Something is coming to Truth Social and it scares them. Shills everywhere here talking about selling DWAC, Musk attempting to rebrand Twatter, and now WaPo hit piece on how Truth Social is failing and Trump may go to GETTR. And its just Tuesday. I’m comfy AF.
🧠 These people are stupid!

Gonna keep holding Dwac and dwacw. Yes, it’s down, I suspect it will go up after merger. Remember, it’s not a loss if you don’t sell.
100% correct. Every shareholder needs to repeat this.
Everybody's Selling - BUY BUY BUY!!!! Everybody's Buying - SELL SELL SELL!!!!
I did exactly the same as you for exactly the same reasons. Unless someone got in DWAC at initial offer price, warrants are the better deal at current prices.
I did sell a ton at the highs and have rebought in xxx DWAC and hold only 10 @$12.25 now, am holding double in DWACW and I keep buying both on dips u/#mikeyep
I have 300 shares of DWAC. Should I sell and buy DWACW instead?
Read my post in wsbets I'll link it after editing.
Anyway you can't go wring with dwac but dwacw has far greater potential even with tax implications.
I bought my DWACW through my IRA (Not Roth-IRA) so not really sure how I would get charged income tax on my tax deferred retirement account. Either way, I'm in a low enough bracket for DWACW+$11.50+income tax to still be far cheaper per share than DWAC.
That's how I see it. I don't have IRA or anything like that but I'll take the hit. Worth it, IMO.
Thanks fren!
I have about 300 also. Everything I touch turns to shit. I get my first SS check this month so that means social security is getting ready to go belly up.
I did not invest more than I could afford to lose though, so I am going to hold on until it goes to a penny. Then it will be worth about the same a the green back.
Welcome to the club... It's like being a shitty king midas. LoL
Class A you never have to worry about again; up to you, I have both. Class A is the one that is impossible to borrow currently, and will be the only voteable shares for the merge.
🦍 with 💎 🙌
No cell, no sell.
2 shares of DWAC, almost 20 GME, 5 of them locked up with DRS.
This might be a dumb question. I haven't been following stocks. I keep up with a lot of political conspiracy but not the financial.
What is the significance of GME?
Hedges shorted it (borrowed many shares, sold them expecting them to tank because brick and mortar game shops in this day and age would hemorrhage money)
They were really fucking with it and making all sorta of derivatives, so people realized if they bought enough shares, when hedges had to return the shares they borrowed, there'd be nowhere near enough available and price would skyrocket.
They've been manipulating the market since, including disabling a "buy" option and only allowing people to sell their shares so prices would drop and hedge funds could cover their shorts.
But people kept holding and buying whenever possible. Hedges had to take loans/extensions/dump other assets to cover (I suspect many of the crypto sell offs were for this reason).
By holding and buying up more, users are creating a ton of pressure and the market tricks can only go so far. The idea is that when it all gives, true price discovery will finally show.
Much like how the metals markets are manipulated. Silver and gold are far below what they should be due to COMEX tricks and the selling of the same metals in unallocated vaults to multiple buyers who never demand delivery.
The same 1000 oz bar of silver may have 100 owners and no odd ever demands delivery so the metals banks and exchanges keep reselling it to keep prices down.
Now, many MANY people have been demanding delivery and the banks are losing the metals that they love to play tricks with.
This is a VERY oversimplified explanation.
Also, beyond the shorts that haven't yet been covered (and never will because they sold more stock shares than exist), GME is rumored to be doing a lot of work behind the scenes with blockchain based off Ethereum tech. Rumors are they are going to be offering a market not just for games(licenses) and NFTs to be openly traded but even other cryptos and a blockchain alternative to the NYSE/NASDAQ markets.
Their management changed last year when they got a new chairman who basically got rid of much of the executive staff and board of directors.
Yep and one wonders if Ryan Cohen was already looking at the company or if all the Reddit interest in buoying it up drew his interest as this started back in 2020. Since then the price increase allowed them to pay off their debt years early, removing the risk of them going bankrupt which is what the hedgefunds were trying to do to it in the first place as if you short a stock normally you just profit off the price difference when you close your position at but if the company went bankrupt you get even more as the price went all the way to zero.
Great, succinct explanation. It's easy to get lost in the terminology weeds like I did at first. There's tons of good DD on r/Superstonk for anyone wanting to take a deep dive. My question is, why would any market maker or prime broker ever have a margin call when it's sure to bankrupt them and everyone up the chain from them? Seems to me that, while there's only one outcome if we buy, hold, DRS, this will drag out until the float is locked.
When they opened that illegal amount of short positions the stock was under $2 and the company was headed for bankruptcy. Now through retail pressure it's been bouncing between around $40 and $400 for over a year now. Also they used to have plants in the management like a CFO who had a history of running companies into the ground, he was one of the first that the new Chairman got rid of. So at the time it was a sure bet for them but they've been caught with both hands stuck in the cookie jar and are calling in every favor they have to survive another day and try to demoralize retail into leaving.
I'll try to sum it up, I'm nowhere near as smart as the apes on the subreddits.
Hedge funds tried to do to Gamestop, what they did to companies like Toys 'R' Us, Sears, etc. Someone realized it, because the financial institutions naked short shares, which is supposed to be illegal. They never covered or closed their short positions last year, and MOASS, mother of all short squeezes, is just getting worse for them. They'll end up getting margin called, and have to scramble to get real shares, because naked shorting is creating shares out of nothing. It's estimated that in the US alone, we own multiple times the float.
r/GME and r/Superstonk are great places to read to get better information.
Ask White Square Capital and Melvin Capital what the significance of GME is...
It's only a loss if you don't buy the dips!
I was lucky enough to get in DWAC at $15 and sold enough to cover my initial investment at $175. I sold the rest at $98 and change recently before the sell off. I put about half of my profit back in DWACW because it seems like a better play if you plan on holding long term, IMHO.
Anyone saying they're selling is shilling.
Ain't no patriot selling their shares right now. That'd be like throwing money down the river or burning it in the fire.
Could you please point to any positive news that would encourage someone not to short sell this? The company’s chiefs of technology and product development were reported to have resigned this week. And I still can't even be a user because I have an Android device.
Reported to "by sources familiar with the venture."
Reported by "trust me, bro."
Also reported to Reuter's which is totally a trustworthy source that would never shill for big pharma or daddy government or anyone who can write them a huge check
And given how widely reported this was wouldn't you think if both were still with the venture they'd love to call out the "fake news" and use it as an opportunity to further plug the platform?
Or, maybe, if they were employees, they were of poor quality and not the ones they were looking for? Hmm?
I suppose, but do you really think Trump is such a poor judge of talent or character that he'd have failed twice in such high profile positions? I suppose the answer might be yes, given he had General Kelly as Chief of Staff and John Bolton as National Security Advisor, but that certainly doesn't make me rest easy.
I don't believe the story. But even if I did, hiring for tech, as a small company, isn't the easiest thing. I have worked for several doing programming and such, and have seen great things and not so great things.
Small company? DWAC has 37 million shares out there at ~$47 a share, which looks to me to be a market cap of $1.7 BILLION which is hardly small.
Just keep in mind, all war is deception, and TPTB are at war with Truth and DWAC. They are fuked when the website finally launches for everyone. The people that left aren't the only ones who can do what they did and will be replaced. Trump is a next-man-up sort of guy. Have some patience and enjoy watching the MSM squirm while they wait to be skewered. While you're at it, get some DWACW and enjoy the profits when Truth comes online. Oh, and don't expect to hear any positive news about any of it.
I'm not sure there will be profits. Twitter's 2021 revenue was up 37% year on year to $5 billion and their operating revenue was $273 million and only if you exclude ~$750 million in litigation settlement costs. Truth Social is an essentially similar business, without the reach of Twitter and with the added political baggage that makes it basically untouchable to most large corporations. That said, if I were rich I'd be happy to run a truly free speech site at a loss because it has value far beyond money.
It's obviously part of Trump's plan
So what do you make of the departure of Josh Adams and Billy Boozer, the company’s chiefs of technology and product development? You can call people shills all day long, but the launch of the platform wasn't particularly smooth, there still isn't an Android app, and downloads have collapsed in recent weeks. I am very glad I fought my initial inclination to invest.
Do we even have a good source for either Josh or Billy, Rothschild Reuters is citing sources "familiar with the venture", which sets off fake-news alarms. With a new social media platform, you'd have to expect a rocky start to things, even Google still struggles with releasing new services, despite being huge nowadays. And it does little good to parrot the "Adoption is way down!1!1!", when the curve for every major product is always sigmoid in the long term, AKA low growth in the very early or the late stages of the product.
No, I wouldn't expect that. It has never been easier to spin up massive amounts of remote server capacity to stress test things. There is zero reason with the resources they had available to have any bottlenecks on launch.
So, AWS? Today is one of the worst times to be dependent on other people's shit.
Totally missed the point, you use external servers to test YOUR infrastructure. it's 2022, there is no reason to wonder what will happen if a million people all try to sign up at once. You can test that, then scale out your solution to handle it.
People keep forgetting who DJT is...
He never struck me as a man that would allow something to be stolen from him when he had the means to stop it.
Sure, if this something pertained only to him
But if the future of mankind is at stake. perhaps he would allow this something to be stolen, if it meant waking people up in the process.
TRUTH is not awesome. It’s not even active. It’s just a waiting list to collect email addresses. How many users do they even have? 50? Trump doesn’t even use it. No one can see the private posts of their few users. I had high hopes but it’s a huge FAIL so far.
You have to follow people for it to be active. I don't even follow very many people and its still very active. Also, Trump probably wont use it until its up and running so all of his supporters can be involved.
I can’t follow anyone. I’m still on the “waiting list”.
So why would you call it not active and a huge fail when you can’t even access the site? You’ve said something similar to this a few times now in other comments as well when you have no idea how Truth is running.
That I still can’t access it is a HUGE FAIL.
You and millions of other people. I guess you set the standard for failing or passing. Watch this video. Devin Nunes talks about why it’s taking so long.
Thanks for the link. They have zero communication to the people on the waitlist. That’s another bad sign. But at least they haven’t gone completely silent.
All Trump has to do is start posting there and it's game over. If you don't own DWAC, you own a popcorn fart.
Your not wrong. I'm comfy as well.
Time to buy more and HODL!
Good opportunity to buy
Just wait until TRuth social has taken over Twitter, Netflix, Hulu, Disney, Hollywood.
Your 10 shares of DWAC are your retirement account!
Yup it’s on fire sale right now too!
I have 50 shares at average of $12.50 I can't bear to buy more and lose that average though I'll probably regret it.
I didn't have an active stock investment account. I had one in the mid 2000's, but stopped using it when I went to Iraq and never got back into it. I started an account when I was trying to get in at $12.50 at the open, but I had to wait days for my first transaction to go through from my bank acct. By the time I got in, I ended up buying at $60. if it drops a bit more, I'll dump some more in to average out better. O would feel blessed ro get to 50 shares. HODL brother, I don't think you will regret it.
Hey, I kept buying all the way up through $120. This is just helping me to average down my cost
DWACW is on fire sale right now if you plan on holding long-term.
I don’t understand the difference. Why is DWACW better for long term? I plan on buying some tomorrow but don’t know which to buy.
Why it's better for long term - If you want to buy and hold a stock long term, it's because you believe in it's long term growth potential. So, DWACW is better suited for a couple of reasons: 1) While you can trade them like a regular share up until the point that the merger goes through, once that happens, you'll have to wait until the waiting period ends in order to buy the actual shares of the new company. 2) The price per share is roughly half that of a regular share at current price once you add the $11.50 back into the price you paid for the warrant - this is a concrpt I like to call "Buy low, Sell high",
Hmm ok. Thanks! I'll go buy some now!
What platform do you use, I have only used RH (I know), they don't have dwacw
Does we'll? I understand an account with tem I used for a free stock and never did anything with.
Fidelity I tried opening 2 years ago and an error occurred and I gave up.
Holy shit I have $1000 buying power on webull I must have funded the account when I opened it back in 2020 and completely dropped the app.
Looks like I'm getting DWACW tomorrow! Someone had explained to me what warrants are but I forgot. They're super cheap, do they turn I to shares after a set amount of time?
Not really - they are more like an option to buy that you have to pay for. They can be exercised 30 days after the merger (I believe it's 30, someone correct me if wrong). For every one warrant you have, you can purchase one share of the new company for $11.50. Example, if your bought DWACW at today's price of $12.21, 30 days post merger, you can use that plus $11.50 to purchase a share of the new company. It would be the same as purchasing one share of DWAC for $23.71. I'm new to SPACs so some of my details may be a little off - anyone more knowledgeable, please chime in.
We'll have some wholesome entertainment again.
I think Musk bought twat as part of the white hat plan. I'm guessing he will make it the messaging arm of Truth Social
Hope you are right. That is definitely a bold move to invest that much in a failing company.
My theory, Musk will push for change and be opposed the whole way. He's on the board, but he's just one man. When he proves that Twitter doesn't care about free speech, he'll sell his shares and move publicly to Truth
Thank you for this post. The shilling about this is LOUD! That's how I know we are over the target.
You and me both, fren!
You can always tell how good something is by how hard the cabal media attacks its like a universal law at this point.
The media's crying wolf, but no wolf is there.
Because they've lost control of the narrative and they know they'll never get it back. Truth and Twitter are just part of the bigger picture. The propaganda machine is imploding.
I just wish I had more money to buy the dip
Just means it’s on sale
I bought the slide and will hold.
Kind of like GME. Articles everywhere about how stupid we are and it's going to crash, but no articles about our concerns and all the fraud.
YES! SELL SELL SELL so I can buy it for cheap :)
Sell? What's that? Does it have something to do with phones? 🤤🖍🦍
They keep screaming that Truth Social is a flop. A failure. But the biggest draw there (Trump) hasn't even started posting. He's clearly waiting for something. Trump's tweets will be a massive draw. Even Leftists will want to know what he's saying.
It hasn't even become Trump Media Group yet!!! It's like looking at the wheel and saying the the car will never work.
Gotta get all the shorts confident before the match is lite and they burn through the atmosphere.
Not selling one share until at least full roll out including android
Sell way OTM CC's for a little more cash to turn around and buy MOAR!
It means it's time to buy DWAC. I think Musk is going to fuse Twatter with Truth Social (Like maybe twitter will become the messenger part of Truth) That will bump Truth up to enough users to replace fake-book. Once ANY alternative to Fake book has enough users people will flee. I thinq this part of the white hat plan. ;)
Been thinking asking similar lines here.
It's all about convincing the idiots to switch to Truth. Musk doesn't appear to be connected to Trump at all, when he joins Trump team at the same time Clinton & them got to jail...Bingo!
Enter stage right, The Donald returns to his Twitter account, unbridled.
Remember.....DWAC.......is an acquisition company. Are they helping Elon Musk but Twitter?
This seems interesting.
I’m sick of being lied to. Truth Social still has a huge waiting list. Better to under promise than to over promise.
waitin' for 30 and get 100 more i saw fakebook when it was 40 and netflix when it was 8 so COMFYAF
Can we say merger?
My portfolio lost like $300 today and I was like "ahh shit, what tech stock dumped today...." "Ruh roh, DWAC's down, time to buy!" sold my Tesla and bought up more DWAC! I might rebuy into Tesla when they split again, the rollercoaster ride is a little bit too much for me at sometimes though when it goes up or down by $100 a day.
Speaking of splits, any word or update on the GME split?
Is that a blanket with arm holes?
A bet on dwac is a bet on Trump, if you're not betting on Trump wtf are you even doing here.