The banking executives signed NDAs (= can't talk about it), and then went on to tell him they have been training on GFS for 6 months, and that it is rolling out within 3 months.
Maybe they're okay with that at this stage? Would be fun if true but sounded pretty LARPy. Have never seen this guy before.
I am very wary of the QFS stuff. Actually have a family member who appears to be getting scammed on it now. Basically is being instructed to put cash in a basket and walk away.
Good liars can convince themselves that what they are saying IS true. They create small compartments in their heads and in that compartment, it IS true, so they can effectively deliver. Because they believe it themselves on one level (while suppressing the part that knows its um, made up.)
He did this as a single run on thought, no edits. He did not look at notes or contradict himself. He was consistent throughout the first 8 minutes. No stuttering or overemphasis either. In this regard he came off as credible.
I don't know who he is or if he is an influencer. More data required as he could just be a narcissist who believes everything he says. That would account for the above comment. In this regard he could be a sociopath.
To add to the above, if he does have a following and what he said does not come to pass he's possibly nuked his credibility...or not. Groups that believe in deus ex machina scenarios tend to be forgiving and allow goalposts to be moved, repeatedly. In this regard two weeks...
I find no recent mentions of QFS anywhere and I scoured. Everything from last year. But, no mention on any site I would cite as a reliable source. Most look like DIY web builder / sponsored content work. Some are way out into New Age BS and quite likely are meant to discredit, a couple absolutely glow.
QFS ties into many weird points that have come up over the last 10 years, NESARA being #1. Again, cannot find anything to back up claims that momentum enacting it died on 9/11. If indeed it was moving along in Congress there would be archival info on that. I've not followed the crumbs or tried to bake anything further.
QFS ties into some sort of future currency exchange from old dollars to new dollars, transition of 401K & pensions, etc. It also means the destruction of debt based currency completely. One aspect of US deficit payback was speculated as the minting of many 1 trillion dollar platinum coins, size undetermined but you could carry one. At some point the DS would get their 30 pieces of trillion dollar coinage, the US Treasury would assign value to the money they mint.
#6 would be totally Trump; paying back the debt while yanking the rug out from under the DS. The payback coinage would be minted in old USD not equal to new USD and therefore not convertible back into any amount approaching the old deficit amount, heh.
So...two weeks but I can't be the only one that feels a hastening of events either.
So really all we have to do is sit on this and wait to see if it's valid or not.Either it's a self-fulfilling fact or it's a fail, there's no in between. It's either true or false and in the short window given in the video, it will pan out or it won't. VERY interesting if true, but VERY LARP'ey if not.
I dropped into his most recent video (feb 28 - for an "influencer, he's pretty darn unproductive and has been getting around 3-4k average likes for the last 7 months, since he started posting on YT (apparently). (Exception = 2 vids that got 20k+ views)
So, listening sporadically in his most recent vid, I picked up these amazing truths!
Don Trump's uncle and Elvis Presley's dad are the same man! (woah, how could anyone NOT believe that, right?)
The cabal used Looking Glass to see the timeline and they stepped in to prevent us from getting Tesla's tech.
Tesla is not actually dead, folks.
He met some dude who is Howard Hughes grandson. Apparently.
In my opinion, this guy is around 40% Larp, and 40% Loopy. He seems like a much less successful version of Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward and about 500 other fringe dwellers who scoop up all the folks who love their rabbit holes so much, they live down there and start to imagine that everything they see is the real world.
I have listened to this guy before. Seems ok. Did not seem to be lying. Rather,I do not want him to be lying so I am going with it. His emotional reaction when he said who the president is sold me because I felt the same.
When he said who the president was I got chills. Chills.I pumped my fist like the vikings just won the super bowl.
Careful. The voice breaking up is known to be a sympathy-inducing tactic that is used to create credibility. CIA did this with fake witnesses to JKF assassination. See JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man's Game documentary, available on uncensored video sharing websites.
Yes, we know the vikings have never won the super bowl. I do imagine that someday they may and my reaction is as such. Even if it is rigged. For whatever reason I have a, a very strong emotional attachment to that team since I saw them lose to the steelers in the super bowl. Maybe I was a viking in a past life. Maybe its the purple. Maybe its the horns. Too much info? You brought it up.....
Our local cops showed up at our plumbing business to check out our shipping containers to make sure we weren't running meth labs in the middle of a residential area. I think they were looking for missile launchers. You cant make meth in town without the whole town smelling the chemicals!
Lol they all took an oath to their pensions and hate the constitution. They only protect and serve the blue line.
Cops are scumbag tools of the state to oppress their fellow citizens at the will of tyrants. Do you honestly think a cop gives a fuck about your 2nd amendment? They are scared shitless of an armed America.
Clif High talked about today being a huge day regarding the financial system. I don't think he said anything specifically about QFS but he seemed to think Russia being removed from SWIFT would cripple the system as it's already been barely functional. I'm curious to see what he has to say because he said the effects might not be known for a few days. Seems like interesting timing for SWIFT to collapse while there are rumors of QFS coming online.
He did an interview with Patel Patriot a few days ago on the Devolution Power Hour that I highly recommend listening to. Very informative and interesting. He doesn't swear or talk about aliens because it was broadcast on the radio, lol.
💯 Other people have said this same thing. I remember two other hooligans my parents were watching several months ago that said they got these "secret meetings" and such.
I've steered them away from these paytriots/clowns.
If we've never heard of this guy, probably means he's a clown.
The "emotions" were terrible and super staged, too. Come on guys...
Has a trust me bro vibe and kinda seems like a way of promoting his channel. He doesn't have many views at least on Rumble, is he bigger on YT? Are there other influencers that can confirm having similar visits?
This raises to many questions and red flags for me.
First off did it really happen? I don't know this man or his content, is he doing this for a bigger following? How well known is he in the movement? He called the movement Q and Q anon and said whatever you call it? Is this man a glowie or mason?
If it happened. Can we really trust the glowies? Is he being set up? Given disinformation? Pacifying the Q movement? We know the FBI set up patriots to commit felonies.
Just even the question about the bodies in his prepping shelter, LE ask a stupid question like that to see your response, to see if you get irritated or defensive and worried. If he's LE how does he not know that?
I believe there could be agents that understand and want to reach out. But just because some agents turn up and tell us some news we want to hear doesn't mean we should jump in bed with them! Are we forgetting that they lie? They need to prove to us they are loyal and jump through some of our hoops.
8 cops, some feds, some local show up in 5 squad cars in front of your wife and kid. This sounds a lot more like they tell you you're in deep trouble unless you cooperate. Dude panics at the display of force and agrees to cooperate, then we get this which just reeks of confirmation bias - this story feeds this guy everything he seems to want and he gets to sell that story to his audience.
Meanwhile the little gerbil that's powering my brain cells is squeaking about 18 guys in Michigan accused of a plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitler in Michigan, and 12 of them turned out to be feds. The gerbil's saying don't take the cheese.
I believe him more than I believe 99% of MSM, Social Media, and Govt.
President Donald J. Trump - whooo hoo!
And within 3 months we'll see the new financial system which is being integrated with the old one as we speak. Now here's where I get concerned. But WTF. We know Trump is about "replacing a corrupt and failed political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People." At this point I just have to trust the man (DJT) who has gone through daily miseries and trials for years - for us. I can't believe he'd sign on to a new digital, social credit score banking system that would enslave humanity.
You believe a random guy who gave a awkward description of an encounter with a couple feds who spent way too much time being really vague in front of a bunch of other LEOs who had no purpose being there, took him out of his home to tell him practically nothing at all, and then went back into his home to talk some more about nothing worth mentioning. And apparently you believe this because he is telling you something you want to hear… yet not actually providing any proof.
No wonder you don’t trust anyone else. Your bullshit detector is malfunctioning.
"I believe him more than I believe 99% of MSM, Social Media, and Govt."
I didn't say I believed him any more than I believe the liars we're asked to believe daily. Just that I believe him more than those lies.
For someone who's only posted four times on this site your critical reading skills are very poor. The conclusion you drew from my post i.e. "you believe a random guy..."
is false. Don't let your emotions cloud your thinking.
Our fiat dollar is worth less than a 1950s nickel; PM backed dollar may have better value than a 1950s buck.. I do so long to know what my silver coins will be worth.. Perhaps there will be a chart at cash registers...
Depends on the state. I know in FL, if there is feds in town they’ll generally send FHP or the Sheriffs Office alongside feds just as general back up.
As a cop, what made sense to me is that Highway Patrol and the SO stayed on the porch while the feds spoke to the dude, because us low level LE aren’t readily in the know about anything going on in the federal government and are prohibited from stuff like that. But then again, if this guy really has prior LE experience he’d know that and know how to drum up a fake story.
His videos are so complicated sometimes and you wonder where is he going with this and then he wraps it up and it all makes sense. Then he goes to make bread. Would love to go intern with him for a month.
That’s the only part that made me go uh? Outside of that I understand the emotional part. Seemed real. If I had ever get a visit, and they are talking blah blah blah...eventually I would just straight up ask “whose the President of the United States currently?”... and if they said Trump, if they lied it not, I would feel such a sigh of relief, I’m sure I’d be emotional. It’s like all that fight in you getting a breather. His scenario seems a bit overdone, but I hope it’s real.
I would’ve answered the door with a gun though. Not visible, but ready.
The dude starts out saying the time in military time. No prior military service. LARPy flag right there.
Talks about being told about top secret clearance he's sharing. Another LARPy red flag.
Immediately gets on social to stroke his gown confirmation bias with this story, and even teased that he was given secret knowledge he's not allowed to share.
Lol don't fall for this. Claims he was a former cop, which is probably the only truth here. Of course a cop is going to lie to feel important. They are usually hurt ego loosers anyway.
If this faggotry actuly took place, it was feds setting up a Qtard for some further psyop or a false flag.
I am going to be checking out Chance, know someone that works there, I truly feel this is all a set up. Since he gave the name and area of this person going to see what I can find out. Something feels off about what he was saying and how he was saying it.
Until then, I'm regarding this as no better than datefagging. It's bullshit without actual, verifiable evidence.
If you want to ride the hopium rollercoaster, feel free, but I'm not interested in getting jerked around by some guy I've never heard of who makes money selling clicks to his videos on the internet. If these guys are as alleged, why bring the extra sheriff's deputies and local boys? Why not just send the two guys who actually have any business knowing about what this guy alleges is going on? And why does homeboy not become immediately suspicious that he's about to get strongarmed and Jan 6th'd in front of his wife and kid (and with a full bladder, apparently)?
Have you seen what they sticky here? The criteria seems to be anything interesting that will make us think and take in more information. What we do with it or believe is up to us.
I have to wonder, though: Wouldn't the MiBs have warned this guy not to talk about it? Apparently they didn't have their Flashy-Thing to erase his memory -
How many people follow this guy regularly? Whats your general feeling about him? Asking because I have never seen him before.
This video feels like watching some lonely nerd make up a story about how the cool kids came to his house and told him he could be part of their club.
It would be slightly sad if he were just acting out a fantasy for himself.
It's really sad that he's posting it on the internet.
The banking executives signed NDAs (= can't talk about it), and then went on to tell him they have been training on GFS for 6 months, and that it is rolling out within 3 months.
So his buddy violated his NDA. Right......
Except something close happened to John Soloman and Sarah Carter.
Isn't that for Nurses on TicToc?!?!?!
I don't want to be a doomer, but sounds like he could be getting set up. Stay vigilant.
If the feds show up without a warrant, you don't invite them in for tea.
3 months... or 2 weeks?
Gotta flatten that currency curve...
Also, that many show up, and 4 of them want to take you outside of your home, and you just go, sure!!!
I'd be like, state your business.
Why do you need that many people? EVERYONE in the neighborhood would see, notice, and now it becomes a talking point.
A cop should know not to cross the threshold.
Exactly. That just sounded dippy. And you leave your 11 year old there in the doorway (?) alone with about 8 other so-called federals?
While you're chatting away outside your house down the side, how dy'a know they're not ransacking the joint?
Maybe they're okay with that at this stage? Would be fun if true but sounded pretty LARPy. Have never seen this guy before.
I am very wary of the QFS stuff. Actually have a family member who appears to be getting scammed on it now. Basically is being instructed to put cash in a basket and walk away.
Yeah, the QFS was a direct signal (for me) that this is bunk.
From what I know about QFS, biggo scammo non tropo.
Exactly this.
I totally agree. It seemed off and seemed like he wants people to think, "Hey, the feds want me to help!" The same way they rope in every patsy.
The way he had to clear his throat threw me off after he said Donald J trump
"Remember, it's not a lie if you believe it"
Good liars can convince themselves that what they are saying IS true. They create small compartments in their heads and in that compartment, it IS true, so they can effectively deliver. Because they believe it themselves on one level (while suppressing the part that knows its um, made up.)
Watched the vid, my takes on it -
He did this as a single run on thought, no edits. He did not look at notes or contradict himself. He was consistent throughout the first 8 minutes. No stuttering or overemphasis either. In this regard he came off as credible.
I don't know who he is or if he is an influencer. More data required as he could just be a narcissist who believes everything he says. That would account for the above comment. In this regard he could be a sociopath.
To add to the above, if he does have a following and what he said does not come to pass he's possibly nuked his credibility...or not. Groups that believe in deus ex machina scenarios tend to be forgiving and allow goalposts to be moved, repeatedly. In this regard two weeks...
I find no recent mentions of QFS anywhere and I scoured. Everything from last year. But, no mention on any site I would cite as a reliable source. Most look like DIY web builder / sponsored content work. Some are way out into New Age BS and quite likely are meant to discredit, a couple absolutely glow.
QFS ties into many weird points that have come up over the last 10 years, NESARA being #1. Again, cannot find anything to back up claims that momentum enacting it died on 9/11. If indeed it was moving along in Congress there would be archival info on that. I've not followed the crumbs or tried to bake anything further.
QFS ties into some sort of future currency exchange from old dollars to new dollars, transition of 401K & pensions, etc. It also means the destruction of debt based currency completely. One aspect of US deficit payback was speculated as the minting of many 1 trillion dollar platinum coins, size undetermined but you could carry one. At some point the DS would get their 30 pieces of trillion dollar coinage, the US Treasury would assign value to the money they mint.
So...two weeks but I can't be the only one that feels a hastening of events either.
Great reply. I choose to believe him for now because it makes me feel better.
If anything he made me do research down paths I'd not trod before.
Nothing wrong with that 🙏
Clearly this kind of stuff requires correlation from other influencers having same experience. So dont let the hopium levels reach too high :)
Apparently, I'm not the only one who's just a little suspicious. If it's too good to be true.......
Well, yeah.....but
So really all we have to do is sit on this and wait to see if it's valid or not.Either it's a self-fulfilling fact or it's a fail, there's no in between. It's either true or false and in the short window given in the video, it will pan out or it won't. VERY interesting if true, but VERY LARP'ey if not.
“Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!”
Update: Checked out this dudes yutbe.
I dropped into his most recent video (feb 28 - for an "influencer, he's pretty darn unproductive and has been getting around 3-4k average likes for the last 7 months, since he started posting on YT (apparently). (Exception = 2 vids that got 20k+ views)
So, listening sporadically in his most recent vid, I picked up these amazing truths!
Don Trump's uncle and Elvis Presley's dad are the same man! (woah, how could anyone NOT believe that, right?)
The cabal used Looking Glass to see the timeline and they stepped in to prevent us from getting Tesla's tech.
Tesla is not actually dead, folks.
He met some dude who is Howard Hughes grandson. Apparently.
In my opinion, this guy is around 40% Larp, and 40% Loopy. He seems like a much less successful version of Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward and about 500 other fringe dwellers who scoop up all the folks who love their rabbit holes so much, they live down there and start to imagine that everything they see is the real world.
Dunno. I wouldn't follow this guy if you paid me.
Haha, sounds like a loopy guy dreaming of having a run in with FBI. Thanks for taking the time to do this analysis fren, very useful stuff.
If they are visiting different anons, there should be other sources for confirmation.
DecodingSymbols was asked not to post for 3 weeks.
Mentioned in first post after 3-week break
This post mentions the 3-week pause but it's not the one which states why
edit nm
This guy has a background in LE. I don't think every john q. Truther is gonna get the nod.
I would imagine...
Maybe they were told not to share anything yet, but this guy did.
Maybe all the other anon influencers signed NDAs, and they just forgot to bring it along for this dude....
So, all the other anons are like, Shhhhhh, but he's not coz he's like, you know, not all NDA'ed up.
And Lindsay Grahame is actually James Bond.
2 things.
Careful. The voice breaking up is known to be a sympathy-inducing tactic that is used to create credibility. CIA did this with fake witnesses to JKF assassination. See JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man's Game documentary, available on uncensored video sharing websites.
So be careful who you follow...
Great documentary, another one if you haven't seen it is The Money Masters from 1996
Produced by Bill Still. Great documentary!
Good info and it worked on me if it was done on purpose.
So what you're saying is you did not pump your fist?
Cause the vikings never won the super bowl. 🤔🤫
Yes, we know the vikings have never won the super bowl. I do imagine that someday they may and my reaction is as such. Even if it is rigged. For whatever reason I have a, a very strong emotional attachment to that team since I saw them lose to the steelers in the super bowl. Maybe I was a viking in a past life. Maybe its the purple. Maybe its the horns. Too much info? You brought it up.....
I'm just giving you grief, fren. I'm a lifelong Packer fan and the fruit was just hanging too low. I had to grab it.
Laces out!
lol nice, I knew I smelled cheese on you
LOL. Here's to another great season fren.
By the way, I like vikings too and horns and all that. Skol is a cool thing to say too. Rivalries though. 😉
You mentioned Vikings winning the Super Bowl, so that’s how I know it’s fake news
OP meant "like" in the sense of "as if".
No biggie.
Not that it confers any particular credibility. Just clarifying for the sake of.. clarity.
No, I get that…
What im conveying is the Vikings will never win the super bowl.
Ergo, fake news.
Ok, that's outside my sphere of knowledge, so I'm happy to run with that.
Go..... Saxons?
But the vikings never won a superbowl. Just like the Browns.
You posted your comment in the wrong place. This is the hopium thread. 😁
It's the raw uncut hopium thread. Which means it contains impurities, and can destroy your system if you use it inappropriately.....
Hey I’m a active cop. And I’m a Q follower. Can I get a visit from the feds? Pretty pleaze
Thank you for your service and being one of the good ones! God bless you sir.
Our local cops showed up at our plumbing business to check out our shipping containers to make sure we weren't running meth labs in the middle of a residential area. I think they were looking for missile launchers. You cant make meth in town without the whole town smelling the chemicals!
I've busted labs in middle class crowded neighborhoods with 300k houses. Ot wasn't detected by odor.
That's because cops are fucking dumb tyrants.
Some sure are but there are bad actors in every slice of society.
Lol they all took an oath to their pensions and hate the constitution. They only protect and serve the blue line.
Cops are scumbag tools of the state to oppress their fellow citizens at the will of tyrants. Do you honestly think a cop gives a fuck about your 2nd amendment? They are scared shitless of an armed America.
Most of them are ignorant, like most Americans.....unfortunately.
Wah wah, sorry you got a speeding ticket. You must be pretty upset about it.
Fortunately, anytime a law abiding citizen tells me they have a gun in the car I always tell them “thanks for telling me, that’s your right”
And generally that’s what most patrol officers (90% of all police) in the US do.
Clif High talked about today being a huge day regarding the financial system. I don't think he said anything specifically about QFS but he seemed to think Russia being removed from SWIFT would cripple the system as it's already been barely functional. I'm curious to see what he has to say because he said the effects might not be known for a few days. Seems like interesting timing for SWIFT to collapse while there are rumors of QFS coming online.
Russia left Swift months ago.
Their own world bank.
What platform is Clif High on? Never heard of him, but I'll give him a whirl.
Clif is on BitChute. Highly recommend him. He's phenomenal.
Second this, just have an open mind the history lessons are the best.
He has a Twitter account, @clif_high He has a substack also
He did an interview with Patel Patriot a few days ago on the Devolution Power Hour that I highly recommend listening to. Very informative and interesting. He doesn't swear or talk about aliens because it was broadcast on the radio, lol.
Who is this person?
💯 Other people have said this same thing. I remember two other hooligans my parents were watching several months ago that said they got these "secret meetings" and such.
I've steered them away from these paytriots/clowns.
If we've never heard of this guy, probably means he's a clown.
The "emotions" were terrible and super staged, too. Come on guys...
Too many people have said the QFS system is being turned on.
I say it too. I've no proof. Just intuition and the fact something has to change.
Has a trust me bro vibe and kinda seems like a way of promoting his channel. He doesn't have many views at least on Rumble, is he bigger on YT? Are there other influencers that can confirm having similar visits?
He’s either a good actor or shits about to get real interesting. I’m not gonna pass judgment either way for now. I’ll wait 48 hours.
Keep calm and PRAY!
God and Country. 🙏🇺🇸
This raises to many questions and red flags for me.
First off did it really happen? I don't know this man or his content, is he doing this for a bigger following? How well known is he in the movement? He called the movement Q and Q anon and said whatever you call it? Is this man a glowie or mason?
If it happened. Can we really trust the glowies? Is he being set up? Given disinformation? Pacifying the Q movement? We know the FBI set up patriots to commit felonies.
Just even the question about the bodies in his prepping shelter, LE ask a stupid question like that to see your response, to see if you get irritated or defensive and worried. If he's LE how does he not know that?
I believe there could be agents that understand and want to reach out. But just because some agents turn up and tell us some news we want to hear doesn't mean we should jump in bed with them! Are we forgetting that they lie? They need to prove to us they are loyal and jump through some of our hoops.
My glowie senses are tingling
8 cops, some feds, some local show up in 5 squad cars in front of your wife and kid. This sounds a lot more like they tell you you're in deep trouble unless you cooperate. Dude panics at the display of force and agrees to cooperate, then we get this which just reeks of confirmation bias - this story feeds this guy everything he seems to want and he gets to sell that story to his audience.
Meanwhile the little gerbil that's powering my brain cells is squeaking about 18 guys in Michigan accused of a plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitler in Michigan, and 12 of them turned out to be feds. The gerbil's saying don't take the cheese.
Yup! That’s was one of my first thoughts. “This QAnon movement”. Also the number of cars/people seemed inconsistent.
same guys came to my door but i didn't answer. i got video though- u/#wildwest
Couldn’t even get a picture of the vehicles in his driveway or dudes walking back to them?
I am just gonna say, if I had that happen to me the first thing on my mind is not camera. Its, "what have I done" and then "is my gun loaded"
Gun should always be loaded.
Doesn’t everyone have a “ring” or “wyze” cam nowadays? That’s what bothers me about it too
I do not.
Why any freedom loving patriot would use that bullshit is beyond me.
Ring gives all of your footage to the cops without your permission.
I believe him more than I believe 99% of MSM, Social Media, and Govt. President Donald J. Trump - whooo hoo!
And within 3 months we'll see the new financial system which is being integrated with the old one as we speak. Now here's where I get concerned. But WTF. We know Trump is about "replacing a corrupt and failed political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People." At this point I just have to trust the man (DJT) who has gone through daily miseries and trials for years - for us. I can't believe he'd sign on to a new digital, social credit score banking system that would enslave humanity.
You believe a random guy who gave a awkward description of an encounter with a couple feds who spent way too much time being really vague in front of a bunch of other LEOs who had no purpose being there, took him out of his home to tell him practically nothing at all, and then went back into his home to talk some more about nothing worth mentioning. And apparently you believe this because he is telling you something you want to hear… yet not actually providing any proof.
No wonder you don’t trust anyone else. Your bullshit detector is malfunctioning.
"I believe him more than I believe 99% of MSM, Social Media, and Govt." I didn't say I believed him any more than I believe the liars we're asked to believe daily. Just that I believe him more than those lies.
For someone who's only posted four times on this site your critical reading skills are very poor. The conclusion you drew from my post i.e. "you believe a random guy..." is false. Don't let your emotions cloud your thinking.
Our fiat dollar is worth less than a 1950s nickel; PM backed dollar may have better value than a 1950s buck.. I do so long to know what my silver coins will be worth.. Perhaps there will be a chart at cash registers...
As I understand it a one for one exchange on currency, so fairness pays..
Just like that you're in .
Video says the guy got a visit from some MiBs who seemed to be recruiting him for something, and told him that DJT is President of the United States.
I hope it's true. I guess we'll see.
Yeah... I've been sifting through all these comments and it seems that your take pretty much matches mine. Hopeful but waiting.
Gonna remain skeptical on this one. I really wanna know why the local HP and County Sherrifs vehicles were not readily identifiable as such.
And they say they are FBI but are actually SS?
There is always hope, but that was all a bit odd.
Depends on the state. I know in FL, if there is feds in town they’ll generally send FHP or the Sheriffs Office alongside feds just as general back up.
As a cop, what made sense to me is that Highway Patrol and the SO stayed on the porch while the feds spoke to the dude, because us low level LE aren’t readily in the know about anything going on in the federal government and are prohibited from stuff like that. But then again, if this guy really has prior LE experience he’d know that and know how to drum up a fake story.
I assisted plenty of fed knock and talks too. It's the talk part of this that gives me red flags. Doesn't make sense.
And why would he ask who the president is? Bullshit
Thank you for this insight.
*USSS, not SS
You would think Clif High and Patel Patriot would have a good talking to. Between them, i think they have nailed 80% of this.
Clif is amazing. His brain needs to be frozen and saved for posterity.
His videos are so complicated sometimes and you wonder where is he going with this and then he wraps it up and it all makes sense. Then he goes to make bread. Would love to go intern with him for a month.
Just don't want to meet the bug.
Don't fear the bug. Recognize it for what it is. Take ivermectin for parasites.
Thanks. I have, a couple of times. Thinking of doing a course of Fenbendazole but less sure of it.
Fenben is incredible. It got rid of my brainfog and I got a lot of my energy back. 0 side-effects.
Jussie Smollett can spin a better story than this guy.
"In this Q movement, or Qanon movement, or whatever we call it....."
This surprised me. Are most anons pretty darn clear about what this movement is?
That’s the only part that made me go uh? Outside of that I understand the emotional part. Seemed real. If I had ever get a visit, and they are talking blah blah blah...eventually I would just straight up ask “whose the President of the United States currently?”... and if they said Trump, if they lied it not, I would feel such a sigh of relief, I’m sure I’d be emotional. It’s like all that fight in you getting a breather. His scenario seems a bit overdone, but I hope it’s real.
I would’ve answered the door with a gun though. Not visible, but ready.
First LOL in the thread
Yeah, that gif is going to be one of my favorites.
Odessa FL. and Not VP, but has appropriate background for a roll out.
Maybe the NDA only covers certain aspects of the QFS. Idk
He outed the guy by name. It's crazy. Atipnfslling for This shit it's too obvious.
He said they were under NDA, many banks were, but some things he can mention. Then he mentioned the mention.
My veins are bulging with adrenolized hopichrome
Dude…. Trust me, bro
What a fucking a LARP.
The dude starts out saying the time in military time. No prior military service. LARPy flag right there.
Talks about being told about top secret clearance he's sharing. Another LARPy red flag.
Immediately gets on social to stroke his gown confirmation bias with this story, and even teased that he was given secret knowledge he's not allowed to share.
Lol don't fall for this. Claims he was a former cop, which is probably the only truth here. Of course a cop is going to lie to feel important. They are usually hurt ego loosers anyway.
If this faggotry actuly took place, it was feds setting up a Qtard for some further psyop or a false flag.
Is this man gonna attempt to shoot a blank round at biden from a bell tower? And give the DS the excuse to Round us all up into FEMA camps. 🤷🏻♂️
I have a feeling this guy is going to lose some Q social credit score over this.
I am going to be checking out Chance, know someone that works there, I truly feel this is all a set up. Since he gave the name and area of this person going to see what I can find out. Something feels off about what he was saying and how he was saying it.
I look forward to your update.
Got someone that is going to check in the work database on Monday. I am waiting on this one and will update what I find out.
There a dozen or so "Chance" on LinkedIn. No VPs and No Salt lake.
Future verifies past.
Until then, I'm regarding this as no better than datefagging. It's bullshit without actual, verifiable evidence.
If you want to ride the hopium rollercoaster, feel free, but I'm not interested in getting jerked around by some guy I've never heard of who makes money selling clicks to his videos on the internet. If these guys are as alleged, why bring the extra sheriff's deputies and local boys? Why not just send the two guys who actually have any business knowing about what this guy alleges is going on? And why does homeboy not become immediately suspicious that he's about to get strongarmed and Jan 6th'd in front of his wife and kid (and with a full bladder, apparently)?
10 men from various agencies go in for a background check?, and start talking about proposed financial systems?
That doesn't make sense to me. This guy is either being set up, or he's just blurting out a weird fantasy.
I call bull $hit. He could have substantiated with a picture or at least posted a picture of a friend in a suit next to an Uber driver.
There is no way this is how it would go down. Me thinks self promoting LARP. No sauce, no video, no corroborating evidence.
Nice username. Divinity?
Old school Dungeons & Dragons.
Nice. I just read the Icewind Dale books again recently. Not gonna lie it's made me want to play table top or Baldur's Gate on PC lol!
This should be stickied
No, it shouldnt. There is no proof to back up his claims.
Have you seen what they sticky here? The criteria seems to be anything interesting that will make us think and take in more information. What we do with it or believe is up to us.
I have to wonder, though: Wouldn't the MiBs have warned this guy not to talk about it? Apparently they didn't have their Flashy-Thing to erase his memory -
That's NOT how these kinds of discussions would go down.