They’re always trying to fight the man. And they don’t want to be helped but then is pissed when they don’t get help. I feel sorry for the loser that is married to a liberal woman
I have never done that with my husband. Sex is never used as a weapon or form of control in our home. Married 32 years and still going despite the odds.
This is correct. Sex is one of the main tenets of marriage and should never be withheld or given conditionally. No headaches either. Take an Advil. Besides, you probably get more with puppy dog eyes or some version of that anyways.
Yes, but it cuts both ways- Men don't get to withhold affection, thoughtfulness and consideration and then expect great sex, either. There are female fools (like those who think abortion should be a right,)and there are male fools in this group as well. (and yes, I know women can be overly sensitive, talkative and sometimes unreasonable- after all I am one!)
1Co 7:3
The husband must fulfill his duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband.
The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does; and likewise also the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does.
1Co 7:5
Stop depriving one another, except by agreement for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer, and come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.
Ephesians 5:23
Nevertheless, each individual among you also is to love his own wife even as himself, and the wife must see to it that she (honors) respects her husband.
You are correct. Note that I did not actually specify a gender. Although I have never heard of a man suddenly coming down with a headache if his wife comes out in the sexy clothes wanting some, and puppy dog eyes probably don't work for most men, but I can't say these are impossible either.
My husband always used to say "your money is our money, and my money is my money. He paid for nothing out of his money. He did buy me a big mac one time.
Consider this as feedback that can be used for self improvement; results from an informal Rohrshach Diagnostic test.
Pool players call this developing their eye. They learn how far "off" their eye is then teach themselves to compensate so they are able to shoot straight. Pool players realize that very few people are born with an eye that sees straight.
As Christ pointed out and countless scientific studies have affirmed, the current state of your heart affects your hearing, sight and ability to think.
Fortunately, words chosen reveal the hearts condition as do actions taken.
And that is backwards, but when we permit a judicial system to take over rights that should have been left with faith and cultural communities...that is the natural effect.
I think women need to stop purposely getting pregnant just to snag a husband then leave him to collect child support or Welfare and whatever else they can get from it!
No, but rape is bad and there is this notion that only men are sexually starved when it goes both ways. You can't force it as a dude, socially or physically.
Sorry, I disagree. Old nature, maybe, But as Jesus said, "In the beginning it was not so."
Mat 19:3
And there came unto him Pharisees, trying him, and saying, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?
Mat 19:4
And he answered and said, Have ye not read, that he who made them from the beginning made them male and female, (Not male and females...)
Mat 19:5
and said, For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; (singular, not plural) and the two shall become one flesh.
Mat 19:6
So that they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
Mat 19:7
They say unto him, Why then did Moses command to give a bill of divorcement, and to put her away?
Mat 19:8
He saith unto them, Moses for your hardness of heart suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it hath not been so.
Mat 19:9
And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except for fornication, and shall marry another, commits adultery: and he that marries her when she is put away commits adultery.
Mat 19:10
The disciples say unto him, If the case of the man is so with his wife, it is not expedient to marry.
Mat 19:11
But he said unto them, Not all men can receive this saying, but they to whom it is given.
Women are the gatekeepers of sex and men are the gatekeepers of commitment. Men will always push for sex, it's in our nature. It's up to the women to control themselves and reject the advances and not give it up to every man who wants it.
Inversely, women will always push for commitment with a high value man they respect, it's in their nature. It's up to men to control themselves and ensure the woman is a good long term prospect and to not commit to every woman who wants it.
Movies back in the day used to depict this accurately. A woman will push for marriage. The man will say no, he has things to do. The woman will continue pushing. The man says no, he still has things to do. Then finally he decides he's ready and she'll make a good wife and he does it. Now a days western men are such incels, if a woman asks for commitment, the pussy man will say yes because he is so excited a girl wants him. Now use this same logic for women and sex.
Guess what. That would be abstinence. Presenting yourself as a virgin when you enter marriage. My mother used to say, “Why buy the cow, when you can get free milk!” Also is the same for men. Sleeping around takes away from part of the joy of exploring marriage together and learning together.
Except that it doesn't. This is the type of Christian propaganda bullshit that caused problems in the first place. I've heard it all from the "losing half of yourself forever" to "you'll get board with sex" and "people in open relationships WILL fail" only to observe none of those things happen regarding people I know. The Christian obsession with controlling people's sexuality is in large part a contributor to the current problem. No, your way of life isn't the correct way no matter how hard you pray it to be so.
I'm not saying you need to be out having orgies to experience life. If you are happy in your committed relationship having sex with one and only one person, great! It's not for me to tell you how to live your life. As it's not for you to tell others how to live theirs. Jesus has to be accepted by choice. Shaming people into a lifestyle breeds rebellion. And that's true of ALL ideologies. Shame simply does not work especially against Americans.
I don't want to control anyone's sexuality and don't know any Christians who do.
God does however give us context for sex. He says it's better to marry than to burn ( burn with desire for sex) it's natural to want sex. Song of Solomon has much to say about sex. God clearly shows sex is intended between men and women. Bible says to procreate, replenish the earth. So where the hell you get you sour b.s. about what Christians think concerning sex? Bible doesn't say you have sex and then kill a baby for sport so you dont have to deal with it. You sound like someone who regrets shit they did. If you are ashamed it's your problem. Because if you do shameful shit I'm not gonna pat u on the back.
It’s the slippery slope the other way. Right now we’re fighting men wanting to be women, so hardcore Christian’s just want it to be about men and women and the don’t care if you’re married or not but once we win that battle the extreme right goal post will move again. It may not represent the majority but there will be more of that. Whether that’s right nor not is not the point but the constant need to push it on other people is what’s annoying. Same thing with these trans gaybies
In the 90's and early 2000's Christian fundamentalists had most of the power. They chose instead to double down on controlling people's lifestyle. I used to think that those resisting Christian tyranny were all going to hell... until I learned history and saw that Christianity is also a failed, man made construct that should be resisted... faith is a personal choice. Religions are all cults, it's just some have approval and state sponsored connections.
Now with all the overabundance of Leftist faggotry, I realize that the battle is not R v L or any of that other stupid fucking shit. It's freedom and tyranny. All we need to be united on is the inalienable right to life. Everything else can fall where it may.
So what. Marriage is between men and woman. You have lived in a fake lie so long you fight being correct.
You have no idea how much this stuff is going g to reverse. What you have been told about diversity and tolerance is a lie. Live it if you want but as for me, I'll stand against the devil and all those lies you embrace or die trying.
"I don't want to control anyone's sexuality and don't know any Christians who do."
This is willfully blinding yourself, as if you stepped away and watched our side it happens often, and multiple times every day from multiple people, to a greater extreme on Patriots.
Lalalalalalalaalla my side good. Lalalalalalala my side GOOD!!!!
Pick your own side. I stand with me and Jesus and every other American who believes in the Constitution. I do not care who they choose to worship, if anyone. Unfortunately too many people are still caught up in semantics makes one wonder if maybe that's why the plan has yet to conclude: because we're still too focused on semantics and bullshit.
I don't want to control anyone's sexuality and don't know any Christians who do.
Must be nice living in ignorant bliss.
I do have regrets. I regret buying into the bull and being a self righteous asshat. I regret the friendships I killed for the sake of the religion and buying into Paul's lies as though a fucking MAN can determine what the SERVANT KING meant...
Read Jesus for yourself and go from there. Everything else is divisive bullshit used to turn us against each other when the real enemy is not each other, but the evil assholes in power.
Sounds like you got caught up in man made religion falsely called Christianity. Happened to most of us. U learned better and many others can too. Also, most of that shit as you said yourself was youthful excitement and going g overboard. Sounds like you matured.
If you have ever done good then you acted in imitation of the one True God. God is the author of Good. If you disagree with what is good its between you and God.
Far be it from me to tell anyone whether they should have sex inside or outside of marriage, but then women need to stop whining if they get pregnant, if the baby daddy leaves you and if they get STD’s. Men callously have unprotected sex, and women lie to entrap men. There are very few nice and responsible people out there. Women act like sluts these days, the difference is society still calls them sluts and whores, while promiscuous men are given a pass. There are many men out there who don’t and won’t take responsibility, just like there are plenty of women who won’t. The ones hurt in the process are the children who grow up in poverty, resented by their mothers, or aborted because they are inconvenient. Fine you want to have sex with every Tom, Dick, Harry, Lisa, Susan and Nancy do it, but then both sides take responsibility for their actions. Sounds like you want to have fun, just like the women, but then won’t be responsible. Then like many a man, deny paternity, refuse to pay child support, or don’t want to use birth control. Murdering a child because it is inconvenient is not right. The society that doesn’t value life goes down the tubes. Sex is not a recreational sport. I say both parties that act irresponsibly get what they deserve. By all means go out and have mindless sex with as many stupid, ignorant and irresponsible women as you want brother. I call this using each other. Unfortunately I have seen many young women who freely engaged in sex because they were looking for someone to love them. They then are left with a baby, when they are still young without the emotional, physical and financial support they need and thought they had found. Many a woman equates sex with love. Women and men are wired differently. Men equate sex with feeling good.
If you wanna talk about legislation that FAIRLY distributes responsibly to both parties and requires them to take responsibility I am all ears.
However while you say a bunch of things, you miss the root cause of the problem: culture and education. No I don't mean we need to pull Family Guy off the air or any of that Fundamentalist stupidity, no I mean we need to build up our youth so they can handle the responsibility by the time they achieve sexual maturity. We need to stop trying to dictate the lives of our youth to conform to tradition. Tradition must be a choice and we need to stop exaggerating.
I have been to some of the places that were described to me as "immoral cesspits" and while all that world ending debauchery was on display, in the end people just... continued on about their lives and the world didn't end... point being, we need to have honest conversations and let people learn the hard way on things for themselves. We also need to be better at stepping up and helping those mothers. If we care about the child, then we need to be better providers as society. Saying "your mistake is not my responsibility" and then posting about Pro-Life crap on Facebook is meaningless and hypocritical virtue signaling...
I agree part way- but if men expect a virginal wife and then sleep around themselves before marriage, that's a double standard, don't you think?
Since you brought Jesus into this, you make a good point that Jesus was only out to shame one group- The self-righteous. In His day though, there was already a religious structure that shamed people for certain sins, women were shamed for sex with someone who was not their betrothed or husband, men were shamed for being tax - collectors for Rome or being Zealots (and Jesus managed to have these two extremes as disciples :) or even for being a simple publican.
However, He Himself said: "I did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it."
Teachers that say "Jesus fulfilled the law so I don't .." make two errors:
Fulfilling the law is not the end of the law, except in the sense that the law relating to sacrifice for sin is completed in Jesus. Second, that all the law is now nullified, Paul and Jesus both said they upheld the law. I agree that we are not to 'tell people how to live their lives' on our own authority. However, IF you accept Jesus' authority, you do not have the privilege of contradicting him on the law of God.
The Law of God is subject to scrutiny. I do not put stake in the Torah as I feel especially knowing what we know now about deception, that the ole Book has been beat up along the way. What does stick, for me are things like the food laws which seem to have a correlation to animals that consume humans intentionally... yeah something to look into and then you can see the correlation between cancer and bacon.
In the end I rely on what Jesus said and more importantly what He did. Regarding the issue of sexual immorality, He spared a prostitute. "Let He who is without sin cast the first stone." He spared her and forgave her. Now some might argue "THAT WAS ONE TIME!!!! IT DOESN'T COUNT ANYMORE!!!!" I say... let people study and decide for themselves.
Jesus Christ healed the sick, gave rhe blind sight, set st liberty those who were captive and demonstrates God's love. That's what I follow and it is what we all should imitate. But to blame the whole of Christianity for dogmatic graceless religion os foolish. Calling a an egg a rock doesn't make it a rock.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. See people getting destroyed, now you know why.
That said, you are entitled to your preferred standards. The laws are stacked against men to the point that marriage is a suicidal investment. Those all need to change or be abolished as the state does not get to decide religious traditions such as marriage.
We need to have better education and more honest conversations with our youth and not tell them how to think. "Sex isn't the only thing that matters in marriage" yeah the fuck it doesn't. If that's what's important to the people in the relationship that is for them to figure out. There's nothing "shallow" or "perverted" about being honest regarding your sexual desires. Acting on certain ones, well... let's just say no one is entitled to sex and without consent it's rape.
Biology has evolved for men to sleep with multiple women and for women to sleep with one man. Anything different goes against millions of years of evolution.
A man can spread his seed multiple times to multiple women, and historically/evolutionarily speaking, without consequence. A woman needs to be more deliberate because she has to carry the baby for 9 months and evolutionarily speaking, be the one to raise the child. Things get more interesting though, if you've ever read the book, "Sperm Wars". Women have evolved to want to get pregnant by the strong alpha male who may or may not make a poor father/provider, but will want to marry the beta male who will be faithful and a good provider. Obviously a man with a combination of these traits is ideal, but rare.
Obviously modern times have fucked up our natural biology and sociology because of birth control, abortions, family court being so biased towards women, child support, etc.
edit: because the downvoats are funny for speaking facts. Just because our biology is wired a certain way doesn't mean it's good for society. I absolutely believe in monogamy and marriage, but that requires a bit of going against male biology. You can't question that prior to civilization, the alpha male had children with multiple women. That's just the way we were wired. And still are. I haven't read the bible as in depth as I would like but I met a woman once who is as religious as they come and she told me the bible says that there are aspects of men and women that we have to consistently fight against. She told me men are naturally weak and must work to become strong and that women are naturally manipulative and must work to not be so (I can't verify this but I don't see why she would lie to me). There are certain aspects of our biology that we need to fight for the betterment of ourselves and society. But do not confuse this with the aspects of our natural biology that the liberal overlords want us to fight against that is not good for society.
While that may be true back in the day, there’s no need for this “evolutionary” trait now.
#1. We’ve evolved beyond being just animals. We’ve developed ethics and morals and higher order cognition and self control.
#2 in todays world a man impregnating multiple women is just irresponsible. People can barely afford a family with two kids let alone a harem and dozen kids. Unless you are filthy rich, it’s not evolutionarily feasible
Facts and logic get treated the same way Q does when brought up in public. The problem is we have too many fundamentalists that think their doctrine is correct and thus they have the authority to decide what's best... ironic... a self righteous Christian isn't much different that the asshole satanic elites...
80% of divorces are filed by wahmen most because "I'm not happy". Then the man is on the hook for child support and spousal support. While she moves on to the next sucker. You become a court ordered support slave.
This 👆🏼 its a very lose/lose environment. Esp when the metoo was peaking. If you get a woman pregnant and she decides to make your life hell the system is ready and willing to put the screws to a man.
Very true. The court system is unfair. However it takes two to create a child and in order to work, childcare is required. The woman should be compelled to work, not simply accept money from the government and the sperm donor. The entire system needs to change, but both parties need to take ownership. Just like the father should have a say in custody if he is compelled to pay, and a say if the woman wants an abortion and the father doesn’t. It is a very complex situation.
If this isn't ABSOLUTE PROOF that abortion destroys the family, I don't know what is.
So many poeople got used to not having a family while Roe was in effect, but - as soon as it is overturned - all those women want to start having actual families again.
Even if they don't respect morality, they respond to consequences.
What separates leftists from conservatives - in every single issue - is that conservatives consider the long-term consequences of their actions (including whether something creates an incentive to do right or wrong).
Leftists don't.
Clarification: The average 'brainwashed' leftist doesn't think of the consequences, but the 'elite' leftist promotes thingsbecauseof the (negative) consequences.
It's not only abortion that destroys the family, but birth control and contraception. Abortion is basically just backup birthcontrol if the condom / pill didn't work. Abortion and contraception both are about getting to have the pleasure of sex without dealing with the natural consequences.
What people don’t seem to understand is Roe was not overturned/banned, the decision regarding abortions was returned to individual states. Never trust a woman who says she is on birth control. Double protection is better than no protection. Wear an unexpired condom or get a vasectomy if you never want children. Those who play, most often pay!
If you are referring to liberals, probably. But a God-fearin' Christian wife. No. Try reading some books about pleasuring your wife. Ed & Gayle Wheat have a good one called Intended for Pleasure, and The Joy of Sex is also available (
Lol. Of course they, with no irony, still blame men for their problems. Funny thing is, even if American men step up, these girls will still be toxic and entitled.
I know this sounds crazy, but slut shaming could turn this country around very quickly.
Slut shaming needs to not only be about sleeping around with body counts in the hundreds, but also the way women dress. There's dressing sexy and there's dressing like a whore and, at least where I live, dressing like a total street walking whore is totally commonplace when I go shopping anywhere.
That is why parents need to control the dress code and schools also need to have one. You are totally correct about how women dress. Leave something to the imagination. Mystery is enticing.
American men aren't the problem. Maerican women aren't the problem, either. The problem is with how we've let "society" dictate the norms we live by. In other words, the problem is with those that we've let hold power over us.
You're talking mostly about an unhappy medium, as that rarely works long term. Ignorance is bliss; if you haven't been with anyone else or indulged in porn, sexual chemistry is a given in the same way that 1 > 0. When you instead go develop a basis for comparison, there's a lot higher chance you end up eventually coveting that which you don't have.
It's amazing how you talk so much about sex without mentioning children. That's the liberal brainwashing talking.
The sexual revolution of the 60s and 70s decoupled sex from procreation. Single motherhood skyrocketed afterwards because sex was free and so men were allowed to have sex commitment-free.
Free sex sounds great, but after a few generations of children raised by single mothers, you end up in 2022 where kids are tipping drag queen strippers. So be careful what you wish for.
Lmao, full circle, that's exactly why women are hypergamous, they seek the strongest provider to carry forth their generations.
.feminism and abortion allowed the weak males to spread their seed in these silly woman.
Nothing gets me hard and says "This is the woman for ME!!" like a super angry chick thrusting a contract under my nose that I'm forced to sign before we make love. Down, boy!
Women are the gatekeepers of sex and men are the gatekeepers of commitment. If women give up sex so easy without commitment, then many men will choose not to commit.
Here is an honest perspective from a man. If I go on a date with a girl, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and things turn sexual... if she gives it up so easily, I will almost always keep her in the casual box. If she gave it up so easy to me, how many other men did she give it up to so easily?
If she rejects my advances while clearly wanting to proceed, it shows she has self control. It shows she values sex more than just a physical deed. I will consider her for a long term relationship. I will gain respect for a girl who is interested in me but wants to wait. Unfortunately, this is very rare these days.
Biology isn't fair, but the science shows for women specifically that if she has had sex with more than 5 men, she is exponentially more likely to get a divorce as her count increases. Like I said, biology isn't fair that is is specific to women. Her ability to pair bond with a man has faded and she's less likely to stick with a relationship through hard times. Or she's less likely to remain faithful when another higher value man shows interest in her.
The science shows that women who can say no to sex will make better, more faithful, longer lasting wives. I highly doubt the women in this post will stick with their plan long term if they've spent all their lives doing the opposite, but it is incredibly funny that they reached this conclusion in the most round about way possible.
very rare.... lol, its practically nonexistent! As someone who shares your same philosophy when it comes to dating (I can't respect a woman as a potential life-long partner unless she demonstrates she respects herself). And I think you hit the nail on the head w.r.t. finding women that are inclined to make good on the commitment to work cooperatively through the great and the not-so-great times of a relationship.
Dating has changed tremendously though over the last 5-10 years, and these are qualities I haven't seen in some time (though woke/lib hive-mind girls are also an auto-nope for me). It would be very nice to see a return to a values/morals weighted dating pool, so I'll remain optimistic.
I read your comment the other day and started thinking about the number of women over the relative recent years who have respected themselves enough for us to have mutual interest in each other, but able to say no to my advances on the first couple dates. That number is 3 in a period of about 5 years. And I am mildly ashamed to admit there is a large sample size.
Of those 3, one became my girlfriend who was incredible and we had an amazing time together, but I moved for work and the relationship faded after that. I'm happy for her because the man she started seeing long term after me is now her husband.
One was a great girl, but I messed it up by being too unavailable, and she moved on after the second date, which she was smart to do at that specific period of my life since I was clearly not looking for something serious in that moment.
Another was also a great girl and we went on 3 or 4 dates without anything happening. She was a very conservative Russian girl and the cultural differences were a bit too much for me for reasons I won't explain now and I kind of faded out.
There were probably other girls who were good girls, but just not interested in me or me not interested in them, but my examples are of the ones there was mutual interest. Kind of sad thinking about this and only having 3 women come to mind. But that is the world we live in today, and it's a darn shame because the women who have the self control, I just have more trust and faith in. Could we be part of the problem? Maybe, but like I said in the initial comment, I believe it is in man's nature to go for it and up to the girl to reject. After all, women are the gatekeepers of sex and men the gatekeepers of commitment.
Yeah that's a good question - I mean any relationship... intimate, friendship, or otherwise obviously takes both sides. But I think in the world of me too, she-boys, a divorce-happy society, and guilty until proven innocent court system - men who are serious about finding a true partner have become more and more selective.
I know for myself, after my last long term relationship ended (shortly after Trump's election) I found the dating scene almost foreign. Alas, I only aim to be married once so not to keen on playing the Grass-is-Greener games so common today.
That's really interesting your experience with the Russian gal, I have a friend that works with a young girl from Russia and I was intrigued when he told me in many ways Russia (culturally) is more akin to times of the past in US. Obviously its not my first-hand experience, but I remember thinking at the time that maybe I need to move to Russia lol.
I have certainly become more picky as I've gotten older in regards to who I want to enter a relationship with because if I enter a relationship, the eventual goal is marriage. Unfortunately, the better I've gotten with women and the more I learn about how easy many are, my pickiness has gone even higher. I now search for respect, values, and integrity above all else for relationship. I have a girlfriend now and she checks all of these boxes, but even knowing this, we still hooked up on the 2nd date. Which concerns me.
Oh boy Russian women. Just like the US it depends if they come from a major city or a small town. The woman I mentioned is from Siberia and extremely traditional, but I've met others in non-dating contexts from Moscow and they still sleep around, at least the ones I've met. They also have pretty high expectations for men. You must meet the provider role. You're definitely paying for everything, which isn't a problem itself, but she probably won't say thank you after. They're hard to read and take a lot of time to open up, which makes sense if you go back to Communist days where nobody trusted each other because they had neighbors ratting out neighbors. Like I said, cultural differences lol.
In any case, I hope we both find the woman we're looking for and I hope we both start large amazing families. Best of luck to you, brother.
This might actually save the white race. If women start choosing sexual partners based on their ability to be providers they're going to stop having sex with non whites. And once you're in a stable marriage the idea of having multiple kids seems more appealing.
BRAVO! I'm not fond of the way they got there, but they ARE seeing the light. What's that they say about unintended consequences?
"Sex", though undeniably pleasurable and something we are biologically driven to do, is, at its core, an action to create a new human being. I fully support anyone's choice of method to prevent sperm meeting egg, but if you play with fire, you must be committed to face the consequences. THAT is where WOMEN have their greatest power. The power to say NO and keep your legs together. A POWER the vast majority of women sacrificed to the altar of "Women's Lib" many years ago. If a man will leave you because you say no to sex, what do you suppose he is truly after? A "soul mate"? The evidence would disagree. And I'm not telling you anything you didn't already know.
Fundamental right is so hypocritical, it tempts the response - so I should be able to tear you from limb to limb simply because you are a inconvenience to me.
The common thing between leftist women with liberal views and leftist women with traditional views is that they are extremely selfish and narcissistic.
Its time for women to stop behaving like sluts and find decent men who want wives and committed relationships, not free sex.
Unfortunately, they have been using sex as a form of control. Look at the type of men they have created for themselves.
I’ve notice my libby friends always have unhappy marriages. Must be the constantly unhappy wife
I've never met a happy liberal/Democrat woman in my whole life. Must have something to do with the illusion of feminism/modern liberalism.
Feminism kills a woman's ability to be herself.
They’re always trying to fight the man. And they don’t want to be helped but then is pissed when they don’t get help. I feel sorry for the loser that is married to a liberal woman
After all is said and done, I now understand why these were created:
Chaperones on dates
Chastity belts (to prevent being raped)
Sex after marriage
And I didn't believe in any of them before.
Too bad marriage contracts are no longer enforceable.
I have never done that with my husband. Sex is never used as a weapon or form of control in our home. Married 32 years and still going despite the odds.
This is correct. Sex is one of the main tenets of marriage and should never be withheld or given conditionally. No headaches either. Take an Advil. Besides, you probably get more with puppy dog eyes or some version of that anyways.
Yes, but it cuts both ways- Men don't get to withhold affection, thoughtfulness and consideration and then expect great sex, either. There are female fools (like those who think abortion should be a right,)and there are male fools in this group as well. (and yes, I know women can be overly sensitive, talkative and sometimes unreasonable- after all I am one!)
1Co 7:3
The husband must fulfill his duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband. 7:4
The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does; and likewise also the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. 1Co 7:5
Stop depriving one another, except by agreement for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer, and come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.
Ephesians 5:23 Nevertheless, each individual among you also is to love his own wife even as himself, and the wife must see to it that she (honors) respects her husband.
You are correct. Note that I did not actually specify a gender. Although I have never heard of a man suddenly coming down with a headache if his wife comes out in the sexy clothes wanting some, and puppy dog eyes probably don't work for most men, but I can't say these are impossible either.
Sounds like prostitution to me.
No. Wives are way more expensive than prostitutes.
My husband always used to say "your money is our money, and my money is my money. He paid for nothing out of his money. He did buy me a big mac one time.
Paying for sex is prostitution. A wife is just a long-term one.
You're infected by feminist thought.
No, I see things for what they are. Why waste time and money when you can keep your friends and hobbies?
"Sounds me"
Consider this as feedback that can be used for self improvement; results from an informal Rohrshach Diagnostic test.
Pool players call this developing their eye. They learn how far "off" their eye is then teach themselves to compensate so they are able to shoot straight. Pool players realize that very few people are born with an eye that sees straight.
As Christ pointed out and countless scientific studies have affirmed, the current state of your heart affects your hearing, sight and ability to think.
Fortunately, words chosen reveal the hearts condition as do actions taken.
This is the stupidest comment I have ever heard on this forum, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
I'm not ashamed of myself. There are no positives for men when it comes to marriage.
I know, when I was married sex was a fun thing, not a weapon. If I withhold sex, I withhold from myself having fun.
Eh they don't have the power unless you give it to them.
And that is backwards, but when we permit a judicial system to take over rights that should have been left with faith and cultural communities...that is the natural effect.
No sex no money honey. Libs always stepping on their pu$$y.
The danger is to them, not the men. I'm okay with that.
I agree with the "decent men" requirement, BUT---
I think women need to stop purposely getting pregnant just to snag a husband then leave him to collect child support or Welfare and whatever else they can get from it!
I see it all the time. It's not rare....
yes, that is a program that is incentivized to single mothers
You mean, “...time for persons with vaginas to stop behaving like liberal persons with vaginas...”?
perxon* don't be sexist!
Good point Stormzinx..
Time for men to stop treating women as masturbation objects. Start treating them with respect.
Goes both ways.
It's not in womens nature to enjoy sex ?
No, but rape is bad and there is this notion that only men are sexually starved when it goes both ways. You can't force it as a dude, socially or physically.
Sorry, I disagree. Old nature, maybe, But as Jesus said, "In the beginning it was not so."
Mat 19:3 And there came unto him Pharisees, trying him, and saying, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? Mat 19:4
And he answered and said, Have ye not read, that he who made them from the beginning made them male and female, (Not male and females...) Mat 19:5
and said, For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; (singular, not plural) and the two shall become one flesh.
Mat 19:6
So that they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
Mat 19:7
They say unto him, Why then did Moses command to give a bill of divorcement, and to put her away? Mat 19:8
He saith unto them, Moses for your hardness of heart suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it hath not been so. Mat 19:9
And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except for fornication, and shall marry another, commits adultery: and he that marries her when she is put away commits adultery. Mat 19:10
The disciples say unto him, If the case of the man is so with his wife, it is not expedient to marry.
Mat 19:11
But he said unto them, Not all men can receive this saying, but they to whom it is given.
Women are the gatekeepers of sex and men are the gatekeepers of commitment. Men will always push for sex, it's in our nature. It's up to the women to control themselves and reject the advances and not give it up to every man who wants it.
Inversely, women will always push for commitment with a high value man they respect, it's in their nature. It's up to men to control themselves and ensure the woman is a good long term prospect and to not commit to every woman who wants it.
Movies back in the day used to depict this accurately. A woman will push for marriage. The man will say no, he has things to do. The woman will continue pushing. The man says no, he still has things to do. Then finally he decides he's ready and she'll make a good wife and he does it. Now a days western men are such incels, if a woman asks for commitment, the pussy man will say yes because he is so excited a girl wants him. Now use this same logic for women and sex.
Non contaminated ie. No clot shot gene editing vaxxers. You have been sterilized.
Typical leftists. Reinventing the wheel and thinking they are the first ones to invent it.
Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh... This post reads too good to be true. It sounds more like a bot account.
Guess what. That would be abstinence. Presenting yourself as a virgin when you enter marriage. My mother used to say, “Why buy the cow, when you can get free milk!” Also is the same for men. Sleeping around takes away from part of the joy of exploring marriage together and learning together.
Except that it doesn't. This is the type of Christian propaganda bullshit that caused problems in the first place. I've heard it all from the "losing half of yourself forever" to "you'll get board with sex" and "people in open relationships WILL fail" only to observe none of those things happen regarding people I know. The Christian obsession with controlling people's sexuality is in large part a contributor to the current problem. No, your way of life isn't the correct way no matter how hard you pray it to be so.
I'm not saying you need to be out having orgies to experience life. If you are happy in your committed relationship having sex with one and only one person, great! It's not for me to tell you how to live your life. As it's not for you to tell others how to live theirs. Jesus has to be accepted by choice. Shaming people into a lifestyle breeds rebellion. And that's true of ALL ideologies. Shame simply does not work especially against Americans.
Bottom line: stop trying to control people.
I don't want to control anyone's sexuality and don't know any Christians who do.
God does however give us context for sex. He says it's better to marry than to burn ( burn with desire for sex) it's natural to want sex. Song of Solomon has much to say about sex. God clearly shows sex is intended between men and women. Bible says to procreate, replenish the earth. So where the hell you get you sour b.s. about what Christians think concerning sex? Bible doesn't say you have sex and then kill a baby for sport so you dont have to deal with it. You sound like someone who regrets shit they did. If you are ashamed it's your problem. Because if you do shameful shit I'm not gonna pat u on the back.
It’s the slippery slope the other way. Right now we’re fighting men wanting to be women, so hardcore Christian’s just want it to be about men and women and the don’t care if you’re married or not but once we win that battle the extreme right goal post will move again. It may not represent the majority but there will be more of that. Whether that’s right nor not is not the point but the constant need to push it on other people is what’s annoying. Same thing with these trans gaybies
In the 90's and early 2000's Christian fundamentalists had most of the power. They chose instead to double down on controlling people's lifestyle. I used to think that those resisting Christian tyranny were all going to hell... until I learned history and saw that Christianity is also a failed, man made construct that should be resisted... faith is a personal choice. Religions are all cults, it's just some have approval and state sponsored connections.
Now with all the overabundance of Leftist faggotry, I realize that the battle is not R v L or any of that other stupid fucking shit. It's freedom and tyranny. All we need to be united on is the inalienable right to life. Everything else can fall where it may.
Christianity is failed? Religion has failed and you have failed to recognize the difference.
So what. Marriage is between men and woman. You have lived in a fake lie so long you fight being correct.
You have no idea how much this stuff is going g to reverse. What you have been told about diversity and tolerance is a lie. Live it if you want but as for me, I'll stand against the devil and all those lies you embrace or die trying.
"I don't want to control anyone's sexuality and don't know any Christians who do."
This is willfully blinding yourself, as if you stepped away and watched our side it happens often, and multiple times every day from multiple people, to a greater extreme on Patriots.
Lalalalalalalaalla my side good. Lalalalalalala my side GOOD!!!!
Pick your own side. I stand with me and Jesus and every other American who believes in the Constitution. I do not care who they choose to worship, if anyone. Unfortunately too many people are still caught up in semantics makes one wonder if maybe that's why the plan has yet to conclude: because we're still too focused on semantics and bullshit.
Must be nice living in ignorant bliss.
I do have regrets. I regret buying into the bull and being a self righteous asshat. I regret the friendships I killed for the sake of the religion and buying into Paul's lies as though a fucking MAN can determine what the SERVANT KING meant...
Read Jesus for yourself and go from there. Everything else is divisive bullshit used to turn us against each other when the real enemy is not each other, but the evil assholes in power.
Sounds like you got caught up in man made religion falsely called Christianity. Happened to most of us. U learned better and many others can too. Also, most of that shit as you said yourself was youthful excitement and going g overboard. Sounds like you matured.
If you have ever done good then you acted in imitation of the one True God. God is the author of Good. If you disagree with what is good its between you and God.
Far be it from me to tell anyone whether they should have sex inside or outside of marriage, but then women need to stop whining if they get pregnant, if the baby daddy leaves you and if they get STD’s. Men callously have unprotected sex, and women lie to entrap men. There are very few nice and responsible people out there. Women act like sluts these days, the difference is society still calls them sluts and whores, while promiscuous men are given a pass. There are many men out there who don’t and won’t take responsibility, just like there are plenty of women who won’t. The ones hurt in the process are the children who grow up in poverty, resented by their mothers, or aborted because they are inconvenient. Fine you want to have sex with every Tom, Dick, Harry, Lisa, Susan and Nancy do it, but then both sides take responsibility for their actions. Sounds like you want to have fun, just like the women, but then won’t be responsible. Then like many a man, deny paternity, refuse to pay child support, or don’t want to use birth control. Murdering a child because it is inconvenient is not right. The society that doesn’t value life goes down the tubes. Sex is not a recreational sport. I say both parties that act irresponsibly get what they deserve. By all means go out and have mindless sex with as many stupid, ignorant and irresponsible women as you want brother. I call this using each other. Unfortunately I have seen many young women who freely engaged in sex because they were looking for someone to love them. They then are left with a baby, when they are still young without the emotional, physical and financial support they need and thought they had found. Many a woman equates sex with love. Women and men are wired differently. Men equate sex with feeling good.
If you wanna talk about legislation that FAIRLY distributes responsibly to both parties and requires them to take responsibility I am all ears.
However while you say a bunch of things, you miss the root cause of the problem: culture and education. No I don't mean we need to pull Family Guy off the air or any of that Fundamentalist stupidity, no I mean we need to build up our youth so they can handle the responsibility by the time they achieve sexual maturity. We need to stop trying to dictate the lives of our youth to conform to tradition. Tradition must be a choice and we need to stop exaggerating.
I have been to some of the places that were described to me as "immoral cesspits" and while all that world ending debauchery was on display, in the end people just... continued on about their lives and the world didn't end... point being, we need to have honest conversations and let people learn the hard way on things for themselves. We also need to be better at stepping up and helping those mothers. If we care about the child, then we need to be better providers as society. Saying "your mistake is not my responsibility" and then posting about Pro-Life crap on Facebook is meaningless and hypocritical virtue signaling...
World didn't end the day you witnessed debauchery so debauchery must be ok.
I agree part way- but if men expect a virginal wife and then sleep around themselves before marriage, that's a double standard, don't you think?
Since you brought Jesus into this, you make a good point that Jesus was only out to shame one group- The self-righteous. In His day though, there was already a religious structure that shamed people for certain sins, women were shamed for sex with someone who was not their betrothed or husband, men were shamed for being tax - collectors for Rome or being Zealots (and Jesus managed to have these two extremes as disciples :) or even for being a simple publican.
However, He Himself said: "I did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it." Teachers that say "Jesus fulfilled the law so I don't .." make two errors: Fulfilling the law is not the end of the law, except in the sense that the law relating to sacrifice for sin is completed in Jesus. Second, that all the law is now nullified, Paul and Jesus both said they upheld the law. I agree that we are not to 'tell people how to live their lives' on our own authority. However, IF you accept Jesus' authority, you do not have the privilege of contradicting him on the law of God.
The Law of God is subject to scrutiny. I do not put stake in the Torah as I feel especially knowing what we know now about deception, that the ole Book has been beat up along the way. What does stick, for me are things like the food laws which seem to have a correlation to animals that consume humans intentionally... yeah something to look into and then you can see the correlation between cancer and bacon.
In the end I rely on what Jesus said and more importantly what He did. Regarding the issue of sexual immorality, He spared a prostitute. "Let He who is without sin cast the first stone." He spared her and forgave her. Now some might argue "THAT WAS ONE TIME!!!! IT DOESN'T COUNT ANYMORE!!!!" I say... let people study and decide for themselves.
I agree! However- He also told her to go and leave her life of sin... I agree it still counts, however, so do his following words to her.
Jesus Christ healed the sick, gave rhe blind sight, set st liberty those who were captive and demonstrates God's love. That's what I follow and it is what we all should imitate. But to blame the whole of Christianity for dogmatic graceless religion os foolish. Calling a an egg a rock doesn't make it a rock.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. See people getting destroyed, now you know why.
Because you aren't above forgiveness...
That said, you are entitled to your preferred standards. The laws are stacked against men to the point that marriage is a suicidal investment. Those all need to change or be abolished as the state does not get to decide religious traditions such as marriage.
We need to have better education and more honest conversations with our youth and not tell them how to think. "Sex isn't the only thing that matters in marriage" yeah the fuck it doesn't. If that's what's important to the people in the relationship that is for them to figure out. There's nothing "shallow" or "perverted" about being honest regarding your sexual desires. Acting on certain ones, well... let's just say no one is entitled to sex and without consent it's rape.
No forgiveness? You don't think a woman could actually turn to Christ and be healed?
I'm not talking the public confessions of belief the divas do, I'm talking the real changes that God can make in a heart when His Word is believed.
Biology has evolved for men to sleep with multiple women and for women to sleep with one man. Anything different goes against millions of years of evolution.
A man can spread his seed multiple times to multiple women, and historically/evolutionarily speaking, without consequence. A woman needs to be more deliberate because she has to carry the baby for 9 months and evolutionarily speaking, be the one to raise the child. Things get more interesting though, if you've ever read the book, "Sperm Wars". Women have evolved to want to get pregnant by the strong alpha male who may or may not make a poor father/provider, but will want to marry the beta male who will be faithful and a good provider. Obviously a man with a combination of these traits is ideal, but rare.
Obviously modern times have fucked up our natural biology and sociology because of birth control, abortions, family court being so biased towards women, child support, etc.
edit: because the downvoats are funny for speaking facts. Just because our biology is wired a certain way doesn't mean it's good for society. I absolutely believe in monogamy and marriage, but that requires a bit of going against male biology. You can't question that prior to civilization, the alpha male had children with multiple women. That's just the way we were wired. And still are. I haven't read the bible as in depth as I would like but I met a woman once who is as religious as they come and she told me the bible says that there are aspects of men and women that we have to consistently fight against. She told me men are naturally weak and must work to become strong and that women are naturally manipulative and must work to not be so (I can't verify this but I don't see why she would lie to me). There are certain aspects of our biology that we need to fight for the betterment of ourselves and society. But do not confuse this with the aspects of our natural biology that the liberal overlords want us to fight against that is not good for society.
While that may be true back in the day, there’s no need for this “evolutionary” trait now.
#1. We’ve evolved beyond being just animals. We’ve developed ethics and morals and higher order cognition and self control.
#2 in todays world a man impregnating multiple women is just irresponsible. People can barely afford a family with two kids let alone a harem and dozen kids. Unless you are filthy rich, it’s not evolutionarily feasible
You clearly didn't read my entire comment.
Facts and logic get treated the same way Q does when brought up in public. The problem is we have too many fundamentalists that think their doctrine is correct and thus they have the authority to decide what's best... ironic... a self righteous Christian isn't much different that the asshole satanic elites...
Evolution? Then you have your manmade religion
80% of divorces are filed by wahmen most because "I'm not happy". Then the man is on the hook for child support and spousal support. While she moves on to the next sucker. You become a court ordered support slave.
This 👆🏼 its a very lose/lose environment. Esp when the metoo was peaking. If you get a woman pregnant and she decides to make your life hell the system is ready and willing to put the screws to a man.
And that's one of the many aspects that has truly wrecked families. Promiscuity was a distraction from the real problems.
Very true. The court system is unfair. However it takes two to create a child and in order to work, childcare is required. The woman should be compelled to work, not simply accept money from the government and the sperm donor. The entire system needs to change, but both parties need to take ownership. Just like the father should have a say in custody if he is compelled to pay, and a say if the woman wants an abortion and the father doesn’t. It is a very complex situation.
Sounds like men need to be equally discriminating and ensure the woman wants a long term relationship with this particular man before hooking up.
If this isn't ABSOLUTE PROOF that abortion destroys the family, I don't know what is.
So many poeople got used to not having a family while Roe was in effect, but - as soon as it is overturned - all those women want to start having actual families again.
Even if they don't respect morality, they respond to consequences.
Consequences are the only way to alter the behavior of most animals, humans obviously included.
What separates good people from scumbags is that good people do not need externally supplied consequences to do the right thing.
What separates leftists from conservatives - in every single issue - is that conservatives consider the long-term consequences of their actions (including whether something creates an incentive to do right or wrong).
Leftists don't.
Clarification: The average 'brainwashed' leftist doesn't think of the consequences, but the 'elite' leftist promotes things because of the (negative) consequences.
This applies to Neo-cons and war mongering as well...
It's not only abortion that destroys the family, but birth control and contraception. Abortion is basically just backup birthcontrol if the condom / pill didn't work. Abortion and contraception both are about getting to have the pleasure of sex without dealing with the natural consequences.
What people don’t seem to understand is Roe was not overturned/banned, the decision regarding abortions was returned to individual states. Never trust a woman who says she is on birth control. Double protection is better than no protection. Wear an unexpired condom or get a vasectomy if you never want children. Those who play, most often pay!
To Clarify- Roe was overturned, but that simply sent the matter of abortion's legality back to the states, as per the Tenth Amendment.
Classical conditioning. No more than what it takes to train a dog.
It’s a trap!
They will change back when they discover the only skill they have is their ability to lay down. The job market is tight and they aren’t.
If you've got the hot dog, they'll sell you the hallway?
Everybody acts like this, but what do you think happens to sex after she has your children?
If you got a "magic wand", you better learn how to wave it!
Yeah, marriage is the trap. Better to buy a box of tissues and lotion, then to touch one of these gals.
Don't stick your dick in crazy.
If you do go for crazy... Follow basic gun safety rules.
Always Keep Firearm Pointed in a Safe direction. (Don't fuck crazy)
Treat All Guns as Though They are Loaded (She is looking to trap you)
Keep Your Finger Off the Trigger until You are Ready to Shoot (Cover up or know the range)
Always Be Sure of Your Target and What’s Beyond It (Is she really on the pill?)
I think we're talking about two different wands.
If you are referring to liberals, probably. But a God-fearin' Christian wife. No. Try reading some books about pleasuring your wife. Ed & Gayle Wheat have a good one called Intended for Pleasure, and The Joy of Sex is also available (
The magic wand is recovery. No one gives it 30 days, anymore.
LMAOooo "the only skill they have is their ability to lay down." hahaha ty sir for that laugh
Don't hand me no lines and keep yo hands to yo-self.
Yep no coitus until marriage. Bazinga!!!
Lol. Of course they, with no irony, still blame men for their problems. Funny thing is, even if American men step up, these girls will still be toxic and entitled.
You beat me to it. They will never ever take the blame for anything, if they do they might have to apologize. Reeeeee!!!!
Oh, it looks like the sluts and whores are projecting their inequities on the men they let screw them (joggers).
Sorry Hags, us traditional men don't like stds and jogger sloppy seconds.
you seem black pilled lol
urban dictionary google it
On all other points, I agree. The culture gives women too much of an advantage.
This is surely a trolling, right?
I mean, it's really just too perfect to be true.
yes it is a troll
here's the post history for confirmation
I agree. Reads too much like satire..
Slut shaming needs to come back.
I know this sounds crazy, but slut shaming could turn this country around very quickly.
Slut shaming needs to not only be about sleeping around with body counts in the hundreds, but also the way women dress. There's dressing sexy and there's dressing like a whore and, at least where I live, dressing like a total street walking whore is totally commonplace when I go shopping anywhere.
That is why parents need to control the dress code and schools also need to have one. You are totally correct about how women dress. Leave something to the imagination. Mystery is enticing.
These cows have been giving the milk away for free and are mad now one wants to buy the farm
Men do need to step up. But women must quit being whores. They go hand in hand.
This is why young men are saying 🖕to women and marriage…
Except nobody wants to marry those harpy Karens.
American men aren't the problem. Maerican women aren't the problem, either. The problem is with how we've let "society" dictate the norms we live by. In other words, the problem is with those that we've let hold power over us.
Grue, we all should have agreed to follow truth i.e. God's Word.
You're talking mostly about an unhappy medium, as that rarely works long term. Ignorance is bliss; if you haven't been with anyone else or indulged in porn, sexual chemistry is a given in the same way that 1 > 0. When you instead go develop a basis for comparison, there's a lot higher chance you end up eventually coveting that which you don't have.
Just to tag on to the other two great replies: It’s funny you mention Jesus in this post- sex before marriage is mentioned in the Bible…
It's amazing how you talk so much about sex without mentioning children. That's the liberal brainwashing talking.
The sexual revolution of the 60s and 70s decoupled sex from procreation. Single motherhood skyrocketed afterwards because sex was free and so men were allowed to have sex commitment-free.
Free sex sounds great, but after a few generations of children raised by single mothers, you end up in 2022 where kids are tipping drag queen strippers. So be careful what you wish for.
Lmao, full circle, that's exactly why women are hypergamous, they seek the strongest provider to carry forth their generations. .feminism and abortion allowed the weak males to spread their seed in these silly woman.
Nothing gets me hard and says "This is the woman for ME!!" like a super angry chick thrusting a contract under my nose that I'm forced to sign before we make love. Down, boy!
Women are the gatekeepers of sex and men are the gatekeepers of commitment. If women give up sex so easy without commitment, then many men will choose not to commit.
Here is an honest perspective from a man. If I go on a date with a girl, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and things turn sexual... if she gives it up so easily, I will almost always keep her in the casual box. If she gave it up so easy to me, how many other men did she give it up to so easily?
If she rejects my advances while clearly wanting to proceed, it shows she has self control. It shows she values sex more than just a physical deed. I will consider her for a long term relationship. I will gain respect for a girl who is interested in me but wants to wait. Unfortunately, this is very rare these days.
Biology isn't fair, but the science shows for women specifically that if she has had sex with more than 5 men, she is exponentially more likely to get a divorce as her count increases. Like I said, biology isn't fair that is is specific to women. Her ability to pair bond with a man has faded and she's less likely to stick with a relationship through hard times. Or she's less likely to remain faithful when another higher value man shows interest in her.
The science shows that women who can say no to sex will make better, more faithful, longer lasting wives. I highly doubt the women in this post will stick with their plan long term if they've spent all their lives doing the opposite, but it is incredibly funny that they reached this conclusion in the most round about way possible.
This is the most common sense I have heard from a man on this site. You sound like one of the rare good ones!
very rare.... lol, its practically nonexistent! As someone who shares your same philosophy when it comes to dating (I can't respect a woman as a potential life-long partner unless she demonstrates she respects herself). And I think you hit the nail on the head w.r.t. finding women that are inclined to make good on the commitment to work cooperatively through the great and the not-so-great times of a relationship.
Dating has changed tremendously though over the last 5-10 years, and these are qualities I haven't seen in some time (though woke/lib hive-mind girls are also an auto-nope for me). It would be very nice to see a return to a values/morals weighted dating pool, so I'll remain optimistic.
I read your comment the other day and started thinking about the number of women over the relative recent years who have respected themselves enough for us to have mutual interest in each other, but able to say no to my advances on the first couple dates. That number is 3 in a period of about 5 years. And I am mildly ashamed to admit there is a large sample size.
Of those 3, one became my girlfriend who was incredible and we had an amazing time together, but I moved for work and the relationship faded after that. I'm happy for her because the man she started seeing long term after me is now her husband.
One was a great girl, but I messed it up by being too unavailable, and she moved on after the second date, which she was smart to do at that specific period of my life since I was clearly not looking for something serious in that moment.
Another was also a great girl and we went on 3 or 4 dates without anything happening. She was a very conservative Russian girl and the cultural differences were a bit too much for me for reasons I won't explain now and I kind of faded out.
There were probably other girls who were good girls, but just not interested in me or me not interested in them, but my examples are of the ones there was mutual interest. Kind of sad thinking about this and only having 3 women come to mind. But that is the world we live in today, and it's a darn shame because the women who have the self control, I just have more trust and faith in. Could we be part of the problem? Maybe, but like I said in the initial comment, I believe it is in man's nature to go for it and up to the girl to reject. After all, women are the gatekeepers of sex and men the gatekeepers of commitment.
Yeah that's a good question - I mean any relationship... intimate, friendship, or otherwise obviously takes both sides. But I think in the world of me too, she-boys, a divorce-happy society, and guilty until proven innocent court system - men who are serious about finding a true partner have become more and more selective.
I know for myself, after my last long term relationship ended (shortly after Trump's election) I found the dating scene almost foreign. Alas, I only aim to be married once so not to keen on playing the Grass-is-Greener games so common today.
That's really interesting your experience with the Russian gal, I have a friend that works with a young girl from Russia and I was intrigued when he told me in many ways Russia (culturally) is more akin to times of the past in US. Obviously its not my first-hand experience, but I remember thinking at the time that maybe I need to move to Russia lol.
I have certainly become more picky as I've gotten older in regards to who I want to enter a relationship with because if I enter a relationship, the eventual goal is marriage. Unfortunately, the better I've gotten with women and the more I learn about how easy many are, my pickiness has gone even higher. I now search for respect, values, and integrity above all else for relationship. I have a girlfriend now and she checks all of these boxes, but even knowing this, we still hooked up on the 2nd date. Which concerns me.
Oh boy Russian women. Just like the US it depends if they come from a major city or a small town. The woman I mentioned is from Siberia and extremely traditional, but I've met others in non-dating contexts from Moscow and they still sleep around, at least the ones I've met. They also have pretty high expectations for men. You must meet the provider role. You're definitely paying for everything, which isn't a problem itself, but she probably won't say thank you after. They're hard to read and take a lot of time to open up, which makes sense if you go back to Communist days where nobody trusted each other because they had neighbors ratting out neighbors. Like I said, cultural differences lol.
In any case, I hope we both find the woman we're looking for and I hope we both start large amazing families. Best of luck to you, brother.
This might actually save the white race. If women start choosing sexual partners based on their ability to be providers they're going to stop having sex with non whites. And once you're in a stable marriage the idea of having multiple kids seems more appealing.
All it took was consequences
BRAVO! I'm not fond of the way they got there, but they ARE seeing the light. What's that they say about unintended consequences?
"Sex", though undeniably pleasurable and something we are biologically driven to do, is, at its core, an action to create a new human being. I fully support anyone's choice of method to prevent sperm meeting egg, but if you play with fire, you must be committed to face the consequences. THAT is where WOMEN have their greatest power. The power to say NO and keep your legs together. A POWER the vast majority of women sacrificed to the altar of "Women's Lib" many years ago. If a man will leave you because you say no to sex, what do you suppose he is truly after? A "soul mate"? The evidence would disagree. And I'm not telling you anything you didn't already know.
This sounds a lot like a marriage contract, you know when you get married…
Well no shit. That's what we've been trying to tell them FOR YEARS!!! Abortion protects sorry men from responsibility.
Can't these sluts tone down their fiending for sex? Can't they focus on helping others instead of endlessly pleasuring themselves???
Fundamental right is so hypocritical, it tempts the response - so I should be able to tear you from limb to limb simply because you are a inconvenience to me.
To Hell with ageism!
The common thing between leftist women with liberal views and leftist women with traditional views is that they are extremely selfish and narcissistic.
This is literally how the "homemaker" faction of feminism formed on the 90s. Too bad the most backward progressive camp of feminist took over.