Why is this stickied 6 months after it was originally posted? Because this documentary is absolute GOLD, and many in our community are likely suffering from undiagnosed B12 deficiency. It doesn't take much of a deficiency in B12 to have a serious impact on one's physical and mental wellbeing.
I've been struggling with terrible fatigue, anxiety, and stress for the past couple of years ever since the COVID martial law lockdowns, and I finally got my blood work done in August. I was extremely fortunate to find a naturopathic nurse who knew what to look for. Rather than going through dozens of docs, I was pointed in the right direction right away when my naturopath nurse discovered within a few days that my B12 and folate levels were very low.
I am two weeks into supplementing 4000 mcgs of sublingual B12 with roughly 1600 mcgs of folate, and 27 mg of ferrous gluconate iron, and I can definitely say that my energy has begun to bud, though the fatigue is still heavy at times. Once deficient, it can take a number of months to correct the physical and mental degeneration that occurs from a lack of B12. I suspect that many who are diagnosed with "long covid" or "post covid fatigue" are likely deficient in their B12 and folate levels.
It is shocking how cheap and easy this condition is to treat, and yet how prevalent it is that it goes undiagnosed. Like early COVID treatment, the western medical industry desires to keep people indefinitely sick and in search of pills and prescriptions for their ailments. Additionally, this puts a new perspective on the World Economic Forum's push for bugs as a major food source, and the limitation or elimination of meat and dairy products from the diet. Meat is where most folks will primarily get their B12, and as such you can imagine the epidemic of neurodegenerative disease on the horizon should humanity embrace the madness of the WEF and their dystopic bug diet.
What numbers did that nurse go by, since we know we've been lied to about everything? Are what's considered "standard B12" levels to actually be inadequate for humans to live with comfortably? Like would Quest Diagnostic's levels be too low for normal biological functions?
I learned about B12 deficiency when I suffered repeated miscarriages. It was also the case, that I had the compound heterozygous MTHFR defect and discovered my body wasn't capable of methylation, which resulted in high levels of homocystine and toxins, which made embryo development past conception nearly impossible. I saw a naturopath and immediately began a regime of Methylcobalamine and Methylfolate. Thank goodness I did because at the time I began the regime, I was unknowingly pregnant and am sure this is why I was able to keep that baby. The fertility doctor I was seeing at the time told me the only way was to freeze embryos, but I knew this had to be wrong since I had conceived my first child on my first try (he had also depleted any B12/folate reserves I had stored). When I was officially pregnant, the fertility doctor asked what I had done differently and I told him it was B-vitamins, he looked perplexed as if I had just beat him at chess. That was my first true red pill moment- here is a $50 cure for infertility and yet people take out second mortgages to pay for treatments. My heart ached for every single parent out there who had struggled with the potential cure being at their fingertips.
Howdy, fren. It's like a light bulb turns on when you read about all of the implications of having the genetic mutations, isn't it? Bizarre ailments I thought were just part of being human vanished whenever I began supplements- the 10mg methylfolate along with methyl B12 was key to my improvement.
Yes. I had a stroke and it was the only thing they could find "off" about me. But depression, migraines, etc the more I read my whole life made sense. I want to get my sons tested to but same deal Dr's don't want to run it thru insurance unless there is a problem. Hello, if we realize it first and treat the $300 blood test will be a huge savings over 5 days in the ICU that cost the insurance company $30k
Also I take folic acid but now wonder about whether methyl b12 would be good along with a methyfolate instead.
The problem is folic acid is readily available but you ask someone even at GNC for methylfolate and you might as well be asking for meth lol. It's an area nobody seems to know anything about
No kidding. My OB looked at me like I was asking for a vial of plutonium. Initially recommended to me, Thorne is one of the better supplement companies and available on Amazon, but I have branched out and tried a few other brands made in the USA with satisfied results. I typically spend about $30-35 a month on methylfolate.
I knew someone would need to see this. Life changing. I'm deficient and suffering the consequences because I had no idea about this prior to becoming ill. Symptoms start slow.
How fucking terrifying is this shit? Right in our fucking face.
Get yourself a sublingual b12 supplement at the drug store tomorrow. I personally would take a few each day for the first few days and see if you notice any change in your clarity of thinking.
That's the quick answer.
Message me any time with symptoms and I will try to direct you towards help and info as it relates to nutrition.
With ANY supplement, talk to an ACTUAL doctor. YOUR doctor who you know and trust. Get a proper assessment of your actual needs. Chances are, you don't need anything. Even the daily multivitamin is unnecessary for the overwhelming majority of the population.
Do NOT get your medical information from random people on YouTube. They don't know you, have your medical record, know your medical history, or see your lab results. There's far too much fact-absent or poorly supported bullshit being passed around as "fact" when it comes to medicine these days.
I'd say with any supplement, try it out and see for yourself if it works for you. A medical doctor is the last person I'd go to for advice on supplements or vitamins. What they know about nutrition and healthy living would barely fill a thimble.
Agreed. 99% of the regular Docs wonât even touch the vitamin/mineral/diet discussion. Itâs a prescription to some drug, immediately. They are the worldâs biggest drug pushers- by far.
Yea after watching this video about misdiagnosis of neurological and the cost to the patient of irreversible damage the "ask your doctor" advice is a little perplexing. Not saying you shouldn't do that also, buy in my personal experience you need to do your own research.
My doctor said something about safe and effective experimental shots and requires random masks in the office and thinks a Nobel prize winning medicine will kill you if taken for a certain flu but is somehow safe for my dog, horse, and third world countries. Something didn't pass the smell test so we trust random people on the internets over that genocidal leftist quack.
Have you ever heard the expression, "Physician, heal thyself"?
This is to remind all that you ARE your primary physician, and most healing should happen at home. Learning information online will sometimes be helpful, sometimes not. We all need to learn to trust our own healing intuition and know our bodies, instead of just trusting an outside source (be it DOCTOR or random YouTube poster).
Well, maybe. There's lots of things that can block or prevent B12 uptake and even if you're getting it your body can have genetic conditions where it can't USE what you're getting.
Off the top of my head for example smoking decreases B12 uptake. So Denis leary having his big meat party sitting around eating cows and smoking cigarettes could still be at risk for b12 deficiency
Magnesium is another one, it's a more delicate balance because too much magnesium can be pretty bad but when you figure out the right dose it all starts getting better
Magnesium oxide is the one form of Mg that I stay away from. It is the cheapie form that does give diarrhea if you use a decent amount. I'd look at other forms. When diarrhea occurs, lots of valuable nutrients, minerals are lost in that evacuation.....fluids as well.
The formula I use is the pure encapsulations PureMelt B12 Folate that contains the methylcobalamin form of B12.
I started on the cyanocobalamin at first, until I read into its synthetic and toxic nature and stopped taking it in favor of the methylcobalamin.
Clearly there is an agenda to attack the B12 levels of citizens in America and the west. There is no other explanation for this type of medical malpractice.
I just found out that Pure Encapsulations was bought by Nestle a few years ago. I am looking for a new company to replace my Pure Encapsulation supplements because I don't want to support the evil empire.
Crap. I didn't know that. I used to use Pure Encapsulations, some 20 years ago and found them to be useful....but Nestle? Ick. You might look into Life Extension. I am using some of their products. I also use Standard Process--health professionals are the source for SP.
Not everyone can tolerate B-supplements. If you take a B supplement and it gives you allergy-like symptoms, you are NOT crazy.
The reaction could be to one of the fillers in the vitamin, so choose a high-end brand of vitamin.
If you choose a high end B and still have a reaction, then you may be able to tolerate a methylated version of said B vitamin. Try a methylated.
If you react poorly to a high end (no fillers) methylated B vitamin, then you are genetically not able to tolerate Bs. Give up on the supplements and make a concerted effort to choose foods that are vitamin B rich.
edit to add: Make sure you are able to tolerate B vitamins before getting a shot. People who cannot tolerate Bs have horrible, horrible reactions to those shots.
I had this weird stomach thing where once I was even rushed to the hospital. They couldn't figure it out but could only guess I had a chocolate & garlic allergy because it got worse after them. They just told me to avoid those foods. lol! After some internet searching I realized I was low in zinc and B12. Fine now. Doctors are such idiots.
Seeing my mother's doctor next week. She has every one of those symptoms and they can't seem to say why or make any improvements in symptoms,,been taking metformin for a decade. Will be stoked if it's this simple but so pissed that I had to diagnose it...love this site
I often find myself drifting away from what I SHOULD be paying attention to, and withdrawing into my mind's tangents of bizarre and irrelevant hypotheticals. "Hey, that reminds me of...and then that...which leads to...but what if..."
It's like my brain is TOO active to focus.
I added B12 to my daily vitamin regimen months ago, but it didn't help in this particular case.
The b complex vitamins contain very low amounts of B12, as they are formulated for maintaining B12 levels, not raising them. They are great if you are not already deficient. The body does not require much B12 each day to function, but when you are deficient it can take significantly high doses to bring levels back to normal from what I have read.
I actually take a combination of a b-complex and a high potency B12.
I just found out recently if you take Metformin for diabetes, you can be B12 deficient because it blocks B12 absorption. Please let your friends and relatives who are diabetic or pre-diabetic know about this. BTW B12 deficiency can also cause cramps.
WOW!!!! My sisters and my Mom have so many of these symptoms! I sent them the video with an intro saying if youâre not grabbed by this video in the first few minutes I would be shocked! For $36 a year, B12 shots could alleviate Depression, coordination, fatigue, brain fog, numbness and tingling, and more. My family has these symptoms. At least one or two will check this out and it could help the rest. They say it runs in families and it definitely seems to be effecting mine! Thank you for sharing this excellent video!
I never saw this post; glad it's here. This is not news to me but since the medical cartel ignores this common issue which can become life-threatening, WE must always be on the lookout for such issues. I read this Could It Be B12?https://u1lib.org/book/1191911/6718e2 (pdf) or https://u1lib.org/book/5470120/37b632 (epub) a couple of years ago during a dive into normal pressure hydrocephalus--which my Mother had--and found a couple of other books that were a treasure trove of information that were related.
The other book I found was The Methylation Miracle--written in 1999 but also a wonderful explanation of the importance of methylation in our health. I have a genetic issue with the MTHFR defect and it explains some of the problems that I've encountered. This book is not available for download except at Barnes & Noble as an ebook. I did, over time, put it into a doc format and then pdf if anyone really wants to read it.
The average adult should get 2.4 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin B12 a day, according to the National Institutes of Health. Here are some of the best foods with B12:
Liver is on the cat food list. My mom used to force us to eat liver and onions on Friday night and I would stare at it until excused to go to bed. Nasty smell has scarred me for life. I'll eat the steak and salmon, thank you.
No doubt. I only know the salmon, beef, eggs, roast chicken and tuna for sure. We eat some of these every day. Vegans and the main ones with B12 problems. Lack thereof I believe causes stupidity at levels only seen in California and Oregon! KEK
B12 deficiency comes more from poor soil and drinking water than just a lack of eating meat.
B 12 comes from bacteria, not animals.
B 12 resides in mineral rich soil and water.
The more commercial agriculture grows, the more herbicides and pesticides are needed. Which results in damaged soil.
We used to âlive closer to dirtâ and get enough vitamin B-12 from the good mineral rich soil
on our vegetables and from drinking ânaturalâ water, which still had âdirtââ in it. Though we also have
the bacteria capable of producing vitamin B-12, living in our guts, the bacteria lives too far down our
digestive tracts to be absorbed. We poop it out.
As far as meat eaters go, most B12 from meat comes from supplementation.
Yes, most of the vitamin B-12 manufactured for supplements, is given to livestock.
The reason is because factory farmed animals, donât get enough vitamin B-12 either.
Most animals that are bread and manufactured by the meat industry, cannot graze.
Most are locked and caged inside of warehouses; and therefore, do not ingest soil.
Even if the captive animals are able to graze, farmers are concerned about the soil
they ingest: it may not make it possible for B-12 to be synthesized.
B-12 producing microorganisms relies heavily on a trace element Cobalt. Cobalt is the central atom of vitamin B-12; hence where vitamin B-12 gets its scientific name, âcobalaminâ. Research has shown that Cobalt levels in soil have declined heavily throughout the years. Modern agricultural practices has destroyed this essential trace element. As a result, B-12 producing microorganisms are very low when tested for in an agricultural type setting.
In fact, farmers have begun to observe that cows grazing on grass that is growing on cobalt deficient soil can not survive. Calves will survive the first few months by tapping into B-12 stores found in their liver, but eventually die after a few months. Simply put, they can not obtain enough of the microorganisms in the soil that produce B-12.
Contrary to popular belief, animals such as cows do not manufacture their own B-12; rather, they ingest microorganisms found in the soil that then produce the essential B-12 which they need in their stomach.
Medications can also help cause a B12 deficiency.
Cholestyramine (CholybarÂŽ, QuestranÂŽ) â used to lower high cholesterol levels in the blood.
Cimetidine (TagametÂŽ) â used to treat and prevent stomach ulcers.
Clofibrate (Atromid-SÂŽ) â impairs absorption of vitamin B12 â
Colchicineâ (ColBenemidÂŽ) â used to prevent or treat attacks of gout (also called gouty arthritis)
Co-trimoxazoleâ It reduces bacteria that cause infections of the urinary tract, lungs (pneumonia), ears, and intestines.
Demeclocyclineâ an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections.
Famotidineâ a histamine blocker used to treat and prevent ulcers.
Fluoroquinolonesâ antimicrobials used to kill bacteria in pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and diarrhea.
Lansoprazoleâ used to prevent stomach ulcers and to treat other conditions in which the stomach produces too much acid.
Macrolidesâ antibiotics used to treat a wide range of bacterial infections.
Metforminâ type 2 diabetes drug, known to cause vitamin B12 deficiency.
Methyldopa (AldometÂŽ) â reduces vitamin B12 levels, leading to a vitamin B12 deficiency.
Minocyclineâ antibiotic used to help treat periodontal disease, acne, and inflammatory arthritis.
Neomycinâ antibiotic, antibacterial used topically to treat skin infections, wounds, and burns. Neomycin impairs vitamin B12 absorption and has been shown to decrease vitamin B12 levels.
Nizatidineâ used to treat and prevent stomach ulcers, intestinal ulcers, and acid reflux.
Omeprazole (PrilosecÂŽ) -used for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Oral contraceptivesâ oral contraceptives with high estrogen content leads to decreased levels of vitamin B12.
Phenobarbital (DonnatalÂŽ, SolfotonÂŽ) -barbiturate, anticonvulsant that results in decreased levels of vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, in addition to elevated homocysteine levels. (Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, and your Heart)
Phenytoinâ an antiepileptic drug.
Potassium chlorideâ used for dehydration, can be deadly in its concentrated form.
Ranitidine (ZantacÂŽ) H2-receptor, heartburn medication used to suppress production of stomach acids that are necessary for digesting vitamin B12.
Sulfonamidesâ antibiotics used to treat a wide range of bacterial infections.
I usually put about a tablespoon of powdered B clay into a bottle of water and shake it really well and then drink it as needed. usually start with 8 big gulps and then wait five minutes to see if more is needed. Make sure you follow it with plenty of water to push it through. :)
Also note the clay is like charcoal in that it grabs toxins but also any vitamins or supplements you took on its way out, so wait three hours in either direction before taking any vitamins, supplements, or meds to make sure they get into your body.
Heartburn is due to not enough stomach acid. The PPIs further lower your acid levels. You feel better but are not able to digest and absorb nutrients, which worsens over time. The poorly digested food sits in the stomach for far too long and putrefies. Since it cannot digest, it's sent upward.
Think about it: the medical cartel pushes the lie that people have too much acid. What else are they and have they lied about? Pretty much everything.....
Yeah that's what I've heard, not enough acid. Then getting off these stupid ass pills you get rebound heartburn while the body adjusts to not having a PPI.
Just don't know what to do. Someone mentioned bentonite clay.
For your consideration, I'd suggest (1) seeing a chiropractor, preferably who went to Palmer (Gonstead, Toggle Recoil/HIO, Upper Cervical..... I don't know about the newer crop but that place has been under heavy infiltration by the medical cartel. The philosophy that most DCs used to have is not found much any more. (2) I'd look for a DC or other practitioner who is a Functional Medicine doctor...THOSE folks are worth a lot. I wish you the best. It's not easy correcting long-standing issues.
Yes, DC is a chiropractor. They help restore integrity to the nervous system that starts in the brain, is encased in the spine and exits to all parts of the body. I've seen miraculous things from some of them. They are often much more knowledgeable than the medical cartel and definitely a lot less dangerous.
Shame to see this down-voted. It'd be good to have this subject hashed out through debate rather than up/down votes.
I already avoid products stocked at Amazon/Walmart/Kirkland based purely on the price over quality mindset of their ownership. What is the argument for the other brands being deficient? Are their "recipes" counterproductive (e.g. missing complementary substances)? Do they have contaminants? Is their potency lower?
What are people's experiences with consumerlab.com? Their COVID testing rundown is actually quite extensive, but I'm surprised and a bit turned off that it doesn't just tell you not to bother:
Definition of a vitamin is something that you must have, but the body does not produce. Vitamin C, for example. If your kidneys made it, scurvy would not exist.
Why is this stickied 6 months after it was originally posted? Because this documentary is absolute GOLD, and many in our community are likely suffering from undiagnosed B12 deficiency. It doesn't take much of a deficiency in B12 to have a serious impact on one's physical and mental wellbeing.
I've been struggling with terrible fatigue, anxiety, and stress for the past couple of years ever since the COVID martial law lockdowns, and I finally got my blood work done in August. I was extremely fortunate to find a naturopathic nurse who knew what to look for. Rather than going through dozens of docs, I was pointed in the right direction right away when my naturopath nurse discovered within a few days that my B12 and folate levels were very low.
I am two weeks into supplementing 4000 mcgs of sublingual B12 with roughly 1600 mcgs of folate, and 27 mg of ferrous gluconate iron, and I can definitely say that my energy has begun to bud, though the fatigue is still heavy at times. Once deficient, it can take a number of months to correct the physical and mental degeneration that occurs from a lack of B12. I suspect that many who are diagnosed with "long covid" or "post covid fatigue" are likely deficient in their B12 and folate levels.
It is shocking how cheap and easy this condition is to treat, and yet how prevalent it is that it goes undiagnosed. Like early COVID treatment, the western medical industry desires to keep people indefinitely sick and in search of pills and prescriptions for their ailments. Additionally, this puts a new perspective on the World Economic Forum's push for bugs as a major food source, and the limitation or elimination of meat and dairy products from the diet. Meat is where most folks will primarily get their B12, and as such you can imagine the epidemic of neurodegenerative disease on the horizon should humanity embrace the madness of the WEF and their dystopic bug diet.
Spot on!
What numbers did that nurse go by, since we know we've been lied to about everything? Are what's considered "standard B12" levels to actually be inadequate for humans to live with comfortably? Like would Quest Diagnostic's levels be too low for normal biological functions?
I learned about B12 deficiency when I suffered repeated miscarriages. It was also the case, that I had the compound heterozygous MTHFR defect and discovered my body wasn't capable of methylation, which resulted in high levels of homocystine and toxins, which made embryo development past conception nearly impossible. I saw a naturopath and immediately began a regime of Methylcobalamine and Methylfolate. Thank goodness I did because at the time I began the regime, I was unknowingly pregnant and am sure this is why I was able to keep that baby. The fertility doctor I was seeing at the time told me the only way was to freeze embryos, but I knew this had to be wrong since I had conceived my first child on my first try (he had also depleted any B12/folate reserves I had stored). When I was officially pregnant, the fertility doctor asked what I had done differently and I told him it was B-vitamins, he looked perplexed as if I had just beat him at chess. That was my first true red pill moment- here is a $50 cure for infertility and yet people take out second mortgages to pay for treatments. My heart ached for every single parent out there who had struggled with the potential cure being at their fingertips.
Your story and mine are very similar.
Many of us were redpilled through "medicine" vs health.
Hello, fellow MTHFR sufferer.
Howdy, fren. It's like a light bulb turns on when you read about all of the implications of having the genetic mutations, isn't it? Bizarre ailments I thought were just part of being human vanished whenever I began supplements- the 10mg methylfolate along with methyl B12 was key to my improvement.
Yes. I had a stroke and it was the only thing they could find "off" about me. But depression, migraines, etc the more I read my whole life made sense. I want to get my sons tested to but same deal Dr's don't want to run it thru insurance unless there is a problem. Hello, if we realize it first and treat the $300 blood test will be a huge savings over 5 days in the ICU that cost the insurance company $30k
Also I take folic acid but now wonder about whether methyl b12 would be good along with a methyfolate instead.
The problem is folic acid is readily available but you ask someone even at GNC for methylfolate and you might as well be asking for meth lol. It's an area nobody seems to know anything about
No kidding. My OB looked at me like I was asking for a vial of plutonium. Initially recommended to me, Thorne is one of the better supplement companies and available on Amazon, but I have branched out and tried a few other brands made in the USA with satisfied results. I typically spend about $30-35 a month on methylfolate.
maybe the reason vegans/vegetarians are so irritating? mental breakdown before they actually get sick?
I knew someone would need to see this. Life changing. I'm deficient and suffering the consequences because I had no idea about this prior to becoming ill. Symptoms start slow.
Some other videos on b12: https://www.youtube.com/c/DrEricBergDC/search?query=b12
Here's another one to learn about, vitamin B1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cHdcDjOWQk
Get yourself a sublingual b12 supplement at the drug store tomorrow. I personally would take a few each day for the first few days and see if you notice any change in your clarity of thinking.
That's the quick answer.
Message me any time with symptoms and I will try to direct you towards help and info as it relates to nutrition.
With ANY supplement, talk to an ACTUAL doctor. YOUR doctor who you know and trust. Get a proper assessment of your actual needs. Chances are, you don't need anything. Even the daily multivitamin is unnecessary for the overwhelming majority of the population.
Do NOT get your medical information from random people on YouTube. They don't know you, have your medical record, know your medical history, or see your lab results. There's far too much fact-absent or poorly supported bullshit being passed around as "fact" when it comes to medicine these days.
I'd say with any supplement, try it out and see for yourself if it works for you. A medical doctor is the last person I'd go to for advice on supplements or vitamins. What they know about nutrition and healthy living would barely fill a thimble.
Agreed. 99% of the regular Docs wonât even touch the vitamin/mineral/diet discussion. Itâs a prescription to some drug, immediately. They are the worldâs biggest drug pushers- by far.
Yea after watching this video about misdiagnosis of neurological and the cost to the patient of irreversible damage the "ask your doctor" advice is a little perplexing. Not saying you shouldn't do that also, buy in my personal experience you need to do your own research.
I donât trust ANY doctor.
My doctor said something about safe and effective experimental shots and requires random masks in the office and thinks a Nobel prize winning medicine will kill you if taken for a certain flu but is somehow safe for my dog, horse, and third world countries. Something didn't pass the smell test so we trust random people on the internets over that genocidal leftist quack.
Have you ever heard the expression, "Physician, heal thyself"?
This is to remind all that you ARE your primary physician, and most healing should happen at home. Learning information online will sometimes be helpful, sometimes not. We all need to learn to trust our own healing intuition and know our bodies, instead of just trusting an outside source (be it DOCTOR or random YouTube poster).
Calling all vegans....
They actually market B12 tincture to vegans. The bottle I have literally says Vegan on it kek
B12 comes from meat if I recall. If I'm correct, I should not be deficient.
Well, maybe. There's lots of things that can block or prevent B12 uptake and even if you're getting it your body can have genetic conditions where it can't USE what you're getting.
Off the top of my head for example smoking decreases B12 uptake. So Denis leary having his big meat party sitting around eating cows and smoking cigarettes could still be at risk for b12 deficiency
This this this. I want more of this here
Magnesium is another one, it's a more delicate balance because too much magnesium can be pretty bad but when you figure out the right dose it all starts getting better
To much magnesium is easy to determine because it will give you the shits. I take 300mg a day.
exactly. you can't take tooo much, you'll shit it out
Magnesium oxide is the one form of Mg that I stay away from. It is the cheapie form that does give diarrhea if you use a decent amount. I'd look at other forms. When diarrhea occurs, lots of valuable nutrients, minerals are lost in that evacuation.....fluids as well.
That's only certain magnesium. I believe citrate causes that.
Can you ever take too much b12? My daughter is pregnant and I think she could benefit from adding this supplement.
The formula I use is the pure encapsulations PureMelt B12 Folate that contains the methylcobalamin form of B12.
I started on the cyanocobalamin at first, until I read into its synthetic and toxic nature and stopped taking it in favor of the methylcobalamin.
Clearly there is an agenda to attack the B12 levels of citizens in America and the west. There is no other explanation for this type of medical malpractice.
I just found out that Pure Encapsulations was bought by Nestle a few years ago. I am looking for a new company to replace my Pure Encapsulation supplements because I don't want to support the evil empire.
Trigger alert đ¨ Alex Jones sells amazing supplements. Been taking his B12 for years.
Crap. I didn't know that. I used to use Pure Encapsulations, some 20 years ago and found them to be useful....but Nestle? Ick. You might look into Life Extension. I am using some of their products. I also use Standard Process--health professionals are the source for SP.
This is a list of who owns what: https://drnealsmoller.com/rant/the-14-mega-corporations-that-own-your-supplement-brand/
Thank you so much for that link. I'd have never thought to dig on that. GOOD on you!
https://t.co/RGdNyoiL4a ??? This article says itâs safe???
Who to believe!!! Does anyone else know?
My rule of thumb is to see what fauci, gates, and CDC say and then do exactly opposite.
Methylcobalomin is the better form of B12. Look for it.
Not everyone can tolerate B-supplements. If you take a B supplement and it gives you allergy-like symptoms, you are NOT crazy.
edit to add: Make sure you are able to tolerate B vitamins before getting a shot. People who cannot tolerate Bs have horrible, horrible reactions to those shots.
I had this weird stomach thing where once I was even rushed to the hospital. They couldn't figure it out but could only guess I had a chocolate & garlic allergy because it got worse after them. They just told me to avoid those foods. lol! After some internet searching I realized I was low in zinc and B12. Fine now. Doctors are such idiots.
Seeing my mother's doctor next week. She has every one of those symptoms and they can't seem to say why or make any improvements in symptoms,,been taking metformin for a decade. Will be stoked if it's this simple but so pissed that I had to diagnose it...love this site
What vitamins are good for ADHD?
I often find myself drifting away from what I SHOULD be paying attention to, and withdrawing into my mind's tangents of bizarre and irrelevant hypotheticals. "Hey, that reminds me of...and then that...which leads to...but what if..."
It's like my brain is TOO active to focus.
I added B12 to my daily vitamin regimen months ago, but it didn't help in this particular case.
Not all B12s are equal, and the doses on some B12 supplements are way too low. You might try a quality B12 at a higher dose like 1000 mcgs.
Noted, thank you. What about B1? Or a flat-out B-complex?
The b complex vitamins contain very low amounts of B12, as they are formulated for maintaining B12 levels, not raising them. They are great if you are not already deficient. The body does not require much B12 each day to function, but when you are deficient it can take significantly high doses to bring levels back to normal from what I have read.
I actually take a combination of a b-complex and a high potency B12.
I just found out recently if you take Metformin for diabetes, you can be B12 deficient because it blocks B12 absorption. Please let your friends and relatives who are diabetic or pre-diabetic know about this. BTW B12 deficiency can also cause cramps.
WOW!!!! My sisters and my Mom have so many of these symptoms! I sent them the video with an intro saying if youâre not grabbed by this video in the first few minutes I would be shocked! For $36 a year, B12 shots could alleviate Depression, coordination, fatigue, brain fog, numbness and tingling, and more. My family has these symptoms. At least one or two will check this out and it could help the rest. They say it runs in families and it definitely seems to be effecting mine! Thank you for sharing this excellent video!
I never saw this post; glad it's here. This is not news to me but since the medical cartel ignores this common issue which can become life-threatening, WE must always be on the lookout for such issues. I read this Could It Be B12? https://u1lib.org/book/1191911/6718e2 (pdf) or https://u1lib.org/book/5470120/37b632 (epub) a couple of years ago during a dive into normal pressure hydrocephalus--which my Mother had--and found a couple of other books that were a treasure trove of information that were related.
The other book I found was The Methylation Miracle--written in 1999 but also a wonderful explanation of the importance of methylation in our health. I have a genetic issue with the MTHFR defect and it explains some of the problems that I've encountered. This book is not available for download except at Barnes & Noble as an ebook. I did, over time, put it into a doc format and then pdf if anyone really wants to read it.
Best source of B12.
Top foods with B12
The average adult should get 2.4 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin B12 a day, according to the National Institutes of Health. Here are some of the best foods with B12:
This is junk. If it's "nonfat" then it's not greek yoghurt, which is made from plain sheep or goat's milk. Everyone needs fat.
Also junk. Contains wheat and, therefore, gluten and most likely glyphosate.
Where is calf liver on this list?
Liver is on the cat food list. My mom used to force us to eat liver and onions on Friday night and I would stare at it until excused to go to bed. Nasty smell has scarred me for life. I'll eat the steak and salmon, thank you.
Liver turns nasty when it is overcooked. It is totally different when cooked just right. Sorry that you were scarred for life.
We know the government lies about everything, it's not at all a stretch to think they lie about nutrition as well.
No doubt. I only know the salmon, beef, eggs, roast chicken and tuna for sure. We eat some of these every day. Vegans and the main ones with B12 problems. Lack thereof I believe causes stupidity at levels only seen in California and Oregon! KEK
Watch at 1.25x or even 1.50 if youâre short on time.
B12 deficiency comes more from poor soil and drinking water than just a lack of eating meat.
B 12 comes from bacteria, not animals.
B 12 resides in mineral rich soil and water.
The more commercial agriculture grows, the more herbicides and pesticides are needed. Which results in damaged soil.
We used to âlive closer to dirtâ and get enough vitamin B-12 from the good mineral rich soil on our vegetables and from drinking ânaturalâ water, which still had âdirtââ in it. Though we also have the bacteria capable of producing vitamin B-12, living in our guts, the bacteria lives too far down our digestive tracts to be absorbed. We poop it out.
As far as meat eaters go, most B12 from meat comes from supplementation.
Yes, most of the vitamin B-12 manufactured for supplements, is given to livestock. The reason is because factory farmed animals, donât get enough vitamin B-12 either. Most animals that are bread and manufactured by the meat industry, cannot graze. Most are locked and caged inside of warehouses; and therefore, do not ingest soil. Even if the captive animals are able to graze, farmers are concerned about the soil they ingest: it may not make it possible for B-12 to be synthesized.
B-12 producing microorganisms relies heavily on a trace element Cobalt. Cobalt is the central atom of vitamin B-12; hence where vitamin B-12 gets its scientific name, âcobalaminâ. Research has shown that Cobalt levels in soil have declined heavily throughout the years. Modern agricultural practices has destroyed this essential trace element. As a result, B-12 producing microorganisms are very low when tested for in an agricultural type setting.
In fact, farmers have begun to observe that cows grazing on grass that is growing on cobalt deficient soil can not survive. Calves will survive the first few months by tapping into B-12 stores found in their liver, but eventually die after a few months. Simply put, they can not obtain enough of the microorganisms in the soil that produce B-12.
Contrary to popular belief, animals such as cows do not manufacture their own B-12; rather, they ingest microorganisms found in the soil that then produce the essential B-12 which they need in their stomach.
Medications can also help cause a B12 deficiency.
Cholestyramine (CholybarÂŽ, QuestranÂŽ) â used to lower high cholesterol levels in the blood.
Cimetidine (TagametÂŽ) â used to treat and prevent stomach ulcers.
Clofibrate (Atromid-SÂŽ) â impairs absorption of vitamin B12 â
Colchicineâ (ColBenemidÂŽ) â used to prevent or treat attacks of gout (also called gouty arthritis)
Co-trimoxazoleâ It reduces bacteria that cause infections of the urinary tract, lungs (pneumonia), ears, and intestines.
Demeclocyclineâ an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections.
Famotidineâ a histamine blocker used to treat and prevent ulcers.
Fluoroquinolonesâ antimicrobials used to kill bacteria in pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and diarrhea.
Lansoprazoleâ used to prevent stomach ulcers and to treat other conditions in which the stomach produces too much acid.
Macrolidesâ antibiotics used to treat a wide range of bacterial infections.
Metforminâ type 2 diabetes drug, known to cause vitamin B12 deficiency.
Methyldopa (AldometÂŽ) â reduces vitamin B12 levels, leading to a vitamin B12 deficiency.
Minocyclineâ antibiotic used to help treat periodontal disease, acne, and inflammatory arthritis.
Neomycinâ antibiotic, antibacterial used topically to treat skin infections, wounds, and burns. Neomycin impairs vitamin B12 absorption and has been shown to decrease vitamin B12 levels.
Nizatidineâ used to treat and prevent stomach ulcers, intestinal ulcers, and acid reflux.
Omeprazole (PrilosecÂŽ) -used for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Oral contraceptivesâ oral contraceptives with high estrogen content leads to decreased levels of vitamin B12.
Phenobarbital (DonnatalÂŽ, SolfotonÂŽ) -barbiturate, anticonvulsant that results in decreased levels of vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, in addition to elevated homocysteine levels. (Vitamin B12, Homocysteine, and your Heart)
Phenytoinâ an antiepileptic drug.
Potassium chlorideâ used for dehydration, can be deadly in its concentrated form.
Ranitidine (ZantacÂŽ) H2-receptor, heartburn medication used to suppress production of stomach acids that are necessary for digesting vitamin B12.
Sulfonamidesâ antibiotics used to treat a wide range of bacterial infections.
Tetracyclines (AchromycinÂŽ, SumycinÂŽ, Tetra-CÂŽ, TetracynÂŽ, TetralynÂŽ, TetramÂŽ, TropicyclineÂŽ) â antibiotics prescribed for acne.
Trimethoprimâ (TMP/SMX) is used to treat urinary tract infections, pneumonia, and âtravelersâ diarrhea.â
Valproic Acid (DepakeneÂŽ) â anticonvulsant used for migraine headache prevention.
Foods high in B12
This is how much B12 youâll find in a 3-ounce serving of these foods:
It is recommended that a person 14 years or older intakes roughly 3 micrograms of B12 per day.
Cooked clams: 84.1 micrograms
Steamed mussels: 20.4 micrograms
Cooked Atlantic mackerel: 16.1 micrograms
Steamed Alaska king crab: 9.8 micrograms
Cooked wild rainbow trout 5.4 micrograms
Cooked salmon: 2.4 micrograms
Beef, lamb, pork, chicken liver: Can run from 12 to 70 micrograms. Lamb liver being the highest.
2 Large eggs: 1.2 micrograms**
Threw this up on reddit, might actually do some good if big pharma isn't a player in the reddit censorship coalition....
PPIs inhibit absorption of B12.
I wish I didn't have to take PPIs. I get heartburn. :(
Drink bentonite clay in water for heartburn, also make a note of what you just ate before you got it to help stop it.
May try that. Thanks
I usually put about a tablespoon of powdered B clay into a bottle of water and shake it really well and then drink it as needed. usually start with 8 big gulps and then wait five minutes to see if more is needed. Make sure you follow it with plenty of water to push it through. :)
Also note the clay is like charcoal in that it grabs toxins but also any vitamins or supplements you took on its way out, so wait three hours in either direction before taking any vitamins, supplements, or meds to make sure they get into your body.
Look into low stomach acid and the causes and symptoms and maybe betain hcl
Heartburn is due to not enough stomach acid. The PPIs further lower your acid levels. You feel better but are not able to digest and absorb nutrients, which worsens over time. The poorly digested food sits in the stomach for far too long and putrefies. Since it cannot digest, it's sent upward.
Think about it: the medical cartel pushes the lie that people have too much acid. What else are they and have they lied about? Pretty much everything.....
Yeah that's what I've heard, not enough acid. Then getting off these stupid ass pills you get rebound heartburn while the body adjusts to not having a PPI.
Just don't know what to do. Someone mentioned bentonite clay.
For your consideration, I'd suggest (1) seeing a chiropractor, preferably who went to Palmer (Gonstead, Toggle Recoil/HIO, Upper Cervical..... I don't know about the newer crop but that place has been under heavy infiltration by the medical cartel. The philosophy that most DCs used to have is not found much any more. (2) I'd look for a DC or other practitioner who is a Functional Medicine doctor...THOSE folks are worth a lot. I wish you the best. It's not easy correcting long-standing issues.
Whatâs a DC? I thought chiropractors deal with back issues?
Yes, DC is a chiropractor. They help restore integrity to the nervous system that starts in the brain, is encased in the spine and exits to all parts of the body. I've seen miraculous things from some of them. They are often much more knowledgeable than the medical cartel and definitely a lot less dangerous.
Shame to see this down-voted. It'd be good to have this subject hashed out through debate rather than up/down votes.
I already avoid products stocked at Amazon/Walmart/Kirkland based purely on the price over quality mindset of their ownership. What is the argument for the other brands being deficient? Are their "recipes" counterproductive (e.g. missing complementary substances)? Do they have contaminants? Is their potency lower?
What are people's experiences with consumerlab.com? Their COVID testing rundown is actually quite extensive, but I'm surprised and a bit turned off that it doesn't just tell you not to bother:
Downvoter: care to chime in and elaborate what you found objectionable on the above post?
This is dumb. Your kidney produces every vitamin you need.
B12 is not produced by the body. It took 10 seconds of Google to figure that out.
Actually, some B12 is synthesizable by gut bacteria. However, the bulk of our B12 stores come from consuming animal products.
I believe that is done by bacteria too far in the digestive tract to be used but yes you are correct.
Definition of a vitamin is something that you must have, but the body does not produce. Vitamin C, for example. If your kidneys made it, scurvy would not exist.
Good grief......