Trump said not to trust Vivek during the election season.
The whole H1B situation is exposing Vivek as a Pro India first guy.
JD's wife is Indian as well.
People are also mad at Elon as well.
Could this also be a white hat exposure operation?
Trump said not to trust Vivek during the election season.
The whole H1B situation is exposing Vivek as a Pro India first guy.
JD's wife is Indian as well.
People are also mad at Elon as well.
Could this also be a white hat exposure operation?
80% of Vivek's post is correct - basically everything after the first paragraph.
But he's totally wrong starting out. Most companies aren't hiring foreigners because they're better, more educated or work harder. They're hiring them because they work for peanuts. There's a glut of experienced, high-quality, competent talent in engineering, IT, programming, etc but they can't even get interviews for open jobs.
This. I've been there. Companies whine that they can't get people. What they mean is they can't get people for the money they offer.
They bring in Indians who work for much less and live 6 in a two bedroom apt. Then they go home after 2 years, taking their experience with them.
And they code some pretty basic stuff. We had a team of 20 of so Indian engineers for video game design and they spent months doing a 2d slideshow...surprisingly the VP that got them the contract( we fired 3 Americans for 20 Indians) just got hired and was also Indian.
Was at Merrill Lynch when the company started bringing in the indians...SOME VERY SAD CODERS that were using the mainframe to stored clients info and were using ----> 32 BIT INDICES FOR EACH CLIENT and if they had more than one portfolio (some did) THE SYSTEM fritz-ed out....I left before they closed the campus...some were calling me...they didn't want to go back to India!!!!
Pajeets at my company try to stay as long as possible. The fem-pajeets hope an american thirsty white boy marries them so they can stay forever. Lot of beta white males take what they can get so it works out for the fem-pajeets.
I can assure you that there are financial incentives to outsource. The tax implications are significant. Like others said above, there is a cost difference, since most of the Indian resources will not need retirement or other benefits. They're very docile, meaning they can and are worked long hours knowing that they will not do shit since they're dependent on the employer to stay in the US. Coming to America is the golden ticket to them.
This has very little to do with talent. Most of them in IT are culturally engrained to NOT think outside of the box and respond by scripted thought patterns. This akin to the old days of call center training. There is a huge push to get them to think "outside of the box" when handling crit sits and issues. Those who have worked with the pajeet will know.
In regards to training, I can speak to the IT aspect of it. The certification shops in India are laughable, they're literally everywhere, tons of small shops offering cert "training". One who has worked in the field knows the "true" value of those "certs" from india. You can say the same on their CV. True bullshit artists and they stick together. Once you get an India in a position of power and hiring, they will go about setting up Americans to be removed and brining in their own.
India is a beautiful country to experience, but a true hellscape as well. Those who have not seen Codex Pajeet II, you really need to see it.
I am there.
Like OP sad, Vivek is India First, not America First.
Indians are not any better, just cheaper.
I'm not in that field, but I've heard they are actually worse.
I don't trust Vivek anymore than I would trust the Indians in UK pretending to be "British."
If an Indian thinks he can treat you with impunity they will do it, they are terrible snobs and hate others of a lower caste like nothing on earth. They are trouble makers because of this, don't employ them.
My experience also. However, once you arc up and put them in their place they back off in spectacular fashion. It takes a confrontation though - they don't like it, but respect it. You need to remind them of where they sit in the pecking order - beneath the White man in his native society, very far beneath.
It's been going on for a very very very long time.
Dr Norman Matloff was the champion of this issue for decades. He sounded the alarm and advocated eloquently for American programmers and engineers, yet he was ignored and ignored and ignored.
Where are they? It took months ( more than 6) to find a couple of qualified mechanical engineers. Low application rate….
Most of the job boards are seeing hundreds and sometimes thousands of applications for technical positions. Where were they posted, how were they worded and what sort of ATS system did you filter the candidates through?
WIthout knowing, my primary suspicion would be an HR problem - either the job description was poorly written, poorly advertised, or the hiring system filtered out anyone remotely competent because the HR drone didnt't have a clue how to hire for a technical position.
Also if it's in-house or "hybrid", and doesn't absolutely need to be, you probably won't get any interest unless you reach the handful of people within an absurdly short radius of the facility. Nobody wants to commute for hours anymore now that they've tasted the alternative. And if the location isn't disclosed exactly so people know what they're getting into, most won't even bother to apply.
Or the HR drone wasn't getting the desired flavor. I saw that going strong in the company I retired from. In fact they had to fire a couple of the HR drones when their blatant racism was pointed out in detail.
Your getting way to technical about job postings. And maybe the job seekers are too…. We posted in industry related publications and local newspapers etc. no services, no headhunters.. If you need a job go out and do it the old fashioned way. Hit the papers and hit the streets. Don't rely on tech to do an in person task!
Expect it to take months or years to find qualified people using your method, as you've discovered.
But wait, you just posted the problems with job boards.
Its a data base thing, crap in/crap out. Both sides of the game throwing crap against the wall and seeing what sticks. If you a professional and good at what you do, you know where to look for a job, Most good jobs are not advertised on job boards, they come by recommendations (networking) within the particular industry.
Job boards aren't perfect and right now the market is heavily tilted in favor of employers. That wasn't always the case and it won't always be. I've gotten jobs through job boards, through headhunters and through recommendations. I even got a job once through a newspaper ad back in olden times. I use all the tools at my disposal. If I was out of work, I'd be looking at contract work too.
But if you're an employer today and you can't find employees, then IMHO you're doing something wrong, especially if you want experienced people.
That said, job boards have definitely been caught up in the enshitification movement, but I suspect that will sort itself out over time.
The old fashioned way does not work at scale for most job seekers or employers anymore. In fact that went away years ago with the advent of Craigslist, Monster, and Career Builder which are all now being replaced by sites like Indeed and LinkedIn.
Likely completely filtered by HR who only allow gay black disabled females to pass the resume screen.
For anyone who hasn't worked in IT before, this is basically how it goes.
If you show up for the interview and you see that the interviewer is Indian, just go home. He will not hire you. He will only hire other Indians. During the interview, he will ask you questions that has nothing to do with your position and try to find any reason to disqualify you. Even if you are overqualified for the position you are seeking. This has also been the experience of many of my other colleagues/friends. We are an ethnically diverse group and even the white guy had the same experience with the Indians.
Software Engineer here!
I couldn't agree more. That happened to me at my old job.
They hired an Indian IT manager. He brought in Indian workers right away.
In most cultures in the world, it was/is perfectly acceptable to use outsiders any way you want - lie to them, cheat them, steal from them, even enslave them or kill them.
People born and raised in the USA, UK, Europe and similar Western places do NOT understand this. They honestly think that if they treat others fairly, they'll get the same fair treatment in return, since that's basically how it works here.
While those pouring in from Eastern and Southern countries look at us as weak, stupid pieces of meat for them to devour. So they do.
White North Americans are like the Dodo bird. We haven't had to deal with a threat for so long, we think there isn't one.
Worked for Amazon and contracted for Microsoft. 100% accurate.
100% correct. I’ve spent 15 years in the tech sector and your analysis is spot on.
This was the case at the last fast-food job I had.
New manager was South American Spanish-speaker.
Only hired other Spanish-speakers.
I was not let go, but for months on end, I was on the schedule...with zero hours.
I couldn't even file for unemployment because I was technically still employed.
Anything is on the table at this point. Regardless, that was a really stupid comment he made.
(What I'm referring to)
I don't fully disagree with his statement, but it is a bad statement for someone with political and specifically presidential aspirations.
There are definitely a lot of culture issues in the U.S., and with how our school system has completely been dismantled in favor of DEI and social agendas it has definitely ruined a lot of what made American ingenuity and work ethic strong.
More to the point, we've become so focused on memes -- so indescribably focused on memes that so many bright minds seem to be focused on being "witty" and "snarky" now.
There are definitely a lot of problems...but that's what we're trying to fix, and someone with presidential aspirations should understand that.
Vivek's allowed to be wrong, or he's allowed to have a misguided opinion. I'm not prepared to verbally slaughter him for that, because I also think it's being magnified too much.
But it does mean that he would not be so easy to support in the future for a presidential candidate.
As for Vance..It doesn't matter that his wife is Indian. That doesn't mean he's suddenly India First. Why attack Vance for the words of Vivek? That's lunacy.
From Elon's point of view, he wants to be able to hire the best minds from anywhere. That's just cutting edge business, and he needs the ability to have cutting edge labor. You can't just train people in a short time for physics. That's something that takes a lot of dedication, time and passion that they have to have outside of their work hours...which is another cultural problem America has right now.
One has to separate Elon and Vivek because Vivek ran for President, and Elon literally cannot. We must assume Vivek has future aspirations as well, and therefore a greater scrutiny should be applied there.
You made a great comment, and I must say that you are 100% right about America having cultural issues. But, you can try to fix that without bringing in infinite immigrants. Which is why I am confused that Vivek would even make that comment.
It’ll take time. Potentially years if not several decades until we culturally and socially regain our footing and sense of self.
And for Corporations and Business interests. That isn’t time they want to spend. Even if it’ll ultimately be beneficial long term.
American, and to a lesser extent Western Corporate Models in general have largely transitioned into prioritizing the short term. In pursuit of profits and shareholder returns.
Which is why we’ve entered a revolving door of companies including former household names going bust. Or entering dire financial straits.
It wasn’t simply DEI. Though that undoubtedly didn’t help. There’s been a few decades of over expansion, mergers that probably shouldn’t have happened, and poor business decisions. The DEI was just the final nail.
Corporate executives in America today generally need an MBA to advance to the top of their corporate ladders.
Those business schools have been taken over, just like the journalism schools, medical schools, law schools, etc.
They teach a woke agenda and a "profits now at any cost" mentality.
This is why they all run the big corporations the same -- territble customer service, lesser quality products, and DEI, etc.
That is one of the big problems that nobody is talking about.
And because they've all been trained the same, they don't understand the problem. A fish does not know it is in water ...
I agree it's not just DEI, but DEI impacts everything from schooling (and grooming) as well as hiring practices (what spawned this whole thing with "angry dad" -- although I have a problem with people thinking that someone named "suspended1233" wasn't just trying to stir a pot and then deactivate for exactly the effect that is happening, e.g. stringing Elon up for banning him.)
DEI can prevent bright people from even getting further in their education, because that's what "equity" does. It brings everyone else down to try and raise others up, which helps prevent the best from standing out.
Without that, consolidation is easy. Consolidation through cheap labor from other countries even easier. No ability to compete.
Correct, it will take time. I have fewer issues with H1Bs I'd say than all of our manufacturing being overseas. At least if we had that, we'd be more resistant.
His mouth finally got him in hot water.
There is no reason to treat our schools as educational sweatshops. The American public largely rejects one-dimensional education. They optimistically believe that a person can follow their dreams without having to sacrifice a social life. And it can be done, as it has been done in the past.
Americans did not embrace mediocrity; it was foisted upon them by the media, together with an incentivized celebration of victimhood. The picture Vivek paints is false, lifted straight from MSM caricatures of our society.
Hes a millenial, nothing he says strays too far from that generational view of life.
Maybe Vivek should be running the Department of Education.
We don't need more brown people in this country to take away Jobs from American citizens. What we need is better educational facilities that will teach our kids how to read, write, and do 'rithmatic. If they don't want higher education, fine, just place them into vo-tech class so they can rebuild engines or manufacture kitchen cabinets or the such. I'm still believing in Elon and Vivek, maybe their words are meant to stir up the Left and expose them more.
Once you remove the Jewish Marxism things will start to fall in place. Everything is designed to destroy whites and western civilization.
Even people on here fail to understand this. If whites become a minority in America it is over regardless of Q, Trump etc.
I am sure some will say mUh nEIGHboR Is a patRIOt. I don’t care. Most of them East Indians, Mexicans etc. don’t give a flying fuck about the constitution, founding fathers, Christian origins and Greco-Roman philosophy.
We were founded as a Europe centric nation both in pilgrims and original immigration policy.
As someone who has had their home town taken over by East Indians, Pakistani’s etc. I am just warning you all.
Virtue signaling gets you and your culture killed. We are different and that’s okay.
Please end and deport all H1B’s!
You're in luck! The new admin will do just that!
I did find Vivek's comment to sound patronizing and in fact it could have been one of Obama's veiled contemptuous comments he made about us. Hate to use the Karenish phrase "I didn't like his tone", but that exactly what I didn't like.
Just different priorities and perspectives.
Elon needs talented engineers to further his empire. He is correct in regards to the need to import them as we don't have enough in this country to fill demand.
However, he needs to acknowledge and propose solutions for the problem of companies hiring immigrant engineers instead of qualified American engineers due to the financial compensation and employment control advantages. No qualified American engineer should lose out on a job because a company wants to take advantage of lower pay and complete control over that person's employment (If you're on an H-1B visa, you're tied to the company that brought you over).
That shit needs to end immediately.
To say nothing of laying off American technical people in favor of hiring cheap technical labor in India. There needs to be a prohibitively hefty price for doing so.
Qualifications are also downstream from everything else.
What decides your qualifications? Education on paper and work experience are a good start. When you're dealing with rocketry as an example, you're not going to get any form of apprenticeship to train you, you're not going to be seen based on personality or a willingness to work like you can be in other sectors.
So, say further education gets denied. Say you get denied a scholarship for a good school because the quota for your background/race/sex/sexuality was filled already.
Say you are denied jobs that would allow you to show your skill and eagerness to work within your field because of that same quota.
Now you have people who may have been qualified, but miss out on the opportunity because less qualified people were given those opportunities. But those people can't scrape by in any meritocracy, so now they search for cheaper labor where quotas like these don't exist.
A hell of a lot of things start with DEI initiatives. We need to abolish any fashion of "protected class" and we need to ban quotas, and people need to be able to successfully sue if they're discriminated against.
They dont need people to scrape by. They dont need normal people that rely on things being fair and equitable. They want/need motherfuckers that can blow the competition away in the areas of innovation and willingness to work longer and harder with less demands. People that make billions make billions by exploiting labor and cutting costs.
The whole thing feels like a big miscommunication error. Even the backlash seems reactionary than their own perspective. Alot of Pro MAGA talking heads are taking things out of context and running with it.
I definitely agree Elon has a completely different criteria when it comes to his own companies compared to companies like Boeing or Ford. There will always be Americans who can fit that criteria. Just don’t expect every American with an engineering degree to hit that mark.
Focus should still be teaching Kids interested in Stem fields no matter how long it takes. Also foster their ability to innovate.
We have to also fix the issue that is causing the constant hiring and firing from companies. The company you start off with might have a different set of people by the time you leave. Let alone if you're even employed for that long.
Could not agree more, CC. Zero nuance to the conversations happening on X right now.
As you said, a big part of this conversation should be about fostering more Americans to get STEM degrees.
But we've got to fix the H-1B mess AND this approach of American tech companies treating workers like they're potato chips that can just be tossed on the floor, then reach into the bag to grab more.
It's a disappointingly black & white conversation that's happening right now.
He doesn't need to import them he just needs to open a branch office in Mumbai or wherever and hire them there. Or quit doing it and start hiring American kids who need jobs and a future
They don't want Americans,cause the dont speak Hindi.
All we need to do to thin the Indian population here is put in some more train crossings, and give them all motor scooters.
Highly talented and skilled American citizens are also being dissuaded from pursuing tech careers these days because of the H1-B visa push in the tech sector.
It's been going on for many many many many years. Dr Norman Matloff has been shouting about it for DECADES.
DJT got elected because he was the first presidential candidate (apart from Pat Buchanan) to ever give a monkey's about the American worker.
We Americans have settled for mediocrity in our school system. We need to take a long hard look at all of our systems and upgrade as needed. Healthcare, education, politics, banking/economy, judicial, etc. I believe that is what our G.O.A.T. President is intending to do. And that is why I voted for him 3 times, lets get it done.
It would be a personal decision to be better that would make the needed changes. No system is going to make everyone and everything better. It is a decision that one makes privately and then gets to doing the work.
He says a lot of american kids are lazy and not goal oriented. Is he wrong?
But why, though? Focus on our failing education system.
Exactly this! It will take more than a generation to turn around. So what in the meantime?
Well if they're smart enough to go into tech/programming then they're also smart enough to look out at the job market and realize it's being flooded with foreigners which is ruining it as a viable career for hard working, intelligent American teens. So yeah, he's not wrong but he's also the one contributing to it
The American children know that HR and college application boards will always choose foreigners over them, so why bother?
American children saw their parents' jobs getting off-shored or replaced by H1Bs, so why bother?
I don't blame them for opting out of this rigged game.
Elon Musk comes from a questionable family and is himself a foreigner, so it's no surprise to me that he is in support of foreigners vs americans.
Exposure op? Eh who knows.
But it is reminding people there’s more to Countries than Economics. And making lines on charts go up as fast possible.
Which flys in the face of the elements of the Right who are primarily concerned with Economics and Making lines on charts go up as fast possible.
Which has always been a weak point of some elements of the Right. Who have a tendency to do a hand wave “The Free Market will take care of it” and leave it at that when questions of long term effects on people and culture start being asked.
I'm just reading everything about what they said now and I'm pissed. I went to college, I got a few certifications cuz I was told that a college degree wasn't enough to get my foot into the door. I taught myself a lot of stuff that was necessary for my career. I did what I had to do to be able to secure a job and my future.
Of course, I graduated at one of the worst time ever (a bit after 9/11) and not many companies were hiring anyone, but that didn't stop me from continuing to apply for jobs.
10 years later, I continued to apply but no luck. During that time, that was when I got more certifications to bolster my resume. I even worked at a retail job that was somewhat related to my career (fixing computers similar to Geek Squad at Best Buy), and my co-workers told me that if I ever applied for a corporate level job, I would get it right away and within years, I'd be climbing up the corporate ladder to the near top (CEO or CTO). That meant a lot to me because I'm deaf and I'm often been viewed as an invalid who knows nothing other than what's 2+2 equals to.
Then the career field changed and it made things harder for me to be able to apply for a job cuz Indians were taking over everything and I still couldn't get my foot into the door for an entry level job and I was willing to work for less than my skills' are valued for.
Now with the advent of AI, I obviously won't be able to find a job in the near future as AI are taking over everything.
Since graduating from college, I've been unemployed in terms of working in my career field (I did hold a job for a length of time but like I said, it was somewhat related to my career but still a retail job), and my motivation to find a job has declined big time. My morale has taken a huge blow and since graduating, I've applied to over 5,000 jobs and has only gone on an interview maybe 3 or 4 times.
I've chalked it up to me being deaf and companies are afraid to hire a deaf person cuz they're often seen as an invalid or a retarded person but now at this point, I have no idea what their true intentions are, other than them wanting to destroy America from the inside out, starting with destroying/lowering Americans' morale, mine including.
At this point, when President Trump comes back for his third term (kek), I was hoping to find a job again but how soon will that happen? I have no idea, but with all of this talk from Vivek and Elon, is making me feel less excited for Trump's term if he continues to retain them both. This is not a dooming comment or anything but it's just that I'm pissed at Vivek and Elon for basically saying Americans are lazy and unmotivated to work when the problems were that most kids nowadays are receiving poor education, DEI, suppression of hiring white people and many more.
I'm just tired of living month to month on Social Security benefits and "taking advantage" of taxpayers for paying me and my family to live sufficiently. I need to work but if that's not going to happen during Trump's term, then I don't know what will happen as I'm getting older and it's not a promising outlook.
I know President Trump will improve pretty much from A to Z, but that's a hard task to accomplish in just 4 years, which is why I believe President Trump had everything set up during his first 4 years, then continued that during his "second term" and the third term will be the execution stage, where everything that has been planned and set up, are now being executed so there's no red tape or BS to go through and the 180 degree reversal will take place. I truly hope this will also include jobs, where EVERY AMERICAN, myself included, will be able to find a job with ease.
Sorry to sound Reddit-ish but apologies for the long wall of text but thanks for reading my rant.
We don't need "better" this and "better" that. We need the truth so that the next generation can learn the truth and not a cover story.
I've always called him Ramaswampy the Silver Tongued Serpent.
Nah, this is just Americans being butthurt when the reality that our woke, democrat DEI infested, education system has been producing losers for decades. Someone actually noticed, and said they like the idea of foreigners to replace them.
This isn't any kind of "foreigners first agenda." This is the product of a failed American education system being called out, and people not liking the sound of harsh reality.
Well the reality is we have a generation of kids who can't get jobs.
What are we going to do just people born certain years?
Are they doomed to be replaced?
They are Americans who we should try to help not just worry about how their tragedy effects big business.
Failure begets consequences. What do we do with a generation of Americans who are below average academically? That's a good question, and I don't have a good answer for it.
But, I am quite certain that we as a society cannot afford to gift out technical jobs to under-qualified individuals based on race, religion, creed, or national origin. We don't need an inverse of DEI for American kids. We need a better solution, and fast.
It's just pathetic how all the new grads are not working or working at McDonald's. I applied to hundreds of jobs now I've moved on to being a welfare queen. It's disturbing how many people I've met in the welfare office with degrees debt and no hope.
No, we are angry at the smug, contemptful tone that Vivek and Elon are showing Americans.
Vivek and Elon could have said, "Hey, we know Americans have been let down by generations of off-shoring, DEI, and a failing education system. We will fix it and help American workers catch up, but in the meantime, we need immigrants to fill these jobs right now."
What we got was: "Your American culture is inferior and you are retarded."
I'm not even exaggerating on that last bit; Elon really called us "retarded".
Nothing about their tone is MAGA. They sound like smug Democrats, and they earned every single bit of criticism coming their way.
So what? Prove that position as wrong.
Go walk around some college campus's and talk with the pink haired, cat ear wearing natives and, try to say to yourself "this is a superior American workforce," without laughing, or upchucking.
In America, generation X,Y, Z, and millennial's are largely comprised of woke, inferior, retards. Harsh reality. Elon and.Vivek pointed to it. Job welfare for American workers is not a viable solution for repairing the damage done to generations of Americans by our miserable, failed government, and broken, degenerate society.
I want to see ALL of these leftwing fruitcakes removed from American society, the American labor force (particularly in education,) and positions of cultural influence. And, I really don't give a shit if Elon and Vivek need to replace those "muh Americans" with competent immigrant's.
Fuck Elon and fuck Vivek
Detailed testimony of an Indian about Indians. The culture in India, the differences. VERY eye opening. TLDR: They have no idea or opposite ideas of the virtues we take for granted as being desirable.
Wow…that was interesting. And sad. And the implications (of mass Indian migration) are scary.
Virtue to Chinese is also a scary prospect. Where cheating is encouraged as long as you get away with it.
There are probably more people Trump has gathered around him which I am suspicious of than those I'm comfy with. Tbh. I'm praying it's another loyalty test. Those with "higher loyalties" and secret agendas which are oppose to our Constitutional Republic must all be exposed and punished according to whatever crimes and plotted crimes they are guilty of.
This isn't white hats and it's stupid to pretend it is. This is simply vivek being India first and Elon showing his colors.
I bloody well hope so. Fucking pajeets aren't to be trusted.
Damn. I stay off X for a couple days with holidays, and DRAMA!
Saw he got ratioed on his post about wanting skilled immigrants and supposedly the guy who ratioed him got banned for it.
It seems Elon is trying to bring attention to the subject. He's not dumb, he knows a ban will only amplify his message.
when you don't know whether to trust the "African" or the "Indian" lol
Vivek needs to debate Dr Norman Matloff on the issue of H1Bs.
There is NO ONE who knows more about this issue, or has done more to advocate for the American worker, than Dr Norman Matloff.
I feel this may be a little relevant to this situation and just wanted to put it out there.
I’m an accounting student. I learned that AICPA (the group that manages, you know, CPA eligibility) is going to begin allowing people in India and the Philippines to sit for the exam. Before, you HAD to have a degree from an accredited American university.
Would you trust an Indian with your money, trying to navigate American financial regulations?
I bet they don’t pay nearly as much for their degrees or to sit for the exam… and I bet they’ll work for MUCH less.
Let me inject this as to Foreign University. My wife has a degree from the Philippines and when she got to the states she was able to get her degree accredited in the USA after the accrediting body in the USA reviewed her curriculum and and grades from the Philippine University (which registered with the US for this) This may be what is required.
Idk if it was a setup. But that's how these people think. They've been talking about it all election season. The technocrat class that got trump elected will demand this.
Please provide sauce for each of these statements. I have not seen or heard any of this.
Did Viveek "curry" favors to get to where he is now?
Resumes are often boilerplate copies. Plagiarism is expected in these circles within IT. Vetting is essential. Communication a challenge.
Drip, drip.
I think the H1B debate is a fair debate.
I agree!
Question everything
He echos comments that are age-old and there is a lot to agree with, but it comes across as attack on the victims of a counterfeit culture that was crafted specifically to denigrate. It is victim-blaming in that sense, the media industry has a role to play too, the political classes that have happily regulated many things, have failed too at regulating the media, preventing concentration of ownership is notable.
The masses he criticises will literally lap-up what is served, true, and that is lamentable, but so is the server of the poison. It would be better balanced with some reference to those who have sought to drag people down into ignorance, not just blame those who have been deceived.
I just think, better framed as an enemy-is-them than enemy is us. Doesn't help he is Indian: Truth about India:
Dang... I just watched the first ten minutes (and will definitely get to the rest of it) and it's interesting, to say the least. Decades ago an Indian-born/raised university friend echoed some of the same sentiments.
Your comments regarding the deliberate destruction of Americans are spot on as well.