The even HIGHER awareness take is that faith in the LORD helped many overcome their fear, retain critical thinking skills, recognize unveiled evil, and continue to make rational decisions despite the worlds largest propaganda campaign lying to them.
I was not scared of the virus. My family saw that there was an alternative answer. High awareness enabled us to predict what scoundrels would do and they followed their script exactly. Before they were even talking about a jab, I told everybody that the mask didn't make sense unless they were conditioning people to comply which means mandatory injections are coming. Each time we were right, we reinforced our convictions. When Trump said he took it, we didn't flinch or even consider changing our minds.
I would say with a fair amount of confidence that this is why Scott continues to "not get it" why people did not take the jabs. Because he is an atheist.
I took a logical approach based upon my knowledge of liars/politicians/Big Pharma, "viruses" and "vaccines" and the process of making and approving them, and the data we were seeing on who was contracting it how often, and who was dying.
The math was very clear, to not take the shots.
If you add the idea that we are made in the image of God, it's a "no brainer". No Weapon Formed Against Us Shall Prosper.
P.S. I also think that Scott's issue is not the vaxx. I think Scott is worried that he with his own hand killed many thousands of people, because he helped get us more ventilators.
Because they created this one as a weapon on purpose. We weren't fighting something born of nature. This was a cabal-created pandemic. And from the groups promoting it to the point of talking about incarcerating the unvaxed against their will, you can now see entities the cabal controls through placing of their people in top positions. So many government entities are suspect, as well as international ones like the UN and the WHO.
EDIT: Sometimes I abbreviate. Let's step back. These people are liars and bureaucrats. So we've been told that with "COVID19", there is a cytokine storm in the lungs that causes the lungs to fill with fluid, in some patients. If that happens, and there is a ventilator, then we're probably blowing peoples' lungs up and killing them. If that is not happening, something else bad is happening with the vents. Because it's like a 95% chance or something that if you have "COVID19" and go on a vent, you will be taking a dirt nap soon. I think your comment is intended to state that only the CTD patients get the vent. That could just be all it is. I don't know. See: Liars and Bureaucrats.
The ventilator deaths are tragic, but they shined a very large light on a critical issue in our healthcare system—lack of respiratory therapists.
Much like how the Rockefeller medical education system is designed to keep us short stocked on doctors, when COVID hit, there were not enough respiratory therapists to cover everyone they put on ventilators. Had there been instead of other doctors not trained to see when they should be used, how to use them properly, etc. some of those lives would’ve been saved.
Scott did what MOST people did. They trusted Big Pharma and our health regulatories. No due diligence. No critical thinking. No knowledge of Big Pharma’s and the regulatories highly sketchy and criminal past.
Honestly, the first major clues to me were Bill Gates own words and his involvement in big pharma. Over and over, as I listened to his speeches, he mentioned vaccines and DEPOPULATION, which made no sense. Vaccines should save lives. But this was not a standard vaccine. It was something else. And I looked for trials Gates was part of in third world areas of India, Africa and places like Peru to see their ultimate outcome. He liked to test the poisons he invested in on poor, brown children. Those tests killed and permanently disabled many of those children. Pray for justice for all of the victims of these evil oligarchs. I also ask God to take back their wealth so it can be distributed among all their many victims. It's too late for those who have died, but maybe it would help their families survive and cope.
Was it literally the “low-awareness” take on vaccinations people to get their spider sense activated when the exact same information and mandates started rolling down from those on-high at the same time, in the same way, with the same language?
It was so obviously weird and too consistent. And that it was going hand-in-hand with mass culling of accounts on social media. And mass censorship.
Scott, frankly, you are the part of the “low- awareness” crowd…minus the bravery for standing your ground all those months… so you are both low-awareness and high-awareness at the same time?
Just own it. You are both fearful and think yourself very smart. Too smart to be fooled, right?
Scott Adams doesn't want to admit that so many people are wiser and more informed than he is. This must be a blow to his ego and he still insists that it was all by "chance" that we are right. So he lashes out like this.
The cognitive dissonance has been funny to watch from the vaxxers lately. They know we were right, we know we were right, they know we know we were right, yet they continue to act like we were wrong.
Had no idea admitting you were wrong was so hard for people until this whole thing.
I have no problem admitting when I’m wrong. People I’ve known forever, we talked and talked about this shot and now that the truth has come out they still won’t even apologize for all the fucked up stuff they said and did based on their belief in a lie.
Admitting you are wrong about something fundamental to survival is bad enough, it shows you had bad judgement.
But IMO the biggest thing is the fact that if the vax was meant to harm, the implications are that big government is out to get you and kill you and that socialism and deference to authority is a trap and that some people's core values need to be reexamined.
Take it from an ex lefty, this is the problem with admitting that the vax is harmful.
And if you accept that truth, you begin to see evil involvement in other things--including the rot inside our own governments. You actually go through the stages of grief when you come to the realization of how evil your own government really is. It felt like a death to me. Death of a dream I had about my own country, really.
I actually thought I had a hard time admitting I'm wrong, but by comparison I've learned many people don't just have a hard time, they are stubbornly incapable.
Ha. Exactly! He can't possibly accept that someone (many) out there made a smarter decision than he. It wouldn't surprise me if he goes and flaggelates himself in secrecy before bed everynight.
I can just imagine. "I'm a naughty bad Scott Adams! Naughty bad Scott Adams doesn't deserve ice cream tonight! Naughty bad Scott Adams deserves a spanking!"
Actions speak louder than tweets, Trump did invite him over to visit the Oval Office. Perhaps Adams plays a role in shepherding "logical" middle-aged white collar workers who thought themselves wise getting clotshots.
It's a wild but similar line of rationale between setting up a fake feud between Flynn and Lin Wood. Lin Wood, perhaps as part of his deal for having Flipped, has to act foolish and out of character. Fantastical vitriol was an inevitable byproduct among some Trump supporters post-2020 Election fallout. You have middle-aged pissed off Trump supporters who are effectively shepherd by an entity that is Patriot controlled, not say MOS controlled (AJ).
I think his ego has everything to do with his current stance. I think a lot of people had an intuitive visceral reaction to it and the way it was pushed on the public. But doing the research backed up what God was trying to tell us. And he doesn't believe in God, so he didn't ask for wisdom and insight like many of the unvaxed I know. God gives you wisdom and intuition, if you stay tuned into Him. But it's up to you to use what God gives you to put it into perspective. That's one thing Q did that will help us in a lot of situations. They taught us to recognize there is a matrix of sorts and much is deliberately being hidden from us. But it's up to us to do our due diligence to research things we're being confronted with, instead of just staring at the boob tube at the end of the day.
My dad is a solid Christian man, but he's also an uninformed doofus. Last December he told me it seems that the whole vaccine thing is just a money-making scam. Then in January he got boosted. He's the caretaker to my pinhead, paranoid aunt, so he just does whatever she says. I haven't been able to see him for 10 years and he hasn't seen his granddaughter grow up at all, but the way things are going, it won't happen.
That’s why we are here. We can finally not be alone in a world full of retards, no offense to actual MHMR patients. Some of those folks would actually listen to us about not taking the shot
That’s the saddest part, many don’t know we exist.
Getting booted off Reddit really has kept us away from the young, brainwashed crowd. Luckily there’s still one or two subs there that still get real news published.
Anyone remember when they had to quarantine us because multiple posts a day hitting front page until we took up 50+% lmao. Those were the days.
We knew they were lying from the start. When they shut down everything including churches, then when they would turn the massive pressure against HCQ and zinc, even banning it. Then the masks, which if you actually looked up the research, was very clear they didn’t stop a virus, and indeed were dangerous as people were using them (cotton, wearing them all day, touching them, never washing them, etc,) So when the vaccines came out and Tiffany passed out and died in front of us, then they trotted out a fake Tiffany and lied again…we all knew it was BS. Whistleblowers said to stay away from it. The Globalists had been promising a vaccine to reduce the population of the world. But the most obvious to me: the constant propaganda that it was “Safe, Effective and Free”. And then they bribed us, threatened us, pressured us, fired us, banned us, etc. Yeah. You had to be really blind if you believed it.
Re: masks, other than healthcare facilities, NOBODY had any 'medical waste' containers for used masks. Which are obviously dangerous medical waste, right? But NO. I guess it wasn't important, so the contaminated masks just ended up everywhere.
Funny... I thought it was BS from the beginning. The more I researched and did not listen to the MSM the more I was convinced I was right. I'm not that smart. Fear was manufactured!! It's how they do things.....
The whole tone of this tweet makes him sound like someone who deeply regrets that they were gullible enough to be tricked. He will slowly realize why satan is known as the great deceiver.
P.S. pretty sad my phone was forcing me to type satan with a capital "s" until I manually corrected it the 3rd time
It’s keeping him up at night. His subconscious trying to figure out a way to make himself not so stupid, fearful AND wrong.
Is it really so hard to just admit you are wrong? I’ve admitted I was wrong…SO wrong about the Bushes, Iraq, Iraq redux…I was duped. Listening to Hannity and Levin and fox. Wrong, wrong wrong. That’s why I’m so mad, mad, mad. Our side never had any intention to do what we donated and volunteered and voted them into power to do.
After two days of Lindell this weekend…it makes me feel better that all those elections when I just could not believe that my read on where the country was politically was so off and wrong…it is making me feel better that I wasn’t far off. Those elections were stolen. But no one cared about Romney enough to fight. And it wasn’t so blatant.
Wrong loser boy. I understand my very healthy immune system and what it needs to stay healthy. I also fully understand that I do need to get sick from time to time so that my Memory T Cells can store the virus's information for future infection variants.
If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?
You know how a young kid kicks their foot into something or trips on something and goes down... and then bounces back to their feet blinking away tears and insisting thats what they meant to do.. because their child ego cannot withstand any admission of failure, of weakness?
This is Scotts version of that. So big-brained he grievously injured himself very smartly and in a highly intelligent way. Sure thing buddy.
and he wants to insult the folks that made a different decision, because there is NO WAY they are smarter or more educated than he is.... they just lucked their way into the correct decision.
Yup! And according to Scott they, like everyone else did (or didn't) take it due to fear. Not because they did some research, not because they didn't trust how hard hard this thing was being pushed. Nope according to the dimwit cartoonist, they did it out of fear. He took it out of fear, so those that didn't must have used the same rationale. Narcissist much Scott?
"Too little too late".
Opinion, NOT fact.
Many believe redemption is possible until the very last second. All one has to do is, ask. With all your heart.
I wasn't at risk, approximately 40% more lethal than influenza for my age group for the Wuhan and Delta strain. About 1-in-5,000 for hospitalization and 1-in-200,000 for death.
Corona virus vaccines have always ended in disaster.
mRNA vaccines have always ended in disaster.
Combining two disasters gets one big disaster.
No long term safety data for an already obvious disaster vaccine.
Lots of experts saying you can't vaccine a highly mutable virus, especially with a leaky vaccine, which is why there aren't cold vaccines.
A cursory glance at the trials showed they were designed to succeed. "Reduction of symptoms" is a bullshit endpoint.
Knew about early treatment early on. Saw the vicious attacks against courageous doctors following the Hippocratic Oath.
That's just a short list of the obvious red flags in 2020 before the vaccines were even available. Also, for those of us already red-pilled we weren't scared of anything because we saw through the nonsense and picked up on all the lies and contradictions early on. The ridiculous death estimates being spouted despite the sober figures published in academic journals, lies about hospitals being overrun when they were clearly ghost towns, the Chinese falling over in the streets, the criminal cast of doom purveyors and their modelling (Neil Ferguson), etc.
When I saw them lie about HCQ and Ivermectin, saying the only option was the clot shot under the emergency act.... I knew I would NEVER take it. They lied about other treatment options and silenced anyone that tried to speak out.
The same people that want to depopulate the earth and lower our "carbon" (humans), all the sudden cared about us and our wellbeing? yeah, no.
Take an experimental shot for a virus a little worse than the common cold or flu?? And then you can still get the virus, and you can still need hospitalization from the virus?? So what was the point of the shot?
So many reasons not to get it.... being low-awareness was not one.
When you have the mainstream media and big tech going in so hard on something, to the point of burying even highly-respected scientists and doctors, and you know for a fact they’ve lied repeatedly in the past, how can you be anything but skeptical? Scott doesn’t want to admit that he refused to look at the evidence because it came from sources that the MSM told him were badthink conspiracy theorists and quacks. The fact is that we had the real evidence all along, while the pro-vaxx propagandists had baseless assertions and “expert” opinions.
So fear is the driving factor for everyone's choice is his assessment. Hmm, I actually agree, my fear of the Lord caused me to turn to Him and see what He had to say about it.
I would conclude from experience that those with fear of earthly matters succumb to it. They that have no fear of God Almighty will perish.
If you knew the character of those pushing the jab, you would decline based on that alone. That's really all you need to know. The jab pushers are liars and con men. Pass.
An early indication was the people falling over dead in China then when it got here it looked nothing like that. Those of us that were observant caught the bullshit very early. Scott is struggling with the fact that he's not as smart as he thought he was.
Remember the videos of the Chinese spraying the sidewalks, but not the streets, walls, trees, bushes, buildings, etc? Because Covid only lives on the sidewalk.
It made no logical sense to anyone viewing that video.
I still don't get it....why take something for nothing.
Even in 2015 when Trump entered the stage and they started lying about anything to tar the guy, I knew something was up and they wanted to get rid of him any way possible.
Surely, the time leading up to when the virus was released would have given people time to be skeptical??
This guy seems just mad that he wasn't strong enough to resist the propaganda. So now he's trying to deny that some people just weren't duped - we were all equally afraid but just of different things. Ah, yeah, no. We just weren't duped.
So depressing to see moderately intelligent people acting like f***ing retards. Some human beings are just utterly incapable of saying "I was stupid, I was wrong."
Poor guy. He wants desperately to claim he had a smart take on the COVID bullshit. But he didn’t. At best he might be able to claim he didn’t pick a side… which is what he’s trying to do
But he’s trying himself in knots trying to do it because it’s semantics after the fact, not the actual stance he took.
So he's masking his dumb fuckery and blind compliance by trying to downplay purebloods like us, who trusted our gut because we had the mental capacity to assess the situation, and make a decision, to "gUeSsInG"?
A resounding "Fuck No" isn't a guess you fucking retard. It's pretty deliberate, with no hesitation.
THIS! It's so much more than "well, I dunno what to do so I won't do anything because I'm a little more skeered of the vax." For me it was "FUCK NO. Over my dead body. This is my hill." He's just mad he's on the wrong side of history on this one. Because he knows now that he is. And it is killing him.
We were thinking and researching, watching how brilliant doctors warning against the experimental drugs were censored. We were monitoring VAERS reports, scouring real news sources for videos of near-empty hospitals (that claimed they were overrun), watching tons of footage of doctors lauding results of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin treatments, all while being acutely aware of the bizarrely rabid frenzy of fake media, psychopathic government and loony (sic) 'medical experts' trying to get as many people jabbed as possible with cajoling, bribing, threatening and more. We were paying attention to stories of hospitals refusing sometimes even life-saving treatment to non-jabbed patients. We were researching the potential cures as they were touted, paid attention to data from around the world. We saw when President Magufuli of Tanzania sent in samples of pawpaw and goat that came back "positive", we noticed that several African leaders who rejected the pandemic farce were murdered.
We searched for and found footage of elites donning their masks for the photos then quickly whipping them off as they laughed and partied together. We listened and remembered when the genocidal gnome FraudXi kept changing his tune on masks, noticed when he thought it was a-okay for leftist thugs to "protest"/riot shoulder-to-shoulder without them, but claim churches should be shuttered. We dug up articles from years ago when the genocidal gnome said exactly the opposite of what he was currently saying (and yet the gullible regarded him as an expert).
We watched fake news talking heads encourage their listeners to be condescending towards and shun those who chose not to be jabbed. We listened, we read, we watched, we learned, we shared. We did not fear the experimental drugs; we researched and rejected them. We tried to warn our loved ones. Now we're watching with extreme sadness as those who refused to listen developed aggressive cancers, shingles, neurological problems, heart attacks, blood clots and more and several have already died.
One day maybe Mr. Adams will be man enough to admit he's not in the top tier of critical thinkers, that he was willfully ignorant and that his ridiculous little addiction to virtue signaling and his practically begging for praise for his intelligence and validation from the masses has not helped him. Maybe Mr. Adams can grow as a person and realize that he's only diminishing himself when he makes asinine proclamations that those of us who chose not to embrace experimental drugs made this choice out of fear versus research and careful consideration. I only hope that he and the others who have taken these experimental drugs can enjoy health and longevity, unlike too many others who have faced terrible consequences for their choices, long enough to learn how to do some honest self-introspection.
I'm tired of listening to people bleating bravado because they're embarrassed they made bad choices. This message is no better than "It would have been worse if I didn't get the vaccine and boosters." No; they made what may be a colossally bad decision and I'm praying they don't join the already-fallen. (Rant over).
I knew at least a year before jab came out that bill gates was involved. No fucking way am i going to put anything in my body that that fucker was involved with. Was as simple as that.
The even HIGHER awareness take is that faith in the LORD helped many overcome their fear, retain critical thinking skills, recognize unveiled evil, and continue to make rational decisions despite the worlds largest propaganda campaign lying to them.
Even higher—the Lord + Dr. Tenpenny + Dr. Zelenko + Plandemic documentary + knowing the Gates’ talking about culling population thru vaccines.
I was not scared of the virus. My family saw that there was an alternative answer. High awareness enabled us to predict what scoundrels would do and they followed their script exactly. Before they were even talking about a jab, I told everybody that the mask didn't make sense unless they were conditioning people to comply which means mandatory injections are coming. Each time we were right, we reinforced our convictions. When Trump said he took it, we didn't flinch or even consider changing our minds.
Oh well.
Wrong. He took a fake one.
Even higher, Fauci in his own words 20 years ago. Vaccinating during a pandemic makes it worse.
I would say with a fair amount of confidence that this is why Scott continues to "not get it" why people did not take the jabs. Because he is an atheist.
I took a logical approach based upon my knowledge of liars/politicians/Big Pharma, "viruses" and "vaccines" and the process of making and approving them, and the data we were seeing on who was contracting it how often, and who was dying.
The math was very clear, to not take the shots.
If you add the idea that we are made in the image of God, it's a "no brainer". No Weapon Formed Against Us Shall Prosper.
P.S. I also think that Scott's issue is not the vaxx. I think Scott is worried that he with his own hand killed many thousands of people, because he helped get us more ventilators.
The ventilators weren't the problem. The problem was making people wait until they were bad enough to need a ventilator.
Because they created this one as a weapon on purpose. We weren't fighting something born of nature. This was a cabal-created pandemic. And from the groups promoting it to the point of talking about incarcerating the unvaxed against their will, you can now see entities the cabal controls through placing of their people in top positions. So many government entities are suspect, as well as international ones like the UN and the WHO.
Even worse. Respirators are contra indicated for Corona viruses infections. It’s been known since the 60s.
Cytokine storm + vent = probable death.
EDIT: Sometimes I abbreviate. Let's step back. These people are liars and bureaucrats. So we've been told that with "COVID19", there is a cytokine storm in the lungs that causes the lungs to fill with fluid, in some patients. If that happens, and there is a ventilator, then we're probably blowing peoples' lungs up and killing them. If that is not happening, something else bad is happening with the vents. Because it's like a 95% chance or something that if you have "COVID19" and go on a vent, you will be taking a dirt nap soon. I think your comment is intended to state that only the CTD patients get the vent. That could just be all it is. I don't know. See: Liars and Bureaucrats.
The ventilator deaths are tragic, but they shined a very large light on a critical issue in our healthcare system—lack of respiratory therapists.
Much like how the Rockefeller medical education system is designed to keep us short stocked on doctors, when COVID hit, there were not enough respiratory therapists to cover everyone they put on ventilators. Had there been instead of other doctors not trained to see when they should be used, how to use them properly, etc. some of those lives would’ve been saved.
Scott did what MOST people did. They trusted Big Pharma and our health regulatories. No due diligence. No critical thinking. No knowledge of Big Pharma’s and the regulatories highly sketchy and criminal past.
Honestly, the first major clues to me were Bill Gates own words and his involvement in big pharma. Over and over, as I listened to his speeches, he mentioned vaccines and DEPOPULATION, which made no sense. Vaccines should save lives. But this was not a standard vaccine. It was something else. And I looked for trials Gates was part of in third world areas of India, Africa and places like Peru to see their ultimate outcome. He liked to test the poisons he invested in on poor, brown children. Those tests killed and permanently disabled many of those children. Pray for justice for all of the victims of these evil oligarchs. I also ask God to take back their wealth so it can be distributed among all their many victims. It's too late for those who have died, but maybe it would help their families survive and cope.
Lmaoooo. I’m 90% of the folks here didn’t take it because we all knew. No guessing here, just staying one step ahead of the cabal.
Was it literally the “low-awareness” take on vaccinations people to get their spider sense activated when the exact same information and mandates started rolling down from those on-high at the same time, in the same way, with the same language?
It was so obviously weird and too consistent. And that it was going hand-in-hand with mass culling of accounts on social media. And mass censorship.
Scott, frankly, you are the part of the “low- awareness” crowd…minus the bravery for standing your ground all those months… so you are both low-awareness and high-awareness at the same time?
Just own it. You are both fearful and think yourself very smart. Too smart to be fooled, right?
Scott Adams doesn't want to admit that so many people are wiser and more informed than he is. This must be a blow to his ego and he still insists that it was all by "chance" that we are right. So he lashes out like this.
The cognitive dissonance has been funny to watch from the vaxxers lately. They know we were right, we know we were right, they know we know we were right, yet they continue to act like we were wrong.
Had no idea admitting you were wrong was so hard for people until this whole thing.
I have no problem admitting when I’m wrong. People I’ve known forever, we talked and talked about this shot and now that the truth has come out they still won’t even apologize for all the fucked up stuff they said and did based on their belief in a lie.
Not one “hey, my bad”.
Not a single one.
It’s so funny and sad at the same time.
Get ready for the "I never said that" response. They love to re-envision their own history.
I was called anti vaxxer for not wanting to take it. It’s like they went from normal people to an agent like in the matrix movie.
So were we.
Literal NPCs
There is an additional aspect in this case.
Admitting you are wrong about something fundamental to survival is bad enough, it shows you had bad judgement.
But IMO the biggest thing is the fact that if the vax was meant to harm, the implications are that big government is out to get you and kill you and that socialism and deference to authority is a trap and that some people's core values need to be reexamined.
Take it from an ex lefty, this is the problem with admitting that the vax is harmful.
Yes. The implications are much bigger and too terrifying to contemplate.
And if you accept that truth, you begin to see evil involvement in other things--including the rot inside our own governments. You actually go through the stages of grief when you come to the realization of how evil your own government really is. It felt like a death to me. Death of a dream I had about my own country, really.
I actually thought I had a hard time admitting I'm wrong, but by comparison I've learned many people don't just have a hard time, they are stubbornly incapable.
Takes character to admit when you are wrong.
I thought the few friends I chose to stay in touch with had character. I’ll give them some more time.
Ha. Exactly! He can't possibly accept that someone (many) out there made a smarter decision than he. It wouldn't surprise me if he goes and flaggelates himself in secrecy before bed everynight.
I tried that when I was a kid, nowhere near flexible enough. If I tried it now I'd probably break my back./s
I can just imagine. "I'm a naughty bad Scott Adams! Naughty bad Scott Adams doesn't deserve ice cream tonight! Naughty bad Scott Adams deserves a spanking!"
Actions speak louder than tweets, Trump did invite him over to visit the Oval Office. Perhaps Adams plays a role in shepherding "logical" middle-aged white collar workers who thought themselves wise getting clotshots.
It's a wild but similar line of rationale between setting up a fake feud between Flynn and Lin Wood. Lin Wood, perhaps as part of his deal for having Flipped, has to act foolish and out of character. Fantastical vitriol was an inevitable byproduct among some Trump supporters post-2020 Election fallout. You have middle-aged pissed off Trump supporters who are effectively shepherd by an entity that is Patriot controlled, not say MOS controlled (AJ).
Good thinking!
Braver too. 😃
I think his ego has everything to do with his current stance. I think a lot of people had an intuitive visceral reaction to it and the way it was pushed on the public. But doing the research backed up what God was trying to tell us. And he doesn't believe in God, so he didn't ask for wisdom and insight like many of the unvaxed I know. God gives you wisdom and intuition, if you stay tuned into Him. But it's up to you to use what God gives you to put it into perspective. That's one thing Q did that will help us in a lot of situations. They taught us to recognize there is a matrix of sorts and much is deliberately being hidden from us. But it's up to us to do our due diligence to research things we're being confronted with, instead of just staring at the boob tube at the end of the day.
My dad is a solid Christian man, but he's also an uninformed doofus. Last December he told me it seems that the whole vaccine thing is just a money-making scam. Then in January he got boosted. He's the caretaker to my pinhead, paranoid aunt, so he just does whatever she says. I haven't been able to see him for 10 years and he hasn't seen his granddaughter grow up at all, but the way things are going, it won't happen.
He has to think no one out-thought anyone because otherwise he'd have to admit he was just stupid.
Looks like us purebloods out-thought something like 30 trillion in propaganda?
That’s why we are here. We can finally not be alone in a world full of retards, no offense to actual MHMR patients. Some of those folks would actually listen to us about not taking the shot
That’s the saddest part, many don’t know we exist.
Getting booted off Reddit really has kept us away from the young, brainwashed crowd. Luckily there’s still one or two subs there that still get real news published.
Anyone remember when they had to quarantine us because multiple posts a day hitting front page until we took up 50+% lmao. Those were the days.
coronaviruscirclejerk is an awesome sub
We knew they were lying from the start. When they shut down everything including churches, then when they would turn the massive pressure against HCQ and zinc, even banning it. Then the masks, which if you actually looked up the research, was very clear they didn’t stop a virus, and indeed were dangerous as people were using them (cotton, wearing them all day, touching them, never washing them, etc,) So when the vaccines came out and Tiffany passed out and died in front of us, then they trotted out a fake Tiffany and lied again…we all knew it was BS. Whistleblowers said to stay away from it. The Globalists had been promising a vaccine to reduce the population of the world. But the most obvious to me: the constant propaganda that it was “Safe, Effective and Free”. And then they bribed us, threatened us, pressured us, fired us, banned us, etc. Yeah. You had to be really blind if you believed it.
Re: masks, other than healthcare facilities, NOBODY had any 'medical waste' containers for used masks. Which are obviously dangerous medical waste, right? But NO. I guess it wasn't important, so the contaminated masks just ended up everywhere.
Yeah they really took this thing seriously!
Funny... I thought it was BS from the beginning. The more I researched and did not listen to the MSM the more I was convinced I was right. I'm not that smart. Fear was manufactured!! It's how they do things.....
Yep, they have been social engineering us for decades via false flags and hoax's. Driving law, regulations and organizational behavior through fear.
What a massive cope
The PERFECT description.
Exactly. I didn't guess, I did research and skipped the shot.
Coming to grips with his utter stupidity, very early stages.
No ... that is LITERALLY the same thing he was saying over a year ago.
But he was also trashing on people who didn't take it
The whole tone of this tweet makes him sound like someone who deeply regrets that they were gullible enough to be tricked. He will slowly realize why satan is known as the great deceiver.
P.S. pretty sad my phone was forcing me to type satan with a capital "s" until I manually corrected it the 3rd time
He just won't let it go, will he?
It’s keeping him up at night. His subconscious trying to figure out a way to make himself not so stupid, fearful AND wrong.
Is it really so hard to just admit you are wrong? I’ve admitted I was wrong…SO wrong about the Bushes, Iraq, Iraq redux…I was duped. Listening to Hannity and Levin and fox. Wrong, wrong wrong. That’s why I’m so mad, mad, mad. Our side never had any intention to do what we donated and volunteered and voted them into power to do.
After two days of Lindell this weekend…it makes me feel better that all those elections when I just could not believe that my read on where the country was politically was so off and wrong…it is making me feel better that I wasn’t far off. Those elections were stolen. But no one cared about Romney enough to fight. And it wasn’t so blatant.
Someone needs to reach out to him and say it is okay to be wrong Scott. You are human and it is no shame.
It took me around May of 2020 to see through the plandemic. Others saw it much earlier than that and kudos to them.
Wrong loser boy. I understand my very healthy immune system and what it needs to stay healthy. I also fully understand that I do need to get sick from time to time so that my Memory T Cells can store the virus's information for future infection variants.
You know how a young kid kicks their foot into something or trips on something and goes down... and then bounces back to their feet blinking away tears and insisting thats what they meant to do.. because their child ego cannot withstand any admission of failure, of weakness?
This is Scotts version of that. So big-brained he grievously injured himself very smartly and in a highly intelligent way. Sure thing buddy.
He just cannot handle taking the L
and he wants to insult the folks that made a different decision, because there is NO WAY they are smarter or more educated than he is.... they just lucked their way into the correct decision.
Yup! And according to Scott they, like everyone else did (or didn't) take it due to fear. Not because they did some research, not because they didn't trust how hard hard this thing was being pushed. Nope according to the dimwit cartoonist, they did it out of fear. He took it out of fear, so those that didn't must have used the same rationale. Narcissist much Scott?
When you have two “scary” options, always choose to inject yourself with a government-sponsored substance.
Great track record, great quality control. /s
He is trying to not look like a moron, too little too late.
His wife lost respect for him because he fell for the psy ops. Meanwhile his wife was out golfing and interacting with people on a daily basis.
This is how psy ops can really destroy a person's soul as it basically turns a person's mind their own prison.
Wow. Someone who can read Scotts mind. How fun.
"Too little too late". Opinion, NOT fact. Many believe redemption is possible until the very last second. All one has to do is, ask. With all your heart.
Spiritual redemption yes, he has lost a lot of clout in the independent thinkers circles.
That's just a short list of the obvious red flags in 2020 before the vaccines were even available. Also, for those of us already red-pilled we weren't scared of anything because we saw through the nonsense and picked up on all the lies and contradictions early on. The ridiculous death estimates being spouted despite the sober figures published in academic journals, lies about hospitals being overrun when they were clearly ghost towns, the Chinese falling over in the streets, the criminal cast of doom purveyors and their modelling (Neil Ferguson), etc.
When I saw them lie about HCQ and Ivermectin, saying the only option was the clot shot under the emergency act.... I knew I would NEVER take it. They lied about other treatment options and silenced anyone that tried to speak out.
The same people that want to depopulate the earth and lower our "carbon" (humans), all the sudden cared about us and our wellbeing? yeah, no.
Take an experimental shot for a virus a little worse than the common cold or flu?? And then you can still get the virus, and you can still need hospitalization from the virus?? So what was the point of the shot?
So many reasons not to get it.... being low-awareness was not one.
I can take my tinfoil hat off.
You can't un-inject your "vaccine".
When you have the mainstream media and big tech going in so hard on something, to the point of burying even highly-respected scientists and doctors, and you know for a fact they’ve lied repeatedly in the past, how can you be anything but skeptical? Scott doesn’t want to admit that he refused to look at the evidence because it came from sources that the MSM told him were badthink conspiracy theorists and quacks. The fact is that we had the real evidence all along, while the pro-vaxx propagandists had baseless assertions and “expert” opinions.
So fear is the driving factor for everyone's choice is his assessment. Hmm, I actually agree, my fear of the Lord caused me to turn to Him and see what He had to say about it.
I would conclude from experience that those with fear of earthly matters succumb to it. They that have no fear of God Almighty will perish.
If you knew the character of those pushing the jab, you would decline based on that alone. That's really all you need to know. The jab pushers are liars and con men. Pass.
An early indication was the people falling over dead in China then when it got here it looked nothing like that. Those of us that were observant caught the bullshit very early. Scott is struggling with the fact that he's not as smart as he thought he was.
That was a dead give-a-way for me. China had their internet locked down… the only reason we saw those vids is because China wanted us to see them.
Remember the videos of the Chinese spraying the sidewalks, but not the streets, walls, trees, bushes, buildings, etc? Because Covid only lives on the sidewalk.
It made no logical sense to anyone viewing that video.
I still don't get it....why take something for nothing.
Even in 2015 when Trump entered the stage and they started lying about anything to tar the guy, I knew something was up and they wanted to get rid of him any way possible.
Surely, the time leading up to when the virus was released would have given people time to be skeptical??
This guy seems just mad that he wasn't strong enough to resist the propaganda. So now he's trying to deny that some people just weren't duped - we were all equally afraid but just of different things. Ah, yeah, no. We just weren't duped.
Not a guess. A lot of prayer and intuition. It FELT WRONG. That is not a guess.
Amen. All of our Spidey Senses were going off concurrently for a reason.
I wasn’t afraid one bit ever. Ok fine I’m scared of the great reset but not COVID or the shot
I bet he’ll get monkey pox soon
So depressing to see moderately intelligent people acting like f***ing retards. Some human beings are just utterly incapable of saying "I was stupid, I was wrong."
Take the L Scott
Poor guy. He wants desperately to claim he had a smart take on the COVID bullshit. But he didn’t. At best he might be able to claim he didn’t pick a side… which is what he’s trying to do
But he’s trying himself in knots trying to do it because it’s semantics after the fact, not the actual stance he took.
Fear is for pussies
The highest awareness take is that the DS knows the majority of this plantet are sheep and will continue to behave as such.
So he's masking his dumb fuckery and blind compliance by trying to downplay purebloods like us, who trusted our gut because we had the mental capacity to assess the situation, and make a decision, to "gUeSsInG"?
A resounding "Fuck No" isn't a guess you fucking retard. It's pretty deliberate, with no hesitation.
THIS! It's so much more than "well, I dunno what to do so I won't do anything because I'm a little more skeered of the vax." For me it was "FUCK NO. Over my dead body. This is my hill." He's just mad he's on the wrong side of history on this one. Because he knows now that he is. And it is killing him.
Again with this shite from him?
Nope and nope.
Wrong AGAIN, Scottie.
We were thinking and researching, watching how brilliant doctors warning against the experimental drugs were censored. We were monitoring VAERS reports, scouring real news sources for videos of near-empty hospitals (that claimed they were overrun), watching tons of footage of doctors lauding results of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin treatments, all while being acutely aware of the bizarrely rabid frenzy of fake media, psychopathic government and loony (sic) 'medical experts' trying to get as many people jabbed as possible with cajoling, bribing, threatening and more. We were paying attention to stories of hospitals refusing sometimes even life-saving treatment to non-jabbed patients. We were researching the potential cures as they were touted, paid attention to data from around the world. We saw when President Magufuli of Tanzania sent in samples of pawpaw and goat that came back "positive", we noticed that several African leaders who rejected the pandemic farce were murdered.
We searched for and found footage of elites donning their masks for the photos then quickly whipping them off as they laughed and partied together. We listened and remembered when the genocidal gnome FraudXi kept changing his tune on masks, noticed when he thought it was a-okay for leftist thugs to "protest"/riot shoulder-to-shoulder without them, but claim churches should be shuttered. We dug up articles from years ago when the genocidal gnome said exactly the opposite of what he was currently saying (and yet the gullible regarded him as an expert).
We watched fake news talking heads encourage their listeners to be condescending towards and shun those who chose not to be jabbed. We listened, we read, we watched, we learned, we shared. We did not fear the experimental drugs; we researched and rejected them. We tried to warn our loved ones. Now we're watching with extreme sadness as those who refused to listen developed aggressive cancers, shingles, neurological problems, heart attacks, blood clots and more and several have already died.
One day maybe Mr. Adams will be man enough to admit he's not in the top tier of critical thinkers, that he was willfully ignorant and that his ridiculous little addiction to virtue signaling and his practically begging for praise for his intelligence and validation from the masses has not helped him. Maybe Mr. Adams can grow as a person and realize that he's only diminishing himself when he makes asinine proclamations that those of us who chose not to embrace experimental drugs made this choice out of fear versus research and careful consideration. I only hope that he and the others who have taken these experimental drugs can enjoy health and longevity, unlike too many others who have faced terrible consequences for their choices, long enough to learn how to do some honest self-introspection.
I'm tired of listening to people bleating bravado because they're embarrassed they made bad choices. This message is no better than "It would have been worse if I didn't get the vaccine and boosters." No; they made what may be a colossally bad decision and I'm praying they don't join the already-fallen. (Rant over).
That was cathartic to read. Thank you.
You're welcome. Now I'm off to my dear friend's funeral. Another victim of this genocide.
These are dark times, fren.
May your friend rest in peace and may you find the strength you need.
I wasn't scared of it, I just didn't want it. It's called freedom of choice. And I chose not to.
I knew at least a year before jab came out that bill gates was involved. No fucking way am i going to put anything in my body that that fucker was involved with. Was as simple as that.