They are part of the biggest med center in the state, perhaps the region. All that pride is destroyed because of med pros NOT using science. There is a madness consuming med pros across this nation.. Is it retribution for the Tik-Tok videos?
Is it retribution for allowing tyrants too much leeway?? The veil of cowardice and stupidity has been lowered over their minds.
We knocked the medical profession off its God complex pedestal. Tjey can't stand we know more than them and have made better decisions for ourselves than tjey can. Hopefully there are docs who are good guys that cN help out the person this letter was to
What would be really interresting is if she is currently digging her own grave (or building her own gallows) as he did. In other words, you reap what you sow. And she's sowing a whole heap of descrimination right now with that letter.
If so, you are an actual, certifiable terrorist. I would be ashamed for you if I were not completely horrified by the knowledge that people like you exist in the world today.
I didn't know anyone at Aushwitz. My great uncle was a Nazi Hunter though. Amazing stories. He was at the Nuremberg Trials when Goering killed himself with a poison pill after being found guilty.
LOL.. buddy of mine would tape a "loop" of papers together and fax bomb a business that screwed him over. He would let the fax run for an hour or so, which would inundate the recipient machine and run it out of paper. Good ol days, faxes, reminds me of the old pagers too. Use to pager bomb people for laughs back in the day
In some, sure. My company serves 4 hospitals. Every fax still gets printed out. It's dumb, we've been trying to sell them e-fax solutions for years, but they stick to what "works" (until, heaven forbid, 2 places try to fax them at once, then omg, there's something wrong with the fax machine!)
I’m surprised the salesperson can’t get this done. I’ve sold a few conversions. 5 figure savings every month, a lease to make equipment and installation cost nothing out of pocket, and I usually get residuals shopping their phone and data for many years to come. Everybody likes free money falling from the sky.
Unfortunate that this Katie bitch will get the rope when this is all done and over with. “But I was just complying and doing what my higher ups told us!” Yeah bitch look what happened to the nazis who were just complying too
Yeah either she gets her license taken away for it and never allowed in the medical field again or swinging from a rope. Those are the only two outcomes I’d like to see
At what point and how far into the future do we determine that a good ol' George Washington style revolution is in order? In reality, you know it does not happen/succeed without a leader. But if nobody steps up and takes the risk to be the mouthpiece/face, America may just dwindle into obscurity as we are all shuffled off to concentration/reeducation camps and the victorious commies rewrite history. Not dooming! Just musing. Considering a series of what if's.
This isn't something we can just do, it has to be organic. Which means unfortunately that the public needs to see massive suffering and tyranny in order to take this step. You are doomed to failure, death, and the eternal legacy of a traitorous terrorist scum if you try and do something like this without public support. Which is Q whole thing, building public support, how we fit into that plan is by helping spread information, keep waking people up to these horrors.
The tyranny is driving it at this point, people are waking up to the real reality. Just look at what they have done with the mandates, They have effectively isolated conservatives (predominate for antivax) but also have people with a bad history of experimentation (Tuskegee) in gov, medical, military and business. This harkens back to full blown discrimination as well as what happened to the Jews. Not trying to lessen what they suffered, but if you do not learn from history, you're doomed to repeat it.
I fear where we are heading, it causes me a lot of sleepless nights, but the tree of liberty will need to be feed and it's branches are strong enough for plenty of rope. There will need to be public trials and slow and painful deaths afterwards. People need to see and viscerally see the punishments so this shit never happens again. Vaxxing young kids and those who are pregnant, these people need to pay.
Take solace in the fact that something like this has happened around every 80 years, and it's something prepared people who can make hard decisions will survive. The world wars, the civil war, the revolution. This is a once in a lifetime event, the peace and prosperity bought by the last crises leads to the snowballing of arrogance and evil. They have a normalcy bias just like us, they think they are untouchable. Good will prevail.
thanks & Concur as well as a solid factual reply. I hate to see where we are going, but we will never return to the days of the past unless we walk thru thus dark valley. I am hoping that tribunals will be the upcoming phase, but I have been teased too many times with the hopium to not hold my breathe.
Tribunals will come, once they start publicly you know we have all but won, remember that is a reward for the side that acheives victory, you cant start tribunals for enemies before you've even won the war, except in rare cases I suppose.
Also yes dont hold your breath, when they come they will come LOUDLY, as the entire purpose of such a thing is what the public gains emotionally from it, otherwise execute your enemies in the dark of night and move on.
So if we want justice, we must focus on winning by doing what we can. Q asked us ONLY to help spread the truth. That is our mission and honestly the most effective weapon we could ever ask for.
This is the FUCKING problem with this God damned plan. I am seething cause of this letter. Fuck. How long are we gonna let these mother fuckers get away with this shit?
Try and remember this is war, and Q put on a strong show about how hard we are gonna win for us like every good general would, but this is real WAR, make no mistake that we are not undefeatable.
One catastrophic enough mistake on our side and it's over for mankind.
So what do we do, rush the enemy bunker in rage at his taunts like hes trying to make us? Or we continue to gather our forces and destroy his power methodically.
I spoke with a woman at Macy's yesterday. Cardiologist told her husband not to get shot. My husbamd's cardiologist just could not understand why my husband said no to shot even knowing he had natural immunity.
Wow. Lets get THOSE medical people off the naughty list. Santas bringing pain for the bad boys and girls this christmas. Those good docs get to wake up and enjoy the habbenings
While I can agree that evil is everywhere, it doesn't mean God's absent. We live in a fallen world. God is the only consistent presence, even if we don't recognize it.
The American Red Cross will only take blood plasma donations from the UN-vaccinated. The clot shot wipes out the antibodies. Only natural immunity can provide the plasma necessary.
My dad was donating blood after vaxxed, not plasma, regular blood donations. Since the jabs (both taken), he now has cancer. So the cancer diagnosis has prevented him from donating, whereas jabbed blood was okay to donate. Red Cross is a luciferian/satanic org run by the Roths. I believe a lot of the blood donations go to them to drink. Serious.
I donated blood when I was in my twenties, then I became ineligible due to an auto-immune disorder. I really got who they were right after 911 (like a day after), when they were pleading for blood. Not many survivors that day, and they said they needed a lot of blood. Researched them a bit more a few years later, and nope, no longer think they're a good organization. Pure evil.
Thanks Batman. I call bullshit on the Red Cross. Based on the scientists at Pfizer, thanks to Project Veritas, we all now know that natural immunity is far longer lasting and more robust than clot shot immunity, which apparently there isn't any, based on people still getting covid after the shots.
Monoclonal antibodies are probably the safest and best treatment for covid as their sole natural creation was to defeat covid itself.
Of course, if this treatment exists and is authorized then there is no need for Pfizer to sell their shots. No need for EUAs or FDA approvals of actual "vaccines" either. No need for Merck or Pfizer to sell Merckmectin or Pfizermectin either.
No, just try and fuck them over as hard as possible, extract as much money as you can, and then leave them ruined and destroyed and never go back to them again.
Yeah, I hear you. I had 12 surgery’s at the same freakshow hospital (system). I got stuck in the middle of a malpractice situation still needing a few surgeries. They erased every crumb of evidence that the malpractice happened. It was a nightmare.
The Homeland Purification Agency in the Restored States of America has determined that it is necessary to place you on a Neutralize list. You will be terminated for aiding and facilitating crimes against Americans through the use of blackmail and coercion in Fall of 2021. You will have 30 days to submit your appeal or to get your personal affairs in order.
If you wish to seek early neutralization please report to the nearest Homeland Outpost - a Minuteman will alert your next of kin and advise them accordingly.
Attached is a copy of a letter you penned September 28 2021, which clearly corroborates the charges levied against you and condemns you.
I assume if you need an organ your at a greater risk if you take the vax for fax injury. This is pure insanity. The medical community is showing us who they are.
Dear Ms. Hamann:
A friend of mine is on the waiting list for a kidney transplant with your organization. Recently they received an email stating that if they didn’t have a Covid vaccine, that you were removing them from the transplant waiting list. why would your organization do that?
Let’s walk through this together. Supposedly were dealing with a deadly pandemic, and this vaccine is supposed to save peoples lives. Right? but, if they don’t get the vaccine, then you’re willing to take them off the list so they can die? How does that make any sense at all whatsoever.
So without the vaccine, you’re just gonna let them die. Basically! Without an experimental, non-FDA approved vaccine, you’ll just allow somebody to be taken off of a organ transplant list, all in the name of safety!
The distain that I have for the medical community at this point in time, causes me to be Apoplectic! I hope you understand the Nuremberg code, because you are in violation of it!
If you ever wondered how things got so bad in Germany, and how people allowed the Jews to be shipped off inbox cars, now you know. You would’ve been one of them who would’ve stood by and watched it happen! By sending out that email to my friend, you might as well Have sent a gold star in the letter as well.
I found your last name to be very interesting… If you read the book of Esther in the Bible, you’ll find out what happened to Hamann. It’s too bad you couldn’t be more like Esther, and really make a difference in the world
There’s a special place in hell for people like you, and your organization. I hope that you reconsider, and do the right thing. You have an opportunity to shine right now, so please take it vantage of it!
(ThisIsHowItStarts) KEK
This is not the name I signed it but I should have!
(Ps. I tried to call and leave a voicemail, but for some reason your voicemail is full. I can only imagine why. I felt so strongly about this I decided to send an email)
Screw that hospital! Start taking CoQ10 3x times a day. My 85 year old grandfather got off dialysis and lived another 3 years without being tied to a dialysis machine. He had complete failure in one kidney and the other was operating at around 25%. He went from dialysis 3x a week to completely off it in about 4 months time.
81% Positive Response to Coenzyme Q10 Treatment for Chronic Kidney Failure
We must give ZERO Pureblood organ donations to creeps. Who are they to decide that the based can not help out a brother or sister in need? And seriously. I am perfection. And my beauty can only go to a Pureblood. Not that the vaxxed would reject my organs. But my organs would reject them.
So...just so I understand...I go into the hospital because of a virus given me by Fauchi, the CCP and Liberals...but paid for by my tax dollar. They refuse to treat me with Ivermectin and instead obey the Fauchi mandate and pump me full of Remdesivir and I end up with complete kidney failure which requires me to get a kidney transplant. Then this bitch writes me a letter stating that I cannot get a new kidney until I put the nail in my coffin and take their fucking death jab! This has gone so far beyond insanity even I cannot believe it and I've been warning people about our government, the UN, the NWO, etc. for almost 30 damn years! Honestly, we only have one avenue left for a redress of grievances and it damn sure isn't protesting with silly MAGA hats or exercising our Right to VOTE!
Well ..... after i call them and give them a piece of my mind, I'm gonna sign them up for auto insurance, health insurance and a new home warranty .... I hope they start dreading answering the phone
Just FYI, the chancellor of this med campus, Don Elliman, has a background in media.
“... A longtime executive in publishing, Elliman worked at Time Warner for 32 years, retiring as an executive vice president of Time Inc. Other positions he held include publisher of People magazine and president of Sports Illustrated. ...”
He got into CO sports teams after that then CO state government. (BTW, the Gates center mentioned here is not Bill Gates).
When all this info gets out to the general public - and I believe it eventually will - to expose these evil beasts, their time on this earth will be over. I’m not one for mob justice, but a Nuremberg-style trial and subsequent execution of all guilty individuals would suit me just fine. Sooner would be much better than later. Hopefully every last one of them has a sealed indictment with their name on it as a guilty party.
Interesting concept about going back in time and eradicating these beasts before they have the opportunity to ply their evil genocide. While I’m not aware of any time-travel capabilities at the current time, in this day and age, do these sick beasts truly believe they’re going to get away with genocide like this for very long? (Enema #1... lol).
I can’t speak to the -tards in your circles, nor to the 4-6% who, as Q said are unreachable (and I personally feel this number is higher), and to whatever extent these overlap, but the vaxed in my circles, when made to truly understand what’s going on, are certainly not going to be embracing this evil anymore.
Right now it’s evil wrapped up in pretty paper and bows (as they’re getting cooed at about how “responsible” and “caring” they are, what “morally superior” people they are, getting their jabs like good little obedient lemmings), but when this evil is shown for what it is, exposed as the pretty wrappings are torn off, they’re more likely to be horrified than disaffected. None of the vaxed in my circles would be okay with this example of pure evil denying critical healthcare to someone in need that OP has shared with us (assuming it’s even real).
Purely hypothetical here, but do you suppose those people you speak of, if they were made to understand that they’ve put themselves at risk, some mortally, and that they are the ones who will need to quarantine, that the medical-pharmaceutical industry will not help cure/heal them - will they care then about the state of (sic) ‘healthcare’?
While I harbor no misconceptions about their inability to accept responsibility for their own words and actions, right now they’re riding high on their little virtue-signaling horses. They’ve been deliberately terrified then made to feel “safe” and “virtuous” as long as they obey. What happens when they realize they were deceived? I’m not talking about now when their insular, fake news-fueled universe is repeating the lies in unison to reinforce the brainwashing, but when these people break out of the matrix and see this evil for what it is. The ones I know are going to be rattled to their very core. Everyone’s experience with this is going to be different, I understand.
Would be a shame if we all called that number.
Anschutz sure sounds a lot like Auschwitz!
They are part of the biggest med center in the state, perhaps the region. All that pride is destroyed because of med pros NOT using science. There is a madness consuming med pros across this nation.. Is it retribution for the Tik-Tok videos?
Is it retribution for allowing tyrants too much leeway?? The veil of cowardice and stupidity has been lowered over their minds.
We knocked the medical profession off its God complex pedestal. Tjey can't stand we know more than them and have made better decisions for ourselves than tjey can. Hopefully there are docs who are good guys that cN help out the person this letter was to
They hate the living.
and definitely not
Hamann sounds a lot like Haman
What would be really interresting is if she is currently digging her own grave (or building her own gallows) as he did. In other words, you reap what you sow. And she's sowing a whole heap of descrimination right now with that letter.
Recently I shared Facts about the so-called "organ donation" Procedure. - Yes, I worked 40 years mostly in ICU-environments so I also know a thing or 3 about such atrocities
I had the same thought! Is this a horror movie???
Here was my email to her:
Katherine Hamann,
Is the attached document real?
If so, you are an actual, certifiable terrorist. I would be ashamed for you if I were not completely horrified by the knowledge that people like you exist in the world today.
In the end, Haman got the point.
The leader of the antisemetic sect of judaism?
Sounds a lot more like Stalingrad.....
I didn't know anyone at Aushwitz. My great uncle was a Nazi Hunter though. Amazing stories. He was at the Nuremberg Trials when Goering killed himself with a poison pill after being found guilty.
oh boy, Gorsuch, Anschutz must really be /ourguy/
The only thing I can say about Gorsuch is despite making trannies a protected class, he is not quite as big of a turd as ACB or Kav.
"despite" wut
He’s the reason why the chronicles of Narnia movies were made!
They're a hospital and still heavily depend on faxes for a lot of their work. Fax bombs!
Fax full-black pages to her fax machine until it runs out of toner.
Every day. 20 pages over, and over, and over.
On my command, unleash your rare pepe folder.
Ooh, I like this idea
On it Captain!
Consider it done!
Black pages with white lettering "go woke go broke"
I know it's not much but it will be sooo annoying on the other end.
I,lub u guise,!
LOL.. buddy of mine would tape a "loop" of papers together and fax bomb a business that screwed him over. He would let the fax run for an hour or so, which would inundate the recipient machine and run it out of paper. Good ol days, faxes, reminds me of the old pagers too. Use to pager bomb people for laughs back in the day
Faxes are digital now.
In some, sure. My company serves 4 hospitals. Every fax still gets printed out. It's dumb, we've been trying to sell them e-fax solutions for years, but they stick to what "works" (until, heaven forbid, 2 places try to fax them at once, then omg, there's something wrong with the fax machine!)
I’m surprised the salesperson can’t get this done. I’ve sold a few conversions. 5 figure savings every month, a lease to make equipment and installation cost nothing out of pocket, and I usually get residuals shopping their phone and data for many years to come. Everybody likes free money falling from the sky.
Old management that still buys into the "Only faxing conforms with HIPAA" bullshit. We'll get them to switch eventually.
I like how you think:)
I'm going to e-mail her when I'm not seething. In the meantime, I left them a Google review.
Actually email her with a fake email while you’re seething. Then another when when you’re not.
Aww shucks...
I was wondering if I should send an email or not
Let's lite that bitch up!!!
Just send a massively negative google review like a few others.
Unfortunate that this Katie bitch will get the rope when this is all done and over with. “But I was just complying and doing what my higher ups told us!” Yeah bitch look what happened to the nazis who were just complying too
These people are SICK 🤬
I agree, she needs to be punished for enforcing covid measures and for persecuting other people.
Yeah either she gets her license taken away for it and never allowed in the medical field again or swinging from a rope. Those are the only two outcomes I’d like to see
I'd only take swinging from a rope. Losing a license isn't enough to prove a point to the other sheep
I'm for that.
Both please. Order of events not particularly important.
Why is that "unfortunate"??
Seems tongue-in-cheek
I was being cheeky too. 😁😋
She needs the electric chair in slowmode.
Wood chipper. Feet first.
Nope. Everybody dies.
"Muh muh my boss told me! I was j...just...following....ord...oh god"
Everybody swings.
I agree, that's what was meant by "they won't be able to walk down the street" it'll be too dangerous for them to show their faces.
What if we went and got a headstart? I mean really??? They CLEARLY have ZERO regard for human life ... soooo......
Truly sickening.
Lord, help us.
At what point and how far into the future do we determine that a good ol' George Washington style revolution is in order? In reality, you know it does not happen/succeed without a leader. But if nobody steps up and takes the risk to be the mouthpiece/face, America may just dwindle into obscurity as we are all shuffled off to concentration/reeducation camps and the victorious commies rewrite history. Not dooming! Just musing. Considering a series of what if's.
This isn't something we can just do, it has to be organic. Which means unfortunately that the public needs to see massive suffering and tyranny in order to take this step. You are doomed to failure, death, and the eternal legacy of a traitorous terrorist scum if you try and do something like this without public support. Which is Q whole thing, building public support, how we fit into that plan is by helping spread information, keep waking people up to these horrors.
I am ready to vote with lead.
The tyranny is driving it at this point, people are waking up to the real reality. Just look at what they have done with the mandates, They have effectively isolated conservatives (predominate for antivax) but also have people with a bad history of experimentation (Tuskegee) in gov, medical, military and business. This harkens back to full blown discrimination as well as what happened to the Jews. Not trying to lessen what they suffered, but if you do not learn from history, you're doomed to repeat it.
I fear where we are heading, it causes me a lot of sleepless nights, but the tree of liberty will need to be feed and it's branches are strong enough for plenty of rope. There will need to be public trials and slow and painful deaths afterwards. People need to see and viscerally see the punishments so this shit never happens again. Vaxxing young kids and those who are pregnant, these people need to pay.
Take solace in the fact that something like this has happened around every 80 years, and it's something prepared people who can make hard decisions will survive. The world wars, the civil war, the revolution. This is a once in a lifetime event, the peace and prosperity bought by the last crises leads to the snowballing of arrogance and evil. They have a normalcy bias just like us, they think they are untouchable. Good will prevail.
thanks & Concur as well as a solid factual reply. I hate to see where we are going, but we will never return to the days of the past unless we walk thru thus dark valley. I am hoping that tribunals will be the upcoming phase, but I have been teased too many times with the hopium to not hold my breathe.
Tribunals will come, once they start publicly you know we have all but won, remember that is a reward for the side that acheives victory, you cant start tribunals for enemies before you've even won the war, except in rare cases I suppose.
Also yes dont hold your breath, when they come they will come LOUDLY, as the entire purpose of such a thing is what the public gains emotionally from it, otherwise execute your enemies in the dark of night and move on.
So if we want justice, we must focus on winning by doing what we can. Q asked us ONLY to help spread the truth. That is our mission and honestly the most effective weapon we could ever ask for.
This is the FUCKING problem with this God damned plan. I am seething cause of this letter. Fuck. How long are we gonna let these mother fuckers get away with this shit?
Try and remember this is war, and Q put on a strong show about how hard we are gonna win for us like every good general would, but this is real WAR, make no mistake that we are not undefeatable.
One catastrophic enough mistake on our side and it's over for mankind.
So what do we do, rush the enemy bunker in rage at his taunts like hes trying to make us? Or we continue to gather our forces and destroy his power methodically.
Ideally the MIL is the leader. But they are taking their sweet ass time.
Fren, We're already there.
The time is now.
Seems like everyone is just waiting for someone else to step up & take the first shot.
If you haven't, read Unintended Consequences by John Ross.
I think you'll love it.
Only $50 at Amazon.... damn... seems like this needs a reprint.
Indeed it does!!!
There are free PDFs floating around the internet.....not even torrents.....just search & find..... let me know if you need a link.
It's out of print so I don't feel bad saying that.....
Nevermind... Found the free pdf. FY Amazon!
No fren. No doomage in there. Ur on point and I am right with u
I spoke with a woman at Macy's yesterday. Cardiologist told her husband not to get shot. My husbamd's cardiologist just could not understand why my husband said no to shot even knowing he had natural immunity.
Wow. Lets get THOSE medical people off the naughty list. Santas bringing pain for the bad boys and girls this christmas. Those good docs get to wake up and enjoy the habbenings
Think its fair to say God left the building a long time ago. Evil is reigning supreme on the earth and only Q/MIL are doing anything about it.
While I can agree that evil is everywhere, it doesn't mean God's absent. We live in a fallen world. God is the only consistent presence, even if we don't recognize it.
God hasn't left the building. You are still here and able to fight. Our enemy gets weaker every day. Count your blessings and repent.
What if some unvaxxed person wanted to donate a kidney to this person....would they do the transplant?
Was thinking this. Perhaps someone in the field should be starting up services for unpolluted people.
Hospitals are more negligent with organ donors for a reason.
If they'd kill for an organ, they'd lie to get it, too.
True fren...
He spoke the truth, they stripped him of his Dr. title
The American Red Cross will only take blood plasma donations from the UN-vaccinated. The clot shot wipes out the antibodies. Only natural immunity can provide the plasma necessary.
My dad was donating blood after vaxxed, not plasma, regular blood donations. Since the jabs (both taken), he now has cancer. So the cancer diagnosis has prevented him from donating, whereas jabbed blood was okay to donate. Red Cross is a luciferian/satanic org run by the Roths. I believe a lot of the blood donations go to them to drink. Serious.
Sorry to hear about your dad 3Beans. I pray for his recovery.
Yep. Agree. That sux. Pray for beans
Thank you, much appreciated.
omg...SO sorry for you & Dad. 😔 I agree about their "use" of the blood too. I read where much of our blood banks GET SOLD OVERSEAS. Truly evil & vile.
They need un-adrenalized blood (beer) when they arent drinking the hard stuff(adrenalized blood)?
Good God.
I donated blood when I was in my twenties, then I became ineligible due to an auto-immune disorder. I really got who they were right after 911 (like a day after), when they were pleading for blood. Not many survivors that day, and they said they needed a lot of blood. Researched them a bit more a few years later, and nope, no longer think they're a good organization. Pure evil.
According to the Red Cross website, it sounds like they discontinued the program because a lack of demand:
Thanks Batman. I call bullshit on the Red Cross. Based on the scientists at Pfizer, thanks to Project Veritas, we all now know that natural immunity is far longer lasting and more robust than clot shot immunity, which apparently there isn't any, based on people still getting covid after the shots.
Monoclonal antibodies are probably the safest and best treatment for covid as their sole natural creation was to defeat covid itself.
Of course, if this treatment exists and is authorized then there is no need for Pfizer to sell their shots. No need for EUAs or FDA approvals of actual "vaccines" either. No need for Merck or Pfizer to sell Merckmectin or Pfizermectin either.
Whaaaaa? You think the Red Cross would lie? Like, intentionally?!??
Thanks for the link 👍
Anytime u/7Nick9! 👈🏻
Great question, Messenger!
Thank you snow....if this is allowed I'm sure us anons would step up...I would.
Blessings fren
KIDNEYS filter let's pump that blood full of graphene oxide, sm102, and fetal tissues
They want him to die so they can remove him permanently from the list, what better way to free up space than to make him take the vaccine
Pure luciferian evil.
They are fully committed to their father the devil.
Eph 6 - “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world...
Joshua 24:15 - And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve;...
Smells like social credit. And China.
Sue them for discrimination - lawyer up.
So, you sue them and win...then you gonna TRUST the Surgeon after the lawsuit? Madness.
No, just try and fuck them over as hard as possible, extract as much money as you can, and then leave them ruined and destroyed and never go back to them again.
Yeah, I hear you. I had 12 surgery’s at the same freakshow hospital (system). I got stuck in the middle of a malpractice situation still needing a few surgeries. They erased every crumb of evidence that the malpractice happened. It was a nightmare.
Get a lawyer.
Dear Ms. Hamann,
The Homeland Purification Agency in the Restored States of America has determined that it is necessary to place you on a Neutralize list. You will be terminated for aiding and facilitating crimes against Americans through the use of blackmail and coercion in Fall of 2021. You will have 30 days to submit your appeal or to get your personal affairs in order.
If you wish to seek early neutralization please report to the nearest Homeland Outpost - a Minuteman will alert your next of kin and advise them accordingly.
Attached is a copy of a letter you penned September 28 2021, which clearly corroborates the charges levied against you and condemns you.
We The People
Bounty hunting about to come back in vogue!
Wholesome as f***. /me swoons.
That is insane. Truly sickening.
I seriously want nothing to do with Modern Medicine now.
They can go fuck themselves.
I would rather die of Gangrene than give these pieces of shit my time or money.
I'm with you 💯% Bro...sheer madness.
They have to kill your immune system anyway to give you a transplant. Total bullshit.
Ironically, this could potentially save their life by ensuring they don't get a tainted kidney.
It's still disgusting.
I assume if you need an organ your at a greater risk if you take the vax for fax injury. This is pure insanity. The medical community is showing us who they are.
When the Great Reckoning comes, all Colorado Patriots need to remember this person and this hospital. End of transmission.
Hell yes ... and Wyoming Patriots who can deliver some interstate justice
God forgive us!! You know what, fuck these people. Hell, I’ll give you my kindney. It’s the only one I got but I still would.
Was thinking same...but guaranteed donor and recipient would require vaxx. smh.
Maybe I am over suspicious these days, but I find it odd there is no logo/letterhead.
The paper seems really worn out, not freshly printed and immediately mailed. Also, the phrasing seems a bit off. It's too on-the-nose.
Interesting that so far OP has only responded to a user questioning the post.
This post seems like a good way to make the board look bad based on our predictable outrage at tyranny.
Although Quelle has generally seemed based af. Who knows anymore.
Here is my email that I sent them:
Dear Ms. Hamann: A friend of mine is on the waiting list for a kidney transplant with your organization. Recently they received an email stating that if they didn’t have a Covid vaccine, that you were removing them from the transplant waiting list. why would your organization do that?
Let’s walk through this together. Supposedly were dealing with a deadly pandemic, and this vaccine is supposed to save peoples lives. Right? but, if they don’t get the vaccine, then you’re willing to take them off the list so they can die? How does that make any sense at all whatsoever.
So without the vaccine, you’re just gonna let them die. Basically! Without an experimental, non-FDA approved vaccine, you’ll just allow somebody to be taken off of a organ transplant list, all in the name of safety!
The distain that I have for the medical community at this point in time, causes me to be Apoplectic! I hope you understand the Nuremberg code, because you are in violation of it!
If you ever wondered how things got so bad in Germany, and how people allowed the Jews to be shipped off inbox cars, now you know. You would’ve been one of them who would’ve stood by and watched it happen! By sending out that email to my friend, you might as well Have sent a gold star in the letter as well.
I found your last name to be very interesting… If you read the book of Esther in the Bible, you’ll find out what happened to Hamann. It’s too bad you couldn’t be more like Esther, and really make a difference in the world
There’s a special place in hell for people like you, and your organization. I hope that you reconsider, and do the right thing. You have an opportunity to shine right now, so please take it vantage of it!
(ThisIsHowItStarts) KEK This is not the name I signed it but I should have!
(Ps. I tried to call and leave a voicemail, but for some reason your voicemail is full. I can only imagine why. I felt so strongly about this I decided to send an email)
Screw that hospital! Start taking CoQ10 3x times a day. My 85 year old grandfather got off dialysis and lived another 3 years without being tied to a dialysis machine. He had complete failure in one kidney and the other was operating at around 25%. He went from dialysis 3x a week to completely off it in about 4 months time.
Sauce: 81% Positive Response to Coenzyme Q10 Treatment for Chronic Kidney Failure
You're very welcome nothingberg. Hopefully this info can save a life or at least improve someone's quality of life. Knowledge is power!
This is nakedly criminal behavior.
Literally, a crime against humanity.
Will there ever be any justice in this country???
I feel like everyone here is grounded and based in reality, but the rest of the world is basically a giant spherical insane asylum.
We must give ZERO Pureblood organ donations to creeps. Who are they to decide that the based can not help out a brother or sister in need? And seriously. I am perfection. And my beauty can only go to a Pureblood. Not that the vaxxed would reject my organs. But my organs would reject them.
So...just so I understand...I go into the hospital because of a virus given me by Fauchi, the CCP and Liberals...but paid for by my tax dollar. They refuse to treat me with Ivermectin and instead obey the Fauchi mandate and pump me full of Remdesivir and I end up with complete kidney failure which requires me to get a kidney transplant. Then this bitch writes me a letter stating that I cannot get a new kidney until I put the nail in my coffin and take their fucking death jab! This has gone so far beyond insanity even I cannot believe it and I've been warning people about our government, the UN, the NWO, etc. for almost 30 damn years! Honestly, we only have one avenue left for a redress of grievances and it damn sure isn't protesting with silly MAGA hats or exercising our Right to VOTE!
Bitch signs off with sincerely.... God will sort her out!
Well ..... after i call them and give them a piece of my mind, I'm gonna sign them up for auto insurance, health insurance and a new home warranty .... I hope they start dreading answering the phone
Just FYI, the chancellor of this med campus, Don Elliman, has a background in media.
“... A longtime executive in publishing, Elliman worked at Time Warner for 32 years, retiring as an executive vice president of Time Inc. Other positions he held include publisher of People magazine and president of Sports Illustrated. ...”
He got into CO sports teams after that then CO state government. (BTW, the Gates center mentioned here is not Bill Gates).
Oh hell yeah ... that sumbich is pub enema #1. Guaranteed he runs the death panel.
What would a patriot do if a patriot could go back in time and have a visit with Herman Goering or that Dr Mengela.
Death Panels right here in the USA.
When all this info gets out to the general public - and I believe it eventually will - to expose these evil beasts, their time on this earth will be over. I’m not one for mob justice, but a Nuremberg-style trial and subsequent execution of all guilty individuals would suit me just fine. Sooner would be much better than later. Hopefully every last one of them has a sealed indictment with their name on it as a guilty party.
Interesting concept about going back in time and eradicating these beasts before they have the opportunity to ply their evil genocide. While I’m not aware of any time-travel capabilities at the current time, in this day and age, do these sick beasts truly believe they’re going to get away with genocide like this for very long? (Enema #1... lol).
I can’t speak to the -tards in your circles, nor to the 4-6% who, as Q said are unreachable (and I personally feel this number is higher), and to whatever extent these overlap, but the vaxed in my circles, when made to truly understand what’s going on, are certainly not going to be embracing this evil anymore.
Right now it’s evil wrapped up in pretty paper and bows (as they’re getting cooed at about how “responsible” and “caring” they are, what “morally superior” people they are, getting their jabs like good little obedient lemmings), but when this evil is shown for what it is, exposed as the pretty wrappings are torn off, they’re more likely to be horrified than disaffected. None of the vaxed in my circles would be okay with this example of pure evil denying critical healthcare to someone in need that OP has shared with us (assuming it’s even real).
Purely hypothetical here, but do you suppose those people you speak of, if they were made to understand that they’ve put themselves at risk, some mortally, and that they are the ones who will need to quarantine, that the medical-pharmaceutical industry will not help cure/heal them - will they care then about the state of (sic) ‘healthcare’?
While I harbor no misconceptions about their inability to accept responsibility for their own words and actions, right now they’re riding high on their little virtue-signaling horses. They’ve been deliberately terrified then made to feel “safe” and “virtuous” as long as they obey. What happens when they realize they were deceived? I’m not talking about now when their insular, fake news-fueled universe is repeating the lies in unison to reinforce the brainwashing, but when these people break out of the matrix and see this evil for what it is. The ones I know are going to be rattled to their very core. Everyone’s experience with this is going to be different, I understand.
Fuck. Me. Sideways.
This is beyond belief. This is evil incarnate.
Thats just plain EVIL!
SO wrong. :-(
I wouldn't want to get an organ transplant from a vaccinated person anyway.
Names & addresses.....names & addresses.....