It suggests that Q had foreknowledge that Diamond would die to the covid shot.
Either that post is not talking about Diamond (possible), or Diamond is really still alive and was playing a part, and has now taken another identity (not likely), or ... somehow ... Q knew that Diamond would die, knew it would be announced on the 21st and was ok with her dying to a shot that she would take in the future (pretty fucked up).
Don't know what to think of this particular coinkydink.
The first lockdowns were in March and April of 2020. Biden wasn't elected President until November of 2020 and wasn't sworn in until January of 2021. Obviously this is going against the theory that Trump is secretly still the President.
So not sure how you can place the blame for the first lockdowns on Biden.
Ok. How does that have anything to do with it being Biden who was responsible for them, which is what the person I was responding to said? Rewriting history is something libs love to do, so why act like them?
I never said anything about Trump, so I'm not sure why you feel the need to come defend him here.
In my part of California we only had indoor dining locked down and masks indoors. Otherwise it was actually pretty normal. They even opened up some bars and nightclubs early on. I spent most of my time freaking out on what I was seeing in Europe and Australia. I also hated the OSHA rule because that would've taken out my career and my side hustle.
Irvine Spectrum is STILL swamped with masked people. I’m 15 minutes south of there and it’s completely different. We had restaurants in my area defy Newsom’s order and remain open for dine-in and nothing happened except for they gained tons of new customers as word spread.
We were in the SoCal. I vividly remember that for damn near 2 years - even though there were probably 10 gas stations within 5 minutes of our place, only ONE didn't require masks throughout that time.
I try to explain stuff like that and what you said about the Spectrum still being full of masked idiots to people here in Wisconsin and they have Zero clue. They hear the words I'm saying - they see the intensity in expression - they know me as a reliable/non-weird family member and friend for decades...
But they just can not actually understand what it's like.
I have never been in physical war battle and I would never want to appropriate that experience from those that have...
But this communication failure experience has made me wonder if this is what it is like when Vets come back from a war and have trouble connecting with people who haven't.
It's like - they hear what we went through - they care about us - they sympathize - but then when you warn them about things "From there" that you see creeping into to the Hobbitville of Wisconsin...
They either just ignore it, act like it's not a big deal, or say "that could never happen"...
And it is then - then, that you realize that...
All we can do is be there for them when they crash and are on the other side - and guide those that are seeing the edge before they go over the edge, away from the edge, Lol....
Good luck out there in Irvine, fren. There is lots we miss. But glad to be sent to the rear to warn and rally people here for a while too. Different roles - same war.
He didn't force them to roll it out, but nobody is forcing him to continue to speak favorably of them 3 years later either. I imagine there's a good reason for taking this strategy but for the life of me I can't figure out what it is
He is probably going to admit he made a mistake. He's going to say he trusted bad advice from "experts" he thought he could trust. He'll apologize. When the mockingbird tries to pin it on him he'll keep saying he was fooled and that happens to the best of us... and push into the spotlight those whom he says he trusted. Aside from all hell breaking loose I can't see it going any other way.
PBD Says Trump's Strategy in Defending the Vaccines is to Set the Bait for the FDA and Democrats
"Either accept the fact that it was done in 9 months because of me or realize that it's not good for everybody and it's on you, so what do you want to do here?"
Agreed... that must be a core part of his strategy. A trap for the DS/cabal to admit the injections are deadly (while trying to blame him for them), and also a way for himself to be one of the people that was tricked into getting the injections... and maybe also become the poster boy for the injection cures as well. That would help unite both the purebloods and the sheeple behind him.
We need to remember military is in control and Trump is not allowed to know everything. They may be telling him wrong info for the greater good to destroy the cabal. Not everything will be clean. Good people will die but it had to happen to save humanity. Tough decisions were made. A public awake is [their] greatest fear. My 2c.
I'm not the only person here who questions Trump’s continued praise of the vaccine.
I simply don't have double standards.
When libs tell people that vaccines are great and people should get vaccinated, you want them strung up by their balls and set on fire on national television.
When Trump tells people the vaccines are great and people should get vaccinated, you tell yourself it's part of some super secret plan that will save humanity.
But in reality, it accomplishes the same as when a liberal says it.
I refuse to apologize or stay quiet just because I don't have double standards.
Seems like this is a "you" problem and not a "me" problem. 🤷♀️
HCQ, Regeneron, vitamins, and encouraged alternative treatments--all of which the MSM and the State science priests shamed him for.
Not just that, but they also practically banned them all off the shelves. Meaning that the clot shot is the only "cure" for the Chyna Virus.
Remember, the TDS pandemic is still in full event, even today. Had Trump do an about face on his current Clot Shot advocacy, then it gives the green light for the whole MSM-Big Pharma complex to go full boar on pushing the clot shot again, if only because Trump says no to the clot shot. And if that happens, many of the normies will take the shot again to spit on Trump and even more deaths will occur.
As much as it pains Trump, it is necessary for him to be either neutral on the clot shots or be slightly in favor of the clot shots to keep the TDS card off the table. He knows that TDS still infects America today and he needs to keep that in mind when deciding on how to proceed.
As much as I hate to admit it, he bragged about the vaccine rollout at his events. Said he got them and said others should also get them (but that it must be by choice).
Yeah, I still think we have to read between the lines. Trump is very careful with his words. Don't forget that they (CDC and the like) changed the definition of a vaccine for the mRNA jab. IT IS NOT A VACCINE. What if Trump is referring to something other than the mRNA jab? Something like a real vaccine that they (Big Pharma) was "deceptive" about. "Deceptive" in quotes because Trump knows really what's going on.
I hate to say it (because I'll probably get flamed for it) but I'm entertaining the idea/thought that Diamond isn't dead. What if this is another narrative to lead those still sleeping to their awakening? I certainly don't believe Musk allowed messenger RNA to be injected into his body, yet here he is telling the world he felt like he was going to die after receiving his second booster. Haven't we been told that we're watching a movie? There is a reason Trump couldn't simply say, "Do not take the mRNA jab; it'll harm you," I don't know what that reason is, but he sure as hell did say a lot of things to wake us up along the way. I suspect one day we will understand why he has to play ignorant but try to always, ALWAYS, keep in mind that we're deep in the middle of WW3 (a war of narratives). Trust Trump.
I didn't state it as a fact. Just saying.... what if. Of course I do not mean any disrespect to her family. We are in a war of narratives. Nothing is as it seems.
You are here in this place where we do top tier research and analysis of everything. At this point ignorance is not an excuse but a a deliberate choice. God bless.
People who took vaccines were the ones who were extremely scared. Anyone who listened to Trump from the beginning would not have been extremely scared because he outlined so many treatment options and he himself recovered with regeneron.
The simple fact is, no one who didn't want to take vaccines changed their minds because Trump said something. They simply used Trump's words (esp as depicted by the media) as a confirmation bias when they already had decided to take it.
My point is, if they were truly scared it means they were not listening to Trump from the beginning, so the claim that he is the reason they took the vaccine falls apart.
I'm not going to say that those people deserve what they chose themselves - but I will say that just getting a Shot because Trump (or anyone) endorses it - is part of why our world is the way it is.
It's great being able to trust people - but that old value and morality bedrock that allowed so many older folks to Trust other people has Eroded -and Eroded Badly.
A lot of those "classic" times Americans are still operating as if that old system still exists.
It doesn't.
And unfortunately all of this will hopefully wake them up to that fact.
How many people (regardless of political sports team) still turn on the nightly news and assume since man on the screen said to do the thing, they should do the thing?
But less then a couple of years ago.
If you think highly of someone - trust, but verify.
Nowhere can we confirm that Diamond took the shot. In some old tweets she said she wouldn't take it. Unless we hear from her sister on whether she did, we can only speculate.
Diamond didn't take the shot. Neither did those right wing anti covid vax conservative radio hosts who one after the other, died suddenly and were made an example of by covid extremists.
I assume no one has taken the shot unless there's proof. Especially a right wing African American, two groups known for less shot compliance.
Yes Silk is warning about Died Suddenly at her sister's funeral. Yes she is raising awareness about Died Suddenly (the concept not the documentary) without mentioning if Diamond was vaxxed or not.
This put together with the numerous examples of anticovidvax conservative radio hosts dropping dead suddenly in 2021 hints that Silk is using Trumpian double speak to cover not just the larger issue at hand, vax injuries, but also the smaller phenomenon of noncovidvaxxed people dropping dead suddenly. The latter of which are always high profile people.
No, I didn't keep track of a list. I remember during 2021 a fair few radio hosts died suddenly and the media framed it in a "anti vaxer dies of covid" way. Odd enough to remember.
For anyone unaware of this, I'm sure a list exists somewhere.
I took hydroxychloruquine on trump’s recommendation but let’s not kid ourselves he’s shilled for these “miracle vaccines” for well over two years at least.
He did at one point say “we got sold a lemon” tho so his stance may have also changed now
I have 2 friends that were EXTREMELY anti vax when we first spoke. Come to find out they folded under the pressure and both having issues now. I’m so sad for them.
Yeah but then if that's the case, they are grifters who simply say whatever to be popular rather than holding those beliefs personally. Untrustworthy liars in other words.
Covid and the vaccines were a massive cabal win. They killed so many and it isn't over. The good guys screwed up big time. And in '24 the devils will do it again with something even worse. Gates has basically already told us it's coming.
The good guys need to stop playing with these devils and get on with it.
You’re exactly right. We need to stop pretending that we won anything with Covid. The cabal beat the shit out of us and we’re scrabbling to gain back ground.
No explicit mention nor confirmation. Just speculation on the died suddenly and its correlation to the clot shot.
The only way that we find out Diamond's vax status is if Silk decide to release that data. And if it she does not release that information, then it is a mystery that will never be solved, and we have to respect that out of Silk's wishes.
I think it’s pretty clear she ended up with vaccine in her blood. The how or why is the mystery.
Silk: I’m not a conspiracy theorist... I saw it happen... and it was sudden... I want America to wake up... something ain’t right... people dying suddenly... need to investigate
She did NOT BLAME TGE VACCINE HERE. Dispose of your unconscious bias so we can know the truth and not what you want it to be. Leave the misleading headlines to CNN. We are better than that. She may have died from the vax or a run of the mill heart attack, but there’s not one word about the jab here. Not one.
Most people know “died suddenly” refers to a vaccine related death. In the mainstream media they call us “conspiracy theorists” for making this connection.
Silk says “I’m not a conspiracy theorist... I saw it happen... and it was sudden... I want America to wake up... something ain’t right... people dying suddenly... need to investigate”
What else could she be talking about? Is she saying she’s not a conspiracy theorist because this was a run of the mill heart attack? She wants America to wake up to the fact that people have run of the mill heart attacks? Is she saying that we need to investigate regular run of the mill heart attacks?
Then, when it was Trump’s turn to speak, he said that he knew diamond really well, but had never met silk and didn’t know anything about her, he really did say this, fucking bizarre.
How do we know when diamond wasn’t in the hospital before thst she wasn’t given the vax and told after the fact and this is why silk wasn’t asking for prayers.
There was an episode of ChitChat live they did when the vaccinations and correlated deaths were getting out of hand and Diamond explicitly stated that due to an health issue, she would not be getting the vaccination. As a long-term show watcher and fan that used to talk with others on their chatdit website, she would go into detail about this.
This is a CNN-type headline and isn't all that well off, I confess. Now the one thing that kind of got me was when Trump kept repeating himself saying how he "knew Diamond very well but silk? I hardly knew you... You're a fighter!" Something along those lines and I was thinking perhaps, he meant it in a joking manner. I'll have to rewatch the video again because I saw it live last night and it was beautiful.
I will say, however, the Lt. Gov. Robertson said a beautiful eulogy... I wished, some of the others would have did that too instead of trying to make it too funny.
Personally I think this is likely close to the truth of what we will see happen, there is DEFINITELY method to the madness.
It just isn't logical to think they are SO DETAILED AND CAREFUL setting up all these other narratives, Trump ends up being correct over and over and HIGHLY INTRICATE COMMS are hitting us all the time....
All of that but somehow a major gaffe here, caught on the wrong side, and a BLIND SPOT where we let the baddies win? Nah, can't be a buyer that we failed on this most critical of issues.
She died shortly after posting a video of the securoty guard signaling the camera to open the Capital door from inside to let the protesters in.
I doubt she really died from the vaccine.
Yeah this movie is getting really interesting. I didn’t know Diamond took the jab. I thought she and Silk were anti jab. I still believe something is going on that is playing on the name Diamond. Is it a comm of some sort?
This shot has been in development for years. Look it up. The fact that it is killing so many has to be planned. There also has to be a cure because there's no way that these murderers would not have a way to save themselves.
From what I heard, Diamond and Silk were opposed to the jabs. I am hearing that it was shedding from some jabbed person that got her. I experienced that as well.
I am sorry to hear about Diamonds passing. My question is, with everything out there now, and how they are so conservative, why did she ever get the shot in the first place.
Come on fren you deserve the delta on that one!
That's a very curious one.
It suggests that Q had foreknowledge that Diamond would die to the covid shot.
Either that post is not talking about Diamond (possible), or Diamond is really still alive and was playing a part, and has now taken another identity (not likely), or ... somehow ... Q knew that Diamond would die, knew it would be announced on the 21st and was ok with her dying to a shot that she would take in the future (pretty fucked up).
Don't know what to think of this particular coinkydink.
Well on further review I don't think anyone seems to know whether she got the shot or not...
That's awkward for Trump. He's been trying to stand by the vaccines.
Yeah the lockdowns and OSHA rules were all Biden. Really malicious. I was just pointing out Trump probably needs to pivot on the vaccine stance.
Trump let the Governors decide if they locked down or not... like the nursing home murders...
That was Cuomo's idea.
If he doesn't pivot soon, it will destroy him politically.
closing down the country to china and europe is not locking people down... lets not mislead people... You're link doesn't disprove my statement...
Amnesia? I think they can treat that now.
The first lockdowns were in March and April of 2020. Biden wasn't elected President until November of 2020 and wasn't sworn in until January of 2021. Obviously this is going against the theory that Trump is secretly still the President.
So not sure how you can place the blame for the first lockdowns on Biden.
The Governors wanted to lock down. Trump let them do it how they wanted to.
Ok. How does that have anything to do with it being Biden who was responsible for them, which is what the person I was responding to said? Rewriting history is something libs love to do, so why act like them?
I never said anything about Trump, so I'm not sure why you feel the need to come defend him here.
I thought this was a Q group.
In my part of California we only had indoor dining locked down and masks indoors. Otherwise it was actually pretty normal. They even opened up some bars and nightclubs early on. I spent most of my time freaking out on what I was seeing in Europe and Australia. I also hated the OSHA rule because that would've taken out my career and my side hustle.
It's amazing how different different areas of CA are.
What you described is polar opposite from what my wife and I lived through in SoCal. And it was pale compared to LA, just north of us.
Irvine Spectrum is STILL swamped with masked people. I’m 15 minutes south of there and it’s completely different. We had restaurants in my area defy Newsom’s order and remain open for dine-in and nothing happened except for they gained tons of new customers as word spread.
We were in the SoCal. I vividly remember that for damn near 2 years - even though there were probably 10 gas stations within 5 minutes of our place, only ONE didn't require masks throughout that time.
I try to explain stuff like that and what you said about the Spectrum still being full of masked idiots to people here in Wisconsin and they have Zero clue. They hear the words I'm saying - they see the intensity in expression - they know me as a reliable/non-weird family member and friend for decades...
But they just can not actually understand what it's like.
I have never been in physical war battle and I would never want to appropriate that experience from those that have...
But this communication failure experience has made me wonder if this is what it is like when Vets come back from a war and have trouble connecting with people who haven't.
It's like - they hear what we went through - they care about us - they sympathize - but then when you warn them about things "From there" that you see creeping into to the Hobbitville of Wisconsin...
They either just ignore it, act like it's not a big deal, or say "that could never happen"...
And it is then - then, that you realize that...
All we can do is be there for them when they crash and are on the other side - and guide those that are seeing the edge before they go over the edge, away from the edge, Lol....
Good luck out there in Irvine, fren. There is lots we miss. But glad to be sent to the rear to warn and rally people here for a while too. Different roles - same war.
He didn't force them to roll it out, but nobody is forcing him to continue to speak favorably of them 3 years later either. I imagine there's a good reason for taking this strategy but for the life of me I can't figure out what it is
He is probably going to admit he made a mistake. He's going to say he trusted bad advice from "experts" he thought he could trust. He'll apologize. When the mockingbird tries to pin it on him he'll keep saying he was fooled and that happens to the best of us... and push into the spotlight those whom he says he trusted. Aside from all hell breaking loose I can't see it going any other way.
Normies can relate to Trump if that’s the play.
That would be wise -- and savvy.
If he can make a mistake, then so can they.
If he, who was so proud of his success in rolling this out, could be betrayed by people he trusted, then so could they.
That could really help get past some of the cognitive dissonance.
And he'll have facts on his side that he never mandated or coerced -- and suggested other therapeutics, but was shot down.
PBD Says Trump's Strategy in Defending the Vaccines is to Set the Bait for the FDA and Democrats
"Either accept the fact that it was done in 9 months because of me or realize that it's not good for everybody and it's on you, so what do you want to do here?"
Agreed... that must be a core part of his strategy. A trap for the DS/cabal to admit the injections are deadly (while trying to blame him for them), and also a way for himself to be one of the people that was tricked into getting the injections... and maybe also become the poster boy for the injection cures as well. That would help unite both the purebloods and the sheeple behind him.
Seems like a plan, at least...
This, he will pivot on the vaccines at the "right time. (I hope)
We need to remember military is in control and Trump is not allowed to know everything. They may be telling him wrong info for the greater good to destroy the cabal. Not everything will be clean. Good people will die but it had to happen to save humanity. Tough decisions were made. A public awake is [their] greatest fear. My 2c.
Pointing out facts isn't demonizing anyone.
I'm not the only person here who questions Trump’s continued praise of the vaccine.
I simply don't have double standards.
When libs tell people that vaccines are great and people should get vaccinated, you want them strung up by their balls and set on fire on national television.
When Trump tells people the vaccines are great and people should get vaccinated, you tell yourself it's part of some super secret plan that will save humanity.
But in reality, it accomplishes the same as when a liberal says it.
I refuse to apologize or stay quiet just because I don't have double standards.
Seems like this is a "you" problem and not a "me" problem. 🤷♀️
Not just that, but they also practically banned them all off the shelves. Meaning that the clot shot is the only "cure" for the Chyna Virus.
Remember, the TDS pandemic is still in full event, even today. Had Trump do an about face on his current Clot Shot advocacy, then it gives the green light for the whole MSM-Big Pharma complex to go full boar on pushing the clot shot again, if only because Trump says no to the clot shot. And if that happens, many of the normies will take the shot again to spit on Trump and even more deaths will occur.
As much as it pains Trump, it is necessary for him to be either neutral on the clot shots or be slightly in favor of the clot shots to keep the TDS card off the table. He knows that TDS still infects America today and he needs to keep that in mind when deciding on how to proceed.
The thing is tho these "vaccines" never cleared any clinical trials. They only got approved under emergency measures he did not have to authorize
As much as I hate to admit it, he bragged about the vaccine rollout at his events. Said he got them and said others should also get them (but that it must be by choice).
Sadly most people here don't even listen to what he says exactly, nor do they put their emotions aside to understand why he says the things he says.
He told us about Hdroxychlorquine even got a twitter ban from it.
Yeah I forgot about this. Good point.
Yeah, I still think we have to read between the lines. Trump is very careful with his words. Don't forget that they (CDC and the like) changed the definition of a vaccine for the mRNA jab. IT IS NOT A VACCINE. What if Trump is referring to something other than the mRNA jab? Something like a real vaccine that they (Big Pharma) was "deceptive" about. "Deceptive" in quotes because Trump knows really what's going on.
I hate to say it (because I'll probably get flamed for it) but I'm entertaining the idea/thought that Diamond isn't dead. What if this is another narrative to lead those still sleeping to their awakening? I certainly don't believe Musk allowed messenger RNA to be injected into his body, yet here he is telling the world he felt like he was going to die after receiving his second booster. Haven't we been told that we're watching a movie? There is a reason Trump couldn't simply say, "Do not take the mRNA jab; it'll harm you," I don't know what that reason is, but he sure as hell did say a lot of things to wake us up along the way. I suspect one day we will understand why he has to play ignorant but try to always, ALWAYS, keep in mind that we're deep in the middle of WW3 (a war of narratives). Trust Trump.
In that case, maybe Rush Limbaugh isn’t dead either. Maybe. Hoping.
Ok come on. Diamond isnt dead? You might not get flamed but you deserve go be.
I didn't state it as a fact. Just saying.... what if. Of course I do not mean any disrespect to her family. We are in a war of narratives. Nothing is as it seems.
You are here in this place where we do top tier research and analysis of everything. At this point ignorance is not an excuse but a a deliberate choice. God bless.
People who took vaccines were the ones who were extremely scared. Anyone who listened to Trump from the beginning would not have been extremely scared because he outlined so many treatment options and he himself recovered with regeneron.
The simple fact is, no one who didn't want to take vaccines changed their minds because Trump said something. They simply used Trump's words (esp as depicted by the media) as a confirmation bias when they already had decided to take it.
My point is, if they were truly scared it means they were not listening to Trump from the beginning, so the claim that he is the reason they took the vaccine falls apart.
I'm not going to say that those people deserve what they chose themselves - but I will say that just getting a Shot because Trump (or anyone) endorses it - is part of why our world is the way it is.
It's great being able to trust people - but that old value and morality bedrock that allowed so many older folks to Trust other people has Eroded -and Eroded Badly.
A lot of those "classic" times Americans are still operating as if that old system still exists.
It doesn't.
And unfortunately all of this will hopefully wake them up to that fact.
How many people (regardless of political sports team) still turn on the nightly news and assume since man on the screen said to do the thing, they should do the thing?
But less then a couple of years ago.
If you think highly of someone - trust, but verify.
Nowhere can we confirm that Diamond took the shot. In some old tweets she said she wouldn't take it. Unless we hear from her sister on whether she did, we can only speculate.
In November Silk had asked for prayers for Diamond but didn't say why. I sure hope it wasn't because she took the jab.
She had covid a few months back.
May have took it to appear on Fox. A Fox producer recently died from a heart attack
I would imagine that Silk knows if Diamond got vaxxed
Diamond didn't take the shot. Neither did those right wing anti covid vax conservative radio hosts who one after the other, died suddenly and were made an example of by covid extremists.
What is your source, please? Everybody has an opinion. I'm interested in verifiable data.
I assume no one has taken the shot unless there's proof. Especially a right wing African American, two groups known for less shot compliance.
Yes Silk is warning about Died Suddenly at her sister's funeral. Yes she is raising awareness about Died Suddenly (the concept not the documentary) without mentioning if Diamond was vaxxed or not.
This put together with the numerous examples of anticovidvax conservative radio hosts dropping dead suddenly in 2021 hints that Silk is using Trumpian double speak to cover not just the larger issue at hand, vax injuries, but also the smaller phenomenon of noncovidvaxxed people dropping dead suddenly. The latter of which are always high profile people.
Got a list/source of these radio hosts who died?
No, I didn't keep track of a list. I remember during 2021 a fair few radio hosts died suddenly and the media framed it in a "anti vaxer dies of covid" way. Odd enough to remember.
For anyone unaware of this, I'm sure a list exists somewhere.
Oh I thought you said these were Vaxxed hosts. I misunderstood.
Coincidental death.
Maybe something is developing in terms of Trump / vax deaths.
He never advocated mandates and he promoted therapeutics.
3 years ago almost all of us made the mistake of listening to Fauci. Wiser souls like RFK Jr tried to warn some of us even back then.
Nobody can hold Trump's pro-therapeutic, anti-mandate stance against him.
Biden among many others made things a million times worse.
I took hydroxychloruquine on trump’s recommendation but let’s not kid ourselves he’s shilled for these “miracle vaccines” for well over two years at least.
He did at one point say “we got sold a lemon” tho so his stance may have also changed now
That would be a real mind boggler, someone saying they wouldn't get it who actually did get it.
I have 2 friends that were EXTREMELY anti vax when we first spoke. Come to find out they folded under the pressure and both having issues now. I’m so sad for them.
Work mostly is my thought. The decision was to lose livelihood in an already shit economy or take the "safe and effective" jabs.
Their fanbase is mostly anti-covid vaxxers. I can see why they wouldn't say they got it to their fans.
Yeah but then if that's the case, they are grifters who simply say whatever to be popular rather than holding those beliefs personally. Untrustworthy liars in other words.
Covid and the vaccines were a massive cabal win. They killed so many and it isn't over. The good guys screwed up big time. And in '24 the devils will do it again with something even worse. Gates has basically already told us it's coming.
The good guys need to stop playing with these devils and get on with it.
You’re exactly right. We need to stop pretending that we won anything with Covid. The cabal beat the shit out of us and we’re scrabbling to gain back ground.
FALSE. People are waking up more than ever in history. Not everything will be clean. This is war.
TRUE. It is war, and in war you don’t win every battle. It’s naive and silly to think we “won” with Covid. We lost that battle, but the war continues.
I like to know if there is any confirmation that Diamond took the jabs.
No explicit mention nor confirmation. Just speculation on the died suddenly and its correlation to the clot shot.
The only way that we find out Diamond's vax status is if Silk decide to release that data. And if it she does not release that information, then it is a mystery that will never be solved, and we have to respect that out of Silk's wishes.
I think it’s pretty clear she ended up with vaccine in her blood. The how or why is the mystery.
Silk: I’m not a conspiracy theorist... I saw it happen... and it was sudden... I want America to wake up... something ain’t right... people dying suddenly... need to investigate
She did NOT BLAME TGE VACCINE HERE. Dispose of your unconscious bias so we can know the truth and not what you want it to be. Leave the misleading headlines to CNN. We are better than that. She may have died from the vax or a run of the mill heart attack, but there’s not one word about the jab here. Not one.
Most people know “died suddenly” refers to a vaccine related death. In the mainstream media they call us “conspiracy theorists” for making this connection.
Silk says “I’m not a conspiracy theorist... I saw it happen... and it was sudden... I want America to wake up... something ain’t right... people dying suddenly... need to investigate”
What else could she be talking about? Is she saying she’s not a conspiracy theorist because this was a run of the mill heart attack? She wants America to wake up to the fact that people have run of the mill heart attacks? Is she saying that we need to investigate regular run of the mill heart attacks?
vax kills
Any chance something other than the vax is killing people?
Then, when it was Trump’s turn to speak, he said that he knew diamond really well, but had never met silk and didn’t know anything about her, he really did say this, fucking bizarre.
Also bizarre, to me, no followup comments to you about this. So many rags running with it. 🤷♂️
How do we know when diamond wasn’t in the hospital before thst she wasn’t given the vax and told after the fact and this is why silk wasn’t asking for prayers.
It’s a stretch…but not a far one
It’s not even a stretch to think like this any more. Completely plausible
There was an episode of ChitChat live they did when the vaccinations and correlated deaths were getting out of hand and Diamond explicitly stated that due to an health issue, she would not be getting the vaccination. As a long-term show watcher and fan that used to talk with others on their chatdit website, she would go into detail about this.
This is a CNN-type headline and isn't all that well off, I confess. Now the one thing that kind of got me was when Trump kept repeating himself saying how he "knew Diamond very well but silk? I hardly knew you... You're a fighter!" Something along those lines and I was thinking perhaps, he meant it in a joking manner. I'll have to rewatch the video again because I saw it live last night and it was beautiful.
I will say, however, the Lt. Gov. Robertson said a beautiful eulogy... I wished, some of the others would have did that too instead of trying to make it too funny.
A good theory about what is going on with Trump and the vaccines.
Personally I think this is likely close to the truth of what we will see happen, there is DEFINITELY method to the madness.
It just isn't logical to think they are SO DETAILED AND CAREFUL setting up all these other narratives, Trump ends up being correct over and over and HIGHLY INTRICATE COMMS are hitting us all the time....
All of that but somehow a major gaffe here, caught on the wrong side, and a BLIND SPOT where we let the baddies win? Nah, can't be a buyer that we failed on this most critical of issues.
Why'd she ever take the fake vax, I don't get it
She died shortly after posting a video of the securoty guard signaling the camera to open the Capital door from inside to let the protesters in. I doubt she really died from the vaccine.
Just more awareness to the sleepers that connects jab to death...nothing more.
Yeah this movie is getting really interesting. I didn’t know Diamond took the jab. I thought she and Silk were anti jab. I still believe something is going on that is playing on the name Diamond. Is it a comm of some sort?
This shot has been in development for years. Look it up. The fact that it is killing so many has to be planned. There also has to be a cure because there's no way that these murderers would not have a way to save themselves.
I could have swore they said they were not getting that vaccine matter of fact I think I found a story on it what in the hell
For some reason I thought diamond and silk were unvaxxed
From what I heard, Diamond and Silk were opposed to the jabs. I am hearing that it was shedding from some jabbed person that got her. I experienced that as well.
I thought they were anti vax? Did she get vaccinated?
She didn't say vax anything at all... only to investigate died suddenly.
I am sorry to hear about Diamonds passing. My question is, with everything out there now, and how they are so conservative, why did she ever get the shot in the first place.
I'm surprised she took it. I thought she spoke out against the shots.
How can someone so "MAGA" not see that the clot shot was a death sentence?