FTFY: 4 years is not enough when 1/3 of the class are 3rd world illegals who don't speak English and 1/3 of the class are joggers.
Also, all the useless shit we teach children in public schools like the global warming hoax, Critical Race Theory, political correctness, how wonderful Islam is, how magical and special faggots and mentally ill trannies are, lies about WW2, all the holocaust hoaxes including COVID, etc.
We need to start again and teach our children the about Jesus Christ, how to read and why they should love it, how to perform complex math including trigonometry and algebra, some basic science including computer programming, how to budget and how to cook some basic healthy meals.
When I was young, we were also taught some simple handyman skills like how to fear electricity when using metal tools, how to make some simple shelving and how to dye and polish the wood.
It didn't take long to teach us those basics, but it was enough for all of us to correctly name the most common tools and how to use them safely.
Many kids today don't even know how to use a can opener.
I suspect most kids today couldn't name half the fruit and vegetables at their local supermarket.
This makes me sad because many of these kids will never know how delicious and simple some home made soup can be.
Pumpkin, potato, onion, curry powder, garlic, ginger, stock and seasoning, simmered for 20 minutes and stab blended smooth with some coconut milk will make a meal more delicious than anything they can buy from a restaurant and take less than five minutes of effort. Serve it with an oven warmed bread roll and a glass of wine: perfection.
Cauliflower, potato, onion, carrot, celery, mustard seeds, cumin, vegetable stock, seasoning, coconut milk: takes 5 minutes to prepare, 20 minutes to simmer and it's mind blowing. Throw some croutons on top, a swirl of coconut milk and fresh coriander and you've got yourself the world's most delicious soup with less effort than it takes to drive to McDonalds at about 1/5th the cost.
Sweet cream of carrot and ginger, cream of mushroom or corn chowder is even easier and less effort.
Mind-blowing Indian meals like shahi paneer or matar paneer can be made with a few more spices and in half the time.
Chili con carne, mushroom stroganoff, creamy mustard mornay, Chinese tofu and broccoli, black bean stir fry and hokkein noodles can all be prepared in less than ten minutes, a little longer if you add meat. Boil some pasta or gnocchi, throw some broccolini in the salted water right at the end and combine it with a home made arrabbiata (takes 2 minutes) and some grated cheese and you'll have perfection with less than a few minutes of effort.
It makes me sad how many people at the supermarkets have shopping carts full of orange junk food and fizzy drink, rather than real food.
It makes me sad how few young people know even the most trivial life skills.
As a Purdue alumni, this is embarrassing. My husband and I have floated the "learn a trade" balloon w/each of our kids (vs college). As homeowners remodeling/renovating a 70+ year old home, we know the value of masonry professionals, trustworthy general contractors, and craftsmen in various areas. They could name their price, work the schedule they want, and avoid much of today's cancel culture/politics.
my teenage daughter is pretty serious about a guy and he's a worker, smart, but no interest in college. He's going into construction and already has a "helper" job for a GC. So, he's a keeper as far as I'm concerned.
Can contest. My 15 yr old stepdaughter has trouble reading our big analog clock in our kitchen. She didn’t even know how to spell her middle name. She didn’t know how to address and put postage on an envelope at 13, or have her address memorized. I’m fairly certain I knew all that when I was 7. I didn’t know if she’s just like a special person or if this is her generation. She’s smart otherwise, like loves Trump!
If parents don't teach her about these things, how can she be expected to know them? So many like to place the blame on the kids/younger generation and don't address the parenting. This is the consequence of parents who don't involve themselves in their child's learning. They don't call us "the daycare generation" for no reason.
Did you read that article last month about Google's comments about graduates from i think Howard University? Might have been a different school but it was a black school. Anyway, the google people said that overall, none of these kids were prepared to work even an entry level job for them. The top graduate couldn't even pass their coding test.
I have a college degree and work for a homebuilder. I do purchasing/cost accounting/finance/etc (small company). Anyway, 50% of my job is dealing with our subcontractors. I'd say at least half of the subs we have are under 40 (at least half of those are under 30) and make a killing running their own businesses as flatworkers/framers/landscapers etc. One kid does nothing but exterior concrete. he's 33 and runs his own business. We hit it off because he's also a subaru freak. Anyway, he has 300k in CARS in his 10 car garage including imported WRX and R32 Skyline. It's insane. Here i am, 10 years older, jealous as fuck about it.
I still have the center punch that I made metal works in late 90s.
We were supposed to make metal handled screwdrivers using the lathes, but the teacher quickly changed his mind when he realized how deadly metal handled screwdrivers could be when working on electronics. :-)
I don't have much from my childhood except a single workbook from when I was learning the alphabet. My teacher gave me a frowny-face red-stamp because I turned some of the dots on the letters i and j into stick-figure men, using the dot as the men's head.
My teacher was upset by this and asked me nicely to stop, so I continued doing it from that point on because FUCK YOU! One of my earliest and proudest memories.
My only other early memory was of being punished for not respecting the authority of my teacher. I can barely remember being forced to sit in the corner by myself for hours... which I didn't mind because I'd use that time to fantasize about giant ants killing my teacher. 'Good times. :-)
No real Q follower would say THAT! Everyone says so, and by the way I know some people that are way worse than what you're talking about, so the people you're complaining about are no big deal.
Advanced math is worthless to 99% of people. I'd focus on American civics, advanced reading comprehension, and European philosophy, Courses on logic and determinism would go a long way even without forced religion.
I agree with you, but it depends on your relative definition of "advanced math" because knowing how to calculate the area and weight of various shapes, algebra and trigonometry is often useful.
Even if people don't use these skills daily, they are good to know so they can be quickly rehashed and remembered when needed for everything from cooking to painting your home.
If everyone was taught high-level math skills. Then maybe everyone would become some kind of inventor. We would build on the skills of everyone. Society would grow exponentially with these skills and new ideas. We would be able to have decent conversations about future possibilities. We could research, learn, recreate, and expand Tesla's experiments in the different frequency ranges. There is no limit to imagination. Maybe even figure out the Q code???
How devastating would it be to the Harry Potter Banking Goblins if a generation stopped believing everything they were told and starting asking for claims to be substantiated.
You just eloquently spelled out where the West really has taken a direct hit. Plenty other direct hits and front lines, not to mention sub-battles and skirmishes. But we are haemorrhaging strength, prosperity and wisdom from the education hit faster than from other hits.
imo this was something the normalization of college was easing us into. it is far more common for people to go to college after highschool.. thus making a college degree more common, and thus less important.. and getting everyone used to the idea that public school education was not enough to do something with yourself. as well as a lot of those college students still mooch off the family, normalizing this idea as well. ( you can actually claim your college student adult children as dependents. ) So we've been having this ground into us for a while, I imagine the end goal is something like sending children away to government boarding school and graduating them into labor camps.
Fucking boomers did what now? ..survive their circumstances the best they could? Make you? They were victims too, and it wouldn't take you very long to go through previous posts on GA that detail cabal fuckery and population control going back centuries..
GTFOH with that Maoist cultural revolution bullshit
Generational rivalry and blame is a cabal construct. It’s another divide and conquer tactic, keeping us separated and conflicted. My boomer mother and father told me about Q, my dad who was a hardcore republican my whole life was able to swallow that the Bushes were evil and behind the Kennedy assignation and 911. He found Q a month after he started posting. He’s still a doomer because he’s impatient, but boomers are awakening probably more so than the other generations.
Dude your anger is misplaced. Boomers raised Gen X.
Anecdotally, I can tell you that every millennial I know is a mask-wearing anxiety ridden idiot who blindly follows Fauci.
You’re just buying into the generational divide that the people that be want you to. This is a human problem, NOT a generational age-divide problem.
Bitter much? Have you successfully red pilled anyone, and happy watched as they red pilled more?
Great for you, you are awake. Sounds like you resent your parents a LOT for being asleep, we get it. Been there. But even my church-indoctrinated socialist MIL woke up, I was able to help that happen.
Make kids that are also awake and armed for this spiritual war (hint, not easy). But first, find your joy and your contentment. Might be different things. Bring in Jesus and get to know Mary, this helps a great deal too. God bless you, sincerely, with His Spirit and all the strength and gifts that come with it. Forgive, let go of the bad feelings, but not the lessons. Be a happy warrior.
how does a guy find someone like you, everybody i meet my age (24) is a complete libtard and i couldnt stand being with any of them. Too bad im not in VA lol
you give me hope that more like you are out there and i just need to be patient
Boomers are salty, but they laid down like bitches and left the mess for us to clean up while simultaneously pointing the finger at us. They will get what they deserve when the markets crash and they have to labor their way to survival until they die.
Look at the bullshit kind of attitude of "move out and do the right thing".
This is why Indians and Chinese will out breed whites. All whites have in mind is a life full of what they want. Get the kids out of the hair and "retire", spend all the money and die early.
I'm chasing my kids out not because I don't want them living with me (they would be enormously useful as my wife and I get older) but because they need to create families and lives of their own.
Birds have to fly the nest eventually.
I've given my kids every advantage I can give them, and I've promised to be here to help them if they should stumble. But they have to fly and be free.
AHEM, hispanics are much more likely to stick together as a family, especially the more faithful they are. Marian households and extended families are absolutely magical in their intensity, unity, and sheer strength to overcome problems and help others in need. Indians and Chinese who stick together are strong as well, but they never seem as happy.
lol..what? America is lost. It has literally no family morality. Sad.
America has no concept at all of the idea of the village. It has cultivated a notion that kids must leave at a certain age. It's unsustainable and going to come crashing down on the heads of Americans who think this way.
This is why "minorities" outbreed whites. You guys have no idea of how to stick together.
They used that cohesion and trust in institutions like church and school/govt to destroy the family. They subverted the education system and the preacher's and twisted everything to their communist globalist ends. Note how getting along became more important than standing up for the ten commandments, truth, morality, justice. Not an accident.
I agree with this! I always point out how whites throw their grannies into a retirement home the moment they become a "burden"-you NEVER see minorities do that to their abuelitas! But then of course many of those same grannies didn't breastfeed their babies back when giving formula to your infant was the socially promoted thing to do among white mothers. You are a more empathic person if you've been breastfed and you have a greater bond with your mother. Then came along the "daycare generation" of the 80's and 90's. White mothers spent even less time with their young children by dropping them off in daycare (further severing their maternal connection).
Considering all this, I suppose throwing one's mother in a home is actually unsurprising.
A family that sticks together even with the expectation that you "have" to leave is better than a family that moves out, grows apart and becomes something else
A bull run propped up by the Fed. People are still waiting for the pop but when it does come, it is gonna be the pop of a century. The Fed is going to prop this up as long as they can because when they cannot anymore, that is the end. The final end.
12 years is plenty the lack of education is the problem.
they are constantly lowering the standards to help the lowest common denominator be equal to the average student. Which also hurts everyone above them.
we also need more vocational high schools that teach trade work. I went to one and earned certs for welding, which helped me get work. my brother took auto mechanics. we learned these trades at no cost. these schools are an invaluable resource
Cf Mike Rowe Works
Cf meme of snowflake unemployed indebted useless commie college grad getting his/her utilities cut for nonpayment by debt-free trained employed dude/dudette making great money.
Kids spend enough time in school away from their families as it is, they don't need more schooling. After high school they should be done unless they go to college or a trade school.
The left fears generation Z. Gotta pound 4 extra years of indoctrination into them so they get with the program. On the bright side, Biden pushing for this will make it easier for the younglings to learn to never vote democrat when they grow up.
Funds from the govt always have strings attached. More like barbed wire. Imagine social justice being force taught in trade schools, mandatory quotas, etc.
That may have been the biggest joke of his speech! There are already tens of thousands of people going to college, who have no business there, graduating (if they do) with degrees that have no use for anything, but do come away fully indoctrinated, and indoctrinated along with all of the students who do belong, and do obtain degrees that may be useful for something. Bottom line, ALL are indoctrinated, and yes, this is just an attempt to indoctrinate even more, and at OUR expense!
Don't forget the level of debt associated with degrees in imaginary genitalia. No job, no smarts, no money to pay....should be buying houses and cars, instead buying weed on black market and living in parents' basement, spewing hate on the internet. Can you say "radicalized"?
They know it's going to push more conservative people to do homeschool while the conservatives who can't afford it whether by time or money will be helpless and give they're children to the beast system.
Homeschooling is not as expensive and not as time consuming as people believe, but it is a commitment. And it's WORTH IT. Do it now if your school is controlled by libs and get other conservative parents on board as early as possible in your child's education.
Parents are required to educate their kids by virtue of their moral responsibility
Parents homeschool their kids as this is their primary duty
Informal Co-ops will naturally arise.
If parents want to hire tutors and rent buildings, they can do that on their own but government will have no part.
If you're looking for leadership in education, you'll only find that with successful people and churches. The government will not participate in education.
Government is force. Government is the machine we created to fine, imprison, execute criminals and to wage wars. Why in the world would you ever want our war machine and our justice system to be involved in educating children? What sort of sick person thinks this is a wise idea? Besides, educating kids is a religious duty, and so the government should not cross the line into religion by taking responsibility for educating kids.
The educational system in this country, just like the MSM, should come with a warning label to both students and parents. The drip, drip, drip of communist, marxist ideology, the twisted and poisonous critical race theory and general dumbing down of students through Common Core education is hazardous to the student's well being and damages their ability to think rationally and act in their own best interest. At graduation, most are damaged goods. They have little ability to read, write, think, analyze, converse, exchange ideas coherently, no sense of accurate history, and certainly not equipped to enter the workplace in a meaningful way.
FTFY: 4 years is not enough when 1/3 of the class are 3rd world illegals who don't speak English and 1/3 of the class are joggers.
Also, all the useless shit we teach children in public schools like the global warming hoax, Critical Race Theory, political correctness, how wonderful Islam is, how magical and special faggots and mentally ill trannies are, lies about WW2, all the holocaust hoaxes including COVID, etc.
We need to start again and teach our children the about Jesus Christ, how to read and why they should love it, how to perform complex math including trigonometry and algebra, some basic science including computer programming, how to budget and how to cook some basic healthy meals.
Home economics, finances and good basis in logic as well.
When I was young, we were also taught some simple handyman skills like how to fear electricity when using metal tools, how to make some simple shelving and how to dye and polish the wood.
It didn't take long to teach us those basics, but it was enough for all of us to correctly name the most common tools and how to use them safely.
Many kids today don't even know how to use a can opener.
I suspect most kids today couldn't name half the fruit and vegetables at their local supermarket.
Got that right, had a bunch of radishes at checkout, no code on them, the snowflake checking me out asked..."what are these?"
This makes me sad because many of these kids will never know how delicious and simple some home made soup can be.
Pumpkin, potato, onion, curry powder, garlic, ginger, stock and seasoning, simmered for 20 minutes and stab blended smooth with some coconut milk will make a meal more delicious than anything they can buy from a restaurant and take less than five minutes of effort. Serve it with an oven warmed bread roll and a glass of wine: perfection.
Cauliflower, potato, onion, carrot, celery, mustard seeds, cumin, vegetable stock, seasoning, coconut milk: takes 5 minutes to prepare, 20 minutes to simmer and it's mind blowing. Throw some croutons on top, a swirl of coconut milk and fresh coriander and you've got yourself the world's most delicious soup with less effort than it takes to drive to McDonalds at about 1/5th the cost.
Sweet cream of carrot and ginger, cream of mushroom or corn chowder is even easier and less effort.
Mind-blowing Indian meals like shahi paneer or matar paneer can be made with a few more spices and in half the time.
Chili con carne, mushroom stroganoff, creamy mustard mornay, Chinese tofu and broccoli, black bean stir fry and hokkein noodles can all be prepared in less than ten minutes, a little longer if you add meat. Boil some pasta or gnocchi, throw some broccolini in the salted water right at the end and combine it with a home made arrabbiata (takes 2 minutes) and some grated cheese and you'll have perfection with less than a few minutes of effort.
It makes me sad how many people at the supermarkets have shopping carts full of orange junk food and fizzy drink, rather than real food.
It makes me sad how few young people know even the most trivial life skills.
I had the same exact thing happen to me, right down to the radish LMAO. That's hilarious.
LOL - I had the same thing happen with some fresh ginger root in the checkout line. The child at the register had no idea what it was.
No-one is taught how to swing a hammer or read a tape measure. Or read an analog clock, probably.
We had a guy here who graduated from Purdue with a degree in electrical engineering and he didn't know what allen wrenches were.
As a Purdue alumni, this is embarrassing. My husband and I have floated the "learn a trade" balloon w/each of our kids (vs college). As homeowners remodeling/renovating a 70+ year old home, we know the value of masonry professionals, trustworthy general contractors, and craftsmen in various areas. They could name their price, work the schedule they want, and avoid much of today's cancel culture/politics.
my teenage daughter is pretty serious about a guy and he's a worker, smart, but no interest in college. He's going into construction and already has a "helper" job for a GC. So, he's a keeper as far as I'm concerned.
Can contest. My 15 yr old stepdaughter has trouble reading our big analog clock in our kitchen. She didn’t even know how to spell her middle name. She didn’t know how to address and put postage on an envelope at 13, or have her address memorized. I’m fairly certain I knew all that when I was 7. I didn’t know if she’s just like a special person or if this is her generation. She’s smart otherwise, like loves Trump!
If parents don't teach her about these things, how can she be expected to know them? So many like to place the blame on the kids/younger generation and don't address the parenting. This is the consequence of parents who don't involve themselves in their child's learning. They don't call us "the daycare generation" for no reason.
Complaining about the the youngest generation isn't new.
One of our EEs told me a story about a newly graduated EE at a client site who was confused as to how fuses work.
Did you read that article last month about Google's comments about graduates from i think Howard University? Might have been a different school but it was a black school. Anyway, the google people said that overall, none of these kids were prepared to work even an entry level job for them. The top graduate couldn't even pass their coding test.
The cost of grade inflation.
I have a college degree and work for a homebuilder. I do purchasing/cost accounting/finance/etc (small company). Anyway, 50% of my job is dealing with our subcontractors. I'd say at least half of the subs we have are under 40 (at least half of those are under 30) and make a killing running their own businesses as flatworkers/framers/landscapers etc. One kid does nothing but exterior concrete. he's 33 and runs his own business. We hit it off because he's also a subaru freak. Anyway, he has 300k in CARS in his 10 car garage including imported WRX and R32 Skyline. It's insane. Here i am, 10 years older, jealous as fuck about it.
I still have some of the thing I made in shop classes back in the 90s.
I still have the center punch that I made metal works in late 90s.
We were supposed to make metal handled screwdrivers using the lathes, but the teacher quickly changed his mind when he realized how deadly metal handled screwdrivers could be when working on electronics. :-)
I don't have much from my childhood except a single workbook from when I was learning the alphabet. My teacher gave me a frowny-face red-stamp because I turned some of the dots on the letters i and j into stick-figure men, using the dot as the men's head.
My teacher was upset by this and asked me nicely to stop, so I continued doing it from that point on because FUCK YOU! One of my earliest and proudest memories.
My only other early memory was of being punished for not respecting the authority of my teacher. I can barely remember being forced to sit in the corner by myself for hours... which I didn't mind because I'd use that time to fantasize about giant ants killing my teacher. 'Good times. :-)
Half of our problems would go away if people just understood what a no true Scotsman is, appeal to authority, special pleading, equivocations, etc...
It's insane what people can get away with via semantics alone
No real Q follower would say THAT! Everyone says so, and by the way I know some people that are way worse than what you're talking about, so the people you're complaining about are no big deal.
Also, you smell bad.
Fight back against THAT.
Logic, grammar, rhetoric.
Advanced math is worthless to 99% of people. I'd focus on American civics, advanced reading comprehension, and European philosophy, Courses on logic and determinism would go a long way even without forced religion.
Put critical thinking on that list too. You'd be amazed how few people use it and just respond to surface level evaluations on everything.
I agree with you, but it depends on your relative definition of "advanced math" because knowing how to calculate the area and weight of various shapes, algebra and trigonometry is often useful.
Even if people don't use these skills daily, they are good to know so they can be quickly rehashed and remembered when needed for everything from cooking to painting your home.
Advanced math makes the easier math so much easier.
If everyone was taught high-level math skills. Then maybe everyone would become some kind of inventor. We would build on the skills of everyone. Society would grow exponentially with these skills and new ideas. We would be able to have decent conversations about future possibilities. We could research, learn, recreate, and expand Tesla's experiments in the different frequency ranges. There is no limit to imagination. Maybe even figure out the Q code???
CRITICAL THOUGHT!!!! Add that one. Should be a 4 year degree
I couldn't agree more.
How devastating would it be to the Harry Potter Banking Goblins if a generation stopped believing everything they were told and starting asking for claims to be substantiated.
Civics not "social" studies.
You just eloquently spelled out where the West really has taken a direct hit. Plenty other direct hits and front lines, not to mention sub-battles and skirmishes. But we are haemorrhaging strength, prosperity and wisdom from the education hit faster than from other hits.
Hahahahahahaha!! True that!
imo this was something the normalization of college was easing us into. it is far more common for people to go to college after highschool.. thus making a college degree more common, and thus less important.. and getting everyone used to the idea that public school education was not enough to do something with yourself. as well as a lot of those college students still mooch off the family, normalizing this idea as well. ( you can actually claim your college student adult children as dependents. ) So we've been having this ground into us for a while, I imagine the end goal is something like sending children away to government boarding school and graduating them into labor camps.
Forcing kids into college was to a) extend their indoctrination and b) force the family unit apart.
It was clever and it worked a treat. That's why America's white population is dwindling.
Don't forget LIFELONG DEBT, aka indentured servitude.
Fucking boomers did what now? ..survive their circumstances the best they could? Make you? They were victims too, and it wouldn't take you very long to go through previous posts on GA that detail cabal fuckery and population control going back centuries..
GTFOH with that Maoist cultural revolution bullshit
Thank you.
Generational rivalry and blame is a cabal construct. It’s another divide and conquer tactic, keeping us separated and conflicted. My boomer mother and father told me about Q, my dad who was a hardcore republican my whole life was able to swallow that the Bushes were evil and behind the Kennedy assignation and 911. He found Q a month after he started posting. He’s still a doomer because he’s impatient, but boomers are awakening probably more so than the other generations.
Dude your anger is misplaced. Boomers raised Gen X. Anecdotally, I can tell you that every millennial I know is a mask-wearing anxiety ridden idiot who blindly follows Fauci.
You’re just buying into the generational divide that the people that be want you to. This is a human problem, NOT a generational age-divide problem.
That's a bingo
Bitter much? Have you successfully red pilled anyone, and happy watched as they red pilled more?
Great for you, you are awake. Sounds like you resent your parents a LOT for being asleep, we get it. Been there. But even my church-indoctrinated socialist MIL woke up, I was able to help that happen.
Make kids that are also awake and armed for this spiritual war (hint, not easy). But first, find your joy and your contentment. Might be different things. Bring in Jesus and get to know Mary, this helps a great deal too. God bless you, sincerely, with His Spirit and all the strength and gifts that come with it. Forgive, let go of the bad feelings, but not the lessons. Be a happy warrior.
how does a guy find someone like you, everybody i meet my age (24) is a complete libtard and i couldnt stand being with any of them. Too bad im not in VA lol
you give me hope that more like you are out there and i just need to be patient
Boomers are salty, but they laid down like bitches and left the mess for us to clean up while simultaneously pointing the finger at us. They will get what they deserve when the markets crash and they have to labor their way to survival until they die.
Look at the bullshit kind of attitude of "move out and do the right thing".
This is why Indians and Chinese will out breed whites. All whites have in mind is a life full of what they want. Get the kids out of the hair and "retire", spend all the money and die early.
Unsustainable stupidity.
I'm chasing my kids out not because I don't want them living with me (they would be enormously useful as my wife and I get older) but because they need to create families and lives of their own.
Birds have to fly the nest eventually.
I've given my kids every advantage I can give them, and I've promised to be here to help them if they should stumble. But they have to fly and be free.
My girlfriend 's dad used to say 'the point of the exercise is to raise an adult.'
AHEM, hispanics are much more likely to stick together as a family, especially the more faithful they are. Marian households and extended families are absolutely magical in their intensity, unity, and sheer strength to overcome problems and help others in need. Indians and Chinese who stick together are strong as well, but they never seem as happy.
Boomers should stop laying it all on the younger generation if they don't want it laid on theirs.
Where do I even fucking begin...
Hard disagree.
"Do the right thing and move out"
lol..what? America is lost. It has literally no family morality. Sad. America has no concept at all of the idea of the village. It has cultivated a notion that kids must leave at a certain age. It's unsustainable and going to come crashing down on the heads of Americans who think this way.
This is why "minorities" outbreed whites. You guys have no idea of how to stick together.
The "fatherless" home are really that FATHER as in God the Father is absent. That is the core issue. The Trinity was absent from their lives.
So their parents did not raise them with knowing the God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
This reaches deeper than the 1960's. But the Boomer generation was the first to be propagandized via television.
They used that cohesion and trust in institutions like church and school/govt to destroy the family. They subverted the education system and the preacher's and twisted everything to their communist globalist ends. Note how getting along became more important than standing up for the ten commandments, truth, morality, justice. Not an accident.
"America" - north, south, central? Lol
"You guys" - what do you know?
I'm surrounded by large families strongly connected to grands nearby, by the way, have you ever seen a homeschool conference?
I agree with this! I always point out how whites throw their grannies into a retirement home the moment they become a "burden"-you NEVER see minorities do that to their abuelitas! But then of course many of those same grannies didn't breastfeed their babies back when giving formula to your infant was the socially promoted thing to do among white mothers. You are a more empathic person if you've been breastfed and you have a greater bond with your mother. Then came along the "daycare generation" of the 80's and 90's. White mothers spent even less time with their young children by dropping them off in daycare (further severing their maternal connection).
Considering all this, I suppose throwing one's mother in a home is actually unsurprising.
A family that sticks together even with the expectation that you "have" to leave is better than a family that moves out, grows apart and becomes something else
It is NO ONE’s job to take care of an alcoholic step parent or parent. Re-read his post.
A bull run propped up by the Fed. People are still waiting for the pop but when it does come, it is gonna be the pop of a century. The Fed is going to prop this up as long as they can because when they cannot anymore, that is the end. The final end.
boomer is a commie/globalist term, so is Karen, more division, one attacks our elders, the other attacks anyone who goes against authority.
Exactly. Did none of these idiots live through the 90s when Gen X was blamed for every little thing? It is manufactured division.
Let 'em spiral. If the shoe fits...
12 years is plenty the lack of education is the problem.
they are constantly lowering the standards to help the lowest common denominator be equal to the average student. Which also hurts everyone above them.
we also need more vocational high schools that teach trade work. I went to one and earned certs for welding, which helped me get work. my brother took auto mechanics. we learned these trades at no cost. these schools are an invaluable resource
Cf Mike Rowe Works Cf meme of snowflake unemployed indebted useless commie college grad getting his/her utilities cut for nonpayment by debt-free trained employed dude/dudette making great money.
Kids spend enough time in school away from their families as it is, they don't need more schooling. After high school they should be done unless they go to college or a trade school.
NEWS FLASH - It's NOT the YEARS spent (wasted) in pre-college/pre-trade school, it's the LEARNING that occurs while there!
Not giving my children over to child molesters; they can fuck themselves.
12 years a slave
12 years grooming and training for a lifetime of slavery.
No matter what the question is, the answer in Washington is always more government involvement.
Look at decades-old textbooks. A lot more knowledge was learned in a shorter time.
The left fears generation Z. Gotta pound 4 extra years of indoctrination into them so they get with the program. On the bright side, Biden pushing for this will make it easier for the younglings to learn to never vote democrat when they grow up.
So they are going to start 4 years earlier? Start with newborns? Or will they keep kids in school even after they turn 18 ?
It's adding preschool and covering trade school or getting an AA if you want one, that's where the 4 years are.
Personally I don't think it's a horrible thing helping kids go to a trade school at low to no costs.
You see NO problem with govt-run trade schools??? As if we didn't have ENOUGH trouble finding qualified people to do real work? ?
Of course, that doesn't seem to be the plan though. It looks like they'd fund existing trade schools, not universities.
Funds from the govt always have strings attached. More like barbed wire. Imagine social justice being force taught in trade schools, mandatory quotas, etc.
I am about done with public school.
I don't want to pull my son out of public school because he would lose the socialization and his friends.
However, I see the leftest propaganda they brainwash him with all the time.
I have taught him how to detect the brainwashing and have instructed him to come home and tell me about certain topics they try to push on him.
His English teachers assigned a book called "All American Boys", teaching white privilege, critical race theory.
Yesterday he came home with a book called "Dry" from the same teacher, it pushes a fake drought scenario in California caused by global warming.
He told me several days ago they watched a slide show about defunding the police and removing police from school campuses.
In drama class they are working on a play about Peter Pan.
His marching band theme is based on "Rah" the Sun God.
He is in 7th grade, I am looking at home schooling courses now. I may let him finish this year and be done with it.
These leftest pieces of shit have to ruin everything.
My school board meets the second Thursday each month, I plan on being at the next meeting.
Home school!! Now
if you are letting him go to school with a mask on there is your #1 reason
this is by far the worst thing I see in your list.
1 day is too much..
See also:
That may have been the biggest joke of his speech! There are already tens of thousands of people going to college, who have no business there, graduating (if they do) with degrees that have no use for anything, but do come away fully indoctrinated, and indoctrinated along with all of the students who do belong, and do obtain degrees that may be useful for something. Bottom line, ALL are indoctrinated, and yes, this is just an attempt to indoctrinate even more, and at OUR expense!
Don't forget the level of debt associated with degrees in imaginary genitalia. No job, no smarts, no money to pay....should be buying houses and cars, instead buying weed on black market and living in parents' basement, spewing hate on the internet. Can you say "radicalized"?
thats so when they come out they are so fukin brain washed there is no saving them
Anything to keep them captive and keep them from getting jobs and being productive members of society.
He can sign all the shit he wants and talk about all the shit he wants. He's dead.
And just like that he went from lying about paying for college debt to adding 4 fucking years of school.
Trade school, not college
so now inner city blacks will still leave school before 8th grade but now they'll miss 8 years of school instead of 4. Big whoop.
is this a shitpost? He didn't really suggest this?
They know it's going to push more conservative people to do homeschool while the conservatives who can't afford it whether by time or money will be helpless and give they're children to the beast system.
Homeschooling is not as expensive and not as time consuming as people believe, but it is a commitment. And it's WORTH IT. Do it now if your school is controlled by libs and get other conservative parents on board as early as possible in your child's education.
can someone explain what kids are supposed to be learning for 16 years? do high schoolers not know how to speak english or something?
Right...but remove advanced classes and accelerated learning for the brighter kids because....RACIST.
My education plan:
Government is force. Government is the machine we created to fine, imprison, execute criminals and to wage wars. Why in the world would you ever want our war machine and our justice system to be involved in educating children? What sort of sick person thinks this is a wise idea? Besides, educating kids is a religious duty, and so the government should not cross the line into religion by taking responsibility for educating kids.
This has to be a movie
My mom told me long ago that Education is Big Business, no matter what they tell you. I find people respond to that point rather easily.
So does that mean a bachelors degree turns into an associates degree?
The educational system in this country, just like the MSM, should come with a warning label to both students and parents. The drip, drip, drip of communist, marxist ideology, the twisted and poisonous critical race theory and general dumbing down of students through Common Core education is hazardous to the student's well being and damages their ability to think rationally and act in their own best interest. At graduation, most are damaged goods. They have little ability to read, write, think, analyze, converse, exchange ideas coherently, no sense of accurate history, and certainly not equipped to enter the workplace in a meaningful way.
16 year plan to destroy America
Public school can make you stupid in the first 6 years. I wouldn't give them more time.