Its more than apathy. The Republican party continually shits on its base. There really is no reason to vote for them. We have the house yet J6 tapes are still blocked from us.
The masses will come out for Trump, other than that the party is dead.
The Rep party is in on it. Look at thw swing states in 2020. It could have been stopped and exposed there but they didn't want it to happen. It didn't even need to go to J6. The State legislatures, sec of state, and govs were pretty much all repukelican controlled.
Significant is an understatement. They halted multiple states and then dumped a ton of 100 to 0% ballots for Biden. We don’t have elections anymore. It’s so bad I would argue we don’t even have selections. I don’t know what word you would use to call it.
Lets say there is a man pretending to be a woman in a running race. He crushes his female competition for obvious reasons.
How does the women continuing to run the race "help" in exposing the cheating? Wouldn't it be better for them to simply "not participate?" A "strike" of sorts until something is done about it?
Well if that happened, we would lose all races and they wouldn't need to cheat. Then Democrats will do whatever they want to this country. I don't think believe that committing political suicide is the best solution.
I don't like it, and I have been trying to continue "voting" if nothing else, but because it's just one more vote they have to fabricate from thin air to cheat with, but I can't blame others......
I'm also pretty close to the end of my rope with all this, as I've discussed here.
In PA there were machine errors fairly early in the day. Many saw the reports and shrugged and figured WHY BOTHER? The legislators refused to look at 2020 or 2022 fraud. The media stokes scorn and division against anyone questioning the results.
The demoralization of PA taxpayers is complete, it seems. All the alt-media talks about is GA and AZ. Never a peep connecting Epstein level evil with Jerry Sandusky or the corrupt judges and social service agencies from the Kids For Cash scandal. There will never be justice for Ray Gricar.
You tinfoil hatters want to smash the fucking keystone of all? Dig into PA political history. The real shit where a R politician from western PA was known to give oral sex to her male workers in the back of the campaign bus.
I like the work of Scott Presler but he hasn't lived half a century in the corrupt political shithole of perverts and pedos in Pennsylvania. PA only gets talked about at election times and our reward is a brain dead fuckwad addams family goon pushing socialism and forcing everyone to bow down to the globohomo mafia.
I didn't want to vote but I did anyway knowing that criticism like this would follow election day results. Vote harder next time.
I’m not going to lie I’m kind of in the voting doesn’t matter boat. Either Q completely fucked that part of the plan up or he thought a couple steals wouldn’t make a huge impact on morale.
I’ve been watching them steal even locally since 2017 when they stole it from Roy Moore in my state of Alabama after rolling out a sex scandal from 45 years ago or some ridiculous amount of time.
So we are about to be in year 7 of watching my votes not count and all investigations of fraud being blocked. Count me out. I’ll consider voting for Trump next year but all the other shit I don’t care at all.
Because they have to hide more votes or change them ......if you don't vote do you check to see if a ballot was cast in your name so you can raise the question with local officials? That would be the only way not voting would draw out fraud but many ppl do not check or care enough to go the extra steps of confronting officials if it did happen.
They're awake that's why they didnt vote. I didnt because I lost my job lost my car now I cant even walk to the bathroom 15 ft away in under 7 minutes. Because I dont have medical because it happened during this movie. I applied for medical n was told I make too much...based on job earnings i no longer have. No help in this sideshow . And all to wake idiots that arent going to have enough time to absorb any of it well enough to be useful. Pull the plug already.
Not walking to vote . It would literally take all day. And no nobody can drive me . All my family is gone now that my sister died last 11/20. Friends escaped to better places while I was caregiving.
Sometimes more is just more. We really dont need anymore wakie wakie screen time.
We need results.
But we will soldier on none the less.
Cut us do we not bleed?
Until there is action to back up all the flowery hopium den of deltas and drops, I've also checked out and redirected focus on my life and those I love, as well as the faith that I am strong in my awareness and intention of my vibrational frequency to create and experience the best timeline of love, health and prosperity ❤
Some call my attitude selfish. I call it self care to empower my awakening.
I ran across a podcast a couple months back, it was a bunch of political hacks discussing the Roy Moore scandal. They were gloating how well it worked, how much money they put into it and how gullible the people of Alabama were for believing it. The girls were paid a handsome fee.
They were actually bragging how they had accomplished it (although expensive) and how it works every single time.
Did they do their research and can they explain why both candidates suck? I have a feeling that they did not do their research and the statement is a reflexive excuse to justify their laziness and/or cowardice.
"The GOP nominee was a RINO"
Again, did they do their research and can they explain why the candidate is a RINO, other than they do not like the candidate personally?
"It's a red state anyway so my vote wouldn't matter"
Not going to be a red state for much longer with that attitude!
"I didn't know this was an election year"
Every year is an election year, even if it was for local and state offices. They all are just as important as the federal level/Presidential elections. If they do not know before, inform them all of this and make sure they know from now on.
I don't agree with not voting, but some of the sentiment I've seen is along the lines of why vote for the republican party when they show nothing but contempt for their voters. Look at how they've treated Trump and his base since the 2020 election, but now they suddenly want our votes.
Election Day should be national holidays. There would be NO EXCUSE to NOT know it was an Election Day if your employer was closed for a mandatory national holiday Banks closed, schools closed, gubment offices closed, retail businesses closed. I’m my opinion it should be bigger than Thanksgiving!
literally everyone has a cellphone. govt makes an app, makes voting mandatory, fine $1000 or x amount for no vote (at least vote as abstain) so that we know all citizens have voted. blockchain the tallys and end at midnight. this would make one day voting easy and absentee ballets a thing of the past cause you arent waiting around for snail mail. its so fucking easy. this could have been done in 2016. Guess we had to be taught a lesson for this to be an option.
Voting shouldn’t be effortless. Imagine how easy it would be then to sway popular vote by having Taylor swift or whoever the pop minion at the time is tell their base what to do. It would be terrible result. We’re not winning on the mass brainwashing front.
Ah. I don’t want the idiots who don’t research their candidates at all to vote.
We need to change it back the way our Founders intended. People who actually have some skin in the game should vote. You know like those who actually own property and those who have jobs and file every year. Stop letting the dead beats on welfare vote!
I guess we need to go back to must have HS diploma and pass AP exams and have income or property and on top of being a citizen. No more lowering passing grades from 65 to 55, must have 85 or higher competency.
Throughout Mr. Presler's thread on Truth Social, there are reports that many GOP/Conservative/MAGA voters did not vote in 2023 elections this past Tuesday with many of the reasons given being about voter fraud in one way or another. Mostly, it is along the lines of "nobody is willing to stop the fraud, so why vote?"
I getting the bad feeling that:
1.) It is getting to the point where I bet that the fraud is not even that massive or significant enough to impact the results in some districts, but the mere rumor of voter fraud is enough to demoralize the GOP/Conservative/MAGA into quitters and cowards to swing the votes into the Demonic Rat favor (the fact we have many doomers and black-pillers on even GAW that harp on Voter Fraud all day long, does not help us in the slighest), and
2.) It is getting to the point where "voter fraud" is becoming another lame excuse to be lazy fucktards and not get off the feet and go the the polls. Where I worked as a election inspector, we have the whole process down to the point where we can get people verified, get their ballots, cast their vote, and walk out with a sticker mere minutes after first walking through the door...
John Fetterman is a sitting US Senator representing Pennsylvania and former AG Josh "Trump will never win Pennsylvania, I'll make sure of that" Shapiro is the Governor. So how do you tell Conservatives in Pennsylvania, their vote actually counts for something? Oh, and don't forget, "Biden" "won" Pennsylvania overnight. I totally get why people didn't vote! Maybe there needs to be something tangible to the average person that shows that there is something being done. Asking the average person to just hold the line is wearing thin to them.
And the truckload of ballots in Lancaster. And unconstitutional dictates to change mail in voting laws that were never voted on. And the Lehigh machines reported for vote flipping. Yet nobody in alt-media digs into the Keystone State corruption. It's all about Arizona and Georgia as far as the normie republican knows.
Correct! Georgia and AZ took lessons from Pennsylvania in cheating. There needs to be something tangible done in order to get the Conservative voter in Pennsylvania back to the ballot box.... I mean DEM controlled computer voting system.
The amount of disliking and belittling for such topic is unreal.
Some call it lazy others realise what's the point?
Seems retarded to me to call it lazy when reality is what difference will it make?
Like all the Aussies claiming let's create another protest letter to pedo politicians....why?
It's Stockholm syndrome at best
I voted straight Republican in KY and I highly doubt that 20% of Repubs switched their vote to the Dimm governor, but that margin of 6% would be difficult to overturn with a challenge by Daniel Cameron. The excuses were that people don't like Mitch so they voted against DC (very unlikely), or they liked Beshear on his handling of Covid (no way), but it's frustrating to watch this happen again. I don't think you can trust the turnout numbers or exit polls when there's fraud going on.
Two explanations are presented. One of them is "less work" and places the blame externally. The other is "more work" but places the blame internally.
People are naturally inclined to take the "less work" option and move onto problems they feel they can solve (e.g. paying down debt, holding a job, or binging a series).
By choosing the former explanation, the problem is never solved. Voting continues to be corrupted because we refuse to vote and we refuse to volunteer to run and/or oversee the vote.
By choosing the latter, we have more work to do, but we control our elections. It takes less than 1% of us to realize this in order to have fair elections, but we're clearly not there yet.
CIA runs this scam on the "black community" all day every day, and is the example the average .win reader can see, but they run it on all demographics in various forms.
Many many people have quit voting, the left using disillusionment years ago as form of vote fraud is real, except not on the left because of <racisms> but because the right are fed up and switching out..
Meaning we will certainly not get 2024 if this shit continues.. We must be mobilising, ensuring our friends and family get out to vote, and play the left by their own games with ballot harvesting, going to nursing homes etc... it may be tacky, but taking the high ground means shit, we lose.
The head of the Republican Party in my area did everything she could in her power to make sure the two candidates that care for my area didn’t win. That included backing who they wanted while doing all they could to exclude the ones who cared. She’s when made robocalls in favor of a Democrat candidate and against the Republican one.
I give up. Instead l will help the guy exposing their crimes. Sadly, they still vote for the corrupt woman who plants flowers because she’s nice and he says mean things in the internet.
I will be out to vote for the candidates who do make a difference, though. In this election all were selected. I passed.
We understand all that about elections being set up to go a certain way, no matter how people vote. We get it. We aren't casting our votes expecting anything but that a message be sent. That message is that I am a citizen exercising my legal right to say how I want things to go, even if it's simply to vote a party line across the board.
That is apparently the voice that I have for now, and I'm not giving it up.
I’m one election from never voting again. I’ll vote for Trump again. But if they steal this one to, I’m done. I don’t see it as giving up, I see it as in I’m not gonna participate in corrupted stolen elections. I wouldn’t participate in a car show if judges already had the winner placed. So why would I continue to waste my time? So yeah I’m one more and done, possibly my last vote. I won’t be fooled again. I don’t care who says what. They steal this next one, I’m out. And will proudly wear the shirt that says such.
This is perfectly normal behavior. Of-course people are not gonna get involved when fraud happens and no-one has been officially charged.
So people can scream all they want, you going to see a massive drop in voter turn out from the republican side until bad actors are officially charged and in jail and its told in the public domain.
All the headlines in the world cannot change that. When they print “low turnout” and “not voting,” it is exactly the opposite. If it were note true, election fraud would not occur. We have not stopped turning out to vote and win.
There was only a 30% turn out for the election last month for governor and constitutional amendments. That 30% voted over 51% for governor and amendments which meant no run off for that office - glad I voted and put my 1¢ in.
Election fraud exists at a significant scale and there have been zero consequences. Like it or not, apathy is the ultimate result.
The longer the theft is allowed to stand, the worse it will get. People WILL give up. It's just the way it is.
Its more than apathy. The Republican party continually shits on its base. There really is no reason to vote for them. We have the house yet J6 tapes are still blocked from us.
The masses will come out for Trump, other than that the party is dead.
Well put.
The Rep party is in on it. Look at thw swing states in 2020. It could have been stopped and exposed there but they didn't want it to happen. It didn't even need to go to J6. The State legislatures, sec of state, and govs were pretty much all repukelican controlled.
My state had endorsed judges on the ballot. That means they are establishment hacks.
very true.
Significant is an understatement. They halted multiple states and then dumped a ton of 100 to 0% ballots for Biden. We don’t have elections anymore. It’s so bad I would argue we don’t even have selections. I don’t know what word you would use to call it.
And when the bread and circuses end, apathy will turn to something else.
Playing Devils Advocate for a second here:
Lets say there is a man pretending to be a woman in a running race. He crushes his female competition for obvious reasons.
How does the women continuing to run the race "help" in exposing the cheating? Wouldn't it be better for them to simply "not participate?" A "strike" of sorts until something is done about it?
Or is this example not analogous?
Well if that happened, we would lose all races and they wouldn't need to cheat. Then Democrats will do whatever they want to this country. I don't think believe that committing political suicide is the best solution.
It's a fine analogy, but I still think we should exercise our rights to vote -- at least, for Trump.
I can't really swallow voting for people who I don't have any faith will do the right thing, not after it became a pattern of stabbing me in the back.
Agree. I don't like it, and I have been trying to continue "voting" if nothing else, but because it's just one more vote they have to fabricate from thin air to cheat with, but I can't blame others......
I'm also pretty close to the end of my rope with all this, as I've discussed here.
The rigging is so bad you can't even trust the voter turnout statistics to be accurate.
Yes indeed!
In PA there were machine errors fairly early in the day. Many saw the reports and shrugged and figured WHY BOTHER? The legislators refused to look at 2020 or 2022 fraud. The media stokes scorn and division against anyone questioning the results.
The demoralization of PA taxpayers is complete, it seems. All the alt-media talks about is GA and AZ. Never a peep connecting Epstein level evil with Jerry Sandusky or the corrupt judges and social service agencies from the Kids For Cash scandal. There will never be justice for Ray Gricar.
You tinfoil hatters want to smash the fucking keystone of all? Dig into PA political history. The real shit where a R politician from western PA was known to give oral sex to her male workers in the back of the campaign bus.
I like the work of Scott Presler but he hasn't lived half a century in the corrupt political shithole of perverts and pedos in Pennsylvania. PA only gets talked about at election times and our reward is a brain dead fuckwad addams family goon pushing socialism and forcing everyone to bow down to the globohomo mafia.
I didn't want to vote but I did anyway knowing that criticism like this would follow election day results. Vote harder next time.
PA is all about preserving pensions. A big uniparty grift.
I’m not going to lie I’m kind of in the voting doesn’t matter boat. Either Q completely fucked that part of the plan up or he thought a couple steals wouldn’t make a huge impact on morale.
I’ve been watching them steal even locally since 2017 when they stole it from Roy Moore in my state of Alabama after rolling out a sex scandal from 45 years ago or some ridiculous amount of time.
So we are about to be in year 7 of watching my votes not count and all investigations of fraud being blocked. Count me out. I’ll consider voting for Trump next year but all the other shit I don’t care at all.
Voting doesn’t matter, because the vote is rigged.
Therefore, the harder we turn out to vote, the more obvious it will be that it doesn’t matter.
The more obvious it is that it doesn’t matter, the more things are capable of having the will to change them mustered.
Losing and winning may look a lot alike. Pray for victory of God’s Righteousness and Holy Name.
I said this in another comment but applies to you as well....when you said voting doesn't matter.
Because even with fraud, if we stop voting it makes it that much easier for them to steal.
The more people go vote the more obvious the fraud and maybe, just maybe it will be investigated.
Because they have to hide more votes or change them ......if you don't vote do you check to see if a ballot was cast in your name so you can raise the question with local officials? That would be the only way not voting would draw out fraud but many ppl do not check or care enough to go the extra steps of confronting officials if it did happen.
Or maybe Q thought more anons would understand that election steals are a necessary part of the plan to wake up We the People?
Though more likely, Q knew some anons would not understand and adjusted the PLAN accordingly.
They're awake that's why they didnt vote. I didnt because I lost my job lost my car now I cant even walk to the bathroom 15 ft away in under 7 minutes. Because I dont have medical because it happened during this movie. I applied for medical n was told I make too much...based on job earnings i no longer have. No help in this sideshow . And all to wake idiots that arent going to have enough time to absorb any of it well enough to be useful. Pull the plug already. Not walking to vote . It would literally take all day. And no nobody can drive me . All my family is gone now that my sister died last 11/20. Friends escaped to better places while I was caregiving.
Sometimes more is just more. We really dont need anymore wakie wakie screen time. We need results. But we will soldier on none the less. Cut us do we not bleed?
God bless you 🙏❤
Until there is action to back up all the flowery hopium den of deltas and drops, I've also checked out and redirected focus on my life and those I love, as well as the faith that I am strong in my awareness and intention of my vibrational frequency to create and experience the best timeline of love, health and prosperity ❤
Some call my attitude selfish. I call it self care to empower my awakening.
Do what the dems love to do and fill out an absentee ballot or vote by mail; surely that’s better than not voting at all.
Woke up day before elections like a fish hook. Ita time to let the booms BOOM.
I am ready fren! Expect a bumpy ride till election next year, but I am ready!
You'd think someone on the Q train would feel more strongly about a 30+ year old man hitting on teenagers at the mall
I ran across a podcast a couple months back, it was a bunch of political hacks discussing the Roy Moore scandal. They were gloating how well it worked, how much money they put into it and how gullible the people of Alabama were for believing it. The girls were paid a handsome fee.
They were actually bragging how they had accomplished it (although expensive) and how it works every single time.
So they admitted to breaking the law on a publicly distributed podcast?
They did. Openly and unashamed.
And you have a link to this podcast, it's not just a memory
I also did some asking around and the most common answers were:
"Both candidates sucked"
"The GOP nominee was a RINO"
"It's a red state anyway so my vote wouldn't matter"
"I didn't know this was an election year"
Did they do their research and can they explain why both candidates suck? I have a feeling that they did not do their research and the statement is a reflexive excuse to justify their laziness and/or cowardice.
Again, did they do their research and can they explain why the candidate is a RINO, other than they do not like the candidate personally?
Not going to be a red state for much longer with that attitude!
Every year is an election year, even if it was for local and state offices. They all are just as important as the federal level/Presidential elections. If they do not know before, inform them all of this and make sure they know from now on.
I don't agree with not voting, but some of the sentiment I've seen is along the lines of why vote for the republican party when they show nothing but contempt for their voters. Look at how they've treated Trump and his base since the 2020 election, but now they suddenly want our votes.
Election Day should be national holidays. There would be NO EXCUSE to NOT know it was an Election Day if your employer was closed for a mandatory national holiday Banks closed, schools closed, gubment offices closed, retail businesses closed. I’m my opinion it should be bigger than Thanksgiving!
literally everyone has a cellphone. govt makes an app, makes voting mandatory, fine $1000 or x amount for no vote (at least vote as abstain) so that we know all citizens have voted. blockchain the tallys and end at midnight. this would make one day voting easy and absentee ballets a thing of the past cause you arent waiting around for snail mail. its so fucking easy. this could have been done in 2016. Guess we had to be taught a lesson for this to be an option.
No, sorry. We do not need people voting that don't care or research more than which is red/blue.
Voting shouldn’t be effortless. Imagine how easy it would be then to sway popular vote by having Taylor swift or whoever the pop minion at the time is tell their base what to do. It would be terrible result. We’re not winning on the mass brainwashing front.
Ah. I don’t want the idiots who don’t research their candidates at all to vote.
We need to change it back the way our Founders intended. People who actually have some skin in the game should vote. You know like those who actually own property and those who have jobs and file every year. Stop letting the dead beats on welfare vote!
Reminder: The founders did not "file every year."
They didn't "file" at all. In fact, that was a big reason to fight for independence.
Yeah well unless and until the Federal Reserve ends we still have taxes to file every year.
I guess we need to go back to must have HS diploma and pass AP exams and have income or property and on top of being a citizen. No more lowering passing grades from 65 to 55, must have 85 or higher competency.
Unless you have a comparison of numbers from past elections, can't really make it off this is significant or not
Throughout Mr. Presler's thread on Truth Social, there are reports that many GOP/Conservative/MAGA voters did not vote in 2023 elections this past Tuesday with many of the reasons given being about voter fraud in one way or another. Mostly, it is along the lines of "nobody is willing to stop the fraud, so why vote?"
I getting the bad feeling that:
1.) It is getting to the point where I bet that the fraud is not even that massive or significant enough to impact the results in some districts, but the mere rumor of voter fraud is enough to demoralize the GOP/Conservative/MAGA into quitters and cowards to swing the votes into the Demonic Rat favor (the fact we have many doomers and black-pillers on even GAW that harp on Voter Fraud all day long, does not help us in the slighest), and
2.) It is getting to the point where "voter fraud" is becoming another lame excuse to be lazy fucktards and not get off the feet and go the the polls. Where I worked as a election inspector, we have the whole process down to the point where we can get people verified, get their ballots, cast their vote, and walk out with a sticker mere minutes after first walking through the door...
How would i go about verifying my vote counted exactly as i intended?
That's the problem, here in Minnesota there is no way to ensure that the machine took the boats as I cast them.
Gave me a chuckle, fren.
Get out the boat.
John Fetterman is a sitting US Senator representing Pennsylvania and former AG Josh "Trump will never win Pennsylvania, I'll make sure of that" Shapiro is the Governor. So how do you tell Conservatives in Pennsylvania, their vote actually counts for something? Oh, and don't forget, "Biden" "won" Pennsylvania overnight. I totally get why people didn't vote! Maybe there needs to be something tangible to the average person that shows that there is something being done. Asking the average person to just hold the line is wearing thin to them.
And the truckload of ballots in Lancaster. And unconstitutional dictates to change mail in voting laws that were never voted on. And the Lehigh machines reported for vote flipping. Yet nobody in alt-media digs into the Keystone State corruption. It's all about Arizona and Georgia as far as the normie republican knows.
Correct! Georgia and AZ took lessons from Pennsylvania in cheating. There needs to be something tangible done in order to get the Conservative voter in Pennsylvania back to the ballot box.... I mean DEM controlled computer voting system.
I'm not voting until fraud is addressed and people go to jail. Otherwise its just a show and circus..
The amount of disliking and belittling for such topic is unreal. Some call it lazy others realise what's the point? Seems retarded to me to call it lazy when reality is what difference will it make? Like all the Aussies claiming let's create another protest letter to pedo politicians....why? It's Stockholm syndrome at best
Because even with fraud, if we stop voting it makes it that much easier for them to steal.
The more people go vote the more obvious the fraud and maybe, just maybe it will be investigated.
I voted straight Republican in KY and I highly doubt that 20% of Repubs switched their vote to the Dimm governor, but that margin of 6% would be difficult to overturn with a challenge by Daniel Cameron. The excuses were that people don't like Mitch so they voted against DC (very unlikely), or they liked Beshear on his handling of Covid (no way), but it's frustrating to watch this happen again. I don't think you can trust the turnout numbers or exit polls when there's fraud going on.
Not voting because you think you can’t overcome the fraud…is laziness.
There isn’t a Covid scare….so the mail-in fraud and drop boxes are very slowly being motivated.
Don’t be lazy.
I didn’t vote because nothing can stop what is coming anyways so I’m chilling and enjoying the show.
It's an engineered helplessness operation.
Two explanations are presented. One of them is "less work" and places the blame externally. The other is "more work" but places the blame internally.
People are naturally inclined to take the "less work" option and move onto problems they feel they can solve (e.g. paying down debt, holding a job, or binging a series).
By choosing the former explanation, the problem is never solved. Voting continues to be corrupted because we refuse to vote and we refuse to volunteer to run and/or oversee the vote.
By choosing the latter, we have more work to do, but we control our elections. It takes less than 1% of us to realize this in order to have fair elections, but we're clearly not there yet.
CIA runs this scam on the "black community" all day every day, and is the example the average .win reader can see, but they run it on all demographics in various forms.
Many many people have quit voting, the left using disillusionment years ago as form of vote fraud is real, except not on the left because of <racisms> but because the right are fed up and switching out..
Meaning we will certainly not get 2024 if this shit continues.. We must be mobilising, ensuring our friends and family get out to vote, and play the left by their own games with ballot harvesting, going to nursing homes etc... it may be tacky, but taking the high ground means shit, we lose.
People are not going to show up if they think it's rigged!
The head of the Republican Party in my area did everything she could in her power to make sure the two candidates that care for my area didn’t win. That included backing who they wanted while doing all they could to exclude the ones who cared. She’s when made robocalls in favor of a Democrat candidate and against the Republican one.
I give up. Instead l will help the guy exposing their crimes. Sadly, they still vote for the corrupt woman who plants flowers because she’s nice and he says mean things in the internet.
I will be out to vote for the candidates who do make a difference, though. In this election all were selected. I passed.
Let's vote harder in rigged elections that don't get prosecuted. Sounds like the definition of insanity.
Where I live this past election saw 30% show up at the polls.
If they can rig the votes, how easier it would be to rig the voter turnout statistics?
I don't trust anything but God.
They didn't show to vote and the dems still had to cheat? Maybe there arent as many Republicans there as you think
We understand all that about elections being set up to go a certain way, no matter how people vote. We get it. We aren't casting our votes expecting anything but that a message be sent. That message is that I am a citizen exercising my legal right to say how I want things to go, even if it's simply to vote a party line across the board.
That is apparently the voice that I have for now, and I'm not giving it up.
Can't say I find fault with the response. He's right.
I’m one election from never voting again. I’ll vote for Trump again. But if they steal this one to, I’m done. I don’t see it as giving up, I see it as in I’m not gonna participate in corrupted stolen elections. I wouldn’t participate in a car show if judges already had the winner placed. So why would I continue to waste my time? So yeah I’m one more and done, possibly my last vote. I won’t be fooled again. I don’t care who says what. They steal this next one, I’m out. And will proudly wear the shirt that says such.
In PA, I believe that a lot of Republicans voted but between mail in ballots and our new Governor giving driver's licenses to illegals that gives the Dems their opportunity to cheat. Look at the results of the judges elections in PA.
I don't believe this. This is setting up a narrative for next year's theft attempt. "Repubs are apathetic."
System broken please fix thx
This is perfectly normal behavior. Of-course people are not gonna get involved when fraud happens and no-one has been officially charged.
So people can scream all they want, you going to see a massive drop in voter turn out from the republican side until bad actors are officially charged and in jail and its told in the public domain.
Those same percentage of turnout might as well be as accurate as the election results.
I was wondering why my messages notifications was going haywire within the past hour.
Thanks for the sticky.
We’ve outnumbered them since 2016 and never lost.
All the headlines in the world cannot change that. When they print “low turnout” and “not voting,” it is exactly the opposite. If it were note true, election fraud would not occur. We have not stopped turning out to vote and win.
I dont watch any msn..even I heard about vote from friends .
There was only a 30% turn out for the election last month for governor and constitutional amendments. That 30% voted over 51% for governor and amendments which meant no run off for that office - glad I voted and put my 1¢ in.