Dee Snider “We’re Not Going To Take It” anti MAGA Tweet.
🎸 *YOINK* It's OUR song, now🎙️
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I say we keep it. Why should we stop using it just because a cross dressing libtard tree hugger tells us to?
All ONE of them.
Bah, Dee stole that shit from "Come All Ye Faithful". 😉
So Dee HATEs the US Constitution, Freedom, Law & Order.
LOVEs (apparently) Pedophiles, true Racism / Bigotry / Slavery, anarchy / burning of cities and neighborhoods.
Got it!
and the IRS, the FBI, Ukraine, the Fed, BLM, Antifa... and a host of other stuff that sucks
holy shit.
I have suffered moral, cultural, and aesthetic injury from this link. I'm not going to click it anymore.
You're not gonna take it? 😏
Report this outrage!
The Megachurch Aesthetics in Praise Band Monstrosities Governance Board will receive my detailed grievance forthwith!
I hope somebody has posted a modified „all your bases are belong to us“ meme on dee sniders twatter. 😁
lol you beat me to it, C5.
Yes, we took it, and the salt is flowing. KEK.
They took our Rainbow, we took their song.
I prefer to think of it as we rescued their frog. Pepe is one of us.
They still have more of our things. We need more songs and frogs.
Pepe Pepe the frog on a log Ribbit, Ribbit he sings our song Meme-info our world into existence all along!
? Pepe was always ours, unless you're referring to the original creator of the first pepe?
Cultural appropriation
Cultural enrichment
Two button dillema meme
He doesn't own the rights to it anyway. I also remember someone complaining to the Village Person who owns "YMCA" about Trump using it and the guy flat out said that he likes the money enough to not care.
I thought the Village People (or whoever) told Trump he could use that song without paying royalties if he would dance every time it played. Which he does with his little shadow boxing dance that is adorable. Is that not true? LOL!
Trump dancing is so cute! Here's 10 hours of it for all your weekend party needs...
This is glorious!
universal is the publisher but he owns the writer's share. all published songs have at least two shares, it's very common for the record co to be the publisher and artist to get writer's share. source: i own a music publishing co. both universal and snyder make money every time the song is played on the radio or performed live. he is doing reverse psychology.
Agree! Living rent free in their heads 👌🏼
I say it too.
No,it shall be used EXACTLY BECAUSE OF THAT.
as u/TheJake wrote about the Marines. So yes. We are deplorables and not only... Yes.That should be our answer to them.
And remember those Trump's speech:
Sometimes I am losing hope.Hopes about those Great Awakening.Hopes about my private life. But I remember what mr President Trump said above.
And also what would sound like the irony - I remember that such thing were said another words also in some speach of one of big President Trump's enemies,retired admiral McRaven (here: who might unfortunately stay on Demonrats and deep state side. But I don't care what side is he.Because good things or lessons are good things or lessons no matter you get it from the friend or the enemy.
After all - all our enemies - even cabal members - are misguided human beings. That not mean there should be deals or mercy - what shall be done,shall be done because there is no other way. But hate and rage is false friend,who gives strength in exchange for blindness. Those demonrat worshippers are so blind neither wanting to hear ever the other side nor learn something from us...
This used to not even matter anyway. It's only because of how far the left has gone that the main sphere even cares.
She sounds upset.
Been trying to learn holy wars on guitar. Gotta give it to that guy for being able to play that fast and clean while singing. And he's based. Probably my favorite musician right now.
He was on Joe Rogan recently, good 3 hour interview.
I second that!
Did Twisted Sister have any other songs that were hits? Dee has been living off the royalties from one song for his entire life so not very likely he'll have it pulled. Maybe that's why he's so upset - we own his song now and that is keeping libtard DJs from playing it as often, thereby reducing his only source of income.
Maybe his panties will get unTwisted when he realizes the royalties from MAGA playing his music will pay enough that he doesn’t have to do any more carpet cleaning commercials.
This is only Dee Snyder singing on stage with the Trump family in 2016.
It really shows the amount of mental reprogramming that the media pulled off on the sheep that so many don't remember how Trump was so beloved by the left before he became President.
This! So true
just reposted and asked "hey Dee is this you asking for 75 million plus real people"!! grifting faggot the lack of self awareness is astounding..I've never understood how people "peg" themselves one way and then don't understand the backlash of people with lose memory and never prone to "the next thing" mind set
oh how he loved Trump back in the day, then he was told he cannot like Trump anymore. would love to see him interviewed by a good interviewer that is on our side.
BOOM This rant from him sounds like the record company will cut him off if he doesn't fall in line.
Did you say Neil Young?
Dee got orders from his handler to shift to "hate Trump" mode.
Dee Snider is a Dehydrated Sack
I sub to Razorfist. Lol. My kind of guy.
I love razor’s rants😂
Why can I see how many dislikes are on this video? Is this a new policy for YT to show only conservative leaning videos how many dislikes there are? Or is my add on finally working?
The latter most likely. My extension works unless the creator intentionally disables the dislike button.
Sorry, it's been a year since I watched it.
Weird, because when Dee was being grilled by Al Gore at a Congressional hearing, he sure seemed anti-establishment, pro-freedom at the time. The idea of MAGA wasnt even a thing. American People we're by and large United when he wrote this, so, I think he's full of shit.
True! Im just calling him out for saying he wrote the song based on MAGA types. No he didnt. America was United at the time he wrote this. It was an anti-establishment song that he's trying to gaslight us into thinking it was about "our kind".
Yep. He looks awful hypocritical claiming he fought the PMRC on one hand and giving freedom loving folks the bird with the other.
Wait til he finds out some of us non-gay non-satanists love the music of Judas Priest
Rob Halford being gay was like the worst-kept secret of metal music, people had already known or strongly suspected for decades so when he came out so casually during an interview pretty much only the interviewer was surprised. Even the stage outfits were tamed down fetish gear that only the most naive prude wouldn't have gone "hmmm" upon seeing.
There is something about that 4 octave range.
When are they going to realize we are not the divisive ones and give two shits about who or what a person is, as long as they don't try to fuck with our kids or use it as a weapon.
And leave us the fuck alone.
Well he did not hate the big bucks and the luxurious lifestyle that hymn got him.
Ho Chi Minh gave the name ‘the Walking Dead’ to the First Battalion, Ninth Marine regiment when the Marines entered A Shau valley. The fate of the 800 Marines changed when the unit was engaged in close to four years of sustained combat operations. The cost of victory would claim the majority of their lives earning them the namesake. In true Marine Corps tradition, the Marines took the derogatory terms of the enemy and adopted them for themselves.
Not US citizen,so simply also NOT marine here,but I say: Oorah !
Great example, although the Marines have been doing that for quite some time. "Teufel hunden" anyone?
He should do an updated version for the whacked out left. "Your all gonna take it". Seems to be more the message he wants to send.
Dee is going to take it...
Haha, yep and next we’ll be taking back our 🌈.
This sums up how they think. It is not about the words themselves but it is more about who said it and whether they were "believers" or not.
That is how a written law can be interpreted one way if you are a Trump supporter and in quite another way if you are an anti-Trumper.
It is how "free speech" can mean free speech for one person but not for another.
Wow, an aging has-been rock star who's an obnoxious, bitter and hateful jerkoff.
Well, he is from Long Island
Long Island is the only good part of NY And parts of upstate
He's a Jewish Princess. My old neighborhood on Long Island is not what it used to be, pretty much a no go zone from what I've heard. Lake George on the other hand....
Someone needs to tell DEE that Fascism is when the govt colludes w/corporations!
I read somewhere that apparently DJT used to play this song at his rallies early on, and then Dee asked him to stop playing them.
Yup. And the Rolling Stones asked him to stop playing their songs. And the chicks that did the Rush Limbaugh intro asked him to stop playing their music.
While Snyder was raving against conservative values that made this country great, it was actually the browbeating left that tried to use the force of government to censor him. Now, 30 years later, the browbeating left has taken ground in their long march and has near total dominance in every cultural institution. The new counter culture, found in the right, are echoing Snyder's padt sentiments. Only he's become such a tool that he can't appreciate it, and now fights for the system he once was against.
To hell with him. The left appropriates everything they can get their grubby hands on, we can repurpose things to our needs too.
Probably was all theater back then. I bet Snyder is an asset and has been controlled from the beginning.
liberal jew from the nyc suburbs, what do you think?
Dee needs to take a lesson from the dude from the Village People. His theory is, Everyone has a right to his music weather he likes them or not. That's what songs are for.
These people need an enemy to justify their madness, never realizing that they are the enemy.
Thanks for the sticky mods, and I like that flair!!
If they can justify support for a obviously stolen election, we can steal a song that's been on the publuic airways for 40 years. Fuck-off Dee Snider.
i like how he includes the Tranny people with his MAGAT... oh snap
"i want to be relevant again." - dee snider
He still thinks his beloved D's represent the common folks. Did he just wake up from a coma? The left has been claiming to represent regular people for years while catering to corporate interests. Some people simply aren't smart enough to see that they have been fooled.
When did the pussification rock and roll commence???
I seem to recall Snider mentioning something a year ago about his distaste for Trump and his supporters around a year ago so not terribly surprised by this.
What does disgust me though is the insular nature of the Leftist bubble allows them to convince themselves of this caricature of patriotic, regular Americans as hating everything. As if anyone gives a shit about the character he played in a rock band 40 years ago. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but it gets really freaking old listening to some of the most intolerant, racist people on earth tell us all how awful we are on a daily basis.
This has been going on for years with no end in sight.
he played in a rock band whose schtick was HATING disco and egging other people on in that hatred as well. tolerance much?
Well this is not going to age well.
Dee you're a faggot. I accept our new song is Big Irons by Marty Robbins. Hell awaits homo
Wow, Sara Jessica Parker sure is pissed...
They cannot do anything original
Only corrupt what already exists.
Sorry OURS now! No trade backs!