During the course of the heart transplant (“donated” by a young child), he should be given remdesevir, just for the heck of it, and put on a ventilator to “relax” his lungs and give them a rest. There haven’t been any GS appearances for awhile. Maybe they have him on ice for an auspicious date!
Reminder that Gregg Phillips is a conman and grifter, surpassing even Jack Maxey. He held a gathering called "The Pit" which required alternative media members to submit a copy of their license and signature. The Pit produced absolutely nothing, despite the biblical quotes he used to hype it (gross)
His Open.Ink is a massive nothing burger. He's been confirmed to have been talking with the EFF 🐝👁️ for a long time. He was in Haiti with the Clintons. He also destroyed Catherine Engelbrecht's marriage and is banging her now. Maybe he's right about Soros, maybe not. But he's a paytriot at best and a conman and/or fed at worst
No but he works the hopium fields. This movement has gotten so caught up in emotions people don't think logically anymore and just follow what made them feel good rather than what is true
Wondering if "death" day is 05-13-2023 (saturday)? It appears to me that whitehats like to send a message with public "death day" when possible, and this can be different than private "death day".
Public deaths on Saturdays of cabal players may be done to mock them per their representation of their god Satan in the form of Saturn for which Saturday is named.
Exactly. No source means this is BS, especially with Gregg Phillips' track record of acting like he's got insider information and then always being terribly wrong about it.
As much as I'd love to see that Nazi spawn of hell become worm food, if Gregg Phillips is the source, I'm about as interested as I am in picking up my neighbor's dog's piles out of my yard.
From these clues, a sprawling community on message boards, YouTube videos and Twitter accounts has elaborated an enormous, ever-mutating fantasy narrative about the Trump presidency. In the QAnon reality, Trump pretended to collude with Russia in order to create a pretext for the hiring of Robert Mueller, the special counsel, who is actually working with Trump to take down an inconceivably evil and powerful network of coup-plotters and child sex traffickers that includes Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and George Soros.
Right, they got the fake for show shot. But what if white hats were the ones administering those shots to the elites and they were injected with the clot shot? Oh what a fantasy i cooked up lol.
Somewhere on gaw today is a pic of Klaus with his list of plans for America and why he only wants to keep japanese and Chinese people left alive to serve the 300 elites. See if you can still find it , I'm not a computer type guy or I would help more , but I can't.
Some sources from the Western press shared the information that George Soros, who financed the orange coups in many countries, died of a heart attack.
According to Politics For All Ireland, the US financial speculator, George Soros, who was the name behind the orange coup plots in many countries, especially in West Asia, claimed that he died.
Soros' cause of death was stated to be a heart attack.
George Soros is a Hungarian-American investor, businessman, speculator, and chief financier of world-shattering events. Soros was born on August 12, 1930 in Budapest, Hungary. II. Because he was Jewish during World War II, he fled with his family from Hungary occupied by Nazi Germany and settled in England. There he earned a PhD at the London School of Economics and Finance.
Soros is known for its success in financial markets and its investment strategies. He is the founder and former chairman of Soros Fund Management, a for-profit investment firm. He gained notoriety for profiting by speculating against the UK's currency, particularly in an event known as "black Wednesday", which became known for the collapse of the British pound in 1992. This incident was an example of a strategy that Soros called "breaking the broken British pound".
George Soros is also known for his interest in social and political issues. As an activist and philanthropist, she has donated billions of dollars to organizations around the world that support the ideals of democracy, human rights and open society. Soros created a network called Open Society Foundations and supported projects on education, health, human rights and democracy through these foundations.
Soros has also been the subject of controversy due to his political views. Some see him as a global elitist, while others admire him for using his financial strength to support open society ideals. Soros is also an influential figure in US domestic politics and has provided financial support to various political campaigns.
George Soros is a world-renowned figure for his financial achievements, philanthropic work, and political influence. However, some controversially criticize Soros by spreading conspiracy theories and misinformation. Such allegations are often based on lies and refer to Soros' Jewish origins or to a global elitist agenda. These claims are often untrue and based on slander.
Added: Their source is this twitter page
Politics for All Ireland looks like a bullshit twitter to me.
I saw these articles too, waiting on more to cover the story. Worldbulletin.net is based in Turkey. Hopefully someone will confirm and give us the sauce soon
A month or so ago there were reports of TheIRS receiving billions of dollars in a lump sum for an estate that was settled then. I was thinking it might have been Soreass. But then again I don't move in those circles so no idea.
For his sake, I hope he turned to the Lord and asked for forgiveness before dying. Otherwise, he probably should have brought his asbestos water skis down there to go skimming around on the lake of fire.
I think so too. Hopefully his crimes will be shared so the world can collectively destroy his foundation and his offspring. That would have to be good enough
Maybe that's what "heart attack" means for now.... being attacked in the heart with lead at 1200 fps multiple times while hanging from a noose while being lowered into a wood chipper may be on ppv later.
I been theorizing that Soros was dead for a couple months now. EEver since all these articles started popping up about Alexander Soros and how he's taking the helm of his father's businesses, heir to the empire, etc... I knew right then the Georgeosaurus was either already out or on his way out.
He was probably just transferred to a new body. I say that only partially in jest.
In an odd way, there's a small part of me that hopes this isn't true. Soros is likely the highest ranking member of the Cabal that's publicly visible. While his financial worth is far greater than what the news reports (His real wealth is close to 1 trillion usd), I sincerely doubt that he was much more than a lieutenant in their little army simply because he was a publicly known figure.
And because he was publicly known, he was a useful indicator as to the tactics the Cabal was engaging in. The waters get a little murkier with him gone.
Focusing on either topic does not detract from focusing on the other, and simply knowing and watching something happen does not actually effect change.
This was proven ad nauseum with the AZ recount, audit, whatever.
I clearly remember a news story from about 4, maybe 5 years ago. According to the source, Soros' hometown newspaper reported that he had died, and even published an obituary. Two days later, the paper retracted the story, and the obituary, saying that a mistake had been made. I can't remember seeing any video of him recently. Mostly when they talk about him, they use stock file photos, some of which may be decades old. Sorry for the sauce vacuum, but I've wondered if they are just using him as a figurehead, because he is so well known. Can't tell the world that the Boogey Man died, can we?
I sure haven't seen him deliver anything other than big talk. He's just another Jack Maxey. I remember Greggggggg was teasing big election info for months until it became "hey, subscribe to my podcast!"
I don't know why anyone is still talking about him. I've been saying this for about a year now: put up or shut up, Greggggg.
The worst kind of Patriot is the one that promises "breaking" revelations and literally nothing develops out of it. I suppose some of the info they dug up on Konnech was interesting and they seem like a scummy org but to my knowledge they're still being used.. But thats a bigger issue with out corrupt FBI.
I think there's value in having characters out there who play with the opposition by being obviously wrong but in ways that put people in the know into panic. Can mess with the Overton window that way. Gregg can fire up the hype machine and trigger DS reactions on things that need some public attention but aren't ready to be prosecuted yet, for example.
It’s just a rumor at the moment. We’re treating it as such. But after all of the evil this man has contributed to this world, it’s hard not to get excited
This is the third time this rumor is around social medias this year. First the cause of death was a stroke, if I’m not wrong, second he was killed by an African militia, now I hope it’s true.
This can't be true, there is no way Soros had a heart.
How did I not think of that 🤣
He ain't dead. Just on his 20th heart transplant.
About 7 children Hearts like David Rockefeller
They're kind of like horcruxes. You have to destroy them all to destroy his soul.
Maybe thats how he died, they tried to give him one to see if he would develop humanity and he died from it.
During the course of the heart transplant (“donated” by a young child), he should be given remdesevir, just for the heck of it, and put on a ventilator to “relax” his lungs and give them a rest. There haven’t been any GS appearances for awhile. Maybe they have him on ice for an auspicious date!
Just a rumor, but I'll sticky.
Let's hope he is getting the ultimate judgement!
EDIT: CONFIRMED. Just a rumor by Gregg Phillips
Saddam,Satan and Soros finally meet.
AND Ol' SATAN bringing the HEAT 👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹
Thanks mod! I’ll update accordingly if it is confirmed
Another GAW user posted this article:
Reminder that Gregg Phillips is a conman and grifter, surpassing even Jack Maxey. He held a gathering called "The Pit" which required alternative media members to submit a copy of their license and signature. The Pit produced absolutely nothing, despite the biblical quotes he used to hype it (gross)
His Open.Ink is a massive nothing burger. He's been confirmed to have been talking with the EFF 🐝👁️ for a long time. He was in Haiti with the Clintons. He also destroyed Catherine Engelbrecht's marriage and is banging her now. Maybe he's right about Soros, maybe not. But he's a paytriot at best and a conman and/or fed at worst
UPDATE: Greg says its a hoax
I'm really not seeing anything, but Gregg is not the worst source I can imagine. Maybe we can collectively thought manifest it into existence.
Being completely genuine: has Gregg been right about any hype he's posted?
Nope, zero - except everything is a psy-op
Edit: hoax. https://truthsocial.com/users/greggphillips/statuses/110372179592175353
Classic Gregg.
No but he works the hopium fields. This movement has gotten so caught up in emotions people don't think logically anymore and just follow what made them feel good rather than what is true
Wondering if "death" day is 05-13-2023 (saturday)? It appears to me that whitehats like to send a message with public "death day" when possible, and this can be different than private "death day".
Public deaths on Saturdays of cabal players may be done to mock them per their representation of their god Satan in the form of Saturn for which Saturday is named.
I wish he said what his source was, hopefully the news of old nut sack eyes will break soon
Exactly. No source means this is BS, especially with Gregg Phillips' track record of acting like he's got insider information and then always being terribly wrong about it.
As much as I'd love to see that Nazi spawn of hell become worm food, if Gregg Phillips is the source, I'm about as interested as I am in picking up my neighbor's dog's piles out of my yard.
He just makes stuff up
That’s how everything comes into existence.
Edit: hoax https://truthsocial.com/users/greggphillips/statuses/110372179592175353
Perhaps a heart attack is cover for a fast trial at gitmo with the same treatment no name got. One can only hope.
He damn sure deserves that treatment!
You are assuming he has/had a heart.
The world's only living heart donor?
Heart attack, lead poisoning. Some of the side effects of being on the wrong side of a firing squad
Does not matter.
Alex will fill his shoes...
And his loathesome foundations will keep giving money to communist & satanic agenda.
Interesting . . .
While this isn't what I would call a concrete delta, the name Soros is dropped in a Q Post (1361) dated 14-MAY-2018.
It also happens to be the 5th article in a line of other articles (5 = May).
From the article:
Another upcoming delta for the month of May is Q Post 4349
Will we see the acceleration of disclosure and declassification occur in the month of May leading into the hot summer months of June and July?
Would it be ironic if the vaxx killed his diabolical old ass?
Make no mistake , these people intended to kill with the vax. I'm sure he and many more elites did not get vaccinated!
Right, they got the fake for show shot. But what if white hats were the ones administering those shots to the elites and they were injected with the clot shot? Oh what a fantasy i cooked up lol.
I’d bet you are right. Would be poetic justice if the deep state abomination ended up causing his demise though!
Somewhere on gaw today is a pic of Klaus with his list of plans for America and why he only wants to keep japanese and Chinese people left alive to serve the 300 elites. See if you can still find it , I'm not a computer type guy or I would help more , but I can't.
I’ll see if I can dig it up
Klauses book is called COVID 19 the great reset.
Ashland dog has it for you now if you look , interesting to see that he don't care if you know that he wants to kill you. On island of misfit toys.
Reading it now, thank you 🙏🏻
Thank Ashland dog , on account I'm not too smart😆
You do it like this: u/ashlanddog thank you!
Ironic yes, but NOOO WAY did he get vaxxed. 0% chance.
I found this on google news
George Soros is reported to have died.
Some sources from the Western press shared the information that George Soros, who financed the orange coups in many countries, died of a heart attack.
WHY DID GEORGE SOROS DIE? According to Politics For All Ireland, the US financial speculator, George Soros, who was the name behind the orange coup plots in many countries, especially in West Asia, claimed that he died.
Soros' cause of death was stated to be a heart attack.
THE MAN THAT MIXED THE WORLD George Soros is a Hungarian-American investor, businessman, speculator, and chief financier of world-shattering events. Soros was born on August 12, 1930 in Budapest, Hungary. II. Because he was Jewish during World War II, he fled with his family from Hungary occupied by Nazi Germany and settled in England. There he earned a PhD at the London School of Economics and Finance.
Soros is known for its success in financial markets and its investment strategies. He is the founder and former chairman of Soros Fund Management, a for-profit investment firm. He gained notoriety for profiting by speculating against the UK's currency, particularly in an event known as "black Wednesday", which became known for the collapse of the British pound in 1992. This incident was an example of a strategy that Soros called "breaking the broken British pound".
George Soros is also known for his interest in social and political issues. As an activist and philanthropist, she has donated billions of dollars to organizations around the world that support the ideals of democracy, human rights and open society. Soros created a network called Open Society Foundations and supported projects on education, health, human rights and democracy through these foundations.
Soros has also been the subject of controversy due to his political views. Some see him as a global elitist, while others admire him for using his financial strength to support open society ideals. Soros is also an influential figure in US domestic politics and has provided financial support to various political campaigns.
George Soros is a world-renowned figure for his financial achievements, philanthropic work, and political influence. However, some controversially criticize Soros by spreading conspiracy theories and misinformation. Such allegations are often based on lies and refer to Soros' Jewish origins or to a global elitist agenda. These claims are often untrue and based on slander.
Added: Their source is this twitter page https://twitter.com/PoliticsFAIRL Politics for All Ireland looks like a bullshit twitter to me.
I saw these articles too, waiting on more to cover the story. Worldbulletin.net is based in Turkey. Hopefully someone will confirm and give us the sauce soon
A month or so ago there were reports of TheIRS receiving billions of dollars in a lump sum for an estate that was settled then. I was thinking it might have been Soreass. But then again I don't move in those circles so no idea.
THAT'S RIGHT!! forgot about that.
For his sake, I hope he turned to the Lord and asked for forgiveness before dying. Otherwise, he probably should have brought his asbestos water skis down there to go skimming around on the lake of fire.
God would want the same, for him to repent and ask for forgiveness.
What stopped men like him is their own pride and arrogance.
The idea of "lava skis" sounds pretty damn metal.
Doesn't seem fair that he gets to skip out on a public tribunal and punishment broadcasted to the world.
I think so too. Hopefully his crimes will be shared so the world can collectively destroy his foundation and his offspring. That would have to be good enough
Maybe that's what "heart attack" means for now.... being attacked in the heart with lead at 1200 fps multiple times while hanging from a noose while being lowered into a wood chipper may be on ppv later.
Then when he’s in hell, he gets the pineapple treatment with Hitler from “Little Nicky” 🤣
I do remember he appeared to have some kind of stroke a couple of months ago:
Perhaps it was finally time for the devil to get his due.
Let’s hope so, at this point it’s unconfirmed
Indeed. But here's what I am sure about: the devil will play a leading role in his next chapter.
Dead man barely walking
I been theorizing that Soros was dead for a couple months now. EEver since all these articles started popping up about Alexander Soros and how he's taking the helm of his father's businesses, heir to the empire, etc... I knew right then the Georgeosaurus was either already out or on his way out.
awesome, thank you!
He was probably just transferred to a new body. I say that only partially in jest.
In an odd way, there's a small part of me that hopes this isn't true. Soros is likely the highest ranking member of the Cabal that's publicly visible. While his financial worth is far greater than what the news reports (His real wealth is close to 1 trillion usd), I sincerely doubt that he was much more than a lieutenant in their little army simply because he was a publicly known figure.
And because he was publicly known, he was a useful indicator as to the tactics the Cabal was engaging in. The waters get a little murkier with him gone.
We knew it was coming
Focusing on either topic does not detract from focusing on the other, and simply knowing and watching something happen does not actually effect change.
This was proven ad nauseum with the AZ recount, audit, whatever.
Unless his son who's been already going to meetings with Pelosi and Schumer for years is dead as well it doesn't matter much.
The ruling came down so fast his heart stopped.
BONUS POINTS if someone can post the soros leg cast gps pic
I clearly remember a news story from about 4, maybe 5 years ago. According to the source, Soros' hometown newspaper reported that he had died, and even published an obituary. Two days later, the paper retracted the story, and the obituary, saying that a mistake had been made. I can't remember seeing any video of him recently. Mostly when they talk about him, they use stock file photos, some of which may be decades old. Sorry for the sauce vacuum, but I've wondered if they are just using him as a figurehead, because he is so well known. Can't tell the world that the Boogey Man died, can we?
Let’s hope so!
I feel like I see this rumor every few months.
Soros is so old that pranksters reporting his death at random stand a fair chance of being right just by luck.
Hopefully his son too
His contract with Satan must be nearing its expiration date.
The burden of proof is on Gregg "pull the ripcord" Phillips, to prove this isn't an "everything is a psyop" situation as always with him.
In May 2023, with his track record, Gregg is on par with real raw news.
What a GREAT Mother's day gift this would be!!!
Gregg is a Clown. The "Politics For All Ireland" has 1300 followers on Twitter and no other sources.
Him reporting this BS, makes me think he's lied about all the other election fraud bs.
I sure haven't seen him deliver anything other than big talk. He's just another Jack Maxey. I remember Greggggggg was teasing big election info for months until it became "hey, subscribe to my podcast!"
I don't know why anyone is still talking about him. I've been saying this for about a year now: put up or shut up, Greggggg.
The worst kind of Patriot is the one that promises "breaking" revelations and literally nothing develops out of it. I suppose some of the info they dug up on Konnech was interesting and they seem like a scummy org but to my knowledge they're still being used.. But thats a bigger issue with out corrupt FBI.
I think there's value in having characters out there who play with the opposition by being obviously wrong but in ways that put people in the know into panic. Can mess with the Overton window that way. Gregg can fire up the hype machine and trigger DS reactions on things that need some public attention but aren't ready to be prosecuted yet, for example.
It’s just a rumor at the moment. We’re treating it as such. But after all of the evil this man has contributed to this world, it’s hard not to get excited
Oh please, do be true
Who will we blame for the country's problems now?! 😆 Seriously though...I doubt it. We'd have heard through a hundred other sources already.
The rumor occurs almost in cyclical fashion at this point.
Lets hope his son follow the same faith!
They will but they aren’t as smart or cunning as he is.
Not hearing any party music so I'll wait till it's confirmed or denied.
Did he die of Covid?
This is the third time this rumor is around social medias this year. First the cause of death was a stroke, if I’m not wrong, second he was killed by an African militia, now I hope it’s true.