I've been saying it since I first arrived on GAW: China is taken out in One. Single. Night.
Happy [Chinese] New Year! BOOM!
"The Strike Will Be Fast."
China could already hit us with ICBMS and annihilate every major American city and we’d basically don’t have any defense (other than our ability to do the same to them).
Not to mention why would they not immediately say that after such a "panic" was caused? This seems much more like "let's make up a story to fit what happened", rather than "this is actually what happened"
Prolly yeah, TBH. If the President is stating this officially, then I shall examine it, sure, but I have a feeling that this president does not try to lie. He'll brag, he'll bluster, but he has a truth-policy, if you know what I mean.
The FAA has deep pockets, they might well be researching and testing some abnormal drones. Have you seen the acrobat/dog/remote-gun/cadaver-retrieval robots that China is making? Making them fly is just one aspect of robotics. Those inventions are preddy big. As is, rightfully so, the 3-D printing hobbyist open-source genre. Remember the Obama-era drones were the size of small air-craft, but plenty of RC enthusiasts have such objects in their possession.
I don't either. I saw them in the middle of the country while road tripping either before or after Thanksgiving before it was national news. They looked like they were small plane sized... until they stopped and went vertical.
This wasn't hobby drones and it wasn't any kind of government drone that is public. The FAA shouldn't have black ops aircraft development department to make things this invasive or large.
Also I heard the ATC radio communications when they shut down a military airport. That ATC had no idea what was happening, and the FAA of all agencies would not illegally shut down a military base during normal landing operations with no notice "for research and various other reasons"
And the ones I saw were nowhere near a military base or airport, just along a major East-West highway crossing the USA. Not the same reasoning for their presence that I saw, and the ones that base experienced.
I would imagine military drones. Still qualifies as research and 'various other reasons' and why it would get FAA approvals without informing the public. Maybe sniffing out radiation from the ports, maybe testing other non-public features.
Some stuff has to stay secret I know but it would be nice to hear right away from the FAA or someone official - " they are ours and we are testing" instead of "we dont know but they are not dangerous."
It could technically both be true. I wish they had said something along the lines of:
"we know they're ours. Our agency doesn't have clearance to know anything else, like WHAT specifically they are, or what they are doing/researching. But we have been told through proper channels they present no danger."
I would be ok with that. You can have transparency without revealing all the secrets. Oversight is still good though.
Almost like the answer is too stupid to be belived but done in a way that people question it. I don't think the answer is a lie but there's a lot not being told. I would say more to come on this but not now.
Well there were a lot of videos of "orbs" or things that did not look or act like drones so maybe FAA drones were researching those objects. That's how I took it which I thought was obvious. Overall the whole explanation is frustrating still.
Her answer was pretty lame... with only partial truth. These things were WAY bigger than a DJI homo-ner quadcopter...
There's a lot of bullshit surrounding this... much of it from people just wanting it to be some conspiracy... AKA self-inflicted retardation.
BUT - bs like Iranian motherships didn't help... whoever said that needs to be spanked and called out on it.
They were mapping low altitude potential "collisions" & creating a 3D map. I personally observed them doing it. Moving back and forth, rastering as if they were digitizing and pausing and spending more time around cell towers etc. I observed them doing state forest, farm land, residential, water towers, cell towers etc.
An airplane wouldn't be flying below 400' and data at this altitude (0-500') isn't currently available to the degree that it has redundancy and has been verified as reliable.
NJ will lead the way for commercial implementation of unmanned aircraft - potentially used for law enforcement, EMS, delivery and repair work. The NJ DOT will both handle registration of these as well as be the template/example for EVERY DOT across the USA.
You can follow the links I posted a while ago below and read for yourself... Those smart enough to understand a low altitude 3D map/database could be an investment opportunity could make a few bucks... insurance would probably stipulate they couldn't rely on instruments/sensors alone and REQUIRE them to "buy" or subscribe to the base map to be able to play commercially...
I still think these drones were white hat drones and needed to be seen.
IMO this was to forestall a cabal UFO psyop operation which would have been run at this time or slightly later which would have served cabal aims such as imposing emergency martial law ahead of the inauguration.
In short, I think the white hats turned towards the torpedo again.
I don't believe that. Remember the local cops who said they flew their own police drone near the drones (which they said were flying in tight formations) and their drones lost all power when they got close to the other drones? Sounds like some kind of EMP
Ok, next question. Who planted the story in the media about the drones being from an "Iranian mothership," and why? Where did that lie to the American public originate from, and has the liar received any kind of discipline?
A mothership could simply be a boat docked out in international water. But, calling it a mothership might have meant it was an actual large craft that was releasing these large drones. The question should be asked of that Congress person, "How do you know this?" And, "What is your source?"
The source needs to be found and kicked out of govt. Trying to fool the American public into thinking that a hostile nation (Iran) was behind this is not an excusable prank. It was an attempt to elevate hostilities, and promote aggressive actions.
So...I doubt that this is entirely true. The theory I favor is that it actually was a dangerous operation that was neutralized, and they did not want people to freak out about the danger they were in...so it now becomes a nothingburger.
I mean, remember what Matthew Alan Livelsberger, a 37-year-old active-duty U.S. Army Master Sergeant said in his emails right before he was shot in the head and had his rented Tesla blown up in front of Trump Towers. He said we and China had drones with anti-gravitic propulsion and that China was surveilling our country and getting ready to attack us and we couldn't do a darn thing about it.
Look up the X-P4 drone on youtube. It's actually pretty cool how it goes from hover flight forward level flight.
Then realize New Jersey has several military ranges at the western side of the state for coordinated drone fleet maneuvers.
Then go watch "Enders Game", and realize an advanced AI could manipulate all them drones into about any shape. Or do other stuff.
Then watch Terminator II, and realize the Cabal must be "hoping they wore the brown pants" knowing that with the drones, AI and a variety of items from Boston Dynamics, they're on the wrong end of Skynet.
We have an invasion of terrorists and gang members burning down cities with the help of space lasers. But the MSM spent days talking about these fucking drones - who gives a shit about the drones? For those interested, be honest: you watched it on Fox and are just mindlessly posting about it.
It's an obvious nothingburger distraction while actual shit happens in the background. Literal death beams from space are torching homes, yet some people here squawk about hobbyists and aviation nerds flying the vuvuzela equivalent of an RC plane.
Hopefully this presser gives you squirrels the nut you were asking for. Underwhelming? Anticlimactic? So boring you don't believe it? Free your mind and look into it instead of barking about it and waiting for answers.
Research= Psychological operations with internet and behavioral monitoring and evaluation (for further ops, à la project Bluebeam). This is really not a satisfying answer.
The size of cars?
I don't believe this explanation
Yeah that was a really shitty non answer.
Question: Hey so what where the drones doing
Answer: research. various stuff for various reasons.
Just fucking wow. WHAT research demanded such a secretive drone force?!
Lol. Research to see if we'd panic
it would freak the normal people that watch msm out so WH have decided to use obfuscation for everyones own good. Just like that rest of the plan.
Yeah, I think the FAA would specify less populated areas for testing experimental aircraft.
There’s definitely more to this story.
Agreed. Let's wait and see…
Every move the Master is making on the chessboard right now is happening for a specific reason.
Didn't Tucker's guest say they were from China and that it was a message to the US to step back when they go for Taiwan? This was a message?
That these drones cannot be taken down by traditional defense means and if the US tries to step in, China can unleash hell on us with no defense?
I don't believe this story either.
That is a topic I will touch on.
I've been saying it since I first arrived on GAW:
China is taken out in One. Single. Night.
Happy [Chinese] New Year! BOOM!
"The Strike Will Be Fast."
*Based on the tea leaves
China could already hit us with ICBMS and annihilate every major American city and we’d basically don’t have any defense (other than our ability to do the same to them).
Not to mention why would they not immediately say that after such a "panic" was caused? This seems much more like "let's make up a story to fit what happened", rather than "this is actually what happened"
There is an FAA test airfield just inland of Atlantic City.
Joint base Dix/McGuire/Lakehurst is in the middle of southern NJ as well.
Picatinny Arsenal is 27 miles from Newark.
Finest testing facility east of the Mississippi.
Perfect location unless the intent is to stir up shit.
Researching urban reaction to stimuli?
This is one of the strongest possible explanations if it really was just research. That, or tracking certain people/activities for "research."
Prolly yeah, TBH. If the President is stating this officially, then I shall examine it, sure, but I have a feeling that this president does not try to lie. He'll brag, he'll bluster, but he has a truth-policy, if you know what I mean.
The FAA has deep pockets, they might well be researching and testing some abnormal drones. Have you seen the acrobat/dog/remote-gun/cadaver-retrieval robots that China is making? Making them fly is just one aspect of robotics. Those inventions are preddy big. As is, rightfully so, the 3-D printing hobbyist open-source genre. Remember the Obama-era drones were the size of small air-craft, but plenty of RC enthusiasts have such objects in their possession.
Doesn't stop his "team" from prevaricating.
They appeared larger than the size of cars because...
checks notes
...swap gas.
Reflected off Venus
Untrained drone observers
I don't either. I saw them in the middle of the country while road tripping either before or after Thanksgiving before it was national news. They looked like they were small plane sized... until they stopped and went vertical.
This wasn't hobby drones and it wasn't any kind of government drone that is public. The FAA shouldn't have black ops aircraft development department to make things this invasive or large.
Also I heard the ATC radio communications when they shut down a military airport. That ATC had no idea what was happening, and the FAA of all agencies would not illegally shut down a military base during normal landing operations with no notice "for research and various other reasons"
And the ones I saw were nowhere near a military base or airport, just along a major East-West highway crossing the USA. Not the same reasoning for their presence that I saw, and the ones that base experienced.
I would imagine military drones. Still qualifies as research and 'various other reasons' and why it would get FAA approvals without informing the public. Maybe sniffing out radiation from the ports, maybe testing other non-public features.
Because it was the Biden/Obama administration and they wanted people to be afraid.
Some stuff has to stay secret I know but it would be nice to hear right away from the FAA or someone official - " they are ours and we are testing" instead of "we dont know but they are not dangerous."
Yes. If the administration wasn't against the public, it should've been done that way. But the potato's handlers didn't care about the public.
It could technically both be true. I wish they had said something along the lines of:
"we know they're ours. Our agency doesn't have clearance to know anything else, like WHAT specifically they are, or what they are doing/researching. But we have been told through proper channels they present no danger."
I would be ok with that. You can have transparency without revealing all the secrets. Oversight is still good though.
Yes! Well said.
she just said they are ours and are not dangerous
Yes. Sorry I was talking about when they first were spotted and the previous administration.
Just another example of Biden's government outright lying to us and Trump telling us the truth (kind of).
Space force.
Research of what? And WTF is "various other reasons"? One more if I may, why did the FAA not admit to this when asked? All of this stinks.
Right? A literal non answer
Almost like the answer is too stupid to be belived but done in a way that people question it. I don't think the answer is a lie but there's a lot not being told. I would say more to come on this but not now.
I agree. IMO this is just a point on the (insert whatever kinda disclosure here) trail/map.
Personally, I think they are prepping the public for spiritual entity disclosure. It's part of the anti-bluebeam operation underway.
Well there were a lot of videos of "orbs" or things that did not look or act like drones so maybe FAA drones were researching those objects. That's how I took it which I thought was obvious. Overall the whole explanation is frustrating still.
It's possible they were not authorized to answer at the time.
Those are the "other purposes."
We're still dealing with the fallout of that here in NJ.
Bizarre infections that have lasted over a month.
The space force probably told the FAA not to say anything. White hat psyop?
FAA might need to be DOGEd. Someone is giving the President bad information is my guess
Everything needs to be DOGE'd!
Definitely the kind of mentality we all need to have, no stone left unturned.
The FAA likely needs to be purged, but it is not a throw away agency likes some others are.
Giving biden bad info, but not Trump.
Her answer was pretty lame... with only partial truth. These things were WAY bigger than a DJI homo-ner quadcopter...
There's a lot of bullshit surrounding this... much of it from people just wanting it to be some conspiracy... AKA self-inflicted retardation.
BUT - bs like Iranian motherships didn't help... whoever said that needs to be spanked and called out on it.
They were mapping low altitude potential "collisions" & creating a 3D map. I personally observed them doing it. Moving back and forth, rastering as if they were digitizing and pausing and spending more time around cell towers etc. I observed them doing state forest, farm land, residential, water towers, cell towers etc.
An airplane wouldn't be flying below 400' and data at this altitude (0-500') isn't currently available to the degree that it has redundancy and has been verified as reliable.
NJ will lead the way for commercial implementation of unmanned aircraft - potentially used for law enforcement, EMS, delivery and repair work. The NJ DOT will both handle registration of these as well as be the template/example for EVERY DOT across the USA.
You can follow the links I posted a while ago below and read for yourself... Those smart enough to understand a low altitude 3D map/database could be an investment opportunity could make a few bucks... insurance would probably stipulate they couldn't rely on instruments/sensors alone and REQUIRE them to "buy" or subscribe to the base map to be able to play commercially...
They were re searching, as in, searching again.
I still think these drones were white hat drones and needed to be seen. IMO this was to forestall a cabal UFO psyop operation which would have been run at this time or slightly later which would have served cabal aims such as imposing emergency martial law ahead of the inauguration.
In short, I think the white hats turned towards the torpedo again.
Bull. Shit.
They’re mapping illegals and baddies. It’s space force shit.
I like your answer.
Make you wanna go HMMMMMM
I don't believe that. Remember the local cops who said they flew their own police drone near the drones (which they said were flying in tight formations) and their drones lost all power when they got close to the other drones? Sounds like some kind of EMP
Ok, next question. Who planted the story in the media about the drones being from an "Iranian mothership," and why? Where did that lie to the American public originate from, and has the liar received any kind of discipline?
A mothership could simply be a boat docked out in international water. But, calling it a mothership might have meant it was an actual large craft that was releasing these large drones. The question should be asked of that Congress person, "How do you know this?" And, "What is your source?"
The source needs to be found and kicked out of govt. Trying to fool the American public into thinking that a hostile nation (Iran) was behind this is not an excusable prank. It was an attempt to elevate hostilities, and promote aggressive actions.
So...I doubt that this is entirely true. The theory I favor is that it actually was a dangerous operation that was neutralized, and they did not want people to freak out about the danger they were in...so it now becomes a nothingburger.
I call bull crap!
Nope. Do not take my money. Not buying it.
Yeah... I think there is way more to this.
I mean, remember what Matthew Alan Livelsberger, a 37-year-old active-duty U.S. Army Master Sergeant said in his emails right before he was shot in the head and had his rented Tesla blown up in front of Trump Towers. He said we and China had drones with anti-gravitic propulsion and that China was surveilling our country and getting ready to attack us and we couldn't do a darn thing about it.
Kaczynski was a literal mad bomber but he confirmed and exposed several inconvenient truths regarding clandestine govt ops.
If they were authorized by the FAA, why the research and study?
Great interdepartmental sharing...
I don't get it.
Some people follow Q for going on 8 years now.
Something happens and they're upset with a Trump-controlled whitehouse explanation.
If you're this late in the game and wondering if Q-team is bullshitting you, what's the point of your being here?
Look up the X-P4 drone on youtube. It's actually pretty cool how it goes from hover flight forward level flight.
Then realize New Jersey has several military ranges at the western side of the state for coordinated drone fleet maneuvers.
Then go watch "Enders Game", and realize an advanced AI could manipulate all them drones into about any shape. Or do other stuff.
Then watch Terminator II, and realize the Cabal must be "hoping they wore the brown pants" knowing that with the drones, AI and a variety of items from Boston Dynamics, they're on the wrong end of Skynet.
Just spitballin' here...
"...research and various other reasons..." 🤔
We have an invasion of terrorists and gang members burning down cities with the help of space lasers. But the MSM spent days talking about these fucking drones - who gives a shit about the drones? For those interested, be honest: you watched it on Fox and are just mindlessly posting about it.
It's an obvious nothingburger distraction while actual shit happens in the background. Literal death beams from space are torching homes, yet some people here squawk about hobbyists and aviation nerds flying the vuvuzela equivalent of an RC plane.
Hopefully this presser gives you squirrels the nut you were asking for. Underwhelming? Anticlimactic? So boring you don't believe it? Free your mind and look into it instead of barking about it and waiting for answers.
Sorry, I'm in a bad mood
I don't believe her. Disappointing.
"It was not the enemy"
The Biden Administration was the enemy to the American people for starters.
And what exactly are these "other reasons"???
Cmon, prove to us you guys over there now care about transparency.
Research as to how the plebs might react if we try to fake an alien invasion...? eye roll
not buying it
So much for disclosure
Research= Psychological operations with internet and behavioral monitoring and evaluation (for further ops, à la project Bluebeam). This is really not a satisfying answer.
Looks like Trump 45~47 got to the bottom of what Biden Harris could not or did not want to get to the bottom.
Hoodwinked again. Doesn't give me much hope for the JFK "declass" 😑
Shes not as hot or as good as Kayleigh thats for sure
Keyleigh sold out MAGA and was only hot because of the pounds of makeup smeared all over her face.
yeh you're right, i remember when she turned against Trump in 2020