wicked one, and slew his brother: and wherefore slew he him? because his own works were evil, and his brother’s good.
Matthew 13:36-39:
36 Then sent Jesus the multitude away, and went into the house. And his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of that field.
37 Then answered he, and said to them, He that soweth the good seed, is the son of man,
38 And the field is the world, and the good seed are the children of the kingdom, and the tares are the children of that wicked one.
39 And the enemy that soweth them, is the devil, and the harvest is the end of the world, and the reapers be the Angels.
Thanks, this is the edifying truth that would set us free
I get downvotes and angry disbelieve for this when I state it like this:
Long live the real Israel - which for me is the lost Israelite tribes, who dispersed and founded what we know today as the various European tribes, and by extension and later migration, the Americans, Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders.
There are clues. The lost tribes were descended from Isaac, and that became "Isaac's sons" or SAXONS. (also Celts/Goths/Vikings and on it goes...)
Puts mass immigration and all the other torments (WW1/2) into perspective, and who and why they do it, and do it while claiming chosen status. Its burning jealousy. Real chosen people would be gracious enough not to lord it over others. We are nearing the awakening and this is the single biggest component in my view.
Thank you for the great post! This is a great thread of information. I am reading Enoch and Gospel of Thomas right now. What else are we going to find out?! Glad to be alive during these times. Blessings to everyone looking for Truth.
Who told you that God has a chosen people? The Torah? Yahweh? How could the Source of All Things have a chosen people?
Who wrote the Torah? Who exactly is Yahweh? Who is El? What country originally worshiped El as "Supreme God"? What country originally worshiped Yahweh? What was Yahweh the god of, and who was his father?
Why would "God" (Yahweh) have a chosen people? How racist is Yahweh? Why did Yahweh tell his "chosen people" to murder all the Canaanites who worshiped El as Supreme Deity?
There is a whole lot of evidence that suggests that the people who wrote the books we call the "Old Testament" were the Priest Class of Jews. In fact, that's not even a controversial statement. These are the same people who, having wrote "The Law" had written within that law that they would get a tenth of everyone's income (a society wide Income Tax), all their best cuts of meat, and their first born sons for blood sacrifice or temple slavery (or a first born tax, if they could afford it and wanted to save their children). All of that is straight from the Torah. I swear, no one actually reads the Bible. People say, "No, Yahweh got all those things!" Did he? What does the Source of All Things need with those things, and how exactly did he transfer them from the Jewish Priests who actually received them all the way up into "Heaven"? Amazon? Fed Ex?
All of the migrations that created the "Celts, Goths, Scots, Saxons, Danes, etc." were the Scythians. That is where they came from. No one questions that statement. The Scythians were the progenitors of all of those peoples. They were just Scythian outposts. It's corroborated in written record, archeological record, language record, and genetic data. You know who else were the Scythians? The Khazarians, right dead center in Scythia (the Pontic Steppes). It just so happens that the Scythians are also the Tartarians. Since that whole group has been erased from history, people completely don't understand history. The Scythians were the greatest empire on earth since the Younger Dryas event (who knows who the greatest were before that). No one even knows who the Scythians are, and the Tartarians are just "a myth". There's a reason for those misapprehensions...
Nothing is what it seems. You need to look at evidence outside of whoever created this map to see who people really are, and where their beliefs really came from. There is so much evidence that shows these things, yet everyone tries so hard to fit the evidence, when they find it, into their current beliefs. People can't actually see what is right in front of their face, and who is telling them what "the truth" is.
Never heard of Asha Logos. I'll have to check out that channel. The stuff on the Scythians is stuff I found all over.
My investigation started with the Tartarians. Once I moved past the standard "conspiracy theory" stuff and went into the primary evidence, I found that every historian prior to the 20th century kept saying that the Tartarians were just the Scythians. From there, I just dug deep into the archeological evidence, and the evidence of all the "different" cultures from that same region that all seemed to somehow share all the exact same qualities. The genetics of the Ruling Class was the same (the Ruling Class of all people of that Eurasian region had red/blonde hair and blue/green eyes, AKA the Aryan Race), their social structure was the same, intermarriages between the "disparate" regions was the same, they were all multi-ethnic (but all having the same intermarried Aryan leadership class), their genetics, language (proto-Indo-European), burial practices, ways they are noted as interacting with their neighbors, etc., all the same.
Every group that inhabits that region of basically what became the USSR, along with Iran, northern India, and sometimes northern Europe all the way to Britain, were all the exact same people doing the exact same thing in the exact same way, called the "Scythians" by every historian up until the 20th century.
The evidence for hiding the Tartarians (a name change from the Scythians around the time of Genghis Khan) is found all over, but the way it was hidden is noted specifically in a book by the Soviet historian Walter Kolartz who writes about how the USSR finally eliminated all Tartarian culture and history through their alphabet revolutions (starts on page 31).
At some point I will be putting out a write up of my investigation as part of my report on "the fuckery of how everything came to be what we see today".
At some point I will be putting out a write up of my investigation as part of my report on "the fuckery of how everything came to be what we see today".
I highly anticipate it. Please include sources where you can. I like to read some of the extra stuff 😁
If you read my report (linked above) you will see how I report things. Everything is sourced. Every statement I make (in my official report). I only (so far) show how there is a single corporation in the world, and a single body of people who run it, but it is comprehensive and incredibly well sourced.
There is no other way to convince anyone of anything outside of their current beliefs without actually showing the evidence. I am lazy on these boards sometimes, because mostly people here are used to digging in themselves, and just because it takes a lot of time to show evidence, but when it comes to my report, I am meticulous.
All I know for sure is that God, the supreme Creator, did not write the bible, nor gave he or she the Ten Commandments. Religions were a tool to bring mankind to a certain level of consciousness, so far so good. But now we need no more religions, a learning of spirituality would serve much better.
The new world will have the nucleus in the family, then the neighbourhood, the county, then the nation. But the cabal must be gone first and 4ever!
Holy shit! Someone else who is ACTUALLY awake! I may have to spend more time here!
I am first hearing of "Scythians" but it sounds like it's worth taking a look into.
I myself have recently shed all the conventional idealism. First I broke out of the Christian thought plantation by taking there whole "you either take all of the Bible or none of it" idea and flushed that down the toilet. Then I took Paul and reduced him to my level because, well, he's a fallen man like me, so his ideas of Jesus are no more special than mine or anyone else's. Then I stuck with what was left... Christ Jesus... I embraced what He says and contrary to what those downvoting you might claim, Christianity does not own Jesus. You can be an Atheist and still follow Christ. In the end He decides and even then that decision is based on how you treat people.
Beyond that, the Bible's mythology is suspect. If I am the god of all Creation, I am going to introduce myself to my creation on, oh I don't know DAY ONE. To avoid any confusion. "Yahweh" decided to wait until Mt Sini. Why? Why isn't "Yahweh" known before then?
After killing Able, what other humans does Cain run off to if Adam and Eve are the first humans and their two sons are the first two offspring?
The god of all creation, this planet, all eight billion of us, all the plants, animals, water, the solar system, the universe- is obsessed with my sex life?
Why did god place a loaded gun (tree of knowledge) in the MIDDLE of the garden? Is god a deadbeat, divorced dad living in a trailer? Or was the point of the story simply to not lie?
And that's really it. The end all be all. The beginning of knowing: honesty. Truth. Truth not in what other people try to decide is true, but first being true to you and accepting who you are. Thinking for yourself and living honestly to who you are. That is the first step to TRUE mental freedom and I see that in your post. You aren't bogged down by the correct religion's mob on this site. You aren't afraid to challenge the status quo. And you're right: we have been lied to. About a LOT. Even if Jesus is a part of Q, a lot of people are still going to be shocked by the outcome when it doesn't align to the Judeo-Christian corporate theories.
You didn't address a single question I posed. Not one. You didn't address anything I said.
Get off my comms, or get straight, I am not your toy....
If I don't align with your beliefs I shouldn't speak?
That's not how I roll. If that's how you roll, maybe you should roll yourself to one of the C_A's echo chambers. There are plenty around. Then you can bounce your beliefs around to other like minded (hive minded) brainwashees until you work yourselves into a cult frenzy and go commit some heinous crime in the name of your beliefs.
I appreciate this, I have been doing a daily reading of the Bible with a book called The Bible Recap. This book has really helped me with understanding the Old Testament.
Jesus sent most of the disciples to minister to the lost tribes. The Bible stops there, so just reading the Bible doesn't tell you where the tribes went. But the church fathers in their writings tell where the disciples went, so you know those places are where the lost tribes were 2,000 years ago. And none of them were Jews.
BTW, I have European ancestry, but my Y-DNA goes back to central Asia, thus back to Shem. We are everywhere. But almost none of the people who are part of the lost tribes know that they are descendants of the Israelites.
I tell people all the time that the Israelites and the current country of Israel are two entirely different things. We have zero Biblical obligation to that country.
Squirrel: A Sikorsky Blackhawk just flew over my house.
You are correct that the Israelites and the state if Israel are two entirely different things. We do have zero obligation to them.
However, the Bible is a book of race too. Knowing if you are an Israelite is pretty easy. But you are correct, most don’t know if they are a descendant or not. There have been some good books on the ancestry of Israelites.
What happens when one parent is of Satan & the other is God's chosen? Is it that they can't have fertile offspring? (Like a mule being the child of a horse & a donkey)
What if, by chance, there was even, just one such union that begot a fertile child that inherited both lines, who's church does that child & that child's decedents belong to?
I think you are mistaken. Yes, Eve and Lucifer (who fell to become Satan) had a sexual union (eating the fruit), but it was only spiritual in nature, and not material.
When Adam and Eve fell, they were reborn as the 'children of Satan' because Satan's nature came to dwell in them. Also, because they were the original children, they were destined to become the progenitors of all humanity, and all humanity would inherit God's nature and lineage through them.
But because they fell, the opposite happened, and humanity descended from them are ALL of Satan's lineage. Satan has a claim on ALL descendants of Adam and Eve. That is why humanity bust be reborn through Jesus, and 'adopted'.
But, in order to reverse the fall and the corruption that happened, and restore humanity back to his lineage, God must take steps to slowly reverse the conditions the Fall created. Adam had a responsibility, so God cannot simply wave a magic wand and fix everything. Someone in the place of Adam must reverse Adam's mistake. To have faith in God's word when Adam had disbelief. To unite with God;s word to become the embodiment of Good, where Adam united with Satan's word to become the embodiment of Evil.
Note; There is no such thing as absolute evil. Only God and only Good are absolute. Evil is in fact the condition of having BOTH good and evil elements together. THAT is what evil is.
Because Adam failed, and came to have both good and evil within, he could no longer fulfill his responsibility. He failed. So God then CHOSE Cain the elder son to symbolize the evil in Adam, and put Cain in a position of relating to only one master: Satan. But he also chose Abel the younger son, to symbolize the good in Adam, and also stand in a position to relate to only one master; God.
For what purpose? To have the elder humble himself and unite with the younger, reversing the fallen actions of Lucifer towards Adam. IF Cain did this, "you will be received, but evil is crouching at your door, and you must master it." so clearly, Cain COULD have done it. but he also failed, like Lucifer.
So the real pattern and purpose behind the lineages in the Bible is to have a lineage that reverses the failure of Adam - by believing in God;s word and embodying goodness - which separates them from Satan's influence.
But the original and seed is the same: Adam's seed. Adam become a being of both Good and Evil, and so these must be separated, and this is done by raising lineages that CONDITIONALLY are able to represent good and lineages that conditionally represent evil.
it would be more accurate to state that X are lineages over which Satan has MORE claim, and Y are lineages over which God has more claim. But only the lineage of Jesus himself (i.e. starting from Jesus - he is the FIRST) is God's actual lineage. And we only have that spiritually, through the cross.
The second coming is necessary because just as the fall was a two stage process : Lucifer > Eve (in spirit) and Eve > Adam (in the flesh and spirit), salvation aka restoration also is a two stage process: First, rebirth through Jesus & the holy spirit (in spirit) and rebirth through the Second Coming (in the flesh).
That's powerful evidence why the offspring of Adam and Eve ARE all Satan's offspring, in the sense that Satan has the claim over them, and the lineage is evil (mixture of good and evil).
So what happened at the time of the fall?
There are always elements shared in a relationship. When Eve united spiritually with Lucifer in a spiritual sexual union, she inherited Lucifer fallen nature, and was 'reborn' as Lucifer's daughter. But when she united with Adam, then that union was BOTH spiritual and physical in nature, because Adam and Eve had both a spirit and flesh. Lucifer, only a spirit.
But from the point of the Fall onwards, Adam and Eve were no longer able to stand in the position of God's children. So they were ejected from the Garden, which symbolizes the realm of God's sovereignty. And, all their offspring are born of that fallen lineage. Until they are reborn through Christ into God's lineage.
The fall was indeed sexual in nature, because it was 'love' and Eve's love, symbolized by the fruit, was the means by which Lucifer / Satan gained control and authority over her. But it was not material in nature. Only spiritual.
Paul explains that even the first fruits (those reborn through Jesus) still await for 'adoption' - "the redemption of our bodies".
Satan surely has more influence and control over some bloodlines than others, and indeed, God purified the bloodlines in Israel as much as possible in order to be able to give birth to Jesus at some point.
But all who believe in Jesus and receive the holy spirit are reborn into Christ's spiritual lineage, and the rebirth of our flesh - the claim of Satan over our flesh - is to be liquidated when Christ returns.
The viewpoint that Adam and Eve fell to become of Satan's lineage, and that the mission of Christ is to restore God's lineage, will find a lot of corroboration in scripture.
My most sincere Apologies for our malady, I wish I could make it so this picture could be easier to read for you and others who have this affliction....
Galatians. Christians are Gods Elect. You must read in context. The author, Paul, is speaking to the church. He is explaining how the graphted gentiles who hold the testimony of Christ are in fact the Elect. There was a new covenant. The covenant with Israel ended when he came to his own and his own received him not. Many will be saved in the last days once they realize that Jesus WAS THEIR MESSIAH! God has always choosen those who would turn from self and turn to him. Paul writes extensively about this in many of his epistles. Abrahams faith, David’s faith, ect. Christ said, “if you would have believed my father then you would believe me. My father and I are the same.” Christ was God in human form. Allow scripture and scripture only, to define itself and take all of man’s philosophy out of it.
Anyone who say they follow God for their own vanity are heritics. David speaks to this in Psalms 98. I believe. It’s one of those psalms just befor 100. He says Gods enemies are his enemies and that he hates them with a perfect hatred. That those who use God for their own gain is vanity. Saying GD is no worse than claiming to be a follower for one’s own gain. Wether it be mentally, physically, financially, or socially. I’ll name one. Keneth Copeland
Jeconiah, the son of Solomon was cursed by God in Jeremiah 22:30 (Thus saith the Lord, Write ye this man nchildless, a man that shall not prosper in his days: for no man of his seed shall prosper, ositting upon the throne of David, and ruling any more in Judah.) therefore Jesus could not have come from his lineage but the blood line of Jesus came through Nathan, the other son of David.
The current country "Israel" has little to do with the meaning of Israel in the Bible. The Bible is written in Kaballah code and shouldn't be taken literally.
God doesn't have a chosen country or race. Anyone who follows Jesus' path is God's chosen.
I cannot wait to sit down and study this graphic. Thank you for providing it. Whoever took the time to make it is a real gem. What a helpful piece of information.
WOW, I never expected this specific piece of the subject to arise....
But since it is here....
Ok, so the Cain + Abel = Cannibal thing, just doesn't Jibe....
It might sound right, but it doesn't it....
It is nothing more than a play on wors and the words have changed one hell of a lot between then and now....
Seriously, it's only been some 20,000 YEARS, we cannot expect the exact name to pass through Spoken History or 12,000 years to stay exactly the same, much less in written History that has never been heard.....
Lets just leave it at General Fats and not try to be too specific, ok???
Ashkenazi "jews" FILLED THE RANKS of Hitlers secret police who rounded up REAL JEWS, to the point they could no longer DENY it and instead retell it as if it's sime heroic tale of bravely being behind enemy lines and the sadness of the "wartime desperation" that caused them to voluntarily give up their fellows.... malarkey!!!!
And then we have the nazi term.... the term nazi originated as a way of saying Hitler was being puppeteered by the AshkeNAZI jews. It's not short for the Nationalsozialist party. That's ridiculous. That's not an offensive abbreviation at all. Not even a little. But, due to the ACTUAL MEANING OF THE WORD WHICH HAS BEEN DETERMINEDLY STAMPED OUT OF EXISTENCE PRACTICALLY, Hitler hated the term. He hated it.
Adolf Hitler NEVER EVEN UTTERED THE WORD NAZI. They don't teach you THAT in school!
I really want to get a long listen into them as I really do not believe he would say some of the things he is credited of....
Frankly, I think this should be done for ALL of the Worlds Most Prominent Leaders, in every language, so we can then try to piece together the strangeness of this insanity we must live with....
If you search Bitchute Hitler speech’s in English a couple come up. It’s interesting that this Biblical post has had one of the top number of comments, but disappeared from being a top post. It was stickied but then removed. Strange.
I have a suspicion as to why...when you call out the evil ones, the post with 204 comments just disappears. There haven’t been any posts come close to this many comments in a long time. We are obviously over the target.
Many accepted Christ 2000 years ago & their children's children were called Christians.
I remember reading somewhere that only 4% of Jews today are actually practicing and following the old covenant
Seems the rest are following the Talmuhd, and it was made only to destroy the Torah....
Glad to help....
You nailed it!
Thanks! This is a great diagram for those who want to come full circle in their AWAKENING PROCESS. It’s all BIBLICAL! There are 2 seedlines (lineages/descendants) identified in Genesis 3:15. Eve had sex with the serpent Satan (no she didn’t eat an apple). Cain is the offspring of Eve and the Devil. Abel is the offspring of Adam and Eve. The Canaanites and Edomites are of Satan. Adamic vs Satan is what this war is really about! The 12 tribes of Israel (Jacob’s descendants) vs the evil Edomites of Esau. Have you figured out who the Evil Edomites are in the world yet today? Are there more than just the 66 books of the Bible? Which books were removed and why? Your rabbit holes will eventually bring you to the Bible. Then read the books of Enoch and Revelations. Are we in tribulations? Did tribulations start with the pandemic? When is the harvest of the wicked? Does God tell us what to do with evil ones in Deuteronomy 20:17.
God (Yahweh YHWH) created Adam and Eve for the most perfect lineage bloodline of Jesus Christ. The letter J is only 400 years old so we know that’s not his real name. What is his real name? Who changed his name in the Bible? The evil Edomites have been living among us for thousands of years. They deceive and are out to destroy that green bloodline in the chart above. This, my friends, is the real war going on.
you are wrong - I do not believe Eve had sex with Satan - and I think you are distorting the Bible by saying so.
I’ll not debate it -you wont’ change my mind. I pity those who distort the word of God - they will not be looked upon fairly come judgement day.
Good for you. Bravo!
There is no mention of an apple in the Bible. The word Food is from akal, which has multiple meanings and can mean sex. In Genesis 3:6 “Pleasant to the eyes” also means lusting and desired. We don’t lust for fruit. What does beguiled mean in Genesis 3:13? Beguiled is Nasha, meaning to lead astray, deceive, seduce. We don’t seduce fruit. In Genesis 3:7 if their eyes were opened from knowledge acquired and they knew they were naked. If their sin was of eating, why didn’t they cover their mouths? If children eat something they are not supposed to, they cover their mouths. They don’t cover their genitals.
The serpent is Satan. Satans children are walking among us today. 2 Corinthians 11:3 and 1 Timothy 2:14 Genesis 3:14 And Yahweh God said unto the serpent (Satan)... Some churches teach the serpent was a snake. This is why there are 33,000 denominations of Christianity.
John 8:44 tells us who would be the liars, deceivers and murders, always lurking in the shadows of society, like snakes in the grass. Genesis 3:15 tells us that there are literally two seedlines of people in the world today. Yahweh’s children in green in the chart above and Satan’s children through Cain and later on Esau/Edom - Red in the chart above.
I think here are a few mistakes, but you are certainly partly right. There is a wealth of evidence that points to the reality of the symbolic story in Genesis.
Firstly, it's necessary to realize that the fruit is symbolic. The idea that God would put a literal poisonous fruit in the garden in order to test his child, and that if they failed the test the result would be death, is frankly ludicrous. if any parent here today did this, we would put in prison as a deranged murderer. That's not love. Also, would a loving parent carelessly place a most tempting fruit in the middle of the garden that HE created? No. Also, Jesus himself said "Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man." Matt 15:11. So how could a literal fruit cause human beings to become corrupted?
Moreover, the sin of Adam and Eve is passed down, generation to generation. A food or fruit may hurt the person it eats, but that toxicity would not be passed down through each generation. No, what is inherited down through generations is passed down through lineage.
As you say, Adam and Eve were warned they would die when they ate the fruit. there is NO fruit in existance that any of us would eat if we knew for a certainty that we would die. Adam and Eve were not starving. So, it's only logical and sensible that the fruit represents something that was so tempting, so desirous, that Adam and Eve feared even death.
So what is the "fruit" a symbol of? First, consider the two "trees" in the garden. One, the Tree of Life, and the other the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. What does the Tree of Life symbolize? In the old testament: Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. Prov. 13:12. New Testament: Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates. Rev. 22:14
What did the Israelites hope for? What about Christians since the time of Jesus? if the hope of of humanity is the Tree of Life, then what was the hope of Adam? When he fell, God 'blocked the way to the tree of life'. What did Adam hope for? Adam hoped to reach perfection, oneness with God, his creator. But he fell, and this became impossible. The Israelite hoped to welcome and unite with the messiah, Jesus. And the greatest hope of all Christians is to welcome and unite with Christ at the second coming. Christ, the perfection of man, the True Adam.
If the Tree of Life symbolizes perfected Adam in the garden, what about the tree of K of G&E? What is fruit? It contains the seed for the next generation. In many, many cases, the bible uses the expression "to know" to mean 'unite with sexually'. ("Adam knew his wife...." Gen 4:1)
What lies at the very center of God's vision and ideal for his creation? It is his children, humanity. Adam and Eve. So it makes sense that the two trees in the center of the garden actually symbolize Adam (or Adam's potential to become perfect) and Eve. The 'fruit' of the T of KGE is the symbol for "Eve's love". It was Eve's sexual love that held the seed for the next generation.
So what was the commandment? The Command eas necessary because in an immature state, it might be possible for the power of love to overwhelm the power of truth. Once Adam and eve's love was matured into unity with God, and unity with the truth (to become the Word) there would be no possibility they could fall. But in an immature state, of the power of love came to them from a non-truth direction, it could derail them. This is why God gave the command to Adam (and him to Eve). To prevent them from falling to the power of love.
Lucifer knew this. And, he also knew that if Adam reached perfection - became perfected Adam - then Adam would be king of the universe. But up until Adam and Eve were created, Lucifer was extremely powerful, and had a monopoly on God's love. But when Lucifer thought about Adam becoming MORE beloved of God than himself, he felt jealousy. That was a natural outcome of his nature to desire love. But because God knew this, he gave the command to Adam and Eve to prevent them from falling to Lucifer's approaches. Then, if they resisted properly, through faith in God's command, they would mature, fulfill the vision of God's creation, and Lucifer's wayward leanings would no longer be a problem, because the power of love perfected in a human being is as great as God's own love itself.
(Adam failed in this, and that is why Jesus had to come, to restore Adam's mistake, and become, 'the second adam' and 'the true adam'..)
Lucifer understood that if he could gain control over Eve though an unrightous love, a love without God at the center, then he could also gain control over Adam, and he thought in this way, he could forever keep his position at the top of the creation food chain. Lucifer was motivated by jealousy of Adam, and as he got closer and closer to Eve, and spent more time with her, eventually lied to Eve and tempted her to unite with him in love.
But its critical to recognize that Lucifer was an angel, a spiritual being. So Lucifer's uniting with Eve in fallen love was a spiritual union, not a physical one. However, once Eve fell with Lucifer spiritually, she then went and tempted Adam and they fell through their physical union. So that fall of man happened in two stages: the spiritual fall and the physical fall.
Because the Angel does not have a physical body, there could be no offspring from the spiritual union with Eve.
but later, Adam and Eve began to live together as man and wife - under Lucifer - Satan's dominion, not God's - and they produced children. Cain REPRESENTED the first fall, the fall in the spirit, which is further from God's truth and that second fall, the fall in the flesh. Luficer was NEVER meant to be Eve's partner in sexual union. Totally, 100 wrong. But Adam WAS original meant to be Eve's husband, so their union, although fallen, is LESS wrong that the union between Lucifer and Eve.
This is WHY the firstborn in scripture symbolizes evil and the second born symbolizes good. Both are relative, but until the arrival of Jesus, ALL humanity, both abel and cain, etc, are all in Satan's lineage.
This is ALSO why we must be reborn through Christ. We must be reborn because we are first born of the fallen lineage. Christ is thus the true Adam, and the true ancestor. When we unite with Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit, we are reborn into his lineage spiritually. However, because our flesh still belongs to Satan's lineage, Christ must come again to give rebirth to humankind physically, in the flesh.
The key to understand here is that the so-called 'lineage of Satan' that you describe is all who have not been yet reborn through Christ.
The conflict in History is indeed conflict between the lineages that symbolize relative evil and those that symbolize relative good. How is the conflict resolved? When the representatives of evil, symbolizing Lucifer (or the first born), can submit and humble themselves to the representatives of good, symbolizing Adam (aka the second born) then God claims that re-union and it reverses the original fall in the garden.
This is exactly why Jacob became "Israel" and the founder, with Abraham and Isaac, of the chosen people. Jacob, through many trials and tribulations, was the first person in biblical history to gain victory over "the first born" - his brother Esau. When Esau humbled himself to Jacob, Jacob could stand separated from Lucifer's accusation and claim, and this became the foundation for the lineage that would eventually give birth to Jesus, the True Adam.
In the chart, what you refer to as Yahweh's children and Satan's children are relatives positions. And, this has to do not so much with DNA, but with who has claim over that lineage or not.
For time, this is a more accurate understanding of the essential core.
The freemasons.
interesting. So you are saying that the serpent was maybe some humanoid sort of entity, similar say to the Nephilim, who also interbred with humanity. (After the serpent deceived Eve though, God transformed it into a snake like creature though, correct?)
You decide based on your readings. Yes, the Satan has breed with humanity. Can Satan shape shift? Read Enoch. Eve was seduced and deceived by the Devil in Genesis. The Devil taught Adam and Eve about sex (tree of knowledge - and they ate of the fruit - not literal fruit - but had sex). It’s why they we’re ashamed and covered their genitals with leaves. Had they ate an apple (the word apple isn’t in the Bible), they would have covered their mouths like children do when they eat something they are not supposed to. The Bible is full of metaphors that we must discern with critical thinking. Most people have never read the Bible, but take a ministers word for it. Been happening like this for decades. It’s why we have 33,000 denominations of Christianity.
I appreciate different ways of looking at the bible & ancient myths in general. it's interesting that you say Satan can shape shift. There is a Greek Myth of Zeus shape shifting into an old lady until he got close enough to a beautiful young woman to rape her. There could be some sort of correlation between these different entities.
You’re right.
They are completely misrepresenting the bible.
The question is, is it one purpose or out of ignorance?
The Vatican would like a word with you...
As soon as the gay orgy is finished.
Ssue.....please stop assuming that your quaint knowledge of history and religion is sufficient to make such remarks. Read, Study, Learn. Good Grief......
Where did it say Eve had sex with Satan? Genesis 4:1 clearly said that Cain was conceived from Adam and Eve. But I've read the Book of Enoch and the Watchers or fallen angels certain did have sex with human females, spawning the Nephilims of Genesis 6.
Agreed. The corrupt blood lines are the result of the hybrid offspring, Nephilim, of 200 fallen angels mating with human women.
Could they be a gene line of psychopaths?
thank you - that confused the heck out of me
Genesis 3:13. The word “ate” is “sex”....the churches teach Eve ate an apple. The churches have been indoctrinated like our schools.
Eve had sex with Satan. Satan deceived Eve. Then in Genesis 3:15 God put enmity between Satans seed and Adams seed. Eve was carrying 2 seeds from different fathers. Yes, it’s possible. Research Superfetation. Cain was from Satan. Abel was from Adam. And while Abel later dies, God prepares her womb to carry Seth later to provide a perfect bloodline for Jesus Christ.
We have been mislead about many things in the Bible. Check out this website for more info:
Eve took and ate of the fruit, and then she shared with Adam, who took and ate of the fruit. Did Adam have sex with Satan as well?
No Adam also had sex with Eve. Eve was carrying Satans seed (Cain) and Adams seed (Abel). It’s called Superfetation - research it. A woman can carry babies from two different males/sperm. It happens. Then in Genesis 3:15 And I will put ENMITY between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed.... What does ENMITY mean? In the means hatred. The two seedlines will hate each other. Which is what the green and red lines show in the chart above.
Are you suggesting Fraternal twins? wow.
Research Superfetation, while rare it happens. Not Fraternal. But pregnant mom is carrying two babies by two different fathers. Yes, it happens.
Ah. yes. Thank you.
Chandler is stating that the two seeds are literally from Adam and from Satan (lucifer). But Lucifer was a spiritual being, and could not impregnate with a material seed.
Genesis 4 is quite clear. Adam made love to Eve, and she conceived Cain. Later, she conceived Abel.
Cain and Abel are BOTH the offspring of Adam. BUT the problem is, Adam was fallen, and under Lucifer's dominion. Through the fall, Adam inherited evil nature from Satan. but he still had good nature from God.
God cannot relate to an evil being, as God is not evil. So God had to symbolically divide the good part of Adam from the evil part of Adam. He did this by symbolically setting up Cain as symbolizing the evil aspect of Adam, and Abel as symbolizing the good or Godly nature in Adam.
Also, Cain, as the first born, symbolized the first fallen union by Eve - that with Lucifer, which was 100% wrong. Abel as the second born, symbolized the second fallen union, of Eve with Adam. (this was also evil, because it was motivated by Eve's fallen fear inherited from Satan, and not achieved under God's blessing. But because Adam was originally intended to be Eve's spouse, this fallen union was less evil than the first.)
So Cain was in a position to relate to Satan as his master and subject, and Abel in a position to related to God as his master and subject.
This is why God had the two sons now make an offering. He received Abel's, because Abel was in that position, but rejected Cain's because Cain was in that other position. For what purpose?
To reverse the fall of humanity. Lucifer (created before Adam i.e. 'first born') could not humble himself to Adam (created after Lucifer, i.e. 'second born') but instead killed him. If Cain could humble himself to Abel, and unite with him, it would symbolize the reversal of Lucifer's mistake. On that foundation, God could send the messiah.
What did God say to Cain, when he got upset? "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you refuse to do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires you, but you must master it.”
In other words, what was 'right' for Cain to do was to humble himself to Abel, and ask Abel's assistance in making the offering in the right way. but instead of REVERSING the mistake of Lucifer, Cain actually repeated it, and murdered his brother who symbolized Adam.
It becomes clear that this is a n accurate interpretation when you read the scripture in the old and new testaments. Constantly, God was setting up elder brothers to be challenged by hate towards their younger brothers, so that by overcoming that, the fall of Lucifer if spiritually murdering Adam could be reversed as the start of the lineage that could bring the Messiah.
Shem ham and Japeth in Noah's family. (Ham was 'abel' but he failed to have faith in his father, and actually brought a curse on the family.) Abrham's sons, Ismael (elder) and Isaac (younger). Isaac's sons, Esau (elder) and Jacob (younger). The sons of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim.
The difference is, Jacob through humbling and loving Esau after many years of tribulation (21 years in Haran), actually melted Esau's heart, and Esau embraced Jacob instead of murdering him. THIS is exactly why Jacob was the start of Israel, and the head of the lineage that Jesus would be born from. A lineage of the one who successfully symbolically reversed the fall of Adam to Lucifer.
Why would God tell Satan there would be enmity between the serpents seed and the WOMAN's seed? -They're both her seed. If your thesis were true, it would be Satan's seed vs Adam's seed or God's seed.
Lookup enmity in your online concordance. It means hatred. Hatred between the 2 seedlines/lineages. It’s literally what the diagram above is about. Good vs evil. God vs Satan. Green lines vs red lines in diagram above. The Bible tells us who the evil people are in the world today. It is Satans seed (lineage) vs Gods seed (Adamic lineage). Yes, Satan has a lineage in the Bible with descendants living among us today. They have infiltrated our country and every aspect of our lives. They are in red in the diagram above = Edomites!
In Genesis 5:1 the book is the genealogy of Adam. If people would read the book as history, science and genealogy, instead of religion, it may help. Hopefully this helps...the awakening should bring everyone full circle to the Bible.
Superfetation is a rare biological phenomenon in which a woman becomes pregnant while already pregnant. In this unusual situation, two different embryos at different stages of development exist in the woman's uterus. Typically, a woman's body prevents new pregnancies from occurring when she is already pregnant, so superfetation is quite uncommon. It can lead to different due dates for the two fetuses and can present unique challenges for healthcare providers.
Thank you.
Gen 3:13 And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
The word eat:
A primitive root; to eat (literally or figuratively): - X at all, burn up, consume, devour (-er, up), dine, eat (-er, up), feed (with), food, X freely, X in . . . wise (-deed, plenty), (lay) meat, X quite.
However, the word beguiled can mean deceived or seduced. Relatively similar.
I am familiar with this theory, and it can make sense. The problem is that the words (that we can look up) don't follow closely. I'm not able to read Hebrew so I'm not able to be definitive on this topic. Perhaps someone who can do better than I can.
So would google translator help? Would it be more correct to say one does not understand Hebrew, that to say one can't read it. Because if you could read it, but then only translate into the nearest English word you may be no better off.
I wouldn't trust google on this, or most , topics. has Hebrew and Greek
Thinking about this a bit further:
If "beguiled" takes on the meaning of seduced, then אָכַל (to eat) wouldn't make sense. Since אָכַל is a root word, in the primitive might take the meaning "to bring into" or to "take into the body", "to nourish", or "to nourish life", then that changes EVERYTHING.
If we take it to mean seduced than I would argue it is a spiritual seduction rather than a physical one. Satan got Eve to question the Word of God. At first she got God’s command correct. She told satan she was not supposed to eat from the tree. So satan changed tactics. He then told her that it’s not that you’ll die but become like God. He got Eve to question God’s intention; question if He was really good. Like God was trying to be sneaky and that’s why He really didn’t want them to eat from it. Satan got her to “eat” a new theology, “seduced” her into a new way of thinking. We see that time and time again in the OT where Israel turns their back to God, question His commands and look to other gods. I think God even calls it adultery in Isaiah or Ezekiel (I would have to find the Scripture). So in a way Eve did get “seduced” by satan but I don’t think it was a physically sexual way how the first comment states.
That makes a lot of sense. It could also fit the equation. But, isn't there also some discussion about Cain having a "mark" that separated him and made him "noticeable" from others? I seem to remember something like a horn, or a color. To have that type distinction, wouldn't he need to haver a different father? I'll not travel to far down this path here.
Yes Cain had a mark. His father is Satan.
What could that mark be? Would it be discernable to anyone or only to those that God gives that insight to. I sometimes see people & make immediate judgments on that, not by any obvious 'mark' but something about them, hard to explain, but something about them just looks evil
imo, you are both right and wrong.
yes, definitely it was spiritually seduced. The fall that occurred when Eve united with Lucifer was spiritual in nature. BUT, because human love is deeply intertwined with our sexual nature (God created us with two sexes so that through our union male and female - we can experience the profound love of God in that unity of husband and wife) Eve 'eating the fruit' with Lucifer was a sexual form of union BUT in the spirit.
Eve had both a spirit and a body, but Lucifer only had a spirit (no body). So, the fall interaction between them was indeed sexual in nature (because it all hinged on Eve's capacity to love aka 'eating the fruit') and she fell in a sexual love entanglement with Lucifer, but one that was spiritual in nature.
We can correctly understand the sexual relationship between a husband and wife as more than merely physical. It is also extremely spiritual in nature. From that perspective, its possible to understand that in some form, there could be a sexual union between a woman and an angel, but that it would be spiritual in nature only, and not material or physical.
As human beings, we have a fleshly body and a spirit body. Our spirit body has eyes, ears, touch, taste, just as our flesh does. But our spirit sees, hears, touches spiritual things, spiritual reality.
So when Eve ate 'the fruit" (which is the symbol of Eve's capacity to produce the next generation through her sexual love), with Lucifer, it was a sexual entanglement in the spirit. It bound her to him, through the power of (fallen) love. When she did the same thing with Adam, they united also physically, but OUTSIDE of God's blessing, and under Satan's influence.
"know" is often used in the Bible to mean "sexual union". "Adam knew his wife, and she conceived...."
The result of this is that all the descendants of Adam and Eve are born in Satan's lineage (meaning Satan has a claim over it, NOT that we carry Satan's DNA, which isn't possible because Satan has no material DNA). That's why we must be 'reborn', through Christ. But through the cross it is only spiritually reborn into God's spiritual lineage. That's why the second coming is necessary. So that humanity can unite with Christ at the second coming and be 'reborn' also physically, meaning, our flesh would be removed from Satan's jurisdiction, influence and claim.
Rom 8: 23 Not only that, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.
Adoption is only necessary if you are from another lineage.
That is interesting. Something I will need to think on a bit. But your explanation makes more sense than Eve having sex with satan and then that is how Cain can about. Thank you for sharing.
It's interesting, isn't it.
I often think about what Paul wrote: now we see dimly as in a mirror. THEN we will see face to face. Now I know in part, then I will know fully, even as I am known.
There are many parts of the scripture that were not understood, because the time was not ripe (IMO).
Regarding the fall, the flesh and lineage, one can use the analogy of a building. Humanity was created to be the vessel, the body - the temple - of God in the universe. God's purpose of creation is to experience love in the universe through dwelling in human beings, his children.
So, think about a building - a temple. If a holy man builds the building and dwells in it, it is holy. But if he were taken and murdered, and an evil man came to dwell in it instead, then the building becomes evil, defiled. There is no change in the building itself, but only in the purpose and who owns it, who uses it.
Another point worth reflecting on: in scripture, God told Adam "the day you eat of the fruit you shall surely die". But Adam ate the fruit and then lived for 400+ years (biblically). So did God lie? No. The death caused by the fall was spiritual death. Adam and Eve DID die when they ate the fruit.
What is physical death? It is when the connection between the spirit and the flesh is severed, and the flesh can no longer house or respond to the spirit.
What is spiritual death? It is a human being being cut off from God's love and light. It is falling from the spiritual realm where God is the center into the realm where Satan is the center. It is moving from God's sovereignty to Satan's sovereignty.
So Adam and Eve did die when they ate 'the fruit' - aka had the sexual love relationship with Lucifer (Adam only indirectly with Eve, but he inherited fallen nature from her).
What is resurrection? It is moving from Death to Life. It is moving from the spiritual realm Satan is Lord (aka spiritual death) to the realm where God is Lord (spiritual life).
The nature of the Fall and what happened, and the issues of death, resurrection, rebirth and salvation, are all deeply intertwined.
This was my ah-ha moment...
Take a look at or
What Bible version are you using - All the versions I have says at Genesis 4:1 Adam knew his wife Eve and she conceived and bore Cain.?
Yes, the post conveniently misses this point.
Satan was Lucifer, and Lucifer was an Angel. The fall of first Eve with Lucifer was spiritual in nature, and then with Adam was fleshly in nature. But the children of Adam and Eve were conceived long after this.
It's more accurate to understand that the lineage of the firstborn SYMBOLIZES the evil and the lineage of the second born symbolizes good. The reason is because salvation = restoration. What we understand as salvation is actual God restoring our original condition by REVERSING the process of the fall itself.
So just as Lucifer the elder creation murdered Adam the younger creation by seducing Eve and using her to seduce Adam, this needs to be reversed at first symbolically by having 'elder brothers' humble themselves (and not murder) their 'younger brothers'. That in a nutshell is the entire history of Israel from the time of Jacob until the time of Jesus. But after reversing the process of the fall symbolically, God could then bring the Messiah in the flesh, who then could gain the victory over Lucifer in substance, in actuality,not only symbolically.
I think its because the Op doesn't quite understand the process and the objective of restoration that he interprets the biblical record to mean literally different bloodlines of Satan and God. The actual bloodline of God is only restored once Jesus came and got the victory spiritually over Lucifer. So we can be reborn spiritually into his lineage. But physically, in the flesh aspect, we still belong to Satan's lineage. This is clear, because even if we are a great believer, we cannot give birth to children who do not need to be 'reborn' themselves.
Rom 8-23 Not only that, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.
IMO, there is a lot of truth in the OP's posting, even if it misses some important points.
OP not only misses important points but has a number of inaccuracies eg Solomon leads to Joseph not Mary and Nathan to Mary per Luke. The distinction is important the royal line from Solomon was cut off at Jeconiah/Coniah at Jeremiah 22:28 thus Jesus could not be enthroned as the King of the Jews by that lineage, but he is of the House of David via Solomon and Lineage through Nathan.
Setting aside for a moment satan == lucifer. Without doubt satan is the serpent of Genesis 3. I like your Eve spiritually ruined then Adam physically ruined for God to reverse that in Christ as physical first then spiritual - 1 Corinthians 15:45/46 alludes but is not explicit as you have explained. This is true of balance we see in many places with God reversing action x with action b.
Re satan is lucifer, nowhere in the Bible - as far as I know but always happy for a source - is satan called lucifer, Revelation 12:9 Great Red Dragon - Serpent of Old - Devil and satan no mention of lucifer. Jesus said 'I saw satan fall like lightning' and not 'I saw lucifer ...'
Isaiah 14 - those translations which say Lucifer are personifying from 'O Day Star son of the Morning', in the Hebrew. This would place this individual on a level with Christ 'Bright and Morning Star Revelation 22:16 thus he becomes the Anti-Christ. Also possibly Job 38:7 'when the morning stars (plural) sang together.
Isaiah 14:16 says this individual is a man, and that he was cast out of his grave v19 - much of the passage speaks of the individual as a man, as for the 'I wills ..' reflect was was happening at Babel. There is also much which speaks of heavenly matters.
As best my research ever reached was Jerome's vulgate translation as Lucifer in Isaiah 14.
If Satan is the anti-christ we then have issues with the Beast from the Sea who we generally call the anti-christ since he is empowered by the Dragon/satan, Revelation 13:2-4.
Aside from not taking the shot, what else could this mean? It could also mean who you have children with. I can't think of anything else.
I've had this discussion before, God wanted the Nephilim wiped out because they were an evil bloodline. They did not have exactly the genetic that God intended for humanity. has all the books and important writings of the early days of Christianity.
Thank you
Had seen this series a while back. If I remember correctly it is a decent intro into the subject
Bible Secrets Revealed: The Forbidden Scriptures Lost to Time (S1, E3)
Heteropaternal Superfecundation= biological phenomenon of giving birth to twins with two different biological fathers
this is what happened in the Garden.
Cain is fathered by the serpent. The first born was a MURDERER, just as his father the devil
Abel is fathered by Adam. The first born from man & woman, was murdered by the first born between the serpent & woman, Cain.
Cain + Abel= Cannibal
I disagree. Both Cain and Abel were conceived by Adam though Eve. Gen 4.1.
BUT, the elder son symbolizes the evil in Adam, and the second son symbolizes the good in Adam. Why? So that Good can overcome evil and bring evil into submission. When the evil in Adam submits to and surrenders to the good in Adam, then there is no more room for Satan to dwell in Adam, and Adam is restored back to God, fully.
That's why there is this constant pattern of the elder and younger brothers playing out in the bible, EVEN in the lineage of Abraham and especially in the lineage of Jesus.
Thank you! I knew someone else out there could help me open some minds, instead of listening to church doctrine. If people would only read it themselve.
Thanks for posting this. I would like to learn more about this. Earlier this afternoon I was reading this, Understanding The History Of Khazarian Jews , and this one THE GREAT WHORE OF REVELATION, which talks about some of what you have outlined, and I realized something.
If I, or anyone claims to be anti-Israel that position is totally justified and not necessarily saying I am against Judaism, or against the people of Israel. It does mean that I am anti-Zionist though, and that I am anti-Illuminati because that is who controls Israel . The different between Judaism and Zionism is Judaism is a religion, and Zionism is a political movement.
Also I believe now that anyone that blindly supports the current state of Israel is aiding and abetting Satan, because those who lead Israel are agents of Satan.
Your last line says it all perfectly!
In my comment I link to The GREAT WHORE OF REVELATION. If you read the part My Farewell to Israel, Thorn of the Middle East By Jack Bernstein at that page, is this wild anti-Semitic ranting, is most of that true, or false. I ask because this is 180 degrees from what I think I know, and what I have heretofore seen via TV and video with my eyes. Just one example:
"From what I have told you so far, you must have the idea that Israel is a Marxist (socialist/communist) country. This would be correct."
I have never heard anyone who have visited the holy land, as they call it, say anything that would lead me to believe this, and I have never heard this whispered by anyone.
Excellent article! I would encourage everyone on these boards to read.
TRUE This is the GREAT DECEPTION. It is absolutely 180 degrees from how I was raised. It’s truth and this man may no longer be alive because of what he has exposed. The Bolsheviks rabbit hole awakened me to the millions of Christians who were slaughtered in Russia. I say slaughtered, because what the Bolshevik Jews did to Russia was horrific compared to Vietnam. I wondered why wasn’t this in our history books, and the rabbit hole went deeper. In upwards of 20 million Christians were killed....not one thing in our history books. All we get in our history books is know. You now know who the Edomites are in the Bible.
I have other posts, a couple with a link to a direct PDF that outlines exactly this and is a good starter for your studies....
I hope I am helping.....
So we’re all jews
No. Only the sons of Judah are technically "jews" as far as I know. The sons of Shem are the Semites. The sons of Israel(Jacob) were called the Israelites.
So technically all Israelites and Judahites are Semites, all judahites are Israelites but not all israelites are jews. Of course this is just my understanding.
I have also hears the 'jew' was a generic name for people from Judea which was mostly followers of Abrahamic religions a d it just kind of stuck.
Oy vey!
Azazel Tov!
No, many are not, matter of fact, most are not....
Most are known as Goy, by the mean ones....
But those who do know what happened, know us as ""The Grafted"", or as the Gentiles, those who were offered Gods Covenant after the Pharisees and Sadducees refused Gods Salvation....
I think it's in Acts....
This is a HOT topic of discussion in my house.
The question at hand - Bible says to pray for the Jews - those who bless God's people will be blessed - those who curse will be cursed.
We can't argue with the Bible and what God says in it.
So how do we reconcile that with the fact that all behavior from "Israel" should not just be blindly supported? What if they just go around melting hoards of innocent people? Still support them?
Normie land wants to suggest yes.
But - that simply doesn't make sense. Why would God want us to blindly support Jews just because they're "Jews" - even if they're committing horrible atrocities?
Hence - where the other things in the Bible - which you've laid out here - come into play.
"Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you." Rev 3:9
And now - we have understanding about this form of "Israel" out there who can be the bad guys - and still fit into what the Bible says will happen and God's command for us to bless the Jews.
Excellent stuff - thank you! say we can’t question the Bible means Revelations 22: 18-19 needs to be read. If anyone adds or takes away items from the Bible, He tells you what will happen to them. God knew they would add and remove items from the Bible. Our job is to use discernment and study it, which hardly anyone does. The Bible is clear who the evil ones are...the Edomites. What have they changed? Who are the chosen ones? For real?
Take a look at this source: And there are many more sites like this one.
Pray or those who are Hebrews, and of the line of David, and of the 12 Tribes of Gods Israel....
What verse are you quoting when you say 'Bible says to pray for the Jews'?
Nothing specific, just in Proverbs, when you DO good things for your Enemies, it is like pouring Hot Coals on their heads....
I would like to know how someone came to the conclusion that Judah became Zarah which became the ancestor of the Trojans, Brutus, and British.
Ill look but I'd really appreciate it if someone else could send some sources if they find some.
Are there any research books on the lineages of the 12 Tribes of Israel?
Kek right? I'm just sitting here watching this shit like a ant colony. 😂😂😂
As I find them, I will post them....
I can do no more than that....
OK thank you HOSEQ
For anyone interested looking into the stone of destiny used in the coronation of British Monarchs. It could be Jacobs pillow, where he rested his head in Bethel. It was in Ireland before Britain, in 700 BC. The stone matches stone in Palestine.
Steven Collins has extensive work on this. A whole series of books. Also Robert Sepehr has done anthropology work on it, he’s pretty controversial but you will see why when you read his findings. Collins book Israel’s lost empires is a good place to start
I like Robert Sepehr a lot
I haven't heard of Collins before, I'll check him out, thanks!
Was just reading this:
We all must learn our true heritage, thanks for adding....
Excellent, I love how it's laid out.👏🥰
Where are the historical, archaeological, anthropological, and linguistic evidence that the northern 10 tribes migrated to Europe?
As for the Ashkenazi Jews (80% of the modern Jews), there's ample DNA evidence that they have Middle Eastern DNA mixed with just less than 50% European ancestry. Here's one study: There's very little evidence they're descended from the Khazars although I won't be surprised if a few are.
That would be a great thing for you to research and keep is updated on. The 'research wanted' tag is definately warranted on this post.
When an entire civilization gets destroyed, the next best historical Evidence is their enemies and those who destroyed them, or those bystanders who had no part in the destruction....
The Romans had lots to say about the destruction of Jerusalem, such as ""Not one stone left unturned"", and the New Roman Guard Barracks put in its place....
Yeah guess what....
There's one hell o a lot of reading and learning we must do to gain full disclosure to our real past, and we are only at the beginning....
Thank you Hose q.
Do you know me???
""L"" renda is that you???
No I am not. I have been here per ages. God bless.
Curious about where the Essenes fit in, possibly those taken into Assyrian captivity?
Good question, Please look for it....
Might be in the Lost Scrolls....
Haven't found it exactly yet, but ran out of time this morning, I'll look some more after work
I got busy with my kids after work lol looks like the Maccabean's are warriors from the line of Mattathias d.166 BCE
Mattathias is the line of the Kohen
Kohen were priests from the line of Aaron and the Tribe of Levi
I wanted to chime in because I can see pushback to OP's theory. For me, this is not the first time I have seen the theory that Cain is the literal son of Satan. I first heard about this a few years ago when I stumbled upon a video from Dr. Gene Kim (Pastor with Youtube channel Real Bible Believers). Dr. Kim backs his teachings with bible passages.
I remember things finally starting to click in my head and make sense after watching that video, especially when it comes to bloodlines.
Although I cannot find that video right now. I did find a similar video that expounded on that original teaching titled "VERY WEIRD! What Really Happened to Satan & Eve?"
To me, it is clear that Eve spent time with Satan because he beguiled her and was able to trick her. Based on that, I believe that Eve laid with Satan and became pregnant with Cain, & that she also laid with Adam and became pregnant with Abel.
There are bible passages to back up that theory. Most notable are...
1 John 3:12 from Geneva Bible:
12 Not as Cain which was of that wicked one, and slew his brother: and wherefore slew he him? because his own works were evil, and his brother’s good.
Matthew 13:36-39:
36 Then sent Jesus the multitude away, and went into the house. And his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of that field.
37 Then answered he, and said to them, He that soweth the good seed, is the son of man,
38 And the field is the world, and the good seed are the children of the kingdom, and the tares are the children of that wicked one.
39 And the enemy that soweth them, is the devil, and the harvest is the end of the world, and the reapers be the Angels.
Thanks, this is the edifying truth that would set us free
I get downvotes and angry disbelieve for this when I state it like this:
Long live the real Israel - which for me is the lost Israelite tribes, who dispersed and founded what we know today as the various European tribes, and by extension and later migration, the Americans, Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders.
There are clues. The lost tribes were descended from Isaac, and that became "Isaac's sons" or SAXONS. (also Celts/Goths/Vikings and on it goes...)
Puts mass immigration and all the other torments (WW1/2) into perspective, and who and why they do it, and do it while claiming chosen status. Its burning jealousy. Real chosen people would be gracious enough not to lord it over others. We are nearing the awakening and this is the single biggest component in my view.
EDIT: Here is some sauce:
You nailed it!!!! Ding Ding Ding! Thanks for putting this out there!
Thank you for the great post! This is a great thread of information. I am reading Enoch and Gospel of Thomas right now. What else are we going to find out?! Glad to be alive during these times. Blessings to everyone looking for Truth.
Have you read Jasher yet? That’s where you find out what happens on the Arc between Noah and Ham. So many unanswered questions from the 66 Books.
I have not. I would love to though. I will look into it. Thanks for the heads up!
Who told you that God has a chosen people? The Torah? Yahweh? How could the Source of All Things have a chosen people?
Who wrote the Torah? Who exactly is Yahweh? Who is El? What country originally worshiped El as "Supreme God"? What country originally worshiped Yahweh? What was Yahweh the god of, and who was his father?
Why would "God" (Yahweh) have a chosen people? How racist is Yahweh? Why did Yahweh tell his "chosen people" to murder all the Canaanites who worshiped El as Supreme Deity?
There is a whole lot of evidence that suggests that the people who wrote the books we call the "Old Testament" were the Priest Class of Jews. In fact, that's not even a controversial statement. These are the same people who, having wrote "The Law" had written within that law that they would get a tenth of everyone's income (a society wide Income Tax), all their best cuts of meat, and their first born sons for blood sacrifice or temple slavery (or a first born tax, if they could afford it and wanted to save their children). All of that is straight from the Torah. I swear, no one actually reads the Bible. People say, "No, Yahweh got all those things!" Did he? What does the Source of All Things need with those things, and how exactly did he transfer them from the Jewish Priests who actually received them all the way up into "Heaven"? Amazon? Fed Ex?
All of the migrations that created the "Celts, Goths, Scots, Saxons, Danes, etc." were the Scythians. That is where they came from. No one questions that statement. The Scythians were the progenitors of all of those peoples. They were just Scythian outposts. It's corroborated in written record, archeological record, language record, and genetic data. You know who else were the Scythians? The Khazarians, right dead center in Scythia (the Pontic Steppes). It just so happens that the Scythians are also the Tartarians. Since that whole group has been erased from history, people completely don't understand history. The Scythians were the greatest empire on earth since the Younger Dryas event (who knows who the greatest were before that). No one even knows who the Scythians are, and the Tartarians are just "a myth". There's a reason for those misapprehensions...
Nothing is what it seems. You need to look at evidence outside of whoever created this map to see who people really are, and where their beliefs really came from. There is so much evidence that shows these things, yet everyone tries so hard to fit the evidence, when they find it, into their current beliefs. People can't actually see what is right in front of their face, and who is telling them what "the truth" is.
👏 👏 👏
Do you know of any good books/channels on the Scythians? I've been very interested since watching Asha Logos.
Never heard of Asha Logos. I'll have to check out that channel. The stuff on the Scythians is stuff I found all over.
My investigation started with the Tartarians. Once I moved past the standard "conspiracy theory" stuff and went into the primary evidence, I found that every historian prior to the 20th century kept saying that the Tartarians were just the Scythians. From there, I just dug deep into the archeological evidence, and the evidence of all the "different" cultures from that same region that all seemed to somehow share all the exact same qualities. The genetics of the Ruling Class was the same (the Ruling Class of all people of that Eurasian region had red/blonde hair and blue/green eyes, AKA the Aryan Race), their social structure was the same, intermarriages between the "disparate" regions was the same, they were all multi-ethnic (but all having the same intermarried Aryan leadership class), their genetics, language (proto-Indo-European), burial practices, ways they are noted as interacting with their neighbors, etc., all the same.
Every group that inhabits that region of basically what became the USSR, along with Iran, northern India, and sometimes northern Europe all the way to Britain, were all the exact same people doing the exact same thing in the exact same way, called the "Scythians" by every historian up until the 20th century.
The evidence for hiding the Tartarians (a name change from the Scythians around the time of Genghis Khan) is found all over, but the way it was hidden is noted specifically in a book by the Soviet historian Walter Kolartz who writes about how the USSR finally eliminated all Tartarian culture and history through their alphabet revolutions (starts on page 31).
At some point I will be putting out a write up of my investigation as part of my report on "the fuckery of how everything came to be what we see today".
I'm working on it.
I highly anticipate it. Please include sources where you can. I like to read some of the extra stuff 😁
If you read my report (linked above) you will see how I report things. Everything is sourced. Every statement I make (in my official report). I only (so far) show how there is a single corporation in the world, and a single body of people who run it, but it is comprehensive and incredibly well sourced.
There is no other way to convince anyone of anything outside of their current beliefs without actually showing the evidence. I am lazy on these boards sometimes, because mostly people here are used to digging in themselves, and just because it takes a lot of time to show evidence, but when it comes to my report, I am meticulous.
Ah I see. The notifications bell doesn't show hyperlinks but I see it now in the comments.
Great information here! Thanks for sharing!!!
All I know for sure is that God, the supreme Creator, did not write the bible, nor gave he or she the Ten Commandments. Religions were a tool to bring mankind to a certain level of consciousness, so far so good. But now we need no more religions, a learning of spirituality would serve much better.
The new world will have the nucleus in the family, then the neighbourhood, the county, then the nation. But the cabal must be gone first and 4ever!
Holy shit! Someone else who is ACTUALLY awake! I may have to spend more time here!
I am first hearing of "Scythians" but it sounds like it's worth taking a look into.
I myself have recently shed all the conventional idealism. First I broke out of the Christian thought plantation by taking there whole "you either take all of the Bible or none of it" idea and flushed that down the toilet. Then I took Paul and reduced him to my level because, well, he's a fallen man like me, so his ideas of Jesus are no more special than mine or anyone else's. Then I stuck with what was left... Christ Jesus... I embraced what He says and contrary to what those downvoting you might claim, Christianity does not own Jesus. You can be an Atheist and still follow Christ. In the end He decides and even then that decision is based on how you treat people.
Beyond that, the Bible's mythology is suspect. If I am the god of all Creation, I am going to introduce myself to my creation on, oh I don't know DAY ONE. To avoid any confusion. "Yahweh" decided to wait until Mt Sini. Why? Why isn't "Yahweh" known before then?
After killing Able, what other humans does Cain run off to if Adam and Eve are the first humans and their two sons are the first two offspring?
The god of all creation, this planet, all eight billion of us, all the plants, animals, water, the solar system, the universe- is obsessed with my sex life?
Why did god place a loaded gun (tree of knowledge) in the MIDDLE of the garden? Is god a deadbeat, divorced dad living in a trailer? Or was the point of the story simply to not lie?
And that's really it. The end all be all. The beginning of knowing: honesty. Truth. Truth not in what other people try to decide is true, but first being true to you and accepting who you are. Thinking for yourself and living honestly to who you are. That is the first step to TRUE mental freedom and I see that in your post. You aren't bogged down by the correct religion's mob on this site. You aren't afraid to challenge the status quo. And you're right: we have been lied to. About a LOT. Even if Jesus is a part of Q, a lot of people are still going to be shocked by the outcome when it doesn't align to the Judeo-Christian corporate theories.
Do you even know what Planet we are on???
Do you know the Rules of Living on this Planet???
Do you realize, what the Game is in this Specific GALAXY???
Do you even know that we are ""S"" having an ""H"" experience???
Oh, what does that mean???
Get off my comms, or get straight, I am not your toy....
You didn't address a single question I posed. Not one. You didn't address anything I said.
If I don't align with your beliefs I shouldn't speak?
That's not how I roll. If that's how you roll, maybe you should roll yourself to one of the C_A's echo chambers. There are plenty around. Then you can bounce your beliefs around to other like minded (hive minded) brainwashees until you work yourselves into a cult frenzy and go commit some heinous crime in the name of your beliefs.
I appreciate this, I have been doing a daily reading of the Bible with a book called The Bible Recap. This book has really helped me with understanding the Old Testament.
You may also want to try Or
Jesus sent most of the disciples to minister to the lost tribes. The Bible stops there, so just reading the Bible doesn't tell you where the tribes went. But the church fathers in their writings tell where the disciples went, so you know those places are where the lost tribes were 2,000 years ago. And none of them were Jews.
BTW, I have European ancestry, but my Y-DNA goes back to central Asia, thus back to Shem. We are everywhere. But almost none of the people who are part of the lost tribes know that they are descendants of the Israelites.
I tell people all the time that the Israelites and the current country of Israel are two entirely different things. We have zero Biblical obligation to that country.
Squirrel: A Sikorsky Blackhawk just flew over my house.
You are correct that the Israelites and the state if Israel are two entirely different things. We do have zero obligation to them. However, the Bible is a book of race too. Knowing if you are an Israelite is pretty easy. But you are correct, most don’t know if they are a descendant or not. There have been some good books on the ancestry of Israelites.
Feckin' Esau.
Now, now, lest not pass Condemnation....
Judgement is or could be our realm, but Direct Condemnation is Only Gods Realm....
What happens when one parent is of Satan & the other is God's chosen? Is it that they can't have fertile offspring? (Like a mule being the child of a horse & a donkey)
What if, by chance, there was even, just one such union that begot a fertile child that inherited both lines, who's church does that child & that child's decedents belong to?
Interesting propositions to say the least....
It can be no other way, Satan, as a Snake, or in other words, ""A Rapist"", took Eve, and impregnated her, while Adam was off doing Man Things....
There is o other way that I can explain it, since Satan is the Father of all lies and seemingly, Sins.....
I think you are mistaken. Yes, Eve and Lucifer (who fell to become Satan) had a sexual union (eating the fruit), but it was only spiritual in nature, and not material.
When Adam and Eve fell, they were reborn as the 'children of Satan' because Satan's nature came to dwell in them. Also, because they were the original children, they were destined to become the progenitors of all humanity, and all humanity would inherit God's nature and lineage through them.
But because they fell, the opposite happened, and humanity descended from them are ALL of Satan's lineage. Satan has a claim on ALL descendants of Adam and Eve. That is why humanity bust be reborn through Jesus, and 'adopted'.
But, in order to reverse the fall and the corruption that happened, and restore humanity back to his lineage, God must take steps to slowly reverse the conditions the Fall created. Adam had a responsibility, so God cannot simply wave a magic wand and fix everything. Someone in the place of Adam must reverse Adam's mistake. To have faith in God's word when Adam had disbelief. To unite with God;s word to become the embodiment of Good, where Adam united with Satan's word to become the embodiment of Evil.
Note; There is no such thing as absolute evil. Only God and only Good are absolute. Evil is in fact the condition of having BOTH good and evil elements together. THAT is what evil is.
Because Adam failed, and came to have both good and evil within, he could no longer fulfill his responsibility. He failed. So God then CHOSE Cain the elder son to symbolize the evil in Adam, and put Cain in a position of relating to only one master: Satan. But he also chose Abel the younger son, to symbolize the good in Adam, and also stand in a position to relate to only one master; God.
For what purpose? To have the elder humble himself and unite with the younger, reversing the fallen actions of Lucifer towards Adam. IF Cain did this, "you will be received, but evil is crouching at your door, and you must master it." so clearly, Cain COULD have done it. but he also failed, like Lucifer.
So the real pattern and purpose behind the lineages in the Bible is to have a lineage that reverses the failure of Adam - by believing in God;s word and embodying goodness - which separates them from Satan's influence.
But the original and seed is the same: Adam's seed. Adam become a being of both Good and Evil, and so these must be separated, and this is done by raising lineages that CONDITIONALLY are able to represent good and lineages that conditionally represent evil.
it would be more accurate to state that X are lineages over which Satan has MORE claim, and Y are lineages over which God has more claim. But only the lineage of Jesus himself (i.e. starting from Jesus - he is the FIRST) is God's actual lineage. And we only have that spiritually, through the cross.
The second coming is necessary because just as the fall was a two stage process : Lucifer > Eve (in spirit) and Eve > Adam (in the flesh and spirit), salvation aka restoration also is a two stage process: First, rebirth through Jesus & the holy spirit (in spirit) and rebirth through the Second Coming (in the flesh).
That's powerful evidence why the offspring of Adam and Eve ARE all Satan's offspring, in the sense that Satan has the claim over them, and the lineage is evil (mixture of good and evil).
So what happened at the time of the fall?
There are always elements shared in a relationship. When Eve united spiritually with Lucifer in a spiritual sexual union, she inherited Lucifer fallen nature, and was 'reborn' as Lucifer's daughter. But when she united with Adam, then that union was BOTH spiritual and physical in nature, because Adam and Eve had both a spirit and flesh. Lucifer, only a spirit.
But from the point of the Fall onwards, Adam and Eve were no longer able to stand in the position of God's children. So they were ejected from the Garden, which symbolizes the realm of God's sovereignty. And, all their offspring are born of that fallen lineage. Until they are reborn through Christ into God's lineage.
The fall was indeed sexual in nature, because it was 'love' and Eve's love, symbolized by the fruit, was the means by which Lucifer / Satan gained control and authority over her. But it was not material in nature. Only spiritual.
Paul explains that even the first fruits (those reborn through Jesus) still await for 'adoption' - "the redemption of our bodies".
Satan surely has more influence and control over some bloodlines than others, and indeed, God purified the bloodlines in Israel as much as possible in order to be able to give birth to Jesus at some point.
But all who believe in Jesus and receive the holy spirit are reborn into Christ's spiritual lineage, and the rebirth of our flesh - the claim of Satan over our flesh - is to be liquidated when Christ returns.
The viewpoint that Adam and Eve fell to become of Satan's lineage, and that the mission of Christ is to restore God's lineage, will find a lot of corroboration in scripture.
As someone who is red/green colorblind (as well as blue/yellow spectrum), I wish to God there was a lot against red and green being used in maps! :)
My most sincere Apologies for our malady, I wish I could make it so this picture could be easier to read for you and others who have this affliction....
Aww thanks fren :)
Spiritually, false Christian’s are in this group as well. Grafted in!
Oh wow, please explain....
This is the first I've heard of this, and I need more info to add to the whole....
Galatians. Christians are Gods Elect. You must read in context. The author, Paul, is speaking to the church. He is explaining how the graphted gentiles who hold the testimony of Christ are in fact the Elect. There was a new covenant. The covenant with Israel ended when he came to his own and his own received him not. Many will be saved in the last days once they realize that Jesus WAS THEIR MESSIAH! God has always choosen those who would turn from self and turn to him. Paul writes extensively about this in many of his epistles. Abrahams faith, David’s faith, ect. Christ said, “if you would have believed my father then you would believe me. My father and I are the same.” Christ was God in human form. Allow scripture and scripture only, to define itself and take all of man’s philosophy out of it.
Anyone who say they follow God for their own vanity are heritics. David speaks to this in Psalms 98. I believe. It’s one of those psalms just befor 100. He says Gods enemies are his enemies and that he hates them with a perfect hatred. That those who use God for their own gain is vanity. Saying GD is no worse than claiming to be a follower for one’s own gain. Wether it be mentally, physically, financially, or socially. I’ll name one. Keneth Copeland
realized, being 'nice' doesn't help
it enables the persecutor and attempts to destroy the victor
The word ""nice"", comes from the Spanish ""necient"", meaning stupid....
Please do not be ""nice"" to those who would deceive you....
Pleasant is rather ok....
I think the diagram has Mary and Joseph. Mary was from Nathan. The bloodline of Solomon had the blood curse.
Yes, Original Sin....
Or I think it is connected to that....
Jeconiah, the son of Solomon was cursed by God in Jeremiah 22:30 (Thus saith the Lord, Write ye this man nchildless, a man that shall not prosper in his days: for no man of his seed shall prosper, ositting upon the throne of David, and ruling any more in Judah.) therefore Jesus could not have come from his lineage but the blood line of Jesus came through Nathan, the other son of David.
Hmmm, interesting....
Hmmm, good Question, and I hope someone can help you with the answer, I frankly cannot as I also have the same Question....
There is a book called the book of Jesus. This website has many books:
So History Books blow your mind???
Because almost everything we have, that is to be read, is either a History Book or a Fiction Book....
Yes there are different types of Fiction, but there is only One type of History....
did I just make your head explode???
The current country "Israel" has little to do with the meaning of Israel in the Bible. The Bible is written in Kaballah code and shouldn't be taken literally. God doesn't have a chosen country or race. Anyone who follows Jesus' path is God's chosen.
I cannot wait to sit down and study this graphic. Thank you for providing it. Whoever took the time to make it is a real gem. What a helpful piece of information.
Many more at
Heteropaternal Superfecundation= biological phenomenon of giving birth to twins with two different biological fathers
Cain is fathered by the serpent. The first born was a MURDERER, just as his father the devil
Abel is fathered by Adam. The first born from man & woman, was murdered by the first born between the serpent & woman, Cain.
Cain + Abel= Cannibal
WOW, I never expected this specific piece of the subject to arise....
But since it is here....
Ok, so the Cain + Abel = Cannibal thing, just doesn't Jibe....
It might sound right, but it doesn't it....
It is nothing more than a play on wors and the words have changed one hell of a lot between then and now....
Seriously, it's only been some 20,000 YEARS, we cannot expect the exact name to pass through Spoken History or 12,000 years to stay exactly the same, much less in written History that has never been heard.....
Lets just leave it at General Fats and not try to be too specific, ok???
The Ashkenazim claim descent from Togarmah, not his brother Ashkenaz, as their name would suggest. One deception after another...
Ashkenazi "jews" FILLED THE RANKS of Hitlers secret police who rounded up REAL JEWS, to the point they could no longer DENY it and instead retell it as if it's sime heroic tale of bravely being behind enemy lines and the sadness of the "wartime desperation" that caused them to voluntarily give up their fellows.... malarkey!!!!
And then we have the nazi term.... the term nazi originated as a way of saying Hitler was being puppeteered by the AshkeNAZI jews. It's not short for the Nationalsozialist party. That's ridiculous. That's not an offensive abbreviation at all. Not even a little. But, due to the ACTUAL MEANING OF THE WORD WHICH HAS BEEN DETERMINEDLY STAMPED OUT OF EXISTENCE PRACTICALLY, Hitler hated the term. He hated it.
Adolf Hitler NEVER EVEN UTTERED THE WORD NAZI. They don't teach you THAT in school!
Have you heard the Translation Tapes of Hitler speaking English when giving his speeches???
They can get very interesting, IF you can find them....
You can find them on Bitchute.
Good, do you have a preliminary link???
I really want to get a long listen into them as I really do not believe he would say some of the things he is credited of....
Frankly, I think this should be done for ALL of the Worlds Most Prominent Leaders, in every language, so we can then try to piece together the strangeness of this insanity we must live with....
If you search Bitchute Hitler speech’s in English a couple come up. It’s interesting that this Biblical post has had one of the top number of comments, but disappeared from being a top post. It was stickied but then removed. Strange.
Yup, isn't it ""Strange""....
Not my first go round with posts just disappearing....
I have a suspicion as to why...when you call out the evil ones, the post with 204 comments just disappears. There haven’t been any posts come close to this many comments in a long time. We are obviously over the target.
My friend and I just visited the Museum of the Bible in DC last week. This should be an exhibit!
Reminded me of the red to green suitcase that British current prime minister was holding. Did anyone have any idea what magic that was??
Eh this?
Back in 2020. It looks unrelated.
Can you explain? Have no clue what you are talking about