Reagan to Bush power transfer:
Both George and Barbara “arrested” 1-18-17, 2 days before Trump inauguration:
Bush was defacto POTUS for most of Reagan’s 2nd term. This was a soft coup hidden from the American public.
This looks like a “going away” party on 2-5-17:; note Bush-Pence connection. Looks like Pence placed on Trump ticket by Bush as a “safety”. Also note Bush-McCain connection, AND Bush-Gore connection with Al Gore’s father. Also suspected is Bush-Paul Ryan connection with possible tie to Ryan’s wife who may be Racine Bauer/Rothschild (and his handler).
Bush's "date of death" appears to coincide with the runup to the first Gulf War in 1990/1991 or some other 11-30 event:
The UN Security Council issues Resolution 678, calling for the use of “all necessary means” to force Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait if it has not done so by January 15, 1991. -November 29, 1990
November 30, 1990 US President George H. W. Bush offers to send Secretary of State James Baker to Baghdad to meet with Saddam Hussein
2nd Iraq War date sauce: [Pre-planned?, this link reporting Israeli sources knew on 9-3-02 that things were being put in place for the war by 11-30-02; note that the "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002" introduced into House on 10/02, passed 10/10; then passed Senate on 10/11]
NATO on November 21/22 (2002)
In a special declaration issued at the Prague Summit on 21-22 November, NATO heads of state and government pledged support for the implementation of this resolution.
The significance of July 14, 1985 appears CONFIRMED: John McCain had brain surgery on July 14, 2017:
Deep State and media in on July 14 date, pushing Mike Pence as VP in 2016:
1993-2001 Bill Clinton was “his guy” running Arkansas drug-running and trafficking with CIA while he was 42nd Governor of Arkansas 1983-1992. Also, interesting 1 year stint as 40th Governor of Arkansas 1979-1980.
2001-2009 George W Bush was “his guy” with obvious family connections handed 2000 election effectively by his brother Jeb who infiltrated and rigged FL election for him as Governor; Cheney was “his guy” placed on ticket by Bush because George W really is a retard.
2009-2017 Barack Obama was “his guy” groomed by CIA and Saudi Royal family. McCain (NoName) also “his guy”; both sides controlled.
FAILED 2017-2025 Hillary Clinton was “his gal” groomed by Barbara Bush, likely George’s “handler” and leader of blood cult until handing it off to Hillary
Succinctly, GHWB is the head of the snake.
ashlandog post:
Alternatively, it is possible that Barbara Bush is the snake “handler”, and the real “head of the snake”. Her death date in April 2018 BEFORE George looks significant.
George HW Bush Sr was effectively Chinese ambassador in 1972 (before it was called ambassador) and went with Nixon there. The manufacturing transition to China was setup and kicked off by Bush Sr. in 1972 with an estimated 100+ manufacturing joint ventures setup that appeared to be controlled by Bush Sr family and its proxies. Bush Sr. would push the de-manufacturing of US agenda very hard when he was officially POTUS 1989-1993.
Why was the made move in 1985? Because their original plan of installing Carter/Mondale 1976-1984 (1984 was target date on 16/4/16 operating cycle) to get the full Communist infrastructure in place got countered with Reagan election in 1980. But the main reason was things needed to be put in place for the big "Q Year" of 1989 (8+9=17) which was America's destruction plan initiation date:
This is what GAW is about well done.
Yeah I barely ever visit P_W any more. There's good shitposting and stuff but GAW is God's work is being done.
Agree. These posts need to be written to get posted. We all owe a huge debt to our contributors! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!
Pick a topic, I'll gist it and post.
Oh, my! That makes me cross eyed! 😳😂 I’m slightly in awe of whoever was able to make that and even more in awe of anyone that can follow it w/ zero problems or confusion. ☺️😂
Theres a color coded version somewhere that makes it far easier to read
I would hope so, I felt like I was playing mind twister trying to follow all of that! 😂😂😂
How you feel about unsauced tales of historical obscurity?
We still keeping things down the middle on topic? Normie appeal all that? I remember the lectures.
So I wait.
I like them. I'm curious about it all.
Most, if not ALL, of our history is from unreliable sources to start with.
Agreed! What a stellar post! 🌟 plus many knowledgeable pedes the research presented here at GAW. Reminds me of VOAT during glory days.
Excellent background info for newbies.
Thanks everyone for the comments, feedback, and clues for further digs. This one got attacked by lots of glowies and shills as soon as it was stickied, indicating "over target".
I was just in a situation where I had no access to the internet for a little over a week (was arrested July 5th, was bonded out today) and I missed this place. Sometimes it's not exactly "good news" we receive here...but, knowing your enemy is a powerful defense
P_W users are basically normies now
The most difficult truth to swallow of Clown World discoveries wasn't that dinosaurs aren't real, or that sports are largely fake, or that nuclear bombs symbolize blackmail evidence not physical explosions.
It's that Clowns wanted Trump, whom they thought was on their side, to run in 2016 SOLELY for the purposes of sinking Jeb!'s campaign. Hard to imagine how they viewed "please clap" as such a threat.
The Clowns have hated the Bushes for a long time. This is the most difficult truth for our demographic of truthers to reconcile. The link below is going to hit hard against decades of programming inside us.
For me, it was the blantantly Comms laden letter Reagan sent GHWB upon Presidential Transition, "Don't let the turkeys get you down" (image of SIX turkeys ontop of an Elephant).
You don't get shot as President unless you are anti-Clown.
Also, the incredible MSM slander campaign against GHWB in the '92 Election. Food poisoning in Japan (media made it the butt of all jokes). Pee Wee Herman's mugshot blasted 24/7 just when GHWB goes to Russia and ENDS the USSR. Ross Perot getting told to run to ensure a Clinton win.
You don't have MSM wage war on your campaign unless you are anti-Clown.
There is engineered opposition, but they come in the form of Mitt Romney. Or No Name John McCain. Reconcile Rush Limbaugh being pro-W Bush and one of the lone anti-McCain conservatives in 2008, as well as 2000 Republican primary.
Yes, that is obvious. The way we should be viewing the world is in the lens of Patriots vs. Clowns. Understand that the Clowns have controlled the Mockingbird Media until ~2019.
Also understand that you are not allowed to run for office unless the Clowns think you are on their side. Yes, they initially thought Reagan was Clown-affiliated. There is a reason why his films are so hard to come across, they are heavily Comms laden. It's not pro-Patriot messaging. Yes, they initially thought JFK was Clown-affiliated. Yes, they initially thought Nixon was Clown-affiliated. They destroyed him. Yes, they initially thought Trump was Clown-affiliated, it's why he got media attention in the first place.
Wait until it's revealed that the US vs USSR Cold War was largely a farce, instead it was US + USSR vs. The Pyramid. The Cuban Missile Crisis? A Patriot stunt used to bolster JFK's dropping approval ratings (what happens when the Media hates you, Optics are very important).
Believe me, George Bush was a former CIA director. You don't get to that position without being fully vetted, and undoubtedly blackmailed by Clowns. It is theorized that the affair he had in China while ambassador was engineered.
Again, the Presidential Transition letter from Reagan -> Bush. The full scale MSM slander campaign against Bush. Ross Perot.
Hell Clowns wanted Trump to run in 2000 to do the same to W Bush as Perot did to his father. Trump backed off at the last second, and was punished with a costly divorce. This is the time period where the media narrative "he's not as rich as he says he is" gets pushed.
"Once a Clown, Always a Clown" = an anon too lazy to keep up with Flips. Be they historic or happening present day (Elon Flipping in March 2018 for example).
I understand that this is the most difficult truth to swallow. It is a suppository for the majority of us.
Wait, dinosaurs aren’t real?
All “fossil fuels” are self-renewing and are created through natural processes. Oil likely renews faster than coal, but not as quickly as natural gas. Exact cycles have not been revealed yet. This is why OPEC and oil restrictions needed per cabal petrodollar. Oil price would drop to nearly zero unrestricted, imo.
If you are saying that Barbara was the real villain, and George was just the front (similar to the Obamas), and she was forcing him to do bad stuff against his will, I would believe that. Clearly he was someone's puppet, as is everyone except the Pindar. That photo with Lady Gaga makes it appear that she is the "puppet master". Did she take over from Barbara or someone else at some point? The decode does not explain or hint at who was the real "puppet master" beyond the Lady Gaga reference and the suspected Queen somewhere above both Barbara and George.
May we never forget!
Haven't heard about the nukes = blackmail thing.
The best way to introduce Comms to people imho
Execution giveaway is the "cancer"
There are many indicators, but the true giveaway is the cancer. All cancers are curable. No elites die from cancer. They are either executed by the good guys (for crimes) or executed by the bad guys (for being rats or not following orders). Yamamoto has two patents from 90s disclosing the MAF cure for tumor cancer. Over 90 cures for regular cancer, usually with nutrients and/or immune system boost (example: Chaga tea). Alzheimers and neurodegen cured with heavy metal detox (tumeric) and niacin; and preventative is melatonin and niacin (pistachios). Blood cancer treatment/cure not revealed yet.
All elites who reportedly die “from cancer” died from some other cause, but the media lies about it for cover. John McCain is best example. Even his daughter was caught saying “he was killed” rather than “he died”. He should have been put down well before 2018 for the USS Forrestal fire he started. He was one evil dude.
Do an analysis of elites avg age of death and you will see it is around 95, roughly +20 years over “average human”. Why do you think the self-appointed “elites masters” live a full 25% longer than “their slaves”? Statistical analysis indicates it is NOT random.
Even John Kasich, a friend of no-name, slipped on live national news show (CNN) ... “when he was put to death...”. A friend showed me this in early 2018 and I have been a Q follower since, huge red pill
Seen this?
Thanks for sharing! There is no doubt
Did Trump fake Rush Limbaugh’s death?
On a similar note, I've seen theories Alex Jones is Bill Hicks.
I suggest you try to assemble that puzzle and post when you think probability is greater than 50/50. This “ID stealing” appears to be a sensitive topic and you may get attacked or “forum slid” off the page (see below). Spies don’t like their craft revealed?
There’s plenty of footage of Rush as a young man. Not Morrison.
So then Tom Hanks is really 84 years old rather than 66 as they allege?
Probably. Look at his hands if you can find a photo. They usually give away true age.
Looks like he and other Hwood actors (Tom Cruise) using blood transfusions, plastic surgery, and botox to maintain “young look”
Since Michael Rockefeller was born in 1938, that would make Tom Hanks 84.
Correct. Hanks and others do “age shift” to obscure, but then they use youth retention treatments such as blood transfusions with younger person blood to appear younger. It is suspected there are other techniques they use as well to appear young.
Jim Morrison (born 1943) became Rush Limbaugh (born 1951)?
So when Morrison in the late 60s was the lead singer of one of the biggest rock bands in the world he was also impersonating a teenage highschool student at Cape Girardeau Central High School in Chicago, where he played football and was a Boys State delegate?
Then while Morrison was in Paris drinking himself to death he also managed to appear daily as DJ Rusty Sharpe on Chicago KGMO?
I wouldn't have believed a word if I hadn't compared their photos which is surely all the definitive proof anyone needs.
If anyone wants further info on the “Name Steelers” and their history Clif High on Bitchute has very good videos on this very subject.
Let me get this straight.
Jim Morrison, the absolutely literal poster boy for the liberal free sex, drugs, rock and roll hippie counter culture of the 1960s, faked his death in 1971 to become the then 20 year old Rush Limbaugh who was already a young DJ in Chicago radio and who would come to be an icon of far right conservatism.
The evidence for this on the surface apparently highly unlikely story (except, of course, to those knowledgeable in the endless machinations of the cabal) is that Morrison and Limbaugh supposedly look like each other in certain photos and Morrison's dad was a "military intelligence officer"? (Actually Morrison's old man was a naval aviator who rose to become a flag rear admiral commanding aircraft carriers battle groups, but never mind.)
So according to your theory was it:
The world famous, rich and influential Morrison faked his death and was "stepped in" to become Rush Limbaugh due to the latter's "accident, death" when he was only an obscure radio DJ in Chicago because he was more value to the cabal as a teen radio disc jockey than a globally famous leader of a rock band?
Rush Limbaugh never existed before he was 20. In a plan that not only involved "fake backstory and fake documents, etc." but also actors that impersonated him from the crib to his termination at age 20 for an elaborate ruse that fooled his parents, siblings, schoolmates, football team members, fellow Boys State delegates and co-workers in the radio industry?
Pray enlighten us some more with your findings.
What has become of this place, this entire post is garbage. The mental gymnastics to think that Rush is the ex-lead singer of the doors. This all started from Bush Sr was still president in 2017. And zero sauce. This post is glowing so hard, I think someone said "hey let's post something so crazy just to see if they'll bite" yep they bit.
There was a person named “Rush Limbaugh” for those first 20 years, but he stepped aside when the time was right.
I retract the suggestion on Rush’s ID since it is 50/50 probability with only two pieces of evidence. Not really enough sauce to tip the scales one way or the other, and only interesting, not relevant since both are “publicly dead”. Somebody else can dig on this one.
Rush might have faked his own. I suspect all cancer deaths now after reading medical journals for 12+ months.
They are a Cancer on the butt of society
Yes. Others have mentioned this. Are you saying that Allister Crowley "became" Barbara Bush, or was related in some way? It is interesting that Crowley created his new religion, and Barbara appeared to be the top priestess in her death cult before handing it off to HRC.
She was ugly even in her prime. And that Flintsone pearl necklace.
These people don't marry for love. It's a business relationship. Mr Warlock & Mrs Witch.
You can actually see the fear on George W's face every time he talked about her. What the hell did she do to him? <-likely source of his drinking and drug use (just like Hunter Biden, abuse creates these behaviors)
The necklace covered the adams apple.
Name checks out
Alistair is Barbara's father. Sick, evil and web of spiders.
TONS of princes, princesses, politicians, and Hollywood actors are a part of the androgyne theater. Barbara Bush sure looks like a man to me.
Wide shoulders, big feet, man-chin. Apparently, a mentor for Michael LaVaughn Robinson?
So this raises the most important question: Who the hell is the real mother of the Bush kids? I bet a deep look into Bush's supposed affairs and trysts would tell an interesting story. I wonder if it is multiple mothers?
Virilization -
That’s a thick neck! “Her” gobbler hid it in her later years. My gosh, I’ve never really noticed how much of a man she is!! The picture with Killary will haunt my dreams.
I always thought she was fugly, but I figured she didn't age very well and had the worst fashion taste of any first lady before MooShell. I hadn't seen Barbara's early pics before this.
But Jeb looks exactly like her. How do you explain that?
Maybe Barb was their father?
...come to the dark side.....
Both Jeb and Junior are the spitting image of Barbara. They could be test tube lab babies or have a surrogate mother.
This may be correct, but I have only two sources, one which is really sketchy. Please post if you find sources on this.
That's a tough one to swallow at first glance.🤷♂️
Betty with her purported parents -
Could be a misdirect with Betty White. If Barbara is in fact Crowley’s SON dressed as woman, then Betty White may be Barbara’s “cult sister” or “cult twin”, not genetic sister or twin. Metaphorical twin in the sense that she was “Queen” of her Hollywood Domain as Barbara was “Queen” of his/her Political Domain.
That makes sense, in this twisted reality we're experiencing.
Note cards from Bush Sr. funeral:
I suspect it was a message signed by HW Bush. Watch Jeb in the betrayal on his face. HRC and Obama looked like they knew it was coming, somehow.
Youtube removed all the videos. Watch Jeb "lose his shit" @5:57
From how I understood it, he cracked and spilled the beans in exchange for his legacy or something. I don't know the whole truth, but that's what I figured from the crumbs left behind.
Agreed. Cooperating in exchange for "Legacy Deal" where his legacy would not be proactively trashed. NoName apparently, refused to sign a deal, thus the public trashing he has been receiving which has pissed off both his wife and his daughter.
Unknown if Jeb and W legacy is included in the deal. I just don't know how they are going to preserve the legacy once the 9-11 truth comes out. Maybe they blame it on HRC, even though it appears to have been a Bush/Cheney/Clinton/Saudi joint venture?
I honestly have no idea how this all works. It's probably not just their legacy since that sounds so idealistic or romantic. There are probably other things they agreed to preserve.
The only thing I am skeptical about the entire thing is that we might still be kept in the dark after all this is said and done. I hope that is not the case. I get it that watching the elites literally slice the face skin off living people and do other depraved acts can be quite shocking, but how are people ever going to know what true evil is? Then again, knowledge is earned, not given.
If the People are kept in the dark about anything, then we have lost. For this to truly be the end of the cabal, every evil deed needs the full light of day shone on it. Otherwise, this never ends.
Fuck peoples delicate sensibilities. The only thing I care about is Justice and providing a free and just world to future generations. The people must know the full depths that our leaders have sunk to.
Light is the only cure for darkness. Can’t go half way. Let it shine baby!
Not all the truth will be revealed publicly. Watch the chessboard. Some players getting removed from the chessboard via public events. Others removed behind the scenes, but still on the chessboard for some public reveal. We have to get some of this evil stuff revealed publicly, but remember too much will pop sheep heads, they will literally go insane if it is too much too fast.
Sadly, but then they will remain sheep. I suppose it'll be up to those that know better to make sure the next generations aren't that blind. Gotta cut losses sometimes and when it comes to humanity, a few decades or several generations is just a blink of an eye.
Q suggested 5% - 10% would never be reached. Sadly, I think it will be more like 15% - a little more in some areas of the country, quite a bit less in others.
Some of the woke / fantasy land / too proud to admit they were wrong crowd are going to die on that hill.
4-6%. It surely seems higher.
Fuck em'... Pull the trigger.
The truth must come out. I think it's the crimes against humanity that get filtered, because of how evil they are.
I think it read "dad was executed" and written by W as they sat during the funeral. It was something short and easy to see/understand. I think W was the only one in the family who was aware when it happened. At the time there were rumors that W had flipped so it kind of makes sense he would know the truth while the other family members thought he just died.
W did give the eulogy at the funeral, and Laura Bush looked like she wanted to kill something when she showed the message to Jeb, so pretty sure she was not happy with W and her failed mission as "handler of the retard". All Obama visit privileges immediately cut off the next day!
Obviously the message got through in a glance. So a picture, or a very short message, or both.
I watched Jeb's reaction quite a few times and it is not just fast, it is instantaneous. Does not look like he could have read even a short message.
A problem also if it was a picture. Imagine someone shows you a picture that you are really not expecting. Your first reaction is to go "eh?" and you look closer. So I find it hard to believe it was even that.
Who knows whether it was really true, but in the fictional novel "Treasure Island" it starts off with Billy Bones being given the "Black Spot" by Blind Pew.
"In the book, pirates are presented with a black spot to officially pronounce a verdict of guilt or judgement. It consists of a circular piece of paper or card, with one side blackened while the other side bears a message and is placed in the hand of the accused. It was a source of much fear because it meant the pirate was to be deposed as leader, by force if necessary—or else killed outright."
Now that would be instantaneously recognisable. Or maybe a different symbol rather than just black.
Also remember that Q replied to an anon who asked directly what was in the envelopes. The Q reply was" Our counter." The word counter can be interpreted several ways but one is a small round disk such as is used in board games.
Thanks for the detailed response. I remember that Q post. I hope we get to see a pic of the cards posted by Q someday. I'm guessing they were individualized.
A picture could send a message rather quickly without requiring much scrutiny (especially in the setting of a public funeral), and mean different things to different people. The picture I'd like to see is Bush senior in a noose hanging with a large red or black Q.
Looked like he was reading to me. I don’t think Jeb is smart enough for instant recognition of a symbol. I understand he is slightly better than retarded, possibly dumber than W. Inbreeding not working out so well.
My hope is a picture of the most depraved thing they had ever done with “WE HAVE EVERYTHING-Q” on it.
when you guys say flipped,, who are your talking about? like who flipped W?
Whoever is operating behind the scenes. Ghosts in the Machine?
It is suspected to be the military, special ops, possibly Green Berets. I don’t think we know the full extent of the ‘Guardians’ of the Republic yet. Clearly Space Force at minimum.
I would so love to know what those note cards said to each of them. Did they all say the same thing or did they all get a different note?
Betrayal, or caught in the act?
Excellent post!
I have been saving this for this day after looking into all the other stuff that has happened historically on July 14 over the last thousand years. It appears to be some sort of satanic holiday. This is likely why Bastille storming was initiated on this day in 1789. It is celebrated as a "Freedom Holiday", but it was the cabal that did that to specifically unleash chaos on France to destroy the Republic.
Barbara Bush likely executed at 92 on 4-17-18 Reported by NPR @7:47 PM; She was very likely actually 99, not 92.
Most probably lethal injection to control exact “time of death”.
Barbara Bush suspected of being George’s “handler”. She possibly was taking orders directly from the Crown (QE). Betty White appears to have been her twin (died or executed 12-31-21 @99). Research into Barbara’s public interactions and social ties to UK Royals needed here. She might even be related to Philip (husband of the Queen).
Something fishy about the death of daughter Robin Bush in 1953 of “leukemia”. Date of death possibly related? Note this is a “blood cancer”.
Back in the early 2000s, I saw evidence Barbara Bush's father was secretly Aleister Crowley.
Here's a picture of Crowley and Barbara Bush in their elder years, along with a young Aleister Crowley and his alleged grandson Marvin Bush -
Barbara's mother Pauline Robinson Pierce was in France with Frank Harris and Aleister Crowley in September and October 1924.
Barbara Pierce was born on June 8, 1925, roughly 9 months later.
Wikipedia scrubbed an article on Pauline Robinson Pierce. If you go to the link now - , it redirects to an article about Pauline Short Robinson, the first African American librarian in Denver, CO.
taps forehead
Here's the archived Wiki article of Pauline Robinson -
Pauline Robinson
Pauline Robinson Pierce (28 April 1896 in Dayton, OH – 23 September 1949 in Rye, NY) was the daughter of James E. Robinson and married Marvin Pierce, who later became president of McCall Corporation, the publisher of the popular women's magazines Redbook and McCall's.
She is the mother of former First Lady Barbara Bush and the maternal grandmother of President George W. Bush. Pauline was an avid gardener and served as the Garden Club of America conservation chairman.
W magazine once described her as "beautiful, fabulous, critical, and meddling" and "a former beauty from Ohio with extravagant tastes".[citation needed]
She spent several years in Europe where She met the writers Frank Harris and Aleister Crowley. In 1924 she returned to America.
According to the August 07, 2000 issue of Time Magazine Pauline was killed in an automobile accident when her husband, who was driving the car, lost control as he reached over to stop a cup of hot coffee from sliding across the seat onto his wife. The car crashed into a stone wall, killing Pauline instantly[1].
Pauline and Marvin's third child, Barbara, was born on June 8, 1925. Barbara went on to marry George H. W. Bush, who later became the 41st President of the United States.
Excellent work. This same play was run with Justin Trudeau's mother getting impregnated by Castro. This is a classic cabal technique to hide the bloodlines. They do these out-of-wedlock children and adoptions intentionally to obscure true identities and bloodlines. But it is usually done between known bloodlines, so Pauline Robinson Pierce also likely cabal family bloodline in addition to Crowley obviously. There is probably a big bloodline chart in the Office of the Pindar at the top of the Pyramid. They plan these unions out over 100 years minimum.
OK, I'm going to go listen to some old school Ozzy "for clues"
George HW Bush likely executed at 94 on 11-30-18 Reported by NPR @11:55 PM
Note that he was “hospitalized” the day after Barbara Bush funeral as well on 4-23-18 (from NPR story) where “it was thought he might die”.
Day of death 11-30 may correspond to one of his crimes, possibly Iraq War?
9/11 was one of the Bush crimes, don't forget that the authentic Nazis are the Bush family, top of the Nazi tree, some may say this is just a myth but it's true.
Many of the global power players are covert Nazis and most of the world's terror is done by them under various cover groups,
I can see the world being amazed when the real truths become visible.
Yes. 100% of Bush family history is fabricated. They were Nazi plants with the mission of overthrowing/taking over the US Government. Prescott Bush got arrested for it after attempting to assassinate Roosevelt. Real family name is Scherrf. Both Prescott and George trained by Nazi intelligence.
2007 investigative journalist post that looks mostly correct. Some details may be slightly off, but it looks like he nailed the important parts:; This information was supposed to be revealed to the public in the 2007-2012 Great Awakening that got suppressed.
Yeah, I remember reading all about the Scherffs.
George H. Scherff Sr. was Tesla's assistant and supposedly had ties to the Rockefellers and the Harrimans, amongst others.
Former Hitler bodyguard Otto Skorzeny claimed to have killed Nikola Tesla. He also identified George H. Scherff Sr. as the father of George Scherff Jr.
He claims George Scherff Jr. was hated by Tesla who nicknamed him Curious George and referred to him as a mischievous monkey. Supposedly, George Scherff Jr. was adopted by Prescott Bush and took the name George H.W. Bush.
Here's a link to Skorzeny's supposed deathbed confession with these details-
Archived link -
Nice add here. I was trying to figure out if George H. Scherff Sr. had changed his name to Prescott Bush or whether they were in fact 2 different people.
Have you ever noticed how arrogant they are especially GWB like he owns the world? It gives me nausea every time I see him like Oboso.
Well, it may turn out that he actually does own the world or very significant part of it. But I agree, Obummer is the worst. Just want to metaphorically "punch him in his preening face" everytime he says anything.
Sounds like I am not the only one. 🤣
Do we know what bush was arrested for?
It would cover several volumes. He was running drugs and weapons from Central/S America into US via oil platforms (probably for CIA) through his Zapata venture in the 60s. He was involved in JFK assassination and was present in Dallas on that day. He is German citizen, trained by Nazis with fake identify. He started wars and deposed dozens of governments all over the world 1989-1991. He murdered a sitting CIA head that was going to rat him out. Take your pick.
Treason was probably the big one, as it appears he got the death penalty. Looks like he signed a legacy deal and gave up his criminal network, this is why he is not being publicly trashed. So doing my part.
Glad you are. I was just curious knowing some of his background what the charge was. Interesting to see what obumas is going to be or was!
Likely this plus treason: 18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy
Probably all of these for Obumer (Hit with the book?) 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES
Dont forget his business ties to John Hinckley Sr. whose mkultra son John Hinckley Jr. shot Reagan while Barbara had lunch with Nancy. I never bought the Jodie Foster crap and when I found this connection is when I began my redpill journey. I dont even remember how I found the connection as it happened in the internets infancy. How did we get information before the internet?
Qui bono? means "who benefits"? The answer to that question alone is the answer to 3 questions regarding Presidential transition: 1. Who was involved in JFK being shot (shortly before Gulf of Tonkin and fullscale war in Vietnam), 2. Who was involved in Nixon being removed (note Spiro Agnew got swapped out right before and Nelson Rockefeller installed as VP right before Ford got shot at), 3. Who was involved in Reagan being shot in Feb 1981 (shortly after inauguration).
Mimeographs. Think of them as photocopies before the Xerox was introduced. The most popular messages were copied over and over and widely spread. You created a stencil and could then print many copies of it.
These even included memes, such as the picture of the old woman that looked like a young woman when flipped upside down.
There were also plenty of counter culture magazines published in the 1960s and 1970s by independent publishers. They spoke about all kinds of things not talked about in the mainstream media.
Then you had people creating independent films and passing out flyers to market them. Here's one regarding the death of JFK, a compilation of all the known footage as seen in movie theaters after his death, sold on 8MM film.
Latest info I've seen was that Bush Sr was around the corner from JFK when he was murdered. He was probably the quarterback of the operation.
Unknown his exact role, but he clearly was involved in the operation. He likely escaped any repercussions of this because he was either protected by CIA or higherups, or claimed to "know nothing", or claimed "just following orders". Patriots had to know that Bush was a sleeper or operative by the time of the Nixon administration when he was made Chinese ambassador and then rewarded for his activity in that role with head of CIA role shortly after. Bush Sr. may have played both sides until the Feb 1981 assassination attempt on Reagan, but likely got exposed with that operation.
Pretty sure Reagan knew Bush Sr. was a plant on the ticket in 1980. Lots of reports that Reagan tried to remove Bush from the ticket for 1984 run, but got serious blowback (and probably threats) on that.
Look what he did to Panama in 1989, Panama was completely destroyed after he planted Noriega as a CIA. He destroyed it just to take him out which I am glad because Noriega was bad news too, but nothing like him. Do you have a link for these things? How about “No Name”?
Yep. Here's my post that includes the 8 main operational hub countries. Panama is actually the Western Hemisphere internet server and CIA data filtering location from what I have been able to uncover:
Thank you for the info. I think countries like Panama are clearly owned by one person GWB, if he went there while he was President obviously he is the one who controls everything there. Don’t you agree?
The thing is efficiency. They don't need to arrest and execute a traitor for all of their heinous crimes. They only need to prove one. Great time saver.
As for those known criminals who have done well to hide the evidence, they were and are still being given enough rope to eventually hang themselves with.
Correct. This is part of the exposure operation. In the Bush case he got a "public death" in 2018 because most of his network in Saudi and elsewhere had likely been already rolled up in 2017 and 2018. Unclear if they replaced lower "bosses" to let the minions continue to expose themselves, but I suspect so. In a pyramidal hierarchical structure where the puppet masters want to be anonymous from the shadows when they give orders, it works against their plan when the puppet masters are replaced without the puppets realizing it.
So many great comments and digs in this thread. Great job u/MemeToDeath2021. This should be sticky worthy....
It's easy to see the repeated patterns of the puzzle of the Cabal and US Deep State when frens have (likely) assembled part of the puzzle. Their playbook never changed because it's been so successful, combined with the symbolism necessary to perpetuate their "magic", bestowed by the devil and his minions.
God wins though, and we can clearly see his hand moving since 2015 when Trump came down the escalator. NCSWIC
The positive feedback is greatly appreciated. I have been trying to contribute in the areas of decoding the cabal playbook and uncovering our "real history". This post is a good combo of both of those.
You definitely have a great gift and much knowledge. I've been rolling my eyes lately in the things mods sticky versus REAL digs with relevant information that helps paint the picture of DS ties. Don't stop and never let the haters get to you - don't waste the energy!
Possibly in 1972 as well, as it appears there was a military tribunal and execution order on LBJ who died 2 days after 2nd Nixon inauguration of "heart attack".
Unclear if Reagan had activated devolution. Bush Sr./CIA may have undone whatever Reagan put in place.
If you paid attention just after the 2012 election, you may have seen reports of rigged election in Wisconsin and elsewhere. Pretty clear that Obama rigged 2012 and likely did not win (just like 2008). However, all of this was very quickly suppressed by the media VERY HARD until inauguration. There is a slight possibility that Romney might have been flipped to a whitehat at that time because Ryan is clearly cabal "backup" placed on that ticket. Note that he later was rewarded as Speaker of the House, seemingly out of nowhere for following orders in 2012 election.
But, Obama winning with Biden as VP was the play needed since whitehats had either already "replaced" Biden with their own player or did it shortly after inauguration; So in a sense, the Patriots got who they wanted in place, and the evidence of this is how hard Obama went after the military with his major purge (possibly trying to figure out who was in control or who was running a COG devolution). So yes, very possible we have been in COG situation since 2008 or 2012.
Would this mean that Reagan wasn't responsible for amnesty for illegal immigrants in 1986?
Correct. The amnesty and BigPharma liability protections both pushed, implemented, and signed-off by Bush Sr. and his CIA cronies putting things in place for the NWO kickoff scheduled for 1989 kickoff of destruction of America (Ref. 1889 kickoff of for destruction of Russia, 1789 kickoff of destruction of French Republic, and 1589 kickoff of destruction of Dutch Republic).
Far more interesting to read your post than anything on Twitter
It's encouraging to know that there are people out there doing research like this. It makes me optimistic that everything may make sense one day.
Great work.
It is definitely going to have be a crowd source effort to reveal our true history. I have spent a huge amount of time, and have only made it back to about 1968 on "what the hell really happened" in terms of POTUS/VPs maneuvering, etc; and back to 1961 on some of JFK's specific actions to understand why the CIA "took him out", although I suspect now it was a actually a body double, and the real JFK died 1-30-21.
I am working on a 1960 election - 1972 Nixon in China timeline analysis as well, but the historical stuff keeps needing attention as new "hotspot events" pop up. These events such as East Prussia/Kaliningrad, Dutch Farmers, and French Peoples' Liberty appear to be clues for us to look at to understand our true history and world events.
I'm surprised you had time to reply to me.
I can't get over how misled we've been about seemingly everything. Lately, I've been looking at Anatoly Fomenko's work on our fabricated history. It's hard to stay focused on one topic at a time because people like you keep throwing fresh material out for researching. The buffet never seems to end.
Thanks for doing your thing.
Haven't seen those theories about JFK Sr., but I definitely think Hitler survived and lived in Argentina until his natural death.
I agree. But it likely was not just Hitler, and the Catholic Church was instrumental in smuggling Nazi leaders out through their network of Church properties in S. America (which obviously were quite vast). But it gets appears Hitler had 4 daughters who all have high facial recognition matches to Eva, their suspected mother. Two of those daughters are Angela Merkel and Theresa May who can be seen together in UK boarding school photos. Yes, they went to the same boarding school at the same time!
It is very possible that some of these Nazi leaders or their ancestors were higher in the pyramid than GHWB, and actually were giving him orders, given Bush's original German citizenship, and suspected Nazi oath.
Supposedly US military has genetic test results proving relationship, but I don't think we will ever get public confirmation on this, and I don't happen to have a genetic test machine myself, so facial recognition and circumstantial evidence is all I can come up with.
Why do you think the real JFK died in 2021?
Because this dude looks like JFK to me, and he is the exact correct age. There was some press thing with Trump where they talked about his age per the 75th anniversary of D-Day event in 2019:
Reportedly 103 years old when he died on 1-30-21:
Thanks! Yeah, I remember thinking it odd but I didn’t put it together like you did...
I 100% agree. Definitely keeps the hope alive.
The depth and width of the swamp is truly mind boggling. Great Post!
Really shines a light on the ridiculousness of the "I want it now, nothing is happening" doomers doesnt it. This is a 6000 year old struggle between good and evil. Its not ending in a day. The sooner people understand that this is a millennia old war for the soul of our species the sooner we can end it.
Why does overly hyped wishful thinking posts get stickied and this doesn't???
Yes. You have to lobby the mods. I won't do that myself, but if you feel something deserves a sticky it carries more weight with mods when readers rather than authors do the lobbying.
You have to ask for stickies. Click the report button, choose "other", and then make a comment such as "Sticky, please." If you see some thing worthwhile, like this well researched, organized and thoughtful post, get it stickied for us!
Great information, also why arkansas? I didn't realize until I traveled there, it's the natural place for drug trafficking in the us, it has a good amount of rugged, very wooded terrain, and is close to the Gulf of Mexico (therefore closer to South America than most of the US). It makes more sense to me that they would they would do drug traffiking out of Arkansas instead of Mississippi or Louisiana because the terrain is better to hide in, essentially, I think. They were flying in from Columbia directly to Arkansas and then stashing the drugs there to distribute out to the rest of the country I think.
Baphomet statue erected in front of Arkansas State Capitol in LIttle Rock. The whole state has been taken over by satanists, like Colorado.
Along with Brazil, Arkansas has most of the worlds natural quartz. Quartz is very powerful. Can be used for many things both physically and spiritually.
Nice post thank you fren
Follow the pen. (It's a Trump Sharpie.)
"Getting fired up for Sunday and Superb Owl." Firing up ole Sparky?
51st Superb Owl 5+1 = 6 = shorthand for 666
From the (following) photo, it looks like God is making a touchdown.
"The 51st NFL championship game saw an incredible win for the New England Patriots.
Beautiful decode. I knew there was something up with that game. I wasn't aware of the Pence/GHWB photo until after the 2018 funeral when I started looking into the weird happenings.
Thanks, fren!
This is one high quality post. Well done.
How dasting!
Good post.
It makes sense the destruction of America went into overdrive after JFK got assassinated
The key is they appear to have been on a strict schedule to get everything in place to greenlight their plan by 1989. It was the timeline analysis and operational cycles that revealed some nuggets.
I was able to figure out most of the 1973-1985 timeline, and guess what? 1976-1980 playbook looks exactly like the 2020-2024 playbook (so far) including stolen election, pandemic, forced vaccination, etc.:
The 1980s even had Robert Gallo and his right-hand man Anthony Fauci. Fauci was a major force behind the push for azidothymidine (AZT) to be fast tracked for approval by the FDA for treatment of HIV/AIDs.
Burroughs Wellcome, the creators of AZT, a failed cancer drug, made $8,000 a year per HIV infected patient, which would be $18,000 today adjusted for inflation. Those without insurance often paid out of pocket and burned through their life savings just to die within a couple years.
Yep. Fauci been at CDC or in gov't since 1968. He likely is behind every flu outbreak since 1968, including the Hong Kong flu which appears to be his first "operation".
Your "adrenochrome" reference immediately attracted the glowies assigned to "suppress any mention of it" I think they are using these sequential counterintel points:
He finally found his thousand points of light in hell.
Interesting so interesting
I don’t know why I’m in shock with this news. Maybe because I’ve lived in a bubble 53 years and awake 2 years. I’ve accepted in my heart most celebrities and politicians are bad. I guess I’m embarrassed that previous generations were fooled so easily, including myself and previous generations. Yet, when I searched my family history I find two family members were governor of NC. They were brought here from Scotland by King George of England. As others have said, our history is only what they wanted us to know. I pray one day the true history will be published. Thank you for taking the time to get this together. I plan to read it all.
Yes! Now what?
This is a bit of an epilogue to "what the hell was going on" with Bush Sr. This does not look actionable as the "Legacy Deal" likely prevents this from being revealed publicly to the normies that he was effectively a mafia boss. However, the connections to his underlings look like they are being worked by Durham (HRC, Obama). There may be some reveal on 9-11 at some point as well, but unclear if they blame that on W or HRC or Saudi or all three.
I went through this mainly because there were too many things in Reagan's second term that didn't make any sense to me, and the headline explains it all.
Very good, sir. I stand in respect.
George H. W. Bush (aka George H. Scherff, Jr.) is the most evil man in American history. We know the legacy of a Benedict Arnold, John Wilkes Booth, and even a Samuel Mudd; the physician who splinted John Wilkes Booth's broken leg. When you hear -- "Your name will be Mudd", it is a reference to Samuel Mudd. The culpability of Mudd in the overall conspiracy and death of Abraham Lincoln has always been controversial. And Mudd was even later pardoned by then President Johnson, the same president that sent him to prison. Mudd was set free in 1869.
George Bush (aka Scherff, Jr.) is all of these people and many times more. Not only does Bush deserve the name 'Mudd', but a 'Benedict Arnold' too. The Bush name is even a fraud, but needs to live in infamy in the Annals of history for posterior sake for us to always remember.
ok i have to be a little cynical but if someone cannot be president for more than 10 years how does this even work?
Also as the elected President, Reagan could have pulled it back at any time
My theories is he either 1. utilized US CORP by-laws, 2. Used continuity of gov’t, or 3. Just used straigtup mafia control, blackmail, and election rigging. We may never find out.
Post updated to add sauce on date. It is likely its own post to match blackhats death dates to their crimes. Good for the symbology anons to work on.
Date of death is significant. This is as close as I can get with sauce is within 1 day. If you dig you will likely find an 11-30 event of some sort. It could even be related to WW2.
November 29, 1990:
Excellent post and backup. You filled in a lot of blanks. Thank you!
BTW he tried to do this in 81 with Hinkley. You know that right? My sense is that he told Reagan in a sly way, in a few words once when they were alone together, in a way to keep the upper hand on him.
They have a pattern when killing presidents. They first kill a world famous person the year before. For instance, when John Lennon was assassinated, the radio station I was listening to in Worcester MA did a quick biography search of Chapman his assassin & realized he lived next door to George & Barbara Bush in the 70's.
In like manor, the daughter that the world does not know that Marylin Monroe had, knows that LBJ & GHWB killed her mother & then kidnapped her. Obviously someone they had to kill her a year before the JFK assassination & they knew that no one would believe a 3 year old.
God had his eye on Reagan & the gunner missed, but yes, he was compromised.
There is a possibility that the “Reagan” that got shot was a body double and the body double actually died. Reagan’s recovery seemed miraculous for an old guy. The story I heard was that the bullet came inches from direct hit on his heart and they had to perform surgery to save him. Imagine the surprise of the cabal when the real Reagan showed up to check on his double if that was the case.
Yes. Timeline analysis usually gives away who is doing what for what ends. Why did that happen at that time? Events are not random because it takes human consciousness, will, and effort to make them happen. Thus, big events take big amounts of human effort, making probability of them being random or accidental nearly zero.
Wow. Great info.
I remember when Trump needed some procedure and went through it without anesthesia so he didn't have to temporarily give power to pence
Yes. More to that story. Can you post link in here with date on it?
My comment was from memory, but I looked it up and found this article about a book by Stephanie Grisham, 'a former White House press secretary and chief of staff to Melania Trump,'. Stephanie has a swamp taint on her.... my memory was just that he had a undisclosed procedure done at Walter Reed. This article says it was c colonoscopy....
Probably. The common theme in the current operation is everything the cabal has done to Patriot Presidents Nixon, Reagan, Trump is being done to them.