Just because your born in Kenya doesn't mean you aren't american...Ted Cruz was born in Canada. Obamas parents, at least his mom, were American citizens. Making him a citizen thru birthright citizenship
Yes, they had her "find" the document behind a filing cabinet. Then she had to disappear. I've read in a few places that the woman they got to do that was Obama's mother. They then cleaned up the "paper trail" by getting rid of her. There was a guy who used to snorkel in that bay and he said they were in shallow water where you could stand up. The photos do show that no one was exhibiting any distress. When you look for it, you can see it. It appears to be another false flag using crisis actors. The only person who died was Loretta Fuddy who just happened to be in some weird religious cult with Obama's mother. The author of the article thought Loretta Fuddy and Obama's mother were one and the same person.
Have to be born as a "natural born" citizen. If one's parents are in the military and stationed overseas, that counts as a "natural born" citizen US birth.
Natural born citizen has a more strict definition than just a citizen. The intent was to prevent foreign citizens (even Americans born in another country could have a 2nd citizenship by birth) and those who could have a foreign citizenship via their parents. If you are not running for president or VP, it won't affect your life.
True..what we do know and should focus on is the certificate of birth having 72 instances of forgery. The article may be honey pot crap; the kind Hildawg stepped in back in 2008.
Sarah wrote in her book about Obama giving the Russians information on the locations of our missile silos. She said file this under "WTF" I'm paraphrasing. Did that book piss off No Name and the Kenyan? Also, just running with No Name might have put her in the presence of his buddies without her knowing it. I am sure we will find out some day.
She had just had a baby who had Down’s Syndrome and she had a large family, so it was a difficult situation to put someone in—especially a mom from Alaska. When you don’t know what you’re doing, you rely on “experts” a lot. As a Republican, I was super frustrated that McCain won the nomination—we all hated him and he was the last person we wanted to see, especially after a deep group of highly qualified candidates. But it was one of the first cracks in my realization that the elections were rigged. I think most of us were glad to have her as a breath of fresh air at an otherwise horrifying time.
There is a date and a timestamp, by a third party with no skin in the game other than providing an archiving service, and changes can be tracked. This gives a forensic trail that cannot be denied or dis-proven.
"Birther" means someone who contradicted Obama's Hawaii story after he started running for president. Before he was running for president, it didn't really matter where he was born.
He is either A) born in Kenya, or B) used it to create street cred that he otherwise wouldn't have gotten. I mean had he said he was born in Hawaii and raised by rich, white folk, it wouldn't have gone over very well with his potential voters. Either way, he's a POS.
He didn't need to gain any street cred. He bulldozed his way into the WH with lies, murder and deceit because he'd been selected. He needed to hide the fact he'd visited the US from Asia as a foreign student..Born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia with a brief stop off in Hawaii to build a fake backstory.
If he was trying to hide the fact he was born in Kenya, why did he promote it so much? Hell, his publisher had his place of birth as Kenya for what, 10 years?
... actually, in 2008, Obama was just a freshman, junior senator from Illinois,
and he was also running for President, presumably as a no-name, token-candidate, to make the Democrat party appear to be lead by women and PoC.
GWB was still President, and was very un-popular at the end of his term.
GWB was a Republican, (fall guy), so the electorate would backlash against Republicans, and vote for a Democrat, and the Democrat would be Hillary Clinton.
in 2008, the fix was already in, FOR HILLARY!
Obama was just supposed to campaign long enough to get some name and face recognition, some TV time, some national exposure, maybe a prominent role in a Hillary Administration. (SoS?)
Then, after 8 years of the "first woman" president,
we would have 8 years of the "first black" president.
and it was all scripted, like woke Hollywood bullshit.
So me, being a left-leaning Democrat at the time,
threw my support behind Obama, and helped him win the Iowa Caucus, which was NOT supposed to happen.
Hillary was supposed to win the Iowa Caucus, and she was ahead in the polls just 3 weeks before the caucus,
and Obama was in 3rd place, behind John Edwards.
so we leveraged an NPR shit-piece, to create a controversy among Democrats.
the NPR shit-piece was a hit piece on both Hillary AND Obama.
NPR was pretending to be journalists, and pretending to be critical, and more specifically they were trying to be EQUALLY critical of both candidates.
for Obama, the story was that Obama mentioned a dying man, while making a stump speech. NPR followed up with that dying mans's sister, who claims that Obama promised her brother that he would write him a letter, BUT Obama never followed thru, and it broke her brothers heart NOT to hear from Obama, because obviously thats what her dying brother is thinking about while he is dying.
and so the whole premise of this piece, is to present some awkward, one-off situation, that people can easily empathize with, BUT that its also easy for the people to forgive...
like honestly, who here HASN'T blown-off writing a letter to a dying man while trying to run for President?
who here can empathize with Obama for (not) doing that, and forgive him?
So, the hit-piece about Hillary was about how Hillary mentioned, during a stump speech, a struggling waitress who she had met along the campaign trail,
and her entourage rolled into a small town diner, and ran up a big bill, BUT forgot to tip the waitress.
and of course, this story resonates with people, especially anyone who ever worked for tips, and got stiffed on a tip... which is a lot of people, including me, and probably you...
and so the Hillary stiffs the waitress story, sounds like Marie Antoinette,
"Let Them Eat Cake" is attributed to Marie Antoinette,
however some people claim she never TECHNICALLY said it,
but that her CRITICS came up with this quote, and attributed it to her, and it became true on the internet.
BUT, this Hillary stiffs a waitress narrative was suitable to the architects of our reality, because it foreshadowed what her (white majority) legacy would be, and what the political climate that Obama (PoC) would step into.
They had it all planned out...
But then when we saw the game they were playing, we went with Obama first, as a way to keep Hillary OUT of the White House for just one more day.
Having Obama win was hard on the Democrats, especially the women, who got caught up in the "first woman to X" narrative.
Look where the Democrats are today.
Technically in power, but yet their ineptness is on display for the whole world to see.
People gave Trump a hard time when he was wanting Obama to release his birth certificate and remember the millions of dollars Obama spent covering up his stuff in Hawaii?
fren, that link is explosive, bc it implicates Pelosi too. Would you consider making one of your thoughtful and well researched threads including that link?
I think there would have been a revolt if they would ha e dealt with it whole Trump was in office, especially after all the rave baiting Obummer did while in office and all the racial stuff during Trumps term. His fake birth place is the least of his problems.
I never saw this article but I don't think I ever doubted the truth behind his citizenship as I knew he was a rave baiting piece of shit. And yes, Killary sure was the originator of the birthing bombshell. It mist kill her to play nice with O'bummer.
Yes they did. Wasn't gay marriage made legal O'bummer. I think most of government is. I wonder if that will be overturned. I have nothing against gay people, I just don't know how that would work. It goes against God's Law. We will be One Nation Under God.
Natural Born Citizen. What did the founders mean?
How does that requirement affect the president Obama and those running for that office.
By RA Love (Ranlove)
I'm often stunned to hear officials and lay people try to re-define the meaning of NATURAL BORN CITIZEN. This phrase appears in the constitution as part of the requirements for the President and Vice President.
Article II Section 1.5 states:
No person except a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States.
The statement seems pretty clear except for the first line up to the comma. We need to define NATURAL BORN CITIZEN and what the founders meant by "or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution",.
Lets tackle the last part of the line first: "or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution,." Quite simply this lets the founders and other men of age (at that time) to be eligible for the office. Without this wordings there could be no one elected as president because at that time there was no person that fit the definition of Natural Born Citizen ( in the new United States). As part of that definition you had to be a citizen of the United States for 14 years. Because the republic was brand new, the founders were saying that if you were a citizen at the time of the adoption of the document then you were eligible.
Now lets take a look at the part in question NATURAL BORN CITIZEN.
Natural Born Citizen is an interesting phrase. The thought that the framers would use that term for it just to mean a citizen born naturally by natural birth seems strange, as birth and natural born were most likely assumed at the time. So, it must mean something special.
The framers new that in order to have a union that was secure and free from outside influence such as elected officials that might be influenced by forigen governments, they had to make sure that the founding documents had some written provision that excluded outside influence. Therefore the term Natural Born Citizen. But what does it actually mean?
Before the Constitution the closest reference we have to Natural Born Citizen is from the legal treatise “The Law of Nations,” written by Emerich de Vattel in 1758. In book one chapter 19, iit reads:
§ 212. Of the citizens and natives. (bold is mine)
“The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born. I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.”
Vattel definies the term quite eloquently. This is the meaning that the founders were referring to. But there is a problem. How are we to know that is what the founders were referring? Vattel was French did any of the founders even speak french as well as read the french language?
This from the professional interpreter,dated July 4th 2012:
Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, first Secretary of State under Washington, and our third President spoke English, French, Italian, Latin, and he could read Greek, and Spanish. Benjamin Franklin, America’s first diplomat and well-known genius spoke English, French and Italian. Our second President: John Adams spoke English, French and Latin. President James Madison spoke English, Greek, Latin and Hebrew. James Monroe spoke English and French.
So there we have it. The only thing we need to do is link the founding fathers with Vattel. In the memoirs, coorispondence and misalanience notes of Thomas Jefferson volume 3, Jefferson quotes Vattel in French. He refers to Vattel as an elightened an disinterested judge. This to any should be the final nail in the coffin, however many still are deaf blind and dumb. This by eather by design or ignorance is the crux of the matter. For there can be no doubt of the meaning of the term and what the founders were trying to say. We can also be of no doubt the POTUS (Obama) was never qualified to be president. By his own admission his father was a british subject. Obama's qualification to be president was overlooked on purpose by the democrats and the wording of the document for his qualification was altered just slightly so as to look like it conformed to the constitutional requirements. Nancy Pelosi was right in the middle of the entire conspriacy.
This would have been a simple problem to resolve. However our senators, representatives and yes even the Supreme Court refuses to address the issue. The complicit main stream press continues to ignore every piece of evidence licking the boots of the usurper Obama.
The 2016 elections: Ted Cruz was born in Canada. His mother was an American citizen at the time of his birth but his father was not. His father later became a citizen. This is not what Vattel was saying. Naturalized citizen is not part of the narrative. Ted Cruz by Definition of natural born citizen is not eligible to be president.
I have tried and failed to find the original source of this screenshot. I have even used the subscription-based databases to search for archived news stories from foreign countries. I cannot find this story or wording anywhere in existence.
However, I do find ALMOST the exact copy of this wording in multiple copy-cat articles from that time, which isn’t uncommon with the AP. Here is one that is almost exactly the same, except for the every word but the “Kenyan-born” phrase.”
So without the original source to evaluate, and with the other evidence that exists, I have TWO possible conclusions.
In 2004 (the time that the alleged source cited was published as well as the MSM stories copying it), Barack Obama, an unknown, was already having his international birth status covered up by the MSM. Please note that in 2004, Obama was an Illinois State Senator, so the entire MSM would have to be covering for a random state Senator just in case he might run for POTUS in four years, among all the other more popular candidates like Clinton who was Supposed to Win.
This is a fake screenshot that used an existing story from 2004 and added a Kenyan-born line. There is no evidence that this story has ever existed outside of this screenshot, and there are plenty of existing versions of this story published at the same time that do not have this line.
Wouldn’t you expect a Kenyan-based newspaper to spell the name “Barack” correctly? Then why is it misspelled in the screenshot?
Without the original source to analyze, I can’t tell that this is real. And without a real source to analyze, I can’t verify anything about this screenshot.
I paid actual money searching for this original article and could not find it. Is anyone else able to source the original text in this screenshot?
If not, what exactly is convincing you that this is a trustworthy piece of evidence besides the conclusion it supports?
Alright, I appreciate the source, although it's seeming... obvious... why it doesn't come up in a search of traditional databases.
For this to be some sort of damning evidence, it needs to be considered a credible source. You seem to see it as one. So I need some help understanding something.
I've read the story. I see that it seems to share wording with popularly-run AP stuff, and to be clear, your sourced story cites the AP as the author of the text, even though it differs from the actual text run in the AP.
Are you suggesting, then, that the AP did originally run the story that said, "Kenyan-born", but then realized its mistake, erased it, and the only people who didn't change the story was this East African Standard? So that's why it's credible?
Can you explain to me why I should take a source that misspells Barack Obama's name as the most credible source of his heritage?
If I presented a single source to you confirming that Don Watkins is Q, and then told you that meant Ron Watkins was definitely Q, would you be willing to give that evidence the benefit of the doubt?
So the answer is no, you can’t explain why I should take a random website that misspells Obama’s name as an authoritative source on his heritage that outweighs those sources that properly spell his name.
If this is an incorrect assumption, I’ll hear the justification for why this source should be considered as authoritative anyway.
If we’re talking about moving goalposts, I am expecting the argument that this website is revealing the True Name of Obama, and that “Barack Obama” is a cover name or something developed by the Deep State, and there are no such things as misspellings in Q World. I’ll be interested in a more dynamic theory, but I guess I’ll see how you respond.
So it’s not like Malik is claiming to have grown up with the man. Him being a family member was enough credibility to make his claim worth looking into more closely, but it doesn’t add enough weight for me to take his claim on faith and assume that maybe everyone is wrong about when the Republic of Kenya officially existed on legal documentation.
Unfortunately for you, if you’re right, you’re still demonstrating no competency in addressing it.
Disassembling a foundation of lies means proving verifiably each and every lie. Not simply dismissing the entire system.
Even if the mass media is putting out nothing but the exact opposite of the truth, proving that is going FAR beyond saying, “the media distorts stuff sometimes.”
There is a chasm of difference between understanding that a source is biased and misleading, and believing it produces nothing but lies.
Researchers understand this.
Researchers do not dismiss evidence based entirely on the source or what conclusion that evidence supports.
I’ve examined evidence presented, by you, in the form of random blogs and anonymous Twitter accounts.
You won’t even consider anything remotely possible if it even APPEARS to agree with a mainstream narrative.
Again, I’m not particularly intimidated by the confidence you have in the way you operate, and much of it is on the basis of these behaviors.
You often insist on a single possible interpretation to Q's questions without definitively showing me why I should rule out anything else. "Because it agrees with the mainstream news stories" is not ever a logical reason to simply dismiss an assertion, nor is it ever a logical reason to simply accept it. Every claim must be examined.
I can think of a million reasons why someone would take Russian, especially if they have any aspirations to serve in the government, in the military, in business, etc. Literally anyone who might interact with someone across borders would consider learning Russian a valuable skill.
I took Russian in college because I was bored of taking Spanish in high school. I knew there was always someone around who could speak Spanish, so Russian would be a valuable skill.
Why did Obama choose Renegade? Well, the whole family needed to start with the same letter, as is tradition. So the White House Communications Agency (which is staffed by the military) offered him a selection that started with R.
Let's assume just the sparkliest of intents for a moment. You don't see any non-suspicious reasons that Obama could identify as "Renegade"?
Not coming up and beating Clinton against all odds? Not for becoming the first black President? There's nothing about what he apparently accomplished that might explain this choice?
I don't find "he speaks a scary language" or "using a code name I don't like" to be a convincing argument for casting suspicious eyes. I understand that for you, it's simply a small part of the pile you think proves your case, but because I'm trying to examine each argument as it's presented and not simply accept or reject anything, I am evaluating each small piece of the pile.
Scientists aren't convinced there is a pile of anything until they have verified that each piece of that pile actually exists and agree that there are enough verified pieces to constitute a "pile" under a reasonable definition. I'm still working on that with your Q interpretations.
Wow so the Tea Party People were right all along weren’t they? 🤔
Just because your born in Kenya doesn't mean you aren't american...Ted Cruz was born in Canada. Obamas parents, at least his mom, were American citizens. Making him a citizen thru birthright citizenship
Ok so why did they lie and print a fake birth certificate to cover his allegedly totally legitimate Kenyan birth?
On top of that they killed the Health director who approved Obama birth certificate.
Absolute GOLD 💰 I’m gonna sit & watch that loop for a few hours…
Yes please! Gimme some of that!!!!!
My jury is out on Barr. He's possibly playing his roll well. Maybe, maybe not. We'll have to see how it plays out.
Implying Bill Barr isn't deep state
I’m thinking those frogmen saved her life
Could have very well be "rescued". Nothing like having dirt on a dirty politician to shorten your life span.
That was Obama's mother. Wasn't it interesting that the water she supposedly drowned in after the crash, was only a few feet deep. Another false flag.
You're saying the woman who drowned was obama's mother?
Yes, they had her "find" the document behind a filing cabinet. Then she had to disappear. I've read in a few places that the woman they got to do that was Obama's mother. They then cleaned up the "paper trail" by getting rid of her. There was a guy who used to snorkel in that bay and he said they were in shallow water where you could stand up. The photos do show that no one was exhibiting any distress. When you look for it, you can see it. It appears to be another false flag using crisis actors. The only person who died was Loretta Fuddy who just happened to be in some weird religious cult with Obama's mother. The author of the article thought Loretta Fuddy and Obama's mother were one and the same person.
My spouse wasn't born in the US, but he is a citizen. Could he be president? No. Citizenship does not equal American born.
You're right!
Have to be born as a "natural born" citizen. If one's parents are in the military and stationed overseas, that counts as a "natural born" citizen US birth.
How about if they worked for the cia? Check his parents out, quite a few posts on this site concerning them.
Yep, even his grandmother who worked at a bank was laundering 💵 for the Clowns In America
Weren't his grandparents card-carrying communists?
he is a American by his mother. If she really was his mother. but then why the fake hawaii birth certificate?
your spouses parents werent American citizens....
So why did Ted Cruz run?
His ego made him do it.
Because Zerobama got away with it.
The status of natural born citizen is only relevant to those running to be President or VP. It has 3 requirements, all of which must be met:
Obama, Cruz, Rubio, Kamala Harris all fail this standard
And Congress felt the need to make a special resolution to declare him a natural born citizen.
3a. Obama's mama has legitimate nudes you can find online. Like, old timey magazine nudes.
They don't have to be born in the US. Children of our servicemen who are born overseas, can qualify.
Natural born citizen has a more strict definition than just a citizen. The intent was to prevent foreign citizens (even Americans born in another country could have a 2nd citizenship by birth) and those who could have a foreign citizenship via their parents. If you are not running for president or VP, it won't affect your life.
Obviously I need to do more research on this.
Subject to jurisdiction of...so simple a fifth grader can explain it.
Citizenship isn't the issue.
True..what we do know and should focus on is the certificate of birth having 72 instances of forgery. The article may be honey pot crap; the kind Hildawg stepped in back in 2008.
Checked out the source: Wayback Machine, legit turned to that precise date in the article, June 27, 2004. It's there.
Edit: https://web.archive.org/web/20040627142700/eastandard.net/headlines/news26060403.htm
Good job anon.
I think it was something like 12 artifacts of forgery as per Arpaio's presentation.
Yes they do.
Did Sarah Palin say this? I imagine any 1/2 message cannot stand against a whole truth itself.
Sarah wrote in her book about Obama giving the Russians information on the locations of our missile silos. She said file this under "WTF" I'm paraphrasing. Did that book piss off No Name and the Kenyan? Also, just running with No Name might have put her in the presence of his buddies without her knowing it. I am sure we will find out some day.
Yes, she got dragged into the typical republican style of "don't be too mean or confrontational."
She had just had a baby who had Down’s Syndrome and she had a large family, so it was a difficult situation to put someone in—especially a mom from Alaska. When you don’t know what you’re doing, you rely on “experts” a lot. As a Republican, I was super frustrated that McCain won the nomination—we all hated him and he was the last person we wanted to see, especially after a deep group of highly qualified candidates. But it was one of the first cracks in my realization that the elections were rigged. I think most of us were glad to have her as a breath of fresh air at an otherwise horrifying time.
Yes, 9/11 was a false flag
Waybackmachine comes in handy
Well done, sir. Thank you.
https://archive.ph/2004.06.27-142700/http://eastandard.net/headlines/news26060403.htm it was archived so it's for eva .
Save everything offline!
hard copy
Carve these articles on stone slabs and bury them.
Nicely done !
The wayback will be Gold especially after MAGA;
to remind peeps of their positions, because these shitty progressive ideas will be orphans soon.
Checks out.
Apparently. I tried to use it once but had issues.
A wealth of screensavings from yesteryear' s websites. No denying as it is forensic.
Neat how is it forensic?
There is a date and a timestamp, by a third party with no skin in the game other than providing an archiving service, and changes can be tracked. This gives a forensic trail that cannot be denied or dis-proven.
Unless the 3rd party is compromised.
Yes indeed. .... that would be another layer ready for Occham's Razor raising the bar to actually downgrade the proof.
hat tip to @numina18
I've had that article, as well as others, saved on my computer since way before Q.
Dims forget that Hillary was the first birther.
Obama was, actually. I think he pushed the Kenyan angle to distance himself from Hawaii and rich, white grandparents raising him.
"Birther" means someone who contradicted Obama's Hawaii story after he started running for president. Before he was running for president, it didn't really matter where he was born.
I'm just saying, HE was saying he was birthed in Kenya before anyone else accused him of it.
That's why "birthers" were saying that after he started running for president and denied Kenya.
Then of course there is the very tampered with looking Hawaii birth certificate, not to mention Loretta Fuddy.
you mean his grandma, who was VP of the Bank of Hawaii, which is a well-known CIA money laundering operation.
jack ryan...the hunt for red october. i know it sounds dumb to briang this up but after all of the things w2e have seen over the last 6 years...
So right! I remember watching this unfold and thinking how fixed it all was! Then a short time later, Zero runs for president. Riiiight!
That's why I couldn't remember him as a politician.
It is amazing how many people ignore that fact.
Yes she was
Ha! Look at the reason why his opponent "dropped out."
Set up...
Pretty sure the intelligence community had a role in finding dirt on opponents and clearing a way for him.
...or planting dirt
define drop gun
After reading the full article, my thoughts exactly. Of course, no fight from the republicans.
Jack Ryan’s sealed divorce records were magically unsealed at the right time when it was too late for republicans to find a good candidate.
Obvious setup is obvious.
By Barry himself, most likely.
RIP Joan Rivers.
He is either A) born in Kenya, or B) used it to create street cred that he otherwise wouldn't have gotten. I mean had he said he was born in Hawaii and raised by rich, white folk, it wouldn't have gone over very well with his potential voters. Either way, he's a POS.
He didn't need to gain any street cred. He bulldozed his way into the WH with lies, murder and deceit because he'd been selected. He needed to hide the fact he'd visited the US from Asia as a foreign student..Born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia with a brief stop off in Hawaii to build a fake backstory.
If he was trying to hide the fact he was born in Kenya, why did he promote it so much? Hell, his publisher had his place of birth as Kenya for what, 10 years?
It didn’t matter until he wanted to become president… then it mattered and he changed his story and attacked anyone who challenged it.
Paul Harvey has entered the chat...
... actually, in 2008, Obama was just a freshman, junior senator from Illinois,
and he was also running for President, presumably as a no-name, token-candidate, to make the Democrat party appear to be lead by women and PoC.
GWB was still President, and was very un-popular at the end of his term.
GWB was a Republican, (fall guy), so the electorate would backlash against Republicans, and vote for a Democrat, and the Democrat would be Hillary Clinton.
in 2008, the fix was already in, FOR HILLARY!
Obama was just supposed to campaign long enough to get some name and face recognition, some TV time, some national exposure, maybe a prominent role in a Hillary Administration. (SoS?)
Then, after 8 years of the "first woman" president,
we would have 8 years of the "first black" president.
and it was all scripted, like woke Hollywood bullshit.
So me, being a left-leaning Democrat at the time,
threw my support behind Obama, and helped him win the Iowa Caucus, which was NOT supposed to happen.
Hillary was supposed to win the Iowa Caucus, and she was ahead in the polls just 3 weeks before the caucus,
and Obama was in 3rd place, behind John Edwards.
so we leveraged an NPR shit-piece, to create a controversy among Democrats.
the NPR shit-piece was a hit piece on both Hillary AND Obama.
NPR was pretending to be journalists, and pretending to be critical, and more specifically they were trying to be EQUALLY critical of both candidates.
for Obama, the story was that Obama mentioned a dying man, while making a stump speech. NPR followed up with that dying mans's sister, who claims that Obama promised her brother that he would write him a letter, BUT Obama never followed thru, and it broke her brothers heart NOT to hear from Obama, because obviously thats what her dying brother is thinking about while he is dying.
and so the whole premise of this piece, is to present some awkward, one-off situation, that people can easily empathize with, BUT that its also easy for the people to forgive...
like honestly, who here HASN'T blown-off writing a letter to a dying man while trying to run for President?
who here can empathize with Obama for (not) doing that, and forgive him?
So, the hit-piece about Hillary was about how Hillary mentioned, during a stump speech, a struggling waitress who she had met along the campaign trail,
and her entourage rolled into a small town diner, and ran up a big bill, BUT forgot to tip the waitress.
and of course, this story resonates with people, especially anyone who ever worked for tips, and got stiffed on a tip... which is a lot of people, including me, and probably you...
and so the Hillary stiffs the waitress story, sounds like Marie Antoinette,
"Let Them Eat Cake" is attributed to Marie Antoinette,
however some people claim she never TECHNICALLY said it,
but that her CRITICS came up with this quote, and attributed it to her, and it became true on the internet.
BUT, this Hillary stiffs a waitress narrative was suitable to the architects of our reality, because it foreshadowed what her (white majority) legacy would be, and what the political climate that Obama (PoC) would step into.
They had it all planned out...
But then when we saw the game they were playing, we went with Obama first, as a way to keep Hillary OUT of the White House for just one more day.
Having Obama win was hard on the Democrats, especially the women, who got caught up in the "first woman to X" narrative.
Look where the Democrats are today.
Technically in power, but yet their ineptness is on display for the whole world to see.
well strictly judging by his speech, vocabulary, sentence structure, etc he appears to be "well bred"
however, i do believe that in his books, he brags about being able to move in and out of various personas.
People gave Trump a hard time when he was wanting Obama to release his birth certificate and remember the millions of dollars Obama spent covering up his stuff in Hawaii?
rumor was, that Obama himself whacked her, in order to get what he wanted.
Like he made a deal with the Devil, and he had to sacrifice something that meant everything to him
Like Thanos murdering Gamora to get the Soul Stone.
Sacrifice someone.
Needs sauce.
More on the Kenyan
Fraud vitiates everything.
Nancy Pelosi was responsible for vetting Obama.
She submitted a fraudulent document to Congress.
"When the truth finally gets out and Obama goes down for eligibility, good ol’ Nancy babe is in BIG trouble."
Trump was one of the original birthers.
Do you think this treason was not dealt with after Trump took office?
Get ready for the big reveal.
Its coming.
fren, that link is explosive, bc it implicates Pelosi too. Would you consider making one of your thoughtful and well researched threads including that link?
This is what I think, too.
I think there would have been a revolt if they would ha e dealt with it whole Trump was in office, especially after all the rave baiting Obummer did while in office and all the racial stuff during Trumps term. His fake birth place is the least of his problems.
Anyone notice the part about Jack Ryan.
He was the frontrunner, then ALL OF A SUDDEN, sex scandal appears out of no where to ensure Barak got the nod.
Sounds like the DS modus operandi.
Epstein probs had some vids...
Wow! How can he be born in Kenna AND Hawaii at the SAME TIME... YES WE CAN!!! He must be a real man of miracles -libtards :P
Why are non US born people in our government. Seems a no Brainerd. Traitors easily enter our government controls. This is sick.
Especially the inordinate amount of Israelis.
That is just the tip of the iceberg on Barry Soetoro
That means every law he signed while in office is null and void.
I hope so. Just strike them off the records. It will be as tho he never existed!!!
A time is coming in which he will be BEGGING you to know that he is from Kenya.
I never saw this article but I don't think I ever doubted the truth behind his citizenship as I knew he was a rave baiting piece of shit. And yes, Killary sure was the originator of the birthing bombshell. It mist kill her to play nice with O'bummer.
They also covered up "Big Mike".
Yes they did. Wasn't gay marriage made legal O'bummer. I think most of government is. I wonder if that will be overturned. I have nothing against gay people, I just don't know how that would work. It goes against God's Law. We will be One Nation Under God.
Sodomites and tranny's should be outlawed.
There was also a flyer promoting his first book as him being born in Kenya.
The Dems tried to say it was a 'mistake' by the printer.
You can’t cheat the handman
LOL holy shit he was running against Jack Ryan? Like from the Tom Clancy novels. That's a funny coincidence (of which there are none).
Jack Ryan was the CIA guy (Alec Baldwin played the character) in Hunt for Red October. Verrrrrry interesting.
Trump was right
Trump was right about everything! NCSWIC
Natural Born Citizen. What did the founders mean? How does that requirement affect the president Obama and those running for that office. By RA Love (Ranlove) I'm often stunned to hear officials and lay people try to re-define the meaning of NATURAL BORN CITIZEN. This phrase appears in the constitution as part of the requirements for the President and Vice President. Article II Section 1.5 states: No person except a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States. The statement seems pretty clear except for the first line up to the comma. We need to define NATURAL BORN CITIZEN and what the founders meant by "or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution",. Lets tackle the last part of the line first: "or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution,." Quite simply this lets the founders and other men of age (at that time) to be eligible for the office. Without this wordings there could be no one elected as president because at that time there was no person that fit the definition of Natural Born Citizen ( in the new United States). As part of that definition you had to be a citizen of the United States for 14 years. Because the republic was brand new, the founders were saying that if you were a citizen at the time of the adoption of the document then you were eligible. Now lets take a look at the part in question NATURAL BORN CITIZEN. Natural Born Citizen is an interesting phrase. The thought that the framers would use that term for it just to mean a citizen born naturally by natural birth seems strange, as birth and natural born were most likely assumed at the time. So, it must mean something special. The framers new that in order to have a union that was secure and free from outside influence such as elected officials that might be influenced by forigen governments, they had to make sure that the founding documents had some written provision that excluded outside influence. Therefore the term Natural Born Citizen. But what does it actually mean? Before the Constitution the closest reference we have to Natural Born Citizen is from the legal treatise “The Law of Nations,” written by Emerich de Vattel in 1758. In book one chapter 19, iit reads: § 212. Of the citizens and natives. (bold is mine) “The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born. I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.” Vattel definies the term quite eloquently. This is the meaning that the founders were referring to. But there is a problem. How are we to know that is what the founders were referring? Vattel was French did any of the founders even speak french as well as read the french language? This from the professional interpreter,dated July 4th 2012: Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, first Secretary of State under Washington, and our third President spoke English, French, Italian, Latin, and he could read Greek, and Spanish. Benjamin Franklin, America’s first diplomat and well-known genius spoke English, French and Italian. Our second President: John Adams spoke English, French and Latin. President James Madison spoke English, Greek, Latin and Hebrew. James Monroe spoke English and French. So there we have it. The only thing we need to do is link the founding fathers with Vattel. In the memoirs, coorispondence and misalanience notes of Thomas Jefferson volume 3, Jefferson quotes Vattel in French. He refers to Vattel as an elightened an disinterested judge. This to any should be the final nail in the coffin, however many still are deaf blind and dumb. This by eather by design or ignorance is the crux of the matter. For there can be no doubt of the meaning of the term and what the founders were trying to say. We can also be of no doubt the POTUS (Obama) was never qualified to be president. By his own admission his father was a british subject. Obama's qualification to be president was overlooked on purpose by the democrats and the wording of the document for his qualification was altered just slightly so as to look like it conformed to the constitutional requirements. Nancy Pelosi was right in the middle of the entire conspriacy. This would have been a simple problem to resolve. However our senators, representatives and yes even the Supreme Court refuses to address the issue. The complicit main stream press continues to ignore every piece of evidence licking the boots of the usurper Obama. The 2016 elections: Ted Cruz was born in Canada. His mother was an American citizen at the time of his birth but his father was not. His father later became a citizen. This is not what Vattel was saying. Naturalized citizen is not part of the narrative. Ted Cruz by Definition of natural born citizen is not eligible to be president.
Don’t understand why my article is not spaced correctly. The original was with paragraphs and the correct layout. In the edit mode it shows correctly.
So this was from 2017? Did anything ever come from it? I haven't heard anything about it since at least 2017.
I haven't heard anything, but I no longer believe we have a country anymore. The deep state has taken over.
Thank you. I had not seen this video
And it points out how the blackmail is there, and ready to use for opponents who aren't supposed to win..
You guys might wanna check these out too:
Very interesting… thanks.
We forget these thing so quickly.
yw fren
Isn't Jack Ryan the name of the CIA analyst in Hunt For Red October?
His wife, Jeri Ryan, played Seven of Nine in Star Trek: Voyager.
that's pretty interesting
You, me and our Frens here know that but the normies are in for a tsunami of truth.
Takes two US citizen parents to be natural born citizen; (Minor vs Happersett, 1875).
This is why our government t needs to be cut down by 80 percent l. We paid to be de even by our own supposed protectors. I'm sick of these traitors.
I have tried and failed to find the original source of this screenshot. I have even used the subscription-based databases to search for archived news stories from foreign countries. I cannot find this story or wording anywhere in existence.
However, I do find ALMOST the exact copy of this wording in multiple copy-cat articles from that time, which isn’t uncommon with the AP. Here is one that is almost exactly the same, except for the every word but the “Kenyan-born” phrase.”
So without the original source to evaluate, and with the other evidence that exists, I have TWO possible conclusions.
In 2004 (the time that the alleged source cited was published as well as the MSM stories copying it), Barack Obama, an unknown, was already having his international birth status covered up by the MSM. Please note that in 2004, Obama was an Illinois State Senator, so the entire MSM would have to be covering for a random state Senator just in case he might run for POTUS in four years, among all the other more popular candidates like Clinton who was Supposed to Win.
This is a fake screenshot that used an existing story from 2004 and added a Kenyan-born line. There is no evidence that this story has ever existed outside of this screenshot, and there are plenty of existing versions of this story published at the same time that do not have this line.
Wouldn’t you expect a Kenyan-based newspaper to spell the name “Barack” correctly? Then why is it misspelled in the screenshot?
Without the original source to analyze, I can’t tell that this is real. And without a real source to analyze, I can’t verify anything about this screenshot.
I paid actual money searching for this original article and could not find it. Is anyone else able to source the original text in this screenshot?
If not, what exactly is convincing you that this is a trustworthy piece of evidence besides the conclusion it supports?
Interesting. I’ll take a look when I have some more time. I hadn’t been able to find anything before. Nice to see an actual source.
It’s worth practicing the skill of “examining a source that counters your argument.”
That’s what I need time to do on occasion. I would be very happy to see you do the same thing once in a while.
Alright, I appreciate the source, although it's seeming... obvious... why it doesn't come up in a search of traditional databases.
For this to be some sort of damning evidence, it needs to be considered a credible source. You seem to see it as one. So I need some help understanding something.
I've read the story. I see that it seems to share wording with popularly-run AP stuff, and to be clear, your sourced story cites the AP as the author of the text, even though it differs from the actual text run in the AP.
Are you suggesting, then, that the AP did originally run the story that said, "Kenyan-born", but then realized its mistake, erased it, and the only people who didn't change the story was this East African Standard? So that's why it's credible?
Can you explain to me why I should take a source that misspells Barack Obama's name as the most credible source of his heritage?
If I presented a single source to you confirming that Don Watkins is Q, and then told you that meant Ron Watkins was definitely Q, would you be willing to give that evidence the benefit of the doubt?
So the answer is no, you can’t explain why I should take a random website that misspells Obama’s name as an authoritative source on his heritage that outweighs those sources that properly spell his name.
If this is an incorrect assumption, I’ll hear the justification for why this source should be considered as authoritative anyway.
If we’re talking about moving goalposts, I am expecting the argument that this website is revealing the True Name of Obama, and that “Barack Obama” is a cover name or something developed by the Deep State, and there are no such things as misspellings in Q World. I’ll be interested in a more dynamic theory, but I guess I’ll see how you respond.
Baracks own brother says he was born in Kenya. Why doesn't that source count?
It does. It’s also contextualized by Malik Obama’s only having met his half-brother after Barack Obama was in his mid-twenties and was a US Senator.
And Malik’s support of Trump, and therefore of Trump’s assertions.
And other members of Obama’s family, including Malik’s sister has contested him.
Also, the “birth certificate” posted by Malik said that Obama was born in the Republic of Kenya in 1961. Kenya was not a Republic until 1964.
And quite clearly has a seal on the bottom that says “Australia.” Malik just posted a forgery. You can verify the facts yourself.
So it’s not like Malik is claiming to have grown up with the man. Him being a family member was enough credibility to make his claim worth looking into more closely, but it doesn’t add enough weight for me to take his claim on faith and assume that maybe everyone is wrong about when the Republic of Kenya officially existed on legal documentation.
lol k
Unfortunately for you, if you’re right, you’re still demonstrating no competency in addressing it.
Disassembling a foundation of lies means proving verifiably each and every lie. Not simply dismissing the entire system.
Even if the mass media is putting out nothing but the exact opposite of the truth, proving that is going FAR beyond saying, “the media distorts stuff sometimes.”
There is a chasm of difference between understanding that a source is biased and misleading, and believing it produces nothing but lies.
Researchers understand this.
Researchers do not dismiss evidence based entirely on the source or what conclusion that evidence supports.
I’ve examined evidence presented, by you, in the form of random blogs and anonymous Twitter accounts.
You won’t even consider anything remotely possible if it even APPEARS to agree with a mainstream narrative.
Again, I’m not particularly intimidated by the confidence you have in the way you operate, and much of it is on the basis of these behaviors.
You often insist on a single possible interpretation to Q's questions without definitively showing me why I should rule out anything else. "Because it agrees with the mainstream news stories" is not ever a logical reason to simply dismiss an assertion, nor is it ever a logical reason to simply accept it. Every claim must be examined.
I can think of a million reasons why someone would take Russian, especially if they have any aspirations to serve in the government, in the military, in business, etc. Literally anyone who might interact with someone across borders would consider learning Russian a valuable skill.
I took Russian in college because I was bored of taking Spanish in high school. I knew there was always someone around who could speak Spanish, so Russian would be a valuable skill.
Why did Obama choose Renegade? Well, the whole family needed to start with the same letter, as is tradition. So the White House Communications Agency (which is staffed by the military) offered him a selection that started with R.
Let's assume just the sparkliest of intents for a moment. You don't see any non-suspicious reasons that Obama could identify as "Renegade"?
Not coming up and beating Clinton against all odds? Not for becoming the first black President? There's nothing about what he apparently accomplished that might explain this choice?
I don't find "he speaks a scary language" or "using a code name I don't like" to be a convincing argument for casting suspicious eyes. I understand that for you, it's simply a small part of the pile you think proves your case, but because I'm trying to examine each argument as it's presented and not simply accept or reject anything, I am evaluating each small piece of the pile.
Scientists aren't convinced there is a pile of anything until they have verified that each piece of that pile actually exists and agree that there are enough verified pieces to constitute a "pile" under a reasonable definition. I'm still working on that with your Q interpretations.
Look at what Hillary and her Killer Inc crew did to JFK Jr. In 1999. He was a shoe in to win the Senate Seat in NY.
Trump was right all along!