WARNING: CIA TALKING HEADS SAY 'VIOLENT RHETORIC' IS CIRCULATING ONLINE AFTER FBI'S MAR-A-LAGO RAID! Deport! Any calls to arms, etc., will not be tolerated! Thank you, patriots!

I am curious to see how 300+ million gun owners react to a blatantly illegal search. Is the deepstate poking the bear?
Of course they are trying to poke us!
We won’t do anything. It’s just another media hoax.
I don't know if they want it or if the demons provoking them do, but either way, yes.
What if you say you’re with antifa? Is it still a problem? 🤨
No you have rights to peaceful protest. Just cover the rocket launcher with an antifa flag weighted down by copies of hunters laptops. They cannot even see it at that point.
Invisibility cloak!
They REALLY want to provoke someone to physically attack. Probably planning multiple 'Patriot Front' types who will make up their own violence.
Where are those larpers? Did they get arrested/charged for whatever that was a month or 2 ago? I was hoping that we would get to see more fake n gay basement larp videos with heil hitler…pretty bummed on that front
All FBI agents/informants...heard they had to regroup after their uhaul incident. They all passed out and had to be given oxygen by EMTs because their farts smelled like condoms...
Aerosolized monkey pox in a hot box truck. There are better ways to go.
Hah. Gross. But hilarious. Take your updoot.
Can we send something like 80,000 clown noses to the FBI? That should make the CIA jealous enough to reinvigorate their turf war of old....
This would be awesome. I'd love to see the press conference from Wray calling us terrorists for sending them clown noses.
it would be a riotous affair!
Fully automatic clown noses
Send the clown noses to the FBI, and the big red clown shoes to the CIA.
Who gets the rainbow wigs?
They probably have Ray Epps types running around trying to seed these groups
They only need us to peacefully protest. The Federal Bureau of Insurrections has people they provide with Trump paraphernalia to do the rest.
“FEDeRal BurrO oF Insurrections”
and the “CloWns INsert-erections Abroad”
Creating domestic and international terrorists to blame, harass and terrorize local populaces worldwide. Founded in corruption and continuing in corruption. Thank you for your support!
This is what they've been planning all along. The Raid was the pretext to a FF to blame on "furious, violent ,Trumpers."
I hear Afghanistan has some good specimens. Overstock. Made in USA.
I mean if saying that it's war is violent rhetoric then I'll gladly be guilty. They declared war, and right now I'm watching to see the next moves of both sides.
The illegitimate federal government is not recognized by me as a citizen anymore anyway.
I Paul H, of Catskills NY, having witnessed the issues surrounding every vote in recent years,
and given that poll after poll show that the issues that the average American feels is important compared to what the so-called representative government thinks is important are diametrically opposed,
and given the recent actions of this Administration towards American citizens, including but not limited to taking money via taxation to give to foreign countries while our citizens are homeless and starving,
I do actively believe that we need to do that as a population
I have my eye on one of those rocket systems the US sent to Ukraine. Starting bid on eBay is $1 but the bidding up to $200 right now.
yeah, really stupid. so let's say we get together offline and talk about violence. why don't you send me your name and address
Ok. My address is 6969 FBI is gayz lane washington dc 1776
If that was true, you’d have a bunch of pedes placing requests with you to pick them up a thing or two.
Soooo yeah.
Think I can put in a request for something?
They glowed themselves into a corner, and their solution is to glow harder.
That sums it up nicely.
It really does.
This is the best they can come up with on short notice.
Trump had a blockbuster video ready to go in hours. Some might even say before the event.
And this is what they cook up.
C students.
I thought blockbuster video we NY t out of biz.
“If you see anybody from - [FIB] - in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” - is that violent enough to draw their attention? - yep get in their faces and let them have it. They are not welcome anywhere.
It worked well for that predator chick Maxine
That sounds like seditious insurrection talk.
So they are preparing to shut down some stuff
10 days without you all would suck...
10 days of praying.
It would be darnkess :(
This is now a Minecraft thread.
Sir, this is a
Christianminecraft websiteFF incoming.
For sure that is what they are priming the public for with their media shills.
Be on the watch out for those pesky right wing militia groups (on the FBI payroll) and those violent white supremacist groups (on the FBI payroll).
Because it sure smells like they have something cooking.
Probably smells like gay sex and old condoms. Cuz that's what the FBI is usually cooking.
Yep , Lord we ask you to expose every evil scheme!
Heard that one before
T/u. Some good posts I missed.
The CIA is literally projecting.
That’s pretty funny when you think about it.
Isn’t that what libtards do?
Yes. That’s exactly the point. Lol
MSNBC was all in on this yesterday too. Every guest in the 7p hour (idk the show) was talking about inflammatory posts on a website "The Donald" "a far right board". I didn't think The Donald existed anymore (for at least a couple of years now).
MSNBC and their guests suck Trumps balls while saying “I hate you so much”. They’re freaking out and are mentally unstable.
I got a board with a nail in it, so I’m pretty happy with my home defense situation.
Put up some signs too - "gun-free zone". That should do it.
I've got a monkey paw that grants wishes. lol
Call to arms 💪🏻
Am I doing it right? 😉
Welcome to the gun show 💪🏻
Sun's out gun's out! 💪
CIA is not allowed to operate domestically.
[laughs in jfk]
laughs in MKUltra
Laughs in 9/11
Laughs in project Mockingbird
Why call for violence when we are comfy af??
mods can you PM me what the comment was just for the lulz?
We are winning let them finish this. No violence.
Lmao we’re going to be hiding behind optics until the FBI start kicking OUR shit in.
Right now nobody has time to be violent. The 40 hour workweek is by design.
"Right now, our government is doing things we think only other countries do."
- Van Halen 'Right Now' video (1991)
Right now, Hunter Biden snorting coke off of 16 yr old asian prostitutes butt with Obamas daughters.
This is what they want. Do not give it to them. The time for talk has passed. No need for rhetoric. Be peaceful and protect your home and family. We are Americans. We are resolute!
Mostly peaceful tax evasion is all I've called for lol
They are prepared for that to with increase of IRS agents
Serious question: what do I do if I see posts that seem to encourage violence??? I am a little reticent to hit the deport button on someone, because I would not like if someone falsely accused me and it's happened to me before (not on GAW! Mods are good here!) and I got unjustly banned for life from theDonald until I contacted a Mod who promptly lifted it.
I don't want to unfairly or secretly accuse someone of wrongdoing since discretion is hard to justify even if it seems painfully obvious.... so in lieu of doing that I am going to link to the specific user's comment here, directly.
Now there can be no issues! I have shown it directly to all, and they can look and see if it is justified to report it, or if they feel differently than me about the content of the post and OP's 'pattern of life(lifted from greggbeard of TTV
What's the verdict guys??? It seems like this person is just being a little "extra" truthful at the moment and maybe just needs a reminder. Why deport when a teachable moment is possible and a good anon can be saved
Hope I am doing the right thing here.....
Check post history. If every comment is pushing for guns blazing and violence then that will help your decision.
If comment history is occasionally angry but mostly MAGA and common sense then…
I have days where I’m frustrated with the Plan and pace of things…where I think a billion angry gun owners should handle this problem (in minecraft). Just sayin…
Deports are not automatic. Its just brings attention to the mods. If you got banned on TDW, a mod pulled the trigger.
Same here. If you see something questionable, and deport it, we still review it.
Deport, deport, deport.
i deport stormfags, misogynists, and shills/doomers all the time.
I see glowies or dudebros itching for a fight I will deport them.
The mods will ultimately decide. So far GAW is not compromised so they'll do the right thing.
We really need a canary, something to send the signal there's a chance GAW is compromised. No idea what would be reliable but maybe the mods have or are already working on an idea
Someone who says they're awake but still gives a crap about skincolor tribalism
Someone who blames da Jooz for everything foolishly
Or a combination of the two
Stormfag is a term referring to Stormfront, a white "nationalist" forum that hate Trump as much as they hate Barry
The Original Mockingbird
Sending armed people go on a fishing expedition is violent.
Your daily reminder that left wingers twist language to twist your brain
There's a reason why the Founders in their infinite wisdom made freedom of speech among the very first enumerated rights in the Bill of Rights
Because speech is the ALTERNATIVE to violence. Words are the stunt double for violence. You talk it out, argue it out, then you don't have to duke or shoot it out.
The Soros left wants actual violence. They NEED it to survive. That's why they keep poking and stoking. THEY are the actual violent ones.
Read as: Abc agents are trying to incite violence online
Don't take the bait, frens. This forum is not a place where any well-meaning patriot would organize an "insurrection" on. Always remember that this is a public, heavily monitored site and what you say can be used against you, even if you're just venting. Be careful about what you say, it carries weight.
I understand this sticky is necessary.
I also understand that this is the internet, it's an anonymous forum, and people will shitpost. Most of the "violence" here is shitposting by people who are venting anonymously but would never do anything in real life.
The Left is now going to play the victim, cry out in pain, as they engage in some of the most fascist and totalitarian acts in this country's history. Frankly, I'm tired of watching this tactic. It's a particularly pathetic form of passive-aggressive, and it ought to be called out and savagely mocked.
These people do not hold the moral high ground and should never be granted it. If we wanted to get violent, there are 450M guns in this country in the hands of about 100M legal, law-abiding gun owners, many of whom are former military or LEOs and have extensive training. If we wanted an insurrection, we'd all know it. The Left should be reminded of this and frequently. They retain their freedom and security because we wish them to, and because we believe in the Constitution they're trying to shred. Not a threat, glowbois. It's a fact. We want this resolved peacefully. Don't make that impossible.
You can't claim it's not a threat when telling huge subsections of America that they only retain their freedom and Security because you wish it. That's clearly an implied threat; do as we would like or have your freedom and security revoked by us. Every person in the USA retains freedom because it is outlined in the constitution, and is not only deserving to certain individuals. Either we all win, or no one wins.
The Declaration of Independence is definitely a direct threat telling tyrants and usurpers to tread lightly. We don’t have to say it, it is implied in our founding documents. Luckily for them their are plans for a calm and collected process that will bring accountability, justice and punishment. We all understand this and see evidence pointing to it. These people shouldn’t be afraid of us, they should be afraid of the parents who wake up to the truth of what THEY do to innocent children behind closed doors. THEY should be very afraid of parents who realize their children were intentionally murdered by a vaccine these media shills and sleazoid politicians pushed.
Serious Question. Is this quote form The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn considered a call to violence ? I will put the link - not the quote.
And a followup. If this is considered a call to violence how about the Declaration of Independence? And how about quotes from the pamphlets of the Revolution?
I guess the question comes down to where is the line? I don't have the answer but am just posting this as a thought-question.
The CIA & FBI proving exactly why the 2nd Amendment was added and totally necessary.
Domestic operations of the CIA are EXTREMELY illegal. They have ZERO jurisdiction on ANYTHING that happens inside our own country. Yet, they get caught over and over again breaking the law and nothing happens.
Silence is violence. Words are violence. C'mon man, which is it?
There will be a slew of glow fag handshakes here trying to cause trouble. DEPORT immediately! Do not engage these retards.
It's always the same ol song and dance with these retards