What if we find out HIV was also manufactured in a lab?
The "patient zero" pilot story sounded like BS to me even at the time. Thoughts?
Very simply... it was.
I could definitely be convinced, but will the masses ever understand? I think and hope there will be a shocking revelation that acts as a tipping point. One that makes normal people (like I used to be) question EVERYTHING.
Like a fauci arrest?
That'd do.
Ill eat my shoe. Theyre steel toed shoes.
because CNN says so?
What does FTFOP stand for?
Fixed That For Original Poster
Fully Trans Fully Operated People
happy pride year fam
He may well be the 1st arrest that will "shock" everyone....but us.
No, not all, but if PROOF exists, many will.
Think about it: A DIRECT attack by the DS/Satanic Cabal on..... the Gay community. Things that make you go hmmm.
I was thinking about this yesterday.
If Dr Doom was at the center of the HIV epidemic - then what was the motive?
From what I understand, it’s not a virus that only affects gays, so why was it so prevalent in that community? More specifically the owns that were sleeping around.
It was released that way.
I believe the DS always had the cure for HIV.
And didn’t it originated from some primate / monkey from Africa? .... C19 from ‘bats’ ???
All I know is .... because Fauci was involved, then everything around the AIDS history is suspect!
during the 80s and 90s some one was killing virologists that were not protected by big corporations or major governments...this was talked about on the ART Bell show Quite extensively during the 90s by difrent guests.
I DO remember this!
I remember when Ryan White, a teenager, contracted HIV as a result of a blood transfusion.
Cure theory supported by continued existence/good health of Big Mike and Barry.
Well, there's that ... But how did Magic Johnson survive HIV and see his infection plummet to zero instances of the virus found in his body? I doubt he was lying about having HIV ... That means he was cured somehow and he has the money to do shit like that.
I was pretty young when the news broke about Magic Johnson having HIV. Years later is was obvious to me that money had “cured” him.
Everyone who has HIV goes on a cocktail of drugs that suppresses the viral load to almost nothing. But they can’t get sick, if they do, the chances of HIV making them really sick go up significantly. I personally know two people living with HIV. They are gay, of course.
Ozone IV - specifically done with a sealed machine that draws blood, injects the ozone then pushes it back into the system. That’s a 1 pass treatment ... the gold standard is to get to 10 passes if the patient can handle it.
Ozone kills every pathogen known to man, even so called ‘superbugs’.
Ozone therapy isn’t new, been around for over 100 years. Big pharma (as usual) pushed it out so they can sell drugs / pills.
Ozone IV is quite common in Europe (Germany, Austria).
Oh and get this, lots of clinics in LA offer this for their wealthy clients as ‘anti-aging’ therapies. Of course they can’t say it cures anything.
So yea, not covered by insurance ... goes for about $100 for 1 pass (if you’re lucky to find a clinic that offers that).
(Addition) Oh yea, they also offer where your blood draw passes through a UV machine (UVBI - Ultraviolet Blood Irradition Therapy). If done together with Ozone, you’re wiping out all pathogens while keeping your healthy cells intact.
And what did Trump say about UV and Covid??? :)
With their $4k a month magic beans they have now the people who supposedly have HIV also experience zero instances of the virus in their body. No pun intended with the magic reference
I thought the DS/Satanic Cabal wanted everyone to be gay. . . .
They serve Satan. If people die doing what God forbade them to do, Satan likes that. Satan comes to steal, destroy, and KILL.
The ds cabal just has to wave a pride flag and say they’re allies then the gays will do a double homo-cartwheel back to hating straight white guys cause we don’t let them dildo our kids.
It made gays victims and was a great test run.
Why wouldn't Deep State create AIDS?
Somehow they would like it and be like ooooh satans so edgy and cool maybe he’ll fuck my gay little cologned up butthole
Maybe not the brainwashed white liberal TV suckled masses, but enough to really change things. Once a society reaches a point where a certain percentage of the people believe something as fact, that idea almost becomes common knowledge subconsciously, over time.
A large percentage of black Americans have always believed that AIDS was purposely released by the CIA to cripple their community. Same for crack cocaine. The latter being almost proven at this point. Just wait until it's all confirmed...
not almost proven, it is a fact
CIA importing crack is proven. Is it proven they targeted the black community specifically? Either way, I agree. Just giving them the "benefit of the doubt" I suppose.
You are obviously more generous than me. when i hear a msm narrative i assume the opposite. No benefit of the doubt given here
I still have to get used to the fact that I'm dealing with peers here, and drop the soft edge I use when speaking to normies.. ie; a year ago: "you know the virus probably came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology", when I knew it was the case. Thanks for the reminder fren.
This is new to me.
A large % of back America believe this? I’ve never even heard of this, no pop culture reference etc. not dissing, I’m really curious on this!
It was a pretty huge topic in late 80s, early 90s hip-hop. Then the DS weaponized Gangsta Rap. And here are.
I've heard this many times here and there throughout my life. Not as widespread as the crack belief, but it's definitely a thing. If I'm being completely honest, Dave Chappelle is probably the one who brought this to my attention.
There is a reason for that, censorship. Any opinion that goes against the HIV narrative is quickly suppressed.
The same bs we’ve been going through. The difference this time is we now have the internets.
There have also been scientists who propose alternative theories that AIDS is caused by other things than HIV and they got canceled as well back then.
White neighborhoods have been destroyed by meth and heroin ... I have little doubt the crack epidemic in black neighborhoods was intentional.
the only way information will ever get to the sheeple is if the EBS takes over the airways...radio...tv...internet....
they are people that refuse to wake up.....
I don't know if Rats targeted blacks with HIV ... They've been using black people since the 1960s in their silly little revolution against anything that makes this country great. I don't doubt that they actively work to control their population (abortion, disintegrating their families, etc), but they seem hell-bent on keeping an iron grip on them for votes.
Regardless, I'm open to believing anything at this point. Years ago I would have dismissed everything you wrote. These days, I'll keep it in mind! Thanks for the input!
And before the 1960's they tested vaccines on the Tuskegee Airmen...
Then help me understand why, when the left is all about pimping and pumping homosexuality, would they bother to create the AIDS virus?? Seems counter to their motives of turning all men into soft little soyboys and sissy faggots. No offense.
upvoted for sensible layout of info backed by historical data, well done
So I hate to be the one to tell you this but it's condOm. If women see you spell it condem they may wrongly assume you're unfamiliar with the product and avoid contact with you
Love the analogy of masks and rubbers BTW...in both cases I need to ask believers in the devices this question I got from Rush Limbaugh's show:
Would you KNOWINGLY have sex with an admittedly HIV+, full-blown AIDS-infected person with only a condom to protect you?
Or in this case, Would you KNOWINGLY remain in an 8 x 8-foot enclosed room for half an hour with a person admitting they have full-on COVID symptoms with only their flimsy cloth mask to protect you?
If the answer to either question is no, then the next question is: Then why the hell would you trust the thin barrier when you DON'T know if they have the virus??!! Why would you allow IGNORANCE about their viral load to determine your behavior????!!!
Less children = less powerful families
fear porn you say
Fauci: "HIV can be spread through close contact" (no hugging)
Fauci: "These Euro doctors have something resembling a cure, let's give the gays some AZT (chemo) and that'll do the trick"
Firstly, AZT was not introduced as a typical Chemotherapy drug (that is to say, it wasn't classed as a CTX because of the below.) It was created to target the theory that cancer and tumors were the result of a retrovirus. The mechanism of action was different than other chemotherapy drugs. The hypothesis that cancer was a retrovirus outcome turned out not to be true. HIV/AIDS is however, a retrovirus. It's a Lentivirus.
I know it's popular opinion on anti-medical sites to spout this belief, but it's factually incorrect. I wouldn't bother pointing it out if it was factually true, but when things are false, they're false and should be pointed out.
Then we come to this oft-quoted trope that AZT has killed more people than HIV/AIDS or that AIDS is survivable if it wasn't for AZT.
This is also factually incorrect. If you have unmanaged HIV/AIDS, the outcome isn't going to be a long healthy life. AZT isn't perfect, but it does what it needs to do in most cases. The alternatives are management of symptoms, not management of the underlying disease.
There's so many specific mechanisms involved in Retroviral/Lentivirus infection.
As I've said to others here, you're more than welcome to infect yourself with HIV/AIDS and not manage it and tell me how that pans out for you. No cheating with biologicals either. No monitoring your CBC either. No testing your bone marrow for IMDs.
I think you are correct on 1,2,&3.
Holy shit — you’ve managed to pack a bag load of answers to questions swirling in my head.
C19 is the condom of the year 2020!
I still see assholes wearing them outside... I want to be sorry for them, but I also feel immense disappointed mixed with irritation.
Fauxci CDC makes AIDS. People die. People panic. $$$$$$ for research comes pouring in. More $$$$ gets funneled to
Clinton Global Initiativeglobal AIDS awareness programs. Big Pharma (who funds CDC) sells 116 different drugs for AIDS.https://www.drugs.com/condition/hiv-infection.html?sort=drug&order=asc&page_number=1&page_size=25&category_id=0&include_rx=1&include_otc=1&show_off_label=1&only_generics=0&submitted=0&hide_off_label=0#sortby
Big Pharma pays Cali's Gov. Jerry Brown to lower penalty for knowingly giving a person AIDS down to a misdemeanor. Lifelong customers. Money forever.
Newsweek almost said as much
It was made in a Philly lab. Probably the same district of Philly that got a gazillion votes for Biden at 3am
1990: Are We Spending Too Much on AIDS?
Damn. 1990. Thanks for the quote. It's crazy seeing it all exposed.
They wanted to make other people afraid of the infected populace, alienate them, thus dividing all of us from our true purpose in life. Gods purpose to love everyone and all gods creations.
Also the globohomo elite. Why attack their own toys?
Money. Look at how much cash has been poured into AIDS research over the past 40 years.
So shocking that they would sell out their ass-pounding brethren just for money
JUST so shocking
They have a political interest in being aligned with the gays ...
Say what you just posted in public ... Watch your life disintegrate all because some of your words offended a white liberal and they decide to contact your employer.
It's the same reason they act like they care about transvestites and black people ... They couldn't give one flying fuck about them ... All they care about are the political benefits in being able to label people if they say something that is not politically correct.
Remember, liberals HATE people. They're nothing more than tools to them. They don't care if a tranny offs himself as a result of mental issues ... That's one less mouth for them to feed in their new world order. However, to get absolute power, they have to use these people to get what they're after.
1987: Fear Porn: AIDS: Are Heterosexuals at Risk?
1990: Money: Are We Spending Too Much on AIDS?
It was a hoax according to Dr. Peter Duesberg, the scientist who discovered retroviruses.
Heard rumors of this back in the 80's and 90's. Given the players and how hard they play. 1000000000000% plausable
For this to be revealed during gay month would be a shocker.
Sure as hell feels like it.
How the hell they ever got a full MONTH for running counter to the normal heterosexual underpinning of modern civilized society? What exactly are the 95% who AREN'T queer supposed to DO for a full month about this, anyway?
Why do homosexuals feel so damn SPECIAL about preferring members of their own sex? What's so great about that , that it requires kowtowing from the rest of society?
Quite simply, because Satan has control over the left / cabal / elites / DS / etc. and always goes in complete defiance of whatever God's perfect will and plan is for His creation. Procreation = good, and heterosexuality defined as a man and a woman, was designed by God in the Garden. In addition, God says that homosexuality is a sin. Therefore, Satan goes in direct defiance of God and uses his minions in the world to pushes homosexuality, transexualism, pansexualism, etc. on everyone. Destroy the very essence of what is means to be a man or a woman. Take what God intended to be good and turn it into blasphemy. All current issues in this world right now can be broken down to a battle between Good vs Evil.
Who knows?
Because the real answer from a moderate PoV:
Love is love. It is special only to those who share it, and sometimes to their peers and onlookers.
It is not inherently more special one way or another, so celebrating it for 1/12th of the year (and let's be real, they virtue signal about it the other 11/12ths) is stupid.
Having a black history month is also stupid because then we'd need a month for every other race. But that isn't the case. And black history month would be fine if they didn't virtue signal the other 11 months of the year too.
Frankly: I firmly believe that "pride month" bullshit is specifically to sow division.
We dislike them, they dislike us, we dislike each other within our own communities because we think one way or another.
It splinters people in several different directions even within their own political spheres. It has to be by design.
I miss rainbows. Can I just like them without people immediately assuming I'm gay (or that I'm actually celebrating this retarded "month" business)?
I know, I used to have rainbow T shirts. No more.
Liberalism (communism) saps the fun out of everything.
The ultimate in reparations... the knowledge of where the HIV curse comes from.
June is not "pride" month so stop calling it that and giving it legitimacy.
I'm freaking old, so I remember when June was bride's month. How old fashioned of me to look back fondly at that time.
Bake the cake bigot
July is our real pride month.
The American pride.
Glorious thought Fren!
WOW thanks for that. Didn't remember it.
It's been a while since I got the fizz reading a q drop. That one is dead on.
If COVID can supposedly come from bats it’s very easy to see that aids can supposedly came from monkeys. Knowing COVID didn’t come from bats, aids didn’t come from monkeys. Both have Fauci stank on them. Aids is man made.
I don't think gays are undesirable from the standpoint of the left though. They are instrumental (knowingly or not) to destroying the nuclear family.
They were very undesirable then and now but are now useful so let's go for the pasty whites.
Homosexuality was useful as an “undesirable” because such acts could be used as leverage. When people started to decide that what consenting adults do doesn’t harm anyone… gays became useful in a different way.
We know from history and from people like Yuri Bezmenov that the useful idiots and their protected groups are the first to go once their purpose has been fulfilled (pushing social justice). Flags and 'showing pride' just makes them easier to ID.
Exactly ^ ☝️
Leftists care about blacks, gays, Muslims etc. only to the degree that they can feel morally superior doing so. Leftists are obnoxious racists and sexists, and it comes out in disturbing ways when they encounter any “oppressed” person who expresses a conservative viewpoint
That was then and this is now.
How did that story go? Did some monkey spit into a guy's eye or did the guy screw the monkey?
I don't remember I just remember the guy was somewhere overseas and supposedly very promiscuous, and brought the virus to the US. I am going to research and will edit if I find the article. It was a long time ago. EDIT: Okay I am back. Funniest thing about this article is the Fauci part: "Reflecting on the epidemic’s early days, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, then a doctor treating AIDS patients and now the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he remembered it seeming plausible at the time that one person was responsible. In hindsight, he added, the idea now seems absurd."
He was flip flopping even then!
Here's a link to the article. Sorry about the NYT link. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/27/health/hiv-patient-zero-genetic-analysis.html
I remember reading about the monkey connection when HIV first came to light. I find it interesting that HIV has the human-monkey story and COVID was originally blamed on a human-bat connection, like a remake of a bad movie.
So that’s why Biden likes ice cream and talks about it all the time...
The storey that I recall describes eating the brains of a still-warm monkey.
Or was that Kuru?
I think that was Kuru, which is Prion disease from eating infected brain tissue.
I heard that is what HRC ended up developing and which is why she's always spazzing out and has black lumps on her tongue.
Are there any pics of her tongue w/ the black lumps on them? On second thought, that sounds like something that’s going to require me to use eye bleach.?? I better do a hard pass on any tongue pics of the whore of Babylon! ?
HIV was lab created part of their eugenics program. Kill black in Africa and it spread to gsys.
But now all they want in this country are minorities and gays.
Check out Dr Judy Mocivits watch her videos tells the story of HIV and Fauci, He is a devil incarnate.
Also funded by the Gates family
Many speculate Lyme disease was also released from a lab, although accidentally
Operation Paperclip. Plum Island. Nazis.
Everyone who has taken time to read about the history of HIV has come to this very conclusion. Why wait for some satanic 'authority figure' to tell us what we already figured out long ago?
Pandemics, historically, happen about every 100 years or so. Under him we've had HIV, H1N1, SarsCov1, Covid 19, Ebola, Swine flu, and others I'm forgetting. I suspect we are actually dealing with, what will ultimately turn out to be, after the vaxx fallout, the most prolific serial killer in world history. Yep. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
You know, you're on to something there.
Big Pharma business plan:
make a disease
provide a treatment, never a cure
make money
rinse, lather, repeat.
How many different flu variants can they make? Then provide a so-so vaccine every year. You may not pay anything but someone is paying the pharma companies per vax. Insurance? Govmt? Pick one.
What a total scam!
Duesberg said this, and he was crucified for it. The HIV dissident community has been fighting for decades. Unfortunately they're just a few people in Mexico and Japan at this point.
My uncle was doing SO good on alternative therapy...but he got a stroke many years later (over a decade) and they put him on the cocktail.
The real problem is once you're on, you can't get off, transcriptase inhibitors have long lasting changes. It is as nefarious as the mrna vaccine
Are you serious??? This sounds exactly like the vaccine in too many ways... and the HIV propaganda... oh my
It is. Look up protease inbibitors..they're very similar to the delivery of the vaccine. The NNRTI drugs do molecular level changes
And best of all? All these drugs have black box warnings on them. They're toxic to humans
On a different topic, if the media says there is no God and pushes anti-god teachings, isn’t this the great awakening when people start to connect who is pulling the strings and what they want everyone to believe???? If they want us to believe something it’s probably wrong or half right. When HIV, covid, and so much more is proved to be wrong to the public; this will be eye opening.
In fact, HIV doesn't cause AIDS. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome was an invention of Robert Gallo and Anthony Fauci. HIV has violated Koch's postulates since its discovery if we're to believe it really does cause AIDS.
According to Dr. Peter Duesberg, the man who discovered retroviruses, the immune deficiencies didn't come from AIDS. They came from "poppers" abuse (amyl and butyl nitrite which was sniffed for erections and enhanced pleasure in gay bathhouses across the country), IV drug use, and anal sex with hundreds of partners a year. When enough people were scared and looking for a cure, Gallo and Fauci introduced AZT as a "treatment" for HIV/AIDS. AZT likely killed millions of Americans.
His hypothesis is that HIV was simply a marker for risky behavior and had nothing to do with the actual symptoms which would be identified as AIDS .
Read all about Dr. Peter Duesberg and his fight against Gallo and Fauci here-
Thanks I will read.
Ever wonder why people in the Old Testament lived 300-400 tears old?
Watch the documentary ‘house of numbers’ Fauci makes an appearance too..
Check out all the interviews here: https://youtube.com/user/houseofnumbers
Long story short, the whole thing stinks as much as Covid.
Most deaths were from the medicines. Sound familiar?
Of course it does Fauci was involved..
Pretty sure Q says that AIDS was bioengineered. Lemme find it.
Here it is:
Were gain of function experiments performed on SIV (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus) back in the 80's?
Yep, it's ritualistic. Like 9/11 was a big ritual, sick f****.?
Ask WHO. They created it. I think Cooper also mentioned this in Behold a Pale Horse.
Ask kary mullis, robert willner, peter duesberg and especially under oath -> fraudci
No, just kidding - all the above except one, say there is NO hiv virus
they say it is caused by a sex drug, poppers, viagra, sindalfin = amylnitrit and other ingredients
has been worsened by the therapeutical drug AZT and has been called a syndrome (!)
and then fraudci entered the scene -> government funding, philantropic foundations, science and research, pharma industry and cirle back
who is always on board as well: clinton, biden, obama, bush, gates
trust the scientist = kary mullis!!!
So then what about the SARS-Cov-2 = Covid-19 = Corona virus? Ask Kary Mullis!
R.I.P. Kary Mullis
They murdered him
This is a must-watch documentary:
HIV=AIDS - Fauci's First Fraud
Heard years ago, late 80’s, that hiv was developed by the C_A as a warfare weapon to disable/kill the enemy. It was tested on a small group of African men. However, the men were mostly long distant truck drivers who had different families in different towns. This caused the disease to spread out of control of the test group. A BS scenario had to be developed. On a similar note, Fibromyalgia was designed by the same group. This malady was to disarm the enemy’s muscle capabilities, so they could only carry a canteen of water. The chemical was sprayed in a test area. After attacking the enemy, the chemical didn’t disperse, it has stayed in the airstream since then.
It was, I believe. I think it'll take some time to set in, arrests and lawsuits will follow. Justice can't be given for those who died, just like with covid. We will need time to heal, as a people and individually.
Someone would owe me about 3 quality Queen albums that never got made. ?
RIP Freddie Mercury. Still miss his talent!
Of the many theories of AIDS, the only theory that makes sense is contaminated polio vaccine in Africa:
The vaccination sites line up almost exactly with the disease breakouts.
Vaccine cultures explains the rapid mutation of the virus.
The closest ancestor to HIV is simian immunodeficiency virus, found in chimpanzees, which were used as substrate.
They admit vaccines can contain unknown viruses, like the similar SV-40 outbreak (another vaccine contaminate that may have led to the explosion of soft tissue cancer).
Polio vaccine was used as an experimental treatment for herpes, specifically in the gay community.
Another source from when WaPo was actually news:
Wait until they get to cancer. That is the giant-dwarf neutron-star elephant in the room
My thought: Fauci.
It was definitely created in a lab to kill off the homosexual population and the intervenus drug abusers.
Hepatitis anyone?
William Cooper said aids was introduced in the U.S. in a Hepatitis vaccine that encouraged gays ( and I think needed users). He called out a man to blame by name.
Edit: 1:30-1:34 is where it is said. Hope my due diligence serves you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbJya-Y47Cw
on another note, this being exposed during "pride month" would be beautiful
Supposedly it was. It was created and released as part of the UN report/initiative to reduce the population of the planet to their target goal. The same study found that the middle class of US and Europe was unsustainable and their solution was mass migration from 3rd world countries and trade agreements moving the middle class bread and butter manufacturing jobs out of the US and Europe...creating a two class system: the very poor and the very rich. Which explains alot of the mind numbing government policies allowing illegal immigration and the UN trucks and supplies helping the migrants.
Since I first heard Fauci saying he was 'down in the trenches' with aids. I knew in my heart he was infecting them not helping them.
He was giving them AZT. It was all about selling AZT(that was going to go off-patent)
The only way AZT was needed was because he was involved in giving them AIDS in the first place. Just like COVID-19
And there's similarities between both covid and AIDS.
Thinking of a meme where someone is patting Fauci remarking '... you can pack a LOT of evil in here'
AZT causes AIDS bro. AIDS is 100% iatrogenic disease. HIV has nothing to do with AIDS.
Duesberg was right
Covid19 was modeled after the AIDS scam
Oh yes, sorry I agree, I screwed up my statement