Oh, yeah, sure, law enforcement will TOTALLY take care of this for us. Great advice, guys!
I don’t have the answer here, but it beggars belief that anyone believes “law enforcement” is a thing in a case like this. This needs to be tried in the Court of public opinion, full stop.
This was my first thought when I heard the news break. The FBI is just waiting to entrap Patriots and would have no qualms prosecuting an anon over Hunter for exposing Hunter's crimes
We have to get rid of the ‘Fake Alphabet’ or ‘Alphabet Soup Scramble’ and ‘Fake Abomination Rainbow’ as well and take back the Promise of God with ‘The Real Rainbow’ . That’s when real legitimate progress will be made.
Lord Jesus,
Keep your hands of protection, direction and guidance on all who are doing your work and fighting for freedom and right amd justice.
In your Awesome and Almighty name,
If it had child porn on it, and the FBLie had it, wouldn't they then have to arrest the owner of it? Asking for a friend. Have they arrested the owner of it? NO? That must mean there isn't anything illegal on it right?
Could just be CP and not related to the real hunter Biden leaks as a scheme to ensnare. Best just to avoid! I think we've all seen enough of what's been public from the leaks
https://www.marcopolousa.org/ has combed reported analyzed and posted on their site the laptop (s) and phone (28GB) backup from laptop a month ago ..wondering if this hack larpish (450GB) to discredit MP and their work - per Garret “ The iPhone backup is definitely real, and whichever anon got into it, I salute them. It was tricky for us.
“It’s 28gb.
That’s the news. Anyone telling you about 450 GBs is BSing you” many thoughts on who’s in the mix but I focus on the money not all the whores etc and there is no cp on laptop or phone per their extensive research and more for over a year …just my thoughts - glowies abound on 4ch yesterday funny they know all this anyway that’s the problem /// nothing is being done w alphas - yet (:
i asked a fren who has worked on data over a year and they said to share anywhere
Nope. We keep telling people, there isn't 450GB of data. If you total up all of the stuff on the laptop (the SSD disk memory, cache memory, surface level deleted data, all of the device backups, and the iOS operating system files), it's not even 450GB. Closer to 420GB.
More Maxey level bullshit.
There is NOTHING we have seen that is being posted from anywhere else, that came from the iCloud account. It comes from the damned laptop.
People who ARE saying it comes from the iCloud account a) would mean that they had to hack into that account which is illegal, and b) is setting up everyone else with a false narrative that discredits the real info. It's also distinctly possible they're doing it for the Feds in order to try and get warrants and shit, to do more illegal arrests like with the J6 crew.
If the FBI is actively trying to hide the crime, then why fear the FBI? The public has the right to know about it and the more people that see it and are aware of it the more protected everyone is. It's just like the July 4th holiday - if you are the only one celebrating it after authorities have 'banned' fireworks for the 10,000th time, then you're screwed; if everyone is celebrating it, authorities cannot do shit and the purpose of the holiday is preserved. If the FBI tries to go after people for possessing evidence while ignoring much worse crimes than possessing the evidence, the FBI is culpable too. Unless there is an FBI agent for every other household, they just do not have the resources to be guilty as an agency and still somehow win against everyone else. I would hope there are some people at the FBI actively trying to clean it up - but it does not look like that is possible at this point. The agency appears to use our taxpayer dollars to go after normal people that want to clean up corruption - the agency is part of the corruption.
Why fear the FBI even if you have a legitimate defense?
Why, because they are oppressors. They don't care, and the media will spin. If people are caught up in this, they'll even attempt to turn us against them.
All they have to say is that they were arrested for images of actual children and they have a winner for arrests.
It's their MO. If they can hide it from base level agents, they have the proof you willfully downloaded it.
This: I'll read accounts of those who took the dive, but I refuse to take that dive myself. I don't have a lawyer that good.
Unfortunately there are also enough that are compromised that they've been able to logjam just about anything they want to. Like the Clinton Foundation material that the FBI would not even TOUCH though it was directly handed to them.
I've only seen a bit of this Hunter stuff, but I can tell you that on 4ch this thing is being torpedoed pretty hard, with "it's a nothingburger" posts coming in faster than ANYONE could have sifted through all of that crap. The clowns are worried.
Curious; how did it begin that we were lead to believe that white = good or on our side? We always just ASSUME that white and light means good, but Lucifer/satan is also called the light bearer. The whole "walk into the light", white hats, etc has started to make me wonder just who conditioned us, and why, to assume that white and/or light means good.
If you see illegal content being posted on The Great Awakening, please report it immediately to the mod team so that we can clear it up as soon as possible.
I also smell a trap in the making with this. It is sick and perverted that the Black Hats would attempt to blackmail and incriminate the diligent digital soldiers with this content, but we must stay vigilant and be prepared for the worst.
Keep a watchful eye out for glowies over the next 24 hours, and especially be careful of suspicious links.
Don't forget that they regularly distribute CP all over the internet to draw people in. Tons of CP that would have long since been forgotten has been distributed to millions of pedophiles by law enforcement, most of which are not prosecuted.
That's why I NEVER (unless through a very rare careless accident) leave my laptop wifi connection going if I'm not sitting at the laptop. Not just FBI, or CIA, could plant CP, but all sorts of people could, with the right capabilities. I think it would be very difficult (and hopefully nearly impossible) for them to do if you are on your computer, and have anti-virus software running while you are on it, but maybe I'm just naive.
That’s a very complex question. For example, if you turn off an iPhone, it’s still on, just in a low power state. If you turn off a mac, same thing.
Depending on what kind of software they have, they most likely could take advantage of that type of thing to allow for communication with your system when it is “off, but that would probably require there to already be something on your system.
I can’t know how advanced or complex their software is, nor know if they have back doors built in to generally distributed OSes or hardware.
So, in summary, it is possible, as long as power is available to a system, for that system to be attacked in some way. If you have a desktop computer, and you’re super paranoid, you could unplug it.
In reality, if that first situation occurs, 99% of the time the person will delete the file, empty recycle bin, be paranoid about it for a while, then that is the end of it.
The truly paranoid but clueless may also destroy, sell, give or throw away the computer for good measure (seen this).
The paranoid and smart(ish) usually delete and do a system scan (Defrag, chkdsk), maybe format to start fresh as well. Some may take the opportunity to upgrade to an SSD or M.2 drive if don't already have it.... just for good measure.
if you are in the cross hairs of a bureaucrat connected to law enforcement what you just said is not true. 95 percent of us finding something illegal and going to the police with it we have no worries but if you have been actively political it might be better to contact your lawyer then contact the police.
This. If a person is worried, move along and let the Bakers, Hackers or whoever else has the confidence and skill to open this stuff up and get out what needs to get out. The law advice is fine...but it’s crappy. Law has done nothing visible against this cabal.
Personally I’m waiting till some awesome Anons, who know what they are doing, to help get this sorted out and pass down the evidence to we foot soldiers..and we’ll get to it. That means blacked out areas, toned downed images and clips so not to get friendly pede’s squished. I’ve got faith in y’all.
Me too. No thanks. Im not interested in seeing children being messed with. Hunter is going down regardless. But pressuring Sheriff is a good thing. Then we can tell the Sheriff that we are documenting that we reported this and are expecting an investigation. If nothing is done, then we will report that to the masses. Please do your job and help protect children.
Think about it. What happens if somebody is prosecuted for owning or distributing that content if it is there? The information and the victims and the PRODUCER (Hunter) would all be included and implicated in the criminal case.
It’s Biden’s DOJ. It’s obvious they will never prosecute anybody for owning illicit material from Hunter’s laptop or phone because HE would be implicated.
If anything an anon or two going down and bringing the Biden crime family and their associates with them would be a good thing.
All they can try and do is convince us not to know about it. Think about it.
Imagine the noise publicly if people were prosecuted for owning illicit material from Hunter’s own devices
That's not how this works, at all. The FBI has set up honeypot stings like this in the past. Put the CP up on a public forum, such as 4chan, then v& anyone who knowingly downloads such material. It's not farfetched to think they're doing that once again. They don't care about the source, they care about those trying to investigate the source, so they can continue doing what they are doing without prying eyes.
Child porn material maybe used as a weapon but people who get into child porn are sick and evil and need to be severely dealt with for the protection of children.
You'd be welcome in Little Rock, fren. Have gotten no cross looks in my MAGA hats or Biden "quicker sniffer upper" shirt. Now in process of getting a Pepe tattoo (needs more shading once it heals enough).
No, the social contract is broken. Law enforcement is not trustworthy to investigate and declare this information legit or even admit the facts of it. They're in no position to judge possession of this material if they won't judge creating it. If whatever is in these documents warrant pitch forks, then the pitch forks need to come out.
It is not only about just data but the kind of data.
Let us suppose that those 450 gigs contain childporn.
The one having posted the link is guilty of spreading.
The one downloading now had CP on their device. Guilty of possession of CP.
In effect, that law enforcement agency now has the goods on you and can harvest you.
So, if you do not know what you are doing and how you go about it, there are other anons who are perfectly capable to avoid the traps and inform you once they get to the bread baking.
On a different note, this whole reset event cannot be excelarated. What you are being shown is not for your benefit primarily, but for those normies who slowly start to feel edgy about this whole Biden thing.
This whole plan, this whole operation may pain us even more, as the level of filth on these people becomes visible.
This is what happens when you start draining a swamp. Objects in different states of decomposition, mummified remains, a stink!
Belief me! As a Dutch I know all about swamps. Since 1300AD my ancestors have diverted water, raised dikes, created spillways, locks, bridges, roads, halting the erosive effect of the sea, and keeping the inhabitants safe, offering beautiful farm land. this is how our ancestors made our country. And this is how you are now part of making a new country: a new USA. One that holds your rights as the law....
When shit emerges, you know the water level is down.
I agree with pretty much every thing you say, and at risk of telling you what you already know, would point out that when you say, "that law enforcement agency now has the goods on you and can harvest you." that law enforcement agencies can harvest us whether they have to good on us or not. If the law want you, the law can find a reason to arrest you. The issue is that by downloading these files one becomes a larger target, sticks out in the crowd, makes the effort worth the trouble so to speak.
HB and underage NB video is out there if you know where to look. You won't come across it by accident.
Please do be careful.
Yes there are ways to safely conduct recon.
We all have a part in this movie, don't fall for the cheese. On that note, this is a sophisticated and above all, compartmentalised operation, think of it like SCI clearance, if you have to ask for safe methods you don't need to know.
That being said, we are in the end game here. Ops are in public view now. The black hats will be desperately pulling at any strings they can. Don't fall for the cheese. Please be safe.
Remember Wiener's laptop with all the filth Huma &Hillary participated in, how Many of NYPD"s finest "Committed Suicide" after viewing its contents? What Exactly Happened to that laptop from Hell? Hillary and Huma's Frazzle Drip"video still haunts the dark web yet Both of these monsters walk free? While there are many fine men and women in LE who find and arrest low to mid range Pedophiles, the ones at the Top of this Evil pyramid remain Free to diddle children at their leisure. How Anyone in the FBI can sleep at night Knowing what these politicians do behind closed doors you would think it would cause many a sleepless night? Or is the FBI filled with Only child sex offenders so No one dares acquire a conscience to inform on anyone else?
Lame. You're telling me black hats leaked actual incriminating child rape porn on Joe and Hunter Biden and they're going to use the FBI to round up a 1000 or so patriots for viewing it? lol, come on man.
It's not like Trump would personally release it on 4Chan. In fact, it's kind of convenient it ends up there anonymously at this specific time. The laptop has been known for several years now.
If the content is verifiably real the good guys are behind its leak.
Very good advice. I know people whose lives were ruined when the police arrived and took their computers, finding child porn on them. Hunter's laptop IS child porn. So stay away, please!!
I remember in Sheryl Attkinson's book, when she was asking too many questions about Benghazi, someone attempted to download child porn on her husband's laptop. Their laptops would also turn on by themselves at night. The deep state even ran a cable into her home. And removed it before someone could look at it once it was discovered. They do have their tricks.
Im sorta confused. I thought it was entered into the congressional record, of which I have yet to see. If there was no problem with it going into congressional record, the only problem with it being on my computer is I only have 120GB HDD with 30GB free.
Yeah, the guys in cuffed shorts could be scrolling and reporting. While the DOJ won't do diddly, there are white hats who will. Let them do their jobs. We don't need anons joining the Jan 6th patriots in the dungeon.
Slag, I like the last paragraph of your post. Toss the link to your local sheriff and have him bring up kiddy porn charges. Might make for some interesting times if 4000 American sheriffs file kiddy porn charges against Hunter. That would take an awful lot of lawyers to fight against LE. Would be some good fireworks in the backwoods county court houses. Great idea, Slag.
Oh, yeah, sure, law enforcement will TOTALLY take care of this for us. Great advice, guys!
I don’t have the answer here, but it beggars belief that anyone believes “law enforcement” is a thing in a case like this. This needs to be tried in the Court of public opinion, full stop.
If the FBI is busting anons exposing pedos, but not the pedos then the FBI can get fucked.
But the point op makes is valid, make sure you know what you're getting yourself into, and only hop in if you accept the risk.
Didn't Q say something about having to clean up the Alphabet agencies before they could pursue these people?
Yeah, q mentioned that many, MANY times
This was my first thought when I heard the news break. The FBI is just waiting to entrap Patriots and would have no qualms prosecuting an anon over Hunter for exposing Hunter's crimes
We have to get rid of the ‘Fake Alphabet’ or ‘Alphabet Soup Scramble’ and ‘Fake Abomination Rainbow’ as well and take back the Promise of God with ‘The Real Rainbow’ . That’s when real legitimate progress will be made.
Lord Jesus, Keep your hands of protection, direction and guidance on all who are doing your work and fighting for freedom and right amd justice. In your Awesome and Almighty name, Amen
If it had child porn on it, and the FBLie had it, wouldn't they then have to arrest the owner of it? Asking for a friend. Have they arrested the owner of it? NO? That must mean there isn't anything illegal on it right?
If the FBI arrests anyone for child porn then the legal argument is that Hunter Biden isn't being charged with anything so the girls must be of age
Could just be CP and not related to the real hunter Biden leaks as a scheme to ensnare. Best just to avoid! I think we've all seen enough of what's been public from the leaks
https://www.marcopolousa.org/ has combed reported analyzed and posted on their site the laptop (s) and phone (28GB) backup from laptop a month ago ..wondering if this hack larpish (450GB) to discredit MP and their work - per Garret “ The iPhone backup is definitely real, and whichever anon got into it, I salute them. It was tricky for us.
“It’s 28gb. That’s the news. Anyone telling you about 450 GBs is BSing you” many thoughts on who’s in the mix but I focus on the money not all the whores etc and there is no cp on laptop or phone per their extensive research and more for over a year …just my thoughts - glowies abound on 4ch yesterday funny they know all this anyway that’s the problem /// nothing is being done w alphas - yet (:
i asked a fren who has worked on data over a year and they said to share anywhere -/ Nope. We keep telling people, there isn't 450GB of data. If you total up all of the stuff on the laptop (the SSD disk memory, cache memory, surface level deleted data, all of the device backups, and the iOS operating system files), it's not even 450GB. Closer to 420GB.
More Maxey level bullshit.
There is NOTHING we have seen that is being posted from anywhere else, that came from the iCloud account. It comes from the damned laptop.
People who ARE saying it comes from the iCloud account a) would mean that they had to hack into that account which is illegal, and b) is setting up everyone else with a false narrative that discredits the real info. It's also distinctly possible they're doing it for the Feds in order to try and get warrants and shit, to do more illegal arrests like with the J6 crew.
Yup, tough balance, needs to spread but likely toxic.
If the FBI is actively trying to hide the crime, then why fear the FBI? The public has the right to know about it and the more people that see it and are aware of it the more protected everyone is. It's just like the July 4th holiday - if you are the only one celebrating it after authorities have 'banned' fireworks for the 10,000th time, then you're screwed; if everyone is celebrating it, authorities cannot do shit and the purpose of the holiday is preserved. If the FBI tries to go after people for possessing evidence while ignoring much worse crimes than possessing the evidence, the FBI is culpable too. Unless there is an FBI agent for every other household, they just do not have the resources to be guilty as an agency and still somehow win against everyone else. I would hope there are some people at the FBI actively trying to clean it up - but it does not look like that is possible at this point. The agency appears to use our taxpayer dollars to go after normal people that want to clean up corruption - the agency is part of the corruption.
Why fear the FBI even if you have a legitimate defense?
Why, because they are oppressors. They don't care, and the media will spin. If people are caught up in this, they'll even attempt to turn us against them.
All they have to say is that they were arrested for images of actual children and they have a winner for arrests.
It's their MO. If they can hide it from base level agents, they have the proof you willfully downloaded it.
This: I'll read accounts of those who took the dive, but I refuse to take that dive myself. I don't have a lawyer that good.
You're right, that's why the more seeders the better.
Not being a lawyer, I'm not sure how fruitful of a defense that might make for someone targeted. Even though you're all but undeniably correct.
No doubt the FBI would love to make an example of some.
I suppose my advice is not do or do not download it, as much as, if you do, be cautious.
So we edit to Short and Bitter
There are still loads of White Hats in our LEO agencies. Leave it to them, damnit.
Unfortunately there are also enough that are compromised that they've been able to logjam just about anything they want to. Like the Clinton Foundation material that the FBI would not even TOUCH though it was directly handed to them.
I've only seen a bit of this Hunter stuff, but I can tell you that on 4ch this thing is being torpedoed pretty hard, with "it's a nothingburger" posts coming in faster than ANYONE could have sifted through all of that crap. The clowns are worried.
Idk bout loads but there are some
We think this.. but Abraham couldn't find any righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah..
That’s a fair point. We should act as if they are all corrupt and be happily surprised if we find out they aren’t.
Curious; how did it begin that we were lead to believe that white = good or on our side? We always just ASSUME that white and light means good, but Lucifer/satan is also called the light bearer. The whole "walk into the light", white hats, etc has started to make me wonder just who conditioned us, and why, to assume that white and/or light means good.
Please do be careful Anons!
If you see illegal content being posted on The Great Awakening, please report it immediately to the mod team so that we can clear it up as soon as possible.
I also smell a trap in the making with this. It is sick and perverted that the Black Hats would attempt to blackmail and incriminate the diligent digital soldiers with this content, but we must stay vigilant and be prepared for the worst.
Keep a watchful eye out for glowies over the next 24 hours, and especially be careful of suspicious links.
Thanks for the ‘Heads up’
"Possession of CP" laws protect predators.
A guy gets the hard evidence that a predator has CP.
Thus he is now in possession of CP.
The guy goes to the police.
Where he is arrested for possession of CP.
The ACTUAL FUCKING PREDATOR gets off scot-free.
Don't forget that they regularly distribute CP all over the internet to draw people in. Tons of CP that would have long since been forgotten has been distributed to millions of pedophiles by law enforcement, most of which are not prosecuted.
Also the Clowns in America have the ability to place CP on people's computers with no trace left behind.
It's been years since I read about that so I do not even recall where that was tidbit was exposed. Probably could find it via Vault 7/Wikileaks
That's why I NEVER (unless through a very rare careless accident) leave my laptop wifi connection going if I'm not sitting at the laptop. Not just FBI, or CIA, could plant CP, but all sorts of people could, with the right capabilities. I think it would be very difficult (and hopefully nearly impossible) for them to do if you are on your computer, and have anti-virus software running while you are on it, but maybe I'm just naive.
They would be able to do so, invisibly, even if you were actively using your computer.
That’s a very complex question. For example, if you turn off an iPhone, it’s still on, just in a low power state. If you turn off a mac, same thing.
Depending on what kind of software they have, they most likely could take advantage of that type of thing to allow for communication with your system when it is “off, but that would probably require there to already be something on your system.
I can’t know how advanced or complex their software is, nor know if they have back doors built in to generally distributed OSes or hardware.
So, in summary, it is possible, as long as power is available to a system, for that system to be attacked in some way. If you have a desktop computer, and you’re super paranoid, you could unplug it.
Well now you've gone and removed my false sense of security :)
Sorry about that 😬
Never really thought on that, but...yep. Good idea to not just leave the thing running unprotected.
You have a lot more faith in the system than I do Fren.
Yes. While he is correct he omitted that we have a government weaponized against decent people. 50/50
Hes right actually.. I know its hard to believe but they need the evidence + intent before they do nab ya.
Except they will put you in jail and make you lose your job and reputation before they decide that there is not enough evidence to prosecute.
In reality, if that first situation occurs, 99% of the time the person will delete the file, empty recycle bin, be paranoid about it for a while, then that is the end of it.
The truly paranoid but clueless may also destroy, sell, give or throw away the computer for good measure (seen this).
The paranoid and smart(ish) usually delete and do a system scan (Defrag, chkdsk), maybe format to start fresh as well. Some may take the opportunity to upgrade to an SSD or M.2 drive if don't already have it.... just for good measure.
In theory, that is correct-In reality, NOT SO MUCH
That thinking worked well for the Jan6 protestors who did not intend to "overthrow the government" or even be involved with anything illegal.
if you are in the cross hairs of a bureaucrat connected to law enforcement what you just said is not true. 95 percent of us finding something illegal and going to the police with it we have no worries but if you have been actively political it might be better to contact your lawyer then contact the police.
Why would we be liable for having his iCloud backup on our computers, but Apple isn’t liable for hosting it on their servers?
It's (D)ifferent.
There are ways. If you don't know how to do it, leave it be.
This. If a person is worried, move along and let the Bakers, Hackers or whoever else has the confidence and skill to open this stuff up and get out what needs to get out. The law advice is fine...but it’s crappy. Law has done nothing visible against this cabal. Personally I’m waiting till some awesome Anons, who know what they are doing, to help get this sorted out and pass down the evidence to we foot soldiers..and we’ll get to it. That means blacked out areas, toned downed images and clips so not to get friendly pede’s squished. I’ve got faith in y’all.
Like I said edit to ‘Short and Bitter’
bakers just collect notables and start new threads on the chans like qresearch. but yes i agree
Agreed. I'm not touching that hot mess.
Me too. No thanks. Im not interested in seeing children being messed with. Hunter is going down regardless. But pressuring Sheriff is a good thing. Then we can tell the Sheriff that we are documenting that we reported this and are expecting an investigation. If nothing is done, then we will report that to the masses. Please do your job and help protect children.
I’m not going there.
Yep, I'm not falling for it.
I'm waiting a while longer before diving in.
Massive glowing everywhere.
Think about it. What happens if somebody is prosecuted for owning or distributing that content if it is there? The information and the victims and the PRODUCER (Hunter) would all be included and implicated in the criminal case.
It’s Biden’s DOJ. It’s obvious they will never prosecute anybody for owning illicit material from Hunter’s laptop or phone because HE would be implicated.
If anything an anon or two going down and bringing the Biden crime family and their associates with them would be a good thing.
All they can try and do is convince us not to know about it. Think about it.
Imagine the noise publicly if people were prosecuted for owning illicit material from Hunter’s own devices
That's not how this works, at all. The FBI has set up honeypot stings like this in the past. Put the CP up on a public forum, such as 4chan, then v& anyone who knowingly downloads such material. It's not farfetched to think they're doing that once again. They don't care about the source, they care about those trying to investigate the source, so they can continue doing what they are doing without prying eyes.
Alright colonies, I know you want independence from tyranny, but it would be considered a SERIOUS CRIME to take up arms and revolt against the crown.
This battle is messy lads. God speed to all the patriots digging and risking everything to bring dark to light.
Your post reminds me of the grandpa pepe meme about serving in a company of heroes <3
Child Porn is a weapon. Always has been, always will be.
Child porn material maybe used as a weapon but people who get into child porn are sick and evil and need to be severely dealt with for the protection of children.
Makes me sick with anger when kids are messed with. There is nothing worse in my eyes. Nothing.
Even hardened, violent criminals, draw the limit on child molestation.
Yup,and then they kill the perps in jail. If criminals kill you for a crime you committed, that says a ton about the nature of that crime.
I dunno. I think misgendering someone is way worse.
Especially in NYC xD
Even wearing a MAGA hat there made me feel like I was flashing everyone the way they were acting.
You'd be welcome in Little Rock, fren. Have gotten no cross looks in my MAGA hats or Biden "quicker sniffer upper" shirt. Now in process of getting a Pepe tattoo (needs more shading once it heals enough).
It is all part of the same game: destroying kids to create their puppets.
I am finding it difficult to classify the most evil into even more evil, like one would have to choose between Obama or Mittens, or Noname.
No thanks.
I hear you and feel the same exact way.
Law enforcement is a fucking joke. If they actually handled anything we wouldn't have rely on random people off the internet.
Yes, you have a point.
This brings to light the question: how to evade getting caught by blackhats. And you know what they are capable of.
Meme's still are the weapon of choice. Fire free command has already been given.
No, the social contract is broken. Law enforcement is not trustworthy to investigate and declare this information legit or even admit the facts of it. They're in no position to judge possession of this material if they won't judge creating it. If whatever is in these documents warrant pitch forks, then the pitch forks need to come out.
It is not only about just data but the kind of data.
Let us suppose that those 450 gigs contain childporn.
The one having posted the link is guilty of spreading. The one downloading now had CP on their device. Guilty of possession of CP.
In effect, that law enforcement agency now has the goods on you and can harvest you.
So, if you do not know what you are doing and how you go about it, there are other anons who are perfectly capable to avoid the traps and inform you once they get to the bread baking.
On a different note, this whole reset event cannot be excelarated. What you are being shown is not for your benefit primarily, but for those normies who slowly start to feel edgy about this whole Biden thing.
This whole plan, this whole operation may pain us even more, as the level of filth on these people becomes visible.
This is what happens when you start draining a swamp. Objects in different states of decomposition, mummified remains, a stink!
Belief me! As a Dutch I know all about swamps. Since 1300AD my ancestors have diverted water, raised dikes, created spillways, locks, bridges, roads, halting the erosive effect of the sea, and keeping the inhabitants safe, offering beautiful farm land. this is how our ancestors made our country. And this is how you are now part of making a new country: a new USA. One that holds your rights as the law....
When shit emerges, you know the water level is down.
I agree with pretty much every thing you say, and at risk of telling you what you already know, would point out that when you say, "that law enforcement agency now has the goods on you and can harvest you." that law enforcement agencies can harvest us whether they have to good on us or not. If the law want you, the law can find a reason to arrest you. The issue is that by downloading these files one becomes a larger target, sticks out in the crowd, makes the effort worth the trouble so to speak.
HB and underage NB video is out there if you know where to look. You won't come across it by accident. Please do be careful. Yes there are ways to safely conduct recon. We all have a part in this movie, don't fall for the cheese. On that note, this is a sophisticated and above all, compartmentalised operation, think of it like SCI clearance, if you have to ask for safe methods you don't need to know.
That being said, we are in the end game here. Ops are in public view now. The black hats will be desperately pulling at any strings they can. Don't fall for the cheese. Please be safe.
Relax, the 4 Chan folks will take a hit for us and get what is important and sanitize it for us.
Remember Wiener's laptop with all the filth Huma &Hillary participated in, how Many of NYPD"s finest "Committed Suicide" after viewing its contents? What Exactly Happened to that laptop from Hell? Hillary and Huma's Frazzle Drip"video still haunts the dark web yet Both of these monsters walk free? While there are many fine men and women in LE who find and arrest low to mid range Pedophiles, the ones at the Top of this Evil pyramid remain Free to diddle children at their leisure. How Anyone in the FBI can sleep at night Knowing what these politicians do behind closed doors you would think it would cause many a sleepless night? Or is the FBI filled with Only child sex offenders so No one dares acquire a conscience to inform on anyone else?
Lame. You're telling me black hats leaked actual incriminating child rape porn on Joe and Hunter Biden and they're going to use the FBI to round up a 1000 or so patriots for viewing it? lol, come on man.
It's not like Trump would personally release it on 4Chan. In fact, it's kind of convenient it ends up there anonymously at this specific time. The laptop has been known for several years now.
If the content is verifiably real the good guys are behind its leak.
Let law enforcement handle this. That's a fucking joke.
Agreed. Seems like a DS trap.
So call your Sheriff's and demand they do something
I’d call the sheriffs office and tell them I’m coming down there to break into Hunter’s laptop, in front of them for safety. See how that goes.
Finding trust worthy ones is risky. I know there are many, but you won't know know for sure until after the fact.
Very good advice. I know people whose lives were ruined when the police arrived and took their computers, finding child porn on them. Hunter's laptop IS child porn. So stay away, please!!
If not finding CP, then maybe planting it there.
Sharyl Attkisson Says FBI Intended to Plant Child Porn on Husband's Computer
This definitely goes without saying, which is why most people won't download it.
The few that will likely have VPNs and other measures to help mask identity.
I remember in Sheryl Attkinson's book, when she was asking too many questions about Benghazi, someone attempted to download child porn on her husband's laptop. Their laptops would also turn on by themselves at night. The deep state even ran a cable into her home. And removed it before someone could look at it once it was discovered. They do have their tricks.
Im sorta confused. I thought it was entered into the congressional record, of which I have yet to see. If there was no problem with it going into congressional record, the only problem with it being on my computer is I only have 120GB HDD with 30GB free.
It was:
But what they have now is his phone & iPad data
Communists don't know what embarrassment is.
Yeah, the guys in cuffed shorts could be scrolling and reporting. While the DOJ won't do diddly, there are white hats who will. Let them do their jobs. We don't need anons joining the Jan 6th patriots in the dungeon.
Slag, I like the last paragraph of your post. Toss the link to your local sheriff and have him bring up kiddy porn charges. Might make for some interesting times if 4000 American sheriffs file kiddy porn charges against Hunter. That would take an awful lot of lawyers to fight against LE. Would be some good fireworks in the backwoods county court houses. Great idea, Slag.
Sherriffs have jurisdiction on the county level, not national.
if its online and available in their county, game on.
Maybe have local sheriffs or judges log on to 4chan and download it and see for themselves, no risk to them if they want to prosecute.
Your probably right, if a man in NY goes to Rikers for a self defense stabbing in a robbery this is not so far fetched.
Straight up! I haven't even seen the worst of it, and I don't plan on it. Be careful with this honeypot. Works both ways.
Click on the trending #4chan hashtag on Twitter to see some of the stuff.
Yeah, glowies gonna glow. This is bait for sure
Its all about how we fight the war now.
Agreed. Don't touch that shit with a ten foot pole.