Go ahead and attack me. Truth must be said. Jesus Christ is coming, shift this to the bottom. Folks need to wake up. Only one way to heaven that's through the blood of Christ. Most important decision to make in this life. No regrets in accepting Him. ❤️❤️
I heard somewhere that end-times devotees are actually trying to force events that will lead to fulfillment of prophecy. Like they are breading red heifers and such to try and get that spotless red cow. Trying to genetically engineer fig trees to do their part, for what that is.
This in my view shows lack of faith that God will operate on his on timeline, which he will no matter what interventionist do.
The prophecy will be fulfilled, just not the way they hoped. They should read what God had in plan for the non Israelites who would be occupying Israel before the Israelites can come back home. That’s where we are. Majority of Israelis are Ashkenazi bloodline - not Israelites.
Yeah - it's called "dispensationalism". Introduced to gullible American Christians via the Scofield Reference Bible. These "end-times devotees" believe a false interpretation prophecy. (don't ask me how I know)
Because I was a "dispensationalist" for about 20 years. I bought into all of their teachings and I was zealous to teach others. I was a Sunday school teacher of High School and College age young Christians. But after seriously studying scripture I realized I was in error. I repented.........
I agree, I don't think people should try to force events for biblical reasons. We should do all we can to prevent evil from taking over and fight against the one world government with everything we can, as if Christ may not return for another thousand years.
For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled.
I too believe there are people who are trying to make it look like the end of the world or think it's their job to bring Jesus back (NAR folks and 7 mountainers), however, who is to say this is not God's plan? None of us know when it will happen, but God knows and made people give everything to the beast which leads to the war against Christ. I believe there is a thin line between those trying to force something and God using it for his ultimate plan. Do I think those people can cause the end of days? Absolutely not. Do I think God is working things towards his ultimate goal? Absolutely. I don't understand it all myself, but it sure is hard to decide what is real and fake when it comes to end times. But ultimately it doesn't matter because we know it will come one day and it's our job to be ready and warn others and try to bring them with us. One could even say Q is part of this "trying to force events to fulfill prophecies" thing.
Before we lay anything at God's feet, lets see what His Word says.
The devil comes to kill, steal and destroy but
The Word also says that God made peace with all men through the CROSS (of Jesus) In the Old Testament He handled things differently than in the New Testament after Jesus rose from the dead.
All it would take is a Pulsar to have fired (God only knows when, future or past) and if we are in the way of that blast - we wouldn't know it until we were dead. I don't know about you, but what is foretold in Revelation doesn't sound like a good time. If it's all the same to the good Lord, I would just as soon be room temperature when it happens.
I won't attack you, your message is spot on and is exactly as you have said. I do believe Q meant it when he said this is going to be biblical.
The blind will still not see; but for those who are His we will recognize things for what they are.
Well in the Kingdom series they're superman villains.
I let you do the math on the 'ultimate man' created by a couple of Jewish men being driven into hiding by Magog only to come back to save the world after its nuked.
“Magog”: This is George H.W. Bush’s name in the Skull & Bones from which a lot of CIA men like Bush Sr. originate. It is an occult fraternity which appeals to the Egyptian goddess Isis, the acronym and namesake of their regime change project for a new American century. In Revelation, Magog is an anti-Christ that gathers countless nations of the world to fight Christianity...
The idea that Gog and Magog are Russia is something that’s been thrown around mostly in modern times, but honestly, it doesn’t really hold up if you look into it. Here’s why:
In the Bible, Gog and Magog are mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39 and Revelation 20:7-8, but it never actually says they’re Russia. People just started guessing that because in Ezekiel, it says Gog comes from “the far north.” Some folks looked at a map and figured, “Hey, Russia is north of Israel, so it must be talking about them.” But that’s just a guess—it doesn’t actually say "Russia" anywhere.
Back in the day, nobody really thought Gog and Magog were Russia. Early Christians and Jews had all kinds of ideas about who they were, but they never said Russia. Some thought they were just enemies from some unknown land, or maybe they symbolized future bad guys who’d show up to fight God’s people. Nothing about Russia though.
Fast forward to more recent times, especially during the Cold War, when Russia (or the Soviet Union) was seen as this big enemy of the West. Evangelicals started saying Russia might be Gog and Magog because they were involved in conflicts in the Middle East and seemed like a threat to Israel. So they put two and two together and said, “Aha, that’s what Ezekiel was talking about.” But really, it was just influenced by politics and what was going on at the time.
The truth is, the Bible doesn’t tell us who Gog and Magog really are, and people just guessed it was Russia because of where it’s located and because of tensions during the Cold War. There’s no solid proof that the Bible was talking about Russia. It’s mostly modern people trying to fit the prophecy to what’s happening in the world today.
So, while it’s a cool theory for some, it’s really just a modern idea without much real backing.
Thanks! Yeah, you’re totally right—Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth* really pushed this whole idea that Gog and Magog are Russia. In the book, he claimed that Ezekiel 38-39 was predicting a future attack on Israel, led by Russia and a bunch of other nations.
Lindsey thought “the far north” in Ezekiel meant Russia because, well, Russia is north of Israel. He connected Magog to the Soviet Union (since it was during the Cold War) and said Russia would be a big player in the end times. He also tied other countries, like Persia (which is now Iran) and Libya, into the mix, saying they’d team up with Russia to go against Israel.
The book came out when everyone was worried about the Cold War, so people really latched onto the idea. It made this interpretation of Russia being part of Gog and Magog super popular, even though it’s mostly based on modern stuff!
Correct! I was a new Christian at the time. It was the 1st book on prophecy that I read (unfortunately for me). It set me back about 20 years......I started questioning dispensationalism about 20 years ago. In a way it's my fault for not doing my own research.
I did a basic look up here. Its pretty interdasting.
The Gog prophecy is meant to be fulfilled at the approach of what is called the "end of days", but not necessarily the end of the world. Jewish eschatology viewed Gog and Magog as enemies to be defeated by the Messiah, which would usher in the age of the Messiah. One view within Christianity is more starkly apocalyptic, making Gog and Magog allies of Satan against God at the end of the millennium, as described in the Book of Revelation.
Throughout the Middle Ages, they were variously identified as the Vikings, Huns, Khazars, Mongols or other nomads, or even the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.
Some contemporary Muslim historians and geographers regarded the Vikings as the emergence of Gog and Magog.
Throughout the Middle Ages, they were variously identified as the Vikings, Huns, Khazars, Mongols or other nomads, or even the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.
And that is why ascribing our often mistaken beliefs on to others is not going to make any difference in the end.
People have been trying to make every major event out to be the Biblical end of days, it happens constantly with any major shifts in the world, and it has not happened yet.
You cannot successfully or consistently apply temporal meanings to divine revelation. Divine revelation first and foremost refers to inner spiritual movement within the soul as it approaches the divine presence. For more info look into the great mass of hidden writings of christian mystics and early church fathers.
If you are going to cite Biblical things, please spell the book you are citing correctly. I always question when someone types "Revelations", when the book is actually Revelation.
Read Ezek. 38-39. If you look at an ancient map, Magog would be Russia----Josephus referred to the Great Wall of China as the Ramparts of Magog---Persia is Iran, Ethiopia would be the Sudan, Libya includes all the northern shore of Africa, Gomer and Togarmah would be Turkey. Hold on to your hats!
Alright, I get where you're coming from, but there’s a lot to unpack here. Let's break it down:
Ancient maps and Magog being Russia: The thing with ancient maps is that they weren’t exactly detailed like what we have today. People had pretty limited knowledge of the world beyond certain regions. When Ezekiel talked about Magog, he was probably thinking of tribes north of Israel, but that doesn’t mean it was Russia. In fact, a lot of scholars think Magog could’ve been referring to the Scythians, a group of nomadic tribes who lived around modern-day Ukraine or southern Russia, but not necessarily all of Russia. So saying “Magog is Russia” is a stretch based on some very broad geography.
Josephus and the Great Wall of China: Josephus, a Jewish historian from the 1st century, did mention the "Ramparts of Magog," but here’s the thing—he didn’t have modern-day knowledge of China or the Great Wall. He was writing based on the limited knowledge of his time. Plus, he wasn’t writing Scripture, so while Josephus is an important historical source, his opinion on Magog doesn’t define biblical prophecy. It’s more like an ancient historian making an educated guess.
Persia is Iran, Ethiopia, Libya, etc.: Sure, Persia is now Iran, and some of the places mentioned in Ezekiel can be linked to modern countries. But that doesn’t mean the whole prophecy is pointing to current-day events. These names were referring to ancient regions with different borders and meanings back then. For example, Libya in ancient times didn’t necessarily include all of northern Africa like it does today. And Ethiopia could’ve referred to areas south of Egypt, but not necessarily modern-day Sudan.
Gomer and Togarmah being Turkey: Again, these are old tribal names, and yes, they might’ve been in the area that’s now Turkey. But just because these ancient tribes lived there doesn’t mean Ezekiel was predicting a modern-day alliance with Russia. There’s a huge gap in time and context.
So, yeah, I get the excitement around this, but saying “Magog is Russia” is still mostly modern speculation. The geography of the ancient world was way different, and the Bible wasn’t written to predict the political alignments we see today. We’ve got to be careful not to take modern maps and just slap them onto ancient prophecies.
Russians claim the Scythians were their ancestors.
Hesiod, "the father of Greek didactic poetry" identified Magog with the Scythians and southern Russia in the 7th century B.C. As well, Hesiod was a contemporary of Ezekiel (as). The term "Rosh" employed by Ezekial (as) is the etymological root of "Russia."
Josephus is a historian from the 1st Century and had access to the writings of Hesiod and Herodotus who both said the Scythians were Magog.
Libya was known a Put
These names that God gave through the Table of Nations in Genesis have been changes by man through the ages but God did not change them.
Saying Magog is Russian is a modern day speculation is disregarding the historians of the past.
"the Bible wasn’t written to predict the political alignments we see today."
That is the understatement of the year!
Russia has done well drawing red lines with NATO while having a very measured response to violations in the RU/UKR event, but I hope they don't over play their hand here, and underestimate the power of the Zionist lobby and control Israel has over U.S. war policy.
I expect media reports of missiles heading to the USA as well as EBS telling everyone that the USA is under attack and that they should seek shelter immediately. That'll scare the fuck out of many people ... hell, it looks like I know what's coming and even I will get chills when we hit that part (I think I'll have a job to do with people I care about explaining all of this to them when it happens).
This is the only post that Q said no war(civil). I seem to remember him saying something to the effect of...there will be no war, circumstances will look like war is inevitable but it is not...but I can't find it.
"Moscow's ambassador to Israel has urged Russian citizens to leave the country, after Iran fired nearly 200 missiles at the Jewish state in response to IDF strikes on Lebanon.
Speaking to TASS news agency on Thursday, Anatoly Viktorov expressed alarm over the “heightened escalation” in the Middle East.
“We are advising those who are currently in Israel to think about leaving while there are still regular flights” operated by airlines including Israeli national carrier El Al, the diplomat told TASS."
14% of those in Israel speak Russian, although I would hesitate to call them Russians, they are there mostly because they are Jews. My next sentence is self censored
There's not going to be a massive nuclear war that kills all of Earth's inhabitants. How do I know? Because that would solve all my problems and my problems NEVER get solved.
Just saying that Israel could take advantage of the upcoming situation and give Russia serious egg on their face.
Russia is planning to bomb Israel in retaliation for Israel's attack on the Russian military base in Syria last night. We all know that. Also, Russia will want to send a message once and for all. They might destroy the Knesset Building, which is where the Israeli legislature meets. It's located on a hilltop near the Israel Museum, Supreme Court, Jewish National Library, and other government offices. Anyway, it would send a message.
Israel could wait until the bombardment by Russia begins... and then blow the stuffing out of the Temple Mount 'Dome of the Rock' mosque. Flatten it... and then blame it on Russia. Must have been a few stray munitions that Russia fired. NO, you can't come in and investigate. Israel is investigating the damage... and we find that Russia attacked and destroyed the mosque, one of the holiest sites in Islam. :>)
That would change the whole dynamic of the situation in a big hurry.
Israel is 9.5 million people. How the heck are there 1.5 million Russians there? That doesn't jive at all. I'm gonna need a better source than a random screenshot
Then put your money where your mouth is and give all of your possessions away. I am tired of this end of the world dooming - I've been hearing it all my life and have lived through many end of the world's. I am pretty sure God didn't make this beautiful world just to then decide ahh screw it - let's etch-a-sketch it. Satan is the corrupting force trying to ruin God's creation but he won't win because God can change reality with a snap of the fingers - he just doesn't want to violate free will as much as possible.
This rapture you talk about, is not something derived from the Bible but from man's fantasy. The scripture speaks nothing of a rapture and the verse which is taken out of context is Jesus talking about His second coming.
You know I scanned all the comments to trying to find where someone spouted about the rapture, and could not find on comment. As a matter of fact the only usage of the word "rapture" that I could find is in people that say it's man's invention.
That is Jesus' second coming. The rapture is not merely Jesus' return which every Christian should hope for. The rapture is an idea that Christians will disappear at random times on Earth while Earth still rotates and people still live. Never taught.
I would love to share any knowledge I have with you. I've been studying the Bible since I was in highschool and am in my late 30's. I was active duty when a preacher friend of mine gave me his entire library he had accrued since he was 16 in the 40's so I have some wonderful commentaries and subject books.
Thank you I tried church & didn't work out for me. One thing that always struck me was the belief of many that Christians would be lifted to the heavens when things turn bad. I have a hard time believing that myself.
You are correct about that. Many people like to use the imagery in Revelation which does talk about the victory that Christians have to focus on one penultimate day or days prior to the judgement as sort of proof of God's existence and His power. There will be a final day in which God destroys the world, many have quoted those passages I think they missed out on II Peter 3:10-12 though which is another. But the victory Christians have is realized now because of the blood of Christ which covers us. Jesus defeated death so that we can have confidence and comfort in this life now and hereafter. Paul in Romans 8:1 states that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who have been baptized into His death.
So many people lack faith (Hebrews 11:1-3 for the definition of faith) and look to something tangible to prove God as if they need a continual reminder when Romans 1:20 states that from the creation of the world alone and what we see in nature proves God. But look at this excerpt from Hebrews which cements your point in polished granite.
Hebrews 11:35-40:
Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection. Still others had trial of mockings and scourgings, yes, and of chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn in two, [k]were tempted, were slain with the sword. They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented of whom the world was not worthy. They wandered in deserts and mountains, in dens and caves of the earth. And all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise, God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us.
Are we to assume God forgot about these people? Why weren't they raptured? Or the thousands of Christians that died in the colosseum to lions and the sword while they chanted "He is risen." Times have been bad for Christians, times still are bad for them around the world but we all look to eternity not some faint wish to prove God is still here and watching, of course He is.
I do understand what you mean about "church" I'll tell you this...there are few that still follow the scriptures but they are out there. I pray in this great awakening that people not only wake up to the evil around us but that also all these fake, I call them "feel-good churches" fall by the wayside and people go back to the bible only.
I can already tell that you are a critical thinker and a thoughtful person. The bible is written at a 6th grade reading level, now are there some things hard to understand? Sure there are but as Peter says about Paul's writings...II Peter 3:16 - Peter says that Paul's writings are hard to understand which "untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures."
The key point there is "as they do also the rest of the Scriptures." The truth can be found out. I know many who read the bible for themselves because their family life was terrible and they needed a way out or they grew up Catholic, or baptist, or mormon etc. Anyway, I will pray for you either way brother. Sorry this was so long winded so... TLDR, you're right. lol.
13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
MATTHEW 24:29-31
29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
Yes and all of that is in regards to Jesus' second coming. Not people disappearing from Earth at random times.
The rapture as the secular world terms it, is not another name for Jesus coming again, what you just quoted are verses I would use to prove the rapture is a false teaching.
God the father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Three in one. And they were all present at the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist! The Spirit descending on Him in the form of a dove as a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”
Oh the concept is valid. It’s derived from the Satanists. The original trinity is Isis, Osiris and Horus. They sneaked in this satanic construct into the Christianity.
Yes, correct, but most people miss a key word. AFTER tribulation. We will not be scooped up before it happens. We will all still have to go through the period of suffering and hardship. Then, AFTER the tribulation is over, Jesus will pick up his people to join him in the clouds as he delivers the final blow to Satan.
Why do people get pissy when I'm simply pointing out what it actually says in the Bible vs what you've been led to believe by a church? Shouldn't yall be mad at the person lying and teaching you the exact opposite of what God's word says?
Go ahead and attack me. Truth must be said. Jesus Christ is coming, shift this to the bottom. Folks need to wake up. Only one way to heaven that's through the blood of Christ. Most important decision to make in this life. No regrets in accepting Him. ❤️❤️
I heard somewhere that end-times devotees are actually trying to force events that will lead to fulfillment of prophecy. Like they are breading red heifers and such to try and get that spotless red cow. Trying to genetically engineer fig trees to do their part, for what that is.
This in my view shows lack of faith that God will operate on his on timeline, which he will no matter what interventionist do.
The prophecy will be fulfilled, just not the way they hoped. They should read what God had in plan for the non Israelites who would be occupying Israel before the Israelites can come back home. That’s where we are. Majority of Israelis are Ashkenazi bloodline - not Israelites.
GOD only sees two types of people now. Believers and unbelievers. It's very clear.
Now that Christ has come you can classify jew and gentile in the same category as unbeliever.
I heard that the USA is referred to as New Israel by the zionists.
Well, they have definitely conquered our government, media, and financial institutions.
NO. None is too many. Get lost zio jews
Yeah - it's called "dispensationalism". Introduced to gullible American Christians via the Scofield Reference Bible. These "end-times devotees" believe a false interpretation prophecy. (don't ask me how I know)
How do you know this?
Because I was a "dispensationalist" for about 20 years. I bought into all of their teachings and I was zealous to teach others. I was a Sunday school teacher of High School and College age young Christians. But after seriously studying scripture I realized I was in error. I repented.........
How do you know? lol
I agree, I don't think people should try to force events for biblical reasons. We should do all we can to prevent evil from taking over and fight against the one world government with everything we can, as if Christ may not return for another thousand years.
Revelation 17:17
I too believe there are people who are trying to make it look like the end of the world or think it's their job to bring Jesus back (NAR folks and 7 mountainers), however, who is to say this is not God's plan? None of us know when it will happen, but God knows and made people give everything to the beast which leads to the war against Christ. I believe there is a thin line between those trying to force something and God using it for his ultimate plan. Do I think those people can cause the end of days? Absolutely not. Do I think God is working things towards his ultimate goal? Absolutely. I don't understand it all myself, but it sure is hard to decide what is real and fake when it comes to end times. But ultimately it doesn't matter because we know it will come one day and it's our job to be ready and warn others and try to bring them with us. One could even say Q is part of this "trying to force events to fulfill prophecies" thing.
Before we lay anything at God's feet, lets see what His Word says.
The devil comes to kill, steal and destroy but JESUS COMES TO GIVE LIFE AND LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY.
The Word also says that God made peace with all men through the CROSS (of Jesus) In the Old Testament He handled things differently than in the New Testament after Jesus rose from the dead.
Just remember this......... GOOD GOD, BAD DEVIL
Same mentality that thinks you can trick God with a piece of wire or an innocent chicken.
Utter demons.
Any attempt to predict the exact date or time of Christ's return is futile and contrary to scriptural teaching
Matthew 24:36 states, "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."
Mark 13:32 echoes this, "But about that day or hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."
Acts 1:7 where Jesus is quoted saying, "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority."
Yep, these dumdums who fell for the Schofield interpretation probably never read the Bible themselves. And they keep quoting “2600 years” proudly
They definitely don't understand Romans and Galatians.....
Excellent post.
All it would take is a Pulsar to have fired (God only knows when, future or past) and if we are in the way of that blast - we wouldn't know it until we were dead. I don't know about you, but what is foretold in Revelation doesn't sound like a good time. If it's all the same to the good Lord, I would just as soon be room temperature when it happens.
And it could literally be any moment. https://nypost.com/2023/10/06/earth-hit-by-record-breaking-blast-from-death-star/
Yeah, but no.
Our universe is electric, and God loves us.
No attack coming from me. Thesenpeople have rejected their own savior.
Amen to that.
I won't attack you, your message is spot on and is exactly as you have said. I do believe Q meant it when he said this is going to be biblical. The blind will still not see; but for those who are His we will recognize things for what they are.
Russia and Ukraine are in the area of the map that Gog and Magog are placed in Revelations.
Just pointing it out
What does that mean for us non biblical scholars
Gog and Magog stop fighting each other and attack Israel.
Are...are muhgog and gog anime characters?
Some new Twitter fad?
Should I be GogMaxxing?
And I thought I was the only gog noob.
Well in the Kingdom series they're superman villains.
I let you do the math on the 'ultimate man' created by a couple of Jewish men being driven into hiding by Magog only to come back to save the world after its nuked.
That would be insane to see happen.
Zelensky is Jewish so that won't happen without a leadership change
You really think he's in charge and not just another CIA puppet?
That doesn't change what Mustard said.
The idea that Gog and Magog are Russia is something that’s been thrown around mostly in modern times, but honestly, it doesn’t really hold up if you look into it. Here’s why:
In the Bible, Gog and Magog are mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39 and Revelation 20:7-8, but it never actually says they’re Russia. People just started guessing that because in Ezekiel, it says Gog comes from “the far north.” Some folks looked at a map and figured, “Hey, Russia is north of Israel, so it must be talking about them.” But that’s just a guess—it doesn’t actually say "Russia" anywhere.
Back in the day, nobody really thought Gog and Magog were Russia. Early Christians and Jews had all kinds of ideas about who they were, but they never said Russia. Some thought they were just enemies from some unknown land, or maybe they symbolized future bad guys who’d show up to fight God’s people. Nothing about Russia though.
Fast forward to more recent times, especially during the Cold War, when Russia (or the Soviet Union) was seen as this big enemy of the West. Evangelicals started saying Russia might be Gog and Magog because they were involved in conflicts in the Middle East and seemed like a threat to Israel. So they put two and two together and said, “Aha, that’s what Ezekiel was talking about.” But really, it was just influenced by politics and what was going on at the time.
The truth is, the Bible doesn’t tell us who Gog and Magog really are, and people just guessed it was Russia because of where it’s located and because of tensions during the Cold War. There’s no solid proof that the Bible was talking about Russia. It’s mostly modern people trying to fit the prophecy to what’s happening in the world today.
So, while it’s a cool theory for some, it’s really just a modern idea without much real backing.
Good summary - thanks! Also made popular by Hal Lindsey's "Late Great Planet Earth".
Thanks! Yeah, you’re totally right—Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth* really pushed this whole idea that Gog and Magog are Russia. In the book, he claimed that Ezekiel 38-39 was predicting a future attack on Israel, led by Russia and a bunch of other nations.
Lindsey thought “the far north” in Ezekiel meant Russia because, well, Russia is north of Israel. He connected Magog to the Soviet Union (since it was during the Cold War) and said Russia would be a big player in the end times. He also tied other countries, like Persia (which is now Iran) and Libya, into the mix, saying they’d team up with Russia to go against Israel.
The book came out when everyone was worried about the Cold War, so people really latched onto the idea. It made this interpretation of Russia being part of Gog and Magog super popular, even though it’s mostly based on modern stuff!
Correct! I was a new Christian at the time. It was the 1st book on prophecy that I read (unfortunately for me). It set me back about 20 years......I started questioning dispensationalism about 20 years ago. In a way it's my fault for not doing my own research.
How did it set you back?
Thank you. I learn so much here 😀
I did a basic look up here. Its pretty interdasting.
And that is why ascribing our often mistaken beliefs on to others is not going to make any difference in the end.
People have been trying to make every major event out to be the Biblical end of days, it happens constantly with any major shifts in the world, and it has not happened yet.
You cannot successfully or consistently apply temporal meanings to divine revelation. Divine revelation first and foremost refers to inner spiritual movement within the soul as it approaches the divine presence. For more info look into the great mass of hidden writings of christian mystics and early church fathers.
God bless you for your knowledge.
Sure, honestly I am sick of the Israel love, open your god damn eyes.
Its called the great awakening, you have been lied to about pretty much everythhing.
If you are going to cite Biblical things, please spell the book you are citing correctly. I always question when someone types "Revelations", when the book is actually Revelation.
Good luck building the third temple when the whole area glows harder than a Patriot Front rally.
Yeah - third "temple" is with us now - Jesus Christ!
Read Ezek. 38-39. If you look at an ancient map, Magog would be Russia----Josephus referred to the Great Wall of China as the Ramparts of Magog---Persia is Iran, Ethiopia would be the Sudan, Libya includes all the northern shore of Africa, Gomer and Togarmah would be Turkey. Hold on to your hats!
Alright, I get where you're coming from, but there’s a lot to unpack here. Let's break it down:
Ancient maps and Magog being Russia: The thing with ancient maps is that they weren’t exactly detailed like what we have today. People had pretty limited knowledge of the world beyond certain regions. When Ezekiel talked about Magog, he was probably thinking of tribes north of Israel, but that doesn’t mean it was Russia. In fact, a lot of scholars think Magog could’ve been referring to the Scythians, a group of nomadic tribes who lived around modern-day Ukraine or southern Russia, but not necessarily all of Russia. So saying “Magog is Russia” is a stretch based on some very broad geography.
Josephus and the Great Wall of China: Josephus, a Jewish historian from the 1st century, did mention the "Ramparts of Magog," but here’s the thing—he didn’t have modern-day knowledge of China or the Great Wall. He was writing based on the limited knowledge of his time. Plus, he wasn’t writing Scripture, so while Josephus is an important historical source, his opinion on Magog doesn’t define biblical prophecy. It’s more like an ancient historian making an educated guess.
Persia is Iran, Ethiopia, Libya, etc.: Sure, Persia is now Iran, and some of the places mentioned in Ezekiel can be linked to modern countries. But that doesn’t mean the whole prophecy is pointing to current-day events. These names were referring to ancient regions with different borders and meanings back then. For example, Libya in ancient times didn’t necessarily include all of northern Africa like it does today. And Ethiopia could’ve referred to areas south of Egypt, but not necessarily modern-day Sudan.
Gomer and Togarmah being Turkey: Again, these are old tribal names, and yes, they might’ve been in the area that’s now Turkey. But just because these ancient tribes lived there doesn’t mean Ezekiel was predicting a modern-day alliance with Russia. There’s a huge gap in time and context.
So, yeah, I get the excitement around this, but saying “Magog is Russia” is still mostly modern speculation. The geography of the ancient world was way different, and the Bible wasn’t written to predict the political alignments we see today. We’ve got to be careful not to take modern maps and just slap them onto ancient prophecies.
Russians claim the Scythians were their ancestors. Hesiod, "the father of Greek didactic poetry" identified Magog with the Scythians and southern Russia in the 7th century B.C. As well, Hesiod was a contemporary of Ezekiel (as). The term "Rosh" employed by Ezekial (as) is the etymological root of "Russia."
Josephus is a historian from the 1st Century and had access to the writings of Hesiod and Herodotus who both said the Scythians were Magog.
Libya was known a Put
These names that God gave through the Table of Nations in Genesis have been changes by man through the ages but God did not change them.
Saying Magog is Russian is a modern day speculation is disregarding the historians of the past.
"the Bible wasn’t written to predict the political alignments we see today." That is the understatement of the year!
Weak arguments. You piqued my curiosity up until this comment. You might want to reevaluate your stance.
Hi boss.
I'm giving this one a sticky.
Making to much of this in my opinion. I think to associate this with headline "Something big is coming" is very misleading.
Countries commonly warn their citizens to get out of potential war zones while travel is still available.
10/03/2024 - Foreign Governments Are Evacuating Their Citizens From Lebanon "Advised to get out while flights still available."
Oct. 13 2023 Countries rush to evacuate citizens as Israel-Hamas war rages
Yes. This is common sense. Why wouldn't Russians be warned to get out of a foreign country already under attack?
News unlocks the map.
We can replace the Russians with Haitians
Things are fixing to go HOT
About time. Let's Goooooooooooo!!
Russia has done well drawing red lines with NATO while having a very measured response to violations in the RU/UKR event, but I hope they don't over play their hand here, and underestimate the power of the Zionist lobby and control Israel has over U.S. war policy.
I think we're going to be taken to 11:59:58 on the doomsday clock and Trump will step in to stop everything. Russia is playing a part in this as well.
I expect media reports of missiles heading to the USA as well as EBS telling everyone that the USA is under attack and that they should seek shelter immediately. That'll scare the fuck out of many people ... hell, it looks like I know what's coming and even I will get chills when we hit that part (I think I'll have a job to do with people I care about explaining all of this to them when it happens).
And then you have people like me who are wishing for an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile to land on their front lawn.
Or this really is the end times. I accept either, but I would really like to get the f out of this meat grinder and go chill with Jesus.
i equate the people that do the doomsday clock to the people in Pennsylvania that pull a groundhog out every year.
This is the only post that Q said no war(civil). I seem to remember him saying something to the effect of...there will be no war, circumstances will look like war is inevitable but it is not...but I can't find it.
1.5 million dual citizen russians. You sure you want them back, putin?
Who is tweeting that out?
"Moscow's ambassador to Israel has urged Russian citizens to leave the country, after Iran fired nearly 200 missiles at the Jewish state in response to IDF strikes on Lebanon.
Speaking to TASS news agency on Thursday, Anatoly Viktorov expressed alarm over the “heightened escalation” in the Middle East.
“We are advising those who are currently in Israel to think about leaving while there are still regular flights” operated by airlines including Israeli national carrier El Al, the diplomat told TASS."
Thanks fren. I should've copypasta'd the pertinent part so ppl didn't have to click. o7
14% of those in Israel speak Russian, although I would hesitate to call them Russians, they are there mostly because they are Jews. My next sentence is self censored
There's not going to be a massive nuclear war that kills all of Earth's inhabitants. How do I know? Because that would solve all my problems and my problems NEVER get solved.
Lots of pills popping at the same time.
Just saying that Israel could take advantage of the upcoming situation and give Russia serious egg on their face.
Russia is planning to bomb Israel in retaliation for Israel's attack on the Russian military base in Syria last night. We all know that. Also, Russia will want to send a message once and for all. They might destroy the Knesset Building, which is where the Israeli legislature meets. It's located on a hilltop near the Israel Museum, Supreme Court, Jewish National Library, and other government offices. Anyway, it would send a message.
Israel could wait until the bombardment by Russia begins... and then blow the stuffing out of the Temple Mount 'Dome of the Rock' mosque. Flatten it... and then blame it on Russia. Must have been a few stray munitions that Russia fired. NO, you can't come in and investigate. Israel is investigating the damage... and we find that Russia attacked and destroyed the mosque, one of the holiest sites in Islam. :>)
That would change the whole dynamic of the situation in a big hurry.
DId the attack on their base kill Russians or just the Lebanese and Iranians transfering the missiles?
Israel is 9.5 million people. How the heck are there 1.5 million Russians there? That doesn't jive at all. I'm gonna need a better source than a random screenshot
Oh boy.
it's = a contraction for "it is"
LEARN SOMETHING about YOUR OWN language! And also have some F'ing pride in your own culture and language!
(not aimed at OP but at the doofus of a writer of the screenshot post)
Apostrophe S ('s) also implies ownership. Guru_meditation's opinion is it's own.
Only for personal names: George's book. In that case the apostrophe stands in for his / hers. It is not used with "it."
If you need more lessons, do let me know.
The marking of possessive case of nouns (as in "the eagle's feathers", "in one month's time", "the twins' coats")
Enjoy crow. Pompous ass.
Not enjoying "crow" -- no, it is more of a victory meal:
Please do leave your downvotes. I love these reddit rage tears!
Now do the definition of vaccine before and after the mrna jab deployment of 2021 according to merriam webster.
All Ya'll bots are one big fuh-gayzi.
That simply ain't true.
"Saving Israel for last"-Q I hope this means we're near the end.
" We will all die before the end of the year." You're either a troll or an idiot, which one is it?
Russia is on our side in this fight against globalism, Putin HATES the globalists and is working with Trump to squash them. YOU ARE WATCHING A MOVIE.
Xi is also part of the "Plan".
Ukraine is the deep state home base and Putin is cleaning it up, Taiwan is also dirty and Xi will take care of that.
There is NO danger of Putin starting a nuclear war, calm down and enjoy the show!!!!
I just realized you were in Germany, you better pray, NOT about Putin, pray that your own government won't kill you.
Not many know about Ez 38, well done brother
Then put your money where your mouth is and give all of your possessions away. I am tired of this end of the world dooming - I've been hearing it all my life and have lived through many end of the world's. I am pretty sure God didn't make this beautiful world just to then decide ahh screw it - let's etch-a-sketch it. Satan is the corrupting force trying to ruin God's creation but he won't win because God can change reality with a snap of the fingers - he just doesn't want to violate free will as much as possible.
melt some glass
This rapture you talk about, is not something derived from the Bible but from man's fantasy. The scripture speaks nothing of a rapture and the verse which is taken out of context is Jesus talking about His second coming.
I dislike people who spout the rapture as fact. It was invented by John Nelson Darby back in the 1800s.
You know I scanned all the comments to trying to find where someone spouted about the rapture, and could not find on comment. As a matter of fact the only usage of the word "rapture" that I could find is in people that say it's man's invention.
Please point out where I am wrong.
The comment was deleted.
People are trying to say the second coming represents the rapture...
They are all talking about this comment https://greatawakening.win/p/1995LmNs3v/x/c/4ZFAkNlpyQ0 where the user specifically says rapture
Read 1 Thessalonians 4:17, it should be clear.
That is Jesus' second coming. The rapture is not merely Jesus' return which every Christian should hope for. The rapture is an idea that Christians will disappear at random times on Earth while Earth still rotates and people still live. Never taught.
This rapture you talk about, is not something derived from the Bible but from man's fantasy
worth restating
I admit I'm not much of a bible reader, I think you are correct though.
I would love to share any knowledge I have with you. I've been studying the Bible since I was in highschool and am in my late 30's. I was active duty when a preacher friend of mine gave me his entire library he had accrued since he was 16 in the 40's so I have some wonderful commentaries and subject books.
Thank you I tried church & didn't work out for me. One thing that always struck me was the belief of many that Christians would be lifted to the heavens when things turn bad. I have a hard time believing that myself.
You are correct about that. Many people like to use the imagery in Revelation which does talk about the victory that Christians have to focus on one penultimate day or days prior to the judgement as sort of proof of God's existence and His power. There will be a final day in which God destroys the world, many have quoted those passages I think they missed out on II Peter 3:10-12 though which is another. But the victory Christians have is realized now because of the blood of Christ which covers us. Jesus defeated death so that we can have confidence and comfort in this life now and hereafter. Paul in Romans 8:1 states that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who have been baptized into His death.
So many people lack faith (Hebrews 11:1-3 for the definition of faith) and look to something tangible to prove God as if they need a continual reminder when Romans 1:20 states that from the creation of the world alone and what we see in nature proves God. But look at this excerpt from Hebrews which cements your point in polished granite.
Hebrews 11:35-40:
Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection. Still others had trial of mockings and scourgings, yes, and of chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn in two, [k]were tempted, were slain with the sword. They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented of whom the world was not worthy. They wandered in deserts and mountains, in dens and caves of the earth. And all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise, God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us.
Are we to assume God forgot about these people? Why weren't they raptured? Or the thousands of Christians that died in the colosseum to lions and the sword while they chanted "He is risen." Times have been bad for Christians, times still are bad for them around the world but we all look to eternity not some faint wish to prove God is still here and watching, of course He is.
I do understand what you mean about "church" I'll tell you this...there are few that still follow the scriptures but they are out there. I pray in this great awakening that people not only wake up to the evil around us but that also all these fake, I call them "feel-good churches" fall by the wayside and people go back to the bible only.
I can already tell that you are a critical thinker and a thoughtful person. The bible is written at a 6th grade reading level, now are there some things hard to understand? Sure there are but as Peter says about Paul's writings...II Peter 3:16 - Peter says that Paul's writings are hard to understand which "untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures."
The key point there is "as they do also the rest of the Scriptures." The truth can be found out. I know many who read the bible for themselves because their family life was terrible and they needed a way out or they grew up Catholic, or baptist, or mormon etc. Anyway, I will pray for you either way brother. Sorry this was so long winded so... TLDR, you're right. lol.
Aces Silver, thank you for taking the time. Much appreciated. You're words really resonate with me.
You are very welcome brother, may God bless you!
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
MATTHEW 24:29-31
29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
Yes and all of that is in regards to Jesus' second coming. Not people disappearing from Earth at random times.
The rapture as the secular world terms it, is not another name for Jesus coming again, what you just quoted are verses I would use to prove the rapture is a false teaching.
God the father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Three in one. And they were all present at the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist! The Spirit descending on Him in the form of a dove as a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”
Yes but this has nothing to do with either confirming or denying the rapture.
Baptism is also very important.
It's like the people who say, "The Bible doesn't ever say "trinity"", thinking that means the concept of the trinity is not valid.
Oh the concept is valid. It’s derived from the Satanists. The original trinity is Isis, Osiris and Horus. They sneaked in this satanic construct into the Christianity.
God the Father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit; the trinity of the Bible is clear!
Yes, correct, but most people miss a key word. AFTER tribulation. We will not be scooped up before it happens. We will all still have to go through the period of suffering and hardship. Then, AFTER the tribulation is over, Jesus will pick up his people to join him in the clouds as he delivers the final blow to Satan.
Why do people get pissy when I'm simply pointing out what it actually says in the Bible vs what you've been led to believe by a church? Shouldn't yall be mad at the person lying and teaching you the exact opposite of what God's word says?
your time here is limited
Rapture Vs Second Coming - 5 Minute Clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFuMliS-CTg