Them believing 100% in “scripture” is the same as a normie libtard believing 100% msn narrative. We all chose who we allow to be influenced by…. Blessings to you brother in the infinite creator.
They'll be used as a scapegoat as to why people with the indwelling of the third temple dissappear (holy spirit). Once the restrainer is removed and all the good is taken off the earth, the 7 year tribulation will begin. Then "aliens" will be allowed to appear. They are not aliens, they are demons from the spirit realm or "dimention" sent to deceive the people left behind. They are setting the stage for the event... Probably when the storm happens.
God will allow the strong delusion, and people will be forced to decide who to follow. It will be very obvious after the first 3.5 years. Evil is real.
If the aliens break out a book, To Serve Man, we're toast.
The To Serve Man cookbook was from the episode of the same name in the Twilight Zone television series. The episode aired on November 2, 1962, and starred Lloyd Bochner as a United Nations translator who is tasked with translating a book that the aliens have brought to Earth. The book is titled "To Serve Man," and the translator believes that it is a treatise on the aliens' peaceful intentions. However, the book's true meaning is revealed at the end of the episode, when the translator discovers that it is actually a cookbook for human flesh. ~BARD
From Trump’s “The calm before the storm” statement on October 5th 2017 to this November 5th is exactly 2,222 days. Nov 5 is exactly one year before the Election 2024. It’s also V for Vendetta night. It’s also coincidentally 2199 days since Q started (2199 is the presumptive year the Matrix movie takes place). This is also the 9th anniversary of Interstellar IMAX. Election 2024 will coincidentally be on the 10th anniversary of Interstellar IMAX. The NSA was created on Election Night 1952. The 71st anniversary of NSA is November 4th of this year. If you look at the 5th of November you will notice this is the 45 week of the year. The center of the calendar for this November (the 15th) is dead center, and is coincidentally 8100 days since September 11th terror attacks. 8100 has 45 divisors. If you use the creation of NSA to create deltas, November of this year has five adjacent prime number deltas. 25931, 25933, 25939, 25943, 25951 that correspond with the first Friday, V for Vendetta Day, Veterans Day, the bullseye of the calendar, and Thanksgiving.
Its all bullshit,.no aliens,just more diversion,untill i see a spaceship,.with little green men/woman with big heads and big eyes sitting down at KFC eating chicken & chips with DJT i might believe it,.everything else is failing so all they got left is the old UFO ,.trick,..theyre getting desperate,.people dont believe any of tha UFO bullshit,.
Only one in a million million has the right combination of chemicals, temperature, water, days and nights to support planetary life as we know it. This calculation arrives at the estimated figure of 100 million worlds where life has been forged by evolution."
And it is entirely speculative, with no validation possible. Are all the necessary terms present? In the right exponential power? It also hinges on the premise that life itself and civilization proceeds according to Darwinian statistical evolution.
And, even if it has any connection to the truth, what is the probability that the next nearest space-traveling civilization is near enough to us for interstellar travel to be possible? Think of 1 divided by the number of light-years of distance, for a first approximation.
The people who take the Drake equation seriously enough to think it leads to a conclusion that we will encounter an alien civilization, are people who are not serious enough to understand it and work out the necessary implications.
And yet every civilization throughout human history has recordings of what appears to be alien encounters.
Consider the advances we have made in the last 200 years. Imagine we didn’t go through a “Dark Ages” that lasted 800+ years. There are planets much older than ours.
And didn’t Christ say “ In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you”.
Given the infinite vastness of space, the complexity of both quantum mechanics and the nature of time-space at the astronomical end of the spectrum- if we are alone; God is an excessive over-achiever
Oh, it could all be true. But not on account of any logical arguments. If we were divinely created, everything and everyone is also divinely created. So the Drake equation does not even remotely apply, as the facts are not a matter of probability.
Christ, of course, was talking to human beings as individual persons (many mansions). It is a huge stretch to SUPPOSE he was speaking with any other referent. Let the future prove the past, and be patient.
The infinite vastness of what amounts to the most deadly and desolate desert imaginable, argues against any successful travel to other stars. Appeal to quantum mechanics and "space-time" is simply magical invocation, as though reference to things one does not fully understand permits them to have miraculous powers. You are indulging in wishful thinking. ("Spacetime," for example, is nonsense. There is only one time---the present. The past is no more and the future is yet to be.)
Let there be aliens. It might explain some things---and un-explain other things! Knowledge is a two-edged sword. But let's not kid ourselves with fuzzy mythology and great expectations.
Relativity would argue with you with regards to space time. And Quantum has been vaguely understood since the 1940’s.
Quantum Entanglement and Superposition are hardly “magical”, merely embodying evidence that the realm we live in; doesn’t have physical laws or logic that apply to either subatomic nor astronomical scales.
Einstein was the man who coined the phrase “spooky interactions at a distance”, to explain quantum entanglement and also defines Relativistic physics. Hardly magical at all. Life couldn’t exist without it
The theory of relativity only assumes there is a physical continuum of time. No facts to support it. Just because you can graph (e.g.) kinematics as a function of time does not mean that time is a physical dimension. I happen to be trained in science and engineering, so I am not impressed by people jumping to nonsensical conclusions. I am familiar with relativity. And I am also familiar with the fact that the correspondence principle (of frame acceleration vs. gravity), which is the foundation of general relativity, is a false presumption.
Actual quantum physics is not magical, BUT assuming there are things lurking there with magical potential is indeed magical thinking. All physical laws smoothly transition from one scale to another...or they are poorly posed. Einstein was famously dubious about quantum physics altogether. The only person I have known to unify physics from the quantum to the relativistic level was Frederick Kantor, in his "information mechanics." Not a crank. He was a respected X-ray astronomer.
And yet the accuracy of GPS was moved from +/- 100+ ft to less than 20 ft by accounting for time dilation. Strange
SpaceX and NASA all maintain 3 clocks for flight. Local, launch time and capsule time. It’s measured since the days of Apollo.
You may wanna update your science background. It’s outdated. Look into String theory- no deep dives needed. A short YouTube by the BBC called Dr Quantum and the Double Slit Experiment is very fascinating.
Nothing I said is out of date, and referring to the GPS corrections means nothing to this argument, since I did not reject special relativity as a predictive theory. My "science background" came with 3 degrees in astronautics, including such things as fusion physics, orbital mechanics, fluid physics, and laser physics (truly quantum technology). Where are your credentials that you can imagine I am out of date?
String theory is a grand head trip, but increasingly seen as irrelevant because it cannot be experimentally investigated. As I am literate, I have little use (or patience) for YouTube expositions. You might profit to read the work of Halton Arp, regarding the major assumptions of modern cosmology, or the work of Frederick Kantor regarding the unification of quantum and relativistic physics. For many years, I took the Journal of Galilean Electrodynamics, which was nothing but exploration of alternative physical hypotheses. Before you attempt to clear the speck from my eye, go and remove the plank from yours. Put your attitude where your mouth is and look into more modern approaches.
Today I heard for the first time a description of an alien craft that looked like a 10 foot wide cube, colored gray or black, inside of a transparent spherical bubble. They mentioned it was sitting stationary in airspace with heavy air traffic and a couple of planes missed it by just 50ft. It was kind a being in the way.
First the tic tac design and now this. With the accelerating speed of technological development, they probably have a new design for space travel every 5 minutes or so.
Interdimensional beings NOT to be played with. They only have one purpose, deception and then destruction. (and I am not talking about only your physical body!)
I do find it quite strange that all the Christians in here simply cannot fathom the thought that there could be alternate life in this massive emptiness we call space
I'm not against the idea. Rather I would be more surprised if God created such a large universe and only created life on one planet. There is a difference between the Bible simply not mentioning something, and actually labeling it as false.
I enjoy the debate that ensues anytime the word extraterrestrial comes up. Is our technology the most superior in the universe? Probably not, therefore who am I to question the intelligence of another species or even more bizarre, something inter dimensional. I love people who try to state facts that something can’t be real. That’s a closed mind.
Or they are people who know what they are talking about. "An open mind" does not mean "an empty mind."
Consider the phrase "higher dimension." Does anyone have any idea what that is supposed to mean, in observational and empirical terms? (If there were a fourth spatial dimension, there is a way to test for it. No one brings it up.) If you invoke ideas that are so vague as to have no definition, you are invoking magic.
For real, i mean how many operations were declassed showing an impassible barrier. Are they trying to say aliens have us in a dome or what. Not buying it.
Just look into the meaning of the freemasons symbol for example.
It makes more sense than you trusting those who sell a false tale. It is not a matter of "trusting" anyone. (Bad reliance on argument from authority.) It is a matter of facts and evidence beyond dispute. If you are going to accuse "NASA" (a rather large organization) of being a monolithic liar, you need to document the specific lies and lay out the evidence for the truth. Not just argument for such alternatives, but evidence that they could only be the truth. Everything I have seen that some people purport to be "evidence" is only an instance of being ignorant of what is seen. With very little deviation from the rule, the doubters are those who are ignorant of the basic facts and principles. And unreasonably credulous to think that our then-arch-enemy, the Soviet Union, would stand by and give credit to a faked accomplishment that they were also striving toward. On matters of space science, NASA is still a good source. On matters of "climate science" (a whole different department), it is a pack of liars. If you can't tell the difference, you should not be in the business of making judgment.
Born too late to explore the earth
Born too early to explore space
Born just in time to watch everything we thought we knew change
Great time to be alive…sorry for those love ones that passed that can’t go on this ride with us.
They get the download in Heaven. I believe that.
They prob already know and feel bad for us suckers still wearing a meat suit
Probably great seats to watch from.
I've always believes this. Scripture is clear there are angels and demons.
What if scripture is mistranslated and embellished to perpetuate a ruling class bent on keeping the masses ignorant?
Nope, not a jot or tittle has been lost/changed. God Himself has preserved His Word.
latin to english changed a lot of words
It still says what He wants it to.
Some with no 1:1 comparison, especially as English borrows from more languages than just directly from Latin. did the ' name stealers ' Kharzarian Mafia
Them believing 100% in “scripture” is the same as a normie libtard believing 100% msn narrative. We all chose who we allow to be influenced by…. Blessings to you brother in the infinite creator.
The middle guy kept harping on extra-dimensional and refused to use the term extra-terrestrial.
So now we can apply the Alex Jones was right to David Icke. What is this timeline.
Marvels secret invasion. About Reptillian type beings shapeshifting as politicians. It’s going to get werid.
They'll be used as a scapegoat as to why people with the indwelling of the third temple dissappear (holy spirit). Once the restrainer is removed and all the good is taken off the earth, the 7 year tribulation will begin. Then "aliens" will be allowed to appear. They are not aliens, they are demons from the spirit realm or "dimention" sent to deceive the people left behind. They are setting the stage for the event... Probably when the storm happens.
God will allow the strong delusion, and people will be forced to decide who to follow. It will be very obvious after the first 3.5 years. Evil is real.
If the aliens break out a book, To Serve Man, we're toast.
The To Serve Man cookbook was from the episode of the same name in the Twilight Zone television series. The episode aired on November 2, 1962, and starred Lloyd Bochner as a United Nations translator who is tasked with translating a book that the aliens have brought to Earth. The book is titled "To Serve Man," and the translator believes that it is a treatise on the aliens' peaceful intentions. However, the book's true meaning is revealed at the end of the episode, when the translator discovers that it is actually a cookbook for human flesh. ~BARD
Or they hate mankind because they aren’t redeemed, because they’re demons.
God will provide
Have you been here on earth long?
simpsons did it
Diversity is our strength.
Same thing. "Our" is the royal, oligarchic, or serpent we.
Does not include us mere humans.
Maneater adrenochrome addicts from space. As if satanists weren't enough?
I should have known that The Simpsons didn't come up with that skit out of nowhere.
From Trump’s “The calm before the storm” statement on October 5th 2017 to this November 5th is exactly 2,222 days. Nov 5 is exactly one year before the Election 2024. It’s also V for Vendetta night. It’s also coincidentally 2199 days since Q started (2199 is the presumptive year the Matrix movie takes place). This is also the 9th anniversary of Interstellar IMAX. Election 2024 will coincidentally be on the 10th anniversary of Interstellar IMAX. The NSA was created on Election Night 1952. The 71st anniversary of NSA is November 4th of this year. If you look at the 5th of November you will notice this is the 45 week of the year. The center of the calendar for this November (the 15th) is dead center, and is coincidentally 8100 days since September 11th terror attacks. 8100 has 45 divisors. If you use the creation of NSA to create deltas, November of this year has five adjacent prime number deltas. 25931, 25933, 25939, 25943, 25951 that correspond with the first Friday, V for Vendetta Day, Veterans Day, the bullseye of the calendar, and Thanksgiving.
That represents a level of numerical autism seldom seen. Nice job anon
we have the best schizos, believe me!
Holy shit. Impressive.
I know, the seconds aren't EXACT but dang that's awful close....
Neil Armstrong. Interesting.
WHOA. You just blew my mind there.
I always took Q to be answering the two questions in reverse order. Mirror.
Its all bullshit,.no aliens,just more diversion,untill i see a spaceship,.with little green men/woman with big heads and big eyes sitting down at KFC eating chicken & chips with DJT i might believe it,.everything else is failing so all they got left is the old UFO ,.trick,..theyre getting desperate,.people dont believe any of tha UFO bullshit,.
OK this is just...
I mean this isn't even stretching or contorting to make the numbers add up or match up to a drop number
Just profoundly amazing
Blowing me away
Non human biological remains were found in some crashes.
:D yayliens
That's quite a broad spectrum....😉
Like, a dog or a chimp. Or a tree stump. Just sayin'.
Yea...that could even mean mRNA altered longer human. 😉 Just teasing.
Hes no biologist though
Beware of aliens in UFO’s who will attack earthlings.
Same as
Government issues attack orders of highly classified new-paradigm aircraft and blames destruction on UFO’s
My imagination has grown since I started following Q
Fly me to the moon.
Consider the Drake Equation:
Only one in a million million has the right combination of chemicals, temperature, water, days and nights to support planetary life as we know it. This calculation arrives at the estimated figure of 100 million worlds where life has been forged by evolution.",has%20been%20forged%20by%20evolution.%22
And it is entirely speculative, with no validation possible. Are all the necessary terms present? In the right exponential power? It also hinges on the premise that life itself and civilization proceeds according to Darwinian statistical evolution.
And, even if it has any connection to the truth, what is the probability that the next nearest space-traveling civilization is near enough to us for interstellar travel to be possible? Think of 1 divided by the number of light-years of distance, for a first approximation.
The people who take the Drake equation seriously enough to think it leads to a conclusion that we will encounter an alien civilization, are people who are not serious enough to understand it and work out the necessary implications.
And yet every civilization throughout human history has recordings of what appears to be alien encounters.
Consider the advances we have made in the last 200 years. Imagine we didn’t go through a “Dark Ages” that lasted 800+ years. There are planets much older than ours.
And didn’t Christ say “ In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you”.
Given the infinite vastness of space, the complexity of both quantum mechanics and the nature of time-space at the astronomical end of the spectrum- if we are alone; God is an excessive over-achiever
Oh, it could all be true. But not on account of any logical arguments. If we were divinely created, everything and everyone is also divinely created. So the Drake equation does not even remotely apply, as the facts are not a matter of probability.
Christ, of course, was talking to human beings as individual persons (many mansions). It is a huge stretch to SUPPOSE he was speaking with any other referent. Let the future prove the past, and be patient.
The infinite vastness of what amounts to the most deadly and desolate desert imaginable, argues against any successful travel to other stars. Appeal to quantum mechanics and "space-time" is simply magical invocation, as though reference to things one does not fully understand permits them to have miraculous powers. You are indulging in wishful thinking. ("Spacetime," for example, is nonsense. There is only one time---the present. The past is no more and the future is yet to be.)
Let there be aliens. It might explain some things---and un-explain other things! Knowledge is a two-edged sword. But let's not kid ourselves with fuzzy mythology and great expectations.
Relativity would argue with you with regards to space time. And Quantum has been vaguely understood since the 1940’s.
Quantum Entanglement and Superposition are hardly “magical”, merely embodying evidence that the realm we live in; doesn’t have physical laws or logic that apply to either subatomic nor astronomical scales.
Einstein was the man who coined the phrase “spooky interactions at a distance”, to explain quantum entanglement and also defines Relativistic physics. Hardly magical at all. Life couldn’t exist without it
The theory of relativity only assumes there is a physical continuum of time. No facts to support it. Just because you can graph (e.g.) kinematics as a function of time does not mean that time is a physical dimension. I happen to be trained in science and engineering, so I am not impressed by people jumping to nonsensical conclusions. I am familiar with relativity. And I am also familiar with the fact that the correspondence principle (of frame acceleration vs. gravity), which is the foundation of general relativity, is a false presumption.
Actual quantum physics is not magical, BUT assuming there are things lurking there with magical potential is indeed magical thinking. All physical laws smoothly transition from one scale to another...or they are poorly posed. Einstein was famously dubious about quantum physics altogether. The only person I have known to unify physics from the quantum to the relativistic level was Frederick Kantor, in his "information mechanics." Not a crank. He was a respected X-ray astronomer.
And yet the accuracy of GPS was moved from +/- 100+ ft to less than 20 ft by accounting for time dilation. Strange
SpaceX and NASA all maintain 3 clocks for flight. Local, launch time and capsule time. It’s measured since the days of Apollo.
You may wanna update your science background. It’s outdated. Look into String theory- no deep dives needed. A short YouTube by the BBC called Dr Quantum and the Double Slit Experiment is very fascinating.
Your assumptions are decades out of date
Nothing I said is out of date, and referring to the GPS corrections means nothing to this argument, since I did not reject special relativity as a predictive theory. My "science background" came with 3 degrees in astronautics, including such things as fusion physics, orbital mechanics, fluid physics, and laser physics (truly quantum technology). Where are your credentials that you can imagine I am out of date?
String theory is a grand head trip, but increasingly seen as irrelevant because it cannot be experimentally investigated. As I am literate, I have little use (or patience) for YouTube expositions. You might profit to read the work of Halton Arp, regarding the major assumptions of modern cosmology, or the work of Frederick Kantor regarding the unification of quantum and relativistic physics. For many years, I took the Journal of Galilean Electrodynamics, which was nothing but exploration of alternative physical hypotheses. Before you attempt to clear the speck from my eye, go and remove the plank from yours. Put your attitude where your mouth is and look into more modern approaches.
Very very interesting, nice
damn frens , this feels good!!!
Today I heard for the first time a description of an alien craft that looked like a 10 foot wide cube, colored gray or black, inside of a transparent spherical bubble. They mentioned it was sitting stationary in airspace with heavy air traffic and a couple of planes missed it by just 50ft. It was kind a being in the way.
First the tic tac design and now this. With the accelerating speed of technological development, they probably have a new design for space travel every 5 minutes or so.
Associated Press isn’t the one we should look for any Q-related communication, timestamps, post numbers, etc.
Interdimensional beings NOT to be played with. They only have one purpose, deception and then destruction. (and I am not talking about only your physical body!)
I do find it quite strange that all the Christians in here simply cannot fathom the thought that there could be alternate life in this massive emptiness we call space
I'm not against the idea. Rather I would be more surprised if God created such a large universe and only created life on one planet. There is a difference between the Bible simply not mentioning something, and actually labeling it as false.
I enjoy the debate that ensues anytime the word extraterrestrial comes up. Is our technology the most superior in the universe? Probably not, therefore who am I to question the intelligence of another species or even more bizarre, something inter dimensional. I love people who try to state facts that something can’t be real. That’s a closed mind.
Or they are people who know what they are talking about. "An open mind" does not mean "an empty mind."
Consider the phrase "higher dimension." Does anyone have any idea what that is supposed to mean, in observational and empirical terms? (If there were a fourth spatial dimension, there is a way to test for it. No one brings it up.) If you invoke ideas that are so vague as to have no definition, you are invoking magic.
blue beam
i can't take Q seriously if he's really pushing for biological space aliens.
y'all in for a shock
No doubt.
Then don't. Literally nobody cares. Nothing could matter any less.
It's more like interdimensional beings. We know space is fake and gay.
For real, i mean how many operations were declassed showing an impassible barrier. Are they trying to say aliens have us in a dome or what. Not buying it.
Just look into the meaning of the freemasons symbol for example.
you mean flat earth theory? the firmament. as insane as i used to think that theory was, i'd totally not be surprised at this point.
Yes because all ocean navigators and intercontinental commercial pilots are totally in on the globe hoax.
Operation Fishbowl...educate yourself.
And pilots openly admit that neither they or their equipment adjusts for the curvature of the earth.
Look at Admiral Byrd's video and accounts, and his mysterious death.
few people will ever truly understand the topology (mathematical or physical) of a flat earth universe and its implications
Especially including the Flat-Earthers themselves. They take the cake!
Says the guy who trusts nasa's word as fact lol the hypocrisy.
It makes more sense than you trusting those who sell a false tale. It is not a matter of "trusting" anyone. (Bad reliance on argument from authority.) It is a matter of facts and evidence beyond dispute. If you are going to accuse "NASA" (a rather large organization) of being a monolithic liar, you need to document the specific lies and lay out the evidence for the truth. Not just argument for such alternatives, but evidence that they could only be the truth. Everything I have seen that some people purport to be "evidence" is only an instance of being ignorant of what is seen. With very little deviation from the rule, the doubters are those who are ignorant of the basic facts and principles. And unreasonably credulous to think that our then-arch-enemy, the Soviet Union, would stand by and give credit to a faked accomplishment that they were also striving toward. On matters of space science, NASA is still a good source. On matters of "climate science" (a whole different department), it is a pack of liars. If you can't tell the difference, you should not be in the business of making judgment.