He is blowing the warning horn... we need to listen. I lived in China, I worked with their top people in telecom. I saw their plan in action. I have also seen free quantum energy working in the USA. The U.S. scientist were bankrupted and killed.
There is an entire world that exists that the majority of people are completely unaware of.
Have you considered the implications of unlimited power and how that relates to world power(s), the balance of power and how we regulate that power so we don't all kill ourselves???
How would that work exactly?
I mean, if harvesting aether is free (maybe it isn't? Metered?) What stops a madman from building a laser that melts everything in its path? What stops endless production of war machines with no money and associated games to regulate/throttle?
I can't even imagine all the implications - which is why I am genuinely asking others their thoughts on this... I mean, we should be thinking about this sort of thing, right? This is DECLAS right in our faces...but what I'm kinda hearing is that they maybe waited too long to start letting it out?
I wouldn't worry about them, "they have lost control of their assets...". The meme is out there that Obama weaponized the 3 letter agencies, but Trump weaponized the American People. Hang tough for the next few months, after that things are going to be beyond cool!
The politicians figured it out in the early 50's. It was called Mutual Assured Destruction. (MAD) The nuclear age ensured world wars became a thing of the past. If a war went that big, literally everyone would lose. So for the last 70+ years, it's just been one brush fire after another.
This is no different. Tech changes. We develop something new and shiny, they develop something new and shiny. Stealth bombers vs hypersonic missiles is just the lastest bling in the last 20 years. Are phasers, antimatter power, and lightspeed drive systems really that far-fetched?
As for unlimited power, I say, bring it on. Cold fusion? Replicators? Electronic tranports? Sign me up. You're always going to have some batshit insane dictator at one time or another. People will either learn to talk again, or we'll become an archeological curiousity in an alien college class on failed civilizations.
I don't know what will happen. But I am absolutely certain on two things:
This isn't the country I grew up in anymore.
I'm near the end of my lifespan. I just don't care what you do now.
It's an interesting thought. It totally rewrites the economies of nations that are net energy exporters, and we're one of those. It also rewrites Africa's history which has been deliberately denied energy for so long and still lives in the damn stone age as a result.
The rapid transport concept is interesting but spoken without any sort of context to cost and infrastructure. It may be centuries out if the infrastructure costs are big enough and the energy cost to operate it make it impractical for anything other than the highest value things.
I'm skeptical because we can't deliver a missile at such speeds, officially anyway, not even the ballistic ones. If we haven't attached that tech to nukes to threaten people with, the gov't isn't serious about it. And if some entrepreneur hasn't built it out to transport ultra-high value product, there's another strike against it. There's immense value to be had and yet no one's trying to corner the market yet. Imagine shipping ultra-time-sensitive things like radioisotope based medicines at that speed. It would revolutionize cancer treatment. Just one example.
If such a thing exists, few know about it, and no one's talking. Something like that requires immense personal character on the part of every person who does know and a consensus opinion that there's a damn good reason not to talk about it. We haven't heard the counterargument yet, why it's kept secret.
The problem is quite simple really. Try to move into a space where your love is absolutely unconditional. The christian religion ascribes this attribute to God. Yet, we act as though his love has all sorts of conditions and believe that God handles things the way we would. He doesn't. Unconditional love is something we can't quite wrap our heads (and hearts) around... yet it is a state of being that can exist.
Likewise, given our past and our experiences, it is identically problematic for us to imagine a world without fear. Do you fear death? Death is the one thing that we all share in common and it is guaranteed at birth. Yet, we fear death. Imagine, if you can, a state of being where you no longer fear death. In that space, there is nothing left to fear. That is the homeostasis we are headed toward. That is the great awakening. Any move by the human race in that direction (even small steps) changes what we build, advocate and experience.
Regarding speed... that is a complete 3D construct. In higher dimensions time is not in play. Thus transportation outside of 3D can happen without a time constraint.
SIDENOTE: It is the same for the human species as well. Everything your are thinking and feeling today is paving the road in front of you... well beyond you headlights. In 3D, there is a built-in lag-time between your initiation of an idea and when it fleshes-out or materializes into physical results. In higher dimensions this lag-time isn't present since time as we know it doesn't exist. So here, many people can't or don't connect these dots because of the delay. It is how we manifest in 3D. But in 5th dimensions and higher the creation is instant. That too is free will being used but learned to use more wisely because it happens immediately. Thus the reason so many have difficulty after death until they realize they themselves are creating the havoc they are experiencing. But again, it will not matter if they realize quick or slow since time is not part of the formula.
If energy and tech is free and abundant, then as a species humans would be able to overthrow the leadership paradigm. Bad leaders would fall and good leaders would rise. Power would be distributed among the people in a way that food, resources, and living space would be utlitized in a way to benefit everyone.
Leadership paradigms based on good values in alignment with properity would rise to the top, bad paradigms based on greed and playing keep-away with limited resources would no longer hold true (which is what we have now), so its clear that those in power will control the release of the tech in order to try to hold onto their position in the power paradigm, as long as they can.
Indeed, bad actors who would try to leverage any tech to cause harm would become so taboo it would be akin to lighting a cig in a restaurant... everyone would step in and shut it down. The world would breed ideas to help, not harm, save and not destroy, love and not hate. Seem impossible? It is not. That change starts with us.
Get a copy of "The Human Primer" and see how we are wired for this change to happen. Free will is the key. We have just used it incorrectly because we were never taught how free will impacts us. That knowledge is the keystone to shifting all paradigms. Science illuminated for us to see and understand.
Our planet is currently navigated from a demeanor of FEAR as it's starting zenith. Thus we develop weapons from all tech. The first paradigm to shift will be a shift in this starting zenith from FEAR to LOVE. Sound impossible? It is not. Fear is instilled as a tactic to control. Love has no such boundaries. It is this way by design. We must install new designers to flip this paradigm. That is part of our collective great awakening.
If what I think is coming is really coming, the way things are going the way of the dinosaurs. The great awakening is about much more than politics and pedos. Something big is almost upon us and many of us could sense it long before Q started posting.
Q refered to this! Follow the posts about politicians from California travelling to China with sensitive info on their phones and leaving their phones open to hacking! You may not get feedback if you search specifically for what I am saying but through deduction I figured this out! American politicians were selling secrets by travelling to countries and enabling the hacking of their phones! Hillary actually divulge to the Iranians what American assets were in their country and they were all eliminated!
Yeah. It’s not a whistle. There have been FAR too many people speaking up and FAR too many people who have been clearly targeted for it. Human progression in its pure form has been stunted for FAR too long and we’re all suffering in some form or fashion because of it.
Much of this stuff (patent form) appears to have been declassified on January 9, 2021. Lots of interesting stuff started showing up in internet searches just after that. It has been getting quietly suppressed by search engines since then, so only yandex.com brings the good stuff up now.
Sounds great, but it won’t be available to common folk. If “they” can’t get filthy rich off of an idea, by making us pay a fortune for it, it won’t proceed. They’ll still make it, using tax dollars, our money, but it won’t be for us till it’s so outdated to them and worthless. Cept it isn’t. They’ll then charge us a smaller fortune for it. And laugh all the way to the bank.
Sure. It’s rarely happened in the history of man tho. It’ll start off that way..Israelites in Egypt, various revolutions in Europe and the west. Then, always back to the slave state. And in nearly all of those cases, cept for God/Moses, either the people became the military, or the military stepped up for the people. Well, Americans aren’t gonna step up and be the military, it’s just not a reality anymore. The ideals and history are there, but the heart isn’t. We are most definitely in the slave state by many many decades. So it’s down to our military. Honestly, I know who they were and most likely still are. But I have zero faith in them. In the end the military had the same ideals as the deepstate. Be the most powerful, have “peace”through intimidation and war, and relentless to anyone who even remotely challenges you. And somewhere in there hand power over to the people…..lol, yea that last part doesn’t fit in anymore. Really never did.
So yea elites. Which is not the average everyday citizen. So we either all become elite, or we ain’t welcomed to the clubs.
There's so many signals, and magnetic fields around you all the time. Hell we live in one big electric field here on earth, and that electric field protects us from harmful radiation instead of harming us.
Look at the very last word in the very last Q post, "Ascension"
Rising above, just like Jesus ascending to Heaven. Growing smarter in technological advances. Reaching out past our 3 dimensional world. We are now living in the Age of Aquarius. Read what the Age of Aquarius predicts.
Enthios just posted something about Trump's uncle and Elon. I know Elon has been building something called Starlink. Supposedly providing wifi around the planet. Is that all it will provide? He continues sending a shit ton of satellites up on a regular basis. Perhaps part of the free quantum energy project. We can only imagine.
Space Force Lieutenant in the video mentions a small island like New Zealand being able to accomplish this technology. Did you know:
Ascension is a isolated island in the South Atlantic belonging to the British colony of Saint Helena area 34 square miles (88 square kilometers), population 1400
New Zealand is rumored to be nearest to a “passage through the ice” of Antarctica big enough for a large cargo ship. Periodically ship-tracking websites show large cargo ships nearly at the South Pole which should not be physically possible. Elites suspected of trading with another civilization if ship location is real and headed “outside our known lands on a flat plane covered with a dome” i.e. extra-terrestrial. Media always reports as “a glitch”.
Steven L. Kwast is a retired Air Force general and former commander of the Air Education and Training Command at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph. A graduate of the United States Air Force Academy with a degree in astronautical engineering, he holds a master’s degree in public policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. He is a past president of the Air Force’s Air University in Montgomery, Alabama, and a former fighter pilot with extensive combat and command experience. He is the author of the study, “Fast Space: Leveraging Ultra Low-Cost Space Access for 21st Century Challenges.”
Steven L. Kwast is a retired Air Force general and former commander of the Air Education and Training Command at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph. A graduate of the United States Air Force Academy with a degree in astronautical engineering, he holds a master’s degree in public policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. He is a past president of the Air Force’s Air University in Montgomery, Alabama, and a former fighter pilot with extensive combat and command experience. He is the author of the study, “Fast Space: Leveraging Ultra Low-Cost Space Access for 21st Century Challenges.”
Kwast has described how to beam energy collected from the sun by satellites back to Earth for use. This tech was prototyped back in early 80s. A simpler version is just to pull electric potential out with heliostat balloon (with copper wires in tethers) or with a tall building. Burj-Kalifa tall building in Dubai (UAE) appears to be not only self-powered, but providing electricity to the whole complex at its base.
Trump Tower is suspected of using the same “Tesla Tower tech” to pull energy out of the ether. Smallscale experiment on a tree with copper wires demonstrates enough potential to power lights 24/7. However, it may damage tree nutrient transport mechanism if done continuously. Suspected to be ~10-100v per meter of elevation (location dependent).
Once we get some bad actors put away, REALLY good stuff will be coming out. And it's a quantum leap above what people lnow now. Watch some old sci-fi and realize they're embellishing/distorting actual things they had hidden from us to make it look impossible.
Time is just a construct for our current realm and understanding.
A wormhole is like a tunnel between two distant points in our universe that cuts the travel time from one point to the other. Instead of traveling for many millions of years from one galaxy to another, under the right conditions one could theoretically use a wormhole to cut the travel time down to hours or minutes.
Because wormholes represent shortcuts through space-time, they could even act like time machines. You might emerge from one end of a wormhole at a time earlier than when you entered its other end.
The technology is on the engineering benches today. But most Americans and most in Congress have not had time to really look deeply at what's going on here.
But I've had the benefit of 33 years of studying and becoming friends with these engineers and these scientists.
This technology can be built today with technology that is not developmental.
I’ve said it before, we have the tech now... it’s housed/launched and tested at China Lake in California. Unmanned, egg-shaped, it can fit inside a two car garage but the narrowest point would poke beyond the roof. They are insanely fast and can shoot across the sky in an instant. With the ability to stop on a dime and go any direction. They are capable of stealthy hovering silently less than an inch off the ground.
I believe this tech is the reason why Trump was able to make peace deals with all the world’s leaders during his first term. It’s literally unbeatable, it cannot be shot down. It can land in your front yard or on your roof and be gone in a blink of an eye.
Pretty sure Trump went on a world tour showing off this weapon of peace and those who have seen it in person cannot understand it. They do understand that it’s unstoppable and unrivaled.
We were about 2 football fields away at our closest. I can only speculate how it is able to fly. It has no visible exhaust and makes zero noise - that we could hear at least. When they are on the ground they use a large modified Caterpillar 4-wheel tractor to move them into 3 story tall metal storage hangers. They leave perfect concentric circle rings when they land “hover” or take off. The energy is powerful enough to disperse the dirt/sandy surface around it.
Imagine a gyroscope - how it rotates, we couldn’t see any physical outside left, right turning of the vehicle, I’m sure it is rotating but we couldn’t visibly see that because the surface is completely smooth - like literally looking at a scaled up egg. No windows, no doors, no visible seams.
I’m guessing it uses some modified form of nuclear energy for propulsion or is somehow magnetic? The only thing I’ve ever seen move faster is a bolt of lightning.
Five years ago you were able to see on Google Earth the buildings they stored these vehicles/objects in. Dozens of individual buildings were scattered miles apart in the hills throughout the massive China Lake base. All of that physical imagery has been scrubbed. The dirt roads that led up the hillsides still exists in the images but the buildings, the support work trucks the tractors the launch/landing circles are all gone, replaced by older satellite imagery. Most of the roads you can still trace to the locations because they end in either a loop or just stop completely at a dead end.
What is relatively new on Google Earth, if you follow from the main China Lake gate entrance and head east there is a 1/4 circle area of roads and buildings that I speculate either support the vehicles with energy or are new launch pads/weapons housing/storage.
Whatever these vehicles are, they have to be man made. The technology, if it’s ever released to the public will truly be life changing. Even if it isn’t publicly announced, it’s obvious that it will be the tool that maintains peace world wide because they are physically unstoppable.
This is one reason they will do everything possible to steal the election or cause WW3. Think of the oil industry---dead, power and light companies----dead. The economy will go bust with losing thousands of jobs. They never look at all the NEW jobs it will create!
In Joshua 10:12-13 - this gave Joshua the ability to defeat an opponent. Many people view this many ways. Yet one way to view this is stopping time for some while others are not stopped. The sun stood still. Man asked and the Lord did.
The enemy was destroyed and did they see what destroyed them? Poof gone. So Joshua was walking around the enemy and they were essentially frozen in time. It was stopped for a day.
There is technology God created that man can do with faith. Yet very few men have faith in God when it comes to healing the sick and yet that is technology is it not? The opponent of God does too have technology
12 Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.
13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.
Anywhere on Earth to anywhere... else on Earth? Not to anywhere in the Universe, right? If the former, then Elon's talked about using the Starships that way.
He is blowing the warning horn... we need to listen. I lived in China, I worked with their top people in telecom. I saw their plan in action. I have also seen free quantum energy working in the USA. The U.S. scientist were bankrupted and killed.
There is an entire world that exists that the majority of people are completely unaware of.
I advise you all to take this very seriously.
Have you considered the implications of unlimited power and how that relates to world power(s), the balance of power and how we regulate that power so we don't all kill ourselves???
How would that work exactly?
I mean, if harvesting aether is free (maybe it isn't? Metered?) What stops a madman from building a laser that melts everything in its path? What stops endless production of war machines with no money and associated games to regulate/throttle?
I can't even imagine all the implications - which is why I am genuinely asking others their thoughts on this... I mean, we should be thinking about this sort of thing, right? This is DECLAS right in our faces...but what I'm kinda hearing is that they maybe waited too long to start letting it out?
(This video is 4 years old!!!)
The people with infinite money won't slow down either way. The only way to balance that is giving power to the people.
I wouldn't worry about them, "they have lost control of their assets...". The meme is out there that Obama weaponized the 3 letter agencies, but Trump weaponized the American People. Hang tough for the next few months, after that things are going to be beyond cool!
The politicians figured it out in the early 50's. It was called Mutual Assured Destruction. (MAD) The nuclear age ensured world wars became a thing of the past. If a war went that big, literally everyone would lose. So for the last 70+ years, it's just been one brush fire after another.
This is no different. Tech changes. We develop something new and shiny, they develop something new and shiny. Stealth bombers vs hypersonic missiles is just the lastest bling in the last 20 years. Are phasers, antimatter power, and lightspeed drive systems really that far-fetched?
As for unlimited power, I say, bring it on. Cold fusion? Replicators? Electronic tranports? Sign me up. You're always going to have some batshit insane dictator at one time or another. People will either learn to talk again, or we'll become an archeological curiousity in an alien college class on failed civilizations.
I don't know what will happen. But I am absolutely certain on two things:
Peace through strength, or perish. Your choice.
Good luck men.
It's an interesting thought. It totally rewrites the economies of nations that are net energy exporters, and we're one of those. It also rewrites Africa's history which has been deliberately denied energy for so long and still lives in the damn stone age as a result.
The rapid transport concept is interesting but spoken without any sort of context to cost and infrastructure. It may be centuries out if the infrastructure costs are big enough and the energy cost to operate it make it impractical for anything other than the highest value things.
I'm skeptical because we can't deliver a missile at such speeds, officially anyway, not even the ballistic ones. If we haven't attached that tech to nukes to threaten people with, the gov't isn't serious about it. And if some entrepreneur hasn't built it out to transport ultra-high value product, there's another strike against it. There's immense value to be had and yet no one's trying to corner the market yet. Imagine shipping ultra-time-sensitive things like radioisotope based medicines at that speed. It would revolutionize cancer treatment. Just one example.
If such a thing exists, few know about it, and no one's talking. Something like that requires immense personal character on the part of every person who does know and a consensus opinion that there's a damn good reason not to talk about it. We haven't heard the counterargument yet, why it's kept secret.
The problem is quite simple really. Try to move into a space where your love is absolutely unconditional. The christian religion ascribes this attribute to God. Yet, we act as though his love has all sorts of conditions and believe that God handles things the way we would. He doesn't. Unconditional love is something we can't quite wrap our heads (and hearts) around... yet it is a state of being that can exist.
Likewise, given our past and our experiences, it is identically problematic for us to imagine a world without fear. Do you fear death? Death is the one thing that we all share in common and it is guaranteed at birth. Yet, we fear death. Imagine, if you can, a state of being where you no longer fear death. In that space, there is nothing left to fear. That is the homeostasis we are headed toward. That is the great awakening. Any move by the human race in that direction (even small steps) changes what we build, advocate and experience.
Regarding speed... that is a complete 3D construct. In higher dimensions time is not in play. Thus transportation outside of 3D can happen without a time constraint.
SIDENOTE: It is the same for the human species as well. Everything your are thinking and feeling today is paving the road in front of you... well beyond you headlights. In 3D, there is a built-in lag-time between your initiation of an idea and when it fleshes-out or materializes into physical results. In higher dimensions this lag-time isn't present since time as we know it doesn't exist. So here, many people can't or don't connect these dots because of the delay. It is how we manifest in 3D. But in 5th dimensions and higher the creation is instant. That too is free will being used but learned to use more wisely because it happens immediately. Thus the reason so many have difficulty after death until they realize they themselves are creating the havoc they are experiencing. But again, it will not matter if they realize quick or slow since time is not part of the formula.
If energy and tech is free and abundant, then as a species humans would be able to overthrow the leadership paradigm. Bad leaders would fall and good leaders would rise. Power would be distributed among the people in a way that food, resources, and living space would be utlitized in a way to benefit everyone.
Leadership paradigms based on good values in alignment with properity would rise to the top, bad paradigms based on greed and playing keep-away with limited resources would no longer hold true (which is what we have now), so its clear that those in power will control the release of the tech in order to try to hold onto their position in the power paradigm, as long as they can.
Indeed, bad actors who would try to leverage any tech to cause harm would become so taboo it would be akin to lighting a cig in a restaurant... everyone would step in and shut it down. The world would breed ideas to help, not harm, save and not destroy, love and not hate. Seem impossible? It is not. That change starts with us.
Get a copy of "The Human Primer" and see how we are wired for this change to happen. Free will is the key. We have just used it incorrectly because we were never taught how free will impacts us. That knowledge is the keystone to shifting all paradigms. Science illuminated for us to see and understand.
Our planet is currently navigated from a demeanor of FEAR as it's starting zenith. Thus we develop weapons from all tech. The first paradigm to shift will be a shift in this starting zenith from FEAR to LOVE. Sound impossible? It is not. Fear is instilled as a tactic to control. Love has no such boundaries. It is this way by design. We must install new designers to flip this paradigm. That is part of our collective great awakening.
Get a copy of "The Human Primer".
im taking it seriously but it makes no difference, i cant force this technology out in the open and i have no faith they'll ever give it to us
If what I think is coming is really coming, the way things are going the way of the dinosaurs. The great awakening is about much more than politics and pedos. Something big is almost upon us and many of us could sense it long before Q started posting.
I read you loud and clear, zepster!
i agree
It's got to be, otherwise it really wouldn't be that great IMO.
I also agree with this.
We will discover it. I suspect we already have. Hidden tech.
Q refered to this! Follow the posts about politicians from California travelling to China with sensitive info on their phones and leaving their phones open to hacking! You may not get feedback if you search specifically for what I am saying but through deduction I figured this out! American politicians were selling secrets by travelling to countries and enabling the hacking of their phones! Hillary actually divulge to the Iranians what American assets were in their country and they were all eliminated!
sure thing bud
Yeah. It’s not a whistle. There have been FAR too many people speaking up and FAR too many people who have been clearly targeted for it. Human progression in its pure form has been stunted for FAR too long and we’re all suffering in some form or fashion because of it.
Indeed! The restriction you allude to is Fear. That is what stops us. Imagine being in a state of NO FEAR. That is fertile ground my friend.
And I'm still getting stuck in traffic on the highway
Start learning what's been going on at "altpropulsion.com" and you'll get an idea. That's not your typical IC engine vs. electric vehicle site!
Here is the whole speech....
Thank you frog.
Watching it now....
Give us a quickie review and highlights when you finish if you can.
It's worth your time to listen to it great questions ans answers.. The time to wake up in NOW...
This is from 2019! Wow. I thought this was cutting edge tech but it's already 5 years old.
That really puts an emphasis on why it is critical for the good guys to get control of the world right now.
The world is about to change, and in the wrong hands it won't be for the best of the people.
Much of this stuff (patent form) appears to have been declassified on January 9, 2021. Lots of interesting stuff started showing up in internet searches just after that. It has been getting quietly suppressed by search engines since then, so only yandex.com brings the good stuff up now.
Meet George Jetson…his boy Elroy…daughter Judy…Jane his wife…
Wow cant believe this hasnt made more tracks in the community.....I want to hear more
Especially since this clip is 5 years old!
Sounds Tesla-ish
Sounds great, but it won’t be available to common folk. If “they” can’t get filthy rich off of an idea, by making us pay a fortune for it, it won’t proceed. They’ll still make it, using tax dollars, our money, but it won’t be for us till it’s so outdated to them and worthless. Cept it isn’t. They’ll then charge us a smaller fortune for it. And laugh all the way to the bank.
I dont even know why they need us to print money. They already print the money. They control everything.
So going forward why won’t that change… are not the elites the issue? Dealing with the elites is supposed to stop what you allude to isn’t it?
Sure. It’s rarely happened in the history of man tho. It’ll start off that way..Israelites in Egypt, various revolutions in Europe and the west. Then, always back to the slave state. And in nearly all of those cases, cept for God/Moses, either the people became the military, or the military stepped up for the people. Well, Americans aren’t gonna step up and be the military, it’s just not a reality anymore. The ideals and history are there, but the heart isn’t. We are most definitely in the slave state by many many decades. So it’s down to our military. Honestly, I know who they were and most likely still are. But I have zero faith in them. In the end the military had the same ideals as the deepstate. Be the most powerful, have “peace”through intimidation and war, and relentless to anyone who even remotely challenges you. And somewhere in there hand power over to the people…..lol, yea that last part doesn’t fit in anymore. Really never did.
So yea elites. Which is not the average everyday citizen. So we either all become elite, or we ain’t welcomed to the clubs.
Research Gary Mckinnen and Solar Warden… you will understand what he means… crazy shit
He said "This technology CAN be built today..." He didn't say it exists.
Still, quite interesting.
Im more concerned about all that trickle down energy that can charge your phone. Will it trickle down onto me ? 🤣
We are just energy
There's so many signals, and magnetic fields around you all the time. Hell we live in one big electric field here on earth, and that electric field protects us from harmful radiation instead of harming us.
This is a reference to spacex starship, which has a mil contract for earth to earth transport in less than one hour. Old video too BTW
Look at the very last word in the very last Q post, "Ascension"
Rising above, just like Jesus ascending to Heaven. Growing smarter in technological advances. Reaching out past our 3 dimensional world. We are now living in the Age of Aquarius. Read what the Age of Aquarius predicts.
Enthios just posted something about Trump's uncle and Elon. I know Elon has been building something called Starlink. Supposedly providing wifi around the planet. Is that all it will provide? He continues sending a shit ton of satellites up on a regular basis. Perhaps part of the free quantum energy project. We can only imagine.
Space Force Lieutenant in the video mentions a small island like New Zealand being able to accomplish this technology. Did you know:
Ascension is a isolated island in the South Atlantic belonging to the British colony of Saint Helena area 34 square miles (88 square kilometers), population 1400
Age of Aquarius. No thanks.
Surely he means anywhere else...On earth in an hour.
Still impressive, but that's a whole lot different than anywhere
not necessarily, depending on what kind of transportation he's talking about. some methods are truly non-local, and distance makes zero difference.
Teleport into space.
Easy assassination and disposal of bodies.
Impossible whoppers. Soylent green
“New Zealand?”. Isn’t that where the elites have their bunkers? Hmmmm
New Zealand is rumored to be nearest to a “passage through the ice” of Antarctica big enough for a large cargo ship. Periodically ship-tracking websites show large cargo ships nearly at the South Pole which should not be physically possible. Elites suspected of trading with another civilization if ship location is real and headed “outside our known lands on a flat plane covered with a dome” i.e. extra-terrestrial. Media always reports as “a glitch”.
Kwast is a retired air force commander, not part of space force. Correct me if I'm wrong.
From the full video's (see above) description
Exactly right. Even in the video it states this:
Steven L. Kwast is a retired Air Force general and former commander of the Air Education and Training Command at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph. A graduate of the United States Air Force Academy with a degree in astronautical engineering, he holds a master’s degree in public policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. He is a past president of the Air Force’s Air University in Montgomery, Alabama, and a former fighter pilot with extensive combat and command experience. He is the author of the study, “Fast Space: Leveraging Ultra Low-Cost Space Access for 21st Century Challenges.”
Kwast has described how to beam energy collected from the sun by satellites back to Earth for use. This tech was prototyped back in early 80s. A simpler version is just to pull electric potential out with heliostat balloon (with copper wires in tethers) or with a tall building. Burj-Kalifa tall building in Dubai (UAE) appears to be not only self-powered, but providing electricity to the whole complex at its base.
Trump Tower is suspected of using the same “Tesla Tower tech” to pull energy out of the ether. Smallscale experiment on a tree with copper wires demonstrates enough potential to power lights 24/7. However, it may damage tree nutrient transport mechanism if done continuously. Suspected to be ~10-100v per meter of elevation (location dependent).
Yes... it's called an intercontinental hypersonic ballistic missile. They strap you to it and press the red button.
When you arrive... you'll be dead and your body unrecognizable... but you'll get there in 1-hour.
It's the sudden stop at the end that really gets ya.
Once we get some bad actors put away, REALLY good stuff will be coming out. And it's a quantum leap above what people lnow now. Watch some old sci-fi and realize they're embellishing/distorting actual things they had hidden from us to make it look impossible.
The acceleration g-loading kills you way before then.
Sounds kinda like descriptions of the TR-3B triangle craft supposedly developed under project Aurora. I have a relative who says she saw it.
Has to be a worm hole. SG1 here I come.
Worm hole actually do not need' time' per se.
Time is just a construct for our current realm and understanding. A wormhole is like a tunnel between two distant points in our universe that cuts the travel time from one point to the other. Instead of traveling for many millions of years from one galaxy to another, under the right conditions one could theoretically use a wormhole to cut the travel time down to hours or minutes.
Because wormholes represent shortcuts through space-time, they could even act like time machines. You might emerge from one end of a wormhole at a time earlier than when you entered its other end.
as happened on SG1 more than once
Exactly where my mind went first. Stargates.
What else in the high holy tech has been hidden from us
Amazing tech almost divine in nature has been hidden from us.
almostassuredlyIn the mean time China is stealing everything they can...
Whoa! Lol....cat seriously outta the bag!
He didn't say:
He said:
So it sounds like no such thing exists but this guy thinks it can be built based on, I guess; theory, testing, prototypes, etc. they've done.
Here are his exact words:
Think of the implications if he said it exists today.
Lot of good that does me
I’ve said it before, we have the tech now... it’s housed/launched and tested at China Lake in California. Unmanned, egg-shaped, it can fit inside a two car garage but the narrowest point would poke beyond the roof. They are insanely fast and can shoot across the sky in an instant. With the ability to stop on a dime and go any direction. They are capable of stealthy hovering silently less than an inch off the ground.
I believe this tech is the reason why Trump was able to make peace deals with all the world’s leaders during his first term. It’s literally unbeatable, it cannot be shot down. It can land in your front yard or on your roof and be gone in a blink of an eye.
Pretty sure Trump went on a world tour showing off this weapon of peace and those who have seen it in person cannot understand it. They do understand that it’s unstoppable and unrivaled.
We were about 2 football fields away at our closest. I can only speculate how it is able to fly. It has no visible exhaust and makes zero noise - that we could hear at least. When they are on the ground they use a large modified Caterpillar 4-wheel tractor to move them into 3 story tall metal storage hangers. They leave perfect concentric circle rings when they land “hover” or take off. The energy is powerful enough to disperse the dirt/sandy surface around it.
Imagine a gyroscope - how it rotates, we couldn’t see any physical outside left, right turning of the vehicle, I’m sure it is rotating but we couldn’t visibly see that because the surface is completely smooth - like literally looking at a scaled up egg. No windows, no doors, no visible seams.
I’m guessing it uses some modified form of nuclear energy for propulsion or is somehow magnetic? The only thing I’ve ever seen move faster is a bolt of lightning.
Five years ago you were able to see on Google Earth the buildings they stored these vehicles/objects in. Dozens of individual buildings were scattered miles apart in the hills throughout the massive China Lake base. All of that physical imagery has been scrubbed. The dirt roads that led up the hillsides still exists in the images but the buildings, the support work trucks the tractors the launch/landing circles are all gone, replaced by older satellite imagery. Most of the roads you can still trace to the locations because they end in either a loop or just stop completely at a dead end.
What is relatively new on Google Earth, if you follow from the main China Lake gate entrance and head east there is a 1/4 circle area of roads and buildings that I speculate either support the vehicles with energy or are new launch pads/weapons housing/storage.
Whatever these vehicles are, they have to be man made. The technology, if it’s ever released to the public will truly be life changing. Even if it isn’t publicly announced, it’s obvious that it will be the tool that maintains peace world wide because they are physically unstoppable.
Isn't there already a high speed, underground train service the evil ones use?
This is one reason they will do everything possible to steal the election or cause WW3. Think of the oil industry---dead, power and light companies----dead. The economy will go bust with losing thousands of jobs. They never look at all the NEW jobs it will create!
probably closer to 49 minutes.
That’s not what he said. The tech CAN be built from tech that exists today.
So...are we talking wormholes/stargates???
sub orbit launch.. you can basically do a sub orbit launch anywhere in the world in like 40-50 minutes
I want space elevators.
I want a forklift that can levitate.
Then why does Air Force One still exist?
It's not time yet. First the cleanup of all the evil/DS.
But.... Muh global warming🤣
Pretty awesome. They've been hiding and stealing technology for so long, they don't want it to move any faster.
From anywhere to anywhere on earth in an hour.
In Joshua 10:12-13 - this gave Joshua the ability to defeat an opponent. Many people view this many ways. Yet one way to view this is stopping time for some while others are not stopped. The sun stood still. Man asked and the Lord did.
The enemy was destroyed and did they see what destroyed them? Poof gone. So Joshua was walking around the enemy and they were essentially frozen in time. It was stopped for a day.
There is technology God created that man can do with faith. Yet very few men have faith in God when it comes to healing the sick and yet that is technology is it not? The opponent of God does too have technology
12 Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. 13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.
Anywhere on Earth to anywhere... else on Earth? Not to anywhere in the Universe, right? If the former, then Elon's talked about using the Starships that way.
He is the new Skycorp CEO.
This video is from 2019
Holy cow, I know that guy. He was just a Captain back then. 😎
That’s real nice.
But could they pause for just a tiny sec and focus first on just shrinking grocery prices down so that low and middle class families don’t starve?