Almost every single high profile DS & Rino politician has "tested positive" and is thankful they were "vaxxed & boosted". I know of absolutely no one in the past 3 months who has had or tested positive for covid. There is definitely some fuckery afoot and i believe all these tweets are comms of some sort.
Fren have you been under a rock? A lot of democrats in and out of office have been saying they caught the coof, posting the near exact thing on twatter.
I noticed this in particular with R Talib. Go read hers. But try to read it in her voice. It just doesn’t work. She simply doesn’t speak that way. At the time I said it feels machine generated. It still does.
It feels like the same AI is writing the covid tweets. It’s not their voice. They would attempt to get more out of the tweet. They have image consultants. They always try to be relatable and talk like millennials, especially the squad.
Something is afoot with these tweets. It’s same guy or same script or something.
You mean like they were all perhaps written by PR teams, highlighting an issue Democrats have brought to the forefront (covid)? Covid is still circulating. Like people randomly get the flu, people will continue to randomly get covid.
The only coincidence is that Democrats who interact with lots of random people every day, caught a communicable illnesses, and their pr staffers make a canned tweet or other response. They're all the same cuz what else would you say when you are announcing you're sick.? Example:"Btw, I'm sick, but I'm mostly feeling ok, I'm gonna stay away from people for a bit since I may spread the flu. At least it's not worse than it is." That's essentially what those tweets are, and how else would one tell other people they're sick? And again, this is an issue Democrats have brought to the forefront the last couple of years, so makes sense they'd use people catching the illness as a chance for PR.
Remember when the script included, “I’m quarantined “ or “in isolation?” Then, next thing we knew, they reappeared wearing a boot? Am I experiencing the Mandela Effect, or what?
Perhaps it is apophenia which is a tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things. I doubt you saw all these people with boots, and even if you did, so what, how many have them now?
You were talking about when the line was "I'm quarantined" or "in isolation" and then "they" reappeared with a boot. So I'm curious which ones you recall. I know for a while now I've seen various politicians or celebrities with these things posted here, but I never really paid much attention to it because it was just idle speculation.
Don’t remember all of the ones with photos showing them wearing the boot, but Hilary, Ellen Degeneres, Joe Biden are some! I get what you mean about what they said, previous to wearing boot.
About the only thing I'm generally certain of when I hear that is that someone got billed for the testing. Whether they actually ran the test. Whether the test actually works. Or whether a test even actually exists, we can generally be certain someone made money administering it.
Hm, I thought there would be more of a deal about it on here. I don't watch the TV news and searching anything Biden-related makes me mad or disgusted, so I could have missed it.
The entire Twitter comments thread for this post is AWAKE. I’m sure Breaking911 got a chuckle or dozens! The bots don’t seem active. Twitter already showing free speech as of today. Amazing.
This is so obviously being done intentionally. They are being forced to come out, say they have covid, but are blessed to be vaccinated.
At some point, some dopey normie {hopefully the majority} is going to have the penny drop and realize, "hey, wait a minute... All of these assholes are getting covid.. but they're thankful to be vaccinated?"
Oh for FS! Really? Seriously, this is getting comical.
Made me laugh for FS
Esp when she said two boosters.
Right , I can't wait to hear the truth behind the comms , testimony plea deals ?
Ding ding ding , has to be , are u aware of how many have sent this out in last month and half ,, like 10
Yes , love the word Glorious! Love your Mike and pillow , you scored !
Came here to say this. 🤣🤣
Maxine Waters tested positive for looking like a crumpled brown paper bag.
a face like a turd. she's so hatable.
Imagine having all that money and power and still looking like a miserable person who has spent all day sucking on lemons.
that's hilarious
And, I keep expecting this sound to come from her mouth:
That's a POS in drag wearing a bad wig.
I had to share an elevator with her once. Murder never looked so righteous. Thankfully the Holy Spirit brought me back from the brink.
Carrying out the penalty for treason is part of our duties as a citizen of the U S.
Kek! 😂
It's a mahn in a drag!
-mag bitter truth
She's so fucking ugly.
...and nasty
Down right scary.
She looks like a ventriloquist doll with a loose jaw and a melty face.
that's hilarious!
God it's so true. I swear the evil in her made her look that way over time. See also: Nancy Pelosi.
You are born with one face and then God gives you the one you deserve
that's hilarious!
Creepy lookin bitch
really vile
Man that is one terrifying monster! The one on the right is kinda scary too.
that one is very alien like
I love it! I'm an RN - poop is always funny! I never grew out of it either.
LPN here, and I concur. Definitely seen some poop.
KEK. Had to look up Bristol scale though it was vaguely familiar from my nursing school days. And yeah, she does.
If she lays down on the sidewalk and closes her eyes, she'd be perfectly camouflaged in her district of San Francisco.
When Fred G Sanford said "Ill stick your face in some dough and make gorilla cookies", he was looking at MadMax.
Theyre not elites. Theyre criminals.
At the top of their poop pyramid, they are.
Elite criminal overclass.
Do you think they are testing positive because they don't want to be with Xiden? Does he have an upcoming trip planned?
For example, the last two times he traveled overseas peppermint psocki had tested positive and couldn't make the trip.
Most of these people tweeting the comms wouldn't have a reason to accompany him overseas to begin with.
How many coincidences before it's mathematically impossible?
I guess she is not welcome at the "gasoline station "...Cootie woman.
How is this a coincidence?
Almost every single high profile DS & Rino politician has "tested positive" and is thankful they were "vaxxed & boosted". I know of absolutely no one in the past 3 months who has had or tested positive for covid. There is definitely some fuckery afoot and i believe all these tweets are comms of some sort.
Fren have you been under a rock? A lot of democrats in and out of office have been saying they caught the coof, posting the near exact thing on twatter.
What is coincidental about Democrats all repeating the same talking point? That's pretty much how they have operated for years now.
They all use the same lingo...almost as if they're ALL WRITTEN BY THE SAME PERSON
I noticed this in particular with R Talib. Go read hers. But try to read it in her voice. It just doesn’t work. She simply doesn’t speak that way. At the time I said it feels machine generated. It still does.
It feels like the same AI is writing the covid tweets. It’s not their voice. They would attempt to get more out of the tweet. They have image consultants. They always try to be relatable and talk like millennials, especially the squad.
Something is afoot with these tweets. It’s same guy or same script or something.
So if they’re in custody , they’re not tweeting, right?
So someone is tweeting for them.... a white hat to inform & freak out others or just to let their team know the status?
.... or black hats sending the signal they need another double? (That said, I’m imagining her’s will show up on the doorstep in a burning paper bag 😂)
Oh man, I hadn't considered the whole "black hat vs white hat control/handler" aspect of this phenomenon.
I'm gonna need some more weed now.
GFVB is an acronym for the German term:
"Gesellschaft Für Vermögens-beteiligungen"
Which is (roughly) an "asset and investment holding, participation, and management company".
So I think they are saying their assets have been frozen. Or, they (the asset) in agreement and participation with "company" management.
Just my take.
this could mean then "I am in"
Yes but I could just as easily have listed them as fully vaccinated, boosters, grateful; and then GFVB wouldn't work
Totally true, lol. It just caught my eye, that's all.
You mean like they were all perhaps written by PR teams, highlighting an issue Democrats have brought to the forefront (covid)? Covid is still circulating. Like people randomly get the flu, people will continue to randomly get covid.
The only coincidence is that Democrats who interact with lots of random people every day, caught a communicable illnesses, and their pr staffers make a canned tweet or other response. They're all the same cuz what else would you say when you are announcing you're sick.? Example:"Btw, I'm sick, but I'm mostly feeling ok, I'm gonna stay away from people for a bit since I may spread the flu. At least it's not worse than it is." That's essentially what those tweets are, and how else would one tell other people they're sick? And again, this is an issue Democrats have brought to the forefront the last couple of years, so makes sense they'd use people catching the illness as a chance for PR.
These people dramatize everything, they would never miss the chance to cash in on this. Something is up.
Yeah, no.
Remember when the script included, “I’m quarantined “ or “in isolation?” Then, next thing we knew, they reappeared wearing a boot? Am I experiencing the Mandela Effect, or what?
Perhaps it is apophenia which is a tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things. I doubt you saw all these people with boots, and even if you did, so what, how many have them now?
I did not say “all these people.” My perception was that it was a pattern at the time. I wondered if these boots were hiding an ankle monitor.
You were talking about when the line was "I'm quarantined" or "in isolation" and then "they" reappeared with a boot. So I'm curious which ones you recall. I know for a while now I've seen various politicians or celebrities with these things posted here, but I never really paid much attention to it because it was just idle speculation.
Don’t remember all of the ones with photos showing them wearing the boot, but Hilary, Ellen Degeneres, Joe Biden are some! I get what you mean about what they said, previous to wearing boot.
Does it appear any of these named individuals are somehow confined or restricted currently?
Not to me, because they look like them, but not exactly!
Ellen looks the same to me. Joe and Hilldawg don't.
It's covid comms for
I'm under criminal investigation.
I've given testimony to a grand jury.
I'm being audited by the IRS.
I'm all in for the next false flag.
Tested positive means "In custody and uncooperative. After her execution, Maxine and her entire family reputation will be destroyed."
Dont care about her rep. Let's sieze some of that ill gotten gain.
All of those guilty of crimes against humanity will have absolutely everything seized. At home and abroad.
It was in 45's EO that added human trafficking to the definition of terrorist and the recriprocity delineated in the Patriot Act.
45 literally turning the Patriot Act against them. It doesn't get anymore glorious than that.
I'll be happy with $5000.
Funny how it’s only the Dems that are well known and the most corrupt of the corrupt that get their own Covid + breaking news announcement.
So, what does Covid + really mean? What does fully vaccinated really mean, too. Is it Durham who’s spreading this new variant?😂
About the only thing I'm generally certain of when I hear that is that someone got billed for the testing. Whether they actually ran the test. Whether the test actually works. Or whether a test even actually exists, we can generally be certain someone made money administering it.
I think she could use another 4 or 5 boosters, just to be sure.
C'mon man. Joe's got to get it soon.
Probably by Friday ... lol
Joe got the coof 2 or 3 weeks ago, same comm.
Hm, I thought there would be more of a deal about it on here. I don't watch the TV news and searching anything Biden-related makes me mad or disgusted, so I could have missed it.
This is WAY beyond being koinkidink.
Koin Kid Ink. I 100% would've bought their whacky pens from the school store.
Maybe all these elites saying "tested positive" and is just comms for "They got me too and I'm in a load of trouble" .
They finally came off quarantine, they have two years worth of real world germs to catch up on!
This movie is heating up!
Well bless her little heart.
Yeah..... I think she needs double doses of Remdesever and a jacked up ventilator
Inflamed heart.
But they never get the real clot shot.
I haven't heard about that, but I also haven't heard about hospital admins being hunted.
So did Kumallover Harris
All the vaxxed fuckers are getting it
OH SNAP this is def arrests.
The entire Twitter comments thread for this post is AWAKE. I’m sure Breaking911 got a chuckle or dozens! The bots don’t seem active. Twitter already showing free speech as of today. Amazing.
she also tested positive for IQ-19... it was 18.5... but they rounded up....
Ha! Top kek anon.
James Brown was the friggin' man! Super patriotic cat too.
They're most certainly comms. For who and what we must continue to connect the dots. Autism increases
"None of which have done a thing for me!" Dems cannot recognize irony, at all!
Covid is one brave bug in enter THAT thang.
Bye bye Mad Max you crazy bitch......................
Dude this is hilarious
This is so obviously being done intentionally. They are being forced to come out, say they have covid, but are blessed to be vaccinated.
At some point, some dopey normie {hopefully the majority} is going to have the penny drop and realize, "hey, wait a minute... All of these assholes are getting covid.. but they're thankful to be vaccinated?"
The current npc brainwashing is that the vax makes the symptoms not as bad/dangerous if you do get it.
Yes I know I've dealt with it at work.
But it's the exact same phrasing in these releases, as if it's being beaten to death purposely
What if it really is that simple? White hats soft pilling the general public over time.
I don’t like watching her
She needs Remdesivir and a ventilator STAT!!!
Now do Sheila Jackson Lee.
That’s not a 911 on her! It would be better if she tested positive for lifeless haha!
You get a Coin and 12 step card that says when getting Covid "I'm glad I got Vaxed and Boosted or it would have been much worse"