Anons and Patriots of The Great Awakening; Digital Soldiers and Keyboard Warriors all — as we find ourselves nearing the final chapters of the great saga of our times, it is important that we recenter our perspective on this fifth generation war in which we find ourselves fighting. With each and every passing day the number of awakened Anons among us increases. As with any great war, there comes a time when a strategy and tactics briefing is necessary in order to direct the attention and the energy of soldiers towards actions that would benefit a victory condition for the war. Make no mistake Anons, you are all Digital Soldiers and Keyboard Warriors!
We are at war Anons. We are at war with the greatest enemy humanity has ever faced. Our adversaries are great in number, strength, and influence. They have invaded and infiltrated every facet of our society. We can see their influence in the media we consume through television, newspapers, music, streaming, and video games. They operate in the shadows, pulling the strings of finance, pharmaceuticals, and politics both local, national, and global. They are everywhere and ever they seek to find new ways to spread their influence far and wide. YOU are the target of this war. YOU and everyone you hold dear and love in your life.
The war we fight is not one of kinetics, but of information. As the sidebar of our board reads: We are researchers who deal in open source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here. WE ARE THE PUBLIC FACE OF Q. OUR MISSION IS TO RED-PILL NORMIES.
I want you to think and contemplate upon that last sentence; *the public face of Q, and the mission to red-pill normies. It is for this reason that this post has been created. We have a great many Anons who have forgotten these words, forgotten our place in this fifth generation war, and forgotten the mission of The Great Awakening.
Ever our enemy seeks to control the threads and weaves of information in the grand tapestry of the narrative. They do so using psychological operations. Some of these psy-ops are subtle, woven delicately into the media we see each and every day. Others are of a much more grand scale and take the form of biological weapons like C19, or events of terror like 9-11. Grand or subtle, they all have the same purpose; to control the narrative and in so doing control We the People of the world.
The battle to control the narrative is of two sides. On the one side there is The Great Reset, set in motion by the Cabalists and their Deep State puppets. On the other side is The Great Awakening, set in motion by Q, Q+ and the legion of anonymous frogs all across the physical and digital world. The Cabalists seek always to control the narrative in any way they can and with any means necessary for their victory in this information war. Failure for them equates to a life imprisonment at best, and certain execution for the worst offenders of crimes against humanity.
Here on The Great Awakening, the Moderation team can be said to have identified a hierarchy of narratives. There are those narratives that can be described as most beneficial to The Great Reset, and others that are most beneficial to The Great Awakening. The training in digital soldiering requires learning the distinction between these narratives, and the power that each has for both good and evil.
Our mission, as aforementioned, is to red pill normies. That is the only reason why our board exists. At its core, this board is dedicated to high quality research that can be distilled by our astute and brilliant frogs into dank memes that normies can more easily absorb. Of what are we intended to red pill the normies about though? The answer is nothing short of the worst offenses of the Cabalists and Deep Staters that Q discussed in great deal. These include crimes against humanity, the sex trafficking and torture of our children, and the infiltration and invasion of governments all across the nation that has led to the complete subjugation of humanity as slaves to these tyrannical and satanic cultists.
Our adversary will do anything to distract us from our mission. We have many three letter agencies that have been dedicated to the control of the narrative. There are think tank groups filled with Harvard and Princeton graduates working for the CIA, NSA, and FBI whose sole job is to combat our dank memes and red pills. That is how effective our mission has been here in The Great Awakening. We as a community have great power in this fifth generation war. Q brought us together for this reason. Divided we were weak; together we have formed an unbreakable bond.
While there are many narratives that are beneficial to our mission to red-pill normies, there are also those that are detrimental and that do great damage to our community and our efforts to bring the normies into the fold of The Great Awakening. These narratives are the weapons with which our fifth generation information war is fought with. They are among the most effective weapons in the arsenal of our adversary. These narratives serve only to cause division and strife among our community.
We moderators of The Great Awakening have identified several such weapons of information warfare that we have deemed dangerous. It is important to note that not all of these narratives are equal in nature. Some of these narratives have grains of truth hidden in them to entice researchers to dig further into what is ultimately a dead end false rabbit hole. What follows is a list of the most egregious among these narratives, along with a short explanation of why we do not allow them on our board.
Chem Trails
The idea that our government agencies and institutions are poisoning us is a common theme of The Great Awakening. We know that such poisoning of our food and water supply has occurred. Look no further than the water contamination in Flint Michigan in 2014, or the train derailment and subsequent detonation of dangerous chemical hazards in East Palestine Ohio in 2023. These are two such real world catastrophes that left evidence trails indicating a high probability of domestic terrorism.
Anons, ssk yourself the following: If you were a three letter government agency responsible for such catastrophes as these, how then would you divert attention away from these happenings and discourage normies from joining the army of research frogs investigating such matters? You would create an even more grand “conspiracy theory” about poisonous clouds in the skies above America, and spread these narratives far and wide to cast a shade of doubt, disbelief, and general disinterest in the entire matter. The result of this narrative is that the entire idea of government involvement in poisoning our environment has become laughable to the normies. After hearing about Chem Trails, normies are less likely to dig into events like East Palestine, Flint, or the myriad of other questionable disasters that have struck America in the last decade.
Flat Earth
Need we discuss this one in depth as we did the last? It should be obvious to all Anons that this narrative is used in weaponized form to dissuade the normies from joining communities like The Great Awakening. The Deep State M5M need only mention their creation of “Qanon” in the same sentence as “flat earth” to create a false association between The Great Awakening and the fringe conspiracy tards who push this nonsense. Many of the narratives that follow are of the same nature. They are obviously ridiculous and nonsensical in nature, and only serve as a means to create an impenetrable psychological wall in the path of normies who otherwise may have joined our ranks.
Directed Energy Weapons
The DEW narrative follows much the same pattern as does Chem Trails. While the Chem Trails narrative serves to cover up domestic terrorism in the form of ecological disasters and FDA / CDC contamination of our food and medicine, the DEW narrative serves to cover up a wide spread conspiracy of arson across North America. There are countless news articles from the last decade of disastrous fires being caused by arsonists. Many of these stories began with the M5M spreading fake news about how these fires were caused by “climate change,” and how they affirmed their climate agenda.
In 2022 there was a map created by an Anon that archived every fire related to food processing plants and food storage locations. This map can still be accessed at https://www.zeemaps.com/view?group=4410859&x. Those Anons who dig into this map will undoubtedly come away with the logical conclusion that there is indeed a conspiracy of domestic terrorism in the form of widespread and coordinated arson. Once again I must ask Anons to question how a three letter agency would best cover up this conspiracy and dissuade researchers from further investigation? Much as Chem Trails had normies looking to the skies for the cause of destruction, so too does the DEW narrative redirect attention away from the real culprit of this coordinated attack on our homeland.
This is where those grains of truth I mentioned earlier come into play. In our previous sticky titled “PSA about death ray posts . . .” we had a great many Anons fall into the trap of reporting how directed energy weapons exist. The existence of this technology fueled a passionate defense of the DEW narrative, and how the Hawaii and Texas fires had to have been caused by such weapons. With a single weaponed narrative, our entire community of brilliant researchers was diverted and redirected away from investigating and researching the systemically and systematically coordinated arson attacks. While our Anons should have been canvassing the news for terrorist cells of Arsonists, they instead pooled all the blame into a single convenient weaponized narrative of information warfare.
The Refuting of Germ Theory
By now the astute Anons among us may have noticed a pattern forming between all of these narratives. The most effective means of dissuading research into a topic is to reconceptualize the entire subject in the minds of normies as ridiculous and not worthy of attention. So too follows the narrative that can best be described as the rebuttal and refutation of germ theory. This narrative would have you believe that there are no bacteria or viruses, and that everything is a parasite. Once again we can see how grains of truth are spread among these narratives. A thick cloud of information warfare has been spread to obfuscate the truth in these matters.
The truth of this narrative is that all disease stems from an invasion in the body. This invasion may take the form of a virus, bacteria, fungi, or parasite. The true conspiracy in this narrative is in the ignoring of most fungi and parasite. It is for this reason that western medicine completely lost their minds when Ivermectin and Hydroxychlorquine became popular in the aftermath of C19. Recall our discussion earlier about false associations. Recall how the media painted Ivermectin as “horse paste,” and spread fake news claiming that President Trump told people to drink bleach, and shove light bulbs up their ass.
The germ theory narrative follows this same strategy. By associating the investigation of parasites with the concept that there are no viruses, the Deep State M5M can effectively shut down conversation surrounding treatments like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. This is how they’ve managed to keep so many normies asleep for so long. They use their positions of influence to manufacture countless false associations between the research we do here on The Great Awakening, and the fringe conspiracy theories we have discussed.
There are a great many other such narratives that we could discuss in this post. Among these other narratives are those such as Med Beds, JFK Jr. Being alive, Hitler fagging, Operation Trust, and Snake Venom. As I would like to contain this information to a single post for our sidebar, and as we have begun to see the repetitious patterns in the grand tapestry of the Deep State M5M narrative, I will simply truncate these narratives with an all encompassing call to action.
Never allow your emotions to do your thinking for you. Always use logic and careful deliberation based upon deep and thorough research in your quest to find the truth. Too often I have seen Anons allow their emotions to control their reactions to the countless narratives we have discussed. While some narratives are obvious in nature, others have subtle truths hidden in plain sight to entice the gullible and susceptible among us to spread the greater lie within, thereby serving the cause of the Deep State.
We must work together as a community to prune the weeds of dis- and misinformation in our garden of high quality research. Ever our enemy seeks to infiltrate The Great Awakening to plant new seeds of distraction. Every Anon should practice constant vigilance in this regard. While we are nearing the end of this decades long war, we cannot allow ourselves to grow complacent as we near the finish line.
Do not take the removal of a post or comment as a personal offense. We have seen a great many Anons go nuclear and implode upon the removal of their content from our board. It is our job as moderators of The Great Awakening to maintain this board as a place to conduct high quality research and spread dank memes. Each and every day, as evidenced by our Mod Logs, we do digital battle against the glowies and clowns that constantly seek to derail our cause and our mission.
If ever you have a disagreement in how this board is being moderated, or have questions or concerns regarding the content we allow, we would kindly ask that you send us a Mod Mail and discuss these matters in private. Likewise, if you see concerning posts or comments that you believe go against our mission statement on the sidebar, we would ask that you use the deport function so that a moderator can take a closer look.
We are in this Fifth Generation War together Anons! We are stronger as a community when we work as a team and conduct our digital warfare operations based upon the same battleplans.
I once heard Pepe say, "Never seek to prove a point. That is how narratives are made. Instead, seek to find the truth. For in the finding of truth, the point will reveal itself."
Wow I love this!!!
Pepe is a smart… Pepe!! 😁😁
Oh wow, welcome back brother!
I’m still around, observing more so than commenting. Stepped back because I was going way too far down rabbit holes rather than finding balance and focusing on family
I wish we taught more about discernment and less about censoring topics. Am thinking truth stands up to scrutiny, so powerful arguments about the existence, pros, and cons of chemtrails or DEWs is better than censoring speech about them. Imagine if we had taken the censorship approach about Ivermectin or masks or UAPs or DEI or CRT or IVF or or or. We must not be fearful of the truth we find. Instead, we should be strong enough to discern the value of it to our awakening.
How do you know we are nearing the finish line?
This 100%. Censoring is no good. If it’s bullshit, it will come out in the research.
Could be that people are thinking theyve been played by the “trust the plan” that we arent allowed to know anything about?
Sadly, people love censorship. And it isn't just the left. Your frens will censors you, too. And they'll feel justified and superior about it as if YOU are the bad guy.
So to my understanding of this post, the debate is not to be whether or not these things exist, but whether or not they are responsible for what events may happen and not to get tunnel vision on one specific thing?
I only ask because I was in the Marines. I know DEW’s exist. I have seen one used personally. I know “chem trails” are a thing, however I would refer to them as cloud seeding instead; this was used during the Vietnam war during Operation Popeye to a high success percentage.
Am I correct in my understanding or am I wrong here and these subjects just aren’t going to be tolerated on GAW? I just need a definitive answer In layman’s terms sometimes.
I was Air Force 24 yrs, 8 of that in SOF, and can back every word. DEWs are a definite reality. "Geo-enginerring" ( chemtrails) are as well. In fact there are documents easily searched discussing the very thing in our own congress several times, as well as the UN online right now....literally anyone can read them....AND the early hearings did indeed call them chemtrails.
Conclusion: cognitive bias does not mean it does not exist. Being in SOF, I saw many things most wouldn't believe if I told them and showed pictures to prove it.
There’s also a mountain of evidence that Flynn is working on the Obama side. And that the “ghost in the machine” psyops are not on our team but are planting narratives to reduce the impact of the investigation and MSDNC narrative busting Q directed us to focus on. There’s satanic practice deeply linked to the history invoked in that video.
They want you divided alright, Q doesn’t, and if we gathered around the Q mission it would be devastating to the DS, so they make up junk and promote it with false heroes so we lose our force potential on the Flynn op.
This post (the OP) should be focused on the mission Q set out for us, which automatically tends to take care of narratives.
Why would Obama warn Trump about retaining Flynn?
Part of the deception setup. Bait Trump’s oppositional personality.
@Anosha https://twitter.com/trumpszu/status/1750966874245112067?s=46&t=PbD1KD2K2hvlXAmFc3osDg
Interesting, I remember Colonel Waldron testifying in front of the AZ State Senate December 2020 on the election fraud.
Yes, controlled opposition and limited hangouts embrace elements of the truth and pull them back into directions that suit the usual suspects.
OK, I’m open to this line of thinking. I just have never come across anything negative about Flynn anywhere. Would love to read some of the mountain of evidence. Thanks.
https://twitter.com/hashtag/FlynnEvidence?src=hashtag_click is an entry point.
It’s not always straightforward because we’re talking about a top spook who does lots of things to cover his tracks. But the tracks are there.
This is one Telegram channel set up to collect sauce. https://t.me/NoName_V2
Excellent, will add this to my bookmarks and start reading.
I corroborate your assertion on DEW's and CT.
Now, I would agree with the OP's assertion that there's a danger in focusing on the fantastical rather than the more mundane elements of the evil around us. But I'd argue there's always a danger in avoiding the truth simply because it's a potential distraction.
Truth is truth. The key is simply discernment when it comes to one's audience.
As to the rest of this list, I completely agree. The Flat Earth insanity has been one of the more obvious poison pills from the IC. I suspect the denial of germ theory is probably in the same category.
As I stated in my post, there are grains of truth in some of these narratives.
Does the technology for Chem Trails exist?
Does the technology for Directed Energy Weapons exist?
Does the existence of this technology indicate its use on the American people?
Have these narratives been weaponized and used in false associations with The Great Awakening community to paint a narrative that benefits the Deep State?
Always ask yourself what deeper truths are being obfuscated through the use of narratives such as Chem Trails and DEWs. It isn't about proving whether or not the technology for these conspiracy theories exist. It is about how these narratives have been weaponized and adapted by the Deep State M5M in order to cover up much greater and more widespread conspiracies.
The Deep State would much rather everyone's attention is on the skies looking for space lasers and poisonous clouds than on the ground level happenings across America. While our attention is elsewhere, a massive army of domestic terrorists marches across our border each and every day with the power to cause a thousand events like what happened in Hawaii and Texas.
I have witnessed many a thread and conversation here on The Great Awakening become derailed with the tactical insertion of DEW and Chem Trail narratives right when Anons began asking the deeper questions.
Infiltrators and Glowies are among us. Stay vigilant. Use logic and discernment.
So by using logic and discernment, you AVOID discussing topics that have been proven to exist and whose use and destruction is evident in the aftermath? The only 'people' that do not get advanced weaponry are pedestrian and uninformed newbies who lack the necessary credentials, training, or mental ability to research and understand basic physics etc. DEWS, Chem trails, HAARP etc do exist and they are used to manipulate weather, affect biospheric homeostasis and stability, and probably most importantly, affect human health- hell, all life in the biosphere. That is why they are referred to as being weaponized. By themselves, yes, its all atmospheric science.....but when you look at the actual paperwork and plan of action and missions, they seem more in line with the former rather than the latter.
I’ve been researching chemtrails for 15 years and they are 100% real, documented and quantified via a dozen different scientific methods, publicly admitted by govt. officials since before I was born with Congressional hearings in the U.S. Congress too.
MANY public-facing government agency (.gov) websites have a whole section on them named things like “Weather Modification” and “Rain Enhancement” and “Cloud Seeding”, and these govt. agencies doing this (in Texas) even have public meetings that the citizens can watch on UTube, there’s patents out the wazoo for the tech they use to manipulate the weather, and private companies (with publicly accessible websites) who openly sell the tech that governments buy and use to poison our skies.
To me, there’s 1,000 times more proof and hard evidence that chemtrails are absolutely real and happening than most other subjects posted here.
Great comment .. truth !
Thank you for the 100% clarification. I’m not the most autistic autist in the room and need answers like these sometimes to fully understand. I appreciate it a lot.
I didn't read all the comments here, but from what I gather, your main point is that the mods here want us to focus on being digital soldiers and waking people up from the matrix. Basically, we can't do anything to protect ourselves from cloud seeding or DEWs, so don't focus on them, because while there are truths in these topics, you can't change anything about them because they are military controlled. Kind of like the whole covid shot/vaxx thing, right? That is a military operation too (warp speed). Basically, it is 5D chess, and it is a war, and common people/digital soldiers like us don't need to know the overall great plan. There will be casualties because this is a war, but Q says to trust in the plan and trust in God, and keep doing your best to wake people up and be prepared.
This post is a great example of how far this website has come in becoming the very thing that it claims to be against. A mod sticking his thumb on the scale to determine for all of us what is true and what is not true. Although mind-manipulation tactics do exist, and are exercised all the time, it does nothing for the cause of discovery of truth to set oneself up as the arbiter of truth. Facilitating a forum for the hashing out of claims and the moderating of the presentation or refutation of facts is the only way that this website will serve the discovery of truth. Anything else is just another version of someone's attempt at control.
Amen. I appreciate the intent of this post, however it's clear that OP is not exactly an expert at any of those particular conspiracy theories.
Great post except for telling people what conspiracies to talk about or to believe, like you are some kind of authority or have inside knowledge on them. I wont let anyone tell me that things i believe in based on months/years of researching the truth are invalid because YOU dont believe them or believe there is a deeper agenda. You are being way too "thought police" for me. You guys have fun.
I absolutely agree. Its almost like they are trying to PLEASE the enemy and fall into trap of picking acceptable topic selection so as not to give them mud to sling back at us. Truth is truth. I could give a damn if normies do not get everything. If they are still slaves to the enemy by now, then its not going to make a godamn difference if we mention something they were 'told' is fake, conspiracy, or crazy. Again, truth is truth...pursue it and discuss it openly. Walking on eggshells so as not to get the hackles up on the enemy is stupid. I know absolutely from my time in uniform and in civil service that DEW weapons are used by the Deep State and that Chem Trails are and have been in operation for decades. I have literally seen the canisters and talked to crewmen and pilots that joke about it. They think its for atmospheric science (HAHA) or at least that is what they are told. I am sure they know otherwise.
I did a post here about 1-1/2 - 2 years ago about chemtrails. It referenced geoengineeringwatch.com . I was in aviation/aerospace for over 30 years, and actually inspected a couple aircraft with tanks, nozzles and the plumbing. One 🤡 told me to post it on conspiracies.win. I got hammered for it & didn’t post much after that. I was also berated for taking part in the inspection and even that I was just making it all up?!! Whatever, just tried to help enlighten.
Same here. What infuriates me about it is that chemtrails aren’t a “conspiracy theory” - they’re OPENLY ADMITTED by tons of government agencies on their own .gov websites. And entities/agencies perpetrating the “weather modification” activities are required to submit their actions on a federal govt. NOAA agency’s website too. This “weather modification activities” reporting has been required by law since 1972. You can see a list of weather modification activities that have been reported to NOAA here: https://libguides.library.noaa.gov/weather-climate/weather-modification-project-reports#:~:text=Weather%20modification%20can%20also%20have,the%20NOAA%20Weather%20Program%20Office.
This stuff is documented and admitted all over the place - in the USA and internationally.
Here’s an example on Texas’ .gov website. The govt. agencies license and REGULATE the weather modification here: https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/weather/
California openly admits it too - sample for Santa Barbara: https://www.countyofsb.org/2548/Cloud-Seeding-Precipitation-Enhancement
Current cloud seeding operations list for CA, NV and CO (with links): https://www.dri.edu/cloud-seeding-program/current-cloud-seeding-operations/
I for one have red-pilled not just normies, but total LIBS, by cluing them in on Chemtrails. These activities are clear as day, visible in your face things that people can SEE themselves - constantly happening - and after they see these 100% manufactured criss-crossed patterns of fake clouds in the skies being sprayed by planes that can be seen with the naked eye, then it rains within 48 hours like clockwork. I have a total TDS lib friend (that I woke up) who’s now taking pics and videos of chemtrails in the skies and sending me files regularly saying, “They’re spraying again today - look!”
Great job red-pilling your friend!! I know, it’s bad. You can tie increased and younger dementia & Alzheimer's patients to it as well with all the aluminum particulates we ingest. It infuriates me so bad after all my years defending our Republic to the best I knew how, to watch it and the world get destroyed. I point it out to whomever I’m with, to gauge their reactions. The cabal can walk right over us as 80-90% of the populace is an NPC IMO. I also read a report stating some droughts occur globally in areas not sprayed because water vapor gets sucked in to the areas they do spray. Crops and micro environments like the fungal networks to the water supplies…damaged. As kids I recall thinking why do we pollute our environment so recklessly, well at least the EPA is watching out?! The government is an absolute failure and anyone expecting them to fix anything…same government broke it in the first place. Nowadays they don’t even try hiding it. Chemtrails…IN YOUR FACE. We were trained to trust the government as children and now there’s not one sector of society that’s not wrecked by the cabal. Every bit intentional and I pity the young generations.
I agree with everything you just said. It’s bewildering and gut-wrenching seeing how our country and humanity overall is just being absolutely destroyed by these evil-doers. They’ve infiltrated every imaginable element of control and power over EVERYTHING! And they have endless resources and bottomless deep pockets.
It’s at the point where I don’t know if it’s even salvageable or reversible anymore - not even by GEOTUS and White Hats combined, plus all the Anons and awake people. It may very well just be too far gone already, WITHOUT even a nuke sitch or another bio weapon attack in the mix. If that’s the case, then I have no intention of sticking around to live in a dystopian, Mad Max world run by trans-humanist psychopaths.
The only reason I’m still even attempting to hang on is just the last gasp of hope that we’ll miraculously get DJT back in office. Other than that, I see no reason to even keep trying to survive. The knowledge of how much evil rules the world has sucked the life out of me for decades. Surviving is NOT living.
I deeply believed that we would have had the EBS, Justice served to the cabal, President Trump reinstated, and America on its way back to its former glory looooooooong before now. My hope is barely riding on fumes at this point. It may not turn around till long after I’m dead and buried. It depresses the shit out of me that I likely won’t even get to see the restoration to greatness and these horrific monsters be punished.
I hear you in stereo. Keep the faith…I believe we will come back to glory. It’s a thin hope, but I’ve prayed hard on it. I’m going to try to DM you, I just got an email that’s not posted yet on this guy’s Substack but it’s worth a read. It may end up on his Substack & if it does I’ll make a post on it here @ GAW. -Peace
Thank you for your kind reply. I haven’t gotten a DM, but will keep an eye out for your message or Substack link. Thanks again.
That’s so cool ,, good for you , keep spreading the truth ,, and writing it here . There are enemies in the camp, that’s been obvious for awhile .
Indeed, they’ve infiltrated our boards and the whole truther community bigly too - they’ve infiltrated everything. The only people left who have my 100% trust are GEOTUS Trump and Dan Scavino. Anyone else is tier 2 to me. Whatchu think?
I’m with you ,, I like congressman clay Higgins too! As far as this board there are two that I know of ,,at least I strongly believe and have for years , they continue to make my belief stronger so messed up !
Higgins is good - yes! I also like James Comer & Matt Gaetz quite a bit in the US House.
Same here. I had a post about trihalomethane being a known carcinogen in my town's water supply and it got yanked by a moderator "for the greater good of the community..." Shouldn't everyone be made aware of the known carcinogens that the U.S. government allows to be in our drinking water?
Wow. There’s no reason for that.
This post, pointing out topics to specifically be avoided, and pinned for all to see, has, in the comments, become exactly what it was trying to censor.
I don't care what anyone says or what the mods think, but even normies know about Chem trails and DEWs. They talk about it all the time at work since it's all over the news. That's so very obviously a fact. We have more in common than we have differences.
What I am confused about is the narrative that Chemtrails and DEWs are designed to steer the narrative away from the truth or deter normies. Tiktok and other SM is already chock full of this stuff. We are winning this digital war.
Because GAW isn't just the 500 or so people here. It's millions of Patriots all around the world. Make <your country> Great Again! People with far more influence (including God) are already guiding the narratives, guiding the news, guiding the ads, guiding the algorithms, guiding the AI, away from the WEF/NWO Luciferian agenda and back to God's Plan.
Nothing can stop that. Nothing. At. All.
Do not lose hope. Do not fear. Never give up, never surrender, never stop fighting. God is with us, and if He is with us, who can stand against us?
. . . and there's the dead giveaway . . .
They discuss Chem Trails and DEWs . . . because its on the news.
Do they discuss coordinated networks of domestic terrorist arsonists?
Do they discuss our southern border being wide open, allowing entry for countless insurgents, terrorists, and foreign infiltrators?
Do they discuss the intricate web that can be formed by mapping the fires at our food storage and processing facilities?
Do they explore the deeper conspiracy and attack upon our homeland by foreign invaders?
No, instead they conveniently believe that all their woes and worries can be placed upon the narratives of DEWs and Chem Trails. With those few words, all their curiosities are satiated. They have no further need to dig and unveil hidden truths, because they ultimately believe they have found the truth.
This is what is meant by the weaponization of the narrative.
Believe it or not, the world is more awake than you think. Reddit is not an accurate depiction of the world. Be the light.
You’re just a mod, not our general, slow your roll. We don’t need to be told what to believe like we’re your children. Critical thinking goes a long way and most of us can discern the signal from the noise, hence why we’re here. I agree with the points you’ve made, but disagree with the censorship. Let us discuss any ridiculous claims and discern for ourselves. You mod’s think you’re the gatekeepers of the information war and you’re not. Most people won’t read your lengthy post, and the rest won’t care. Trying to tell people what to believe and what not to believe is a move straight out of the mainstream media’s playbook though, and not a good look. Also, we should be able to ban all mod’s who sticky their own post, it’s getting ridiculous.
Strongly worded, I can't disagree.
Does anyone know how to downvote this post?
You have to toggle Off “Community Styling”, underneath settings, to be able to downvote posts.
WHOA here folks. I read the same thing you all did, but my take seems to be different than most here. The take away from what I read is this..........the mods are not censoring us. I take it that after much careful watching and hearing on this board that THEY can see how some subjects can be used to confuse or down right "turn people off" and make us less effective. They are suggesting ways for us to have more effect at red pilling. Good Lord, don't we have enough enemies without trying to include the Mods. I took what was said as a suggestion to make us more effective at advancing the Q movement. ARE WE JUST SO DISTRAUGHT AT HAVING TO WAIT SO LONG THAT WE ARE LETTING OUR "UGLY" GET OUT OF HAND. You know what I mean.......are we just frustrated and taking it out on the mods who are trying to help us keep doing a good job. We can not divide up sides on this board. If we do we might just as well close it down completely.
Great post. Thanks for the focus.
Question: with Q saying:
Do you think there's a chance that the mods might be proven to be mistaken on one or more of those topics at a future date? And if so, could such a topic be opened up at that time?
It's clear we're focusing on waking up society primarily in regard to political power structures so we can recover our freedom. But given that the biggest cudgel to remove our freedoms in recent time was medical fraud, shouldn't that be just as open to discussion as the historical fraud (Titanic, WW2, Hindenburg) that put our power systems in place?
You're right to demand rigor, and nobody should post about med beds unless they visit one first, but I really value the medical info from this board, and I think terrain theory falls into that. Every disinfo trap is constructed by heaping a mountain of BS on top of a molehill of truth. How can we find the truth if we don't have a place to sift it?
For example, terrain theory does not posit that all disease is caused by parasites, as shown by glyphosate, cyanide and maybe even DS heart attack guns. At any rate, efforts to suss out medical truth should be very germane to the board. It also wakes people up to political fraud. So that's my vote, keep allowing med info in unless it's selling or shilling.
Honored to be the 17th updoot on this excellent comment. o7
The cabal that Q is fighting to topple in our world today is characterized by:
HAHA. I see what you just did. Damn good one- BAM, right in the face.
LOL - if the shoe fits.
Right !! Love it !
i'm old, have always noticed this^
and that's why I just read Everything I can get my hands on!
time has shown me that truth filters out eventually. agendas are identified,
becomes obvious which students pay attention by subject knowledge.
I'm on a tangent now that involves native Americans & some of their 'messiah' & 'inner earth' creation myths.
finding all kinds of info on archive.org & LOC, but think many would find it a woo-woo topic.
even though there's a lot of Q connections with God, politics, treaties being broken, freedom, etc.
Cool topics & not woowoo AT ALL. 😎👍🏻
thanks! yes it's So interesting & pretty sure I'm on the right track🐸
look at the distance between the two monuments (first paragraph) like it was planned that way;) Wind Cave is also close by. it's a special place for the Sioux emergence story of creation.
Wow, looks fascinating!! I love finding truths in the ancient history realm. I live on spooky tribal Cherokee land now, and have friends both in a few of the east and west coast tribes. All history gets tarnished and erased and the cabal is directly responsible. I’ll keep the rant short, but anyway peace Sister!
I haven't finished reading this post, but I really appreciate posts like this because I think we need to be more organized. This is a real battle and I would love to launch coordinated digital missions with the Patriots here.
Let's work together this year to save the country with our keyboards. If anyone knows how we can get more organized so we can coordinate our moves better, I'm all in. I joined the X great awakening group and I'm looking to make big moves. I want to support Team Trump with everything that I have.
Prayer Garden has made state communities here on .win. still working to get them up and running as well as the best path forward for opening them up, and filling them with content.
So you are waiting for it to be easier before you are willing to get organized? What is the moment you are waiting for to know it's now time to organize?
Q told us what to do:
The instructions are to get together to coordinate counters to the MSDNC information garbage as they shift. What elephant in the room can anons point out today that destroys the power of their latest move? What OSINT refutes today’s lies and how can we package and distribute it for maximum impact?
All one has to do to see with their own eyes that chemtrails are real is to look up in the sky, and remember what a chemtrail-less sky looked like in your youth. Most of us here are Gen X or Boomers and can remember what a crystal clear deep blue sky looked like before the late 90's. This is when things get very interesting re: our skies. Vapor trails, aka contrails leave no trace after a few seconds. They evaporate. A contrail is super heated air that passes over an airfoil or from a plane's exhaust as it slices thru humid air, usually at altitudes above 1000 ft, however, contrails can be formed at lower altitude by high speed aircraft, usually as it's making a sharp, high speed turn. There's plenty of videos all over social media of high speed military fighters producing very short lived contrails as their air foils slice thru high humidity air just dozens of feet above sea level.
Chemtrails, on the other hand, don't evaporate, they expand and collect water molecules until they form clouds full of all manner of poisons. This is why you can test water at altitude in a mountain range where there should be no toxins and still find heavy metals at levels far above what even the FDA, NIH, CDC says is "normal" or below human toxicity. For more info, I suggest you check out Dane Wigington's work on YT. (Yes, yes, I know it's a YT link, but this man's work is awesome.)
YT link: https://youtube.com/@DaneWigington
Website link: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/
Bill Gates has even said, openly, that he's trying to "dim the sun" in order to prevent "global warming." I'll leave it up to you to find the various video clips of him saying this.
There's also clear cut evidence that we've been "cloud seeding" to create monsoons, blizzards, etc since at least the 1940's, used as a weapon of war. We perfected that technique over the skies of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos in the late 60's thru the early 70's. Basic level research into this DOD program is available in the open source internet, and has been available for well over 2 decades. Bill Cooper even has info on this in his book, "Behold, a Pale Horse." He was one of the first to bring it to light back in the 90's. Again, I leave it to you to find that material.
Chemtrails ARE NOT a conspiracy "theory," they are a fact of life that is readily verifiable with your own eyes. All you have to do is look up. Dismissing this subject out of hand as a conspiracy "theory," at this point, is akin to keeping your head in the sand like the proverbial ostrich while the world around you continues to be poisoned. Your silence equals your consent, remember that.
The next time a rain storm passes over your location, and the skies still look hazy, ask yourself if that's a natural occurrence. The next time you see dozens of aircraft at altitudes where the air is completely dry and devoid of humidity (roughly 35K+ ft above sea level) leaving hundred miles long trails behind them, dig into your memory banks and ask yourself if this is something you saw in your youth. Ask yourself if the sky should've been cleaned by the rains, or if the upper altitudes should still look hazy while you watch plane after plane begin to spray the shit out of us at various altitudes, sometimes appearing to turn off, then turn back on these so-called vapor trails. Contrails DO NOT form at the upper altitudes (again, roughly above 35K+ ft) and they absolutely do not stick around for longer than 20-30 seconds, expanding until they create a haze that dims the sun's energy. Then ask yourself if that is naturally occuring, or man made. The info is out there, all you have to do is search for it.
Of all the so-called "conspiracy theories" OP has listed here, chentrails is one that, IMHO, doesn't take a lot of work to prove. The only thing getting in your way is your own cognitive dissonance. If we know these "people" in control of our world are evil and will do anything to prevent us from taking humanity's destiny into our own hands, then why is it so hard for people to believe [they] are poisoning us from the depths of our waters to the heights of our skies?
Thank you for writing this! I agree 100%.
Fantastic summary - thank you for sharing. My 15 years of research on the subject concurs with your key points as well.
And as a Gen X-er too, I do remember those beautiful blue skies and cotton ball puffy clouds as a child that we rarely ever see anymore.
Conspiracy truth. Cloud seeding is real. I wish this site would have a wiki or subthreads where we could talk about certain topics. That would solve the problem of having all of the extra "conspiracy theories" taking away from the main mission of the digital soldier. I think it is important to discuss potential threats to our safety, so that we are at least aware of the modes of attack and what we can do to protect ourselves.
Great points. See my Comment above?
Thanks for all you mods do. We appreciate you and have much love and respect for you all. Praying for you and this whole community. Great things are ahead. Jesus Christ is KING 👑
Without making any judgment as to the truth or falsity of the narratives described in this post, many of the claims made about what the narratives themselves claim are not accurate. Not a single person who argues against germ theory claims that bacteria don't exist. The claim is that they are not a cause of disease. Likewise, a great number of those who argue against germ theory don't claim that most or all disease is caused by any invasion by outside entities, but rather by malnutrition and toxicity.
Opportunistic infection.
Nice work, Qanaut. Well thought out and executed. On point.
When I first woke up to different truths it was after hearing about these things a number of times and rejecting them as lunacy.
After waking up, I tried to persuade people to wake up with me. I have become better at it, but it is 90% keeping my mouth shut. The number one mistake I made was talking about to many things and making everything I said seem less belivable.
I belive our job was not persuading people or even waking them up, but just to plant the seeds in people’s minds, so that when more credible people said these things it would be easier to accept them.
In a way we were cannonfodder for the real troops, and not without losses. I lost friends, jobs the respect from my family… Losses I gladly accept, I belive what we did was important. Proud to serve, Q.
Yep, best to plant the seeds. Ask the people still asleep questions. Best to not make statements. As in "This is the truth".
Exactly, I’ve been doing a lot of ”can you definiera what you mean” to people accusing others of being a nazi or a fascist. And of course they can’t. More important, since I started a lot more do this as well. Not saying I am solely responsible, but people take notice.
That’s the method Q used. Asking questions...made me think and process things differently. Stirred curiosity
yep, the Socrates method
We call it “waking up”.
I do the same thing as you did, even while being aware that nobody physically “wakes up” at the same time. Why should mentally be any different?
Chem trails are different from condensation trails. See Dane Higginson geoengineering.org. it releases over 1 million tons of aluminum into our skies for weather warfare purposes using haarp. Eventually it falls to earth and blocks the nutrient uptake in plants and forestry creating conditions conducive to wildfires, etc etc. They are experimenting with chemicals put into the sky for different effects. Some cannot be said to be harmless. Breathing in aluminum cannot be great for our health. And then the effect on our climate is the perverted reasoning used for spending more dollars on this diabolical scheme. See the climate action plan for the ocean where it calls for taking over 30 percent of our land and putting it under the governance of foreign bodies. So while chemicals may or may not be poison precisely, this whole package is designed for death. So in my humble opinion, calling it poison or toxin isn't a bad summary for most pedes who don't want a long explanation.
Very well said. I agree 100%
I don't even talk about Q much when I am red pilling people.
Our job is to wake people up, not to convince them about Q.
While I can appreciate the power in focused research and OP's point of view, I do not agree with the logic of Qanaut's arguments on the whole.
The idea that misinformation and disinformation need to identified and managed by a few for the good of many is just what has happened on a macro scale. The point of the Great Awakening is to do that research for ourselves, and then to form our own opinions based on it using discernment. In doing so, some research is "sloppy" or "low effort" which already has a self limiting life on GAW.
Slippery slope.
Why did you leave out one of my favorites? Trump is a time traveler! Operation looking glass related stuff. This forum tends to eat that up! Q is a quantum computer from the future. Q is from the future or has access to that data.
You see the problem here is that the moment you subscribe to anything that is far-fetched then all far-fetched things become much more plausible!
You are not an expert at the points you demonstrated, especially related to debunking germ theory. I understand these were just examples.
I guarantee you that most people here believe in some far-fetched stuff. To them one particular idea is a given, and another is crazy. It is interesting how we individually subscribe to one "crazy" idea but reject another.
Much more useful would be information on how to sort and sift, methodologies on how to divine truth from crazy stuff. Who has that figured out, and how would you know? If you KNEW something wasn't true, and it turned out you were wrong about that... then once again everything comes back into question.
Truly fascinating stuff, however! Someone should make a long list of every crazy idea that people subscribe to and then folks can updoot the ones they believe in. That could be eye-opening. =D
I like how the OP has settled everything and told us all what is true and what is bogus, even though we are “fine researchers” — but doing fine research means keeping an open mind and discussing the things OP thinks are settled, because the other option is to fall into the trap of dogma and group think. If he wants to investigate roadside arsons, go for it! And if anons want to investigate DEW, go for that too!
You're almost on point, but in no position to be making the all these statements which are presented as facts.
While I understand entirely the points mods make and keeping a distinction between a board like this and another board….
It’s sort of a loose connection to say chemtrails are used in such a way. Or Dews or any other topics, yet we see no mention of cats and his bigfoots/nephilim
“ Anything the NANOTECH is in can be manipulated by 5G - THE NANOTECH IS IN EVERYTHING - THEY >>SPRAY<< IT IN THE >>SKIES<<“
Flynn tweets this video out “Fair warning to everyone. Be aware of your surroundings at all time”
Within few seconds of the video you realize they’re talking about NANOTECH…. Huh? Fair warning be aware of NANOTECH?
Within few seconds of this video Flynn tweets out as “Fair warning” be aware of your surroundings…. (Well that sounds like a REAL threat something to actually be aware is happening in our surrounding!)
The video shows commercial jetliners creating chemtrail lines…. The narrator or of the video states
“Anything the NANOTECH is in can be manipulated by 5G - THE NANOTECH IS IN EVERYTHING - THEY SPRAY IT IN THE SKIES“
Q > FLYNN > CHEMTRAILS/NANOTECH (nano tech, one of those “flat earth” level conspiracies)
IF NOT A FULL ON ADMISSION/CONFIRMATION ITSELF from FLYNN who comes up REPEATEDLY within Q posts, Trump, politics, digital warfare etc…..
Now watch me do the same for Q > Epstein > Gates > Chemtrail “research”
It’s not called a STQRM for nothing folks! I think weather warfare is on the table…. BEAUTIFUL BLACK SKY…
GAW = Do It With Excellence
Gregg Phillips just created @PITPAC on Truth Social. I’m excited for all the March Madness! Thx God and mods and pw for bringing me here 🍿
I’m happy to see someone attempt to realign energy and focus on this board. It has been spiraling for awhile, in my opinion, and I’ve been thankful to see mods getting a public hand on the collective ball in the last couple few weeks!
Top effort post, and a timely reminder.
NCSWIC 🇺🇸 🐸 🛰️ 🌎
Great post anon
Someone needs to explain, then, the luxury homes on Maui that were miraculously spared whilst all around them burnt to a crisp...and that one church that was burned down the middle by what looks exactly like the path of some sort of directed energy weapon.
Anons should bear in mind the possibility that making something appear ridiculous and nonexistent, like DEW, can be very helpful in its later deployment, once the general public believes it is fantastical foolishness.
I believe the explanation for that happening is rather simple.
Targeted Arson
I do believe the roof colors have meaning, just as the red shoes do. The elite can very easily coordinate the terrorist cells of arsonists so that they attack certain properties, while sparing others.
You believe, you do not know this as a fact.
I think you’re way off on the germ theory one. The cabal’s fake science is pervasive and all of it is intended to keep us enslaved, like the way they replaced Nikola Tesla’s works, which would have made it possible for us to leave earth or to at least tap into “free” energy anywhere on earth and thus more easily escape the clutches of the cabal. Or like “globital warmening,” which prohibits us from even using energy at all.
Those of us who have come to reject germ theory don’t believe parasites are the only microbes. We deny viruses exist, that’s all. I invite you to show me any direct evidence that they do exist, there is none. Everything they attribute to viruses can also be explained by other microbes, particularly fungal and insect parasites. As they often do, they play on the public’s willingness to inappropriately assign causality to correlations.
Rather than germ theory, we believe in terrain theory. Germ theory supplanted terrain theory in ((Napoleonic)) times. In fact, a lot of junk science originates from France’s masonic resurgence following the communist revolution commonly referred to as the French Revolution. I invite you to read an old book called Bechamp or Pasteur for a summary of the differences between the two. According to terrain theory, we are all constantly awash in a sea of microbes. They’re in the dust in the air, in the water, in the food, on all surfaces, on your dishes, and most importantly, in your body. Your body is never free of hostile microbes and harmful disease-causing microbes are never fully eliminated by your immune system. They can be reduced to certain numbers but there is always a small number of almost every microbe that your body has ever taken on, hiding away in your body.
Sickness, then, is not caused by exposure to a microbe to which you haven’t ever been exposed. That’s a lie designed to enable exactly the kind of medical tyranny we witnessed 2020-2023. Sickness is caused by your body becoming sufficiently weakened that one or more of the latent microbial populations in your body is able to mount an attack. Terrain theory, in contrast with germ theory, puts your health squarely on (you). You determine your health by the cumulative health effects of all the decisions you make. The presence of other people, even sick people, does not make you sick. This truth sets you free.
You will say.
No, we have only a correlation here. And a weak one. Recall the Diamond Princess. “Covid,” only spread to ~800 of ~3700 people on the ship. Shared ventilation and extreme close quarters made isolation impossible yet it only spread to like 1/4 of the people. The cold (but I repeat myself, as that is the same as covid) is observed to only infect 50-70% of the people in a given household. Could it be that so many people get the cold/flu all at once because some common factor is acting on them all simultaneously?
Consider the last quarter of the year.
The weather cools. Consistent, reduced body temperature signals to latent microbes (who have learned by constant evolution what the various signals within their hose mean, and many have even learned to send their own signals to your body, like the desire to eat candy and g oyslop) that their host is weakening.
The days get shorter. Reduced sunlight causes many changes in your body, all of which can signal weakness to the microbes inhabiting your body, waiting for you to weaken or die so they can feast.
Many get less exercise and become more sedentary. This also causes bodily changes that signal weakness.
Halloween, Christmas, general winter cheer leads to increased sugar and alcohol consumption. Sugars and alcohol are byproducts of fermentation in the body and can signal to your latent microbe population that there are already microbes chowing down, and so they had better get eating too or else the meal will be gone.
It is no wonder so many suddenly get sick all at the same time.
Anyway, I think you’ve done your readers an injustice lumping us in with flat earthers. The gist of our message is that if you take better care of your body you’ll get sick less, and that your health is on you and not on how many vaxxes or masks the people around you have.
I don't think the mention of flat earthers is meant to lump any such movements together, but there is a strong community of users here who will really strongly come after anyone who dares question that it might not be flat. It's unfortunately a growing group on this site.
They’ve been around since forever. Half the posts in some of the old breads were about flat earth. It’s meant to discredit us. But I don’t think everyone questioning cabal science is here to discredit us. We actually have been taught a lot of lies.
With such a strong prominence on this site, it seems well and good to draw the line somewhere. Unless you think that the flat earth movement deserves equal attention
I think they’re fags. But we never banned any speech on the research boards that were around when Q was posting.
It’s not about banning the speech, but having a strong movement set to correct posts with actual, educational material and emphasis on critical thought.
If the flat earth movement is meant to subvert, then there should be reasonable means to work against it
u/#q3038 I’m pretty sure the new platform mentioned is here at GAW. Always be open and looking for facts, not just here, but anywhere you can find verifiable information.
As I said, the concern is reasonable about DEW but also valid that it's misdirection. Thank you for your explanation
No. Its not misdirection unless you mean that they are trying to direct us AWAY from discussing it because its the truth.
The problem that some in this community faces, and many that still have a binary way of thinking, ls that we will never know the full truth. The point is to get as close to it as possible. Stop pursuing the total truth of everything, which honestly leads to assumptions in many cases, only GOD is the truth. We must aggregate as much information and look at multiple possibilities and angles of why something is happening, not to jump into absolute conclusions and get twisted up like a pretzel.That's the REAL goal of the DS. They don't care if you know the truth or not. They want you so confused you get exhausted. And that's what causes the real division. I'm not supporting OP at all, I'm only saying he has a point to consider it's mass arson. That's not saying the possibility of it being a DEW doesn't exist, but understand stimulating a conversation saying that's EXACTLY what it was is the fuel to the fire that divides us. We are to be humble and to not discern what ideas are better than others. Respect each idea, rather than criticize it, even if it makes no sense at all.. isn't that what brought us together anyway?
Thank you for all the reminders. These posts indicate how far we've come, but also how important it is to refocus/stay focused as we get closer to bringing all this to resolution.
Well put, thankQ guys
So basically from this day forward if I say Two more semanas it’s a 3 day ban? Time to tighten up the ship.
4938 Oct 22, 2020 1:58:18 PM EDT Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 PLEASE FIX THE BREAD AND TIDY UP THE SHIP. Q