Still, in this context, foment was what he was looking for and as a bonus it would cause people to look it up as it's not every day vocabulary for many.
I’m always on the lookout in my area for Patriots and the other day I passed a house in the middle of no where with a huge yellow sign that said GOD WINS! I was like Q follower!😊
I wonder if this "redemptive event" and William Shatner's "catastrophic event" and the coming "event" that General Flynn has spoken of are the same thing?
crazy thing is that it is impossible to know what is real that was killed and what is just a medical con. the story about laetrile is a story that could be a con or another medical item killed by big pharma board room. I
A husband and wife were taking it and died. They used this and blamed their deaths on laetrile with no proof. It was just accepted as fact and laetrile got banned. You can get it naturally from apricot seeds, there is even a little in apple seeds, you have to eat them with the apple.
I believe there may be more cyanide in those seeds/pits than laetrile, but I don't know the actual ratio. I would be VERY cautious about eating any significant quantity of those seeds!
Cyanide is not released in the bloodstream. Amygdalin is actually a compound of cyanide, benzaldehyde, and glucose. As a compound, it is harmless to normal cells as they cannot break it down.
However, it is detrimental to cancer cells as they can only metabolize the glucose for energy and by breaking down the amygdalin, the cyanide and benzaldehyde are released as well and the cancer cell dies.
THIS is what they do not want us to know. The cyanide fear porn is to scare us away from a natural cancer cure that cannot be profited off of by Big Pharma. We are being lied to about many things.
Watch youtube channel TumorTales, he is also a student, if you will, of Joe Tippins. This man has a brain tumor, he has been on the fenbendazole for over a year now, he's a marathon runner among other things, just did a 200 mi weekend event with of course others on his team.....fenbendazole folks, dog dewormer, WHAT THE FUCK ARE THESE EVIL DEMONS DOING TO US???
I didn't know this. Death bed testimony is vey powerful, though hopefully he has a time yet to go. I know he wants to see how this all turns out. Miracles happen and I'll remember him in my prayers.
He's an outspoken fellow and no doubt brave, considering his new-found celebrity.
I disagree that the world will be redeemed by acts of goodness and kindness. The only way any of us will find redemption is through Jesus, the Christ. I hope Dr. Zelenko spends some time in Isaiah, specifically chapters 51,52 abd 53. Being a Jew, he just may recognize the Messiah in those chapters. And then he can spread the ultimate red-pill. That Jesus Christ is Lord.
I think that means the method. As he taught love your neighbor as yourself and get the moat out of your own eye before removing your neighbours ..means don't project your faults on others...our own faults are hidden from us by a protective ego and this ego this I has to be diminished...the little tyrant who says believe what I believe how I believe or else! There is more but I am sure you get the method
I think he is Saying that there is no salvation outside of Jesus; the Messiah of the Jews who was rejected by them, except his first followers, actual Jews.
Ex I have never seen any scripture to say Jesus himself said he was king of Jews or Messiah...true meaning of Messiah means any event we know everything has been altered by popes Constantine and sixty gospels left out as not convenient to the message.....Jesus seems to be portrayed as a victim..telling people to be meek...again mistranslation....and the emphasis on the crucifixion a built making thing ...guilt is very negative thing..I could go on but all conflicting messages
If you want to believe that the religion of the Pharisees & the Babylonian Talmud will lead to salvation, that is your decision - I’m assuming your Jewish. Best of luck to you.
You should learn what the Jewish perspective is on those chapters. There's a two volume book set "Let's Get Biblical!" which explains it rather well. It's a wealth of knowledge that few people are aware of.
"In essence, Christians are dumbfounded. They don’t understand why the vast majority of Jews are unimpressed with their assertion that the central role of the messiah was to die for the sins of the world. Christians wonder: Why don’t passages in the ‘Old Testament’ such as Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22 convince the Jews that the messiah was to suffer and die for the sins of mankind? Don’t these and other texts in the Hebrew Scriptures provide irrefutable proof that Jesus is the promised Jewish messiah? After all, these chapters appear prominently in their own Bible."
"There is a clear answer to this age-old question: The messiah is not mentioned in any of these passages. In fact, these texts do not refer to the messiah but to someone or something else."
"the Church, as well as later Christian ‘translators’ manipulated, misquoted, mistranslated, and even fabricated passages in the Hebrew Scriptures in order to make its verses appear to be speaking about Jesus. This exhaustive and eye-opening book probes and illuminates this thought-provoking subject."
"Tragically, over the past two millennia, the Church’s faithful have been completely oblivious to this Bible-tampering because virtually no Christian can read or understand the Hebrew Scriptures in its original language."
"Since time immemorial, earnest parishioners blindly and utterly depended upon manmade Christian ‘translations’ of the ‘Old Testament’ in order to understand the ‘Word of God.’ Understandably, churchgoers are deeply puzzled by the Jewish rejection of their religion’s claims. They wonder aloud why Jewish people, who are reared since childhood in the Holy Tongue, and are the bearers and protectors of the sacred Oracles of God, do not accept Jesus as their messiah. How can such an extraordinary people dismiss such an extraordinary claim? Are they just plain stubborn? Let’s Get Biblical! thoroughly answers these perennial questions."
Most of the earliest Christians were illiterate, and not biblical scholars. Anyone who is a native Hebrew speaker will tell you that the translations are highly inaccurate if not outright intentionally mistranslated. No one who understands Hebrew well is going to find any mention to the messiah in Isaiah 53 in the original language.
If you want to be honest with yourself, you'll get these two books and investigate the matter for yourself. You don't have to take my word for it.
I didn't make a contention one way or the other as to the messiahship of Jesus. All I'm saying is that no one with a good knowledge of Hebrew who reads the original Isaiah 53 will find it is talking about any messiah.
Don't be afraid to go learn something. You can close your eyes and ears and scream "nyah nyah nyah, I'm not listening". But if you were honest with yourself, you would learn as much as you could regarding other interpretations, and why people understand things differently.
The book series I suggested looking at just came out a few years ago, not 40. I highly recommend giving "Let's Get Biblical!" a read. You'll understand why not everyone understands Isaiah 53 the same way you do.
Has anyone considers Mithras? He was the pagan God before Jesus and he was the lamb of God born in a stables died on a cross for our sins..etc etc. MIthras was born at Xmas and died at Easter etc etc.
Or another interpretation is the Jews chose to worship the annanuki supposed god called Jehovah out of all the Annanuki leaders whose were here min ING gold etc. These Annanuki are said to be what's in Antarctica and after trump won John Kerry flew out to see on the day of trump's inauguration. Consider why the popes of Russia and world leaders visit but no one else is allowed?
The earth is millions of years old and to say no one gets to heaven without accepting Jesus as a saviour is silly. Do you think just saying some words does the trick? An insurance policy? This thinking led popes to offering indulgences for money!
Every sect ...every cult that says no one but us will be saved ..needs to change their attitude.
You might say I am supporting your point with a simple question I have had for years which is: How come The Eucharist is not mentioned in the Nicene Creed?
Such a pivotal belief that distinguishes Catholics from other Christian denominations and have never heard a satisfying answer to explain its absence. The most common answer is that "the Nicene Creed is not meant to be all encompassing". Just seems to be an odd thing to leave out since the year 325.
I'm not familiar with the full history of the issue, but I think the idea of the eucharist being in a sense figurative instead of literal became more popular long after 325. In Nicea, during the proceedings, whether the body is literal as Catholics believe, wasn't an issue they were debating at the moment. If they didn't debate it, then there would be no reason for it to become part of the Nicene Creed. The creed itself would only cover issues that were being debated there. If there was agreement on an issue, or people were unaware of disagreement, then there's no reason to add it to the creed.
It's also possible at that time if there were disagreements, it didn't bother them as much, as they had much larger theological concerns bothering them than as to what the intention of the sacraments are.
Pharmacist friend of mine says insurance threatens to recall payments made for Ivermectin should reason arise in the future so they are no longer billing insurance. The amount most people need for China virus will run about $180 out of pocket. Have talked to multiple people with safe and effective experience with the veterinary preparations. Of course the pharmaceutical grade is ideal but there are alternatives.
There is proof out there that ivermectin does do the same things as HCQ and it is being vilified just the same. The information is being hidden as you should well know.
They are both anti parasitics. They are both proven safe. Of course they are different in substance, they still work to kill parasites and viruses. We are not being told this truth about the virus part.
He said "major stakeholders" not "all". You gotta ease the redpill onto the normies. They cant follow a dozen diffrent bloodlines and their organizations like pedes here can. They think watching netflix is more important. Sad but true. Why learn about the groups satan is using to control the earth when you can watch kevin spill his pot of chili on the floor?
I've been looking for proof those families are involved in either BlackRock or Vanguard for a year now and can't find anything legitimate. I'd love to have some meat to share.
They own it on paper. We are generations-deep indebted to work away our lifetimes to pay them back. That debt has only been growing lately, despite worldwide overpopulation. On the books, we are allowed to work for our own survival at about 20%, the other 80% of our labor must go to them to repay the monetary system that they supervise for us. Overspending increases the debt, and the debt accrues interest. We already owe, today, more than our children and grandchildren could ever repay - and it's growing.
Red Pill! Double Red Pill! Triple Red Pill! Red Over Pill! Red Pilltacular! Red Pilltrocity! Red Pillimanjaro! Red Pilltastrophy! Red Pillpocalypse! Red Pillionaire!
An upcoming redemptive event is likely the Reappearance. Nearly everyone at the level of those listed above knows, many by personal experience, that there are those who are part of what biblically is called the Order of Melchizedek, including the head of that group, who are now physically in the world waiting for conditions which would evoke the right response from humanity.
That event being the rapture of course. But it won’t “rebalance” until 7 years after that… a lot of pain here for ALL who remain on the earth after the “sky event”
I wonder what screen name he's using on this forum?
Dear Dr. Zelenko: You are a true hero and Godsend!
I'm sure that is was autocorrect, but I think the better word is "foment".
Thank you for fighting for all of us! You will be vindicated!
Ferment: incite or stir up Foment: instigate or stir up
Either way, he's good.
Still, in this context, foment was what he was looking for and as a bonus it would cause people to look it up as it's not every day vocabulary for many.
It made me look up ferment and find out it also has a meaning just like foment, so I removed my wordnerdy comment on it LOL
I appreciate the affliction of wordnerdy. I suffer from it as well.
I appreciate these discussions. It helps me refine my English.
Mispellings matter.
Ooohhhh so true!
Fermented Chaos would be a fantastic name for a new band
(also :)
Only if they electrified beer kegs for the music
Sounds more like leftovers in the back of the fridge
Fermenting chaos actually means lighting a fire that slow burns.
Fomenting would be rigging things more directly for a more immediate outcome.
Funny how people get hung in this.
People like drinks
I can't wait to find out who all posted and lurked here.
I’m always on the lookout in my area for Patriots and the other day I passed a house in the middle of no where with a huge yellow sign that said GOD WINS! I was like Q follower!😊
I’m wondering that about a lot of public figures😆
I wonder if this "redemptive event" and William Shatner's "catastrophic event" and the coming "event" that General Flynn has spoken of are the same thing?
Likely the Jewish messiah, but that will be the anti-Christ.
Don't hold back, Dr. Z.
Wow. Just Wow.
He revealed during his interview on Stew Peters that he has a terminal case of cancer, like Rush at the end he has few fucks left to give.
That sucks. There is probably a cure awaiting out there. A life saver to many yet his life can't be saved. Makes me so angry.
I mean, sorta, I don't know if it works on every kind of cancer, but Fenbendazole / Panacur C
mycancerstory(dot)rocks & Fenbendazole(dot)org
I remember, was it in the '80s?, that Laetrile was huge news. What happened to it?
Big pharma killed it the way (((they))) kill everything natural that works,
crazy thing is that it is impossible to know what is real that was killed and what is just a medical con. the story about laetrile is a story that could be a con or another medical item killed by big pharma board room. I
A husband and wife were taking it and died. They used this and blamed their deaths on laetrile with no proof. It was just accepted as fact and laetrile got banned. You can get it naturally from apricot seeds, there is even a little in apple seeds, you have to eat them with the apple.
I believe there may be more cyanide in those seeds/pits than laetrile, but I don't know the actual ratio. I would be VERY cautious about eating any significant quantity of those seeds!
Cyanide is not released in the bloodstream. Amygdalin is actually a compound of cyanide, benzaldehyde, and glucose. As a compound, it is harmless to normal cells as they cannot break it down.
However, it is detrimental to cancer cells as they can only metabolize the glucose for energy and by breaking down the amygdalin, the cyanide and benzaldehyde are released as well and the cancer cell dies.
THIS is what they do not want us to know. The cyanide fear porn is to scare us away from a natural cancer cure that cannot be profited off of by Big Pharma. We are being lied to about many things.
I went beyond a bookmark. I copy/pasted your post onto my drive using the TextEdit app. I can't thank you enough for that info.
Death absolutely will take away all of your worries.
He needs to watch Joe Tippins story and get on Fenbendazole.
Watch youtube channel TumorTales, he is also a student, if you will, of Joe Tippins. This man has a brain tumor, he has been on the fenbendazole for over a year now, he's a marathon runner among other things, just did a 200 mi weekend event with of course others on his team.....fenbendazole folks, dog dewormer, WHAT THE FUCK ARE THESE EVIL DEMONS DOING TO US???
I didn't know this. Death bed testimony is vey powerful, though hopefully he has a time yet to go. I know he wants to see how this all turns out. Miracles happen and I'll remember him in my prayers.
Walter White syndrome activated.
Oh no! Surely he knows something that can help with his connections!?!
Did he say what type of cancer?
it's on his website
Vlad the redpiller
Nice. This is why I'm here.
He's an outspoken fellow and no doubt brave, considering his new-found celebrity.
I disagree that the world will be redeemed by acts of goodness and kindness. The only way any of us will find redemption is through Jesus, the Christ. I hope Dr. Zelenko spends some time in Isaiah, specifically chapters 51,52 abd 53. Being a Jew, he just may recognize the Messiah in those chapters. And then he can spread the ultimate red-pill. That Jesus Christ is Lord.
Yes we all remember when Christ said "damn those who do good without crediting me"
You cheapen our lord, do not be so petty.
He’s not wrong: John 14:6 “No One Comes to the Father Except Through Me”
I think that means the method. As he taught love your neighbor as yourself and get the moat out of your own eye before removing your neighbours ..means don't project your faults on others...our own faults are hidden from us by a protective ego and this ego this I has to be diminished...the little tyrant who says believe what I believe how I believe or else! There is more but I am sure you get the method
I think he is Saying that there is no salvation outside of Jesus; the Messiah of the Jews who was rejected by them, except his first followers, actual Jews.
Ex I have never seen any scripture to say Jesus himself said he was king of Jews or Messiah...true meaning of Messiah means any event we know everything has been altered by popes Constantine and sixty gospels left out as not convenient to the message.....Jesus seems to be portrayed as a victim..telling people to be meek...again mistranslation....and the emphasis on the crucifixion a built making thing ...guilt is very negative thing..I could go on but all conflicting messages
If you want to believe that the religion of the Pharisees & the Babylonian Talmud will lead to salvation, that is your decision - I’m assuming your Jewish. Best of luck to you.
Absolutely not. I taught at a Methodist Sunday school... Studied all religions current and past and have the same opinion about them all.
If our current situation receives “salvation” from God it will be by His Mercy and Grace.
God knows the weaknesses of these Satanists. Pray that He will give us the wisdom to take them down. And the faith to follow through.
You should learn what the Jewish perspective is on those chapters. There's a two volume book set "Let's Get Biblical!" which explains it rather well. It's a wealth of knowledge that few people are aware of.
It's page is here:
Here's some details from its summary:
"In essence, Christians are dumbfounded. They don’t understand why the vast majority of Jews are unimpressed with their assertion that the central role of the messiah was to die for the sins of the world. Christians wonder: Why don’t passages in the ‘Old Testament’ such as Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22 convince the Jews that the messiah was to suffer and die for the sins of mankind? Don’t these and other texts in the Hebrew Scriptures provide irrefutable proof that Jesus is the promised Jewish messiah? After all, these chapters appear prominently in their own Bible."
"There is a clear answer to this age-old question: The messiah is not mentioned in any of these passages. In fact, these texts do not refer to the messiah but to someone or something else."
"the Church, as well as later Christian ‘translators’ manipulated, misquoted, mistranslated, and even fabricated passages in the Hebrew Scriptures in order to make its verses appear to be speaking about Jesus. This exhaustive and eye-opening book probes and illuminates this thought-provoking subject."
"Tragically, over the past two millennia, the Church’s faithful have been completely oblivious to this Bible-tampering because virtually no Christian can read or understand the Hebrew Scriptures in its original language."
"Since time immemorial, earnest parishioners blindly and utterly depended upon manmade Christian ‘translations’ of the ‘Old Testament’ in order to understand the ‘Word of God.’ Understandably, churchgoers are deeply puzzled by the Jewish rejection of their religion’s claims. They wonder aloud why Jewish people, who are reared since childhood in the Holy Tongue, and are the bearers and protectors of the sacred Oracles of God, do not accept Jesus as their messiah. How can such an extraordinary people dismiss such an extraordinary claim? Are they just plain stubborn? Let’s Get Biblical! thoroughly answers these perennial questions."
Most of the earliest Christians were illiterate, and not biblical scholars. Anyone who is a native Hebrew speaker will tell you that the translations are highly inaccurate if not outright intentionally mistranslated. No one who understands Hebrew well is going to find any mention to the messiah in Isaiah 53 in the original language.
If you want to be honest with yourself, you'll get these two books and investigate the matter for yourself. You don't have to take my word for it.
If you're so sure of your convictions then read the other side. If you don't want to purchase any books, here's some less detailed sources you can read for an introduction:
I didn't make a contention one way or the other as to the messiahship of Jesus. All I'm saying is that no one with a good knowledge of Hebrew who reads the original Isaiah 53 will find it is talking about any messiah.
Don't be afraid to go learn something. You can close your eyes and ears and scream "nyah nyah nyah, I'm not listening". But if you were honest with yourself, you would learn as much as you could regarding other interpretations, and why people understand things differently.
The book series I suggested looking at just came out a few years ago, not 40. I highly recommend giving "Let's Get Biblical!" a read. You'll understand why not everyone understands Isaiah 53 the same way you do.
Has anyone considers Mithras? He was the pagan God before Jesus and he was the lamb of God born in a stables died on a cross for our sins..etc etc. MIthras was born at Xmas and died at Easter etc etc.
Or another interpretation is the Jews chose to worship the annanuki supposed god called Jehovah out of all the Annanuki leaders whose were here min ING gold etc. These Annanuki are said to be what's in Antarctica and after trump won John Kerry flew out to see on the day of trump's inauguration. Consider why the popes of Russia and world leaders visit but no one else is allowed?
The earth is millions of years old and to say no one gets to heaven without accepting Jesus as a saviour is silly. Do you think just saying some words does the trick? An insurance policy? This thinking led popes to offering indulgences for money!
Every sect ...every cult that says no one but us will be saved ..needs to change their attitude.
You might say I am supporting your point with a simple question I have had for years which is: How come The Eucharist is not mentioned in the Nicene Creed?
Such a pivotal belief that distinguishes Catholics from other Christian denominations and have never heard a satisfying answer to explain its absence. The most common answer is that "the Nicene Creed is not meant to be all encompassing". Just seems to be an odd thing to leave out since the year 325.
I'm not familiar with the full history of the issue, but I think the idea of the eucharist being in a sense figurative instead of literal became more popular long after 325. In Nicea, during the proceedings, whether the body is literal as Catholics believe, wasn't an issue they were debating at the moment. If they didn't debate it, then there would be no reason for it to become part of the Nicene Creed. The creed itself would only cover issues that were being debated there. If there was agreement on an issue, or people were unaware of disagreement, then there's no reason to add it to the creed.
It's also possible at that time if there were disagreements, it didn't bother them as much, as they had much larger theological concerns bothering them than as to what the intention of the sacraments are.
holy fuck
Found on gab ht
Rat fink indeed.
can he send me some fucking ivermectin?
It's insane i can't get an Rx for this in my own god damn state w/o having to pay way more than it should be. Isn't this drug cheap AF to make?
Doctors that don't prescribe it are murderers. Change my mind.
Pharmacist friend of mine says insurance threatens to recall payments made for Ivermectin should reason arise in the future so they are no longer billing insurance. The amount most people need for China virus will run about $180 out of pocket. Have talked to multiple people with safe and effective experience with the veterinary preparations. Of course the pharmaceutical grade is ideal but there are alternatives.
I've taken the horse version, I'm in stable condition. Ignore the neigh-sayers, Kek!
Ivermectin works better than HCQ.
There is proof out there that ivermectin does do the same things as HCQ and it is being vilified just the same. The information is being hidden as you should well know.
They are both anti parasitics. They are both proven safe. Of course they are different in substance, they still work to kill parasites and viruses. We are not being told this truth about the virus part.
Don't fall for the MSM lies.
But there are 13 bloodlines....
Why didn't he name the rest?
He said "major stakeholders" not "all". You gotta ease the redpill onto the normies. They cant follow a dozen diffrent bloodlines and their organizations like pedes here can. They think watching netflix is more important. Sad but true. Why learn about the groups satan is using to control the earth when you can watch kevin spill his pot of chili on the floor?
Good point
Who are all 13?
Search for 13 Illuminati bloodlines
But you want the Italian named ones. I think the others are the fronts for the ancient families that trace themselves back to Ancient Rome.
So we could point people to the work of Fritz Springmeier. Find it. Read it.
I've been looking for proof those families are involved in either BlackRock or Vanguard for a year now and can't find anything legitimate. I'd love to have some meat to share.
Dr. Zelenko didn't kill himself.
Do we believe they own all they claim or this is another lie?
They own it on paper. We are generations-deep indebted to work away our lifetimes to pay them back. That debt has only been growing lately, despite worldwide overpopulation. On the books, we are allowed to work for our own survival at about 20%, the other 80% of our labor must go to them to repay the monetary system that they supervise for us. Overspending increases the debt, and the debt accrues interest. We already owe, today, more than our children and grandchildren could ever repay - and it's growing.
I wonder if the House of Saud was on this list prior to Nov 2017?
May God rein his full wrath one these families, foundations, and Vanguard and Black Rock.
I just keep thinking that a well aimed Rod from God during COP26 in Glasgow could sort out a lot of problems for the rest of the world 🤷🏻♀️
I wish I could updoot this 200 times!!
What keep standing out -
Vanguard started in 1971 which coincides w Kissinger / Nixon / Breckenwoods / Leaving gold standard entirely.
Think about it.
They made a USD they had full control of to consolidate and gobble up resources
Is this the Keystone to how the NWO was truly born in 1971?
Red Pill! Double Red Pill! Triple Red Pill! Red Over Pill! Red Pilltacular! Red Pilltrocity! Red Pillimanjaro! Red Pilltastrophy! Red Pillpocalypse! Red Pillionaire!
This is the kind of energy we need NOW
An upcoming redemptive event is likely the Reappearance. Nearly everyone at the level of those listed above knows, many by personal experience, that there are those who are part of what biblically is called the Order of Melchizedek, including the head of that group, who are now physically in the world waiting for conditions which would evoke the right response from humanity.
I'm reminded of a scene from The Office:
Robert California: And why is Black Rock suddenly the paragon by which all hedge funds must now be compared?
Kevin Malone: I don’t know.
Robert: Right. I mean you’re an accountant. Those bogus prospectuses must drive you insane.
Kevin: Yes. I am an accountant.
I've been assigned with reading a book by Dale Carnegie.. Any relation to the name mentioned here..? 🤔
#4010 As we prepare to land, please** fasten your seatbelt** and make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position. Q
Ain’t shit gonna happen to these elite so what difference does it make?
Never heard of the Orsini family, going to do some searching.
If P=Payseur then that's a separate global shepard?
Glory be the day these assets are turned over to The People.
That event being the rapture of course. But it won’t “rebalance” until 7 years after that… a lot of pain here for ALL who remain on the earth after the “sky event”
hope boner achieved
Wish he was my local doc! Not that I go to doctors but if I did, I’d like someone as smart and clued in as him!
Doesnt this guy believe in the germ theory of disease and that the pandemic is real though?
What event? What sky event? Can we trust that any said event is actually good guys vs bad guys? Could be hard to tell.
Correction, were at.