Watch The Water Update: additional info out today
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
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Ann Vandersteel did an update with Dr. Ardis. He adds more info today or added info, and he did an interview with Scott McCay yesterday below too. So we have updated info to dig into Anons for this Covid-MnRNA Venom theory. God bless your work!
I'm sorry but I just can't buy this. Been thinking about it a lot and so much of it doesn't add up. It reeks of a psyop to me.
How did they get the vast amount of the substance into the water with no one calling them out on it? Were ALL water companies complicit? Absolutely no whistleblowers whatsoever? Considering that they also did it world wide, again I've got to ask how.
We've been drinking and using the water for the past 2 years and the vast majority are still perfectly fine. This implies we can't drink it or cook with it, yet we all have been and we're fine. You'd think prolonged exposure to a venom would take out way more than we've lost.
Why are pets not dying in droves? I bottle fed a weak 3 week old kitten formula that needed a lot of water, and she turned out perfectly fine. I've fed my little bunnies the water. Unfiltered, straight from the tap. They're all perfectly fine. A dose large enough to harm humans would certainly kill the animals. But fish aren't dying in the tanks and our animals are healthy.
Our crops are grown with this water and still we can safely eat them, as can our pets and children.
Lots of reports of people with well water getting Covid. How? How about people that got Covid but exclusively drink bottled water? Yet people are saying bottled water is surely safe. How? It's tap water too.
Wouldn't we also be inhaling the venom when showering, through the steam? What about netipots?
Baby formula is also largely made of water, but babies aren't dropping dead from the venom strong enough to make an adult sick?
Why the hell did Stew Peters sensationalize the hell out of this? He knew for weeks but said nothing "to protect people". He wouldn't give any clues, said filtered water was probably fine (apparently not), and even made everyone wait an extra day so he could drop a hype trailer the day before. And yet this is grave, important news?
It's bizarre how quickly the video spread. In the telegram channels I frequent it was being shilled immediately by accounts that acted like bots, and it spread from there. It's also really, really, disturbingly ironic that the doctor offers an anti-venom pill.
Why the fuck are we still talking about Remdesivir? It was presented in this video as though this was new information and we should all be shocked. Remdesivir and its dangers are really old news. Everyone on our side is well aware of the danger, and people NOT on our side aren't going to watch this video. So what was the point?
Considering they didn't taint ALL water, how did people all across the US get sick?
All this accomplished was further beating down a large number of people that were already losing faith in the plan, white hats, and Trump, and I strongly believe that that was the goal here.
Over the past few months I've watched the steady descent into no longer trusting Trump because things are taking too long and we're seeing too little in-your-face truth that we can show to those we're trying to awaken. Something even they can't deny, like the arrest of Fauci or Obama.
Now this video comes out and people are jumping straight to "How could the white hats allow this to happen to us?!" and distrusting Trump even more. Thankfully, I'm also seeing a lot of people refusing to believe this video.
Don't forget how many times ANYTHING related to water comes up and people are immediately crying "THIS is what watch the water is about!" It's about dams, it's about Ever Given, it's about a submarine off the coast, it's about the submarine that was attacked, and on and on. Given my total disbelief in this video, I'm pretty pissed that SP used that as the title.
Also don't forget that this guy does not like Trump.
So my theories:
This is a test from the WH. A test to see if the awakened are truly awakened enough to think for themselves and not blindly follow sensationalist, BS news. Maybe it's a test to see if we're ready for the kick off. I hope we're not failing, though it sure looks like we are.
This is sensationalist BS conjured up to sell BS snakeoil...I mean anti-venom pills. Just compare this guy to Dr. Zelenko. Zelenko released a protocol that doesn't get him any money. This damn chiropractor releases fear porn that can earn him money.
This is a cabal move to sow distrust in the white hats.
Finally, look at it this way. How is this information anything we didn't already know, merely repackaged? The cabal released something deadly upon us. The WH didn't stop it, because it "had to be this way". The vaccine is worse than disease, and they desperately want us taking that vaccine. Yet this video gets people all in a panic, as though it changes anything. The base narrative is the same, but because it's affected something as sacred and precious as our water, it's suddenly even more sinister? The fact remains that far few people died of Covid than they'd lead you to believe, and far more are continuing to die from the vaccine.
And why the hell did this video come out as the Covid narrative is finally dying down yet MSM is trying to kick it back up again as well?
There's a reason this was released like this, with the dramatic overtones that remind you of the same fear porn MSM likes to push.
Yes, yes, yes, YES.
Love ya, u/Brent75 but we have got to watch out for bad actors planting disinfo to make the movement look bad. This stuff is only going to intensify as the deep-state becomes increasingly desperate.
That’s why WE are here to dig and check it out. Correct? If we didn’t, there would be much more BS on this site if we didn’t work together to rule it out. That is an Anons job. Dig in the weeds to cut out the BS.
This community can sift out truth like no other.
some ideas/theories are put out in the wild simply to tie up "CPU clock cycles" in people's collective attention, typically when that idea or theory appears equally outrageous and plausible at the same time. If it turns out to be bunk, bonus points for the misinfo coordinators in de-legitimizing a truth seeking movement as well as wasting people's time, resources and will to keep digging. Just sayin' as a caveat emptor.
Thank you for this. You've brought up a lot of good points re: pets, baby formula. This whole thing just reeks.
If I were going to spread such a thing, I wouldn't use water. I'd use something more subtle - like putting things on a long Q-tip that could be inserted directly into a person's sinuses...
Ardis flat out said that it's not in the water but specifically is asking WHY the CDC (or whoever) is testing more and more cities water for covid-19.
He seems to put a lot of Q posts together without mentioning Q.
When I consider my immediate reaction to the thought of the vaccine when it was in development my first thought was "there's no way in hell that I'm taking that".
I also looked up suramin out of curiosity and the first thing that I saw was that it was made up of something like 8 benzene rings. Isn't benzene a carcinogen?
The bottom line to me was that the whole system is just flat out evil which we already knew.
If only the actual players were exposed and then there was an open season...
Thankful for your post. It makes the most sense to me. I already had concern about Peters because of the way he approaches topics.
My thing is, months and months ago we, I thought, figured Stew Peters was deep state.
Then, as of last week it's like this place turned into thinking he's amazing. It smells SO BAD like infiltration.
Something I have noticed is every time GA seems infiltrated with stuff like you mention, always gets hit with a wave of Trump bashing and gets hit with a wave of extra dooming. It’s like each separate board gets hit with different angles at the same time.
Scare the Q people with nonsense like vemon in water
Play on all the conspiracy people who don’t trust there is any possibility Trump could actually be fighting the good fight
Further demoralize The Donald people who have become black pilled.
That’s the pattern i see and it works conveniently to splinter like minded groups and cause fear and loss of hope.
Yeah. I don't understand how this craps gotten STICKIES tho... I've been on GAW for over a year now, and over the past month it's gotten hit hard with shills it seems.
Thank goodness for TG that has people I trust to follow and who are calling out the BS.
this Brent user gets special treatment for sheer relentless enthusiasm?
For what it's worth, /qresearch/ on 8kun has been flooded with shills lately too. There's at least 5x if not more, than normal, and much of if is Trump bashing + "trust the plan, the cull before the storm" posts. Big habbenigs = big time shilling and disinformation injections
There will be people who see where the energy is, are capable of learning the situation and being fully red-pilled, but to then say to themselves "I can make more money and power by selling my genuine rapport and understanding of this movement"
And then they go shopping for a sponsor. Or they get recruited. Plenty of people will take a pay-off that sees them clear for a year or more... or gives them power, however petty. Always be suspicious. Really the anon investigator is the best, the content can be judged and checked without distortion.
This alone would be a good discussion post
Not buying the water theory, although the snake venom part seems plausible. My mom caught the coof and 3-4 days later I caught it as well after close contact (although now all better thanks to IVM). If it was the water we would have been poisoned simultaneously. Makes no sense. Chemtrails seem more likely.
The water theory doesn't hold in my opinion, because the concentration of poison would be far too diluted and break down. Spike proteins in nature when exposed to the atmosphere or other cations and anions in aqueous solution break down quickly.
As we have discussed before the best way for poison to be put into people is to trick people to take the jabs.
Counterpoint: In the hour-long version of the interview with Steel, Ardis said that they can SYNTHESIZE the venom and have been able to do so for many years.
Don't shoot the messenger, I just wanted to point this out to counter some of the points being brought forward by some people who are breathlessly trying to counter the story (not you fren... others with big names and reps). These "big names" are so over the top... my conspiratorial mind gets super-SUS.
Could have been the actual flu too? You know how those PCR tests have been the last year...
Not the flu. I never had a heart palpitation before this but had it with the coof.
I follow a homesteader on Instagram who makes her own skin lotion (body butter) with goat milk. She has all sorts of reviews from people who get relief from that lotion where they couldn’t get it before. Goat milk is apparently great on skin. She has an Etsy shop - WildOakFarms. Just in case it could possibly help you 😊
I’ll take that info down. 😂 Thanks, fren! My daughter has struggled w/ eczema since she was a baby and I’m always looking for soothing lotions. Most lotions burn her skin and don’t actually help! 🤷🏼♀️
You’re welcome! She currently restocks on Fridays and announces the restocks on her Instagram account. It may be 10 am CST? Sooo many people have said it is the only lotion that helps their children with eczema! It has also helped my daughter with her psoriasis.
Same. Some people just have flu-like symptoms but COVID has and is still destroying by body. I'm 4 months out of acute phase and my body, heart and brain are still messed up. Looking like mircoclots per German studies and that it's harming our veins/arteries. My husband was just fine and he had it at the same time.
I've had the flu and I've had the coof. They were very different from each other.
The coof I lost my sense of taste of smell & taste, body aches & fatigue No Temperature tho. That struck me as odd, that's how your body fights infection.
I coincidentally had to have lab work done a few weeks later and my blood was thick and not flowing into the tubes well at all. Spurting then stopping. The tech was struggling to get the sample and was commenting on it.
Yeah maybe... but they drew around 10 vials and they got them all done through that poke... I have had blowouts in the past and it happened right away, and left a huge bruise
Yes it was very dark, almost black
And I know I wasn't dehydrated.... I drink lots of water anyways, but when I know I'm going for a blood draw I drink extra for the 2 days before... just so it's easier.
Years ago there was a a few water scares near me... people were getting sick and the cause they eventually came out with was some beetle had been pooping in the reservoir....
Around that time my brother was living in Baltimore and was talking about someone putting or threatening to put plutonium in their water supply... he's nuts anyway (with papers to prove it) so I didn't take it seriously
So they're NOT putting toxic waste (chemical fluoride) in the drinking water then? Wouldn't doing THAT also break the Universal karma laws/Gods laws too?
Note: I'm not saying they did or didn't put the synthesized venom in the water, just pointing out some facts I'd like you to address given your "hard" statement that it's a psyop.
If fluoride was toxic trump would’ve had it outlawed…
So you're saying it's not toxic then? I'm I getting that right?
Or it is toxic and trump did nothing about it making him complicit
Make up your mind...toxic or not?
Why no mention of this while trump was in office ?
I actually talked about the Covid acting like a poison on GAW many times because of the researcher who pointed it out.
It’s an enzyme that we have naturally in our bodies to fight infections.
So if you ask me, someone picked it up and ran with it.
It’s been out for over a year at least.
What’s up with Flynn camp all coming out basically against it?
They're saying that the whole snake venom thing would be extremely impractical to accomplish and it's something that the normies would find so utterly ridiculous that it would discredit anons. I'm inclined to agree, we all know that remdesivir is bad news at this point so it seems like a distraction. It might be true but it also stinks of a psyop because it is so ridiculous sounding and I highly doubt it's going to change any minds so what's the point?
For the record, I don't take sides anymore. I like Lin Wood but all he does is go after people now. Flynn was deep state for 33 years so I don't trust him either. I also find it notable that Dr Ardis already has a line of supplements to combat the venom which also happens to be the same supplements that are recommended for covid or spike protein exposure.
I'm inclined to agree. I'm not discounting it entirely.
If some scientist comes along with a plausible explanation for how this could be accomplished and how it can be proven, what types of evidence we might expect and how to look for it properly (is it falsifiable?) etc etc
I'd love to hear what they have to say. I don't care how "official" the scientist is or if they're even credentialed in ANY way.
But I'd need a significantly more thorough explanation that I can verify through my own research process before considering this snake venom idea plausible at all, nevermind consider that it may not be a psyop.
Always keep an open mind. Those of us with minds, change them often. In my mind as of only today, this is a psyop or a dumb distraction at best.
A lot of the research he's crediting is very real, but it feels like he may be leaping to a conclusion that doesn't quite match. I think it's more likely the virus/bioweapon known as Covid is snake based or snake venom based at the genome level, because the "venom in every water supply" doesn't... hold water.
I hope Bombard's body language does an ep on the doctor guy. He seems in portrayal a lot of the time. He went from emotional about the kids being prescribed Remdesivir, to downright giddy in the latter half.
His smiling & demeanor seemed strange to me as well.
But some people handle stress like that.
The water portion is a problem for me. .y wife a medical scientist said I was wrong about the test on the water being pcr. She said that was a Abbott labs test strip and they don't make pcr. So I think we need to keep digging. Could it be the graphics the producer put on were misleading?
Well, if he's right then as a smoker I should be immune to king cobra venom.
Will report back here if I happen to get bit by one and don't die.
Well they ARE testing our water... so they're looking for something.
The venom is the main part of what he was talking about. I think he's right, it makes sense.
I think it started out the test swabs.
I am not too sure it means our tap water, if it's there it will be in our soft drinks and bottled water. That should be reasonably easy to do IMHO.
If anyone remembers the fuss about Fiji water a few years ago?
Truth is truth. Discrediting truth is the job of the media. They do that already.
Idgaf what the normies think. After all my fully vaxxed sister in law "knows in the depths of her heart that putin is pure evil". She is an idiot. Opposing truth to save some assholes feelings is not the way I'm gonna play. At this point we have been right about every crazy thing amd they still don't believe it so what's the point. Speak the facts let those fools figure it out or walk around blind.
Trump said. If this was all fiction and someone wrote a book, nobody would read it because of how complex and ridiculous it all is.
That's why it's so difficult to explain to people what's going on. It's too much for the normies to even comprehend.
During 2020 A person I know worked in a hospital with covid patients ... I had many conversations with them and they were baffled by covid symptoms.
Some were bleeding out (no history of blood thinner use) and others were clotting like crazy.
The symptoms were so different from each other, yet they all had the same virus made no sense. This was prior to the jabs being given.
So I was thinking about this too, because we have reports of massive clotting (typically post-jab, using d-dimer etc to diagnose or they end up dead and the morticians are starting to speak out), but we also have lots of reports of bloody noses (new onset), menstrual issues, miscarriage and bleeding from just being around the jabbed. So, could there be some genetic factor in each person that determines whether one clots excessively or bleeds excessively once exposed to these spike proteins and or enzymes?
Also, if it's all a psyop, then why kill the PA scientist Liu Bing? The DS has been killing the good guys for years (natural doctors and those who get too close to the Truth)
Well if they used different venoms, king cobra causes bleeding and the other snake type he mentioned that I can't remember caused clotting.
They probably put different venoms in different flu shots OR on the PCR test swabs...
Humm interesting theory. My kids have never been tested (I was required to for two surgeries I had, but I've never had issues), but my kids are having issues (bloody noses and CV symptoms) when around the jabbed. I doubt they put it in the water, but wonder what other ways they could have introduced the spikes. We all had the original weird symptom, loss of smell, no fever, body aches, headaches, etc nov 2020. Probably all had omicron in January. Hubby ended up with pneumonia from that and he did get tested even though I told him not to, which was positive (he'd already been sick over 10 days).
The theory I have now is the people were getting the flu, they used that to scare people silly and then they tainted different batches of the PCR test like they did with the jabs.
Just like embalmers are witnessing those clots, OBGYN Drs have reported witnessing miscarriages they've never seen before, just a bloody mass.
I remember seeing a picture of a little girl after being swabbed with blood from her eye. I assumed it was damage from the physical swabbing, but it could be from venom.
It just adds strength to there is more than one toxin we are being exposed to.
They used the tests to make people sick and afraid so they would line up for their mRNA shot. It's so disgusting and evil.
They are stupid, they claim to have found the God gene, and are using their false ideas to try to corrupt people into thinking there's no hope, and they 'belong' to someone or something now.
There's not one little fragile thing in our DNA that ties us to God, we are FROM God, every cell, every hair, Everything. Nothing will change that.
They are causing much suffering with their evilness, but EVERYONE is a child of God and everyone has the same choice to acknowledge or deny it.
Agree, but what about those of us who haven't tested even, why the sudden onset of bloody noses? There has to be something being transmitted from the jabbed (Pfizer trial Indictates there is), but what? I assume the spike protein. I know they planned on making vaxxes that would be transmissible thereby effectively giving even those who refuse it a vax against their will. Have they been successful? I still think actually taking the jab would be worse, than getting shed on by someone.
Perhaps it was put in the flu shots which have been available for decades.
Yes, and the local pharmacies were pushing the flu shots really hard then around here too
I do believe this is psyops BS. The logistical coordination of poisoning EVERY water supply in the country and possibly the world is not reality. The sheer amount of product that you wold need and dilute into trillions of gallons of drinking water and keep the poison stable for a period of time without breaking down it not hid-able.
The only possible thing I could come up with is an additive that could have been put into the fluoride that's added to tap water. Problem is, a lot of places worldwide don't use fluoride (the OP mentions well water as one example). Also (and I'm not sure of the science on this) any additive would have to be stable when mixed with fluoride AND chlorine/chloramine.
Thank you for thinking critically! We need more of this,
Problem with that theory. Fluoride is not used in the water supply throughout a majority of Europe.
We get a lot of flouridation in the UK, but not everywhere. Its mixed in with some aluminium smelting byproducts which strengthen the fluorides effectiveness.
But I am not a chemist so could very well be misinformed. (or something like that)
Yes. That was part of my thinking as well. Lots of places don't have mandated fluoride.
Because this is bullshit that doesn’t make sense? This is a fucking chiropractor who can’t pronounce the shit he is talking about correctly with a history of being on Mossad TV (infowars). Wake the fuck up people.
I personally know some chiropractors who are better than MDs. There are bad chiropractors like there are bad MDs. But someone being a chiropractor doesn’t eliminate them from knowing biochemistry. Ardis may be bad but it really has nothing to do with him being “just” a chiropractor.
Being a chiropractor doesn’t make him bad or good. However, being a chiropractor who mispronounces drug names, receptors, and medical terms all while hypothesizing snake venom is used in the vaccine even though we have seen the opposite effects in almost all cases (clotting) doesn’t make him credible.
There is a reason he mentioned “chiropractor” and “Infowars” in the same sentence. Most people will write the entire thing off as bullshit immediately. There may be something to the story, but he fucked his own argument and looked like an imbecile after saying D dimers were used in the same way prothrombin times are used. You either bleed or clot in this case. He can’t have it both ways.
I agree, there are some good chiropractors out there, and if you want an alternative medicine doc then those would be a great choice. Most MDs and DOs have sold out to big pharma or big business hospitals, so I don’t trust them either. You need to research yourself but understand what people like this chiropractor are saying when they try to sell you on something and there is a big inorganic push throughout social media and sites like this.
That’s why we need to do the dig Anon. We gotta figure this all out.
The problem is there is nothing to dig. The only hard evidence mentioned in the docu was from a scientist who was murdered and never got to release the study. So basically it's all hearsay and circumstantial evidence. Nothing to peer review (dig)
Do you have an issue with us Mods putting out a subject to dig on? Because being a part of this forum is what we all should hopefully be doing. We Anons in GAW are supposed to sort EXACTLY This Type Of Stuff Out! if you don’t like it, then don’t engage PLEASE!
And here is the issue you just pointed out that we must get at: Is It Legitimate/facts Or Not Legitimate/BS? Anons are going to need data to debunk. So Anons can legitimately contribute data/info, or don’t engage. Just calling something not legitimate when someone has not contributed at all is Not Helpful. That is my point please.
EXACTLY … dig on what? Its unbelievable we waste our time with this goofy shit. This is super easy to debunk: 1. Why didn't it kill little kids and teens 2. Why didn't it kill animals/pets.
He cited studies and reports. You can start there.
You can start on this page
how so? Flynn I could see easily being a black hat double agent that set up Trump and his administration
Q said Flynn was a patriot.
Stew Peter's is using a Q slogan to give legitimacy to his bullshit documentary
^^^ THIS ^^^
Just a note: Ophirex....the company mentioned in the video...that wants to use these same mRNA injections as anti-venom treatments. Based on the name: Ophion = SERPENT
We have Orhirex = rex is another word for 'king'
Okay all. You guys are doing awesome rule outs and I’ve got some too. But many of you are saying there is no data or reports. I’m going to IGNORE those points because in each video Dr. Ardis and/or the camera crew shows the reports, names are given/provided, paper documents are seen in SLOW-MO, You Anons can EVEN PAUSE the video to write things down (those old instruments called a note pad with a pencil!!) to research them YOURSELVES!
So now that that’s been said, yep, let me try to put all y’all’s relevant stuff together. So the consensus from both posts seems to be
That the venom or poison is most likely not in the pre-drinking water supplies, but is certainly being studied in the post/sewer supply. And we need more info/data. The “In The Water” Pre-drinking is super shakey if not BS. But could it be more in large cities in blue states, LA or NYC due to the death counts? We should look at that data to rule it out. If it’s in water, why is it not harming children/babies, again possibly BS being in water supply.
We need more info on these snake proteins and are they or the venom really showing up in similar studies around the world. We just need to dig through these reports/studies to map together all the “coincidences” of the data/science/info.
Vaxx, boosters, and Remdesivir is bad no matter what. Regardless if it’s venom or not, we all seem to agree yes of Course It Is A Bioweapon and Fauci and Friends, and all the people and Governments involved must be arrested, imprisoned, etc. But we as a group need to build a clear map the companies involved, patents, and Dr’s like Fauci and Friends responsible.
We need to map out the companies, contractors, right down to the snake millets/catchers to build a path of the network to how it flows if in fact it is snake venom in these drugs to kill us.
We need to work together to ignore the Deep State BS to throw us all off and argue. If this is a psy-op from either side, let’s connect those dots if we can to expose it. Then we tell everyone that In Fact It’s CLEAR BS! If this is some sort of Mass Red Pill with truth, we need to support the facts, and TEACH everyone we can about the facts.
Oh and pets. Why aren’t the pets dying? Acid in their spit, stronger stomach acid, they drink from any source that makes most people sick. They are given meds for heart worm, worms etc. that may have Ivermectin in the meds….. Or poison/venom is of course not in water at all. More info/data is needed. Any Data on vet hospitalizations/treatments/deaths after vaxx came out?
Thread links by date to reference back to the other 3 threads:
Watch the Water Thread:
Watch the Water Poem Thread:
Watch The Water Jordan Sather Thread:
I've said this on other posts. But I think the different venoms are in the swabs.
When people were first getting sick with covid they presented both blood issues. Clotting and bleeding out. People were testing like crazy.
I lost my sense of taste & smell, nothing else , same with my kid. They were tested before a small surgery and was positive ... I got tested too (regrets) ... neither one of use felt sick until AFTER being swabbed. Them wham sick SICK, but no fever and O2 finger meter was fine, but breathing was not normal.
It was like you could feel yourself getting better as soon as we got our hands on Zinc, D and C. We are both nicotine users, I smoke they switched to vaping.
1000% THIS ^^^
I'm glad he clarified that his message was never about the water, it was about the sickness being caused by venom.
Shall we change the name? Bye-bye "Watch the Water," hello "Venom-19."
changing the name would de-fang the psy op in the Q community
@fynn_fan (Researcher who has been censored several times studying the real effects of Covid and the Vaccines) saying its definitely not complete snake venom (very complicated and expensive to make). Refers to Jikky's thread about the possibility of the video being used to discredit snake venom peptides which are in Covid spike proteins
Jikky knows his shit. He discovered the 19 letter gene sequence Moderna patent in SARS-Cov-2. He's been kicked off twitter several times for revealing truth and has had to make a "Fan" account.
Here's a deep dive of threads of him exploring the snake venom peptides in the spike proteins.
Well this really interesting... Was #WatchTheWater an attempt to discredit the presence of "snake venom" peptides in the spike protein?
Why? What is the story they are trying to bury?
Its trying to bury that the virus was man-made and strong evidence points around neurotoxin (sequence for same peptides as found in snake venom) in SARS-Cov-2 spike proteins
Now anyone trying to study that area will be called a conspiracy theorist who believes that Covid is snake poison. Its a essentially a comm to also cut off any funding for anyone studying that part of Covid.
Homology to neurotoxin peptides in the Spike adjacent to the Gp-120 inserts.
Now anyone trying to study that area will be called a conspiracy theorist who believes that Covid is snake poison. Its a essentially a comm to also cut off any funding for anyone studying that part of the virus.
Here is another interview he just did with Mike Adams.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Thanks for these videos! I think Dr Ardin explains his hypothesis much better with Mike Adams.
Yep the good doctor’s update was a stronger addition to the given info. I’m going to watch Scott’s video now.
I watched I think it was Scott’s video and Ardis said there was a guy in counter terror who has figured it out that it was snake venom early in and reported to Ef Bee Eye early on who of course did nothing. But some guy in counter terror has been researching for awhile and keeping files hopefully to be used now, who knows though for sure.
Haven’t had a chance to watch the update yet, but a chiropractor who has been on infowars doesn’t exactly instill confidence when I listen to what he is saying.
Also, there is a major contradiction in what he says about remdesivir vs the vax. He claims remdesivir acts or is snake venom and causes the blood to “thin” as evidenced by increased prothrombin times. Well, that’s all fine but we know the major issue with the vax has been clotting. He referenced a d-dimer test which is indicative of clots, not elevated ptt. Totally opposite effects.
I would proceed with caution here folks. Will need more digs and other medical professionals chiming in.
If there's anything that I'm going to take away from this, it's these two things.
The first is that the COVID disease operates fudamentally via proteins. That includes bioengineered spike proteins, enzymes and mRNA strands. If it were a bioengineered bioweapon created in a biolab, the designs for those must come from somewhere.
The second is that whatever those proteins are, they must enter our bodies through some kind of vector. The vector could be water, or air, or food, or snake or insect bites, or direct injection, or the crowns of a bioengineered coronavirus.
Dr Ardis has put forward at least two plausible and potentially true hypotheses. The first, and primary hypothesis, is that snake venom proteins are a component of this disease. This one I find more interesting and acceptable. The symptoms that we have observed for COVID, and the side effects from ventilation, remdesivir and the vaccines, all correlate substantially with snake venom poisoning.
For example, we have observed blood clots from the vaccines: the direct effect of snake venom on the coagulation of human blood is an observable event, as seen in this video by ABC catalyst:
The second and weaker hypothesis is that water is a vector for this disease. This one is much weaker. Dr Ardis's suspicion is primarily drawn from observations of the CDC's PCR testing of the water supply, and logical conjecture about their behaviour. However, there are other plausible explanations about their testing behaviour, and there are other vectors for the transmission of proteins. There are observations that we can make about the behaviour of venom proteins in the water as well, including whether the proteins can remain stable in such an environment.
As we consider Dr Ardis's hypotheses, remember, we do not have to accept all hypotheses as being true. Both may be true, only one may be true, or none may be true. Or, none may be true but give us clues as to the nature of this disease. For example, I've already established a postion where I believe Dr Richard Fleming's explanation of how spike proteins work and how they are bioengineered. After Dr Ardis's hypothesis I think it is plausible that at least some of the protein may be from snake venom, but would need more information to test and verify this hypothesis.
There must have been some damning covid news that hit close to home because they released this bullshit to throw us off the scent.
No, thank you Anon.
I plan on watching other videos this Dr. has done, but here is another with Joe Oltmann, this guy is on the tour blitzing the market for anyone willing to listen.
Scott McKay you say? The pieces are all falling into place on this anon- aimed psyop
My initial thought when seeing this second stickied post this morning. M'kay is a paytriot faggot! In the Peters interview, he mentions going on Infowars multiple times as well.... What's next? This dude going on the Simon Parkes alien fun time fetish hour?
Use discernment folks. Anyone who is on the PAYtriot circuit is someone to be wary of.
Not trying to be a ‘Doomer’ … I’m using critical thinking skills… Discernment if you will?
People realize that This Dr Ardis is a Chiropractor? Not a medical Dr?
Also he has a vested interest to get his name and his company name out there ‘Ardis Labs’ - he’s selling acne and skincare related products??? A chiropractor?
Starting to think this Dr. Ardis is a legitimate ‘SnakeOil Salesman’ …. Doesn’t feel right - that’s just me though …skeptical.
Permalink to "anon's" comment by u/BigDaddy1reboot in Steel Truth Media's interview with Dr Ardis (4-12-22):
I see all the posts below and I cannot refute them as way out there. However, Dr. Ardis' research is so extensive and points to the use of snake venom by these big pharma companies.
He shows how these individuals focus on the research & development of snake venom use in modern medicine. Even the blood pressure medication Liprinosil includes snake venom. We also have Thyroid medication that has been extracted from pig thyroid hormone. How about bee sting therapy for MS patients?
These people form new companies specifically on the r & D of snake venom. Logically, are there really that many snake bite victims to warrant such high levels of R & D, in pharmaceuticals or is there an ulterior, more nefarious purpose? They receive gov't grants, funding and private funding (think Bill Gates). Why would you pour so much $$$ into this industry?
My point is even though what possibly began as a legitimate humanitarian project and for the good of modern medicine, it quickly became an incentive for their nefarious purposes. They have now taken it to an incomprehensible and unthinkable threshold of evil. Hence the term; 'Win by any means possible.
They used Covid as a kick-off point to steal the election because Trump was busting up their worldwide old guard system of corruption that only benefits the evil-doers. They all do not care about the masses, much less the crimes they commit against humanity in their rise to power and control. Their loyalty is to a higher power; SATAN and their Luciferian Cult. I am convinced of this. It's Biblical, indeed.
Now think of how after Biden entered office how Covid morphed into what we now know as a means of power and control (and $$$) over the masses, worldwide! Forcing these mandates, forcing the CDC protocol, depopulation, etc and so on. Why do they want to inject this 'vaxx cocktail' into newborns?
Was Biden and the admin beholden to Big Pharma and the millions of billions of money to be gained for years and years from the adverse effects of Covid and the life-long booster program? It seems it's more about money then a genuine care and health of the general population. Does Biden and cronie crime family receive kick-backs from big pharma through their money laundering schemes and phony charities and foundations? What about investment portfolios and legislation in congress?
Who is above Biden pushing the agenda here? I think it's simple;
Tax Payer $$$s = Govt monies for funding these agendas
Then agencies like CDC, FDA, NIH, contractors and others push the agenda back onto to the Tax Payers for their nefarious purposes. Through Doctors and the medical field personnel, and the whole fake news media push.
Big Pharma cashes in for years and years on adverse reaction medications.
PUSH, PUSH, PUSH THE AGENDA FOR $$$, Power and Control...
The sheer sensationalism turns me off.. could it be snake venom….yes but how??? still not known…however we know facts, covid 19 it’s a bio weapon and we know treatments were withheld And the treatment that was allowed is toxic! That’s enough evil right there.
Before we discount this mr Ardis .....
we might wanne check the sources he used and the method of thinking.
Then we arrive at some questions:
Is it possible that under the guise of a fake-pandemic, plandemic, certain interest-parties have slipped this into several batches / geographical locations? This is not about why. The why is a nice story. This is about something else. This is about how, what,where, when.
We would also need to look at production processes, locations because the questions should be asked: is it possible to insert certain batches of masks, swabs, viales with covid-19 vax in small samples?
How would it look, if there are several methods of inducing a scare? You would not be able to make head or tails from it. It adds to the confusion.
One thing is certain: there are scientific studies that connect covid-19 (a basket of pathologies) to snake venom.
Fact is that people who got vaxxed suddenly suffer from their weak spots. Kidney stones, aggressive cancers, returning migraines, myocarditis, etc,etc .......
SO, yes, we were and are being played. Cynically played as pawns in a social darwinian ploy to rot us out in the name of the survival of the elite as the epitome of humanity.
This theory is fucking retarded we need to tighten up.
I listened to the full Steel Truth interview w/Ardis (the over 1hr. version), and there are a few important points to bring out:
a) Ardis indicated that the DS has been able to SYNTHESIZE the venom for some time now (over a decade). So some people who are breathlessly beating the shit out of this story (like Cilf High) - don't mention this point. Either they are not listening to him or they don't want to mention it because it doesn't fit their "story". (i.e. Today Clif put out a long dissertation pointing out the minuscule amount of venom that can be harvested vs. the volume needed to poison the world. If it can be synthesized, then this point is mute.)
b) He gives strong evidence from published articles that indicate Remdesivr and the injection (and the "virus") contain the PROTEINS from the venom. I couldn't distinguish sometimes the details around this because he would say "they're poisoning you with snake venom" multiple times.
So far, I'm very skeptical of this story, but as an open-minded anon, I will keep my eye on this because there seem to be a lot of connections that Ardis brought forward that are quite compelling.
What I will not do (like so many) is say one way or the other (100%) agree/disagree, and will not share with normies yet at this point. More info is needed.
Sauce for full version:
They have been MASS PRODUCING synthetic venom from snakes and deadly snails since 1989!!! That alone is quite freaky to realize. Did no one ever bother to ask, why?? until now!!!
I saw the title and read a few things about, Watch the Water, and blew it off. My wife was watching it and I told her it’s BS. If it were true a ton of animals would of died.
Moving on to, why hasn’t the ones behind this been felt with by the people?
Can I get a written synopsis of all the watch the water theory points? Work and family are keeping me busy! 😅
I think the video was horribly mis-titled. He spends maybe a minute in the whole thing discussing the water. And I just read the title of the first video which confirms that.
Ok thanks!
This story is from the University of Arizona from last year but does show the parallels and connections. More research to review in our search for the truth.
Dr. Tau Braun has been talking about this for a long time, including a letter to the FBI:
Lynn De Rothschild, a while back, was fighting with a guy on, I think Reddit, about people going thirsty. We thought it was them contaminating the water supply with heavy metals. Maybe it was this instead?
She also said, that we would watch our child die first of thirst. Man…I gotta find that again for reference.
Thank you for your post. So much of what the bone-cracker says made so little sense because the amount of people that it would involve - there is no way a conspiracy that big could be pulled off on a world-wide scale and everyone involved keeps quiet about it for 2+ years and no other medical researcher comes to the conclusions before some bone-cracker deciphered it.
Who is looking into the part that fluoridated drinking water plays in all of this? I like digging up old ghosts.
I did consider another angle, yes the venom in water is impractical to hurt people, probably would be too dilute, BUT taking a poison in low doses actually makes you resistant to poison (some poisons). Maybe water, but also maybe the vax makes people immune to snake venom. Maybe it kills some people, and we know it doesn't prevent "the flu" but maybe it makes you resistant to venom? The current phase is getting the compliant people immune.
Later they could go wild with spraying or contaminating food with high doses of venom. The vaxxed would be immune but the unvaxed (dissidents generally) would die on the spot as they had not become immune. They could say it's a new variant... the jab saved so many... but the antivaxxers are wiped out (and maybe the people who start avoiding water)
Curious what you think of this u/Brent75
On the Juvenile or Watch The Water? As I’m going to do a Watch The Water post later today.
The fact that they didn't disclose what was put in the ice and its an attempted murder charge. About 6 months ago my estranged cousin came to a family dinner. Everyone except him and me got sick with flu like symptoms and everyone lost their taste and smell for weeks (my uncle still cannot taste or smell anything, even garlic). My cousin might be wrapped up in bad shit, he is likely compromised.
Zack with Red Pill 78 said Dr Ardis will be joining him for his Sat night livestream as well. I'm not positive what time it will be. Around 8 or 9 eastern (TT) I think.