If the mods allow me, I’d like to give my new thoughts on what happened on July 13. But first I’d like to say a few words.
I should have used discretion before theorizing during a live event. Emotions were extremely high and that’s where my ignorance of common human decency royally bit me in my ass. Like many other anons here I got impatient, jumped the gun and made a wildly absurd and unfounded theory. The wildly unfounded theory I am referring to is the theory that this assassination attempt (and civilian casualties) was staged and executed by the White Hats to bolster Trump’s popularity and to badly damage Biden’s/Federal govt image (even more so than Biden did himself during the debate. I’d like to also note that I forgot to mention this part of the theory in my original comments. Doesn’t make it any better). This theory of mine was a clear coping mechanism because I (and many other anons here) cannot fathom why the White Hats would dare allow such negligence in Trump’s security detail and allow a DS patsy to get a shot off (let alone 5 shots) on Trump. We have been told time and time again by Q that Trump is protected. This theory was what immediately came to mind with that understanding. It has become clear (I know it hasn’t been 72 hours yet but this info needs to come out) that this was indeed a real assassination attempt.
Or was it staged? Hear me out:
It has become clear that this was a REAL ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT on President Trump. AND it was a real assassination attempt made on Q deltas.
u/Malamute2024 came out with a Q decode post linking 3 Q posts to this event: https://greatawakening.win/p/17teEVyzlE/the-shot-heard-around-the-world-/c/
Two posts were on made on 7/14.
The last post was connected not by date but by the phrases in the above posts.
Anons, this was a setup. The WHs knew the DS would try something like this on this day and made the preparations to counter it. It was staged in the sense that the WHs set the DS up and led them into a trap (more on that later).
You want to know why the DS was going to try this stunt on this day? It was an assassination attempt on Bastille Day in France.
A wonderful post done by u/MemeToDeath2021 is now more relevant than ever: https://greatawakening.win/p/17teEO3KVv/july-14-was-the-event-date-used-/ It has been argued in other posts (I can’t find them) that Bastille Day was done by the Freemasons and is a symbolic satanic day for them. This day is used not only to stop previous Great Awakenings (like u/MemeToDeath2021 inferred) but also as a ritualistic sacrifice day. And there are many more of these days coming in months ahead.
Here’s an excerpt from an AP article the day of the assassination attempt on Trump: https://archive.ph/T1aHX
At 6:02 pm Saturday [July 13], to the strains of “God Bless the U.S.A.,” former President Donald Trump took the stage at fairgrounds in Butler, Pennsylvania, waving at the cheering crowd and settling into his regular rally speech under a scorching midsummer sun. A few short minutes later, Trump pointed to a projection of a chart that showed a spike in illegal border crossings under the man he’s running against, President Joe Biden. “That chart’s a couple of months old,” Trump told the crowd. “And if you want to see something really sad —” That’s when the shots rang out, at least five. Trump clutched his ear as dark-suited Secret Service agents dashed toward him. He dropped to the ground as the agents yelled, “Get down!” The thousands of rallygoers packed into the field in front of him moved as one, dropping down as silence spread across the grass, punctuated only by an occasional scream.”
Trump was shot a few minutes after 6pm on July 13, 2024. Using a time calculator, July 13 @ 6pm EST Pittsburgh time is July 14 @ 12am CEST Paris time. Bastille Day is July 14 in France. The assassination attempt on Trump was aligned on Bastille Day in France (a supposedly symbolic Satanic Freemason Day). But it was July 14 in France and July 13 in the US.
Looks like I’m not the only one who jumped the gun. (Too soon?)
The address of the place where the rally was held is: 625 Evans City Rd, Butler, PA 16001.
Address Number: 625
Q Post #625: u/#q625
What does SEC_TEST mean?
Security and Exchange Commission_Test?
It gets even weirder. If we take the zip code 16001 and take out the zeros we get 161.
Q Post #161: u/#q161
How do you lure a dangerous animal into a trap?
With bait.
After the Supreme Court (SC) gave their ruling on Presidential Immunity, DS media outlets were quick to argue that sitting presidents have the ability to assassinate presidential rivals they deemed to be a threat to the US. Then we get Biden’s post about putting Trump in the cross-hairs just a few days before the rally.
Here’s eagle-eyes2020 wonderful post capturing some events leading up to the assassination attempt: https://greatawakening.win/p/17teEUr98h/just-a-little-recap/
Some notable tweets that eagle-eyes2020 highlighted were: Jan 21st 2024 - Alex Soros posted a bullet hole + 47$ https://x.com/AlexanderSoros/status/1749234395192414308 https://x.com/GenFlynn/status/1749415509001474348
April 26th 2024 - House Democrats, led by Bennie Thompson, introduced a bill to strip USSS protection from President Trump. https://x.com/unlimited_ls/status/1783833133961408904
July 12th 2024 - Biden tells donors "we have to put a bull's-eye on Trump" https://x.com/Sorenthek/status/1812264273935995066
The DS was already laying out their intent/plan to assassinate Trump before the SC made their announcement. The WHs knew what they were about to do and let it happen.
And all the WHs needed to do was just use Trump as the bait, AGAIN!!!
And now the FBI is investigating this event as an assassination attempt. How strange. (more on this later)
In that same post (Q post #161), Q tells us that all posts are connected and that the Graphic is key. I forget what post had the graphic. If an anon could post that in the comments that would be great!
We all know the SS fucked yup royally. Or did they? Remember, it was the SS who shot and killed JFK. Oswald was the patsy excuse. I’m glad that the DS was only able to use a patsy this time and did not infiltrate directly into Trump's SS detail (that we currently know of), but still, this gives me the chills.
Many anons here were quick to realize what is really going on. The SS and the DS won’t get away with this one. But how will we make sure they don’t get away with this? The answer: The FBI.
This is a wild one guys. Stay with me.
It has been debated for years whether or not Christopher Wray is on our side or the DS side. He is now coming into play.
Q post #3537 u/#q3537
Q post 3537 delta is 7/29…
Q post #1521 u/#q1521
Wray must choose to be part of the clean-up crew or the cover-up crew...
Q post 1122 u/#q1122
I admit the dates on those posts don’t add up as “Trust Wray” comes before the question of whether or not he will be a WH or DS. Regardless...
The dangerous animal is in the trap. Will we collect that dangerous animal or release it back into the wild? The FBI has been tasked with investigating this assassination attempt and are treating it as such. To me, Wray must now decide whose side he is on.
yes trump wanted a bullet to miss his head by an inch.. its part of the plan..
Q also said he was fully insulated.. thats not the case.
“Nothing can stop what is coming” means that the plan would have continued either way. If Trump were to be killed, who knows what that timeline would have looked like?
Stop putting your faith in men and put it in God, where it has always belonged.. God alone saved him when all men failed.
Men always fail. Without God this Earth would soon turn into an extension of hell, but for his grace. The plans of men are less than a speck in comparison.
Donald Trump is alive despite men, despite planning. People can be gifted a living divine miracle in tragedy and totally miss the breathtaking significance of it.
Thank you for reminding us that we cannot trust "men", only God.
Trump is insulated, by God.
Failed assassination in Tenet as seen twice from different narrative perspectives during movie.
45 minutes : 45 Seconds (45th President / Protagonist attempted assassination)
1 hour 40 minutes 39 seconds: “You’re bleeding”
1 hour 21 minutes 59 seconds: “What Cavalry?” (last second before 1 hour 22 minutes) right before the Protagonist is saved by snipers literally at the last second.
Introduction of Trump supporter in red sun visor (the one who gave an interview to the BBC) was like the introduction of Ives in Tenet.
In the movie TENET, 5 bullets miss head (Inverted Protag is purposely unloading so as not to injure while emptying his clip, accompanied by bleeding from superficial wound to put the theatre goers (we are watching a movie) on an emotional and narrative timeline.
When this is all over, you will realize that Tenet is about WHY Trump had to work with a compromised Deep State double agent to bring down Mystery Babylon by introducing narrative timelines and Declas about election fraud.
Tenet is a movie full of emotional timelines, hoodwinks, play books, information suppression, deception, narrative dissemination, mind games, blackmail, assassins, Ukraine, entanglement, doomsday precipice, scare events, debates, and people are purposely failing at their objectives to protect people and events.
Scars, flesh wounds, people not even realizing that they are fighting against themselves. Tenet is about how you have to look differently at the world. Narrative timelines are more important than your emotional state. If your emotional state is off, step back, calm down, look at the Q drops, and get back into the info war when you can sync with the President.
i admire the way your mind works.
tenet is something i let wash over me (as the only movie i got to see in theatres in 2020)... i knew i was watching something profound but fuck me if i could articulate any of it.
i have an excuse to rewatch tenet now and saving your post for future reference
How would you protect someone if you knew an attack was coming on “Bastille Day” (CEST timezone)?
Bullet proof vest (BPV)
Body double that looks nearly identical to Donald (like Reagan used to “survive” an attempt he also knew was coming)
Videos appear to show a bullet hole in his suit lower right chest, so he may have been hit there as well with BPV taking damage. Looks like undershirt if visible: https://www.safeguardclothing.com/collections/body-armor/products/coolmax-ballistic-level-3a-covert-vest-white
Recall that his brother “died” shortly before 2020 election. A very convenient death if he was going to used as body double 2021-2025 and beyond.
Aug. 16, 2020, 11:56 AM GMT+9 / Updated Aug. 16, 2020, 1:30 PM GMT+9 “Robert Trump, younger brother of President Donald Trump, dies in New York hospital”
-Gwenda Blair (a Trump family biographer told The Associated Press)
Robert Trump died at age 71 just before 72nd birthday. He would be 75, nearly 76, right now. DJT is 78.
That wasn't a body double though. The real Trump was shot yesterday.
Possibly. I suspect Robert Trump (body double) has been making most public appearances (rallies and identical teleprompter speeches) except in court since at least 2023. Real Trump appears in pre-recorded videos, imo.
Body doubles can't have the same personas and gravitas and vocal patterns, or the same leadership instinct to do the photo op and fist pump. If Robert Trump was doing that speech why can't we just have Robert run for president? This line of thinking feels like such a dead end.
Just saying that body doubles have been regularly used (and documented) for high profile political and military figures (subject to assassinations) since the days of Alexander the Great. It is realistic that they are currently being used at minimum SELECTIVELY.
As long as we agree that there aren't two versions of Trump giving speeches in front of a crowd, I can accept everything else.
Most body doubles are there just to look like someone. They don't give speeches and interviews and seek attention from the media.
so now we have trump ok with his brother getting his head blown off.. gotcha..
No. But he probably volunteered. So Robert likely OK with it, if necessary for the mission. Both are true Patriots willing to sacrifice ALL. There are so many you will never know about.
Die standing and fighting for what is right, or get murdered on your knees.
Sorry I disagree - anyone who knew a bullet was coming would have some physical tell. A flinch a something. Damn sure wouldn't be standing there all kicked back and relaxed
Is it possible that was a trump body double wearing one of those CIA like masks?
Nah the cope is too hard on this one. DS took their shot and missed. That’s all.
You can have WH “in control” and still have counter moves by the DS. Theres absolutely no guarantee that they can keep Trump alive, he could slip one day and crack his skull open in the shower. Does that require a Q proof? There has to be an understanding that real life still continues in all this.
Yes, this is an actual silent war
It WAS a silent war, it's now come out and is fully visible. This is the start of the Precipice.
Exactly, open war now.
This is why August is scary because if the predictions are true that China will ramp up pressure against Taiwan.
May be. Taiwan needs to be NONE OF OUR FKG BUSINESS.
Taiwan still has an important military and economic value to the United States because of course it does.
We spent years sending tech manufacturing overseas when America should've been leading that.
That will also be the excuse used to participate in a war across an ocean that we shouldn't be. Because of course it will.
My apologies, yes it was, it is no longer
Please, no apologies. This shit show is changing every 3 minutes.
Exactly. Trump being insulated doesn't make him immortal. Men aren't perfect and even with security and protection any of their numerous assassination attempts could have succeeded.
Hell of a dig anon...Lots to consider.
Took the words out of my mouth! Excellent post u/Malachi
AND thoroughly referenced....gives me the chilly's up/down the spine and where this all lands is right in the DS and Dems LAPS...OOOOOH MY!!!
I can't believe it was a staged event. If they WHs knew and let those Patriots die then we are riding the wrong horse. Except for the grace of God and 2 inches, President Trump would be dead. If it was a planned event, the plan would have been to leave the President exposed and let some nut kill him. One can find a Q post to point to on everything that happens----some are genuine date timelines but none of these posts have the correct date time frame. Two Patriots are dead and like Jan 6, many Patriots lost their lively hoods. Neither were WH operations. DJT is alive today no thanks to his SS protection. He needs to be surrounded by Patriots and not DS security protecting the DS.
Yes, cannot be a staged event. Murder is not on the menu for the good guys, even if it is a "trap" set
Yeah, this "dig" is a good litmus to find out who is nuts.
I'm quick to call most things fake and gay. This is definitely not one of those things.
Whats more confusion and misdirecting is the multiple pics and names of different shooters.
MSM and the DS muddying the waters. There were too many errors from the SS and police in security. No WHs involved, just Democrats putting inept agents around Trump and standing down will equal an opportunity for some nut to take a shot. At the first sign where a spectator told a cop there was a guy with a gun, the SS should have covered Trump and got him out of there but they did not. They wanted confirmation I guess and they got it!
Many patriots died during “covid”. This is WAR.
White Hats didn't do that either!
Uh Project Warp Speed?
Nobody died getting a vaccine while Trump was in office. The vaccine that was brought out had to be kept frozen. After Trump left office, they brought out the "improved" vaccine that could be kept at room temp. The vaccine under Trump was probably saline and issued by the military. Warp Speed was to change the plans of the DS. The DS planned on releasing the virus---a flu---into the public and shutting down the economy for years, Warp Speed made them go to plan B. Warp Speed didn't kill anyone. It was ONLY after the Democrats took office people started dying from a "NEW" vaccine.
There’s a video of security moving people behind him to the side. But not moving Trump.
Reid Hoffman took the bait. He sent emails to MSM last night saying the attack was staged.
He recently called for Trump to be martyred
I believe it is automatic death penalty if convicted of attempted murder (or conspiracy) of C-I-C during “state of war”. Bye-bye Reidy, baby.
Unless it was their plan that Trump actually die, they did not knowingly let an assassin take a shot at Trump. We need to reject that idea.
I've been arguing for years that the WHs should wrap this up and stop playing with these people. For which I have been banned. But now we all see why.
If you think Trump's death would not harm the plan, you're wrong.
Contrarian views - that deserve examination - we are anons after all - should not result in bans. I am totally unsurprised you were for voicing them.
Stop Noticing
There is far more censorship here than on Reddit… FACTS!
I get far too many DM’s from people, for being banned for the stupidest shit.
This is why we can’t have good things here anymore.
People aren’t allowed to think 🤔
People aren’t allowed to have opinions that are not in locked up with TPTB 😬
But now… No Thinking Allowed!
That’s why so many longtime users have deleted their accounts, and why so many longtime users have just quietly gone into the night. Because they’re tired of being stepped on!
I find it interesting that a place that supposedly is trying to expose evil and oppression at the highest levels, has sunken to the levels that they so-called despise. 🤷♀️ the power has gone to their heads, and for this comment alone I’m sure I will receive a ban - because I’ve stepped out of line and had too much to think.
Who holds the mods accountable? What guardrails are in place to protect OUR GAW community?
There aren’t any in place, so as usual… “We The People” suffer!
TBH the "good mods" (i.e. I think, most of them) should take over and kick the "bad mods" out. It's time. I wonder if it's them or what that are the reason this alt account is not banned yet.
PS anyone in agreement can DM me as well. I have an anon proton mail set up for more detailed discussion, if you wish.
For the record - there was some speculation that I left over a ban dispute. That was just the final straw. The moderation policies of this board have, as MsStarts here has stated, have driven enough Quality people off that it's obvious that it's deliberate. We need to save this board and bring back when we could call each other fucking faggots then go for a beer anyway.
I agree with you - you fucking faggot! 😂😂😂
They launched a missile at him from a DS sub. They’re sticking to the plan.
Please help me understand how an innocent person in the audience was allowed to be killed?
Same way those innocent kids were killed at Sandy Hook. If it were staged: the victims, the conveniently located ER doctor, those who spoke to media right afterwards were all plants, like at a Vegas show ... they look like audience participants and fool the crowd, but it's scripted. And they're professionals at doing it, as much as David Copperfield was a professional, with top-notch special effects and media spin.
Thank you for explaining this.
plausible that it was staged: 1. shots heard. 2.trump yells ouch slaps and holds his ear. ( if in on it he may have help with the Blood!) 3. ss tackle Trump, to protect. 4. bystander killed by shot ( or so it appears) think Hollywood. 5. Photo by well known Photographer shows bullet flying. 6. plenty of sound effects. 6. All being shown on TV by major TV companies 1st time they be broadcasting. 7. Overwhelming Patriotic reaction and response. 8. kinda proof of patriots or not!!! Saged or not???? you tell me?
I believe it was, but proving it beyond doubt even to myself is unlikely. Circumstantial evidence includes the too-easy access by the unprofessional assassin, the uncharacteristic live coverage that you mentioned, and comms like Biden saying he felt like LBJ before Dallas just the day before as reported in UK's Daily Mail (and a bunch of others as shown here: https://greatawakening.win/p/17teJ6yo7V/decodingsymbols-on-how-trumps-sh/c/).
But as Q says ... that choice, to know, will be yours. Really cementing the proof would require digs into the other casualties, the doctor, and the ones who were featured speaking to media to prove they were crisis actors. But anons have been so top-notch at that task that I wouldn't be surprised to know that even those got face masks of nonexistent people to go along with a fake identity and backstory.
I don't think evidence will be forthcoming. Not to mention that WH will suppress any frogs that want to spoil the show. Maybe they'll let Miles Mathis cover it, but even GAW is too mainstream to let it slip out. We will have to live with the unknowable for awhile.
Miles Mathis will break this down in a few days I’m sure. Curious for him to point out “moulage”.
Had to look that one up. I just say Hollywood fake blood & gore. They're good at it though.
Please don't misunderstand me as saying that I approve of this, but the fact remains that we are at war, and war is never clean, there is collateral damage.
Every piece of this falls apart when your central thesis: that white hats orchestrated this to “trap” the Deep State meets against the very real fact that the only reason Trump survived this was because he (through divine intervention and the touch of God) turned his head a few degrees milliseconds before the bullet hit him.
Had he not done that, he would be dead. White hats didn’t plan that and stop saying they did.
I agree. It’s annoying to see the thoughts of others discussing we are at war and some people must die.
Jill Biden and Kamala were both in PA. They were provided with the majority of SS and left Trump with some stand by SS. One sniper team instead of 3.
This was not staged. This was planned by DS. Joe Manchin and Pelosi were interviewed earlier in the week, and when asked about Biden, they said let’s see what happens this weekend. What did they mean by those comments?
Joe is also in a fight for his life. They not only want to take Trump out, but Joe too. Enemies make strange bed fellows. I am curious what Biden does moving forward. Bidens people know they are in as much danger as Trump.
No need to apologize, Malachi. If we are to be successful in the future and maintain our identities, and our souls as free human sentient beings, we will have to compete against AI, which means we must be like Mentats, which means we must consider all possibilites unemotionally, yet paradoxically also compassionately. There is high strangeness occurring, and it is difficult to explain rationally. Vincent Fusca sitting calmly behind Trump and the only one not ducking, the Q posts about the shot heard around the world, and Fight, Fight, Fight. And also Q: Project Looking Glass. And also Q: how do they predict events? Planning. (These methods seem at odds). And now there are at least three named 20 year olds in the press, the main one being Crooks, yet apparently he is still alive and posting on X, trolling us (unless deep fake?). Yet now, with all we know, it seems to have been a real attempt, with a miraculous outcome, which hints that Project Looking Glass is real (or some other future preditctive abilities or tech), which is mind blowingly bizarre and hard to wrap our heads around. God bless you fren for your brilliant analysis!
If we are in a simulation that AI did and there is markers with options (dimensions of pivot points) - moves and counter moves - predictive algorithms-
I would only say God is the only One who could change it. This would be a Spiritual Battle of epic scale because Satan would take over AI by taking over the man who runs it.
There is much going on and it is exciting and bewildering but many of people have to come to their foundation and that is mine. God can change only if He wants to.
The processing power required is amazing and I believe man can do such a feat. Some could say time travel because of the infinite possibilities, but for me it would be God.
Amazing time and frightening for those who have no faith in men of standard and God.
WWF…WTF… this seems (aloud)
Fun to see the different interpretations but I'm finding the red carpet/emmy ones much more compelling, with the setup tweets from @USACEHQ. Strong links between that and Trump's "performance".
IMO the biggest reason for this not being some sort of trap is you don't let someone take a clean shot at Trump and hope it works out... Doesn't make a lick of sense.
Event staged by white hats for a variety of reasons, but mainly:
The clear slop of the SS and FBI here allows them to be investigated and purged for this and prior assassinations they were involved in.
"Q"uality dig Malachi ! Hopefully more to come on this. Be nice to get the truth for a change.
Wow. Hell of a lot to get the ol noggin joggin fren
Remember the attempt in I believe it was Scotland one of his secret servicemen died saving our President. I don't think the attempt was allowed, or staged. I do believe the fight fight fight was meant to be delivered as part of the speech. Geotus put it in when he could, before he was taken off the stage. Body language Ghost's video on this, and you can see the entrance of Vincent Fusca in the video as well.
That was good...I am only now reminded of that scene in Patton where he is complaining to the British about lack of air cover and they are attacked by air. Patton jumps out of the window to shoot at the planes with a pistol. That's Trump looking for his shoes and stopping to fist pump.
The fact is we dont know what actually happened. Only those behind it know and we're simply watching it unfold.
There's alot of valid arguements for it being real and for it being something else. The crowd barely reacting behind Trump is a glaring counter-point. But,
As you said - I'm not going to let emotions short-circuit my brain and allow myself to cement into ANY idea when it's all purely speculation on our ends. All I know is something huge happened yesterday and i'm waiting to see what comes from it.
What a great post, a lot to consider, but it’s still a risk to “allow” it to happen. And we lost a patriot in the audience.
We’ll see how this plays out. This week is shaping up to be wild.
I am still not tired of anime being real. Do it Q
100% a set up
How did they find him through all those trees in 2 seconds and kill him? We’ve all seen the videos and the pictures.
Let me get this straight: you are claiming that this was a White Hat plan and trap to let a 20-year-old, unstable kid take a head shot at Trump using iron sights at 450 ft., and come so close that he hits Trump's ear?
Sacrifices a MAGA supporter and father and critically wounds two others, as collateral damage?
Yea. No.
Here's a suggestion - it was a cabal attempt and the White Hats are not as in control as they may project. But they're still the good guys, and all we've got. This was divine intervention!
As for the bad guys, It's sloppy and hasty work (signs they are losing their grip, being slowly dismantled) in developing a low-quality Manchurian gunner (the Blackrock commercial connection is hard to dismiss). This has the fingerprints of their work (don't forget the synced DDOS attacks on Gab and .win), but poor quality, which is a good thing, and quite indicative of the change. They are not in charge, but still very dangerous.
Everyone, including Q team, is breathing a sign of relief, and taking a knee.
Or, it was seen in Looking Glass and allowed with fingers crossed, because it couldn't be stopped. But I'm leaning towards the former...
This is far more likely. I'm with you
We’ve made much worse sacrifices during Covid scam
Sit back and watch. Why are people finding it difficult to call a duck a duck. It wasn't staged, that was trump and God saved his ass flat out. You witnessed a miracle. As long as people walk by the five senses you will be deceived.
"Remember, it was the SS who shot and killed JFK."
I thought it was the CIA. When did the SS theory come about?
That's some old school Bill Cooper stuff and a 90s era book about a negligent discharge by the SS agent riding the bumper when Pswald started shooting
If the WHs or Trump himself agreed to let someone, even the most skilled sniper in the world, take a shot at him that would graze his ear - then they are crazy. I don't believe Trump is crazy.
They get extra evil points for committing atrocities on certain days 😈
The dates of Bastille Day (7/13 here, 7/14 there) reminded me of a tweet Eric Trump posted earlier - he was basically crediting his mother for being his father's guardian angel. I did not realize that today is the second anniversary of her death. If 7/14 is indeed the Freemasonry Day, did Ivana fall? Or was she pushed?
She was supposedly frail, but I don't know about that. She was an athlete when she was younger and she was 73, not 93. I have zero proof. Only a silver headpiece. But would it be so surprising for the enemy to strike out at the mother of your children? Few days ago, I saw an interview with Ivanka and the topic of her mother came up and you can tell it still upsets her a lot.
Which post was it that said if something happened to Trump then All teams were given a go and bad guy bodies would stack? May be misremembering but there was one if something happened to him.
I applaud the effort to apply some gray matter and the attempt to work through the entire situation mentally.
This is one of the things that anons and autists should be good at.
Personally, I have no doubts about it and I find the matter to be very straight forward: The Satanic Cabal (evil) worked to make an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, whom God is using at the current time in a central role to restore America to its purpose and mission.
The war between good and evil is real, and sometimes it comes down to a life/death situation. It was miraculous that Donald Trump was not murdered. The event was neither part of God's Plan, nor the White Hat's plan, but sometimes God has to allow evil to take its shot.
This event was evil at its peak, and it failed. Now, evil will reap the consequences.
Again, I applaud the effort to work through the situation and the data using reason and logic and known reference points, but for me, none of these (as drawn from the drops) apply.
Like any other operation, the Q operation is (was) a limited operation with specific objectives that by and large have been reached. Further events will reveal and reinforce the validity of the operation (future proves past), but this event is not one of them.
This event reveals one thing: that evil attempted to invade God's ring of protection, and failed. From here, things will intensify, and evil is moving closer and closer to the time of full accountability.
Well to be brutally honest it was his double. The one that wears the hat, unbuttoned shirt, and no tie…I don’t care what anyone says, that’s him. I’ve been on it since day one. He felt like a stranger when I first saw him. Idk why they had him there for that or if it was connected…I imagine it was, but that’s me. I do know that that’s #2 and if ANYONE WAS GOING to have a body double and NEED one, right now…that’s Trump. So bet yer banks on it. He won’t mess his hair up…
I believe it. Whatever you wrote. Tldr...but I believe it.
Malachi, I second both your sentiments on the initial opinion, and your excellent summary of the reason for your turn from it, as well as lauding your continued digging.
As noted shortly after changing my opinion, can’t blame a guy for thinking something is fake these days, nor for holding to the 48 hour rule. Grace requested if anyone got too annoyed with my comments.
17 doots!
For those who previously accepted the theory that Op Warspeed was an unfortunate necessity by the WHs to stave off a worse plan, should you not have a problem with this being a WH setup for entrapping whoever? Same kind of thing isn't it? That a risk had to be taken to entrap those who would have otherwise done something worse to all of us (?). And so as far as innocent casualties, it's like the same rationale applies to the injured/dead vaxxed MAGA who listened to Trump; "you need to break a few eggs to make an omelette" kind of thing. I reject all those theories, but just pointing out the logic is consistent in each case.
Q is probably a super Quantum Ai. It can predict the future. It probably notified Q team Trump would be shot, but survive. Whether Trump knew when or if at all is anyone’s guess. God protects him.
Big dig op. Well done. Need to chew on this for a while. Thanks
Just one correction. The Secret Service never was directly involved in the murder of JFK. In contrast, I think we can agree that the SS was directly involved in the attempted Trump assassination. This is due to the video of members of the media being moved by some agents before shots rang out.
On the Alex Soros 47 cash. I see the one dollar marked as a silver certificate. Method of payment?