I am telling you... this site needs to create a betting module with fake money that is earned from comments, posts, etc., so that we can have some fun with stuff like this.
Anyone can create a cryptocurrency token. You can even create one just for fun. But successfully launching a cryptocurrency token is more challenging and requires a lot of time and energy. Creating the token is one thing, but maintaining and growing it is another...😉😎
Not if it's fake money, I don't think. It's more of a way to encourage engagement, and to show which profiles have a great track record of putting their fake money behind their predictions and being right or wrong.
But, it would probably lead to an even more powerful addiction with this site. So, never mind.
The royals have been in a continuous state up turmoil for months (deaths, people missing, cancer issues). Some normies are waking up to the possibility that Homobama has been running a shadow gubmint instead oBiden.
TLDR: Next chapter in the movie is exposing Hussein.
I sincerely hope the next chapter involves ripping the towel off Bath House Barry. I hate that CIA conceived phony so much that my soul feeds off the demoralization of his supporters.
Yes, this is one part of the movie I've been looking forward to most. The revelation that Obama was a CIA-funded Subud cult radical who was turned gay by the cultists who raped him.
The other part is revealing Michelle has a penis. I'm pretty certain the only reason Britney Griner was detained by Russia was to be interrogated about the CIA-created community of black chicks with dicks.
These are images of John Kerry and a Iranian Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif. They were meeting (supposedly) to discuss how to salvage the Iran deal after Trump had been elected and abandoned the agreement, which seriously fucked up their plans.
The main point of the image, and what it implies, is that Kerry was in violation of the Logan Act and FARA by working with foreign governments without official consent of the US government. Kerry was discussing foreign policy on behalf of Obama, thus the "shadow presidency" statement. Obama made similar trips "shadowing" Trumps foreign visits.
Not sure, but I chose this one because it looks like they are in England given that the cars are parked of the left side of the road. I've seen the guy on the right before, maybe James Clapper.
High probability that Barry Soetoro was born in Kenya prior to its independence from the UK, and is still a British citizen and "agent of the King". Kenya was a British colony. Theory is that it was "legal" (but unlawful) for him to be CEO of US Corp for 8 years because it was also a Corporation "owned by the British Crown". He has either been replaced or flipped by now, imo.
Barry was never "naturalized" as US Citizen since he supposedly was born in Hawaii despite having a stolen social security number trace-able to someone other than him (used for his selective service and tax filings). Although he likely has fake US (and other passports) due to his extensive work for the CIA and MI-6.
I'm an old school birther and it never occurred to me that Homobama wouldn't have to meet any constitutional requirements BECAUSE of the corporation.
Their efforts to satisfy the folks assuming we were following Article 2 Section 1 were at best half-assed; and with the mocking bird media following orders, they were never at risk of a public revolt.
Ooooooh! It’s panicking! I wonder if Charles is dead and William is now going to be in the top job. They can’t stop that from happening the same way the Queen couldn’t stop Charles ascending to the throne. It’s inexorable.
The DS is frantic to find Catherine and the children - hence the crazy media coverage and social media mayhem. Maybe they were going to use them as leverage to keep William in line but he got wind of it and got them to safety before the DS could get to them? It’s been reported that NONE of their sttaff have seen her, not even her own close staff? So he’s cut everyone out of the loop. If they don’t have his wife and children to use as leverage to control him they are 💩 out of luck. We know that electronic comms are monitored and for one of their ostensible big guns to do something this visible indicates they’re having to be overt to get face to face comms?
Princess Kate was seen looking “healthy” while shopping for groceries at an upmarket store on Sunday, a major British newspaper claims, the latest update in an ongoing saga of health scares and rumour mills.
Is it assumed that William isnt satans child? I thought he was one of them. I vaguely remember pics floating around of him with a goat and conjecture that he was Damien from "The Omen", the actual anti christ.
I used to think that but I don’t anymore. I think he has been grey but the DS are now finding out he’s not one of theirs. I think he’s got his wife and kids to safety and the DS are losing their shit because they can’t leverage them to make William give up the throne. If Charles is dead then they’re going to be in panic mode cos William can quite rightly announce it and the same publicity mechanism that put hub ears on the throne will be used against them to put William there.
Interesting that a helicopter flew into the barracks opposite buckingham palace the other day - footage was put on X from bystanders. We have been told military is the only way?
Kate and the kids are his vulnerability- I think he’s got them to safety. It may be that even he doesn’t know where they are. He’s definitely cut the staff out of thr loop and the borg are screeching because they don’t know where they are. I think that the hashtag where is Kate was a data mining op to see if a random somewhere would spot them and mention it and they could try to find them via crowdsourcing? Kinda like inverting the whole Q crowdsourcing intel thing?
Well one of the kids is the future King of England so it is just as likely that the WHs removed them to safety as they take out the head of the Royal snake, including William.
I smell an abdication coming. If William is actually son of cabal Spanish King born under a "celestial event", then an ascension and then abdication to allow the younger son (Diana+unknown father likely not Charles since he is supposedly sterile) to be King would likely throw major kinks into the cabal centuries of genetic selection, imo.
Ummm healthy younger guy drowns off a paddle board...Nah...they don’t do that in England...do they fly a plane...nope....ummm. Suicide with three in the back of the head...nooo...guns aren’t allowed here...dang...
Right, thats where my mind went immediately and the thought was reinforced when the Mail article stated that as he left he got in a car with the US Ambassador to Britain.
I have read various analysts that have clearly stated it is too late for any switch to the candidates at this point in time. Nobody can legally "step in" (short of a candidate dying, I suppose).
People don't seem to understand that our "federal" elections are actually the sum total of all the State elections... and the States have lots of rules about candidates, primaries, etc. Also, explain how the Dims get away with kicking Cumala to the curb without driving their snowflake base into an ideological frenzy...
The best analyses have all stated that at this point in time, the Dims are stuck with Buy-din, and 2024 will be a rematch of 2020... I am interested to learn how they are wrong.
After the Democratic National Convention has chosen its nominee, if Biden were to drop out, the DNC leadership gets to unilaterally decide on the successor. I promise you that’s what will happen.
The D convention is in late August. By the time it is over, the ballot deadline for 7 States will have already passed. It is impossible to win a National election without those 7 States.
So, yes - in theory a new candidate could be nominated at the D convention, but in practical terms I don't think it is a viable strategy.
Oh, HAI, Black Jesus! You know what? GO FUCK YOURSELF. I absoutely cannot WAIT to see your traitorous ass sporting orange pajamas...and hopefully, getting rammed by any number of AIDS-infected fellow felons.
Lets hope this has zero to do with Putin coming out today and threatening WW3
if West sends troops to Ukraine. Graham arrived in Ukraine today. Obama doing a tour in Europe.
Holy shiiiiiit.
I am telling you... this site needs to create a betting module with fake money that is earned from comments, posts, etc., so that we can have some fun with stuff like this.
Just create a $Q.coin
Anyone can create a cryptocurrency token. You can even create one just for fun. But successfully launching a cryptocurrency token is more challenging and requires a lot of time and energy. Creating the token is one thing, but maintaining and growing it is another...😉😎
Any suggested sites to learn about doing this? Perhaps I make one for fun for my new small business. Thanks for the idea!
Bathhouse Barry visiting UK Prime Minister was probably on some bingo cards, my guess. But who had Haiti taken over by a guy named "Barbeque"?
The CIA who propped him up as an excuse to take over the country with international troops.
And get some tropical real estate.
Was any of this foreshadowed in the Barbie movie? Cause I just felt a flash of dejavu.
Talking about Grandkids and golf I'm sure
That’s really more of a Sky Harbor tarmac conversation according to Loretta Lynch.
Ah, we probably need a licence for that.
Not if it's fake money, I don't think. It's more of a way to encourage engagement, and to show which profiles have a great track record of putting their fake money behind their predictions and being right or wrong.
But, it would probably lead to an even more powerful addiction with this site. So, never mind.
Lulz../// $pepe has made Gainz
kek! People would forget to eat.
already there, ugh
And, unofficially, the site could sponsor Gambler's Anonymous😎
But they are all the time spitting their coffee. Or covfefe. Whichever.
I would love to have a virtual prediction market
What’s the conversion of Q coins to Schrute bucks?
Rainn Wilson is a screeching liberal faggot who was heavily involved in Haiti.
What exactly does this mean? Can you explain to retards like me?
The royals have been in a continuous state up turmoil for months (deaths, people missing, cancer issues). Some normies are waking up to the possibility that Homobama has been running a shadow gubmint instead oBiden.
TLDR: Next chapter in the movie is exposing Hussein.
I sincerely hope the next chapter involves ripping the towel off Bath House Barry. I hate that CIA conceived phony so much that my soul feeds off the demoralization of his supporters.
Ahhh yes... I know which towel you're talking about.
I got chu:
Yes, this is one part of the movie I've been looking forward to most. The revelation that Obama was a CIA-funded Subud cult radical who was turned gay by the cultists who raped him.
The other part is revealing Michelle has a penis. I'm pretty certain the only reason Britney Griner was detained by Russia was to be interrogated about the CIA-created community of black chicks with dicks.
Who are those people? The one in the left looks like John Kerry....
These are images of John Kerry and a Iranian Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif. They were meeting (supposedly) to discuss how to salvage the Iran deal after Trump had been elected and abandoned the agreement, which seriously fucked up their plans.
The main point of the image, and what it implies, is that Kerry was in violation of the Logan Act and FARA by working with foreign governments without official consent of the US government. Kerry was discussing foreign policy on behalf of Obama, thus the "shadow presidency" statement. Obama made similar trips "shadowing" Trumps foreign visits.
Thanks for the refresher, I do remember Kerry & Barry shadowing him. I couldn't place the Iranian even tho he looked familiar.
That is Kerry on the left. I remember in one of the Chans there were these 2 idientified.
Not sure, but I chose this one because it looks like they are in England given that the cars are parked of the left side of the road. I've seen the guy on the right before, maybe James Clapper.
What colour are the licence plates?
Brit ones are almost always bright yellow on the rear, white on the front.
This shit is taking me back to those good old days...
I zoomed way in on my 60" monitor. They look white to me and appear to be the extra wide European plate style.
Maybe the picture is reversed and they are parked on the other side - or maybe it's a one way street.
High probability that Barry Soetoro was born in Kenya prior to its independence from the UK, and is still a British citizen and "agent of the King". Kenya was a British colony. Theory is that it was "legal" (but unlawful) for him to be CEO of US Corp for 8 years because it was also a Corporation "owned by the British Crown". He has either been replaced or flipped by now, imo.
Barry was never "naturalized" as US Citizen since he supposedly was born in Hawaii despite having a stolen social security number trace-able to someone other than him (used for his selective service and tax filings). Although he likely has fake US (and other passports) due to his extensive work for the CIA and MI-6.
Brilliant thinking!
I'm an old school birther and it never occurred to me that Homobama wouldn't have to meet any constitutional requirements BECAUSE of the corporation.
Their efforts to satisfy the folks assuming we were following Article 2 Section 1 were at best half-assed; and with the mocking bird media following orders, they were never at risk of a public revolt.
Thanks for sharing!
Spot on! thank you fren!
King Charles might be dead
Maybe they wanna make whoever ded look like a paddle board accident....
standing ovation
You win the internet today, fren!
Obama needs some Royal “attention” if you know what I mean.
I think it was the moment he disappeared from the public eye
Ooooooh! It’s panicking! I wonder if Charles is dead and William is now going to be in the top job. They can’t stop that from happening the same way the Queen couldn’t stop Charles ascending to the throne. It’s inexorable. The DS is frantic to find Catherine and the children - hence the crazy media coverage and social media mayhem. Maybe they were going to use them as leverage to keep William in line but he got wind of it and got them to safety before the DS could get to them? It’s been reported that NONE of their sttaff have seen her, not even her own close staff? So he’s cut everyone out of the loop. If they don’t have his wife and children to use as leverage to control him they are 💩 out of luck. We know that electronic comms are monitored and for one of their ostensible big guns to do something this visible indicates they’re having to be overt to get face to face comms?
Its been debunked, all pics used in the article are old.
I thought she lost more weight. She doesn’t look as good. Very thin. Malnourished.
Is it assumed that William isnt satans child? I thought he was one of them. I vaguely remember pics floating around of him with a goat and conjecture that he was Damien from "The Omen", the actual anti christ.
Remember Charles said at the WEF that "HE" (as in referring to someone else, not to himself) will need trillions of dollars for their global goals.
I used to think that but I don’t anymore. I think he has been grey but the DS are now finding out he’s not one of theirs. I think he’s got his wife and kids to safety and the DS are losing their shit because they can’t leverage them to make William give up the throne. If Charles is dead then they’re going to be in panic mode cos William can quite rightly announce it and the same publicity mechanism that put hub ears on the throne will be used against them to put William there. Interesting that a helicopter flew into the barracks opposite buckingham palace the other day - footage was put on X from bystanders. We have been told military is the only way?
Im with you on Kate and the kids. I think they and her parents have been removed to safety.
Im not so sure on William. He grew up in the belly of the beast.
My thinking is that we are in the midst of a takedown of European Royalty.
Kate and the kids are his vulnerability- I think he’s got them to safety. It may be that even he doesn’t know where they are. He’s definitely cut the staff out of thr loop and the borg are screeching because they don’t know where they are. I think that the hashtag where is Kate was a data mining op to see if a random somewhere would spot them and mention it and they could try to find them via crowdsourcing? Kinda like inverting the whole Q crowdsourcing intel thing?
Well one of the kids is the future King of England so it is just as likely that the WHs removed them to safety as they take out the head of the Royal snake, including William.
Both are equal possibilities atm.
Ill keep my options open here.
This some game o thrones type shitz
I smell an abdication coming. If William is actually son of cabal Spanish King born under a "celestial event", then an ascension and then abdication to allow the younger son (Diana+unknown father likely not Charles since he is supposedly sterile) to be King would likely throw major kinks into the cabal centuries of genetic selection, imo.
Someone on tik-tok posted that flags were at half staff in England.
Can any British anon's confirm?
Sounds stupid. If they're trying to cover up his death, why display to the entire world that someone important has died?
Maybe abdicating due to fast spreading cancer that is terminal.
That kind of doesn't look like him.🤔
Since when is he balding?
The other photo, in the other stickied post, one of his hands is way lighter than the other.
Still looks like him, but those things are odd.
I thought so too, his nose is huge and his ears are not.
Agree, definitely both of those, nose too big and ears not big enough.
My thoughts exactly- that’s not the same dude
Things are either escalating, or they’re about to get super weird. Maybe there’s no difference between the two.
He met with the Belgian Royal family this past weekend.
Fuckery is afoot and it can't be good.
Edit - oops, didn't see the other thread about this.
Oh my. If Mr Hanky was human, he would look like Obama.
I wonder if this is connected to the royal scandal which hasn't broken yet.
Could it be that bad that Obama has to put in his spoke?
Interesting choice of suit and tie.
It's like what I wear to funerals.
Exactly.... I wonder who else over there is in mourning attire
They wanna know how he got rid of that chef and hildawg isn't answering her emails.
Lol. I thought the same thing too. 😂😂
Or maybe Berry is trying to scoop up his chef before someone else does ;)
Would you apply for that job?
Nope, I know people that still would smh
Ummm healthy younger guy drowns off a paddle board...Nah...they don’t do that in England...do they fly a plane...nope....ummm. Suicide with three in the back of the head...nooo...guns aren’t allowed here...dang...
Obama is rubbish at that kind of thing!
If so, HC a better choice.
She has cleaners on speed dial.
What in the Forty Hell's is this towel headed Treasonous Bastard doing at 10 Downing st,very very very not cool.
But then neither is Sunak and his wife's family's Digital ID ventures.
So well put, GMPM...and your user name most definitely checks out. And, as a humble nobody, approve of it 100%. :)
Logan Act violation?
Right, thats where my mind went immediately and the thought was reinforced when the Mail article stated that as he left he got in a car with the US Ambassador to Britain.
Absolutely. Maybe he’s asking for asylum
More from the Daily Mail here:
Barack Obama makes a surprise appearance at No10 for talks with Rishi Sunak
The same day as a BIG announcement from the Royal Palace. ohhhhh something is up!
Maybe it's a guy in a Zero mask sent to tell them NCSWIC.
I’m confused. Can anyone explain what the relevance might be here? Is it the Kate thing? Something else?
King Charles might be dead
Ah. Thanks best mod on earth. Honestly.
Notice how the globos can't do anything without us anons noticing. Must drive them nuts.
If it is then that makes me smile
WHO CARES? We're being invaded, I don't give a fuck what European Royals are doing.
Demons consulting together about the evil they want to do.
So was he giving instructions or asking for asylum? Or was he trying to find out where Catherine is??
I heard Kenya might offer him asylum!
Fuck you Barry
Die in a fire globalist scum
I think Obama is locking down support for Michelle to step in for Biden.
I have read various analysts that have clearly stated it is too late for any switch to the candidates at this point in time. Nobody can legally "step in" (short of a candidate dying, I suppose).
People don't seem to understand that our "federal" elections are actually the sum total of all the State elections... and the States have lots of rules about candidates, primaries, etc. Also, explain how the Dims get away with kicking Cumala to the curb without driving their snowflake base into an ideological frenzy...
The best analyses have all stated that at this point in time, the Dims are stuck with Buy-din, and 2024 will be a rematch of 2020... I am interested to learn how they are wrong.
After the Democratic National Convention has chosen its nominee, if Biden were to drop out, the DNC leadership gets to unilaterally decide on the successor. I promise you that’s what will happen.
The D convention is in late August. By the time it is over, the ballot deadline for 7 States will have already passed. It is impossible to win a National election without those 7 States.
So, yes - in theory a new candidate could be nominated at the D convention, but in practical terms I don't think it is a viable strategy.
Do we have a list: Belgium, UK...any others?
I'm watching and waiting for it a few more visits. I figure one more and we've got it a definite pin in this map
Every action has an equal but opposite reaction:
We invade Iraq under false pretenses and kill Sadam Hussein + 1mm iraqis
Sodomy Hussein becomes the US president and in 3 terms kills 1mm americans
Starting to see how this works?
Oh, HAI, Black Jesus! You know what? GO FUCK YOURSELF. I absoutely cannot WAIT to see your traitorous ass sporting orange pajamas...and hopefully, getting rammed by any number of AIDS-infected fellow felons.
No way is that obummer!
People have sure got used to accepting different actors pretty easily. It always surprises me.
Ppl saying he’s not in panic mode because he looks happy. Doesn’t look happy to me. Panic.
Lets hope this has zero to do with Putin coming out today and threatening WW3 if West sends troops to Ukraine. Graham arrived in Ukraine today. Obama doing a tour in Europe.
Man he looks like a bruised turd!
Doing a world tour of monkeypox clubs
Why does ex-President Obama look like a cross between President Biden and ex-President George Bush Jr?