What in the actual fuck
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good LORD! Please help US!!!!!
PLS God 🙏it’s getting bad w this
Vaccines are a GREAT idea for pregnant women, especially the new shiny covid gene therapy!
Check this out!
Not to mention that pregnant women were totally excluded from the "studies" they did on these vaccines before rushing them out the door. Literally no data. But its safe. the fuck...
I'm DYING to know how many of these women do all the usual things like;
-Don't drink alcohol
Etc etc.
So they do all that, but have no problem injecting a literaly brand spanking new, experimental gene therapy into their body & that of their baby.
I just can't......
agreed, totally shocking that any rational pregnant woman would accept these vaccines
(Psst. If you want to make it clear that you are being sarcastic, you may use one star before and after any statement you intend sarcastically....)
Eh...... I feel that kind of makes it less funny sometimes... Plus I feel like around here, it's not needed......
I see your point tho. 😎
Think about it this way.
Given the vax basically gives people either instant death from blood coagulation, or long terms what is basically non-HIV AIDS...
What the elites are doing is culling compliance OUT Of the population in the single greatest selective pressure in history.
Then consider the vax is actually genetic alteration eugenics. So their children will also have compromised immune systems. This will continue no matter how many kids they have because their genes are permanently altered, killing off entire bloodlines.
In 10 years, everybody who had the nature to be blindly submissive to authority and too stupid to question a really bad deal will be dead. Among the vaxed, anybody who already had weak constitutions will be dead, and their children won't make it either.
Imagine the world that comes after the massive culling of the dumbest, most servile, and weakest of humanity. You will have entire populations of strong, healthy people who will not be governed without their permission.
I was thinking the same thing. If the weakest die and there is only non-compliant, freedom loving people, how does the elite will stop their own slaughter in the future? They are poisoning the same idiots who will follow orders for them.
Natural selection is real and we are seeing it in real time.
Its why I keep thinking the vax is a massive, massive fuck up.
See in general their goal was to throw Trump out and then basically enact the meat of his plans themselves and steal credit. Why? Well its all Liberals can do: steal.
Only no surprised they are fucking that up, that is why the country is on fire and soon even basics like food supply, maybe even electricity are going to fail. Why? Because they can't do anything right, they are pillaged, rich, entitled socialists and their IQ is less than their age. Remember these fucks running things now are people who have been given boosts, insider connections, and daddy's money their entire lives. They have never struggled. So they are monumental fuck ups.
It was supposed to work, and the kicked Trump out so they could take credit and be the popular heros of the world.
But it doesn't work, and worse its the WORST public health catastrophe in human history BAR NONE.
The thing that makes me think is a fuck up, and not intentional, is the elite themselves are injected. They were the first to line up for the shots, AND their treasured servants like the Uniparty Neos in congress, their staff, and the staff at fortune 500 were also jabbed. And those people are getting sick and dying. Members of the media, members of mega businesses, and even some of the wealthy.
Its an unmitigated catastrophe.
I think Darth Fauci forced the use of an mRNA vaccine because it would make him billions. But as that was done, it was found at first it worked. It works by greatly lowing a person's immunity, basically giving them non-HIV Aids, so that the inflammation of Covid doesn't kill people. So then they ran with it HARD in the hopes they could meet Herd Immunity theory and end the Covid crisis and get back to Global capitalism.
The trouble is some people it clots all their blood in hours, in others it causes their immune system to start attacking their heart, in others their nervous system is killed by their own immune system, and name your organs, it turns the body on itself. Its sending the human immune system haywire, some people end up with no immunity, others with their strong immunity turned against themselves. And its a genetic edit so its permanent and inheritable.
In the end this is the END of the world as we know it. The Western nations, as governments, are going to collapse into ruin. Globalism is dead already, and the global economy has merely not finishing dying. China is gonna chernoblyize and simply cease to exist. They are going to go down hardest becuase China's economy is massively over-leveraged and over extended. Like the CCP has been paying factories to make junk that goes straight from the factory, to a store, to the landfill without a consumer involved. That and China has LONG history of massive, genocidal, insane, bloodbath civil wars. Once they go up, the Chinese are going to go insane and burn everything down and kill each other.
The West will fare better, the people, the infrastructure, and the will to find a way are not going anywhere. The USA is doomed, as Q well said "they will not be able to walk the streets" which means They are everybody involved in the government and the dirty cops who protected the State by beating the people. But AMERICA will persevere and survive. And I think that is where much of the Q stuff comes in. Its about making sure the military stays intact and doesn't start fighting with itself as the civilian government collapses. Its about keeping the states held together long enough for the federal government to be rebuilt with a completely new system that doesn't have the old system's flaws.
Though now with the soldiers being vaxxed (supposedly at least) its looking pretty goddamned dire.
I think when all of this is over 50% of the entire human species is going to be dead, and most of them will be Chinese. After all China is going form 2.5 billion to 100 million, aka less than 1%. I expect the USA is going to lose about 20-35% of its total population in the next year, mostly the NEETS in Liberal cities, and those who were devastated by the Vax.
With the time you have left, its time to start studying skills. People need to get some basics of carpentry, farming, mechanics, and survival under their belts. I don't think we are going medieval, but HARD times lie ahead. And if people don't have the skills to step up and take over as their fellows drop dead left and right, there will be nobody to keep modern life running.
But how many of the elites just pretended to take it? Do you think gates takes his own kill shots?
More like….silent weapons for quiet wars
This is the new abortion… gotta get those sacrifices to moloch in somehow.
I thought we were supposed to be watching a movie, not a horror show!
Yup the world has to be destroyed. I have accepted this and am just preparing to reap the rewards.
That is easy. When the sheeple / bleeding hearts are gone we kill off the evil mother fuckers behind this shit to the last one.
More people would rather be in the majority than be right (as in correct). Social outcasting is a strong component built over eons...hard to shake.
Why do we need people to wake up? At what cost? I think enough have woken up.
Especially when revolutions have been fought before with only 3% of the population participating.
Was discussing that with someone the other day on conflicting numbers of 71% vs 50% and I pointed out that at best 71% might include people who got the first jab and blew off the second one after having side effects from the first one, witnessing others having problems from the second one, and/or finding out that it doesn't really protect them anyway so why continue through with it.
Have some faith.
Maybe you just don’t know how absurd those numbers are.
94-96% being lost contradicts Trump’s huge election victory.
And contradicts every other aspect of reality lol
4-6% is over 20 million people in the US alone.
You're confusing the people in the middle who can be coerced with the small slice of population that are literally willing to walk off a cliff if told to by the right group. The ones you can't get through with any level of explanation. The literal definition of extremists.
In order to get that low, msm and big tech have to be dealt with. Their propaganda has its tendrills deep
I find it odd that SenateAnon came along on the the Chans and blew the lid wide open on PizzaGate, sex trafficking ring, and Racine Wisconsin. It is undeniable that Racine is the enemies main hub.
Then shortly after Q appeared on the Chans.
Flash forward to today, the media is now mashing those two names together to flood the entirety of search results making it harder to find SenateAnon.
SenateAnon + Q = QAnon.
Lots of fuckery going on guys......
I know you guys don't want to hear this... but prepare for the worst....
The Bible does say that end times will have false saviors and lots of deception.
Wow. Never even heard of SenateAnon before. Can you point me somewhere I can read up on them? I wonder what else I have missed. Thank you for mentioning this.
Really good stuff. You, u/TrustTheTruth and a few other Anons have really done some hard digging. Kudos. So much to read & learn...
Thank you.
That's what I said this is NO damn movie it's s horror flick ,, what the actual F ,, praise God almighty , we need you now! The plan has to be rounding the corner ,, God have mercy white hats have compassion , it's gotta stop
i've been saying this for years
If I was that woman's husband and something/anything happened to the baby I would find that "nurse" and she would have a very bad day. A willing accomplice to murder/mayhem of the unborn can't hide behind "it was my job".
Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— for we are members of his body. “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” Ephesians 5:22-31 NIV
The word of God. I didn't want to get jabbed, but my husband is asleep and tells me to get the vax almost every day. I wasn't sure but the verse reminded me that God wants me to submit to him in everything and get the jab even if I don't think its right. Thank you.
NO! God doesn’t want you to do THAT?!! Trust that God made you perfectly, and this man made virus & “vaccine” are against His will. Lie to your husband if you have to!! It’s YOUR LIFE 💕
God clearly says that I have to submit to my husband, I'm thankful for the comment above reminding me of that. So that's what I will do.
Well? I'm speechless. God Bless you Sister, but you said it yourself...and your gut-instinct was correct.
according to the exclusion criteria listed here,(at the bottom) pregnant or breastfeeding women were not included in trials.
Facts play no part in this equation. Our society has evolved past facts, data or real science. That stuff is just nonsense. Most people now base it on the Social Justice credits, how they can feel good, be a hero, go with the crowd, be popular, put it on social media for the "look at me" points & get their 30 clicks of fame.
Lysenkoism for a new century.
Now there is a term I've not seen in likely a decade and perfect for where we are. Good catch. Be interesting to see how many die this round.
Thanks i hadn't seen this. Still, no phase 1 for them. And according to the dates, must be still ongoing. So the push is not warranted.
Tbey know tbeir lies are coming to an end so they are pushing harder than ever to kill as many as possible before it all blows up
Hmm......doesn't make sense to me though.
You can't drink vaxxed blood or use their spike protein infested organs for your research, unless you're specifically targeting that kind of research.
My friend got the second dose about a month ago. She had a miscarriage this past weekend, 9 weeks pregnant. She wasn't pregnant on the first dose. She feels horrible, and I would never suggest to her that it might have been the vax that caused it, but I can't help to think it was.
You need to tell her. We are grown enough to have children, she needs to know the truth so she doesn’t jab anything into her future children. It’s important!
She was adamant about refusing the vax, her boss wouldn't let up about it and she ended up getting it. I'm sure she's put the correlation together by now. She's very upset and I don't want to be the guy that's like, told you so.
She got married late, we are all in our 40s, so probably age might have something to do with it also. No need for me to make it worse.
You could find her boss and lay it at his slimy, chicken shit feet, or worse. Leave her to grieve in peace.
The woman was 9 weeks pregnant, not 9 months. When a woman is < 20 weeks pregnant, she has a 82% risk of miscarriage.
I read a sad story a woman had gone through IVF and finally became pregnant. She was 9 months pregnant and ready to deliver and got the Covid shot. Her baby died within her at 9 months.
She's very likely infertile now. The spike proteins attack the ovaries. Very sad.
That miscarriage risk seems a tad high.
There was a study done on "Rate of Miscarriage of Women less than 20 weeks gestation". In the New England Journal of Medicine. They came up with 10 -12%.
However, when you look at the participants in the study the MAJORITY of women were in their third trimester, past 20 weeks.
If you ONLY look at the women < 20 weeks, then of 127 women < 20 weeks, 104 of them had a miscarriage. That makes the percentage 82%.
That means the study published in the New England Journal of Medicine was misleading, because most of the participants were past 20 weeks gestation.
Medical Study Shows 82% Miscarriage Rate For Pregnant Women Vaxxed In First 2 Trimesters:
The Covid jab blocks women's Syncytin, which is needed to create and maintain the placenta. In men, it is involved in making sperm. Perhaps the further you are along in the pregnancy, the more established and robust the placenta is for the fetus.
Yes, we are talking about pregnancy and Covid jabs.
No prob llama. :)
This ^
Too late for her to have kids now though.
Damage is done.
There aren’t gonna be any future children now and most of us know this..sad but most likely true
Pure bloods will have to repopulate.
My Swedish friend a few minutes ago:
Yup. My friend was to coerced by her work. She was tired of them asking about it.
The one study out here showed that 8/10 first trimester shot subjects suffered miscarriage. So yes, the shot caused it and they know
I made a post about this with my Sister in-law. They refuse to accept it was the vaccine. The baby was iVF so it was "tested" and the doc assured them there was nothing that could stop this baby...
Or is he a bad friend? She may get the booster now because he didn’t say anything? I don’t know we are living in crazy times it’s hard to sort anything out.
My friend's neighbors are proudly and fully jabbed and boosted. She is 4 months pregnant. At last week's check up, baby's weight is in the 12% percentile. They are becoming very worried. We're gonna see a lot more of this, I fear.
I hope you made fun of them.
Make fun of a couple who is about to have a baby w possible defects due to their stupidity. Yeah, that’s exactly what came to my mind.
Idiots get what they deserve. If they and others like them has simply refused the clot shots we would not be in this bad place. Fark em.
I get it. But the baby is innocent in the matter. Disregard for human life got us in this mess To begin with.
I actually agree that the baby is awful and sad that the child is like that. BUT it is squarely on the hands of the unfit parents. They should be shamed and mocked. They did this, make them feel bad for their farkup
I live in DC suburbs. These people will walk into a wood chipper if the party tells them to. I’m so glad I’m getting out after decades.
I got outta Maryland a year ago & will never look back. EGRESS!!! EVACUATE ASAP!!! 😂💕
I feel bad for the likely to be dead baby but I agree, I'm so done being civilized with these sort of people. Speak back to them in the language that they understand.
Exactally, they would wish death on us, but we always hold back because we are better then them. I say enough already, I wish them ill health.
Question: In the case of an expectant mother receiving the vaccine and if the fetus survives, does the mRNA from the vaccine integrated into the baby's RNA/DNA? Why would they push this so aggressively (aside from the depopulation angle)? At this point, I'm always assuming they are motivated to do the worst damage to the human race.
Normie: It probably protects the baby! Reality: You’re killing the baby.
"They Know, they just don't care" Doctors and nurses have gone to the Dark Side. They have chosen the $$$$$$$ over healing others, there Will be a horrifying Neverending punishment for them.
it hasn't been about 'healing' for a long long time
Came here to say this. For anyone just getting caught up, modern medicine is designed to keep you ill. The money is in in the treatment, not the cure.
If you think I'm being hyperbolic or unfair, just look at covid. look at all the intrusions into our lives that took place in the name of "health". Yet if you even notice that a fat person is fat, you're fat-shaming them. Literally obesity is the #1 comorbidity for dying of covid yet do we hear anything about eating better, exercising, or changing habits as a way to bring covid mortality down? Fuck no we don't!
The medical industry (and that's exactly what it is, especially in the US - it's very for-profit) makes all their money on repeat customers. If you're healthy, they don't make money. If they give covid patients off-patent HCQ or Ivermectin, they don't make money. If they ventilate a patient (thereby blowing out their lungs and usually killing them) they get a HUGE payout from the government, $13k-30k last I checked. Per. Patient.
This is why they are using the Remdesivir + straight-to-ventilator "protocol". Its meant to do maximum damage for maximum profit. Occam's razor.
You get it. Based!
Yep. Never willingly go to a hospital if you value your life.
If you're going unwillingly, it should only be because a car accident left you unconscious. I used to say only a massive car wreck would make me consent to go to a hospital. Now, I'm pretty sure I'd rather die on the side of the road with my free will intact than ever submit myself to the care of these egomaniacs.
If you think about it, the medical field seems to be where they are best at filtering people out because they've managed to justify firing unvaccinated doctors and nurses more than other fields.
I've been keeping tabs on a woman I work with, she's about 12 weeks now, and she just got her second jab a little over a month ago. She has mentioned irregularly fast heartbeat. And she just found out it is a boy. This last sunday. It is her first child. And I have been praying for the development to go well. Man, I hope she doesn't lose it. But if she does... it's going to suuuuuccckkkk...
I have two friends I'm concerned for as well. I'm worried an even more unfortunately thing is that the babies will likely be born healthy only to have health problems later and everyone will deny it's from this vaccine.
Children dying young as well. I had a friend when I was a kid (so long before COVID) who seemed perfectly fine, then ine day she went to sleep and never woke up again. She was 9 years old. The best idea I've put together as to what happened was an undiagnosed heart defect.
It's gonna be a long time before we really see the vaccines consequences, and I fear it will be heartbreaking once the side effects are discovered.
Same thing happened to a cousin of mine when he was 18, went to take a nap one day and never woke up. So far his brothers tested have negative for the same defect.
Yeah. . It fucking sucks. And considering people have literally put the vaccine into the bodies of themselves and their trusting children, I can see them never letting go.
Kinda what I was doing. And I will certainly update if situation changes.
Future Babylon Bee headline-
CDC recommends vaccinations as easy way for pregnant women to skirt the Texas abortion bans
Send this to them please. This has to happen
Prophetic. 👍🏽
Disgusting! Shame on any soon to be parents that would put their child in such danger! They also should be charged with murder if their child dies or child abuse if their child has damage due to to it. These people sicken me!!
Sheep gonna sheep.
Most people are not awake, and fully trust their goveenment/news.
I wouldn't take it out on the parents.
I want those at the top to get a very low haircut.
Hey FBI: Through lawful means, of course!
Unfortunately for them will end in severe punishment from God.
No one really believes these people care about babies, do they?
That's been my approach and commentary since last winter: "wait, we're pretending that they care about my health?" People don't know how to reply and it shuts down the script
The most powerful sacrifices to Moloch are the innocent ones. This is why the demons in congress fight so hard for abortion!
I'll be hiding behind my quarter hispanic label if they come knocking on our doors. Not that my virtue signaling white as fuck extended family cares. To them, hispanics are ppoverty stricken immigrants who deserve the best in order to get up. I don't count im their eyes- whoch I get. What kills me is that my Dad doesn't count either, and while he's doing fine now, he fit into their stereotypical image of a poor soul needing assistance when he was younger (1 of 7 siblings, father died when he was a teen, worked full time going to college full time and gave money he earned to support his younger family members and nieces and nephews born to his teenage sister).
They look at him, and just cause he inherited a white phenotype and never talks about it, they go say he isn't hispanic. Like. His father literally was.
If they're for hispanics, but my father nor doesn't count in their eyes, then. It makes me feel crazyyyy.
Imprompto rant over
Or...Latino Citizens > Immigrants who work
Always was 👍🏽
The spirit of Moloch is hungry.
And has now entered the chatroom.
Easy way to bypass the hurdles getting the jab into very young children.
What is there to get, They are Literally Demons
Please dear Lord protect my pregnant daughter from being vaccinated or forced to be vaccinated by her employer. We need you now Lord. Please help us in the name of Jesus. Amen
Amen - praying for your daughter, her baby, and your family.
Thank you!
Pure fucking evil...
Problem is people just go along with it! They're so in the brain washing tank they will do whatever they're told! It's going to take a lot of pain before the light shines.
Because no one would participate in their bull shit Covid trial. Don’t vaccine ever!
Sovereign Lord Come and Crush the Spirit of the Age!
Hell to the NO!
death shots for everyone!!!
Aw your baby die??? Well that's very rare... /s
No idea when all this changed but they used to not even let you have wine when you were pregnant, so why are these women all for flu, COVID, MMR vaxs? Absolutely numbing.
“The sheep must be culled before they wake up”
—Nancy Pelosi
Archived Tweet:
I can practically hear Moloch tap dancing in hell.
We should have never trusted the CDC to foreign nationals.
Communist Disease Center
Can’t build back better until you destroy it first.