Back in the seventies I, and everyone in the company, had to justify our existence by filling in hourly reports of what we were doing. Nothing new about that.
I haven't watched Polly for over a year. Just kinda fell out of the habit.
Interesting. Didn't realize that was a thing. On paper, it comes across as micromanaging. Then again, I'm on the outside looking in. If it works, good deal.
Agree. Like, dude! You're a friggin' engineer too! You know the Q.C. and validations a new design or process need to pass muster. . Of course, I'm contributing to the company, now approve my effing Req's, now!
And? I've still never had to do anything like that, before, after, or during my enlistment or any type of employment, government or private. So, no. I didn't realize it was standard. I figured that's why we have evals multiple times during the year.
You’re looking at a reasonably managed private company. Remember, the administrative agencies haven’t reported to management for the better part of a century.
It’s unfair, sure, but it’s not a scam to make an unfair playing field where the odds are tilted against little tyrants.
I have to do one every day. If I don’t justify well enough I won’t get paid or I could get fired. Literally everyday in the skilled trades so the fact that government employees are having to do this and freaking out this bad makes me angry.
I like the part where they have an issue with an “unelected” appointee serving at the direct pleasure of the president going after a bunch of unelected barnacles.
What makes her poor judgment here unacceptable, and your poor judgment in following her for years acceptable? Do these tweets mean she’s a disinfo agent, or enemy intel now? Should one tweet negate any good done by a person and result in their being cut off?
Flipping on people like this looks a lot like “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” rather than righteous action and wise judgement.
None of that is to suggest that she should continue to be followed, only calling the methods by which we judge these things into question. It’s entirely possible we should not consult with any media at all - no forums, no video, no movies, etc, and should very truly only have one mediator between God and ourselves in Jesus, and we hearken there and follow only the Good Shepherd.
Me either. I’m not intending to defend her so much as saying that completely flipping on her over one incident seems like poor judgment, as someone who hasn’t listened to her and doesn’t intend to. Quick flips on people over singular incidents are disturbing, though. We are all flawed to some degree or another.
Well this sure has hit a hot button with her, and I don't get it. Haven't listened to her in years though so maybe she's talked about it before.... Just too many patriots out there putting out really good material, and not enough hours to listen to it all, which is a nice problem to have 🤣
It wasn't just one. There were many. After this last post of hers I felt the need to warn others that might follow and share her occasionally. Sometimes she does put out a good post. But I'm no longer sending people her way. Especially the ones who are just waking up.
Ah ok. That’s more sensible if that’s what’s going on. Being unfamiliar with her, this whole thread just looked like a massive dogpile over one thing - which I do agree isn’t a great look, but neither is rushing to judgment.
This tactic is something big corporations started some years back. I have had to sit through meeting in my place of employment where everyone was expected to give a summary of the things they had been working on for the last time period.
In reality, I hated it, and I wasn't fucking off. It was just some a-hole manager making you justify having a job when in reality they probably shouldn't have had a job considering the levels of management to worker bees.
NEVER LIKED HER OR LISTENED TO HER! People used to post videos here of her and I would tell them I didn’t like her. People would get upset with me, but I didn’t care. She’s disingenuous, she is a female stew peters.
I just looked at several of her posts. Very disappointing. Maybe she took the shot - it often seems to affect the brain and the person’s ability to think.
It isn't a cult, and she is entitled, but she also referred to Kash as a cross-eyed, money-grubbing POS. It makes one curious to know what she thinks of DJT.
Damn, Wtf, I did not know that. I was a big fan of hers a few years back. She did amazing work. But, reading these comments... Maybe she DID change or maybe she has revealed her true self I don't know. The cult comment that I made was after reading a bunch of the comments. I was like, "wow, it is very cult-like." But, maybe there is merret to those comments... fair enough. Thanks for informing me. I really don't think Kash is a money grubber. He may be slightly cross eyed, but thats because he has 'terminator vision.'
Yeah, she has a right to express her opinion no matter how idiotic it is, thanks to patriots who have fought in many ways to give her this freedom and protect this freedom. Others also have the right to express their opinions on her opinions.
I pretty much know her mindset after dealing with others with the same mindset. It’s the blame the Jewish people for everything and anyone who hires them or works with them as bad too. Her tweet on Trump’s political advisor Stephen Miller’s video which stated towards him quote “ Listen, Jew, you are no one.” tells me all that I need to know about her.
Fair enough. I havent followed her in years. She used to do really great work. But, there are shills and bad actors everywhere I guess. Too bad. I did notice that she really seems to love money. Most people who do what she does do it for their genuine love of humanity. So she does come off as very "pay-triotic."
I hear you, but I believe like our forefathers did when forming our country and writing our constitution and Bill of Rights, that certain freedoms come from God and not the country we reside in. Freedom of speech is one these, evil, control freak, tyrants will try to shut people up, but our right to free speech does not come from these people and never will.
I've never followed her, I guess I'm the eternal skeptic. The only youtubers I bother with have never followed Q I watch Salty Cracker for his humor and Steve Turley because I like his political analasys. Oh and I like the old Charlie Freak videos Idk if he's sill on youtube but I still like them, and Dave. If I hadn't found these boards after the 2020 election Dave would have been the one that kept me going.
Why would someone not respond? My job only required an "accounting" every 6 months about why we needed to be keeping our seats warm, but one had to keep a daily log to be able to write it up.
Those not responding....hmmm.... never read their emails....have nothing to report....working another job.....died......fake employees.....on vacation.....who knows. It will be interesting to see the results of this.
Yep, I'm a medical coder working from home for 17 years. For this whole time I have had to document daily my productivity. We have an excel spreadsheet and we put how many charts we code. There isn't a day I don't have to do that other than pto days which we document on the same spreadsheet along with any non-productive time such as education for CEUs.
BTW, President Trump has asked Elon to step up the pace of his investigations. This was requested of him who serves at the pleasure of the President. So stop shitting on the messenger. Figure it out. Ask yourself why and go read about it. I'm sick of armchair quarterbacks just reacting to stimuli. Stop with being a sheeple educate yourself to make informed decisions/ opinions.
I really liked her, so don't feel ashamed. She really brought attention to the kids being sold via the internet. She was showing the $10000 cabinets and pillows, that had the same unusual names of missing kids. So, what happened, did someone get to her? Or was she always on the Dark Side? Elon is like a Bull in a China Shop. I love what he is doing. But some people don't like the Alpha Male no nonsense methods. They are ultimately part of the problem.
She had a mental breakdown, the progression of which can be quite visibly tracked over the course of the latter videos in her most active period, and which she openly talked about whilst it was ongoing. But she also talked about her mental health vulnerability from the early days, and its apparent that the Canadian Covid craziness really took its toll, and I guess if your government wasn't that extreme by comparison (UK for me) it's hard to imagine what the Canadian level tyranny would have done to you. It's sad where she's at now, but I totally agree with you about a lot of the invaluable research she did do and presented, and she was definitely pro Q up to a point. I have links and videos and web pages etc archived about people and things I never would have heard of even now if I hadn't caught her 'good' wave.
He started out good, but he started to get weird pretty quickly. Then there would be "cat fights' between podcasters. They published a book on Q. Was there anyone who participated in making that book, that has survived and is still making podcasts?
I quit following her when I realized they were doing so much censoring in canada but she never got a knock on her door or prosecuted and she said a lot.
I’ve been listening to her off-and-on for over 10 years. She is a master red-piller but first she is 100% against the uniparty. The power behind the power she is after. Heck maybe she’s right and we are not seeing it 🤷♂️. I’m giving her more time to see how this movie plays out.
I don’t really “follow” anyone tbh, I will check out content from a lot of people. Some more than others. Some people my BS antenna twitches with and others not so much. We were told to use discernment. I kinda filter through stuff and see if corroboration pops up via other media later on. Polly did some solid digging on how foundations are used for money laundering to exploit tax breaks - she referred to examples from initiatives to promote financial empowerment for girls in Africa iirc - and how orgs like the rowntree foundation etc all donate to each other and use the same post box addresses etc so they all claim tax breaks on the same money
She wasn't always so snarky. She's been getting seriously harassed and even threatened since she posted her findings into The Wellness Company as being a clown operation. I had earlier done a little of my own research into them and came to basically the same conclusion she did. Her research leads her a contrarian outlook from that of the MAGA movement, and she lays her findings out.
I personally think that it's a good practice to get contrarian points of views from a solid and honest researcher like Polly if you can overlook her offensive tone.
I watched one video of hers and she didn't click with me. I think she kind of went after PDJT and I decided she wasn't who she portrayed herself to be.
Remember in the 80's when Reagan told Air Traffic controllers that if they did not come off strike and report to work on an appointed day, he would fire them, and he did fire thousands of them.
If things are going good for us in the US then she is kind of out of a job. She makes her money by being against something so maybe she was only in it all for the money and now she has to turn the other way to keep making money but from the other side. She has had some good research in the past but I haven’t listened to her for a few years.
What I want to know is why is this such a big fucking challenge? This is like product management 101. You write a brief blurb every week to say what you did and what you plan to do next week in my line of work. It's like 10 minutes out of a Friday morning.
Hell, we used to do it daily at one job just so we could get code released. If I wanted to let someone know what my (or any other team on my account) managed to do, I just had to look at the release trackers I designed for us to perform daily releases. The business had to sign off on them too, everyday, otherwise no code for you.
If people are going "but but but but" over something like this? Yeah, fire their arse, they ain't doing shit.
I genuinely cannot understand the outrage around this whole weekly report thing… I work in the consultant field and I’ll be the first to admit my job isn’t “essential”. And even I have to write up weekly reports on last weeks key accomplishments and an outline of my next steps and goals for the upcoming few weeks.
This is standard and is something I’ve done across every project I’ve been on for the last 5 years. It also takes about 5 minutes to write up, and anyone even semi-organized has some version of this pretty much laid out already, it’s just a data gathering exercise.
Baffling how this has been such a large issue, I really thought I had the easiest job in the world but I guess I was wrong lol
Asking employees for status/activity reports is pretty tame and standard.
People who are angered by this have decided they're just going to bitch about everything and anything Elon does.
Back in the seventies I, and everyone in the company, had to justify our existence by filling in hourly reports of what we were doing. Nothing new about that.
I haven't watched Polly for over a year. Just kinda fell out of the habit.
Yep she did some good digging a few years back but I kinda fell away from checking her content out a while back…
I know, right? How hard is it to identify 5 things you accomplish in your job the previous week?
Is it? I've never had to do anything like that.
I have to fill out a q.c.i. every day in my line of work. It holds everyone to accountability of their work performed.
Interesting. Didn't realize that was a thing. On paper, it comes across as micromanaging. Then again, I'm on the outside looking in. If it works, good deal.
It is micromanaging!!!
This is done by organizations looking for ways to fire people!
It’s saying. We don’t trust or think a lot of you need to be here.
We will ask you for reports so we can find an excuse to fire you!
Depending on what line of work it is of course. Working on Nuclear Energy products trust me you have to have accountability.
Accountability to what?
Management should already know what you are working on.
The output that you produce should be expected to be delivered by a certain date.
If that date is going to be missed. Then the worker must report to their boss ahead of time explaining why there is delays.
You don’t need a daily report.
Agree. Like, dude! You're a friggin' engineer too! You know the Q.C. and validations a new design or process need to pass muster. . Of course, I'm contributing to the company, now approve my effing Req's, now!
Yeah, there are 'stand up' meetings every morning where we talk about what we are doing, it's pretty standard in companies that care.
What do you do for employment? Most corporate jobs require this accountability.
Not corporate. I'm currently a first responder. Done mostly medical the majority of my years. Never knew status reports were a thing.
Your career field is why you've never come across this before.
I figured as such. We still have plenty of methods being held accountable. Definitely in no position to be a slouch. Too much depends on it.
I’m a fire fighter. Daily shift reports are required to be completed at both depts I work for.
Most jobs have metrics, where the employee doesn’t have to report what they’re doing, it’s already logged and converted into data.
He obviously works for the federal government 🤣
And? I've still never had to do anything like that, before, after, or during my enlistment or any type of employment, government or private. So, no. I didn't realize it was standard. I figured that's why we have evals multiple times during the year.
You’re right, idk why they’re gaslighting you. Most jobs have metrics that they hold their employees to, and a quarterly, biannual, or annual review.
I apologize. I was sincerely just trying to make a joke. I'm not here to dog anyone for anything, and certainly not one's way of living.
The problem with this approach is that management should already know what you are working on.
It is management who assigns the work to begin with.
So why is management asking a question when they should be able to look in a project management system to see.
This is a scam!
You’re looking at a reasonably managed private company. Remember, the administrative agencies haven’t reported to management for the better part of a century.
It’s unfair, sure, but it’s not a scam to make an unfair playing field where the odds are tilted against little tyrants.
I see your points.
Time sheets and expenses reports are pretty standard.
Time sheets I've done. I've also definitely heard of expense reports. Never dealt with them, but heard of them. lol
I have to do one every day. If I don’t justify well enough I won’t get paid or I could get fired. Literally everyday in the skilled trades so the fact that government employees are having to do this and freaking out this bad makes me angry.
Must have been a public school teacher.
The problem with this. What you report is going to be subjective in the eyes of those reading the report/
This is just a mid management scam to fire people. Management is already supposed to know what you are working on!
They assigned the work to you in the first place.
So asking someone what they are working on makes no sense!
Management assigned the work: They should already know!
I like the part where they have an issue with an “unelected” appointee serving at the direct pleasure of the president going after a bunch of unelected barnacles.
Molly, you have shown your true self and reached your expiration date.
Welcome to the club anon
Many more turncoats to go. They weave into the narrative. Pretend they are on your side even for years. Then at key points flip
This is what Q meant by ‘sometimes you must show them’.
Yep. And I'm not afraid to admit I was wrong.
You me both, thanks for post.
Many more to go.
We've all been wrong at certain times throughout this whole plan. It's okay and admirable that you can admit it. Thank you.
What makes her poor judgment here unacceptable, and your poor judgment in following her for years acceptable? Do these tweets mean she’s a disinfo agent, or enemy intel now? Should one tweet negate any good done by a person and result in their being cut off?
Flipping on people like this looks a lot like “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” rather than righteous action and wise judgement.
None of that is to suggest that she should continue to be followed, only calling the methods by which we judge these things into question. It’s entirely possible we should not consult with any media at all - no forums, no video, no movies, etc, and should very truly only have one mediator between God and ourselves in Jesus, and we hearken there and follow only the Good Shepherd.
Not real fond of seeing her call everyone who disagrees with her bots and retards
Me either. I’m not intending to defend her so much as saying that completely flipping on her over one incident seems like poor judgment, as someone who hasn’t listened to her and doesn’t intend to. Quick flips on people over singular incidents are disturbing, though. We are all flawed to some degree or another.
Well this sure has hit a hot button with her, and I don't get it. Haven't listened to her in years though so maybe she's talked about it before.... Just too many patriots out there putting out really good material, and not enough hours to listen to it all, which is a nice problem to have 🤣
Oh I don’t get her side either. Her responses are … odd. I just didn’t like what looked like a ridiculously fast rush to judgment on our part.
OP clarified she’s been heading this way for a while, though, which makes this thread more sensible. Wasn’t clear from the earlier comments.
It wasn't just one. There were many. After this last post of hers I felt the need to warn others that might follow and share her occasionally. Sometimes she does put out a good post. But I'm no longer sending people her way. Especially the ones who are just waking up.
Ah ok. That’s more sensible if that’s what’s going on. Being unfamiliar with her, this whole thread just looked like a massive dogpile over one thing - which I do agree isn’t a great look, but neither is rushing to judgment.
She lost me when she went off on how it's a slippery slope of control not to allow EBT to be used for soda, cookies, chips, etc.
Seriously ?
Thank you Fren ,, hard to believe that anyone with any sense would say this ! Unbelievable !
Makes me think she's on the EBT and buying shit like that
Be careful who you follow ... paraphrasing Q
This tactic is something big corporations started some years back. I have had to sit through meeting in my place of employment where everyone was expected to give a summary of the things they had been working on for the last time period.
In reality, I hated it, and I wasn't fucking off. It was just some a-hole manager making you justify having a job when in reality they probably shouldn't have had a job considering the levels of management to worker bees.
Well said!
This has nothing to do with finding the best workers. It’s a scam to find ways to fire people!
This is obvious!
yes, she started getting creepy. By choice or force, I dont know, but I dropped her a couple years ago.
NEVER LIKED HER OR LISTENED TO HER! People used to post videos here of her and I would tell them I didn’t like her. People would get upset with me, but I didn’t care. She’s disingenuous, she is a female stew peters.
Reading the comments she sounds triggered.
She's so rude and unhinged. It's embarassing
Her handle is a bit of a give away.
I just looked at several of her posts. Very disappointing. Maybe she took the shot - it often seems to affect the brain and the person’s ability to think.
...again, there is no cure for the MindVirus
Meh, she's entitled to her own opinion. Remember, this is not a cult.
It isn't a cult, and she is entitled, but she also referred to Kash as a cross-eyed, money-grubbing POS. It makes one curious to know what she thinks of DJT.
Oh no, I don't watch her and didn't know she said that about our Kash.🤬
Sorry, it was money-hungry. Either way....... 🤨
Damn, Wtf, I did not know that. I was a big fan of hers a few years back. She did amazing work. But, reading these comments... Maybe she DID change or maybe she has revealed her true self I don't know. The cult comment that I made was after reading a bunch of the comments. I was like, "wow, it is very cult-like." But, maybe there is merret to those comments... fair enough. Thanks for informing me. I really don't think Kash is a money grubber. He may be slightly cross eyed, but thats because he has 'terminator vision.'
Yeah, she has a right to express her opinion no matter how idiotic it is, thanks to patriots who have fought in many ways to give her this freedom and protect this freedom. Others also have the right to express their opinions on her opinions.
I pretty much know her mindset after dealing with others with the same mindset. It’s the blame the Jewish people for everything and anyone who hires them or works with them as bad too. Her tweet on Trump’s political advisor Stephen Miller’s video which stated towards him quote “ Listen, Jew, you are no one.” tells me all that I need to know about her.
Fair enough. I havent followed her in years. She used to do really great work. But, there are shills and bad actors everywhere I guess. Too bad. I did notice that she really seems to love money. Most people who do what she does do it for their genuine love of humanity. So she does come off as very "pay-triotic."
Yeah, it’s always a bummer finding out someone you thought was genuine turns out to be a grifter. Too many fall for the love of money.
She's Canadian.
She'll have those rights once Canada becomes the 51st state, and not until then.
I hear you, but I believe like our forefathers did when forming our country and writing our constitution and Bill of Rights, that certain freedoms come from God and not the country we reside in. Freedom of speech is one these, evil, control freak, tyrants will try to shut people up, but our right to free speech does not come from these people and never will.
How can we be sure it isn’t?
Good question!
I am glad people are finally accepting the truth.
How long before she starts pushing conspiracy theories about Trump?
You will find out the real purpose of controlled opposition
I've never followed her, I guess I'm the eternal skeptic. The only youtubers I bother with have never followed Q I watch Salty Cracker for his humor and Steve Turley because I like his political analasys. Oh and I like the old Charlie Freak videos Idk if he's sill on youtube but I still like them, and Dave. If I hadn't found these boards after the 2020 election Dave would have been the one that kept me going.
Why would someone not respond? My job only required an "accounting" every 6 months about why we needed to be keeping our seats warm, but one had to keep a daily log to be able to write it up.
Those not responding....hmmm.... never read their emails....have nothing to report....working another job.....died......fake employees.....on vacation.....who knows. It will be interesting to see the results of this.
Yep, I'm a medical coder working from home for 17 years. For this whole time I have had to document daily my productivity. We have an excel spreadsheet and we put how many charts we code. There isn't a day I don't have to do that other than pto days which we document on the same spreadsheet along with any non-productive time such as education for CEUs.
BTW, President Trump has asked Elon to step up the pace of his investigations. This was requested of him who serves at the pleasure of the President. So stop shitting on the messenger. Figure it out. Ask yourself why and go read about it. I'm sick of armchair quarterbacks just reacting to stimuli. Stop with being a sheeple educate yourself to make informed decisions/ opinions.
I really liked her, so don't feel ashamed. She really brought attention to the kids being sold via the internet. She was showing the $10000 cabinets and pillows, that had the same unusual names of missing kids. So, what happened, did someone get to her? Or was she always on the Dark Side? Elon is like a Bull in a China Shop. I love what he is doing. But some people don't like the Alpha Male no nonsense methods. They are ultimately part of the problem.
She had a mental breakdown, the progression of which can be quite visibly tracked over the course of the latter videos in her most active period, and which she openly talked about whilst it was ongoing. But she also talked about her mental health vulnerability from the early days, and its apparent that the Canadian Covid craziness really took its toll, and I guess if your government wasn't that extreme by comparison (UK for me) it's hard to imagine what the Canadian level tyranny would have done to you. It's sad where she's at now, but I totally agree with you about a lot of the invaluable research she did do and presented, and she was definitely pro Q up to a point. I have links and videos and web pages etc archived about people and things I never would have heard of even now if I hadn't caught her 'good' wave.
That makes sense. Thanks for the information.
He started out good, but he started to get weird pretty quickly. Then there would be "cat fights' between podcasters. They published a book on Q. Was there anyone who participated in making that book, that has survived and is still making podcasts?
I too thought she was MAGA, but I have been informed by her own words. So see ya, later.
I quit following her when I realized they were doing so much censoring in canada but she never got a knock on her door or prosecuted and she said a lot.
Good point
I tried to watch one of her videos during President Trumps 1st term . . . boring. never tried again
I’ve been listening to her off-and-on for over 10 years. She is a master red-piller but first she is 100% against the uniparty. The power behind the power she is after. Heck maybe she’s right and we are not seeing it 🤷♂️. I’m giving her more time to see how this movie plays out.
But she is insulting to her followers. It's like instead of educating, she just wants people to go away if they don't agree with her.
So is PrayingMedic and that other guy (Clandestine) always posted here… we’re not snowflakes, we can take “mean words”
I don’t really “follow” anyone tbh, I will check out content from a lot of people. Some more than others. Some people my BS antenna twitches with and others not so much. We were told to use discernment. I kinda filter through stuff and see if corroboration pops up via other media later on. Polly did some solid digging on how foundations are used for money laundering to exploit tax breaks - she referred to examples from initiatives to promote financial empowerment for girls in Africa iirc - and how orgs like the rowntree foundation etc all donate to each other and use the same post box addresses etc so they all claim tax breaks on the same money
The no response part is not what was sent out.
Partial Fake news.
Gosh, she is triggered. Sounds like a crazy lib.
Could she be deported when and if Canada become part of USA?
She is smart and a good researcher. I respect her findings, but don't always agree with her outlook.
I went and read some of her responses, she is whacked out.
She wasn't always so snarky. She's been getting seriously harassed and even threatened since she posted her findings into The Wellness Company as being a clown operation. I had earlier done a little of my own research into them and came to basically the same conclusion she did. Her research leads her a contrarian outlook from that of the MAGA movement, and she lays her findings out.
I personally think that it's a good practice to get contrarian points of views from a solid and honest researcher like Polly if you can overlook her offensive tone.
Never followed her
I watched one video of hers and she didn't click with me. I think she kind of went after PDJT and I decided she wasn't who she portrayed herself to be.
Remember in the 80's when Reagan told Air Traffic controllers that if they did not come off strike and report to work on an appointed day, he would fire them, and he did fire thousands of them.
If things are going good for us in the US then she is kind of out of a job. She makes her money by being against something so maybe she was only in it all for the money and now she has to turn the other way to keep making money but from the other side. She has had some good research in the past but I haven’t listened to her for a few years.
What I want to know is why is this such a big fucking challenge? This is like product management 101. You write a brief blurb every week to say what you did and what you plan to do next week in my line of work. It's like 10 minutes out of a Friday morning.
Hell, we used to do it daily at one job just so we could get code released. If I wanted to let someone know what my (or any other team on my account) managed to do, I just had to look at the release trackers I designed for us to perform daily releases. The business had to sign off on them too, everyday, otherwise no code for you.
If people are going "but but but but" over something like this? Yeah, fire their arse, they ain't doing shit.
Honestly what’s the big deal. Are people all into journaling and writing down your goals? It’s a very similar thing
Tech people have to do this so non tech people understand why the tech people are being paid thousands of bucks per month.
She is a straight up psychopath.
Polly is prolly moss ad like many others
I genuinely cannot understand the outrage around this whole weekly report thing… I work in the consultant field and I’ll be the first to admit my job isn’t “essential”. And even I have to write up weekly reports on last weeks key accomplishments and an outline of my next steps and goals for the upcoming few weeks.
This is standard and is something I’ve done across every project I’ve been on for the last 5 years. It also takes about 5 minutes to write up, and anyone even semi-organized has some version of this pretty much laid out already, it’s just a data gathering exercise.
Baffling how this has been such a large issue, I really thought I had the easiest job in the world but I guess I was wrong lol
All I can say is welcome to the private sector, you haven’t seen dicks until you’ve been out in the private sector…
She's a Canadian grifter aka Shelli Nelson and a BULLY...and "con" artist...
Symbolism in her art is telling...
Full Disclosure: Polly’s Government Psyop
Amazing Polly Harassment Evidence that Led to her receiving a Cease and Desist
Wellness Co & Her Husband Mil Cont. specializing in SocMed influencing
Her creepy art
As always....Grain of salt (or dish of salt in some cases)