The whole Q code decode is wishy washy. The 7th could be 34 or 16 or 25. Throw in the clearly bs gematria at the end and this video seems like a load of bs to me. You can make gemtria say anything basically. Guy is trying to make himself come off as some God annointed prophet too, which is shady.
I agree. All you need to know about Gematria is that the Gematria value for Gematria is the same as the value for balderdash, baloney and Bigfoot (= 74).
Still, the film was made by an Aussie and, OMG, Aussie is 74 as well. How many coincidences ...?
One issue I have with Gematria is what happens if you do not speak English? Presumably you get quite a different set of answers?
i also agree this is all pretty fake+gay this guy stumbles into Q late in the game and now thinks he is the savior of the world woth his gematria? give me a break i like the effort but the tone of the thing is more "i have discovered it all and look here" instead of "here is something interesting". anyway im inclined to believe its more disinfo.
there was another site posted here recently and i think its a much better 'mature' take on Q - lots of long posts with good analysis IMHO - he also pokes fun at gematria. high quality bread
Isn't there more than just one gematria? Jewish, English, and simple are ones I've seen. I don't know enough about it to comment how it works. But I have seen gematria for other languages.
I'll re-watch to get the jist, but when I heard the end I understood it to be that was Q talking to him and manipulating Gematria to do it. (Gematria would be a cool way to transmit codes, if you control the results. As in, look up this thing on this day and check line 4 and that's your code.) And he did have one day where he used both the 43 and the 25 and both were part of the same proof. Time will tell.
Thanks for being a buzz kill! No, I agree with you. I never heard of taking out the zeros and 17’s. Seemed a stretch. But I also am naive to decoding. So he hooked me. At first I was blown away, but it faded fast. I’ve never done Gematria, so I tried my name last night. It could go both ways, for my name anyway. My name could be demonic or angelic or plain nonsensical. Granted, no “code” words showed up for me. But yes he does seem egocentric to think he’s being talked to directly. Maybe borderline paranoid.
My eyes are wattery, I have chills going up and down my arms. My head feels weird. The sounds around me clear. I don't know what to think right now. I feel God's presence. Hope you all have a great day and God Bless
Ehhh the ending was a bit of a turn off for me. The Q clock and events about election fraud was mind blowing, but then it got way too specific to be believable:
His son was sick, someone uploaded a video with his son's name, he used this Geri code thing and his entire name was revealed to be this announced code talker? Just strange.
You gotta be careful with that gematria stuff. It can make you go insane. The texts from his mother were a red flag that he's too deep into coincidences that might not be there.
The video was good, but the parts where he saw coincidences that led him to believe that he was some kind of Q prophet, significant in the greater scheme of the plan, is dangerous for his mental health. He'll need some kind of intervention in the future if he doesn't snap out of those parts. I know this because I had the same experience at the beginning of this year.
The fraud is subverting human beings into pushing a legal person as themselves.
We are all living under a corporation that covertly utilizes contract law to capture people under color of law using legal name fraud as their main tactic. The birth certificates is a central bank scheme and is NOT an identification.
Those last parts were for him. He was sharing it as part of his experience not necessarily offering it as proof for the whole, just that it was his personal proofs.
I'm on the beginning and he is trying to link Q post 243 that says, "D's dropping all around over sexual misconduct" and "Coincidence directly after SA?"
But his list of D's dropping makes no sense because he goes all the way back in time to Dems like Louis C.K. and Eliot Spitzer.....that's fucking ancient history. That is not "directly after SA" as he says. This is not a good proof at all.
And why start with the 234 on the wall? Why not add 2+3+4=7 and then start from post #7. Why not the number of Trump posters on the garage door? Or the number of people standing within the shot?
Starts the whole thing off on an arbitrary number in a wall.
Okay I admit it got better, but the gematria at the end is hot garbage. That gematria website is full of Q and MAGA-related phrases. You can find a decent match for's like a PCR test.
Gematria is take what you will from it. I have a name I go by that i feel like god is guiding me to so i typed that into gemantria and got some insaine results that make me feel like I am part of a plan for god. The results had a name of someone who i felt like needed to be a partner with in future operations as well as general pillars of my life that really formed me and my character. Trippy shit but I feel like i can finally feel god, not hear him just feel his presence.
It was entertaining, but I remember a long drawn out card trick that my dad taught me. The basis of the whole thing is convincing the person you’re tricking, that you have given them the option time, after time, after time- to affect the outcome, and you played no part in it.
When in truth, you knew which card they selected from the beginning, and were only offering them the illusion that they were directing how the cards were being moved.
It would really amaze people, but it was 100% based off the assumption of false choice.
I did enjoy it, but that’s what this video reminds me of.
Nov 7 is when they held the press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping. #7 is still making the appearance as the date as well as #243 on the sign, You can check both post #7 and #243.
#7 = "Why wasn’t HRC prosecuted for the emails? Put simply, Obama ultimately OK’d by using the non govt email addy to communicate w/ Clinton. Obama also had an alias along with each of his cabinet members. Therefore indicting HRC would lead to indicting Obama & his cabinet etc which could never happen. Remember he lied about knowing but that ultimately came out in the dump. Poof!"
#243 = "SA controlled US puppets.
Strings cut.
D's dropping all around over sexual misconduct (1st stage).
Coincidence directly after SA?
Don't you realize the war has gone public?
List who will not be running for re_election.
Phase I.
Easy to swallow.
Loss of power/influence.
Good time to prosecute.
Just wait until next week.
You are all Patriots.
Sorry if my comment was strange. Don't let it deter you from watching the video. It's really interesting and I'm taken back by it. If the internet starts working good feel free to share your thoughts
My question was more along how you would dial in years? Like the 3 year mark works as year / hour 0, but there are only 12 months in a years, 12 hours in a day, I know longer have any expectation that things will wrap up over a weekend.
It's possible that we could be looking at 2-3 more years.
It's worth watching. LOW cross-codes don't apply to every Q post. He has a separate code that seems to work for other posts. I'll see what it predicts for the next week or so to see if it holds water.
Absolutely. He has done an incredible job and if I hadn't seen his proofs I wouldn't have as much confidence as I do now that there is a plan. He also explains it well for his audience. This video clearly misses the mark in terms of audience.
this toxicity made me check your comment history, and all you do is attack people... you have nothing to contribute to the conversation and i seriously doubt your claims of military service
Such a stretch. And I’ve been with Q since the beginning. You can’t just put the post number and the time stamp (down to the second) together then delete a couple of 17’s and string together whatever you want. It used to be so fun to check for Q posts multiple times a day. Now Q decoders truly do seem insane sometimes. Sorry not sorry.
Easy. The username of the video creator is BohemianStyle. Bohemian in simple gematria is 67. You know what other words equal 67? “Satanic” and “Dark Magic”.... mind blown!!!! Now this is where it gets good, stay with me. The second half of his name is “Style”, which happens to be gematria 81. And whose name happens to match that 81? None other than “Mike Pence”. This is the man responsible for screwing up election integrity. Trump warned us, and obviously Q is warning us that this Username can’t be trusted. Boooooooom!!!! Unbelievable!!!!!
Also, and you can’t refute this: 243. My boy was born on 2-5-13. Now put a space between the 1 and the 3 and remove the first minus sign. This becomes 2 5-1 3. Then just do the math and watch Q confirm that I’m correct and the other guy isn’t.
OOoooohohhhhhhh I plugged my name into Gematria and I got "your brother is in the cia," "december 7th," "barack obama is hiding," "extreme right wing," "paranormal activity," "jesus christ son of god," "microsoft corporation," and "just enjoy the time left." of course there was a bunch of other crap but i ignored everything that didn't tickle my fancy!!!!!
what a crock of shit website, fortune telling for autists to get all worked-up over set up by glowies
It means, "Eyes on. Discussion time."
By making this video, this guy is saying he sees something a certain way. He's opening his interpretation up for discussion. As the public face of Q, with some of the best researchers and decoders in the movement here, it's our job to step up to the challenge and separate the wheat from the chaff.
The mod team stickying something like this is a vote of confidence in YOU.
Hi, I’d like to drop you a thank you and some appreciation for your hard work as a mod. I saw you catch some flak and just wanted to send some encouragement your way!
This is my first time seeing other information regarding 4 seasons and how it relates, but you choose 1 or 2 of his proofs out of the many proofs he provides to discredit his theories?
Do you truly believe God is in control? It not, then maybe Q is not for you to follow and believe.
My mother messaged me at the same time I watched this video: “are you watching the news?” Me: “yes, with Afghan?”. Her: “yes, we are not going to be trusted as a country.” Me: “yes, but we are all going to be okay in the end.” Her: “it will turn out ok in the end but not for everyone.”
Hit me like a truck.
I can realize, that was a coincidence she said that, but to me it was a sign that everything will eventually be ok until we have control again. After that it is up to us.
It’s not filler proof, it’s a sign to him to keep up his beliefs and continue following this narration. It’s a movie. If it is actually a movie, and nothing can stop what is coming, then continue to follow it.
If it is up to the common people, those that have been manipulated to believe something that is actually false as something that is true, then we the people are doomed. Good luck to you, beautiful soul.
Something else jumped out at me while watching the video. Interestingly, I watched Rudy's press conference and never saw it, but watching this video now somehow made me realize it: there are also 43 'Trump 2020' posters (42 behind Rudy and one in front) arranged in 6 rows and 7 columns.
The poster in row 1 column 6 is the only one which is different: it says 'Trump Pence'. 1/6. January 6th.
Was Rudy telling us back in Nov 7 to watch Pence on Jan 6? How could he have known?
It's possible this was pointed out here on this board before, but have not seen it, sorry if that's the case. Just thought this was too interesting to just gloss over it.
As Q said when asked how he knew he said Wizards and Warlocks, if I am remembering correctly. Also there is Project Looking Glass and the Yellow boxes. I do not doubt the time travel thing as many do. I heard an ex C*A talk about all the suppressed technologies, he said that anything we can imagine has already been done. This was way before Q and I did find a lot of stuff that was suppressed, so it seems plausible.
He needs to get with Majic Eyes Only and focus on Law of War Manual. Interesting if in fact he was messaged, but the bit about his Son was over the top. But it’s all good and his simple formula has merit. I’d still think he’d be better served inside a TEAM of decoders etc.
That’s the first thing I ego war. No, JK but they’re both focused so teamwork would entail patience & listening skills. Any group of intellectuals together each of them need to be team oriented & adept, or willing to learn to be. It would be AWESOME.
I've seen some of that before, I 'think' I remember strolling thru the research board and seeing some of it.
How many coincidences before it is impossible?
As someone who wandered into Q early and has read and reread the drops I realized we were getting future notices, or notes on the future. It's why all (us) datefags were wrong so many times, we didn't look far enough to the future.
Some of us thought we saw clues demonstrating we should look farther downrange but we didn't want to have to wait...
Anyhow, if anyone knows how to convert that to a saveable format why the Human population of this 3rd rock would be better off for your efforts.
Yes, I use the Linux Video Downloader and it works well, and without bloatware and spyware. I've posted on here before, encouraging everyone to switch to Linux and get away from the totalitarian vaccine madman and the totalitarian Chinese slave labor fag.
Well, I use Linux Mint, so I found it in the software library downloader. Do a search for "video downloader" and it should be the first one that shows up. It works on Twitter, too.
If you're on Linux and familiar with the terminal, install youtube-dl.
It's very, very powerful and will allow you to download pretty much everything video related. I have probably close to 1 TB of videos that I've downloaded over the last 4 years lol.
Takes a while to learn how to use it but once you know how, it's quite easy.
Key here is "Didn't want to have to wait". Impatience has been a giant distracting in our journey. I feel like part of Satan's control is through impatience. Impatience is just as powerful to control us with as fear.
Yep. I remember thinking, as I read drops, that the Nov 3 marker had to be 2018, then later realized it was gonna be 2020 but didn't want to suffer through all that long a time when we KNOW what we know.
But here we are, and careful what we wish for because it just keeps getting worse.
Someone is messing with a lot of my online accounts. One attempt I was sitting at the bank when it happened, which is great because it proves it wasn't me.
Am I to assume that Q was chatting with this individual and somehow Q knew his full name and then tweeked a Gamatria code to include his name with some dates? Looks like Q has a far reach if he can do that!
as much as i love the idea of looking glass as a technology...
it instantly strikes me that one could code into the posts options that lead down multiple forking paths and point at the paths that need to be active while leaving the others alone.
which, of course, leaves one impressed by the sheer scale of planning that would be involved.
I mean I don’t usually trust the MSM but even DJT is putting out statements about Biden leaving Americans behind.
Our military members.
People who thought it was safe to visit family?
Can I trust that patriots are in control?
Could I be doing….anything except “trusting the plan”?
Edit: if Trump/patriots are in control, I trust that Americans are as safe as possible. Is this the 10 days of darkness?
Well it’s odd regardless. Trump is the one who helped release the current leader of the Taliban. Pompeo is shown pictures with him a year ago talking about their “deal”. Who has labeled the Taliban as our enemy in the past. Well the Bush’s, Obama, Clinton’s. Who uses our military to smash out the Taliban in past occasions. The same 3 folks. What’s happening in Afghanistan. It’s practically called the Hell hole for the past 20 years. The same people who call me a nazi today, called the Taliban my number one enemy for decades before Trump. Child trafficking bring my number one concern, and that country is riddled with it. Those 80 billion worth of weapons left behind, whose that helping, why was it left. Who are the Taliban fighting. What war are we in?
Where are all the videos of killings and beheadings of Christian? Do these people not have phones? Where’s the evidence the Taliban are killing everybody? Why did the Taliban already say women will have rights, under Islamic law. Why was there a border wall built between Afghanistan and Pakistan, nearly the same time we were building our wall. Who are they trying to protect? And who is they? The Afghanistan government took their money and fled the country.
So why is Trump saying these things? Pressure. Go get’em Joe! I mean, old Joe has the military right. He can rescue them all right? I mean people are dying!!!! Are they?
The Newspapers used to really bash many religions here in the US. The Amish were falsely accused of killing babies in rituals, the Jews wore hats to hide their horns, every faith that believes in God. Jesus told us not to worry how other religions worship God, worry about those that don't know him. Spread the Good Word. The Taliban is religious and got feed up with the Opium trade ruining their country, everyone wanting a piece of them, even the way the countries borders were set up was for the deep state. I am starting to believe that POTUS did make a deal with the Taliban, not as an enemy but as a new ally, giving them enough military equipment and the people to train them to give them the strength to stop everybody and there brother using their country. The Opium was protected by our troops from the Taliban burning the fields. No wonder the deep state is freaking out, the opium trade just got a big hit.
Ok. That makes more sense than everything going to shit within hours and the “president” doing nothing.
The conspiracies are easier to believe than the narrative.
Thank you.
Afgans don't have phones, they're poor AF. Many communities there don't even have electricity.
It's a shit hole. I don't doubt there are outsiders and women and children being killed because that is what those animals have been doing for ages, going waaaay back before we ever set foot in that disaster.
Pakistan built a border wall because terrorists were doing attacks in Afghanistan and then hiding in Pakistan.
They didn’t have problems uploading videos 20 years ago. It was constant. Now personally I think it was more CIA driven back then. And the same now. To paint our enemy for us. Unite America so we hate an enemy “they” tell us to hate. So what’s changed? The “hate them” rhetoric is back again, but this time no evidence. 80 billion worth of weaponry, and no cameras? Give me a break. I’m surprised we haven’t had a beheading video yet, of some Christian family by “masked” terrorist. Problem is, it will be uploaded from Georgia, instead of Afghanistan most likely.
Nov 05, 2017 1:31:00 AM EDT
Ten days.
Scare tactics (MSM).
D's falling.
R's walk-away/removed.
SA --> US --> Asia --> EU
Disinformation is real.
Distractions are necessary...... Q never said ten days [of] darkness..
The whole Q code decode is wishy washy. The 7th could be 34 or 16 or 25. Throw in the clearly bs gematria at the end and this video seems like a load of bs to me. You can make gemtria say anything basically. Guy is trying to make himself come off as some God annointed prophet too, which is shady.
I agree. All you need to know about Gematria is that the Gematria value for Gematria is the same as the value for balderdash, baloney and Bigfoot (= 74).
Still, the film was made by an Aussie and, OMG, Aussie is 74 as well. How many coincidences ...?
One issue I have with Gematria is what happens if you do not speak English? Presumably you get quite a different set of answers?
LOL you must have read my thing from months ago, cracking on gematria for this reason and more :) Jk
i also agree this is all pretty fake+gay this guy stumbles into Q late in the game and now thinks he is the savior of the world woth his gematria? give me a break i like the effort but the tone of the thing is more "i have discovered it all and look here" instead of "here is something interesting". anyway im inclined to believe its more disinfo.
there was another site posted here recently and i think its a much better 'mature' take on Q - lots of long posts with good analysis IMHO - he also pokes fun at gematria. high quality bread
Isn't there more than just one gematria? Jewish, English, and simple are ones I've seen. I don't know enough about it to comment how it works. But I have seen gematria for other languages.
Yes, there is. The point is that each language and gematria system will give you a different answer. How would you know which one was right?
Doesn't gematria = 74 = balderdash give you a clue?
If that statement is correct then gematria is balderdash. If it is wrong then gematria does not work. Which is it?
Remember: "What a load of bollocks" = 195 = "gematria proves god"
If gematria is balderdash and it s name says so, then gematria works?
That's right. It works so it must be balderdash!
Seriously... Why would some random Aussie's birthday have any significance for Q?
Dramatic reading, but I’m not sold.
I'll re-watch to get the jist, but when I heard the end I understood it to be that was Q talking to him and manipulating Gematria to do it. (Gematria would be a cool way to transmit codes, if you control the results. As in, look up this thing on this day and check line 4 and that's your code.) And he did have one day where he used both the 43 and the 25 and both were part of the same proof. Time will tell.
Thanks for being a buzz kill! No, I agree with you. I never heard of taking out the zeros and 17’s. Seemed a stretch. But I also am naive to decoding. So he hooked me. At first I was blown away, but it faded fast. I’ve never done Gematria, so I tried my name last night. It could go both ways, for my name anyway. My name could be demonic or angelic or plain nonsensical. Granted, no “code” words showed up for me. But yes he does seem egocentric to think he’s being talked to directly. Maybe borderline paranoid.
My eyes are wattery, I have chills going up and down my arms. My head feels weird. The sounds around me clear. I don't know what to think right now. I feel God's presence. Hope you all have a great day and God Bless
Holt shit, the content was impressive, but the ending was, well, mind-blowing.
Ehhh the ending was a bit of a turn off for me. The Q clock and events about election fraud was mind blowing, but then it got way too specific to be believable:
His son was sick, someone uploaded a video with his son's name, he used this Geri code thing and his entire name was revealed to be this announced code talker? Just strange.
You gotta be careful with that gematria stuff. It can make you go insane. The texts from his mother were a red flag that he's too deep into coincidences that might not be there.
how many words from gemetria were not included in the video?
The video was good, but the parts where he saw coincidences that led him to believe that he was some kind of Q prophet, significant in the greater scheme of the plan, is dangerous for his mental health. He'll need some kind of intervention in the future if he doesn't snap out of those parts. I know this because I had the same experience at the beginning of this year.
The only place where you are both Jesus Christ and Ba'al at the same time.
Anytime anyone brings it up, I purse my lips and close the book. Real chosen ones use gimatria...
well.. we are living in a created universe. some may even call it a movie
Others call it legal name fraud.
Color of law-people passes "acts" that "persons" ("masked" actors) need to act according to.
Fraud involves an actual crime to have been committed.
The fraud is subverting human beings into pushing a legal person as themselves.
We are all living under a corporation that covertly utilizes contract law to capture people under color of law using legal name fraud as their main tactic. The birth certificates is a central bank scheme and is NOT an identification.
..and that is the fraud.
Do we know each other. You sound like me.
Those last parts were for him. He was sharing it as part of his experience not necessarily offering it as proof for the whole, just that it was his personal proofs.
I'm on the beginning and he is trying to link Q post 243 that says, "D's dropping all around over sexual misconduct" and "Coincidence directly after SA?"
But his list of D's dropping makes no sense because he goes all the way back in time to Dems like Louis C.K. and Eliot Spitzer.....that's fucking ancient history. That is not "directly after SA" as he says. This is not a good proof at all.
And why start with the 234 on the wall? Why not add 2+3+4=7 and then start from post #7. Why not the number of Trump posters on the garage door? Or the number of people standing within the shot?
Starts the whole thing off on an arbitrary number in a wall.
"My daughter's birthday is November 7!"
This guy weaves his daughter's birthday into all of it. I honestly think he might be a big troll.
yeayea but right after that is the juice. he actually solves the code. very simple. watch the rest
Okay I admit it got better, but the gematria at the end is hot garbage. That gematria website is full of Q and MAGA-related phrases. You can find a decent match for's like a PCR test.
Does that negate the rest of the information?
Gematria is take what you will from it. I have a name I go by that i feel like god is guiding me to so i typed that into gemantria and got some insaine results that make me feel like I am part of a plan for god. The results had a name of someone who i felt like needed to be a partner with in future operations as well as general pillars of my life that really formed me and my character. Trippy shit but I feel like i can finally feel god, not hear him just feel his presence.
It was entertaining, but I remember a long drawn out card trick that my dad taught me. The basis of the whole thing is convincing the person you’re tricking, that you have given them the option time, after time, after time- to affect the outcome, and you played no part in it.
When in truth, you knew which card they selected from the beginning, and were only offering them the illusion that they were directing how the cards were being moved.
It would really amaze people, but it was 100% based off the assumption of false choice.
I did enjoy it, but that’s what this video reminds me of.
Nov 7 is when they held the press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping. #7 is still making the appearance as the date as well as #243 on the sign, You can check both post #7 and #243.
#7 = "Why wasn’t HRC prosecuted for the emails? Put simply, Obama ultimately OK’d by using the non govt email addy to communicate w/ Clinton. Obama also had an alias along with each of his cabinet members. Therefore indicting HRC would lead to indicting Obama & his cabinet etc which could never happen. Remember he lied about knowing but that ultimately came out in the dump. Poof!"
#243 = "SA controlled US puppets. Strings cut. D's dropping all around over sexual misconduct (1st stage). Coincidence directly after SA? Don't you realize the war has gone public? List who will not be running for re_election. Coincidence? Phase I. Easy to swallow. Loss of power/influence. Good time to prosecute. Just wait until next week. You are all Patriots. Q"
Sorry if my comment was strange. Don't let it deter you from watching the video. It's really interesting and I'm taken back by it. If the internet starts working good feel free to share your thoughts
your comment is not strange. I have felt God's presence before, that is the Holy Spirit.
Thanks. It was really amazing. I am so thankful for this day
Seems the decode itself had some merit. But what happens if you start with a random number. Where will q drops lead you.
Not strange at all. In the Book of Mary, Jesus describes the place between the brain and the heart.
How do you deal with 4 digit posts? For example, would tomorrow (8/25) be 825, 1725, 2625?
825 and 2625 both mention test... hmmm
Just noticed that, too. SEC test. Then Stress Test failed.
Securities and Exchange Commission?
Size-exclusion chromatography? (Applications include testing proteins)
SEC and GME are having fun this week....
Wow, honestly you two have a front page sticky with that. That is a top tier proof.
I think 87 (8, 2+5)
My signatures all reference upcoming events about to drop if this hasn't been caught on. Snow White Godfather III Q
One of the other posts had a Q.sticker which looked to have a white rabbit on it.
So you break the number down in every way, take all those numbers and they Apply?
To me this simple code aint so simple and clear😄
My question was more along how you would dial in years? Like the 3 year mark works as year / hour 0, but there are only 12 months in a years, 12 hours in a day, I know longer have any expectation that things will wrap up over a weekend.
It's possible that we could be looking at 2-3 more years.
I suppose we should look at all of them.
do 4425 and follow link....dasting
At least some are asking real questions.
We have to consider the potential that this will be multiple years, even if Trump gets back in office this year, or before midterms.
There would have to be a concise method. Does this work when crossing years?
Has anyone else worked this anon’s code and gotten the same results?
Saved this to share and will watch again when my brain calms down.
Thank u/Ehjax78 for posting!
It's worth watching. LOW cross-codes don't apply to every Q post. He has a separate code that seems to work for other posts. I'll see what it predicts for the next week or so to see if it holds water.
Absolutely. He has done an incredible job and if I hadn't seen his proofs I wouldn't have as much confidence as I do now that there is a plan. He also explains it well for his audience. This video clearly misses the mark in terms of audience.
Just watch the video. Trust me.
LMAO I instantly discredit anyone who uses the words 'trust me.' That video is a fcking cringefest.
At least you watched it - sorry you didn’t find any value in it. Do you typically dismiss information because of the way it’s presented?
I actually appreciated the attempt to make it more entertaining than just some fat, bald guy reading into the camera, but to each his own, I suppose.
Bless your heart.
this toxicity made me check your comment history, and all you do is attack people... you have nothing to contribute to the conversation and i seriously doubt your claims of military service
LOL Ok, Cletus 🙄
I actually watched it and I want my 20 minutes back
Such a stretch. And I’ve been with Q since the beginning. You can’t just put the post number and the time stamp (down to the second) together then delete a couple of 17’s and string together whatever you want. It used to be so fun to check for Q posts multiple times a day. Now Q decoders truly do seem insane sometimes. Sorry not sorry.
Okay. Prove his method wrong.
EDIT: downvotes aren't proof, but that which you are unable to produce.
Q did say he can't post to the second due to lag. So using seconds like in the video is stretching it way too far
Use his method and predict something (even vaguely) that will happen on Friday.
Easy. The username of the video creator is BohemianStyle. Bohemian in simple gematria is 67. You know what other words equal 67? “Satanic” and “Dark Magic”.... mind blown!!!! Now this is where it gets good, stay with me. The second half of his name is “Style”, which happens to be gematria 81. And whose name happens to match that 81? None other than “Mike Pence”. This is the man responsible for screwing up election integrity. Trump warned us, and obviously Q is warning us that this Username can’t be trusted. Boooooooom!!!! Unbelievable!!!!!
Also, and you can’t refute this: 243. My boy was born on 2-5-13. Now put a space between the 1 and the 3 and remove the first minus sign. This becomes 2 5-1 3. Then just do the math and watch Q confirm that I’m correct and the other guy isn’t.
2 (5-1) 3
My eyes are watering right now. (allergies)
Plugging his fcking initials and shit into Gematria and hailing himself as a God. What a fcking moron
OOoooohohhhhhhh I plugged my name into Gematria and I got "your brother is in the cia," "december 7th," "barack obama is hiding," "extreme right wing," "paranormal activity," "jesus christ son of god," "microsoft corporation," and "just enjoy the time left." of course there was a bunch of other crap but i ignored everything that didn't tickle my fancy!!!!!
what a crock of shit website, fortune telling for autists to get all worked-up over set up by glowies
This video has some enticing editing to keep you interested, but I found it to be nonsense. This is the content that people laugh at us over.
Holy absolute shit.
If it's horse shit, it was at least very entertaining horse shit.
It is.
Lol. Nice
I wouldn't put much stock in gematria "decodes". It's very much akin to reading tea leaves. You're gonna see what you wanna see
This should not be stickied.
Dude literally uses his daughter's birthday and the date his mother sent him a specific txt as filler "proof".
The Rudy stuff is interesting, but if memory serves that was from the Q clock and board bakes.
It means, "Eyes on. Discussion time."
By making this video, this guy is saying he sees something a certain way. He's opening his interpretation up for discussion. As the public face of Q, with some of the best researchers and decoders in the movement here, it's our job to step up to the challenge and separate the wheat from the chaff.
The mod team stickying something like this is a vote of confidence in YOU.
Hi, I’d like to drop you a thank you and some appreciation for your hard work as a mod. I saw you catch some flak and just wanted to send some encouragement your way!
A lot of us are telling you it's chaff. It's gematria ffs. You guys should know better.
Yeah, be glad people are trying.
And it worked. The top comments are all critical of this video.
That in itself is a redpill for anyone who thinks we are crazy.
This is my first time seeing other information regarding 4 seasons and how it relates, but you choose 1 or 2 of his proofs out of the many proofs he provides to discredit his theories?
Do you truly believe God is in control? It not, then maybe Q is not for you to follow and believe.
My mother messaged me at the same time I watched this video: “are you watching the news?” Me: “yes, with Afghan?”. Her: “yes, we are not going to be trusted as a country.” Me: “yes, but we are all going to be okay in the end.” Her: “it will turn out ok in the end but not for everyone.”
Hit me like a truck.
I can realize, that was a coincidence she said that, but to me it was a sign that everything will eventually be ok until we have control again. After that it is up to us.
It’s not filler proof, it’s a sign to him to keep up his beliefs and continue following this narration. It’s a movie. If it is actually a movie, and nothing can stop what is coming, then continue to follow it.
If it is up to the common people, those that have been manipulated to believe something that is actually false as something that is true, then we the people are doomed. Good luck to you, beautiful soul.
For himself. Anything that he references as a personal proof is proof for him. Not supposed to be for us.
Something else jumped out at me while watching the video. Interestingly, I watched Rudy's press conference and never saw it, but watching this video now somehow made me realize it: there are also 43 'Trump 2020' posters (42 behind Rudy and one in front) arranged in 6 rows and 7 columns. The poster in row 1 column 6 is the only one which is different: it says 'Trump Pence'. 1/6. January 6th.
Was Rudy telling us back in Nov 7 to watch Pence on Jan 6? How could he have known? It's possible this was pointed out here on this board before, but have not seen it, sorry if that's the case. Just thought this was too interesting to just gloss over it.
As Q said when asked how he knew he said Wizards and Warlocks, if I am remembering correctly. Also there is Project Looking Glass and the Yellow boxes. I do not doubt the time travel thing as many do. I heard an ex C*A talk about all the suppressed technologies, he said that anything we can imagine has already been done. This was way before Q and I did find a lot of stuff that was suppressed, so it seems plausible.
Good eye
That's insane!! 🤯
Wow great catch. That made my jaw drop. It has to mean this
What? Q content on GAW?
He needs to get with Majic Eyes Only and focus on Law of War Manual. Interesting if in fact he was messaged, but the bit about his Son was over the top. But it’s all good and his simple formula has merit. I’d still think he’d be better served inside a TEAM of decoders etc.
Imagine majic eyes working with this guy. It would be over the top
That’s the first thing I ego war. No, JK but they’re both focused so teamwork would entail patience & listening skills. Any group of intellectuals together each of them need to be team oriented & adept, or willing to learn to be. It would be AWESOME.
They'd need a facilitator aka a cat herder.
March Ten Nineteen Seventy Five translated to:
-Why is Jesus getting divorced?
-Donald Trump is the antichrist
-Everybody poops sometimes
Don't forget, "Psychological Manipulation Was Used" lol
Anyone know how to save that, record it?
I've seen some of that before, I 'think' I remember strolling thru the research board and seeing some of it.
How many coincidences before it is impossible?
As someone who wandered into Q early and has read and reread the drops I realized we were getting future notices, or notes on the future. It's why all (us) datefags were wrong so many times, we didn't look far enough to the future.
Some of us thought we saw clues demonstrating we should look farther downrange but we didn't want to have to wait...
Anyhow, if anyone knows how to convert that to a saveable format why the Human population of this 3rd rock would be better off for your efforts.
I will re-up it on Cat box for you so you can easily download it.
How I download this is using this program which allows you to save videos from bitchute, youtube, twitter, etc.
Here is the re-host for you.
TBH I haven't tried it. Will do so right now.
Looks good. Confirmed working.
Yes, I use the Linux Video Downloader and it works well, and without bloatware and spyware. I've posted on here before, encouraging everyone to switch to Linux and get away from the totalitarian vaccine madman and the totalitarian Chinese slave labor fag.
Well, I use Linux Mint, so I found it in the software library downloader. Do a search for "video downloader" and it should be the first one that shows up. It works on Twitter, too.
If you're on Linux and familiar with the terminal, install youtube-dl.
It's very, very powerful and will allow you to download pretty much everything video related. I have probably close to 1 TB of videos that I've downloaded over the last 4 years lol.
Takes a while to learn how to use it but once you know how, it's quite easy.
Awesome! May this enable Dave to make your work feel less like work!
Here's one site of many that allows you to download Bitchute videos-
Key here is "Didn't want to have to wait". Impatience has been a giant distracting in our journey. I feel like part of Satan's control is through impatience. Impatience is just as powerful to control us with as fear.
Yep. I remember thinking, as I read drops, that the Nov 3 marker had to be 2018, then later realized it was gonna be 2020 but didn't want to suffer through all that long a time when we KNOW what we know.
But here we are, and careful what we wish for because it just keeps getting worse.
This Timeline!!
Taking this with a massive grain of salt for now. But it is an interesting decode.
I am blown away too.
Thanks for sharing! Let's see what happens when I apply that ...
What do you mean when you say gang stalked? I wander if it is similar to what was happening to me?
Thanks. Having read that, now I'M clinically insane, too.
Someone is messing with a lot of my online accounts. One attempt I was sitting at the bank when it happened, which is great because it proves it wasn't me.
Sounds crazy. Not what happened to me.
rofl number salad trash. Fun watch tho. thx.
His special effects, like the echo when he's thinking "the code is not complicated" is legit
Magic trick to trip out stoned viewers.
well in all honesty in my comment I was being facetious.
Interesting but, gematria seems like BS to me
Am I to assume that Q was chatting with this individual and somehow Q knew his full name and then tweeked a Gamatria code to include his name with some dates? Looks like Q has a far reach if he can do that!
That was the mother of all decodes, wow
meh. Not so much. Just basically gematria all the way thru. Some of the Q posts don't match his cherry picked results.
I wish it were accurate but he is just making some things fit but selecting varied posts.
I bookmarked, internet is slow, will report back unless I hear people saying
I thought it was just me, but I guess not.
Nooooooo! Waste of time….
as much as i love the idea of looking glass as a technology...
it instantly strikes me that one could code into the posts options that lead down multiple forking paths and point at the paths that need to be active while leaving the others alone.
which, of course, leaves one impressed by the sheer scale of planning that would be involved.
Disinfo then.
Stickied disinfo.
What has become of this place...
very interesting
That was awesome
Ok. But someone convince me Americans are safe in Afghanistan. Please.
What Americans?
I mean I don’t usually trust the MSM but even DJT is putting out statements about Biden leaving Americans behind. Our military members. Journalists. People who thought it was safe to visit family? Can I trust that patriots are in control? Could I be doing….anything except “trusting the plan”? Edit: if Trump/patriots are in control, I trust that Americans are as safe as possible. Is this the 10 days of darkness?
Well it’s odd regardless. Trump is the one who helped release the current leader of the Taliban. Pompeo is shown pictures with him a year ago talking about their “deal”. Who has labeled the Taliban as our enemy in the past. Well the Bush’s, Obama, Clinton’s. Who uses our military to smash out the Taliban in past occasions. The same 3 folks. What’s happening in Afghanistan. It’s practically called the Hell hole for the past 20 years. The same people who call me a nazi today, called the Taliban my number one enemy for decades before Trump. Child trafficking bring my number one concern, and that country is riddled with it. Those 80 billion worth of weapons left behind, whose that helping, why was it left. Who are the Taliban fighting. What war are we in?
Where are all the videos of killings and beheadings of Christian? Do these people not have phones? Where’s the evidence the Taliban are killing everybody? Why did the Taliban already say women will have rights, under Islamic law. Why was there a border wall built between Afghanistan and Pakistan, nearly the same time we were building our wall. Who are they trying to protect? And who is they? The Afghanistan government took their money and fled the country.
So why is Trump saying these things? Pressure. Go get’em Joe! I mean, old Joe has the military right. He can rescue them all right? I mean people are dying!!!! Are they?
The Newspapers used to really bash many religions here in the US. The Amish were falsely accused of killing babies in rituals, the Jews wore hats to hide their horns, every faith that believes in God. Jesus told us not to worry how other religions worship God, worry about those that don't know him. Spread the Good Word. The Taliban is religious and got feed up with the Opium trade ruining their country, everyone wanting a piece of them, even the way the countries borders were set up was for the deep state. I am starting to believe that POTUS did make a deal with the Taliban, not as an enemy but as a new ally, giving them enough military equipment and the people to train them to give them the strength to stop everybody and there brother using their country. The Opium was protected by our troops from the Taliban burning the fields. No wonder the deep state is freaking out, the opium trade just got a big hit.
Yep, agreed crazyvloud. 👍
Ok. That makes more sense than everything going to shit within hours and the “president” doing nothing. The conspiracies are easier to believe than the narrative. Thank you.
Afgans don't have phones, they're poor AF. Many communities there don't even have electricity.
It's a shit hole. I don't doubt there are outsiders and women and children being killed because that is what those animals have been doing for ages, going waaaay back before we ever set foot in that disaster.
Pakistan built a border wall because terrorists were doing attacks in Afghanistan and then hiding in Pakistan.
They didn’t have problems uploading videos 20 years ago. It was constant. Now personally I think it was more CIA driven back then. And the same now. To paint our enemy for us. Unite America so we hate an enemy “they” tell us to hate. So what’s changed? The “hate them” rhetoric is back again, but this time no evidence. 80 billion worth of weaponry, and no cameras? Give me a break. I’m surprised we haven’t had a beheading video yet, of some Christian family by “masked” terrorist. Problem is, it will be uploaded from Georgia, instead of Afghanistan most likely.
88 Nov 05, 2017 1:31:00 AM EDT Anonymous Ten days. DARKNESS. Scare tactics (MSM). D's falling. R's walk-away/removed. SA --> US --> Asia --> EU Disinformation is real. Distractions are necessary...... Q never said ten days [of] darkness..
Started off interesting, then went batshit crazy about 60% through.
Oh well.
Stunning and convincing work.
I can’t get this to load. I see the video but it won’t start playing
I re-hosted it on catbox, maybe this will load better for you.
Try clicking on the link provided by qwhyamihere